March 2015 - Banchory Primary School
March 2015 - Banchory Primary School
31/03/15 March 2015 BANchory Primary School & NuRSERY Communication Click on this link: to follow the latest news from Banchory Primary School. Mr Taylor, our Principal Teacher, has been keeping this updated on a regular basis. There are several new tabs. See if you can find them. ‘Where are they now’ or ‘BPS STEM club’ to name but a few. Open Afternoon Thank you to everyone who helped to make the ‘Open Afternoon’ a huge success! You can find some photos of the pupils’ work on the facebook page for Banchory Primary School & Nursery. Dates --------------------------------------------School Holiday Dates 2015 End of Term is Thursday 2nd April Spring Holiday - Friday 3 April to Friday 17 April 2015 May Day - Monday 4 May 2015 Occasional Day - Monday 8th June Summer holidays start Monday 6 July 2015 Parents’ Evenings We enjoyed the recent opportunities to be able to share your child’s progress and achievements. Should you wish to discuss any issues at all relating to your child, please write a note in their homework diary or contact the school office to pass a message to the class teacher. Homework Diaries We would like to know what you think about the P1-3 homework diaries we have used this year. Please drop us an email or send us a message if you found them useful. Several of the class teachers have pointed out that we really could have used simple jotters/notebooks instead. Newly furbished The ‘Life-skills’ room and the ‘Sensory’ rooms are complete now. We are currently collating names for these rooms. Let us know if you have any good suggestions. Librarian As you may know, Mrs Aiken has left her voluntary post as librarian. The pupils presented her with a card and bouquet of flowers as a small token of our gratitude THANK YOU to our PTA for funding the eclipse viewers. More pictures can be seen on the blogs. 1 31/03/15 for her hard work and loyalty towards improving literacy in the early stages. We wish her all the best and miss her already! She knew the pupils well and we hope to continue to support them as they develop their personal reading interests. Please contact Mrs McKenzie should you be willing to devote some time to volunteering as librarian. A parentmail will be sent out soon with more information. Mrs McKenzie has drawn up a timetable with the specific requirements. Parentmail As we aim to be more eco-friendly and cost effective, please ensure that you are registered for Parentmail . If you need an access code please contact the school office after the Easter holidays . A letter explaining how to register your e-mail address will be given to your child. If any existing users of Parentmail need to change their e-mail address please use the “help” facility as the office staff are not authorised to do this for you. Printed copies are still having to be produced for those who are not registered for ‘Parentmail’ and this is time consuming and expensive in a large school. Thank you for your support with this. Interested in a shift to help our pupils cross the road? Contact Mr Roddy Maclean at: 01330 826843 Address: Banchory Primary School Arbeadie Road Holiday Thank you for your support this term and we look forward to a hard working term after the holiday! Banchory Kincardineshire AB31 4EH Telephone: This newsletter is now available on our website: Please use this slip to make any comments that you would like to share on the contents of our Bulletin. We value and consider your feedback, but we regret that individual acknowledgement is not normally possible. 01330 823351 Website: Email: Adverse Weather: Number for parents to call: 0870 054 4999 Then use the PIN: 021300 Subscribe to the School Closures RSS feed Follow Aberdeenshire Council on Twitter Display the current School Status on a map The Pupils’ achievements newsletter will follow shortly. 2