Business Partners Info and Ideas


Business Partners Info and Ideas
B u s i n e s s Pa r t n e r s
Provide a job shadow for an educator to expose new careers and
necessary job skills that can be integrated into classroom curriculum to
better prepare students for the workforce and career success.
Why Be a Business Partner?
As a Business Partner volunteer, you will help
educators gain insight to the careers and
workplace skills employers are looking for when
hiring. Teachers will witness the skills necessary
for students’ success in their future careers.
E x p e c ta t i o n s & D a te s
Share your experiences and knowledge
about your career field, your company,
and the business world.
Opportunity to showcase your career field
and company
Influence the next generation of workforce
Create a personal connection with a school
and an educator
Monday, July 27 from 12—1 pm
Meet with a teacher over lunch
provided by BestPrep at the University of
St. Thomas in Downtown Minneapolis.
Tuesday, July 28 from 1—4 pm
Welcome the teacher to your company
for a half-day job shadow.
Host a
J o b S h a d ow
fo r a
Te ac h e r !
Re g i s te r On l i n e :
Questions? Contact Regan Sieck
763-233-6329 or
Technology Integration Workshop
J o b S h a d ow S u g g e s t i o n s
Business Partner volunteers provide educators with the knowledge to best prepare students for the workforce.
Many educators are interested in learning about all aspects of a company. They are eager to learn what goes on
in a workplace different from their own.
P l a n n i n g fo r t h e J o b S h a d ow
The job shadow is your opportunity to show a teacher a day-in-the-life. Each job shadow will be unique, as this is
your opportunity to showcase your company, career field, and position. These suggestions can help you create a
meaningful experience for your teacher.
C o mpa ny C ul t ur e
Share about your company
culture and work environment.
Provide a tour of your company
(i.e. your work area, cafeteria,
meeting rooms, gym,
company store, etc).
D ay i n t he Li fe
Discuss the traits and skills your
company looks for in employees.
Talk about the skills and education
needed for a career in your field.
Explain how your job fits within your
department and how your
department serves the company.
Share about your thoughts on the
future of your career field and how
students can be preparing today.
Have your educator join a team
meeting (if possible) to see your work
in action.
Discuss general job skills you have
and share what experiences taught
you those skills.
Work through a company team
building exercise with your
Show your educator what a typical
day looks like, from what your desk
looks like to your calendar.
Discuss a current or past
project you worked on (within
confidentiality guidelines).
Talk about the benefits your
company offers employees and
how it attracts talent.
Discuss useful employee
services/features of the building
and how they are used.
Schedule a meeting with
colleague who can provide your
educator with a broad overview
of positions within the company.
Talk about the types of technology you
use on a daily basis (email, Excel,
database, conference calls, etc).
Share the means of communication
you use when working with
coworkers or clients.
S a mp l e S c h e d u l e *
1 pm
Career & Job Skills
Greet teacher in lobby—security check-in (if needed)
1:10 pm Office building tour
1:30 pm Visit your work area—meet colleagues, show a project,
talk about what tasks you do regularly and the tools
that help you use them
2:15 pm Meet with HR—talk about how the company recruits,
trains, and what they are looking for in future
3:00 pm Join a meeting—have the educator join you for a team
General Suggestions
Move around! Spend the afternoon in
different parts of the building—your desk,
a meeting room, the coffee shop,
walking around.
Invite others! Set up time for your teacher
to meet your coworkers, supervisor, or
other departments.
Ask questions! This is also your time to
learn about the education world and
how it is different than business.
3:30 pm Grab coffee—use the time to have a conversation with
your educator and answer any other questions
4 pm
Teacher departs
* Other sample schedules and activities available upon request
Questions? Contact Regan Sieck at 763-233-6329 or