Building Educator Expertise with the Framework for Teaching


Building Educator Expertise with the Framework for Teaching
Building Educator Expertise
with the Framework for Teaching
Danielson Group Conference
June 29-30, 2015
Alverno College, Milwaukee, WI
Learn how the Framework for Teaching unifies the
(complex) work of teachers and administrators
The Building Educator Expertise Conference explores the
Danielson Framework for Teaching, a research-based
instructional model that defines effective teaching.
The most important role of a teacher, administrator, or
peer coach is that of instructional leader. To be an effective
instructional leader requires deep knowledge of what
constitutes good teaching, the skills to identify it when you
see it, and the ability to collaborate with colleagues to build
reflection, practice, and expertise over time.
Hear from Charlotte
Danielson about the latest
research connecting the
Common Core to the
Framework for Teaching.
Plus learn her new
thinking about the 6 big
ideas of best practice
integrated across the
Framework components.
Charlotte Danielson
Whether you’re new
to the Framework for Teaching, or looking for more indepth knowledge, this conference has content appropriate
for everyone. Choose from a series of 1½–hour and
3–hour sessions. Learn from many Framework experts
and practitioners how to extend your skills for applying
Framework concepts in your role.
Alverno College is an
institution of higher
education sponsored by
the School Sisters of Saint
Francis and dedicated to
the undergraduate education of women. Our nationally and internationally recognized School of
Education is well known
for preparing effective
teachers. The George
Lucas Education Foundation named Alverno one of the top ten teacher preparation
programs in the United States. A groundbreaking report
written by Professor Arthur Levine, “Educating School
Teachers,” named Alverno as one of only four best teacher
preparation programs in the United States.
Graduate Credit
Participants in the Building Educator Expertise with the Framework for
Teaching conference can receive 2 graduate credits from Alverno College.
For information about receiving credit,
please write directly to Alverno College
at Please do not
contact the Danielson Group for credit
information. A document describing credit
requirements is available for download at
the bottom of the conference information
page on our website: www.danielsongroup.
org/events/dg-conference-wi/ .
Promoting Effective Teaching and Professional Learning
WI 20150408
Building Educator Expertise
with the Framework for Teaching
Schedule Day One
How to Register
Register at
Registration and continental breakfast
Use a credit card or purchase order to pay the 2-day conference registration fee of $310, which includes continental breakfast each day.
Charlotte Danielson Keynote
Conference Materials
As a registered attendee, you can download all the conference session
materials. Registered participants will receive an e-mail notification
with a link to conference materials approximately two weeks prior to
the conference.
Participants are responsible for their own transportation. Please do
not purchase nonrefundable reservations unless you have
received a confirmation e-mail from the Danielson Group. If you
do not receive a confirmation e-mail within two weeks of submitting
your registration, please call 609-848-8714 to confirm your registration.
Concurrent sessions
Lunch on your own
Concurrent sessions
Concurrent sessions
Schedule Day Two
Hotel Reservations
Registration and continental breakfast
The following hotels are some of the properties located near the Milwaukee airport and within 5 miles of Alverno College:
Concurrent sessions
Courtyard by Marriott Milwaukee Airport
Concurrent sessions
Lunch on your own
Hyatt Place Milwaukee Airport 1:00-2:30
Charlotte Danielson Closing keynote
Holiday Inn Express and Suites Milwaukee Airport
Registration Cancellation
Hampton Inn Milwaukee Airport
Location and Parking
The Building Educator Expertise conference will be held in the
Conference Center within the Sister Joel Read Center at Alverno College,
3400 South 43rd Street, Milwaukee, WI. Free parking is available at a
nearby parking structure.
If you have a paid registration but are unable to attend, contact us no later
than 14 calendar days prior to the start of the event to request a refund.
There is a $50 processing fee for cancellations. Cancellations less than 14
calendar days prior to the event are not eligible for a refund. At any time,
however, you may “transfer” your registration to a substitute attendee. We
require authorization in an email from you for such transfers. The Danielson
Group will keep the fee from the original registrant as payment for the
substitute. You and your substitute are responsible for any financial arrangements regarding the transfer.
Conference Cancellation
The Danielson Group reserves the right to cancel the conference. In the unlikely event of a cancellation, you will be notified and will receive a full refund
of your registration fee. The Danielson Group is not responsible for any
other expenses you may incur for a cancelled event.
Promoting Effective Teaching and Professional Learning
WI 20141216
Building Educator Expertise
with the Framework for Teaching
Conference Session Descriptions*
Pam Rosa,
Bloomington-Normal, IL
Dar Axtell, Milwaukee, WI
Integrating The
Framework for
Teaching and the Common
The Heart of the Framework for
Teaching (3–hour session)
How do we use two major
national initiatives, Common
Core and teacher effectiveness,
to maximize our day-to-day
teaching? Come learn the latest
research, Teaching to the Core, that describes how the
Framework can be used to design, teach, and professionally
grow teaching using the six themes of effective practice
integrated throughout the Framework components.
Resources, rubrics, and strategies will be shared for using
these themes to accelerate individual and collaborative
teaching practice.
Big City/Small Town: Best Framework
Implementation Strategies for Large and
Not-So-Large Districts
Teresa Lien, Baraboo, WI and James Edler, Milwaukee, WI
Like many states, Wisconsin has urban and rural districts
integrating The Framework for Teaching to enhance
professional practices across the system. Learn the
similarities and differences for building and sustaining the
capacity for teacher growth from leaders in two differentlysized districts.
All of the components of the
Framework for Teaching serve
to enhance student engagement.
As Charlotte Danielson says, it is
our raison d’etre - our reason to
be. In this session participants
will learn to distinguish between “time on task” and “minds
on task,” understand the characteristics of intellectual
engagement, determine the kinds of activities that contain
these characteristics, and analyze a classroom video for
characteristics of engagement.
Developing Teacher Leaders Using the
Framework for Teaching
Ann Cummins Bogan, Evanston, IL
Explore the Framework as a tool for creating communities
of practice that serve as a foundation for collaboration
and teacher leadership. Participants will increase their
depth of knowledge around the interconnectedness of the
Framework components to create a more comprehensive
view of effective teaching and reflection practices, and
explore opportunities to use
that knowledge to drive targeted
professional growth.
* Session facilitators are subject to change
Promoting Effective Teaching and Professional Learning
WI 20150408
Building Educator Expertise
with the Framework for Teaching
Conference Session Descriptions
UDL and the Framework for
Teaching: A Crosswalk
(3–hour session)
Jorie Ellis, Portland, OR
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a
framework for teaching and learning that
offers all individuals equal opportunities
to learn. Educators who use the UDL
framework accept learner variability as
strength to be leveraged, not a challenge to
be overcome. The Framework for Teaching
identifies the quality teaching practices that
ensure ALL students will learn. Whether
you teach in a general education classroom,
a co-teaching classroom, or in a special
education classroom, diverse learners are the norm and you
must be prepared to provide rich educational opportunities
for all. Come to this session to hear about the connections
between the UDL framework and the Framework for
Teaching, and learn how you can use these two instruments
to reach higher levels of student engagement and create
a community of learners where diversity is valued and
students accept greater responsibility for their own
Skills Lab
Overcoming Bias and Personal Preference for
Accurate Teacher Observations
MaryLou McGirr, Sturgis, SD
In the context of observations of teaching
practice, bias occurs whenever there is variability in an
observer’s application of the rubric based on a deepseated belief about or stereotype of the individuals in
the classroom. In this session, you will learn how to
minimize bias and personal preferences when conducting
observations of teaching practice.
Margaret Leibfried, Oshkosh, WI
What are some of the best practice
protocols for observing teachers in
the classroom? In this session we
will spend time looking at evidence,
aligning it to components of the
Framework for Teaching, and deciding
what the “preponderance of evidence”
tells us. Watching a video clip of a
teacher teaching, you will have the
opportunity to apply what you have
learned and compare your results to others - all in a nonthreatening, collaborative manner.
Using the Framework to Support Candidates
in Teacher Preparation
Kathy Lake and Nancy Athanasiou, Alverno College
In this session, participants will explore the use of the
Danielson framework as it relates to the Wisconsin
Standards for Teacher Licensure and Development and the
conceptual framework developed by a teacher preparation
program. Opportunities will be provided for participants
to consider the levels of the framework for pre-service
teachers through analysis of
classroom teaching and as they
relate to the edTPA.
Promoting Effective Teaching and Professional Learning
WI 20150408
Building Educator Expertise
with the Framework for Teaching
Conference Session Descriptions
MaryLou McGirr, Sturgis, SD
James Edler, Milwaukee, WI
The Big Ideas of Effective
Practice Integrated
Throughout Framework Components
Trying to capture and align all the evidence
in teacher observations is difficult! In this
session, participants will be introduced
to the six big ideas of effective practice
integrated across the components in
the Framework for Teaching. How
might these six themes help relieve
the overwhelming feeling of observers
and teachers? Learn how to enhance
conversations with new teachers as well as
with more experienced teachers that want to go deeper into
an area of professional teaching focus.
Using the Framework for Teaching to Develop
Specialist Evaluation Rubrics
Pam Rosa, Bloomington-Normal, IL
Are you a “special” educator? This session will guide
specialists (school psychologists, speech therapists, OT/
PT, social workers, school nurse) or those who evaluate
specialists to develop personalized rubrics for these
specialized practices. Learn specific steps for developing
specialist rubrics. See examples of these specialist rubrics.
Leave with a plan of action for developing your own
specialized rubrics.
Learning Focused
(3–hour session)
A professionally defensible educator
effectiveness system designed to promote
professional learning includes specific
structures and strategies to engage
educators in accurate reflection. Coupling
The Framework for Teaching with skillful
planning and reflection conversations
on either side of an observation helps
educators apply new learning to future
practice. This session explores the
work of Laura Lipton and Bruce Wellman and will help
you develop strategies to strengthen the collaborative
observation process as a structure of professional learning. 32
Hiring the Best: How to Use the Framework
for Finding, Interviewing, and Hiring the Best
Teacher Candidates
Cindy Worner, Green Valley, IL
Teaching is one of the few professions in which novices
must assume the same responsibilities as veterans – a
daunting task! In this session, you will learn how the
Framework for Teaching can provide the foundation for
all of the district’s recruitment,
hiring, mentoring and coaching
programs. By connecting the
framework to these processes,
teachers become thoughtful
practitioners who successfully
support student learning as they
grow from novices to veterans.
Promoting Effective Teaching and Professional Learning
WI 20150408
Building Educator Expertise
with the Framework for Teaching
Conference Session Descriptions
Best Practices in 3d:
Formative Assessment
for Student AND Teacher
Elaine Phillips, Minneapolis, MN
This session explores the essential
question: How do we know
students have learned what we
intended? Add to your repertoire
of formative assessment
techniques and feedback
strategies and approaches
to student self- and peer-assessment. Experience
their interconnections throughout the planning and
implementation of effective lessons.
Integrating, Not Implementing: How the
Framework Informs One School’s Systems
(and is not “one more thing” added to a full plate)
Brett Wilfrid, Madison, WI
In this session, an award-winning principal from a highpoverty public school in Madison will describe how the
Framework is a resource and guide for both the core
work of our school and our multiple innovations. Learn
how - from teaching to planning, delivering instruction
in English or bilingual settings, navigating a 1:1 iPad
technology investment, developing social / emotional skills
in children, dealing with discipline and enhancing Positive
Behavior Supports - the Framework serves as a useful tool
to check our thinking, calibrate our definitions of effective
practice, and guide professional development. Co-teaching and
the Framework for
Jorie Ellis, Portland, OR
As districts strive to implement
the principles of Least Restrictive
Environment (LRE), they often
establish co-taught classrooms
in their continuum of programs
and services. We are often asked,
“How do we apply the Framework
for Teaching when there are two
teachers in the classroom?” During this session we will
look at co-teaching through the lens of the framework. We will explore how the integration of the framework’s
principles can be an effective tool for elevating teacher
practice in co-teaching situations.
Developing Inter-rater Reliability
Lab (3–hour session)
Elaine Phillips, Minneapolis, MN
This lab class will provide a teacher evaluation case study
for engaging in professional conversations and honing
skills of performance appraisal. Using the Framework for
Teaching 2013 rubrics and critical attributes, participants
will collect evidence from artifacts and an observation of
a teaching performance video
in order to determine a level of
performance for components.
How consistent are we in our
collection of evidence? How
close are we in agreement with
our ratings? Recommended for
principals, coaches and teacher
Promoting Effective Teaching and Professional Learning
WI 20150408
Building Educator Expertise
with the Framework for Teaching
Conference Session Descriptions
One District, One
Voice: A Team
Approach to Implementing
the Framework for Teaching
Using the Framework
for Teaching to Define
Effective Practice for School
Chris Gerst, Elementary Principal,
Jeanne Scarr, Teachers Union
President, Kelly Flohaug, High
School Assistant Principal, Scott
Johnson, Director of Teaching
and Learning, and teachers from
Centennial School District, MN
Dar Axtell, Milwaukee, WI
This interactive session will feature the efforts of one
districts’ teachers and administrators to effectively
work together to improve the quality of teaching
through collaboration, clearly articulated processes, and
professional development. Practices and strategies proven
to be successful in improving teaching and student learning
will be highlighted, such as 1) Framework for Teaching
training for all principals and teachers; 2) extensive interrater reliability training for all administrators; 3) mentor/
mentee training; 4) peer coaching and 5) redesigned
teacher and principal evaluation processes.
The Framework through the Lens of
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
Ann Cummins Bogan, Evanston, IL
How do we truly engage students in learning and provide
appropriate levels of rigor in a diverse classroom setting?
Participants will explore the ways that the Framework
for Teaching aligns with Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
through an examination of the Common Themes and
components in all 4 domains of the Framework and
develop strategies for understanding and engaging a
diverse student population.
The Framework for Teaching is a
highly effective way to examine
teaching practices, but it is a
framework for just that: teaching.
And while to some extent it
touches on the work of school
counselors, it does not completely reflect the nature of their
work. Danielson Group consultants revised the counselor
rubrics and designed examples and critical attributes for
school counselors. This workshop will examine the draft
version of this work and invite input from participants.
Those attending will leave with a clearer vision of how to
support and strengthen the work of school counselors.
The Framework and Special
Education Classrooms: An
Introduction (3–hour session)
Teresa Lien, Baraboo, WI
This session will provide participants with an
understanding of how The Framework for Teaching can
examine and improve teacher practice for special education
teachers. Learn how the language
and essential characteristics
guides a special education
teacher’s practice.
Promoting Effective Teaching and Professional Learning
WI 20150408
Building Educator Expertise
with the Framework for Teaching
Conference Session Descriptions
Tools and Templates
for Connecting Goal
Setting to Professional Growth
Evaluation: Using the
Framework for Teaching to Build
a District Vision of Excellence
Cindy Worner, Green Valley, IL
Collecting observation data serves
no purpose unless it is used to
enhance professional growth.
In this session, teachers and
evaluators will learn how goal
setting serves as the catalyst for
moving teacher growth forward. Tools will be introduced
that can be used to support this important process.
The Wisconsin Way:
A Model for State-wide Framework Adoption
Katie Rainey, Director, Wisconsin Department of Public
Instruction Educator Effectiveness, Madison, WI
Learn how the Educator Effectiveness team at the
Wisconsin DPI, in close partnership with the Danielson
Group, has adopted a state-wide program to empower
and support educator growth using the Framework for
Teaching. Come hear the Wisconsin story.
Best Practices in 3b: Questioning and
Discussion Strategies
Margaret Leibfried, Oshkosh, WI
Do the same students always respond to your questions
while others wait to hear what they have to say? Once the
question appears “answered” does all discussion end? Learn
the elements of good questions and how to design them so
that all students can access the curriculum and be involved
in class discussions. You’ll leave with resources to explore,
web sites to visit, and suggestions to try back in class.
James Edler and Jan Haven,
Milwaukee Public Schools, WI
The Framework for Teaching is
a researched based definition of
what educators need to know and
be able to do in order to help all
students learn. Only as schools and districts begin to use
the Framework for Teaching in all areas of teaching and
learning will it become an integral part of decision making
and the foundation for all that we do in schools. This
session will focus on schools and districts examining ways
The Framework for Teaching can be considered a part of
continual school and educator improvement rather than
simply a teacher evaluation process.
The Art and Craft of Instructional Coaching
using The Framework for Teaching
Pam Rosa, Bloomington-Normal, IL
While The Framework for Teaching can be used as an
evaluation tool, it’s most powerful use is as a foundation
for instructional coaching. Learn how to integrate the
structure and priorities of The Framework for Teaching
into your coaching practices of
new and veteran teachers. Tips
and tools and rubrics will be
introduced that can be used
to support your high-leverage
coaching process.
Promoting Effective Teaching and Professional Learning
WI 20150408
Building Educator Expertise
with the Framework for Teaching
Conference Session Schedule
Monday, June 29
Monday, June 29
Monday, June 29
Tuesday, June 30
Tuesday, June 30
Integrating The Framework
for Teaching and the
Common Core
Observation Skills Lab
(3–hour session)
Developing Inter-rater Reliability Lab
(3–hour session)
Big City/Small Town: Best
Framework Implementation
Strategies for Large and
Not-So-Large Districts
Using the Framework
to Support Candidates
in Teacher Preparation
Hiring the Best: How to Use
the Framework for Finding,
Interviewing, and Hiring the
Best Teacher Candidates
One District, One
Voice: A Team Approach
to Implementing the
Framework for Teaching
The Wisconsin Way:
A Model for State-wide
Framework Adoption
Student Engagement:
The Heart of the Framework for Teaching
(3–hour session)
Best Practices in 3d:
Formative Assessment
for Student AND Teacher
The Framework through the
Lens of Culturally Responsive
Best Practices in 3b:
Questioning and Discussion
Developing Teacher Leaders
Using the Framework for
The Big Ideas of Effective
Practice Integrated
Throughout Framework
Integrating, Not
Using the Framework for
Implementing: How the
Teaching to Define Effective
Framework Informs One
Practice for School Counselors
School’s Systems (and is not
“one more thing” added to a
full plate)
Beyond Evaluation: Using
the Framework for Teaching
to Build a District Vision of
UDL and the Framework for
Teaching: A Crosswalk
Using the Framework
for Teaching to Develop
Specialist Evaluation Rubrics
Co-teaching and the
Framework for Teaching
The Framework and Special Education Classrooms:
An Introduction
(3–hour session)
Overcoming Bias and
Personal Preference
for Accurate Teacher
Learning Focused Conversations
(3–hour session)
Tools and Templates for
Connecting Goal Setting to
Professional Growth
The Art and Craft of
Instructional Coaching using
The Framework for Teaching
Promoting Effective Teaching and Professional Learning
WI 20141216