April Newsletter - Bethel Lutheran Church


April Newsletter - Bethel Lutheran Church
Julé Ballinger
Erika Buller
Jim Gustafson
Volume 54 Issue 4
Bethel Lutheran Mission Statement
Bethel Lutheran Church is a community of believers called by God to invite all people into a living relationship with Jesus
Christ, build them up in the faith, and send them out to be witnesses in word and deed to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
“Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection, not in books alone, but on every leaf
of springtime.” –Martin Luther
My mother is a gardener. In the last weeks of winter, she can be seen pouring through her
seed catalogues. She will plan, drawing diagrams for where plants will go in the garden this
year, based on their performance last year. With each passing snowy day, the garden which
is not yet there becomes a little more real to my mom. Even though the seeds are not yet in
the ground, her fingers itch to dig deep into the ground, feeling the rich soil which will make
new life burst forth.
In springtime, the world feels a little more new. I find I can be surprised by my surroundings
more easily. I could be walking past a patch of earth I walk past often, and look—a dandelion, new grass, or buds on the trees all looking to start again. Springtime is the best time to
sigh, brush off the hard feelings or anxious worry, and you give yourself the grace to begin
again. And to begin again new, fresh.
Easter is written in every leaf of springtime.
Any good gardener will tell you, the work of the seed happens in the dark. Happens in mystery. Happens in a space we cannot see, but we trust life comes from small things. Small
things, like seeds, which bring into being big things. Vegetables, flowers, crops— from these
come more seeds, and therefore they bring life, and life, and life again. And all because of
the work which started in the dark. Work which started in the cold of winter with a dream
and a plan.
The work that first Easter morning began in the dark. In a tomb, buried from the light. With
something so small, bringing forth something so big. The work of Easter morning started
with a dream and a plan from God—a dream that death would no longer keep us from God’s
love. A plan for reconciliation, a plan for love to win. Because the tomb was empty, God
works in us new life, a life found in love bursting out of the ground. In Love which has the
power to bring life, and life, and life again.
The reminder of this great promise is written on every leaf of springtime.
Happy Spring! Happy Easter!
Pastor Erika
From Pastor Jim …
It has been almost two months now since I retired from fulltime and began my work as your visitation
pastor and once again I thank you for the wonderful retirement party you gave and the many greetings
and gifts. Please know that I am most grateful!
As we all adjust to my new role as visitation pastor, and after these two months and conversation with
the rest of our pastoral staff, I feel a need to clarify my role a bit.
My primary responsibility is to visit our shut-in and home bound persons. I try to do this once a month. I
am also on the hospital visitation rotation. I visit the hospitals on Wednesday’s of each week. Our Senior
and Associate Pastors visit the hospital’s on the other days of the week and in the case of emergencies. I
strongly suggest that you write down their telephone numbers from this copy of the “Beacon” and place
them somewhere safe. They are not listed in the public telephone books since they are cell numbers. In
the case that you cannot first reach either of our fulltime pastors you can give me a call.
I also am available for individual conversations in case you have a need and wish to visit with me. Just
give me or the church office a call to set a time to get together since I do not keep regular office hours.
Love, Joy, and Peace,
Pastor Jim
If you or someone you know desire membership
please contact:
Pastor Julé at jballinger@bethelwahpeton.com
Pastor Erika at ebuller@bethelwahpeton.com
or call the church office at 642-4472.
CONTACT INFO: Phone 642-4472
fax 642-2477
Pastor Julé:
Pastor Erika:
Pastor Jim:
Mary Anderson:
Alveda Wurl:
Jana Olson:
Missy Klose
Clare Byron:
Lila Gedrose:
Building Hours
7am-5pm Monday-Friday
9am-1pm Saturdays
7am-1pm Sundays
EASTER - A time of New Life.
Christ died on the cross to save us from our sins and rose into new life on Easter morning. The death of Christ
destroyed his physical body and our sins, but it did not destroy his spirit which remains alive and among us today!
Bethel Lutheran Church experienced a sort of death when 17 years after building the
first Bethel Church home there was an explosion and fire that destroyed the building.
It was on Palm Sunday in 1934. Holy week services were conducted at Immanuel
Lutheran Church who had graciously offered the use of their building.
On April 25, 1934 the Church Council met and made plans to rebuild and the congregation began a building campaign. The fire had destroyed the building but it did not
destroy the Church. By the faith and grace of the congregation, the New Bethel
Church home was built on the same foundation and dedicated on December 2nd of the
same year. Even way back then it was “God’s Work, Our Hands”.
As we celebrate this season of new life, let us give thanks and praise to God our Savior who brings new life. And as
we look forward to the new things to come, let us remember those from the past who brought the Bethel Lutheran
Church home out of the ashes and into new life all those years ago. May we continue to be the working hands of
God in the future.
Easter Blessings,
Diane Finnie, 125th Committee Chair
We wanted to give you an update on the fundraising for the landscaping of Bethel
Church. So far, we have raised $11,000 towards our goal of $40,000. We thank those of
you who have donated so far. It is greatly appreciated. We have a long way to go until
that goal is met. We want to get on the landscaper’s schedule, but we need to have the
majority of funds raised before we will commit to the schedule. We will also need to get
permission for a digital sign. That process will wait until we know we have the funds for
the sign.
If you have not already given, please give it your consideration and make a donation as
soon as possible. Any amount is appreciated. For gifts of $100 or more, you can have a
brick in honor or memory of a loved one.
If you have questions, please contact a Board of Property member.
Matt B. Anderson, Barry Burchill, Al Hunt, Sharon Kotnour, Geri Coyne.
This month Stewardship Spotlight is on Bev Bollinger, longtime Sunday/Wednesday School teacher. Bev has taught pre-school education
at Bethel Lutheran since her daughter Taylor started in 2008. Bev has
been a member of Bethel Lutheran since 2003. Bev and her husband
Brad have five kids and 8 grandkids. During the day Bev owns and
operates a home daycare in Wahpeton.
When asked how she can work all day with kids and still have the energy to teach she replied, “It’s different, I enjoy it, and it’s rewarding.”
Bev’s advice to parents of young children is to start reading stories to
them. It does not need to be straight from the Bible, just stories it’s fun
for the kids. Bev’s suggestion to adults nervous to volunteer teaching
is to come look at the lesson book. The curriculum is very nicely laid
out and preparation time is easy.
A big thank you to Bev from the Stewardship Board, Bethel Lutheran Church and parents in playing a very important role in our children’s Christian education as promised at their baptism.
Bethel Lutheran Holy Week Schedule
April 2
April 3
April 5
Maundy Thursday Worship
6:45 pm Worship in the Sanctuary (first communion, feet washing)
Good Friday Worship
6:45 pm Worship in the Sanctuary
7:00 am
Worship in the Sanctuary
9:00 am
Worship in the Sanctuary
11:00 am
Come as You Are Worship in the Sanctuary
New Member Sunday
April 12
Women of the ELCA
Wahpeton Spring Cluster Gathering
Trinity Lutheran Church, Lisbon, ND
Saturday, April 25
A pot luck to welcome new members
will be in Hartmann Fellowship Hall
following the 11:00 am service.
Registration 8:30-9:00 AM with coffee & goodies
Gathering 9:00 am Lunch: $6.00
Program: Pastor Jamie Desai, Red Willow Bible Camp
Sign up sheet is located in the church office or call 642-4472
In Kind Offering: Red Willow Bible Camp
Batteries—AAA, D, AA and 9-volt; laundry soap & detergent; dish
soap; paper towels; toilet paper; napkins; garbage bags; brooms & dust
pans; regular and decaf coffee.
Blood Drive at Bethel
Monday, April 20
11:30 am—6:00 pm
Refreshments Donation List
Apple Juice Orange Juice Cheese Crackers Cookies
Sign-up sheet is located outside the church office
Guest Speaker
Rev. Michelle Gawienowski
April 26, 2015
9:00 & 11:00 am
Via de Cristo Weekends
This is a wonderful experience for all adults to come
to know our Lord on a personal level and become
inspired, challenged, and equipped for Christian
action in your homes, churches and communities.
Upcoming dates of area weekends:
April 30-May 3 for men
May 7-10 for women
Both in West Fargo, ND
Weekend starts Thursday evening
and ends Sunday afternoon.
If interested, visit with
Brian Quamme, Bethel Liaison.
A wonderful experience you won’t forget!
Seminarian Special Offering Appeal
Sunday, April 26th
The plain fact is that over the past decades in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, seminary costs have
skyrocketed, churchwide support has decreased, and new pastors have been saddled with huge school debts.
This is difficult for the pastors and their families; but the greatest loss will be in the health of our congregations and
communities when pastoral leadership and care become even more scarce.
We are giving you the opportunity to give financial support to seminarian Ivy Schulz who is attending seminary at
Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. Then, whether she returns to serve in Eastern North Dakota or whether she
serves in another synod, she will not be encumbered with such large debt and will be financially able to serve in a
wider variety of parish settings. Ivy is in the Distributed Learning Program at Luther – which is a 6 year program
(5 years of distance learning and 1 year of internship). Once she has completed her program she will receive her
Master of Divinity Degree from Luther Seminary.
The following is a basic breakdown of
Bethel Lutheran Church has had a few of its “children” go on to become
Ivy’s seminary costs for 5 of the 6
ordained pastors. You are good at identifying the gifts of God in them that
have become blessings for others. On Sunday, April 26th, we will pass the
offering plates/baskets a second time during both worship services. At that Technology
$ 100
time, if you are financially able, we ask for you to generously give support
$ 600
to the education of a future pastor, Ivy Schulz. (Of course, financial supBooks
$ 600
port would be appreciated at anytime of the year.) Please note: If you
$ 800
write a check, please make it out to Luther Seminary or Bethel Lutheran
$ 250
and we will send the check to the seminary. Thanks!
Currently, Ivy is doing full-time internship at Prairie Rivers Parish serving: Total:
$12,350 x 5= $61,750
Wyndmere, Hankinson, and Lidgerwood with Harvey Henderson as her
internship supervisor. She preached at Bethel last month as part of our 125th Anniversary Celebration. Thank you Ivy!
She will finish her seminary education on July 31st. She will be available for her first call as an ordained pastor in
October. God has blessed her with many gifts and has incredible ministry planned for her ahead. What a gift she
will be to future congregations!
God has generously gifted us with much; let’s share what we have with the wider church! What a blessing she is and
will be to many other congregations throughout her career!
Blessings, Pastor Julé Ballinger
Adult Education
Join us for this four-week class as we explore the life and writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Lutheran Pastor, brilliant
theologian and spy working against the Nazi regime during WWII. The video is based on the book "Bonhoeffer; The
Life and Writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer" by Eric Metaxas and is filmed on location in Germany. Discover how he
has inspired so many other peoples faith and how these spiritual truths can be an inspiration and challenge to us. We
meet Sunday mornings @ 10:10am in the Faith Center.
APRIL 12 — Session 1 - What is the Church?
APRIL 19 — Session 2 - Living in Christian Community
APRIL 26 — Session 3 - Religionless Christianity
MAY 3 — Session 4 - Come and Die
Appreciation Dinner!
May 6, 2015
6 pm – hor d’oeuvres
6:30 pm – meal and entertainment
The Staff of Bethel Lutheran Church invites all who have volunteered at Bethel in any way during the
past year! Volunteers do make this church run and have for the past 125 years! We want to treat you to a meal,
pampering, fun, and entertainment. It is our way of formally thanking all of you!
We are so grateful for all the ways you have served the Lord and made our ministry easier! There will be
a photo booth, door prizes, great food, and gifts. We are truly grateful for all you do and all the ways you have lived
out our motto: BE.THE.Love! Thank you! Look for more information as the time gets closer!
“Volunteers are the only human beings on the face of the earth who reflect this nation’s compassion, unselfish caring,
patience, and just plain love for one another.”
~ Erma Bombeck
Friday, May 15
11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Bethel Lutheran Church Women will again have the Syttende Mai Salad Bar Luncheon. It will feature salad bar
with homemade dressings, turkey or ham sandwiches, homemade pies, complimentary krumkake and rommegrot. Take-out orders are available.
All members of Bethel Lutheran are encouraged to provide baked items. Quilts will be available for sale along with
all occasion cards, napkins, Rada cutlery and 125th Bethel Anniversary items.
If you would like to help with preparations, be a waitress, assist in the kitchen, or have any questions contact Marilyn
Sirek@642-4015; Jeri Oscarson@642-8444 or Bev McRoberts@642-6745.
Funds from the luncheon will be used for expenses, refurbishing the kitchen and for donations we give to charitable
causes throughout the year
Plan to attend. Bring a friend! See you on MAY 15
Everyone Velkommen!
Adult Education Spring Outing
Spring has sprung! Let’s celebrate with baseball and beer! Join us for an adults-only trip to Minneapolis-St Paul for an
afternoon outing of Twin’s baseball and tour of local brewery on Saturday May 16. Details are developing; please
indicate your interest by contacting Pastor Erika.
For our March meeting we discussed the book “The Walk” by Richard Paul Evans.
This is the first book in “The Walk” series (total of five). The story shares one man’s search for hope.
It is a life-changing journey for him, both physically & spiritually. You will thoroughly enjoy this read.
April 14
May 12
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
A Spool of Blue Thread by Anne Tyler
We meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 10:30 a.m. in the church library. Visitors are welcome!
“I do believe that something very magical can happen if you read a good book.”
~ J. K. Rowling ~
Evening Book Club
“Still Alice” by Lisa Genova
We gave Still Alice five stars (out of 5). This book is a fictional account of Alice, a Harvard Professor
of psychology, who begins experiencing memory loss. It chronicles her diagnosis of early onset
Alzheimers, her progressive decline, and her fight to remain who she was. The story was told from
the unique perspective of Alice, not a caregiver. Seeing the disease firsthand gave us insight into what it
must be like to experience dementia. It was frightening for us because we felt that any of us, or our
loved ones, could be victims of this incurable disease.
Please join us for our informal group. We me on the third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm in the
Gisvold Lounge. Our next books are:
April - “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” by Rebecca Skloot
May - “Rebecca” by Daphne du Maurier
June - “The Princess Bride” by William Goldman
July - “Fly Away Home” by Jennifer Weiner
Bethel Members. . .
Check out the 125th Anniversary memorabilia on display in the foyer
and available for purchase anytime during regular office hours.
End Of The Year
Blow Up Blow Out
When: Saturday, April 25
Time: 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Where: Wahpeton Community Center
The Board of Christian Education is throwing
a Blow Up Blow Out.
All students Pre-k – 9th Grade are Invited to the
End of the Year Bash!
We will have Blow up Bouncy House, Bungee Run,
Velcro Wall, and an Obstacle Course!
Fun For All Ages!!
The old saying “April showers bring May flowers” we can only hope. Everyone
is praying for rain. I am sure, after a winter without much moisture. Not that I
am complaining about the lack of snow. If anyone knows me, they know I do
not enjoy winter at all. Let’s just pray for spring showers.
Wednesday School is rolling along. We have quite a few children signed up for
First Communion classes which started March 25. April 1st the bread baking and
grape stomping will be happening. Thank you, Brian Quamme for the baking
and all the people who help with this event.
April 2 Maundy Thursday worship at 6:45 pm and the children will be taking their First Communion.
It is a solemn occasion in our church so please pray for them.
April 3 Good Friday. Worship service at 6:45 pm
April 5 Easter Sunday with Worship at 7:00, 9:00, and 11:00 am.
April 8 the Wednesday School lesson is “ The Empty Tomb.”
April 15 the lesson is “ Doubting Thomas “ and the 3rd-6th will sing at evening Worship.
April 22 the lesson is “ The Great Commission.”
April 29 the lesson is “ The Good Shepherd” and the Pre-K-2nd will sing at evening Worship. This is
also our last day of Wednesday School.
This has been an eventful time for me and I hope it has been the same for the children and the volunteers. You have been wonderful and a big thanks to all of you. I know this takes time out of your busy
lives. Once again Thank You!
Blessings to all of you,
Lila Gedrose
April 1
April 2
April 3
April 5
April 8
April 22
April 29
No Confirmation – Holy Week
Maundy Thursday Service – 6:45 p.m.
Good Friday Service– 6:45p.m.
Easter Sunday Services – 7:00 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am
7th and 8th Grade Sm. Group/9th Grade Lg. Group
9th Grade Scrapbook & Stoles – 7:30 p.m.
7th and 8th Grade Lg. Group (Saul/Paul) /9th Grade Sm. Group
9th Grade Scrapbook & Stoles – 7:30 p.m.
7th and 8th Grade Sm. Group/9th Grade Lg. Group
Large Group everyone
May 3
May 24
Affirmation of Baptism Service for 9th Graders – 11 a.m.
Senior Recognition – 9:00 a.m.
April 15
April has brought our last month of Confirmation! It has been wonderful working with all the children and
the guide leaders. We have a lot of things going on this month so please take note of the extra things going
on (mainly for the 9th graders)
9th Graders please make note of extra items for you!
You are required to attend all 3 services during Holy Week; Maundy Thursday Service,
Good Friday Service, & one Service on Easter Sunday.
On April 8 & 13 you will be decorating your Stoles for your Affirmation of Baptism which is May 3.
Please remember to contact Pastor Julé or Pastor Erika to set up your interview.
Youth Mission Trip News:
Last month brought another big change. Our Bethel Youth decided that there was local needs
that needed to be met and would like to give back locally. So instead of doing mission work in
Orlando, FL they are going to Minneapolis, MN to do mission work. They will be working with
Shobi’s Table on packing and distributing meals to the homeless as well as shopping for the
Children’s Hospital from their “Wish List” and donating items to them.
The youth group also decided that they would like to make it a family affair
and are asking parents to join them. The maturity in their decision is something we are very proud of.
Bethel Church:
IN MEMORY OF ODIN STUTRUD given by Fran Werre; Roger & Lynda Opp; Dave & Judy Brenna; Ed & Cathy Uhlich;
Don & Joann Tobin; Del Sanders; Judy McDaniel; Carol J. Manock; Deb Tobias; Arlo & Jan Kilber; C. Lee Baker; family &
IN MEMORY OF DR. PERRY ENGSTROM given by Arlo & Jan Kilber
IN MEMORY OF JOHN “SPENCER” REIMER II given by John Reimer & Jessica Siefken & family
IN MEMORY OF BEVERLY JOHNK, sister of Joan Hardie, given by Doug & Judy Peterson; Dave & Joan Hardie
IN MEMORY OF ORLIN HUDSON-EGGE, aunt of Keith Torgerson, given by Keith & Nadine Torgerson
IN MEMORY OF CLARKE STRAIGHT given by Doug & Judy Peterson
Bethel Choir:
IN MEMORY OF EDNA DAHLMAN mother-in-law of Judy Dahlman
IN MEMORY OF ODIN STUTRUD given by Jerry & Judy Oren
IN MEMORY OF CLARKE STRAIGHT, brother of Kathy Johnson, given by Bev McRoberts
IN MEMORY OF CAROL JONES given by Gary & Jody Friskop
Faith Toolboxes: IN MEMORY OF CAROL JONES given by Clark & Gail Williams; Sonja Christensen
IN MEMORY OF EDNA DAHLMAN given by Donna Marohl
Via de Cristo:
IN MEMORY OF CAROL JONES, mother of Crystal Asche, given by Art & Linda Grochow; Keath & Cindy Borchert
IN MEMORY OF CLARKE STRAIGHT given by Jerry & Kathie Rocheleau
IN MEMORY OF ODIN STUTRUD given by Alice Schlotfeldt
Board of
IN MEMORY OF ODIN STUTRUD given by Doug & Judy Peterson
Bethel Quilters:
IN MEMORY OF BEVERLY JOHNK given by Charlie & Joan Hardie; Bernice Wadeson
IN MEMORY OF JOHN “SPENCER” REIMER II given by Sonja Christensen
IN MEMORY OF CLARKE STRAIGHT given by Ardeith Richter
About BeFriender Ministry:
Everyone is, at times on a difficult journey and needs a caring companion to listen without
judgment and provide support. That, in a nutshell, is what BeFriender Ministry is all about.
Bethel has trained members of our congregation who are ready and willing to provide a
listening ear to anyone in need.
CONTACT PASTOR JIM AT 642-4472 or jgustafson@bethelwahpeton.com
These are the people known to have birthdays in
April. If you have a birthday
and your name is not listed, we do not have your birthday in our church records.
Please contact the church office with your birth date so we may have it for our
4/1 Fern Anderson
Norma Bontjes
Brianna Meyer
Edwin Uhlich
4/2 Harold Bruschwein
Virginia Buck
4/12 Shila Lampl
Heide Schulz
4/13 Mary Kroshus
Tessa Mohs
Catherine Uhlich
4/14 Cole Julson
4/23 Phillip Dimmer
Brian Finnie
Brenda Tews
Alison Voss
4/24 Paige Gratton
Charles Muralt
Kim Mann
Braeden Neiber
4/3 Grace Kasowski
George Paur
Jacqueline Schulte
4/4 Meryl Hansey
Cindy Ward
Marilyn Sirek
Samantha Olson
Shae Jelinek
Meghan Koenig
Kari Krause
4/5 Christy Bernstein
Colby Youngquist
4/15 Carmella Keaveny
James Tillmann
4/16 Jack Beyer
Joyce DeVries
Nicolas Facey
Eileen Hage
Linda Johnson
Tyler Tollefson
4/25 Myah Anderson
Tiffany Bassingthwaite
Heidi Eberhardt
4/26 Allan Sommers
Marcie Wald
4/27 Carley Crandall
Brooke Johanson
Martha Manikowske
Miranda Nettum
Brianna Prochnow
Timothy Friskop
Carla Thiele
Tanner Thiel
Isaac Loosmore
4/6 Cindy Thompson
Barb Uhlich
Jacob Voss
4/7 Jerry Oren
4/17 Ryan Kasowski
Elleen Wiest
4/18 Anthony Thompson
4/19 Adam Boll
4/28 Lauren Berndt
Misha Gratton
Sephen Keaveny
4/29 Lola Hills
Tyler Boll
Tanya Holbrook
Sharon Kotnour
Mikayla Braun
Kathleen McBeth
Steve Mann
Tiffany Ehlers
Dillon Schulz
4/8 Odin Carlson
4/9 Allie Cory
Ellistin Hendrickson
4/30 Jack Gilbertson
Ralph Graalum
Christine Retzlaff
Leona Hektner
Dawn Grefsrud
Troy Thimjon
Phyllis Keehn
Wayne Mastel
4/20 Peder Bruvold
Amelia Rossow
Shea Gilbertson
Alissa Schumacher
Travis Hoaby
4/10 Bevan Bredeson
Tryg Bredeson
Randal Hoerer
Delores Jensen
Margo Rowland
4/21 Noah Brejcha
Melvin Manock
Issac Finnie
Laura Stone
Jodi Long
Jamison Zaun
Alyssa Mund
4/11 Steven Hoaby
4/22 Adrian Skramstad
Lara Lekang
Dustin Thompson
Carson VanEps
Dylan Vierstraete
If you are unable to serve on the assigned date and cannot find a replacement please call:
USHERS —Linda Miller -899-3479 COFFEE SERVERS—Carol Sturdevant -642-4355
READERS & COMMUNION ASSIST—Doug & Judy Peterson at 642-6776 or 640-7010 Please notify the church office of the change at 642-4472.
9:00 am Service
April 5
April 12
April 19
April 26
7am Diane Finnie
9am Chris DeVries
Hal Fisher
Clare Byron
Wayne Braaten
Gary & Jody Friskop
Jeff & Kathy Olson
Clark & Gail Williams
Floss Johnson
Jerry & Barb Mohs
Norma Nosek
Jerry & Judy Oren
Darlene Schuler
Communion Assist
7 am Diane Finnie;
Vicki Trappen
9am Doug & Judy Peterson;
Pam Hendrickson;
Keath & Cindy Borchert
Greg & Lori Buboltz;
Brad & Paula Bakken
Coffee Servers
Easter Sunday-No coffee hour Trudy Jacobson;
Bev McRoberts
Marlyce & Gene Kemmet;
Jeri & Bob Oscarson
Carol Sturdevant;
Esther & Gil Braaten
May 3
May 10
May 24
May 31
Reeann Enderson
Brenda Romereim
Jean Hoerer
Sue Hendrickson
Jane Krump
Bill & Gladys Bair
Neal & Phyllis Folstad
Ron & Kate McBeth
Corrine Romereim
Bob & Jeri Oscarson
Doug & Judy Peterson
Luther & Barb Sannes
Madeline Miller
Judy Koppang;
Donna Marohl;
Carol Manock
Communion Assist
Suzanne & Terry Pehl
Chuck & Ione Muralt;
Bob & Cindy Splichal
Coffee Servers
Wayne Braaten;
Cyndy Gustafson
Charlene Clute;
Vicki Trappen
Floss Johnson;
Ruth Larson
Karen Kearns Lutz;
Judy McDaniel
Gail & Clark Williams;
Gladys & Bill Bair
If you are unable to serve on the assigned date please try to find a replacement. READERS please call—Doug & Judy Peterson at 642-6776
11:00 am Service
April 5
April 12
April 19
April 26
Kathy Hammer
Art Grochow
Alexis Tschakert
Steph Beyer
Jay & Rikki Townsend &
Darcy & Greg Meide
Judy McDaniel & Dakota
Paul & Char Oehlke
Communion Assist
Art & Linda Grochow
Bob & Ginny Buck
Coffee Servers
Easter Sunday-No coffee
Linda Miller
May 3
May 10
Kathy Hammer
May 17
Pam Hendrickson
Laurie Lekang
Jane Berndt
Pam Hendrickson
Alex Hendrickson
Meryl Hansey
Ginny Buck
Aaron Riebe &
Sheila Dolan
and girls
Communion Assist
Paul & Char Oehlke
Ginny Buck
Kathy Hammer
Coffee Servers
Kathy Johnson
Kathy Hammer
Bob & Crystal Asche
May 24
No Service
May 31
No Service
March 3, 2015
MEMBERS PRESENT: Brenda Prochnow; Kathy Johnson; Mary Anderson; Dee Jensen; Pastor Julé Ballinger;
Sheila Dolan; Kathy Hammer; Pastor Erika
MEMBERS ABSENT: Pam Hendrickson; Hal Fisher; Geri Coyne
6:40 pm –
SPIRITUAL DIRECTION: Kathy Hammer– “I am a church member” study
APPROVAL: February 3, 2015 MINUTES
Motion to accept with changes:
Kathy J
Second: Sheila
(Motion carried)
With minor correction to new business. Board of Education report should read “Youth mission trip planning
ongoing. Some additional fund raisers to be done.”
TREASURER'S REPORT: February Update as of February 28, 2015. Not completed yet. Will
email when done by Missy.
 Envelope Offering for the month = $28,587.00
 February Surplus/Deficit = $
 Year to Date Surplus/Deficit = $
 Checking Account Balance = $
 Savings Account Balance = $
 Building Fund Balance = $
 Capital Improvement = $
 Benevolences were paid
1. By-Laws: –meet this Sunday after worship. Must go to Synod before approval.
2. 125th Anniversary 2015 – All going well. Ivy preaches on March 22. Blessing of stained glass window that
same day.
3. Visioning process: Seeking approval of the Vision 2014 document as presented at the annual meeting and
leadership retreat by Harvey Link and Clint Gilbertson.
Motion to approve the visioning process: Kathy Johnson
Motion carried.
Second: Kathy Hammer
4. Leadership Retreat Update: Well attended with over 30. Good discussion, fun, nice pace, well organized.
Boards worked on goal setting.
5. Pre-School: A 5 member committee has been formed by Pastor Julé.
6. Audit report: - very good audit report. A few recommendations will be taken into consideration.
1. Board Reports/consent agenda:
Motion made to approve consent agenda: Sheila
Second: Brenda Motion carried.
Board of Lay Ministry – Brenda – committee to discuss summer mid-week worship.
Board of Ed - Kathy J and Mary- Youth Mission trip has approx. 11 attending.
2. Synod Assembly – Fargo April 18-19 need 5 representatives: 2 women, 2 men, 1 youth
Kathy Johnson & Dee Jensen will attend. Please ask your boards for volunteers.
3. March/April schedule: future dates: Synod Assembly April 18-19, Intern Ivy preaches March 22,
Pastor Michelle April 26.
4. Beacon articles – for April due March 20.
5. Board Visioning- Ideas and strategies ongoing.
6. Other – Need volunteers for washing of feet Maundy Thursday.
Pastor Julé on vacation Monday March 9-15.
7. Closing with the Lord’s Prayer
Meeting adjourned 8:15 pm
Next Regular Meeting: Tuesday April 7, 2015 at 6:30 pm
Spiritual direction:
Sheila Dolan
Respectfully submitted, Kathy Hammer, Secretary-Treasurer