Upcoming Events - Gray Memorial United Methodist Church
Upcoming Events - Gray Memorial United Methodist Church
PASTOR’S MESSAGE Dear Friends, Just last week my son Peter sent me a picture of a plastic file box and the caption underneath read, “This is Winnie’s.” You might think it a little odd that my son would send me a picture of my first granddaughter’s file box, but let me explain. At some point when Peter was in high school I read somewhere that a helpful thing to do is to give a child leaving home a file box with all the important documents they might need to get started in life. I prepared one for all three of my children. Over time I put in things like their records related to taxes, medical, employment, banking, education, etc. All three of my kids thought it was funny especially when I showed up at each of their weddings to hand over “the box” to them and their spouses. But after a few frantic calls to me looking for this or that document and me telling them it was already in their boxes, they began to see the value of what I had done. Now Winnie has hers. As I finish up my ministry here at Gray Memorial I have been reflecting on what box of files I am leaving with you so that you will do well in your life. I am not talking about a literal box of course. Every pastor leaves behind something that they bring because we all come with our own gifts and graces. That of course is the principle behind moving pastors around. I have benefitted by the wonderful “boxes” left behind by previous pastors serving Caribou. I can think of a number of things that I have left in your files but one comes to mind as most important to me. It is part of Jesus’ command to his followers in Matthew 28.19, “Go…and make disciples.” If there is anything I hope you have learned from me is the importance of making disciples as the core process of the church. Some of you got to experience the power of that by joining me in Disciple Bible Study. We have also learned just recently how this is in our DNA as Methodists and how reclaiming it will bring rival in our lives in the life of our church. For Deneane and me it has been a wonderful journey serving in Caribou. We got to be here while you celebrated the 100th anniversary in your church building. How cool is that! The celebration was all encompassing with fixing up the exterior of the church, rethinking where we are going in the future, and just having fun. Of course the best part is the relationships we have made. You are welcome to “like” us on Facebook if you haven’t already so that we can keep up with each other’s lives. Friendship can continue even though my pastoral duties have come to an end and I cannot come back to do funerals, baptisms, or weddings. I leave with a wonderfully full “box” from you that will help sustain me wherever God calls. God richly bless you all. In Christ, Pastor Tom 1 Caribou Clock Publisher – Gray Memorial United Methodist Church 2 Prospect St., P. O. Box 69 Caribou ME 04736 E-mail: graymemorial@outlook.com Date: June 2015 Pastor: 492-0371 Church Office: 498-2103 Website: http://www.bgmumc.com Greetings from the Church Office! It’s beginning to warm up, so we might get to see a little “summer” before too long, if it ever stops raining! As we prepare to bid farewell to Pastor Tom & Deneane, let us all contemplate on their many spiritual gifts they have shared with us over the last six years! We will miss them! Please remember to notify the church office whenever you move or change telephone numbers and/or email addresses so that I can keep our Database current and put a note in the next Newsletter! Remember to update your Pictorial Directory! Anyone wishing to bring in flowers for the altar during the summer, please consider signing up on the poster that will be available in the Narthex within the next few weeks or contact Margaret Cyr (493-3028). You may designate that they are in memory or honor of someone so it can be noted in the bulletin – just let the church office know by the Thursday prior to the Sunday you plan to bring them in. Until next month….. Bobbi Pelletier Church Secretary 2 May Prayer Concerns: Prayer Concerns: Debbie Sharp, Judi & Ken McKee, Jeanne Pelletier, Barbara Dee, Patricia Ouellette, Rita Roy, Debra Viola, Beth O’Neal, Josselyn Langworthy, Joanne Smith, Ken Doody, Galen Thompson, Ronald Nadeau, Cindy Powers, Fred Fletcher On Family Death: The family of Freeman Wright; the family of Rex Wyman; the family of Roxanne Murphy; the family of Dorothy Peterson; the family of Conrad Caron; the family of Beth Wark Other: Country of Israel, All who serve abroad PLEASE REMEMBER TO PROVIDE A MAILING ADDRESS FOR PEOPLE OR FAMILIES YOU PUT ON THE PRAYER LIST SO WE CAN SEND THEM A NOTE FROM PASTOR TOM. WE OFTEN HEAR FROM RECIPIENTS ON HOW TOUCHED THEY ARE THAT WE OFFERED PRAYERS FOR THEM! **************************************************************************************************************** Correspondence Received: My Church Family – I would like to thank Pastor Tom and all of you for the prayers, cards, calls, food and your visits that I received when I injured my shoulder. You are the Best Reta Haley --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REMINDERS DATE June 7 June 14 June 21 June 28 LECTOR Dave Belyea Joelene Boucher Mary Lou Brown Richard Clark GREETERS Audrey Bubar & Lisa Wilcox Darlene & Oscar Nelder Mona Johnson & Phyllis Billing Mary Ouellette & Betty Branscom COUNTER Phyllis Billing Ruthann Weeks Ruthann Weeks Ruthann Weeks COFFEE FELLOWSHIP UMW & Jennie Lyon Circle Prayer Shawl Ministry SPRC Worship Committee Usher Coordinator for June – Bill Thomas June Evangelism Greeters: Jun 7-Debbie Nichols; Jun 14-Ruth Ross; Jun 21-Betty Branscom; Jun 28-Deneane Bentum Communion Stewardess for June – Mary Theriault Child Care Volunteers: June 7-Roberta Walton; June 14-Dawn Westman; June 21-Debbie Barnes; June 28-Deneane Bentum Acolytes: June 7-Caleb Brown & Darrell Adams Each individual or committee is responsible to make arrangements for changes to these various calendars. Please contact the church office if any changes to these lists are made so the weekly bulletins are correct! The Aroostook River Voices from the Ashland area will be having a concert at the Caribou Performing Arts Center, on Saturday, May 30th, at 7 PM. This event is sponsored by The Veterans Memorial Park Association. There is no charge, but donations will be accepted for The Veterans Memorial Park. 3 * *June Birthdays & Anniversaries * * Birthdays and Anniversaries are celebrated on the first Sunday during Coffee Fellowship. Remember your birthday & anniversary by a special offering each year. 1 2 3 5 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 Wendy Bossie Dale Fowler, Craig Staples Melinda Thibodeau Betty Branscom, Glen Warner Ryan Sherman Stephen Bailey, Tom Richardson Darrell Adams II Ashleigh Craig, Leila Robertson, Celena Sharp Cameron Doody, Scott Witmer Eloise Penny Patricia Adams, Jillian Jandreau, Danielle Lombard, Christy Van Egmond 17 18 19 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 9 10 16 18 20 21 23 Sylvia & Al Akeley Josselyn & Adam Langworthy Diane & Phil McDonough Marie & Tom Beckum Diana & Dean Rauch Diane & Bruce Fitzpatrick Mary & Mike Ayers 24 25 26 27 28 29 Brian Doody Kathryn Fletcher, Erin McBreairty, Matthew Okulski Michele Blackstone, Dale Dee Gwen Ferguson Ben Wakana Michelle Branscom David Belyea, Sherri DeMerchant, Esther Page Amanda Mockler Audrey Bubar, Quinn DeMerchant, Carole Doody, Caleb Espling Charlene Gage, Rebecca Rife Sherri & Ray DeMerchant Debbie & Bob Jordan Kim & Travis Barnes Peggy & Steve Bailey, Hope & Scott Walton Carole & Steven Doody, Duska & Jeff Franklin Kristi & Vince Bell If your name or the name of someone in the Gray Memorial Family does not appear on this list and you would like to add it, please contact the church office, 498-2103. Corrections are ALWAYS appreciated!!! If you know someone whose last name has changed, please let Bobbi know so she can update the database. 4 Worship Attendance and General Fund Offerings: Date May 3 May 10 May 17 May 24 May 31 Attendance Operating Fund Offering 107 $5,216.49 124 $3,910.40 98 $3,010.32 103 $1,942.00 (will appear in next month’s Newsletter) *************************************************************** Capital Account Seed Money: We continue to receive donations each week for the “Capital Account Seed Money” account and as of May 26th, we have $19,992.12 in the account. These funds will be used for the next capital campaign. Changes to the Pictorial Directory: Akeley, Albert & Sylvia: new phone number – (508)737-6623 Upcoming Events – Mark Your Calendars! Saturday, June 6 – Pastor Transition Workshop, Grant Memorial UMC, 1:00-4:00pm Sunday, June 7 – Farewell Luncheon for Pastor Tom & Deneane, Caribou Inn, 1:00pm Friday, July 3 – UMW Pie Sale, 9:00am until Sold Out! Monday – Friday, July 13-17 – Vacation Bible School, 9:00am – 12:00pm Sunday, July 19 – Summer Musicale OPUS XII – 2:00pm (Refreshments to follow!) Saturday, October 3 – Indoor Yard Sale Sponsored by Memorial Committee, 9:00am – 2:00pm Saturday, November 14 – UMW Annual Bazaar & Jennie Lyon Bake Sale, 9:00am-2:00pm; Soup Lunch 11am-1pm Thursday, November 26 – UMW FREE Thanksgiving Dinner, 11:00am – 1:00pm (Free Will Donations Accepted) The Memorial Committee is sponsoring their “Rags to Riches” project on the THIRD Sunday of each month from May to September. Donations may be brought in on that Sunday or Monday through Wednesday mornings of that week. Clothing donations may be deposited in the marked bin in the Fellowship Hall. Remaining dates are: June 21, July 19, August 19 and September 20 5 WORSHIP SERVICE PICTURES May 10th - Pastor Tom dedicated a number of prayer shawls and baby blankets created by the Prayer Shawl Ministry. This is the last dedication Pastor Tom will do for us! Diane Fitzpatrick thanked Pastor Tom and Deneane for their tremendous support of the ministry. May 24th - Pastor Tom presented certificates and pins to Disciple I Bible Study Graduates: Karen White, Margaret Cyr, Wendy Bossie, Mary Ouellette, Betty Branscom, Diane Fitzpatrick, Lisa Wilcox and Pat Dobson (absent – Debbie Nichols). Pastor Tom also presented these items to Claire Hodgkins for her late husband Peter Finkel. 6 Tyra Sterner helps Pastor Tom open his gift from the Disciple Class, presented by Mary Ouellette – Tim Horton’s coffee (he won’t be able to get it in Connecticut)! May 24th – Pastor Tom presents Barbara & Dale Dee with 50-Year Member Certificates (absent: Philip R. Brown, Cindy Morrow, Roderick Gove, Marilla Cushman, Mary Lou Brown) 7 SPECIAL KODAK MOMENTS! New furniture (chair & rocker) for the chapel paid for by the Memorial Committee. New crib in the Nursery purchased by the United Methodist Women (UMW). Jennie Lyon Circle paid for new bedding material! 8 Library photo display by Susan Clark of her “Wild Orchids of Aroostook” collection. Birthday & Anniversary cake for April! New plaques/certificates for United Methodist Men 9 On Saturday, May 2nd, Roy Alden led a team of men & youth at the parsonage to remove all the carpeting. The following pictures demonstrate the work they did in the downstairs, one bedroom and stairway. 10 The new Easter paraments were recently dedicated in memory of Walter Ireland. Walter’s son Richard and his wife Sharon were pleased to visit and see the new paraments. A Silent Auction was conducted to raise funds for the Youth 2015 Trip – results: $800! 11 Wendy Bossie created this wonderful display of “Postcards from Sweden St.” in the library! We were fortunate to have ALL the Senior Choir members present on Sunday, May 10th! From left to right: Front Row – Marjie Edgecomb, Deneane Bentum, Claire Hodgkins, Wendy Bossie Second Row – Margaret Cyr (director), Kathleen Forbes, Beth Alden, Mary Lou Brown, Bobbi Pelletier Back Row – Bob Ellinwood, Dean Rauch, Karen White, Del Ramey 12 May 23rd - Senator Peter Edgecomb presents Bill Thomas with a Legislative Sentiment. May 23rd - Jane Pinette, the Caribou Area Volunteer Coordinator for Aroostook RSVP, spoke to the United Methodist Men’s Group about volunteer opportunities available in the area. (Jane also spoke to the Jennie Lyon Circle on May 13th) 13 Vacation Bible School Volunteers July 13 - 17 Most of our Leaders are identified, but we still need a few leaders and several volunteers in all kinds of areas for this year’s Vacation Bible School. Please fill out the form below and let us know what you would like to do. Call Michele Sterner (498-2940) to find out more about a particular position or volunteer area. Even if you can only spare a morning or two, please consider volunteering! Organizing Leaders Director (Michele Sterner) Music Leader (Denise Witmer) Arts & Crafts Leader (Debbie Nichols) Daily Snacks Leader (Betheny Anderson) Games Leaders __________________________ Bible Teacher: pre-school (Michele Sterner) Bible Teacher: first & second grade (Michele Sterner) Bible Teacher: third & fourth grade ____________________ Bible Teacher: fifth & sixth grade ______________________ Decorations (Michele Sterner) Registration (Shirley Bowman) Technical/Sound Person (Ashleigh Craig) Publicity Coordinator (Bobbi Pelletier) We also need volunteer helpers starting in seventh grade on up to help in all the areas above even if it is just for a day. We will need group leaders to simply take each grouping of children from one activity to another. --------------------------------------------Sign-up Form I would like to be a helper in the area(s) of:_________________________ Name:__________________________________ Phone_______________ Anything else you would like us to know: ____________________________________________________________________ 14 PASTOR TOM & DENEANE BENTUM’S FAREWELL LUNCHEON Date/Time: Sunday, June 7, 1:00pm Place: Caribou Inn & Convention Center Cost: $20 adults; $10 children 12 & under LUNCH BUFFET MENU Baked Virginia Ham and Roasted Chicken Breast Mashed potato Tossed Green Salad Vegetable: glazed carrots Rolls and Butter Coffee, Tea, Punch (pay as you go bar for soft drinks & cocktails) Dessert: Cake Please complete the following reservation form and provide to the church office OR contact the church office (498-2103, 9am-noon Monday through Friday) no later than Friday, May 29th. Payment for the luncheon is due by Friday, June 5th; make checks payable to Gray Memorial UMC. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YES, I PLAN TO ATTEND THE FAREWELL LUNCHEON FOR PASTOR TOM & DENEANE ! Name: ___________________________________ Number in party: Adults ____ Children 12 & under _________ Phone # ___________ Check enclosed: Yes ____ No ____ (payment due by Friday, June 5th) Make check payable to: Gray Memorial UMC Do you wish to make a presentation? Yes _____ No _____ If yes, how much time will you need? ________ 15 16 CHURCH COUNCIL MINUTES 5-21-15 ATTENDEES: Diane McDonough (Chair), Claire Hodgkins, Shirley Bowman, Pastor Tom Bentum, Bill Thomas, David W. DeMerchant, Bobbi Pelletier, Mary Lou Brown, Leland Frost, Judi Greenier, and Roy Alden. Diane McDonough called the meeting to order at 6:35 PM in the church kitchen. After a brief prayer given by Pastor Tom, the Council accepted the minutes of the last meeting as published and printed. Next, The Committee reports were heard as follows: CLUSTER: Pastor Tom reported that the main order of business was to recognize three pastors making big changes: Pastor Tom being appointed to Gales Ferry, CT, Dot Matson taking Sabbatical Leave, and Ellen Cleaves retiring from Limestone and being appointed to Lidstone MUMC in Washburn. Each received gifts and a special “song” was sung in honor of their ministries. Among the various church activities to note are the 125th Anniversary Celebration of Limestone UMC being held May 24th from 10:30 am to 3:00 pm at which Bishop Devadhar will give the message; the “Lend a Hand” Public supper on May 29th from 4:30 pm-6pm; a farewell reception for Dot Matson at 3 pm on May 30th at Lidstone Memorial UMC; on June 7th at 1 pm a Farewell Dinner for Pastor Tom and Deneane at Caribou Motor Inn (Reservations required--- call Bobbi, tickets $20); on June 26th from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm an Appreciation gathering for Ellen and Malcolm at Limestone UMC; July 13-17 – Gray Memorial UMC Vacation Bible School. The Mapleton UMC has a free Community Luncheon @ 11:30 am the first Friday every month. COMMUNITY SERVICE: Judi wished to thank Ecumenical Food Pantry volunteer workers Leland Frost, Shirley Bowman, Richard and Susan Clark, Diane & Phil McDonough, Marcia DeMerchant, Bill Thomas, and Claire Hodgkins on behalf of Gray Memorial. Her committee is working on their gift to Pastor Tom and Deneane. Also her committee will be meeting to develop an entry for the “Caribou Cares About Kids” parade later this summer in August. EDUCATION: No report – meeting will be held after Church Council Meeting. EVANGELISM: The Committee decided that Deneane would write a summary description of the Evangelism and Publicity Committee and its purpose and include a history of its many contributions through the years as well as a copy of the church brochure to be included in the Time Capsule to be laid later this year. The Committee urges people to wear their name badges each Sunday, especially to help the new pastor and his family when they arrive, as well as new visitors and members. A dozen lanyards have been ordered to have on hand for name badges in case someone would prefer that to a pin. FINANCE AND STEWARDSHIP: Shirley Bowman reported that for the month of April the church received $12,796.19 in regular offerings and other sources. Reimbursements were $89.98, and 17 special funds for church use amounted to $1,035.51. Special funds not for church use amounted to $2,820.05 of which $2,318.00 was for Youth 2015. Bobbi reported the following checkbook figures: Beginning Balance 2015 Operating Income Interest From Heating Oil Fund Less EFT fee Less Expenses Ending Balance $1,392.78 12,796.19 .35 181.24 (19.00) (14,351.56) .00 VANCO fees (EFT & Direct Deposit) The beginning balance for the Capital Account Seed money fund was $17,756.37. We had deposits of $604.75 with nothing spent. The balance ending April 30th was $18,361.12. Bobbi was only able to pay the Pastor Pension Benefit to the New England Conference so we are behind one month Mission Share’s payment of $2,207.42. All other bills were paid. The Dead River Balance for the church is $1,211.51, and for the Parsonage, $1,466.70. There will be no payment due in May. The April Target was $66,729.92. Tithes and offerings amounted to $61,486.52 and expenses were $63,447.35. Unpaid expenses for April amounted to $2,207.42. The average attendance for April was 125. HISTORY AND RECORDS: Mary Lou reported that her committee discussed which documents from the Time Capsule should be copied for retention. To get an idea of what can go into a new Time Capsule, the Committee plans to experiment with putting items suggested by the congregation survey into a box to see what it will hold. Mary Lou plans to be in touch with Paul Powers who will be making the new Time Capsule box and also Rene St. Peter to learn how much room will be needed in the new pillar which will house the Time Capsule. Northeast Publishing will make enlarged copies of pertinent sections of the 1913 newspaper as well as a CD for future benefit. Mary Lou and Wendy Bossie have been using color coded dots to classify library books to make it easier for people to find what they want. Also, Mary Lou has been working to identify people in the many photographs in the collection and filing them in loose leaf note books in chronological order. Claire Hodgkins has given the library a CD player that also plays tapes and has a radio. Along with that is a collection of Peter Finkel’s classical CDs for the enjoyment of the congregation after Mary Lou has a chance to catalog them. The November 23, 1913 Aroostook Republican article describing the dedication of the new BGMUMC is being enlarged and will be framed and will hang in the church library for all to enjoy. MEMORIALS: No report, but two scholarship applications were received. SPRC: The Council was asked to approve Andrew Craig as a new member of SPRC which was unanimous. Also, the Council approved the appointment of Michele Sterner as Child Care 18 Supervisor at an increase of salary of 10%, to $12 an hour until December 31st. The Committee still has not resolved the child care issues so will wait one more month. A staff pot luck is planned for later this summer. TRUSTEES: Roy Alden reported that the carpet in all but two rooms upstairs in the Parsonage have been removed. He asked the Council for permission to use money from the Capital Account Seed Money to pay for sanding some of the floors since the Trustees still do not know how much money will be needed to move the new pastor. Although not all members were in favor of granting the request since this was not the purpose of the seed money, the Council did grant the request up to $3,500.00. From June 16-20 Deneane and family will be using the Alden Camp at Madawaska Lake while the sanding and floor restoration project is in progress. The Trustees want to thank the Bentums for allowing the work on the Parsonage to start early. UMM: No report - there will be a breakfast meeting Saturday, May 23rd at 8:30 am. UMW: The Rummage Sale proceeds were about $500 and the Jennie Lyon Circle Bake Sale made $112.50. Many UMW members attended the Korean Tea at Grant Memorial UMC on Saturday, May 16th and heard Ron and Sue Chaffee speak about their trip to South Korea last year. The annual Pie Sale will be Friday, July 3rd. The UMW donated $500 to the church for operating expenses and established a $200 “kitty fund” to send youth to Camp Mechuwana next summer. UMW will provide refreshments after the memorial service for Peter Finkel on Sunday, June 21st. WORSHIP: Special Sundays for May, June, and July: May 24 Pentecost Sunday, Heritage Sunday (50 yr. Members) Discipleship recognition May 31 Trinity Sunday-Peace with Justice Sunday Children’s Choir will sing June 7 Dedication of the new Intinction cup in memory of Walter Ireland June 14 Graduation Sunday No graduates to our knowledge this year Acolytes will be presented Acolyte pins June 21 Father’s Day Pastor Tom’s last Sunday June 28 Mary Lou Brown will preach July 5 New Pastor July 26 2nd Annual Outdoor Worship Service The new Intinction cup was used for the Discipleship communion service on Monday, May 18th. Bob Ellinwood has volunteered to transport people in his golf cart who have difficulty walking from the outdoor service site to the coffee fellowship after the outdoor service on July 26th. The Summer Musicale: Opus XII will be July 19th. The musicians are in place. 19 PASTOR’S TIME: Pastor Tom asked that Michele Sterner be appointed a delegate to the Annual Conference. Michele Sterner was elected as the Alternate Lay Member of Annual Conference for 2015-2016. A meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, May 26th for volunteer training for the upcoming Vacation Bible School July 13-17. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM The next meeting is June 18th at 6:30 PM in the church kitchen. Respectfully submitted by Claire Hodgkins, Secretary Jennie Lyon Circle: Jennie Lyon Circle met May 13 in the fellowship hall with 18 present including three guests, Shirley Bowman, Mary Anderson and Jane Pinette. The blessing was said and a delicious pot luck luncheon was enjoyed. Refreshment committee was Zelma Merritt and and Joanne Smith. Mary Lou led us in singing and Audry Bubar read several inspirational selections. Our guest speaker was Jane Pinette who spoke on behalf of the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP). She is the Caribou area Volunteer Coordinator. Jane is originally from Caribou and has lived away for many years. She has returned home and resides in Caribou. Mary Lou thanked Jane for coming to speak to our group. It was agreed to give a donation ($25) to RSVP. In the absence of our treasurer Ruth Ross, Gwen Ellinwood gave the report. Balance on hand was $195.51. The secretary report was read and accepted. Much UMW business was discussed such as the reading program by Cathy Griffith. Many names were brought to mind when Mary Lou asked everyone to be in the spirit of prayer. There will be no meeting in June as we will be eating out at the Caribou Motor Inn. Benediction was said and meeting was adjourned. Respectively...Betty Branscom,.Sec 20 LOOK WHAT’S HAPPENING IN JUNE!!! Tuesday 02 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 03 04 05 06 Sunday 07 Tuesday 09 Wednesday Thursday Saturday 10:00am 6:30pm 6:30pm 4:30pm 9:30am 9:30am 9:30-10:30am 1:00pm 8:45am 10:00am 1:00pm 9:30am 10:30am 5:30pm 6:30pm 10 11:30am 4:30pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 11 5:30pm 6:30pm 13 9:30-10:30am 9:30am Sunday 14 Tuesday 16 Wednesday Thursday 17 18 Saturday 20 8:45am 10:00am 11:30am 1:00pm 5:30pm 4:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 9:30-10:30am Sunday 21 10:00am Staff Meeting with Pastor Tom “Terrific Tuesdays Ministry” with Michele Prayer Shawl Ministry Meeting in Library Barbershop Group Practice History & Records Committee Meeting at Church Farewell Luncheon Committee Meeting at Church Moms in Prayer Meeting in Library Pastor Transition Workshop at Grant Memorial UMC, Presque Isle Sunday School Worship – Second Sunday After Pentecost Farewell Luncheon for Pastor Tom & Deneane at the Caribou Inn & Convention Center (reservations required) UMW Meeting at Church Evangelism Committee Meeting at Church Caribou Ecumenical Food Pantry Meeting at Pantry “Terrific Tuesdays Ministry” with Michele (last session!) Jennie Lyon Lunch at Caribou Inn & Convention Center Barbershop Group Practice Senior Choir Practice Crown of Maine Quilters at Gray Memorial, Caribou Worship Committee Meeting at Church SPRC Meeting at Church Moms in Prayer Meeting in Library Cluster Meeting in Mars Hill Sunday School (LAST SESSION) Worship – Third Sunday After Pentecost Education Committee Meeting in Library Alzheimer Caregivers Support Group in Fellowship Hall Trustees Meeting at Church Barbershop Group Practice Finance/Stewardship Committee Meeting at Church Church Council Meeting at Church Moms in Prayer Meeting in Library Worship – Fourth Sunday After Pentecost; Father’s Day; PASTOR TOM’S LAST SUNDAY!!!! “… from Rags to Riches” clothing donations – place donations in marked bin in Fellowship Hall 2:00pm Memorial Service for Peter Finkel FIRST DAY OF SUMMER!!!!! Wednesday 24 4:30pm Barbershop Group Practice Friday 26 4:00-6:00pm Gathering for Ellen Cleaves at Limestone UMC Saturday 27 8:30am UMM Breakfast & Meeting in Fellowship Hall 9:30-10:30am Moms in Prayer Meeting in Library Sunday 28 10:00am Worship – Fifth Sunday After Pentecost; Preaching: Mary Lou Brown 21