Kramer - Black River Public School


Kramer - Black River Public School
Miss Alaina’s Newsletter
May 26, 2015
Dear Black River Families,
Project Term has arrived! Your child enjoyed a new schedule today that will
be used for the remainder of the school year. Be sure to ask your son or
daughter about their first day of Project Term!
7:45-10:45 Normal work time
10:50-11:05 Recess
11:10-12:10 Session 1
12:10-12:15 Return to homeroom to prepare for lunch
12:15-1:15 Lunch and Recess
1:20-2:20 Session 2
2:20-2:25 Return to homeroom to prepare for dismissal
This will be my final newsletter of the 2014-2015 school year! I can’t believe
summer vacation will be beginning so soon.
There are two words I’d like to leave you with this year: thank you. Thank
you for sharing your child with me. I so enjoyed each day we were able to
spend together in our classroom community. There was a lot of fun and
laughter, a lot of good books read and great memories made. At times, our
work was difficult, but by encouraging and supporting one another, we grew
as students and as friends. I am immensely proud of each child and all that
your son or daughter accomplished this year. I hope each student enjoys
some well-deserved time off!
Thank you for all you’ve done for our classroom. From volunteering your time,
to fulfilling our many needs for tissues, books, math games, extra snacks,
special treats, etc. (this list could go on and on!) You were both gracious and
constant in your help and it was greatly appreciated by both the students
and myself.
Lastly, thank you for all you’ve done for me. Your kind words, quick notes,
stories from home and “just because” cards and gifts made my time in the
classroom this year even more wonderful!
Goodbye, Third Graders!
This year, we’ll be saying goodbye to Jacob, Evan, Bella, Jacinda, Aliana and
Catelyn. We will miss their presence in the classroom next fall, but wish
them the best of luck as they begin their adventures as upper elementary
students. You’ve worked hard to get here, third graders, and I know you’re
going to be GREAT next year! Please come back and visit so I can hear about
all of your fourth grade fun and accomplishments!
A Note From Miss Fran (Literacy Specialist) About Summer Reading Loss
Dr. Allington’s talk focused on the study he conducted with his colleague
Anne McGill-Franzen. They examined the effect of summer reading, or the
lack of it, on children’s reading achievement. The study concluded “children
who don’t read during summer vacation experience a summer reading loss.”
The loss averages one to several months on standardized reading tests. But,
states Allington, “such small losses accumulate to substantial losses over
time.” In contrast, children who read several, 4 to 5, books during the
summer months, at their Lexile level, experience no such loss but typically
find their scores on standardized tests improved.
Like any skill, when you don’t read your proficiencies deteriorate without
practice. “Like an athlete who takes several months off from training. It will
take weeks, if not months, of training to return to peak performance. The
same is true with readers and their reading.”
Summer Math
In your child’s yellow folder, you will soon find a Summer Math Packet.
Students are encouraged to complete this work over the summer to keep
skills fresh. Parents, I will be relying on you to check your child’s work as
they go to be sure that it is correct. All students (even those starting
fourth grade next year!) can turn in the completed math packet in
September and receive a goody bag to enjoy. This is a great opportunity for
summer math practice!
Repord Cards
Your child’s final grades will be made viewable in Infinite Campus on Monday,
June 8th (hard copies will be sent to families who made this request). In this
document, you will find an overview of your child’s progress in all subject
areas, as well as some suggestions to focus on throughout the summer.
Taking time to highlight or jot down suggested focus areas as you read the
report card can be very helpful. Continued skill practice throughout June,
July and August TRULY does make a big difference. Here are some great
resources that can be used to support your child’s summer learning. set to “guided reading” will give you lists
of books that are just right for your child (see your child’s end of the
year reading size in his or her report card). A great resource to use
before heading to the library!
Math Facts in a Flash will be available over the summer and is a great
way to keep those facts fresh for the fall.
A few other helpful math sites that give free printables or online
games in the areas of place value, basic operations, fractions, money,
time, word problems and number sense are: (this site has both paid and free portions) has tons of free and fun online math games has both printables and online math games
Helping Hands
My Helping Hands Project Term class is collecting personal care items to
create Health Kits for the Community Action House. We are looking for
donations of shampoo, conditioner, combs, brushes, toothbrushes and
toothpaste, floss, mouthwash, soap, bodywash and washcloths. Collection bins
are in the lower and upper elementary buildings as well as outside of the
main office. Please help us help others!
Project Term Open House
Your child has been working hard and completing many wonderful activities
and projects during Project Term. On Thursday, June 4th, your family is
invited to attend the Project Term Open House. Your son or daughter will be
ready to show off all that they’ll be working on. I hope to see you there!
Classroom Library
Please take some time this week to check under beds, on dressers and
anywhere else library books may be hiding. We have a few books that are
unaccounted for. Thank you!
First Graders: Read for at least 15 minutes 5 times each week
Second Graders: Read for at least 20 minutes 5 times each week
Third Graders: Read for at least 25 minutes 5 times each week
All: Record reading in planner (Please don’t overlook this important step!
Capital letters, correct spellings, spacing between words and endmarks
should be included.)
All: Practice math facts
Happy Birthday!
These students will be celebrating summer birthdays. As a reminder,
parents, we’d love to have a brief birthday letter from you to your child to
read aloud as part of the festivities!
5 Xiomara
12 Aliana
12 Derek
15 Ishi
21 Philip
1. Our online classroom book order code is GYGZ2.
2. Lower Elementary Project Term Open House on Thursday, June 4th at
Beechwood Church.
3. Please send in a bag for your child to use next week. We will be
emptying out our cubbies on Thursday, June 4th and each student will
be bringing home a lot of items!
4. 10:45 dismissal on Friday, June 5—last day of school.
Cool Websites and Resources (set to “guided reading”) (a great
resource that gives you a text description and book lists for each guided
reading level) (some great free math printables for extra
practice at home) (some great free math printables for extra practice at
home) (fun website to support a variety of curricular
areas with many online games) (virtual fish
NEW: 10 Monkeys app (recommended by a classroom parent) can be used to
isolate individual facts in multiplication practice. Great prep for our weekly
timed tests!
Wish List
Stamp game ($35 from Alison’s Montessori)
National Geographic Atlas
I am truly grateful to have the opportunity to work with your child. If ever
you have questions or concerns at any time during the school year, please let
me know. I’m always happy to talk with you; parent-teacher communication is
key in supporting your child!
Alaina Kramer
355-0055 Ext. 144