15 April 13, 2015 - Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools


15 April 13, 2015 - Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools
PlPrincipal: Anita Romanoff
Vice Principal: Dan Denis Clerical Staff: Mary Ann Hill/Shannon Johnson
Trustees: L. Lambert/ W. Stus/ T. Hawkins
Pastor: Fr. David Tumback & Fr. Colin Roy
Catholic School Community Council (CSCC): Sara Mann
Phone: 659-7200 Fax: 659-2065 Attendance: 659-7804
Newsletter #15 April 13, 2015
http://www.scs.sk.ca/ click on our schools, select Father Robinson
Apr.13 Talent Show Forms Available
Apr. 14 “Serving Lunch” Friendship Inn 11:30 – 1:30 Gr. 8
Easter Liturgy 7B 12:45 pm
Apr. 15 Spirit Day “Easter Dress”
Lockdown Practice
Apr. 16 Father Colin Visits Gr. 2N, 5S, 5/6D, K, 2M, 4S am
CAKE $1.00 (sponsored by Student Leadership Team)
Apr. 20 CSCC Meeting Library 7:00 pm
Apr. 22 25th Anniversary EARTH DAY
Apr. 22 Talent Show Auditions 11:55-12:40 pm (Forum)
Apr. 23 Talent Show Auditions 11:55-12:40 pm (Forum)
School Dance Spring Fling 1:00 pm-3:00 p (Gym)
Apr. 24 Jump Rope for Heart – pm
Apr. 27-May 1 Safety Patrol Week
Apr. 27 Talent Show Auditions 11:55-12:40 pm (Forum)
 A school LOCKDOWN PRACTICE is scheduled for all
students and staff on April 15th with the School Resource
Officer, Cst. T. Prosofsky and other members of Saskatoon
Police Services. No specific time will be given for the practice
to assist with ensuring that students and staff are prepared in
the event of a school emergency. Teachers will be reviewing
proper protocol with students prior to the practice. CELL
PHONES are not to be used at any time during a
SCHOOL LOCKDOWN as per the direction of the
Saskatoon City Police. All cell phones and other technology
items will be collected by the teachers/staff. Please do not
hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or school
administration if you have questions or concerns.
 Students that stay at school for lunch are expected to remain
within the boundaries of the school grounds for the entire
lunch break. Students leaving the school grounds for any
reason other than going to their home for lunch must
advise the school staff. A signed consent from
parent/guardian must be received by the teacher if the student
has permission to leave school grounds at Noon. Thank you
for your cooperation.
 25TH ANNIVERSARY EARTH DAY – APRIL 22, 2015 “SAVE the Planet” Our Ecological Project is to reduce the
amount of trash we generate by promoting Litterless Lunches.
Litterless Lunches discourages the use of disposable
packaging, such as prepackaged foods, plastic bags, juice
boxes and pouches, paper napkins and disposable utensils.
Create a Litterless Lunch by using cloth napkins, stainlesssteel cutlery, food-storage containers, reusable lunch bags
and water bottles.
For more information visit
 2015-2016
INFORMATION MEETING is Wednesday, Apr. 29th at
7:00 p.m. in the Library. Intensive French Program Video
Clips can be viewed on the Father Robinson Blog.
 School security is a factor that supports creating a safe,
positive learning environment. Please be aware that all
student exterior entrances will be locked during school
hours. Parents and visitors must use the front entrance
and report to the school office.
 Student Late Arrivals must use the front entrance and
report to the office. Attendance is taken promptly at 8:55
a.m. and 12:40 p.m. Please contact the main office if your
child (ren) will be away from school by calling the
Attendance Line (306) 659-7804. Thank you for your
assistance and cooperation.
 We are very proud of the Gr. 7 & 8 Band students for their
excellent performance and achievement at the Music Festival.
It is confirmed that the Gr. 8 Band was awarded 2nd
place! Congratulations band students and Mrs. Christine
Bird for your hard work and outstanding commitment to
creating beautiful music.
The Jump Rope for Heart SKIPPING JUMP OFF is on
Friday, April 24–p.m. Heart and Stroke Foundation
donates 10% of the proceeds to the school which will be
used to purchase books for CLASSROOM LIBRARIES.
Pledges are encouraged but not mandatory and due not
later than Noon on Apr. 20.
Please mark your calendar for the Year End Mass on
Friday, June 12th at 10:00 a.m. with the Catholic
School Community Council (CSCC) BBQ directly after
mass. MASS AND BBQ to be held at the Cathedral of the
Holy Family. Thank you to Father David, Father Colin and
the Cathedral Staff for their cooperation and hospitality.
We hope to see you there!
The 2015-2016 School Year Calendar has been approved
by the GSCS Board of Education. The 2015-2016
Elementary and High School Calendars are posted on
the GSCS Website. http://www.gscs.sk.ca/
Due to a scheduling conflict the Grade 8 Farewell has
been rescheduled to Monday, June 22nd. Please note that
the Liturgy, Ceremony and Family Reception will be held
at the Cathedral of the Holy Family with the Gr. 8 After
Farewell Celebration held in the Father Robinson School
Gym. We apologize for any inconvenience the change of
date may cause for your family.
The Mendel Art Gallery Annual School Art Show takes
place April 3 - June 7, 2015. The Art Show features KGrade 12 student artwork from Saskatoon schools. We are
very pleased to have three of our students artwork selected
to be part of the Art Show. Congratulations to Alyssa S
(Gr. 3) Birch Trees (acrylic on paper), Jorja G (Gr. 3)
Value Snowman (pencil crayon on paper), and Thomas P
(Gr. 2) We Three Kings (watercolour, various papers).
We are very proud of our young artists!
Father Robinson TALENT SHOW is coming on
Friday, May 15th! The purpose of the Talent Show is to
provide an opportunity for students to showcase their
talents. All rehearsals must take place outside of the school
day. Sign up forms for the Talent Show are due by April
17 in the student’s classroom. Songs, dances, musical
selections and other acts have a maximum time allowance
(2-3 minutes). Auditions will be held at Noon Hour on
Apr. 22, 23 & 27 as needed. Show time on May 15th @
1:00 p.m. Admission- food donation to the Food Bank.
Please join us for the Easter Liturgy on Tuesday, April
14 @ 12:45 p.m. Mr. Berzolla’s Grade 7 Class will be
leading the liturgy.
Blessed are those who HOPE; for they shall experience the
promise of a new beginning.
“Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your
strength lies.”
Mother Teresa
Francis launched “One Human Family-Food for all. The Gifts of
the Earth are enough to feed us all!”
Your support in the following projects is appreciated and has
contributed to making LENT 2015 a success! Thank you for your
prayers and participation!
1. Gr. 8 students and chaperones will continue to volunteer their
time to help serve meals at the Friendship Inn between 11:301:30 p.m. on April 14, 17 & 28. Thank you to the students and
chaperones for volunteering to make a difference.
2. Thank you for the Rice for the Friendship Inn. Rice provides
the Friendship Inn staff with a much needed ingredient to
prepare healthy meals for many people within our community.
The POOL OF LOVE was spilling over with bags of rice!
3. We raised $300.00 for St. Joseph’s Home in Haiti. Funds have
been forwarded to the Cathedral of the Holy Family.
4. The Easter Basket Raffle was a success! Thank you to all for
supporting the Development and Peace Campaign to help feed
the hungry of the world. Thank you to INDEPENDENT on
Kenderdine for generously donating to our baskets. Final total
of proceeds will be announced in the next Newsletter.
Congratulations to the lucky winners of the Easter Baskets:
Julia L (Gr. 8), Owen P (Gr. 2) & Kalli H (Gr. 6).
Traffic Safety Report: Spring is here and more and more
children are on their bikes, boards and walking to and from
school, this means we need to be more aware of our
surroundings while driving in school zones.
Friendly Reminders: 30 km/hr is the speed
limit......however it only takes driving 7 km/hr to crack a
child's skull on impact.
No U Turns in school zones period; Please avoid J walking
and encourage your children to use the crosswalks at all
times....it is a law and tickets may be issued.
The loop in front of the school is a single lane drop off
zone only. If there is a car in front of you DO NOT go
around them, children may be getting out on the left hand
side of the car in front of you. Please obey all parking
signage. Keep your vehicle within the arrows and posts
indicated, having a tail end stick out may cause issues with
traffic flow.
QSP MAGAZINE CAMPAIGN: Go to www.qsp.ca and
use our new school code 3731643 to order or renew your
The Boston Pizza Operation Education Program Drop
off your Boston Pizza receipts the school office!
Now is the time to come in and register your child! If your child
will be five-years-old by Jan. 31, 2016, he or she can begin
Kindergarten in September, 2015. Please call us at 659-7200
for more information and/or how to register.
The Learning Improvement Plan (LIP) Goal for Literacy is to
increase the READING ACHIEVEMENT for all students.
Research suggests the importance of “Classroom Libraries” in
supporting Literacy Achievement! In addition, to the proceeds
from the Book Fair to purchase resources for Classroom
Libraries we will gratefully accept new or gently used book/
magazine donations. Please contact your child (ren)’s teacher if
you have books/magazines to donate Thank you for your support.
LIFETOUCH SPRING PHOTOS: Lifetouch photographers
will be at Father Robinson School taking individual student
photos: Tuesday, April 28-K2, K3 and Gr. 5-8 students;
Wednesday, April 29-K1 and Gr. 1-4 students. During the
afternoon on April 28 sports team and school club photos will
be taken. Classroom group photos will not be taken.
Happy Little Hearts Preschool We are a non-cooperative
preschool offering classes two days/ week or four days /
forms available in the school office.
The Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools Foundation
is pleased to invite you to the 15th annual ‘Swing into
Spring’ Fashion Show & Dinner on Thursday, April
30, 2015 at Prairieland Park – Hall B. Phone: 659-7003
PROGRESS REPORTS: The Progress Report does not need to
be returned to school but we ask that Progress Report Envelopes
be returned so that we can reuse them for term 3.
EcoJustice Grade 8 Outdoor Program – Apply Today!
The EcoJustice Outdoor Program is presently accepting
applications for the 2015-2016 school year. It is open to all
upcoming grade 8 students. Applications can be downloaded from
the EcoJustice website: www.scs.sk.ca/ecojustice. For more
information please attend our parent/guardian information night
scheduled for Wednesday, April 29th at 6:30pm in the St.
Edward gymnasium. The deadline to apply is Friday, May 8th,
2015 . EcoJustice Outdoor Education Program
Saint Edward School 1002 Avenue P North, Saskatoon, SK, S7L
2W7Phone: 306.659.7300 www.scs.sk.ca/ecojustice YouTube:
Boys & Girls Clubs of Saskatoon Before & After School
Program at Father Robinson School The program is now
accepting registrations for the 2015-2016 school year. Early
registration fee is $40.00 per child until August 15th, 2015. All
registrations after August 15th will be $60.00 per child. Please
find the registration form on the website http:/
www.bgcsaskatoon.com Please contact Leigh-Ann Mclean,
Before and After School program Manager Telephone: 306-6651450 if you have any questions.
The next meeting of the CSCC is on Monday, April 20, 2015 @
7:00 p.m. in the library.
Children’s Memory Improvement Study: If you would
like more information about the project or to enrol your
child, contact us by calling The Memory Research Lab at
(306)-966-8314 or email focusonmemory@stmcollege.ca
Program Locations & Dates:
April 13th – May 15th – Pope John Paul II School
May 19th – June 22nd – Mother Teresa School
June 29th – July 31st – U of S Campus and/or Learning
Disabilities Association of Saskatchewan
August 3rd – Sept. 4th - U of S Campus
This study is being conducted by researchers at the University of
Saskatchewan, Greater Saskatoon Catholic School Division and
the Learning Disabilities Association of Saskatchewan.
Must be AT LEAST 12 years of age!
Earn EXTRA CASH while being outside!
Make YOUR OWN Schedule!
Minimal startup costs!
The Clinic is Monday, April 28, 2013 – For more info
contact: Doug Schultz: (306)373-8476 or Tammy Nordby:
(306) 222-7231 or rivercityumpires@hotmail.ca