why exhibit? brink2015
WHY EXHIBIT? JOIN BRINK INSTITUTE and over thirty of the world’s leaders and innovators in science and technology, along with top decision makers from global business and investment communities, biotechnology, entertainment, robotics, environmental tech, communications tech, internet and social media innovation for this premium conference, convening June 5 - 7, 2015 at the Marriot Renaissance Hotel in Palm Springs, California. ATTRACTING WORLD CLASS LEADERS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY along with top decision makers from global business and investment communities, BRINK2015.1 features keynote sessions, interactive panels and groundbreaking presentations, combined with networking opportunities, emerging technology Exhibit hall and live demonstrations. BY EXHIBITING AT BRINK2015.1 YOUR COMPANY WILL BENEFIT from unprecedented access to more than 30 world leaders in technology and innovation, as well as tremendous exposure to over 1200 attendees, all pioneers, innovators and entrepreneurs in biotechnology, nanotechnology, robotics, aerospace, environment, communications, entertainment, internet, social media, venture capital and C-level executives charged with directing the strategic direction of their companies, universities and research institutions. EXHIBIT HALL OPENS 11:00 AM till 7:00 PM on both Friday and Saturday and features an evening reception and networking event each night from 5:00 - 7:00 PM to drive traffic once sessions are over, as well as benefitting from its location, central to the sessions halls and main lobby of the event area. SIGN UP NOW to be part of this innovative and exciting event, and secure your opportunity to rub elbows with the leaders of today and tomorrow. DRIVE BOOTH TRAFFIC THROUGH ON-SITE ADVERTISING AND SUPPORT Exhibitors have multiple options available to help maximize exposure and draw attendess to exhibits. Examples include advertising in the Exhibit Guide and/or the Program Guide, placing a banner ad in the event daily e-newsletter, and combining exhibit space and sponsor opportunities for a custom package. To explore custom opportunities or advertising options, contact exhibitors@brinkinstitute.org or call BRINK at 206.452.3755. BRINK2015.1 www.brinkinstitute.org EXHIBITOR INFORMATION !"#$%$&'()*+&$),-'.+&/0-'+,1'2//0 (3456738 !9:7;76'<=54!'2!!< !"##$%&'()*"$++"*,)'-"./'01#$*2+'3%&). M))+'cV0'Kd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e$*2',%/1"*;'*"/)'"*N'[%%&6' *8/[)# :%/1.$/)*&"#;',%*>)#)*,)'#)2$+&#"&$%*'>%#'&6#))'cTd'[%%&6'1)#+%**).' 1)#'FD'H'FD'+1",) <!6@=B;>!5C.3D8'.56!<'?':3@>< 0U5V-Q'568#+N";='O8*)'W'FFQDD'C!'P'WQDD'-! 4386546'7823>E56738A B(UCXYR<ZQ'08*N";='O8*)'L='Z%%*'P'TQDD'-! M$*N'&6)'/%+&',8##)*&'$*>%#/"&$%*'"&' eeeJ[#$*^$*+&$&8&)J%#2f)H6$[$&%#+J'Z))N'&%'"+^'"'78)+&$%*' %#'S)#$>;'$*>%#/"&$%*g':%*&",&'&6)'>%..%e$*2Q .56!<'63'>!E!E;!>A B(EZX'E*+&$&8&) UH6$[$&':%%#N$*"&%# C1#$.'@D'P'\C05'YC]'MR('UC(\]BE(Y'BRR53'(C5U ?T'0'O",^+%*'0&#))& !";'FI'P'U_3EBE5R('C--\E:C5ERZ0'YVU'<E53'YU-R0E5 `IW@DD !";'@I'P'BRR53'BC\CZ:U0'YVU 0)"&&.)='<C'?4FDW O8*)'W'P'U_3EBE5R('(UaE05(C5ERZ'R-UZ0'RZ'0E5U 0)"&&.)Q'@DAJWI@JTLTT O8*)'L'P'-(UP(UaE05(C5ERZ'MR('B(EZX@DFIJ@'YVU \%+'C*2).)+Q'TFDJLTWJWLTA M"HQ'4AAJTLWJ4DLW -";/)*&+'/";'[)'/"N)'[;',6),^=',#)N$&',"#N'%#'e$#)'&#"*+>)#J' :6),^+'+6%8.N'[)'/"N)'1";"[.)'&%'B(EZX'E*+&$&8&)J'-.)"+)',"..'>%#' e$#)'&#"*+>)#'$*+,&$%*+J BRINK2015.1 )/"$.Q')H6$[$&%#+b[#$*^$*+&$&8&)J%#2 www.brinkinstitute.org
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