Class 7 Holiday Homework - Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan`s Public School
Class 7 Holiday Homework - Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan`s Public School
BHARATIYA VIDYA BHAVAN’S PUBLIC SCHOOL (VIDYASHRAM), JUBILEE HILLS, HYDERABAD. Class: VII Subject: English Holiday Homework 2015-16 I- SPELL BEE CONTEST 2015-16 Ia Look up the dictionary for the meanings and pronunciation of the words listed below. Ib Prepare a Mini Dictionary for these words Ic Learn them for a Spell Bee Contest. LIST OF WORDS Abstain, authority, accumulate, accustomed, acoustics, acquaintance Belligerent, berserk, besieged, budget, caricature, catastrophe, chandelier, Chauffeur, deficiency, desirable, desolate, deterrent, diagnosis, endeavor, Envious, fashionable, fiasco, fibrous, fiery, glamorous, gorgeous, horrific, hospital, incorrigible, irksome, inconvenience, indulgence. Lieutenant, longevity, malicious, malignant, obscure, obsolete, perceived, permeate, perseverance, sieve, subtlety, travelogue, turgid, unpredictable, vigilant, zealous, zither. III. Select any one of the CLASSICS from the list mentioned below for a wonderful reading experience during the summer break, Write a Book Review of the same as per the guidelines given below . Name of the Book 1. 2. 3. 4. Name of the Author The Diary of Anne Frank My Family and Other Animals – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – The Famous Five - Format of the Book-Review. 1. Title 2. Author- Anne Frank Gerald Durell Roald Dahl Enid Blyton 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. PublisherBrief summary in 100-150 wordsThe part or the character I liked the most(30 to 50 words) Your view and recommendationsPriceRating on a scale of 10. Mathematics Briefly describe the solid shapes used in making any monument. Also name the shapes individually. Use one page for description and one page to draw any monument of your choice. Science a) Visit a lake or pond in your neighbourhood and list out various activities by human beings that make water polluted. b) Describe some specific examples of extremely polluted rivers in India. Give your ideas for reducing water pollution. OR 2. Reuse any used material that is available in your house and make best out of waste model and submit. 3. Make an innovative working model for the topic ‘Conservation of natural resources’ which would be selected /displayed for science exhibition. (compulsory ) Social Science During this vacation visit any ‘Heritage Site’ or a ‘place’ of Historical importance and give a write-up in an A4 size paper with a picture. Submit it on or before 20th June 2015 to your concerned Social science teacher.
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