Newsletter - Carers Queensland


Newsletter - Carers Queensland
Sunshine Coast
Regional Newsle er
Introduc on by Janine Dowdell—FCSO
Autumn 2015
Inside this issue:
• New Grandparents and Car•
ers Support Group
My Future My Life update
First Aid Training Dates
Carers Qld Fund Raising inia ve
Carers Gra tute and Rejuvena on Day details
Carer Support Group -Dates
and Ac vi es
Therapeu c Workshops Dates and topics
Counsellor Pam makes an
CALD Program—Why we
have one.
Carers Corner - The Importance of Taking a Break
and a Research Opportunity
It has been a busy start to the year
with many events being held for
carers in the Sunshine Coast area.
Our Welcome Back Barbeque gave
carers a chance to spend me with
other carers and relax in the beau ful se#ng of Co$on Tree. Carers
thoroughly enjoyed having a break
from the demands of their caring
role and appreciated the me to
stop and connect with nature.
We are very excited to let you
know about two special days devoted to you and your wellbeing. Gympie Carers Wellbeing Day is being
held on Wednesday 20th May and
Sunshine Coast Carers Gra tude &
Rejuvena on Day on Thursday 25th
June. More details are provided on
Pages 3 and 5. Remember to RSVP
early as there are limited places and
if you need respite to a$end please
contact us for assistance.
An important part of our Carers Support Groups is to provide you with
the latest informa on on service providers and supports that help you in
your caring role. In response to your
sugges ons at the beginning of the
year we have many guest speakers
a$ending our groups to do just that.
From Centrelink and Uni ng Care
Community speakers advising on finances at Caboolture to speakers on
the stages of Demen a and how to
prepare for entry to an Aged Care
Facility. There are also workshops
for you to learn new skills on how to
use an iPad / Tablet and how to be
an effec ve advocate for yourself
and others. Please check out pages 4,
5 and 6 to see the full list of upcoming events for April—June 2015. We
warmly invite you to come along and
enjoy ac vi es to enrich your body,
mind and soul.
A Comment from Kath—
Team Leader
What does it mean when things go from
the “sublime to the ridiculous”? I somemes use this expression when a day or
situa on slips from a state of rela ve calm
to seeming chaos. I am sure many carers
will relate to this!
So whether it be at home or at work for
me, I have decided to cease using the
phrase and instead, when next in a
“pickle”, to think of this image and smile.
This newsletter is proudly sponsored and printed by BBC Digital.
Sunshine Coast Regional Newsle$er
Page 2
Sunshine Coast Grandparents & Carers Playgroup
The Mons Road Play group have recently established
a Grandparents & Carers Playgroup on the Sunshine
Coast. The informal group meets each Wednesday
during school terms 9.30am to 11.30am at Mons
Playgroup Centre, Buderim, off Mons Road. The
Centre is set on an acre of park-like grounds with
plenty of play equipment. Cost is $25 a term (10
weeks) plus membership to Playgroup Queensland.
Once a month the Toy Library operates from the
centre so members get the chance to borrow toys
and equipment.
For more informa on contact Michelle phone: 5453
4938 or email: mpoole@play
P 1800 171 882 Facebook: Mons Playgroup Centre
My Future, My Life Program with Kylie Burton
There has been a fantas c response to this new program and many families are lining up to take part in
the important process of transi on prepara on support. Many families are not prepared for what will
happen once their child with a disability leaves
school. This support helps them to plan and set goals
to prepare their child and themselves as a family for
this major step.
lead to much frustra on and li$le enjoyment of life
for our children. The aim of My Future My Life is to
create a natural, inclusive life for the child with a disability which mirrors the kind of life and choices that
their non-disabled friends enjoy.
One family that I have been suppor ng have a daughter, Tarra, who is non-verbal and a$ends a Special
School. She loves play dough, watching TV, helping
Teachers are excited as they do not have me to sit the elderly and going shopping with her support
down with each child along with family members to worker and another friend. Mum would like her to be
brainstorm ideas and goals for life aLer school. Par- able to move into her own home as soon as possible
ents have expressed gra tude that the support is givaLer finishing school. So we are se#ng goals for Taren in a relaxed, suppor ve atmosphere and they
ra in order for her to live a happy, independent life
have oLen been surprised when they hear from their
aLer school. When we get down to the ni$y gri$y we
child what their hopes and dreams are. Teachers
have given feedback that it’s great for parents to be are looking at goals of helping her to learn to communicate, to learn some skills in independent living
involved, to be part of the support team for their
and se#ng up more opportuni es for her to be out
child and to have a role to play in realising their
in her community playing a role which makes her feel
child’s dreams.
important and valued.
As we are preparing for the implementa on of the
Na onal Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in
Queensland we are being challenged in our thinking
about individuals with a disability. The NDIS means
that individuals will have a greater say as to what
Tarra working on her
they want in life and who they want to be part of
Path plan
their team. Instead of making decisions for the person with a disability and having control of funding,
service providers will receive instruc ons and funding
If you have a child with a disability who is a$ending
from the person with a disability. In line with this
view, My Future My Life places the child with a disa- High School in the Sunshine Coast region and you are
interested in receiving this kind of support, please
bility at the centre of the conversa on and encourages him or her to dream big and have high expecta- contact Kylie Burton at Carers Queensland, Marooons. As parents we oLen try to direct our children
chydore on 5451 1882 to register your
into the path we feel is best for them but this can
Page 3
Sunshine Coast
Have you heard about the duck yet?
There are great prizes to be won:
First prize – Holiday for two to Phuket (includes return airfares Brisbane to Phuket; flying with Singapore
Airlines; 7 nights’ accommoda%on at
a 4 star resort,including breakfast
daily; Phang Na Bay tour including
Taking place on 28 May 2015, we will James Bond Island.)
Second prize – MacBook Air Notebe running an online duck race to
raise funds for Carers Queensland.
Quackley the duck is spear-heading
our latest fundraising campaign – the
Carers Queensland ‘Give a Duck’
online duck race. Visit to learn
First Aid Training for family
Date: Friday 31 July 2015
Time: CPR— Morning
Full First Aid— All day
Venue: Carers Queensland’s
Maroochydore office
Cost: $110 full first aid training
$55 for CPR only
Please register your interest by
phoning 5451 1882
Tickets are available online or from
our Maroochydore office.
Third prize - $500 Wes>ield shopping voucher.
$5 per cket or 5 ckets for $20
Book sellers prize are available too!
Sunshine Coast Carers
Gra tude & Rejuvena on Day
Thursday 25th June, 2015
A free day of gra tude, fun and relaxa on.
You will leave feeling inspired and rejuvenated!
Come along to this facilitated event being held in the upstairs Func on
Room at the Mooloolaba Surf Club from 10am—3.30pm.
Toni Powell is a fun and enlightening presenter who helps people find the
joy of life through gra tude. This workshop for carers will be inspiring, informa ve, enjoyable and above all, simple and easy.
reduce stress : grow contentment : enjoy your life
The day will finish with a gentle and relaxing Tai Chi for Health
session overlooking the beau ful Mooloolaba beach.
Light lunch and coffee / tea will be supplied.
Please advise special dietary requirements when you RSVP on 5451 1882.
Wednesday 1 April
10am – 12 noon
(All interested carers may a$end this session)
Venue: Mee ng Room at Carers Queensland,
Cnr Wrigley and Parker Sts, Maroochydore
Guest Speaker: Amanda Weeks -Sunshine Coast Aged Care Placements
Come along and find out how Amanda, a Registered Nurse, can help you
through this stressful process and enjoy a lovely Easter themed morning tea
with other carers.
Tuesday 14 April
(All interested carers may a$end this session)
Come along to the Caboolture Hub and have the opportunity to hear Bruce
Fraser from Centrelink Caboolture cover a range of financial issues including
carers allowance, carers payment, investments, superannua on, taxa on and
government en tlements.
A financial counsellor from Uni ng Care Community will also be presen ng a
session on Financial First Aid which will provide informa on on how to take
control and manage your finances.
Morning Tea provided.
Wednesday 15 April
12noon – 2pm
Come along and enjoy a relaxing lunch overlooking the water at the
beau ful Mooloolaba Wharf. Take some well-deserved me out from
your caring role and enjoy spending me with other carers in a casual
social se#ng.
Venue: The Edge, The Wharf, Parkyn Parade, Mooloolaba
This is a favourite dining spot for our family carers who thoroughly enjoyed their me at The Edge last year. Meals available from $10 per
head. Carers Queensland to contribute $5 to each carers meal. Drinks
at own expense.
Wednesday 22 April
Come along to an informa ve and interac ve workshop on how this exci ng technology can assist you in your caring role and communica ng
with others. A light lunch will be provided on the day
Venue: Mee ng Room at Carers Queensland,
Cnr Wrigley and Parker Streets, Maroochydore
Please Note: You do not need to have a tablet or iPad to a$end.
Wednesday 29 April
& Thursday 30 April
9.30am to 2.30 pm
each day.
Wednesday 6 May
10am – 12 noon
Learn how to become an effec ve advocate for yourself and others. This
is a non accredited training consis ng of 3 modules over the two days.
These workshops offer the opportunity to build your exis ng advocacy
skills. Enhance confidence, capacity, skills and resilience in represen ng
your needs. Presented by Carers Queensland Sunshine Coast office.
Venue: Medicare Local Office, Co on Tree
Cost: Free to family carers
Please register your interest by phoning 5451 1882
present a one hour educa on session on “Understanding Demen a”.
Venue: Mee ng Room at Carers Queensland,
Wednesday 20 May
Cnr Wrigley and Parker Sts, Maroochydore.
Come along to this informa on session presented by Alzheimer’s Qld.
The Alzheimer's Associa on of Queensland (AAQ) is Queensland's leading not-for-profit community organiza on whose primary aim is to help
maintain the quality of life of people diagnosed with Demen a and their
We warmly welcome you to join us in this special day totally devoted to you
and your wellbeing. Come along and indulge in laughter workshops, tai chi,
belly dancing, medita on, fun and movement, mini make overs, massage, pedicures, lucky door prize and more!
Venue: Gympie Senior Ci zens Centre, 40 Mellor St, Gympie.
Proudly supported by: Carers Queensland, Suncare Community Services Inc,
Medicare Local and On Track Community Programs.
RSVP: Friday 13th May Medicare Local, Gympie 0754 826 770
Wednesday 27 May
10am – 12noon
You are invited to Maroochydore Carer’s Biggest Morning Tea. Let’s get together, enjoy some tasty treats and raise money for the Cancer Council to help
beat cancer.
Venue: Mee ng Room at Carers Queensland, Maroochydore
A delicious morning tea will be provided for you to enjoy in the company of
other carers. A dona on box will be available on the day so that you may contribute to this great cause.
Page 6
Carer Support Groups April—June 2015
You are warmly invited to come along.
Demen a Carer Support Group—Venue: Carers
Queensland’s Maroochydore office
Monday 20 April—Devonshire Tea at Maleny Botanical Gardens
Wednesday 1 April—Guest speaker: Amanda
Weeks from Sunshine Coast Aged Placements
Monday 18 May– Dealing with Cri cism with Pam
Danson—Carers Queensland Counsellor
Wednesday 6 May– Guest speaker: Lindsay Hawthorne from Alzheimers’s Qld
Monday 15 June—Guest Speaker; Easton Lawyers
re Advanced Health Direc ves and EPA’s.
Wednesday 3 June—Carer Catch up
Sunshine Coast Carer Social Support Group
Gympie Mental Health Carer Support Group—
Venue: Gympie Community Place
Wednesday 15 April—Lunch at The Edge, The
Wharf, Parkyn Parade, Mooloolaba
Monday 13 April— Guest speaker: Dave Lyons,
Malouf Pharmacies.
Wednesday 17 June—NO GROUP this month
Monday 11 May— Carer Catch up
Maroochydore Carer Support Group—Venue: Carers Queensland’s Maroochydore office
Monday 8 June– Carer Catch up
Wednesday 22 April—iPad/Tablet; LifeTec
Caboolture Carer Support Group—Venue: Cabool- Wednesday 27 May— Carer’s Biggest Morning Tea
ture Day Therapy Centre at RSL
Wednesday 24 June—NO GROUP this month
Tuesday 14 April 9.30am—Guest speakers—
Mental Health Maroochydore Carer Support
Centrelink & Uni ng Care Financial Counsellor.
Group—Venue: Carers Queensland’s MarooVenue: Caboolture Hub, King Street, Caboolture
(above the library)
chydore office
Tuesday 9 June—TBA
Monday 27 April— Viewing of Carers NSW resource; Mental Health Founda on for Carers.
Monday 25 May— Bio Balance: Jennifer Pickering.
Kilcoy Carer Support Group– Venue: Various
Monday 22 June— Carers catch up
Tuesday 12 May—TBA
Tuesday 14 April 1.30pm —Carer Catch up at Jalla’s NEW Caloundra Carer Support Group—Venue:
Caloundra Gardens Re rement Village
Café, 954 Archer St, Woodford
Wednesday 8 April 10am—Guest speaker—Health
Tuesday 9 June—TBA
Promo on Officer, Con nence Founda on Aust.
Maleny Carer Support Group—Venue: Sunstone
Wednesday 13 May 10am—TBA
Gardens, Maleny
Wednesday 10 June 10am—TBA
Pam’s Group Workshops April—June 2015
Tues 13 April:
Wondering about Depression Maroochydore
Wednesday 29 April: Wri ng and Art Therapy Maroochydore
Monday 18 May:
Learning strategies to help with Cri cism Maleny
Wednesday 20 May: Problem Solving Maroochydore
Monday 15 June:
Walking on Eggshells—what to do? Maroochydore
Carers from any area interested in these workshops, please advise the Family Carer Support Officer at
your monthly support group. Local carers, please call for more informa on or to RSVP ph: 5451 1882.
Take a moment to look at the above dates and make sure you note them on your calendar.
If you haven’t a ended before, know that you are very welcome and we would love to see you soon!
Page 7
From the Counsellor’s Desk - Pam Danson
when suppor ng someone coming
towards the end of their life. The
Dalai Lama as well as many cultures
and spiritual tradi ons consider it an
act of wisdom to prepare for death
throughout life. Very oLen in their
last year many people feel as if they
have a second chance at growth and
inner healing. Many speak of catching
Ge#ng a bigger picture can
some mes help, as well being able to up with their lives just ‘in the nick of
focus in on the perhaps slippery topic. me’. Others, without the support of
guidance, feel that they’ve been taken
For those who prefer groups, this next
few months I will be doing brief
workshops wondering about different If there are any issues at all, no ma$er
how small, please make use of this
experiences of depression, problem
service. I can chat over the phone, see
solving, suppor ng those who may
you face to face in Maroochydore, or
feel they’re ‘walking on eggshells’,
if groups from other areas request,
stress, wri ng and art therapy and
can come out to conduct workshops.
also Life Review.
Can I help? Some mes things change
on their own. Some mes we adapt
and accept. Some mes not. If at any
point you’d like some assistance in
the form of an ear, empathy,
understanding or maybe someone to
help problem solve, please let me
Our counsellor, Pam Danson (L),
with carer, June Page, (R) at a Carer
Conversa on Forum.
Life Review can be done at any me,
and can be par cularly helpful to do
CALD Program with Emily Hannah
For those of us who were born and
raised in Australia, it may not always seem obvious why there is a
need for a specific program like the
Carers Queensland CALD program.
Well the sta s cs show that people from CALD backgrounds are
about 65% less likely to access support services through programs like
Home and Community Care (HACC)
than their Anglo-Australian counterparts. As we know, HACC services are extremely beneficial in
allowing people to remain living
independently in their own homes
when they otherwise might not be
able to, so the government has invested in programs like this one to
provide equitable access through-
out the community.
There are many reasons for the
disparity in figures and many different barriers that may prevent a
CALD individual from accessing
HACC like services. For one person
it may be a language barrier or a
lack of understanding about HACC
eligibility and access. For another,
it may be that they come from a
culture where it is not commonplace to accept support outside of
the family when caring for loved
ones. This can be par cularly tricky
because that person may not necessarily have access to the same
network of family support in Australia as they did in their home
Carers Queensland CALD program
exists to provide individuals and
families from CALD backgrounds
with all the informa on and support they need to make informed
decisions about their health, wellbeing and care. It aims to iden fy
and mi gate the barriers faced in
accessing services and can assist
with communica on and referrals
between different service providers and government departments.
Sunshine Coast Regional Newsle$er
Page 8
Carers’ Corner
The importance of taking a break
Leanne Clout
You can now donate to Sunshine
Bu$erflies at no cost - just by
shopping online!
You shop - shop with famous brands
like ASOS, Expedia, The Iconic,
Booktopia, Deals Direct and hundreds
more via Shopnate without paying a
cent more.
They donate - Retailers pay a
commission and it is given
automa cally to us.
To start shopping and raising money
for Sunshine Bu$erflies, get your free
account here - http://
Whilst no two caring roles are
alike, there are similari es we
share. Most carers would have
heard or read of the importance of looking aLer yourself which allows you to focus
on the job at hand. I would
never willingly give up the privileged opportunity to care for
my beau ful Mum. It has never
occurred to me to think twice
about doing, nor have I quesoned why.
many snacks, cups of coffee or
the brisk early morning swim.
The comfort of the bedrooms
and the a$en on to decora ve
detail made me feel like a
“princess’'. The knowledge and
experience that Lorrae and
Vince shared with me has been
invaluable and my me at Carers Outlook was me well
spent. I thank Lorrae and Vince
sincerely for this wonderful experience.
Imagine my surprise at winning
two nights stay at “Carers Outlook”, through Carers Queensland with Lorrae and Vince
O’Rourke. The charm and appeal of the serene environment
extends to Lorrae and Vince.
Nothing was too much trouble Janine Dowdell and Leanne
for them, whether it was the
beau ful evening meals, the
Finding the Bright Spots Focus Group
Do you have a child under 18
with significant developmental
delay, is ambulant, and has
very limited func onal communica on?
support you might need to
maintain your health and wellbeing.
Cnr Wrigley/Parker Sts
PO Box 377, Co$on Tree 4558
8.30am – 5pm M-F
Ph: 5451 1882
Carer Advisory Service: 1800 242 636
Are you receiving support services from a non-government
organisa on?
The focus group will be on either 28 April, 5 May, or 12 May,
10-11.30am at Carers Queensland, Maroochydore.
(free call except from mobiles)
For more informa on or to
RSVP a spot, please email CynWe want to know which asthia on with
pects of these services you find your name, phone number, and
most beneficial, and the type of preferred date.
Sunshine Coast
Carers Queensland Inc. ABN: 20 061 257 725
Come share your views on the
support services you are currently receiving.
You will receive $80 for your
par cipa on.