AGENDA TENTH REGULAR MEETING OF THE ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY SIXTH COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF CARLETON PLACE Tuesday, April 28, 2015 Council Chambers at 7:00 p.m. I OPENING PRAYER II DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST III MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Minutes of the Ninth Regular Meeting of the 126th Council of April 14, 2015 IV DELEGATIONS Mr. Ray Elliston, Ride Across Canada/Communities For Veterans Foundation V COMMUNICATIONS 126191 – 126215 (copies of communications are available to view in the Clerk’s Dept.) VI READING OF BY-LAWS By-law No. 18-2015 – Tax Exemption for the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 192 for 2015-2018 By-law No. 19-2015 – To Establish Final Tax Rates for 2015 By-law No. 20-2015 – To Amend the Refreshment Vehicle By-law No. 57-2013 VII STANDING COMMITTEES Policy Review Committee – April 14, 2015 126191 126192 126193 126194 126195 Corporate Services Committee – April 21, 2015 126203 126204 126099 126205 126206 126207 Community Issues Committee – April 21, 2015 126202 Planning and Protection Committee – April 21, 2015 126209 126210 126108 126212 126213 126214 VIII OTHER BUSINESS Proclamation – Emergency Preparedness Week IX MAYOR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS/DATES TO REMEMBER X BY-LAW NO. 21-2015 CONFIRMING COUNCIL PROCEEDING XI SINGING F O CANADA XII ADJOURNMENT BY-LAW NO. 18-2015 A BY-LAW OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF CARLETON PLACE FOR EXEMPTING FROM TAXATION, EXCEPT FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT, SCHOOL PURPOSES, AND UPPER TIER PURPOSES CERTAIN PREMISES OCCUPIED BY PERSONS WHO SERVED IN THE ARMED FORCES OF HER MAJESTY OR HER MAJESTY’S ALLIES, IN ANY WAR. WHEREAS it is desirable to exempt from taxation, except for local improvement, school purposes and upper tier purposes, the premises occupied as a clubhouse by The Carleton Place Royal Canadian Legion Branch 192 being an organization of persons who served in the Armed Forces of Her Majesty or Her Majesty’s Allies, in any War, such premises being located at 177 George Street, Carleton Place, Ontario. AND WHEREAS the provision of the Assessment Act Chap A31, S.6.1 RSO 1990 allows Council to make such exemption. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Town of Carleton Place enacts as follows: THAT the said premises occupied as a clubhouse by The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 192, described above are hereby exempted from taxation, except for local improvement, school purposes and upper tier purposes, for a period of four (4) years 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018, so long as the said premises continues to be used as a clubhouse by The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 192. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 28th DAY OF April 2015. _________________ Louis Antonakos, Mayor ___________________ Duncan Rogers, Clerk BY-LAW NO. 19-2015 A BY-LAW TO ADOPT THE ESTIMATES FOR THE SUMS REQUIRED DURING THE YEAR 2015 FOR THE GENERAL AND SPECIAL PURPOSES OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF CARLETON PLACE AND TO ESTABLISH TAX RATES. WHEREAS Section 312 of the Municipal Act, 2001 (S.O. 2001, c.25) provides that the Council of a local municipality shall after the adoption of estimates for the year, pass a by-law to levy a separate tax rate on the assessment in each property class; AND WHEREAS Section 312(6) of the said Act require tax rates to be established in the same proportion to tax ratios; WHEREAS the tax ratios as set by the County of Lanark for the Town of Carleton Place through By-Law 2015-12 are: Residential/Farm Property Class (RT,RF,RH,RG) Multi-Residential Property Class (MT,MF) Commercial Property Class (CT,CF,CG,CK,ST,CH,GT,XT,ZT) Industrial Property Class (IT,IF,IJ,JT,LT,IH) Pipeline Property Class (PT) Farmland Property Class (FT) Farmland Awaiting Development - Phase 1,II (F1.R1) Managed Forest Property Class (TT) 1.000000 2.332626 1.682135 2.566797 2.006588 0.250000 0.250000 0.250000 WHEREAS the property subclasses have tax rate reductions as set by the County of Lanark for the Town of Carleton Place through By-Law 2015-12 are: Commercial Property Class Vacant land, Vacant units and excess land - 30% reduction, (Qualifying Classes – CK, CU, CX, SU, CFU, CXN, SXN, XU) Industrial Property Class Vacant land, Vacant units and excess land - 35% reduction, (Qualifying Classes - IU, IX, LU ,IJ, JU) WHEREAS the assessed value of all rateable real property according to the latest revised assessment roll including properties for Payment in Lieu for the Town of Carleton Place amounts to $1,171,073,032. WHEREAS the Municipal Budget Levy Requirement for the Town of Carleton Place amounts to $8,885,870 for 2015. WHEREAS the request from the BIA Board of Management is for a Budget Levy amounting to $152,567 for 2015. WHEREAS the tax rates on the various property classes and sub-classes have been calculated pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Act and the manner set out in this By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Town of Carleton Place enacts tax rates as follows: 1. That the following tax rates be established and applied to the taxable assessments of the Town of Carleton Place for 2015 as follows: Property Class Municipal Tax Rate RT - RF - RG – RH MT -MF CT -CF -CG -CH –ST -GT XT - ZT – CTN - STN CU -CX – SU - CK XU –ZU- CUN-SXN IT -LT – IH JT IU – IX – LU – IJ JU PT FT R1 .00665921 .01553345 .01120169 .01120169 .00784118 .00784118 .01709284 .01709284 .01111035 .01111035 .01336229 .00166480 Education Tax Rate .00195000 .00195000 .01319703 .01190000 .00923792 .00833000 .01530000 .01190000 .00994500 .00773500 .01530000 .00048750 County Tax Rate By-Law 2015-13 .00379779 .00885882 .00638840 .00638840 .00447188 .00447188 .00974816 .00974816 .00633630 .00633630 .00762060 .00094945 Total .01240700 .02634227 .03078712 .02949009 .02155098 .02064306 .04214100 .03874100 .02739165 .02518165 .03628289 .00310175 BIA Special Rate CT - ST - XT CU -CX -SU 2. .00440686 .00308480 That the due date for the payment of instalments of the 2015 taxes shall be: Regular Instalments Monthly Payment Plan by automatic withdrawal (10 months) February 26, 2015 May 28, 2015 August 27, 2015 October 29, 2015 February 10, 2015 March 10, 2015 April 10, 2015 May 10, 2015 June 10, 2015 July 10, 2015 August 10, 2015 September 10, 2015 October 10, 2015 November 10, 2015 3. The assessment made in the year 2015, based on current values from January 1, 2012 under the provisions of the Assessment Act, Chapter A.31, R.S.O. 1990 as amended shall be the assessment on which the final tax rates shall be fixed and levied and the final tax shall be fixed and levied on such assessment. 4. If taxes are not paid on the due dates, a penalty of one and one-quarter percent (1.25%) of the unpaid taxes shall be levied on the first day of the calendar month following the due date and a further penalty of one and one-quarter percent (1.25%) on the first day of each calendar month thereafter for as long as the default continues, but not after December 31st, 2015. 5. If any taxes levied pursuant to this By-law remain unpaid as of January 1st, 2016, interest at the rate of one and one-quarter percent (1.25%) of the unpaid taxes shall be charged on January 1st, 2016 and also on the first day of each calendar month thereafter for as long as the default continues. READ A FIRST TIME, SECOND TIME AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 28TH DAY OF APRIL 2015 ______________________ Louis Antonakos, Mayor ________________ D.H. Rogers, Clerk BY-LAW NO. 20-2015 A BY-LAW OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF CARLETON PLACE TO AMEND REFRESHMENT VEHICLE BY-LAW NO. 57-2013 WHEREAS it is deemed desirable to amend by-law No.57-2013 bring the Refreshment Vehicle By-law. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Carleton place enacts as follows: 1. That Schedule C of By-law No. 57-2013 be amended to add 10488 Highway 7 as an approved location for a Refreshment Vehicle. READ A FIRST TIME, SECOND TIME AND A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 28th DAY OF APRIL 2015. Louis Antonakos, Mayor Duncan Rogers, Clerk Policy Review Committee Council Report th April 14 , 2015 126191 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Safe Wind Energy for All Residents (SWEAR) Paul Knowles, Chief Administrative Officer March 27th, 2015 Funding SUMMARY Group is seeking funding to support their Charter of Rights challenge related to wine turbines. COMMENT For Council’s Information STAFF RECOMMENDATION Receive and record COMMITTEE DECISION Receive and record COUNCIL ACTION Receive and record 126192 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Township of Madawaska Valley Town of Carleton Place April 7th, 2015 Hydro Rates SUMMARY Township of Madawaska Valley has passed a resolution asking the province to prevent further Hydro rate increases. COMMENT For council's information STAFF RECOMMENDATION Receive and record COMMITTEE DECISION Receive and record COUNCIL ACTION Receive and record Policy Review Committee - April 14th, 2015 - Page 2 126193 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Healthy Communities Partnership Duncan Rogers, Clerk March 30th, 2015 Presentation SUMMARY Dr. Paula Stewart and Lois Dewey would like to make a presentation to Council concerning Healthy Communities. STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT presentation be heard. COMMITTEE DECISION THAT Plan be endorsed concerning Healthy Communities. Mayor Antonakos to work with Lois Dewey to complete information document regarding the Town of Carleton Place. COUNCIL ACTION Receive and record 126194 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Royal Canadian Legion - Branch 192 Phil Hogan, Treasurer March 30th, 2015 Municipal Tax Forgiveness SUMMARY Legion is requesting tax exemption from taxation for municipal purposes. STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT a By-law be forwarded to Council providing exemption for term of this Council 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. COMMITTEE DECISION THAT a By-law be forwarded to Council providing exemption for term of this Council 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. COUNCIL ACTION Receive and record Policy Review Committee - April 14th, 2015 - Page 3 126195 Received from Addressed to Date Topic ANAVETS (The Army, Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada Phil Hogan, Treasurer March 23rd, 2015 Magazine Ad SUMMARY ANAVETS are requesting the Municipality place an ad in their magazine for $595.00. COMMENT Ad was placed in 2014 but that is the only ad that was ever placed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION To be determined COMMITTEE DECISION Receive and record COUNCIL ACTION Receive and record Corporate Services Committee Council Report st April 21 , 2015 126203 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Phil Hogan, Treasurer Corporate Services Committee April 15th, 2015 1st Quarter Financial Review SUMMARY Financial Review for the quarter ended March 31, 2015 COMMENT At this time the expectation is to achieve our budget targets for 2015. For Council’s Information. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Receive and Record COMMITTEE DECISION Receive and record COUNCIL ACTION Receive and record 126204 Received from Addressed to Date Topic OPP Paul Knowles, Chief Administrative Officer March 26th, 2015 Year 2014 Reconciliation SUMMARY Statement for 2014 Actual Costs $2,643,066 Billed $2,672,510 Credit Owing $ 29,444 COMMENT 2015 Budget anticipated a credit of $10,236; balance will be credited to Police budget. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Receive and Record COMMITTEE DECISION Receive and record COUNCIL ACTION Receive and record Corporate Services Committee - April 21st, 2015 - Page 2 126099 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Nancy Green, Director of Social Services Phil Hogan, Treasurer February 11th 2015 Capping Provincial Subsidy on Infant Spaces SUMMARY The County of Lanark is the flow through organization for Provincial Funding to Childcare in the County providing subsidy to parents in need. They are proposing a cap on the daily rate that the Town of Carleton Place has submitted for our infant program which is to be voted on at a Community Services Committee Meeting of March 11th. This rate has been calculated to be needed to get this program closer to a break even position. The Carleton Place Daycare is now into year 3 of transitioning to life without the full day kindergarten program at our centre. This program provided revenues of $700,000 with an estimated net contribution to the other programs of $120,000. These funds allowed the centre a lower daily rate for programs such as the infant program where the staffing needs are the greatest at a ratio of 1 staff for 3 infants. In actual fact we require 1.4 staff for 3 infants to cover the 10 hour day plus coverage for paid time off. Our actual cost for the infant program which includes direct staff, admin, building and dietary net of wage subsidies is approximately $30 per hour of care. The County received $1,500,000 a number of years ago to allow for this transition by all centres, we have received 77K for each of the years 2013 & 2014 with 2015 being the last year. This being the last year was confirmed by the County. In light of the ending transition funding and the slow movement to possibly change ratios of children to staff members (very controversial) we have had to look at increasing our rates to programs. The one program where it was very obvious that we were undercharging was the infant program. Expenses Cost per Day to provide Program $300.00 Revenues at 95% occupancy County states Province Average $156.75 CP current rate $199.50 CP proposed rate $270.75 $30 x 10 hours $55 x 3 children $70 x 3 children $95 x 3 children At this time the staff of the County have not provided us with information with regards to amount of subsidy that was left from 2014. Approximately 22% ($34,999) of the cost of the infant program costs are currently funded by the County. Corporate Services Committee - April 21st, 2015 - Page 3 126099 Continued UPDATE - March 17th, 2015 County CSM (Child Service Manager) is still verbally firm on capping the infant rate due to concerns it will put extreme financial pressures on the subsidy provided. No actual report has been prepared and has apparently been deferred until April 2015. Our proposal for the rate increase was provided to the County the 1st of November 2014 and we have been told it was going to County Council for a decision in February, March and now April. We have met with County staff and have been informed that the County will be sending back approximately $170,000 to the Province of unspent funding for various items including subsidy not utilized. We have asked if this is an annual thing that happens but have received no response to date. We have also been informed that $750,000 of the $1.5 Million of transition funding is being held to provide for additional subsidy at some point in the future. With the County sending back the annual money for subsidy it is an indicator that a fund this size is not required and will likely remain unused for years. We have suggested that perhaps these funds should be utilized as additional transition funding out beyond 2015. Carleton Place Staff have also put forward a proposal verbally to reduce our earlier rate proposal of $95 dollars per day to $85 per day with a reduction of service by ½ hour at the beginning and end of each day. We have also suggested that we run with this new rate for a test period of 9 months to see what the actual impact is. No response to date. From my review of the Ministry of Education website I can only see where there are 26 other licensed infant spaces other than Carleton Place currently being utilized in the County of Lanark at the present time. UPDATE April 17th, 2015 A number of things have happened since March 17th to allow us to change direction on our original request for a $95 per day rate for the time being and at least through 2015 & 2016. 1) The Province has announced that the Ratio’s of children to teachers for the Before and After program will be modified this Fall. This will allow for cost savings within the Daycare. A conservative estimate of savings will be $50,000. 2) The CSM (Children Service Manager) at the County is committed to moving money from their current allocation of funding to that of a General Operating Grant. Verbally the estimate provided was for as much as $200,000 being moved with the Carleton Place share Corporate Services Committee - April 21st, 2015 - Page 4 126099 Continued being in the $30,000 to $40,000 for 2016. This is to be worked on over the next several months with detailed data review in the Fall. 3) County has agreed to an inflationary increase on the infant fees from $70 per day to $72 per day. This will increase revenues by approximately $5,000. Information will need to be continually reviewed as we move into 2016 to determine the needs to bring the Carleton Place Daycare to a better financial position. STAFF RECOMMENDATION That Council amend the Fee Schedule for the provision of Daycare Services for the Infant Program to $72 per full day and $60 per half day for the year 2015 effective January 1, 2015. That the municipality acknowledges the commitment by the CSM (Children Service Manager for the County of Lanark) to transferring of allocated monies to the General Operating Grant for 2016 and that the information related to the calculation of this operating grant be provided to Carleton Place Daycare in a timely manner to allow for rate calculations in October. This timing is required in order to provide council approved 2016 Daycare rates for submission to the County by November 1st 2015. COMMITTEE DECISION That Council amend the Fee Schedule for the provision of Daycare Services for the Infant Program to $72 per full day and $60 per half day for the year 2015 effective January 1, 2015. That the municipality acknowledges the commitment by the CSM (Children Service Manager for the County of Lanark) to transferring of allocated monies to the General Operating Grant for 2016 and that the information related to the calculation of this operating grant be provided to Carleton Place Daycare in a timely manner to allow for rate calculations in October. This timing is required in order to provide council approved 2016 Daycare rates for submission to the County by November 1st 2015. COUNCIL ACTION That Council hereby amends the Fee Schedule for the provision of Daycare Services for the Infant Program to $72 per full day and $60 per half day for the year 2015 effective January 1, 2015. Corporate Services Committee - April 21st, 2015 - Page 5 126205 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Phil Hogan, Treasurer Corporate Services Committee April 15th, 2015 By-law to Establish Final Tax Rates for 2015 SUMMARY Final tax rates along with approved tax ratios have now been received from the Ministry of Education and the County of Lanark. Residential Multi-Residential Commercial Industrial 2014 2015 Tax Rate Change .01279918 .02756156 .03140074 .04360139 .01240700 .02634227 .03078712 .04214100 (3.06%) (4.42%) (1.84%) (3.35%) COMMENT For residential we have experienced a real tax increase of 1.95% on the taxes but due to reassessment the tax rate will actually drop 3.06%. STAFF RECOMMENDATION That by-law be forwarded to Council for approval. COMMITTEE DECISION That by-law be forwarded to Council for approval. COUNCIL ACTION Receive and record 126206 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Phil Hogan, Treasurer Corporate Services Committee April 15th, 2015 Budget 2015 - Reflecting PSAB Reporting SUMMARY Regulation 248/09 of the Municipal Act requires that Council pass a motion that takes the traditional fund accounting budget which we have already passed through a motion in January with an additional motion to reflect the new PSAB methodology. The major differences include the following: Expenditure Reductions Capital Expenditures not showing as expense Principal Debt Payments are not showing as expense Contributions to Reserves are not showing as expense Corporate Services Committee - April 21st, 2015 - Page 6 126206 Continued Expenditure Increase Amortization of original cost of capital shows as an expense Revenue Increase Streets that are turned over to the Town are to be shown as source of revenue - donation Revenue Decrease The use of Reserves are not shown as a revenue source The net impact for 2015 takes us from a balanced budget under the fund accounting methodology to a 2.2 million dollar surplus under the PSAB methodology. STAFF RECOMMENDATION That Council hereby approves the 2015 budget reflecting PSAB Reporting COMMITTEE DECISION That Council hereby approves the 2015 budget reflecting PSAB Reporting. COUNCIL ACTION That Council hereby approves the 2015 budget reflecting PSAB Reporting. 126207 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Carol Church, Municipal Affairs and Housing Phil Hogan, Treasurer April 15th, 2015 MVCA Debenture - Debt Capacity SUMMARY Documents are in order to proceed to debenture with a tentative date of bringing these documents to Council on May 12th. Municipal Affairs has indicated that the debenture will reduce the borrowing capacity of the municipality. The annual payment on this debt requires 6.7% of our debt capacity. We currently are using 16.5% (paid off by 2025) of our debt capacity. This use of our capacity will not impede the municipalities ability over the long term (needs for our debt capacity in the 20 year time frame is no greater than 40% of our debt capacity). The actual debt payment is being paid for by MVCA. Corporate Services Committee - April 21st, 2015 - Page 7 126207 Continued MAH has stated that if we wish to suggest changes to the repayment limit calculations we could contact the Director of Municipal Finance Policy Branch. As this would require changes to legislation it would not be a short term solution. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Proceed with debenture for MVCA. COMMITTEE DECISION Proceed with debenture for MVCA. Receive and record COUNCIL ACTION Receive and record Community Issues Committee Council Report st April 21 , 2015 126202 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Various Committees Community Issues Committee April 2015 Action Report/Minutes SUMMARY Minutes of the March 19th, 2015 meeting of the Emergency Management Committee were previously distributed. Noteworthy items include: & Annual Emergency Exercise for 2015 & Training Requirements for CEMCs for 2015 & 2015 Emergency Management Plan & 2015 Critical Infrastructure Minutes of the January 28th, 2015 meeting of the Urban Forest/River Corridor Committee were previously distributed. Noteworthy items include: L Mississippi Quay Stormwater Management Pond Minutes of the March 4th, 2015 meeting of the Drug Strategy Committee were previously distributed. Noteworthy items include: ( Trauma Workshop - full ( School presentations ( Drug Enforcement Action Report for the April 13th, 2015 meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee was previously distributed. Noteworthy items include: 125393 Trillium Grant for $8,000 for Pool Lift; 126197 Dog Park Rules 126198 ½ Ton Truck Purchase 126199 Canoe Club Siding STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT Council accept Committees’ decisions. COMMITTEE DECISION THAT Council accept Committees’ decisions. COUNCIL ACTION Receive and record Planning and Protection Committee Council Report April 21st, 2015 126209 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Les Reynolds Director of Protective Services Planning and Protection Committee April 16th, 2015 OWFC Activity Report SUMMARY Activity Report for the month of March 2015 was distributed. COMMENT For Council's Information STAFF RECOMMENDATION Receive and Record COMMITTEE DECISION Receive and record COUNCIL ACTION Receive and record 126210 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Les Reynolds Director of Protective Services Planning and Protection Committee April 16th, 2015 Police Service Board Minutes SUMMARY Minutes of the Police Service Board meeting of April 13th, 2015 were previously distributed. Noteworthy items include: Sgt. Croth reports concerns about skateboarders, distracted driving and graffiti; The detachment office will provide front desk service on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only beginning May 1. COMMENT For Council's Information Planning and Protection Committee –April 21st, 2015 - Page 2 126210 Continued STAFF RECOMMENDATION Receive and Record COMMITTEE DECISION Receive and record COUNCIL ACTION Receive and record 126108 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Jane Almond Acting Director of Planning and Development Planning and Protection Committee February 5, 2015 Deeming By-law, Plan 6115 SUMMARY Plan 6115 is a historic plan of subdivision from 1906. Our current Deeming By-law 1414 and its amendments 1423, 33-74 and 31-75 have not deemed this plan to not be a plan of subdivision. COMMENT Plan 6115 remains a legal plan of subdivision and has no registered subdivision agreement. This means that, if any applications are made to develop within this area, the Town of Carleton Place will be limited in what they can ask in relation to any specific conditions typically requested with a subdivision agreement or through the severance process. To deem a plan not to be a plan of subdivision a deeming by-law is necessary. Staff has looked at the area to which Plan 6115 applies and most of the lots have already been developed. On lots where there is a potential to subdivide the severance process can be utilized to achieve that purpose. Notification to property owners is not required prior to the passing of the by-law but the Town is required to provide notification of the passing within 30 days of the decision to all the property owners within the boundaries of Plan 6115. Property owners have the ability to petition council to repeal their decision within 20 days of notification of the decision. Planning and Protection Committee –April 21st, 2015 - Page 3 126108 Continued UPDATE – April 21st, 2015 On March 10th, 2015 Council passed the Deeming By-law. Plan 6115 has been deemed to no longer be a plan of subdivision. No formal complaints were registered. The removal of the plan of subdivision is to be registered on all lots within plan 6115. Any division of lots within this area will now be done through the severance process. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Receive and Record. COMMITTEE DECISION Receive and record COUNCIL ACTION Receive and record 126212 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Les Reynolds, Director of Protective Services Planning and Protection Committee April 16th, 2015 New Pumper SUMMARY The 2015 budget provides for the purchase of 2 new fire apparatus – a rescue and a pumper. Construction of the rescue is underway with Eastway 911, located here in Carleton Place, awarded the contract following a competitive process. They were selected based on a price that was 25% lower than the other bidder and a much shorter construction time. Eastway 911 has produced a proposal for the pumper and has asked if the Town would consider awarding the contract to them on that basis. Staff have made it clear that any decision on this would have to be made by Council. COMMENT Staff supports the proposal for the following reasons: 1. Familiarity with the proponent – Eastway 911 or their predecessors have built all our existing fire apparatus and we have always been pleased with their performance. Having them build both trucks ensures that they will be built the same way, with the same materials etc. Planning and Protection Committee –April 21st, 2015 - Page 4 126212 Continued 2. Proven competitiveness – The previous proposal for the rescue demonstrated that their pricing was superior to the other bidder and their construction schedule was considerably shorter. The proposed price is considerably less than our budget figure and will ensure that the overall project (including the purchase of the new extrication equipment) will be completed very close to budget. 3. Servicing capabilities – We have always benefitted from their local availability when servicing or repairs were needed for the existing fleet. 4. Local economic benefit – Eastway 911 is an important part of our local industrial team and awarding the contract to them will ensure that local jobs are protected and other local businesses will enjoy any ‘filter down’ benefits. By-law 25-2010 (Procurement of Goods) normally requires a competitive process for this type of contract, but Sec. 5.1 permits Council to allow exceptions at their discretion. STAFF RECOMMENDATION That Council hereby authorizes the Director of Protective Services to proceed with the purchase of a custom built pumper on a 2016 Spartan Metrostar chassis from Eastway 911 Emergency Vehicles at a net cost of $438,110 plus applicable taxes. COMMITTEE DECISION That Council hereby authorizes the Director of Protective Services to proceed with the purchase of a custom built pumper on a 2016 Spartan Metrostar chassis from Eastway 911 Emergency Vehicles at a net cost of $438,110 plus applicable taxes. COUNCIL ACTION That Council hereby authorizes the Director of Protective Services to proceed with the purchase of a custom built pumper on a 2016 Spartan Metrostar chassis from Eastway 911 Emergency Vehicles at a net cost of $438,110 plus applicable taxes. Planning and Protection Committee –April 21st, 2015 - Page 5 126213 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Joanna Bowes, Planning and Building Technician Planning and Protection Committee April 21, 2015 Chip Wagon, 10488 Highway 7 SUMMARY An application has been received to include 10488 Highway 7 as an approved location for a refreshment vehicle. The applicant has provided a site plan with details relating to the location on the trailer, location of washrooms for staff, parking and location of tables. Approval from the Ministry of Transportation has been given through the means of a Building and Land Use Permit to the owner of the land. STAFF RECOMMENDATION That Schedule C of By-law 57-2013 be amended to allow a refreshment vehicle at 10488 Highway 7. COMMITTEE DECISION That Schedule C of By-law 57-2013 be amended to allow a refreshment vehicle at 10488 Highway 7. COUNCIL ACTION Receive and record 126214 Received from Addressed to Date Topic Paul Knowles, Chief Administrative Officer Planning and Protection Committee April 15th, 2015 Closed Meetings SUMMARY As authorized by the Municipal Act, Council should review selected items in closed session. STAFF RECOMMENDATION THAT in accordance with Section 239 of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, that the meeting be closed to the public with the following agenda: AGENDA 24-03-15-1 a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; General Nature – Roy Brown Park Planning and Protection Committee –April 21st, 2015 - Page 6 126214 Continued 21-04-15-1 a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; General Nature – South of Hwy. 7 21-04-15-2 a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; General Nature – Bates and Industrial COMMITTEE DECISION THAT in accordance with Section 239 of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, that the meeting be closed to the public with the following agenda: AGENDA 24-03-15-1 a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; General Nature – Roy Brown Park 21-04-15-1 a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; General Nature – South of Hwy. 7 21-04-15-2 a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; General Nature – Bates and Industrial REPORT TO COUNCIL 24-03-15-1 THAT Council hereby authorizes the Mayor and Clerk to execute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale with Michel and Jennifer Brisebois to purchase a portion of Boundary Road for $5,000. 21-04-15-1 THAT Council hereby authorizes the Mayor and the Clerk to execute Agreements of Purchase and Sale to acquire property for a pumping station south of Hwy 7 and easements for services from Colonnade Development Incorporated, Carleton Place Plaza Inc, Pegasus Construction Inc and Pegasus Development Corporation for the nominal cost of $1.00. 21-04-15-2 Bring forward Planning and Protection Committee –April 21st, 2015 - Page 7 126214 Continued COUNCIL ACTION THAT Council hereby authorizes the Mayor and the Clerk to execute Agreements of Purchase and Sale to acquire property for a pumping station south of Hwy 7 and easements for services from Colonnade Development Incorporated, Carleton Place Plaza Inc, Pegasus Construction Inc and Pegasus Development Corporation for the nominal cost of $1.00. BY-LAW NO. 21-2015 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY SIXTH COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF CARLETON PLACE AT THE TENTH REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL OF APRIL 28, 2015 AND WHEREAS Section 5 of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by its Council; AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient that the proceeding of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Carleton Place at this meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Carleton Place enacts as follows: 1. THAT the action of the 126TH Council of the Corporation of the Town of Carleton Place at the Tenth Regular Meeting of Council held on April 28, 2015, in respect to each motion and resolution passed, and other action taken by the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Carleton Place at its meeting, is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By-law. 2. THAT the Mayor and proper officials of the Corporation of the Town of Carleton Place are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Carleton Place referred to in the preceding section thereof. 3. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary in that behalf and to affix thereto the Seal of the Corporation of the Town of Carleton Place. READ A FIRST TIME, SECOND TIME AND A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 28th DAY OF APRIL 2015. Louis Antonakos, Mayor Duncan Rogers, Clerk
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