cca assembly information - Christian Conference of Asia


cca assembly information - Christian Conference of Asia
20-27 May 2015, JAKARTA, INDONESIA
A. Venue of the Assembly
The 14th CCA General Assembly will be held at Mercure Convention Centre, Ancol, North
Jakarta. It is about an hour’s drive from Sukarno–Hatta International Airport, Jakarta. Hotel
Mercure is a seaside hotel, with international amenities as well as a wide range of Convention Halls
and meeting rooms that will suit the purpose of the Assembly. It is located in the Ancol Jakarta Bay
City area, which is Jakarta's largest and most popular recreation park.
Jl. Pantai Indah,
Ancol Jakarta Bay City, North Jakarta
14430 Jakarta, Indonesia
Tel: (+62)21/6406000 - Fax: (+62)21/6406123
B. Participants
The General Assembly will comprise the following categories of participants:
a) Voting delegates:
i) Those elected and/or appointed by member churches and councils
ii) Officers of the CCA comprising the Presidents, General Secretary and Honorary
b) Non-voting participants at the General Assembly shall mean and include General
Committee members who are not voting delegates, Resource Persons of the Assembly,
Observers, Special Guests, Representatives of Related Organizations, Staff and Stewards.
C. The Assembly
We would like to bring to your kind attention that the General Assembly comprises three major
1. Two Pre-Assembly events: Youth Forum and Women’s Forum from 18-20 May 2015.
(arrivals: 17 May 2015)
2. An Extra-ordinary General Assembly (EGA) on 21 May 2015 open only to voting
3. The General Assembly (GA) will be inaugurated on 21 May 2015 at 18.00 and will get over
on 26 May 2015. (departures: 27 May 2015)
1. The Pre Assemblies
The Pre-Assembly Youth Forum will be held at Kampung Sawah, West Java and is
being hosted by the Gereja Kristen Pasundan (GKP) or Pasundan Christian Church.
All youth delegates and stewards are encouraged to attend the Pre-Assembly for Youth.
The Pre-Assembly Women’s Forum will be held at Bandung, West Java, and is being
hosted by the Women’s Commission of the Communion of Churches in Indonesia
(PGI) West Java Region. All women delegates, are requested to join the Women’s PreAssembly.
Arrivals: Delegates who have registered for both pre-assemblies will have to arrive on
17 May 2015 at Sukarno – Hatta International Airport in Cengkareng, Jakarta. They
will be received at the airport and taken to the Pre Assembly venues.
Departures for Assembly delegates from the respective Pre-Assembly venues will be
arranged on 20 May 2015 to facilitate the participation of voting delegates in the ExtraOrdinary General Assembly.
The Annual Asian Ecumenical Course and the Stewards Program will also be held
simultaneously with the Assembly.
The Extra-ordinary General Assembly (EGA)
The EGA on 21 May 2015 will be open only to voting delegates. They are requested to
arrive in Jakarta on 20 May 2015. The main task of the EGA is to discuss, debate and
adopt the proposed amendments to the existing CCA Constitution. The final draft of the
proposed amendment to the existing CCA Constitution was sent to CCA Member
Churches and Councils on 21 November 2014. If it has not been received by any
member church, kindly contact us at
3. 14th CCA General Assembly (GA)
The GA will be held from 22-26 May 2015. The Opening Worship of the Assembly will
be held on 21 May 2015 at 18.00 hrs. Non-Voting Participants and those who will not be
attending Pre-Assembly Events can arrive in Jakarta on the evening of 20 May 2015 or
by morning of 21 May 2015. All participants have to compulsorily check out of the hotel
on 27 May 2015 by 12.00 noon
D. Daily Schedule
Please see the attached agenda and schedule of the EGA and GA.
E. “Sarasehan”
One of the programs during the Assembly will be discussions on emerging issues on religious,
political, economic and social concerns in Asia and ecumenical responses. These discussions named
‘Sarasehan’, which in Indonesian language means ‘discussion, dialogue or conversation’ will be held over
two sessions on Saturday, 23 May 2015. There will be 12 (twelve) topics for in-depth discussion and
12 Sarasehan groups. The Topics are as listed below. A detailed background paper with thematic foci
of all topics is attached for guidance. Participants are requested to select topics of interest and
indicate their order of preference in the Participants Registration Form.
Called to be united in witness and mission in a multi-religious Asia
Towards an authentic Asian Theological undergirding for renewed Ecumenical impetus
Inter-religious cooperation amidst religious intolerance and politicization of religions in
Migration and human trafficking: Challenges for Asian churches
Moving beyond conflicts and building peace with justice in Asia
Militarization, nuclearization and arms race in Asia
Health and healing: Imperatives for ecumenical advocacy initiatives in Asia
Marginalization of indigenous and vulnerable communities in Asia
Upholding the dignity and rights of children in Asia
10. Overcoming discrimination and violence against women in Asia
11. Economic justice and sustainability amidst Asia’s economic development
12. Diakonia and prophetic witness: Towards a coherent Asian ecumenical response
F. Travel schedule
Kindly fill the attached Travel Form, and send it to us as soon as your flight is confirmed. Please
reserve your tickets early for better airfare and availability.
G. Accommodation
Accommodation for all will be arranged by the Local Arrangement Committee (LAC) at Mercure
hotel from 20-27 May 2015 with the following arrangements:
The LAC will cover the board and lodging of the Assembly Voting Delegates from Member
Churches and Councils, CCA General Committee members, Resource Persons and Special Guests
based on sharing room arrangement. Those who prefer ‘Single room accommodation’ will have to
make an extra payment of 25 US Dollars per night.
Observers and Visitors will have to pay their own board and lodging which is USD 120/night for
sharing room accommodation and USD 145/night for single room accommodation. The price
offered is a conference package. Rooms will be available on a first come first served basis for
observers and visitors.
H. Registration Fee
There will be a Registration Fee of 100 USD for Voting Delegates, Representatives of Ecumenical
Partners and Related organization, Observers and Visitors.
I. Local Transportation
The LAC will take care of the local transportation of all participants. Participants will be met at the
Sukarno – Hatta International Airport in Cengkareng, Jakarta on arrival and brought back to the
Airport on the date of departure. Help us to help you by giving us proper travel details as early as
possible. Please fill the Travel Form and return it to us as soon as possible.
J. Copy of Passport and VISA
All participants from outside Indonesia are requested to send a copy of their passport, along with the
Participant’s Registration Form.
Not all Participants require a VISA to enter Indonesia. About 12 countries have Free Visa and 62
countries have Visa on Arrival facilities. While participants from most of the ASEAN countries do
not need Visa; Pakistan, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Iran do require one prior to their travel.
You are encouraged to check with the Indonesian embassy in your own country or go to the website
of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Indonesia, Consular and Visa Services by clicking on
the following link for Visa Information:
Participants with Pakistani passport need a Call Visa, which will take about 2 month’s time for
processing. The member churches and councils in Pakistan have been requested to send the names
of the delegates and their flight and passport details early so that Visa processing can be started early.
Participants living in countries that do not have Indonesian embassies/consulates may write to us
immediately for assistance for arranging Call Visas. PGI and LAC will do their best to assist all
participants on Visa matters.
K. Worship with Local Congregations
On Pentecost Sunday (24 May 2015), participants will have the unique opportunity to worship
together with Indonesian brothers and sisters in local congregations in Jakarta and its suburbs. We
encourage all participants to be part of this worship program. As CCA intends to celebrate Asia
Sunday with a special Liturgy, it will add special meaning and flavour to the worship, as churches
all over Asia are expected to follow the same liturgy in celebration of Asian Christian unity. This
enables all to learn about the life and ministry of the churches in Indonesia, and conversely for the
delegates to bring the presence and message of CCA’s vision and mission to the local congregations
and grass roots. It would also assure them of the solidarity of churches across Asia and other regions
Please indicate in the attached Registration Form your willingness to preach or bring greetings on behalf of the
Assembly to the local church that you will attend.
L. Participant’s Registration Form
A detailed Registration form is attached, which includes more details than the preliminary
registration form that was sent earlier.
Kindly fill the Registration Form and send it to before 10 April
2015, along with the following documents:
1. Copy of Passport
2. Credential Letter from the Church/Council
3. One passport-size Photograph
Assembly Exhibition.
The Assembly is an opportunity to share the work and ministry of CCA members and related
ecumenical organizations. CCA member churches, councils or related ecumenical organizations
interested in sharing their work, particularly related to the theme of CCA Assembly, are welcome to
do so through their representatives. Space for exhibition or sharing ideas in the spirit of dialogue will
be provided near the Assembly venue. Kindly indicate your interest in the Participant’s Registration Form.
N. Hosts
CCA gratefully acknowledges the church leaders and the congregation of the Batak Christian
Protestant Church (HKBP), who will host the General Assembly; the Pasundan Christian Church
(GKP) who will host the Youth Pre-Assembly Forum; the Women’s Commission of the
Communion of Churches in Indonesia, West Java Region, who will host the Pre-Assembly
Women’s Forum; and Jakarta Theological Seminary (STT Jakarta) that will host the Asia
Ecumenical Course. The Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI) as the national ecumenical
body and a member of CCA is committed to provide full support for this Assembly and its related
The Participants Registration Form is also available on the CCA Website. Please feel free to register online.
Photographs, credential letters and copies of passports can be uploaded.
If you have any queries, please do contact us at <ccaassembly.jkarta>
Thank you for your attention. Looking forward to seeing you at the Assembly.
Susan Jacob
CCA Communications