

デルフト工科大学 (TU Delft)
The field of interest of the Environmental Technology and Design (ETD) chair concerns the interaction of nature, people,
Special Lectures
technology and design towards sustainable solutions. At different scales, however starting mainly from the perspective of the
デルタの水と緑 - オランダとアジア -
urban dynamics and of emerging theories of complexity related to this. It includes a renewed look on the ‘urban metabolism’
and the role of environmental technology, urban ecology and environment behavior focus for the field of urban planning and
development, with special emphasis on infrastructures (water, wastewater, energy and real-time smart systems to support
these flows and infrastructures). Relevant aspects are the continuing spatial transformation, resilience to (disruptive) change,
Green and Blue in Delta: The Netherlands and Asia
economic-technological innovation and changing tasks in the public sector before, during and after design and construction of
buildings and cities and infrastructures. Scale-free thinking and permanent insight in ecological, spatial, technical and social
backgrounds are of vital importance.
Arjan van Timmeren 教授
Arjan van Timmeren 教授
Netherlands regarding GreenBlue infrastructures (Delta- and regional & urban related transitions in the Dutch towns
North Western Europe, like the plan to move the Swedish city of Kiruna and design a new city based on a hybrid GreenBlue
Nijmegen, Zwolle and Rotterdam, and pro-active strategies dealing with climate change related effects), and other projects in
with Grey infrastructure approach, and new Urban Sanitation concepts in Germany and The Netherlands. Finally, also
環境負荷が少ない水 - 緑インフラ
GreenBlue infrastructures for Sustainable, Attractive Cities
The perspective presented will anticipates on this, including many of the most recent and very innovative projects in The
intelligent interconnection of e-Mobility and energy generation in area development will be presented based on the projects
in Amsterdam, Schiphol Airport and Rotterdam City Ports residential area development.
Main question that this talk addresses is: how to make smart urban plans using the parameters of the natural system in the
design of the technical space, the engine room of the city: the subsurface. Linking in an efficient way the hydrological cycle,
Fransje Hooimeijer 助教
the soil and subsurface conditions, technology and urban development opportunities is necessary in order to deal with the
pressures of climate change, the energy transition, the financial crisis and the current standard for sustainability demands.
Since the Industrial Revolution urban development increasingly became dependent on technological interventions to improve
the natural conditions of a building site. The development of technology into a perfect state adversely affects our attitude
The synergy between the natural system and technical space
towards the natural system. It gave a solid foundation on which the natural system was considered controlled; in Dutch called
the “maakbaarheid” principle. Urban development after World War II ignores natural conditions and prioritizes
socio-economical needs. Civil engineers designed the engine room or technical space by preparing the building sites in such a
Chay Asdak 博士
Fransje Hooimeijer 助教
Historical and Current Water Resource Management in Indonesia
A Case Study on Jakarta’ s Coastal Area
way that urban designers could realise any plan that answered to the socio-economical needs. The building of cities had
become so complex that deduction and sectorial approach is applied to keep control. We are looking for an emerging path
where synergy between the disciplines civil engineering and urban design to make sure that the technical space becomes
embedded in the design process of public (surface) space.
パジャジャラン大学 (Padjadjaran University)
The greater Jakarta area has changing dramatically in terms of population, and hence, the physical structure of Jakarta is
undergoing great evolution from concentric to multiple nucleus model under an unplanned development invaded by urban
activities. The evolution goes back from the era of Hinduism-based community in 16th century with its harbour city called
日時 : 2015/3/4
Sunda Kelapa, the era of Islam in 17th century (Jayakarta), the era of the Dutch’ influence, especially in agriculture products
trading in the 18th century (Batavia), and the current era of modern harbour city called Jakarta with its future development
plan. This evolution results in a significant change of landscape management including water resource management (both
traditional and modern techniques). This paper presents and discusses the landscape and water resource management
場所 : 東京大学農学部 弥生講堂 ANNEX
changes due to development processes from different era of government in Jakarta’ s coastal area. The discussions will not
only focused on the coastal area of Jakarta, but also the land use changes and their driven factors in the upper part of Ciliwung
watershed, considering that the delta of Jakarta’ s coastal area is formed by land-based activities in this upper watershed.
Chay Asdak 博士
Place:The University of Tokyo Yayoi Auditorium Annex
( 文京区弥生 1-1-1; 東大農学部正門入って左 )
弥生講堂 ANNEX
言語 : 英語 ( 質疑時通訳 )
Language: English
Crucial issues on upstream-downstream hydrological impacts of Ciliwung watershed management will also be covered.
主催:東京大学 緑地創成学研究室
東京大学 [本郷キャンパスマップ(弥生講堂アネックス)]
2015/02/14 1:25
連絡先 (Contact):東京大学緑地創成学研究室 土屋一彬 tcy@live.jp