LA CHARME - Champagne JM Goulard


LA CHARME - Champagne JM Goulard
100 % Pinot Meunier, vinified in oak barrels
Blending :
100% Pinot Meunier including 60% vinified in oak
Wine from harvest :
Reserve wine :
Dosage :
Brut 7 g/l
Malo-lactic fermentation :
Ageing period :
5 years
Bottles :
special bottle
Disgorging :
6 months
"La Charme" was born during the harvest 2008 from
the crossed know-how of Damien, Sébastien and
Jean-Marie. Together, they worked on the wine-growing
process in the wood for each grape variety (the juices
are selected at the wine-press exit according to their
aroma evolution potential); 100% Meunier turned out to
be the most exceptional: precise and uncompromising.
It expresses –intensely, with harmony– subtle smoky,
woody notes and charming vanilla notes, creamy and
subtle. The Charme is a well-balanced cuvee with a
structured, long finish.
The elegance and original character of this wine will
pleasantly match with une fricassee of porcini or
chanterelle mushrooms, poultry cooked in morel sauce
or generous oysters. La Charme can also be tasted after
a meal.
Distinctions :
15,5/20 | 2015
15/20 | 2015
CHAMPAGNE J.M. GOULARD - 13 Grande Rue - 51140 PROUILLY - Tél : +33 (0)3 26 48 21 60
Fax : +33 (0)3 26 48 23 67 - -
RM 22177-01 – SIRET 411 611 288 00019 – FR 014 411 611 288