STAFF REPORT DATE: May 5, 2015 TO: City Council FROM: Robert


STAFF REPORT DATE: May 5, 2015 TO: City Council FROM: Robert
May 5, 2015
City Council
Robert A. Clarke, Public Works Director/ City Engineer
Brian K. Mickelson, Assistant City Engineer/Transportation Manager
Authorize Task Order No. 2 to Hydroscience Engineers, Inc. for On-Call
Engineering Services
Adopt the attached Resolution authorizing Task Order #2 of the On-Call Professional Services
Agreement with Hydroscience Engineers, Inc.
Fiscal Impact
The cost of this task is not to exceed $75,949; funds are available in CIP 8263, City-Wide
Drainage Study – Channel Fees Assessment. The funding sources in CIP 8263 are 541 Storm
Drain, 135 Open Space and 001 General Fund.
Council Goals
Maintain and improve current infrastructure to meet community needs now and into the future.
Background and Analysis
On December 10, 2013, City Council approved professional services agreements with four
engineering firms to perform on-call engineering services. A condition of approval was
returning to Council for tasks over $50,000.
Task Order #2 with Hydroscience Engineers, Inc. will include a drainage analysis for the South
Davis Channel drainage area to determine the amount of surface runoff contribution from the
City and from each unincorporated private property within the drainage area utilizing the City’s
South Davis Channel and pump station. This study will determine what the fair share portion of
the overall maintenance, operational and replacement costs of the City drainage facilities serving
the drainage area are the result of this effort could be the fiscal basis for an assessment of the
private properties outside the City limits to provide their proportional fair share of funding
necessary to cover the long term sustainable maintenance, operation and replacement costs for
the South Davis drainage facilities.
1. Resolution
2. Letter Proposal from Hydroscience Engineers, Inc.
3. Task Order No. 2
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CIP 8263
WHEREAS, the City of Davis has previously approved a contract with Hydroscience Engineers, Inc. to
provide specialized on-call consulting services; and,
WHEREAS, this contract allows the City to efficiently engage in professional services by not having to
pursue individual scope Requests for Qualifications or Proposals; and,
WHEREAS, the engineering services to be provided by Hydroscience Engineers, Inc. are for a drainage
and fee assessment study; and,
WHEREAS, fees previously collected by the Yolo County Flood Control and Water Conservation
District are no longer collected on behalf of the City; and ,
WHEREAS, the unincorporated lands derive benefit from the City owned and maintained drainage
facilities and should contribute their fair share of these costs; and,
WHEREAS, this study will be legally defensible to use to support assessment of an annual fee for this
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Davis that Hydroscience
Engineers, Inc. is hereby authorized to perform Task Order No. 2 for the amount of $75,949; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all terms, conditions, and covenants of said agreement be, and the
same are, hereby approved, ratified, and confirmed.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Davis this 5th day of May, 2015, by the
following vote:
Daniel M. Wolk
Zoe S. Mirabile, CMC
City Clerk
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March 31, 2015
Mr. Brian Mickelson
City of Davis
23 Russell Boulevard
Davis, CA 95616
Subject: City Of Davis Drainage and Fee Study for Storm Drainage District No. 2./Pump
Station No. 5 (Revision 1)
Dear Brian,
HydroScience is pleased to submit this proposal for services under our existing On-Call General
Engineering Services Agreement. This proposal addresses preparation of a Fee Study for the
subject facility.
Our proposed Scope of Services is included in Attachment A. Our proposed fee for these
services is included in Attachment B.
We sincerely appreciate this opportunity to submit this proposal. If you have any questions or
would like to discuss the scope and fee further, please contact me at 916-364-1490 x115 or at
Bill Slenter, PE
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Attachment A: Scope of Services:
City Of Davis Drainage and Fee Study for
Storm Drainage District No. 2 / Pump Station No. 5
Storm Drainage District No. 2/Pump Station No. 5 includes a drainage channel and and operated
by the City of Davis (Davis). The channel is intended to receive stormwater flow from within City
boundaries, which is then pumped to the Yolo Bypass. The drainage channel is located outside of
City boundaries and traverses multiple agricultural parcels that are located within unincorporated
County limits. Drainage from the agricultural parcels is also serviced by the channel, as well as
the downstream pump station. The City is seeking to develop the justification for a fee structure
for the agricultural parcels to address cost-sharing of the facilities.
The objective of this project is to complete a study and prepare a report that defines an equitable
means of cost-sharing between the agricultural landowners and the City who are both served by
the subject facility. A community facilities district (CFD) or other similar approach is anticipated to
address the landowners’ share of the ongoing operation and maintenance (O&M) and capital
improvement of Storm Drainage District No. 2/Pump Station No. 5. The analysis performed in
support of this report is anticipated to consist of an acreage-based water balance. If a higher level
of detail is subsequently desired, supplemental analysis and preparation of a report amendment
would be scoped separately.
Project Team and Roles:
The project team for this effort will consist of the following firms and respective roles:
HydroScience: Project management, cost development, report assembly
Advanced Hydro Engineering: Stormwater modeling and water balances
Goodwin Consulting: Financial study
Information Needs from City:
In order to complete this study, the City will need to provide the following data for use by the
Project Team:
Facility O&M records sufficient to assemble costs that would be apportioned in the Financial
Study element
Facility pumping records and observations
Davis Drain Study Report (already provided)
City standards for stormwater facilities
Task 1: Project Management and Coordination
HydroScience will manage the project, coordinate the activities of the team, serve as the primary
point of contact with the City, maintain a project schedule, and prepare monthly invoices with
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Attachment A
Scope of Services: City Of Davis Drainage and Fee Study for Storm Drainage District No. 2./Pump Station No. 5
Page 2
project status summaries. HydroScience will arrange and prepare agendas and minutes for all
Included project meetings, to be attended by all key team members, are as follows:
1. Kickoff meeting with visit to drainage channel and pump station site
2. Progress Meeting No. 1
3. Progress Meeting No. 2
Task 2: Background Data Collection and Review
HydroScience will collect the background data listed above, distribute to the respective team
members, and review this data for use in Task 3. The team will conduct a site visit of the Davis
Drainage channel and Pump Station No. 5, led by City staff. It will be limited to observations from
public and maintenance roadways, County right of way, and other easily accessible locations.
The site visit will be used to roughly estimate drainage basin boundaries and observe drainage
channels and inlet structures and orientations of storm drain pipelines as visible from the visit. No
measurements of pipe diameters or pipe depths will be performed.
Task 3: Evaluation
The Project Team will utilize the data obtained in the tasks above to perform the following
Task 3.1 (Advanced Hydro Engineering): Hydraulic Analysis
Estimate areas and runoff coefficients based on information obtained from the Davis Drain
Study, prepared by others.
Prepare an initial estimate of the ratios of drainage area, and estimate runoff coefficients for
the areas to determine a ratio of runoff from the development to the total drainage area.
Compare runoff coefficients against current City standards. The drainage ratios will be
determined by the product of the runoff coefficient and the area.
Develop a water balance representing a peak storm event and addressing relative
contributions of stormwater flows from the City and individual agricultural lands served. This
will be an acreage-based analysis.
Task 3.2 (HydroScience): Facility O&M and Capital Improvement Evaluation
Evaluate pump station operational data provided by the City to determine peak pumping rates
and compare to total runoff estimates from City and agricultural land.
Identify pump station capacity necessary to handle (1) City-only flows and (2) City + Ag parcel
Evaluate O&M cost data provided by City to determine annual O&M cost for the facility for
both City + Ag flows and City-only flows.
Incorporate anticipated capital improvement costs from the recent Lift Station Evaluation
completed by HydroScience in order to determine anticipated annual CIP budget for ongoing
facility improvements.
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Attachment A
Scope of Services: City Of Davis Drainage and Fee Study for Storm Drainage District No. 2./Pump Station No. 5
Page 3
Task 3.3 (Goodwin Consulting): Financial Analysis
Working with the City and consultant team, identify potential beneficiaries of the pump station.
Incorporate water balance prepared by Advanced Hydro Engineering and cost evaluation
prepared by HydroScience into a funding analysis based on the formation of a CFD.
Identify CFD special tax structure options for ag owners, including a CFD special tax required
to support debt service on bonds issued to fund capital costs (or required to fund capital costs
on a pay-as-you-go basis), and a separate CFD special tax to fund ongoing O&M costs.
Develop a CFD cash flow analysis and identify proposed CFD special tax rates.
Task 4: Report Preparation
HydroScience will lead the preparation of a report in the form of a Technical Memorandum (TM)
that will summarize the data collected, analysis performed, and results. The other team members
will contribute content for their respective elements.
TM sections to include:
Executive Summary
Water Balance
O&M and CIP Cost Analysis
Financial Analysis
Proposed CFD Structure
City-Only Alternative
HydroScience will assemble a draft TM and submit to the City for comment. Comments will be
received and distributed to team members in a matrix format for individual responses and, where
appropriate, incorporation into the document. HydroScience will assemble and submit a final
report for the City’s records.
Draft TM: PDF distributed via email
Final TM: PDF plus three hard copies
Scope Assumptions
Participation in the landowner review process and implementation of significant changes or
addition of detail to the report following that review are not included in this scope. This is
anticipated to be a later project phase, scoped separately.
The drainage subarea boundaries shown on City of Davis South Davis Storm Drainage
Figures 3 and 4 can be used for drainage boundaries. Information from minor hydrographs
and major hydrographs will be included in the Davis Drain report.
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Attachment A
Scope of Services: City Of Davis Drainage and Fee Study for Storm Drainage District No. 2./Pump Station No. 5
Page 4
Contour maps of the agricultural lands are not available and drainage basin areas within the
County areas will be roughly estimated based on field observed drainage divides and Figures
3 and 4. Any boundary differences observed during the site visit will be noted in the TM.
This task will determine drainage ratio only, and will not determine any flow rates or
hydrographs for varying rainfall intensities. Hydraulic analysis of storm drain capacity is not
included in this scope. No routing of hydrographs is included in the analysis.
Additional data collection to identify agricultural and drainage management practices utilized
on each agricultural property that may affect (mitigate) stormwater runoff, and updating the
water balance to reflect this information is not included in this scope.
Detailed HEC-HMS modeling, if required, will be scoped separately.
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Project Mgmt / Coord
Background Data Review
Report Preparation
Task Description
Attachment B
Engineering Fee
City of Davis Drainage and Fee Study
Project Manager
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Engineer VI
Engineer I
HSe Fee
Travel, Repro., and
Advanced Hydro
Goodwin Consulting
Direct Charges
Markup @ 10%
Total Fee
March 10, 2015
Task Order Process for a Master Consultant Agreement
These instructions outline the process for assigning tasks to consultants that are under a Master
Consultant Agreement (Agreement) with the City of Davis (Owner). The Agreement is our
standard consultant agreement with a not-to-exceed amount (Cap). The difference is that the Cap
has not yet been funded and no purchase order has been written. Another difference is that this
Task Order Process is included in the Scope of Services, Exhibit A, of the Agreement.
When the Owner decides to assign a task to the consultant, according to their areas of expertise
(and included in the Scope of Services, Exhibit A, of this Agreement), a Task Order Form is
completed and sent to the Consultant. A sample Task Order Form is included at the end of these
instructions. Task Orders are numbered sequentially on the form.
The Owner and the Consultant negotiate and agree to a fee and a completion date. The
Consultant signs and dates the form and returns it to the Owner. The Owner then signs and dates
the form and forwards a copy of the completed form to the Consultant.
City Staff must get the appropriate approval for the work depending on the amount of the fee.
See the bullets below.
If the fee is under $10,000, City Staff can approve the work;
If the fee is $10,000 or over and under $25,000, the City Manager must approve the
If the fee is $50,000 or over, the work scope must go to the City Council for approval.
This process will add about three weeks to the approval process.
The Owner then writes a purchase order for the task and processes it through Finance. The
Consultant will receive the purchase order and can begin work. All invoicing for this task should
reference both the Task Order Number and the Purchase Order Number.
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Task Order No. 2
Consultant: Hydroscience
The Consultant is hereby authorized to perform the following work subject to the
provisions of the Contract identified above:
Storm Drainage District No. 2/Pump Station No. 5 includes a drainage channel and and
operated by the City of Davis (Davis). The channel is intended to receive stormwater
flow from within City boundaries, which is then pumped to the Yolo Bypass. The
drainage channel is located outside of City boundaries and traverses multiple
agricultural parcels that are located within unincorporated County limits. Drainage from
the agricultural parcels is also serviced by the channel, as well as the downstream
pump station. The City is seeking to develop the justification for a fee structure for the
agricultural parcels to address cost-sharing of the facilities.
For more details on the scope see the attached proposal from Hydroscience.
List any attachments: Proposal from Hydroscience
Fee - Dollar Amount of Task Order: Not to exceed $75,949.00
Completion Date: November 1, 2015
The undersigned consultant hereby agrees that it will provide all equipment, furnish all
materials, except as may be otherwise noted above, and perform all services for the
work above specified in accordance with the Contract identified above and will accept
as full payment therefore the amount shown above.
City of Davis
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