Children Ministry Brochure - First United Methodist Church of Clover
Children Ministry Brochure - First United Methodist Church of Clover
First United Methodist Church At First UMC, all volunteers with children and youth undergo an orientation and training program to acquaint them with The United Methodist Church’s guidelines and procedures for the safety of all our children, and to prepare them for their roles as teachers, caregivers, supervisors and role models at First UMC. As part of the orientation, volunteers receive a copy of our Safe Sanctuaries Handbook which contains the guidelines for volunteering and a full explanation of our Safe Sanctuaries policies. Volunteers must sign a statement of acknowledgement and agreement. For more information relating to the Children’s Ministries of FUMC please contact: Rev. Meg Wilkes Minister of Christian Education & Spiritual Formation 803-222-3496 ext 16 First United Methodist Church National criminal background checks are 124 Bethel Street also conducted for all volunteers who Clover SC 29710 have direct contact with children and youth in our church activities on and off campus. 803-222-3496 fax 803-2227200 Clover, SC 803-222-3496 B. I. G. Tween Ministry for 4th and 5th graders on *Sundays is about living together as Believers In God! Ages Pre-K through 3 rd grade (Big Buddies - 4th and 5th grade are also welcome!!) Wednesdays 6:30pm – 7:30pm DISCIPLES OF JESUS CHRIST by: B.I.G. is about…… living together as believers in God and becoming disciples of Jesus Christ by experiencing and celebrating God together! (music, art, stories) Sharing friendship in faith and fun! Learning to love and serve others for Jesus, through the Holy Spirit! experiencing and celebrating God together (Bible, art etc) sharing our faith journey as friends (activities, trips) serving others with the love of Jesus in the fruit of the Spirit (missions) 9:45 –10:45 children’s Sunday School experience Classes Age 3—5K room 114 1st—3rd grade room 113 4th and 5th grade room 112 Godly Time for 6th graders room 200 I NFANT and TODDLER NURSERIES (for all services) Children’s Church! Ages 3 years through 2nd grade Every Sunday SEASONAL & ANNUAL EVENTS! Easter Celebration and Egg Hunt Awesome Vacation Bible School! Please plan to enjoy the Wonderful Wednesday Meal with your whole family, each week 5:45—6:45 Asbury Hills Summer Camp Summer Fun Days for All Ages Light Up the Night Fall Festival Tweens also take ROAD TRIPS!! Children’s Christmas Program!