May Messenger - First United Methodist Church of Pekin
May Messenger - First United Methodist Church of Pekin
July, 2015 First United Methodist Church 1315 Court Street Pekin, IL, 61554 309.347.3155 Vol. 15 Issue 07 Worship: Saturday 5:30 p.m. Casual, Sunday—8:15 a.m. Traditional, 10:50 a.m. Contemporary EXCITING NEWS! On June 15 our church family gathered for the consecration of our new van! We give thanks to God for providing this van through the love, faith, and generosity of the Berg and Evans families, and a small seed offering from one of our youth. This van will travel away from our church, taking us out to love and serve others, and it will travel to the church, bringing people in to worship, grow, and serve! When we trust God’s provision, direction, and vision there are no limits to what we can accomplish for his glory! Our mission: Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. 2 UMY News ~ Michael Berg I’m so happy to be here and be a part of the FUMC Youth Group! My time is flying here and the summer events are coming and going! The Dodgeball Tournament on June 3rd was a total success. Around 100 kids came out to celebrate God through running around and having fun at Grace United Methodist. The night topped off with an adults vs. youth dodgeball game… needless to say, the youth won! Upcoming events… Wed, July 1 from 6:30-8:30 pm at Mineral Springs North (near 4H shelter)- Paint Wars! $5 fee for this event covers cost of a t-shirt, sock, paint, and goggles! Wed, July 15 from 6-8 pm at Rittenhouse’s, 2006 Alameda Ct, Pekin – boating, cookout, hanging out! Bring a swimsuit, sunscreen, towel, and life vest. We’ll have food, so come hungry! Sat, August 15 from 2-5 pm at Mineral Springs North- Wacky Games! Our mission trip to Denver, CO is set for July 18-July 25 and we are so excited to see all God has planned for us while we are there! Thank you so much to our church family for their incredible support! The church van is bought and ready to head to Denver. We are so thankful for God’s provision in our transportation ministry for the Youth Group. We will be meeting weekly on Wednesdays, 67:30 pm over the summer…this is a great time to check Youth Group out, come back, or just commit to coming every week! We pray, talk about the cool things Jesus is doing in our lives, and most of all, have fun! PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR MEMBERS AND FRIENDS ON THE MISSION TRIP As you read this, our team is already busy serving at Red Bird Mission in Kentucky. Please pray for what God wants to do IN and THROUGH them as they work and serve. Team members are: Kara Bushong, David Callahan, Barb Cullen, Michael Danz, Judy Doyle, Jerry Flier, Cynthia Hsieh, Janet Kolves, Tammy Runyon, Kate Sandrick. District UMWomen Annual Day Apart Tues., Aug. 18, 8:30 am – 2:00 pm at Living Springs Camp near Lewistown Guest speaker will be Joyce Francis, from Bethel UMC, Peoria Baked potato & salad bar—$10. Reservation and cancellation deadline Aug. 10, please contact Linda Danz (241-3022) or Bobbie Dean (303-3024). 3 Congratulations to Heather, Josh, and Ryder! Johnathan Zachary Robertson was born on June 14th at 3:26 am. He weighed 8 lbs 13 oz, and measured 20 inches long. Feast at First July 4, 2015 Feast at First will be served 11:00 – 12:30 pm. We’re providing a delicious meal the first Saturday of every month, to anyone in our community who is in need of food or fellowship! Pekin Park Summer Concert Schedule Sunday evenings at 7:30 June 28 — August 9 Mineral Springs Park by the Pavilion Rain location – Miller Center The 4th @ 1st The 4th of July will fall on Saturday this year, and we have a great opportunity to offer hospitality to our community! We will be offering our church lawn as a “fireworks viewing area”. This is not to take anything away from the events inside the stadium but many families celebrate the 4th by viewing the fire-works all around Mineral Springs Park. You’re Invited! Bill & Carol Williamson’s 50th wedding anniversary (July 31st ) Open House Celebration We will be offering free watermelon, and bottled water with the church logo on it from 6:00 until supplies are gone. Parking will be reserved for Saturday worship at 5:30 p.m. in Whitfield Hall August 2nd, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Please, no gifts. 4 EDUCATION NOTES Summer Sunday school for the children has kicked off and we are having tons of fun with Hands-On Worship! We will be dancing, singing, coloring, acting, playing, and having fun all summer long, so come join us! VBS FUNDING ANNOUNCEMENT Thank you all so much for your incredible support of VBS through prayers, presence, and gifts. Last year was a wonderful success thanks to your giving of time and resources that has led to growth in a variety of ways from new kids in Sunday school, to new volunteers, to our new Celebrate 4-8 group! This year we have an opportunity to send kids home with a music CD of songs to practice, and remember for years to come as well as “scripture treasure tokens” to remind them of our awesome lessons from the Bible! As I pondered what to order for VBS , I was reminded of the impact VBS music had on my life as a young person and I have heard from many others great stories of how they themselves, their children and grandchildren have been impacted by songs they learned at VBS! If you feel moved to help support this opportunity to share praise music CDs and Scripture that kids can treasure for years to come, please consider making a donation to our Vacation Bible School fund. You can add a check to the offering marked “VBS”! Our adult Sunday school class continues to discuss “Why is Grace so Amazing?” in Fearless Conversation. With topics ranging from “How far can I take God’s grace?” to “Is it okay for Christians to smoke?” This class is sure to intrigue everyone. With its drop-in style, it’s easy to join even if you can’t make it every week. Hope to see you there! VBS is coming up soon! From Monday, August 3rd to Thursday August 6th from 6:00 to 8:30 pm, we will be exploring God’s love in action with “G-Force” VBS. Some volunteers are already signed up, but we still need a few more. Come to the volunteer meeting on Tuesday, July 14th at 6 pm or the decorating party during the day on Monday, August 3rd! Computers For Sale IBM xSeries 205 P4 1.8 GHz Processor, 512 mb of memory Intel Pentium 4 1.8 Ghz Processor 40 gig hd, $250.00 Thank you so much for all you do to help us plant seeds of faith to last a lifetime! PowerEdge SC440 2.8 GHz Pentium D Processor 1 gig of memory, Dual 160 gig HD $300.00 ~ Heather If interested, please contact Tim Booth. 5 A Note From Rev. Jim... THANK YOU to those who came to our “Town Hall” meetings the past couple of weeks. WE LOVED hearing your comments about how God is speaking to you regarding the long term future of Pekin 1st UMC. In the near future we’ll compile and distribute the many wonderful comments, dreams, visions, and ideas that were shared. We’ve been inviting all of us to pray for several months, and now we are inviting people to share the fruit of the prayers. We believe that as we pray, then share, we’ll begin to hear God’s voice as various common themes “bubble up” in our conversations. I’m bursting to let you know that my soul is warmed, maybe even heated to boiling, with what I was hearing during our town hall meetings. There did not seem to be a generational gap, as people of all ages shared some very common insights about God’s Spirit moving in our church, about how God provides, and about the kind of future to which God seems to be calling! I’m excited that soon we’ll be able to begin sharing widely the specifics of our gatherings. At another meeting recently, here are some comments that were shared about how the Spirit of God is moving within us: Question asked after a person shared deeply about going through a very difficult time without anger and without fear: “What has helped you find that faith foundation?” Answer: “Here.” (meaning “our church”, and the people here…) “I used to attend church, but I met Jesus Christ. I go to church differently now! Worship takes on an entirely new dimension.” “Some people come to church and feel out of place. When I come, it’s like, “I’m home!” “God has changed my life regarding my fears.” “I can feel the Spirit of God moving here.” We’re hearing these and other similar comments popping up in our conversations, and we hope and pray we can fan the flame of that kind of movement of the Holy Spirit among us! Thanks for opening up about how you are receiving and radiating grace and faith at Pekin 1st UMC. YOU are making an impact on people around you, and on our church. Your Servant in Christ, Jim 6 Celebrate 4-8 We are so blessed to have such an energetic group of 4th to 8th graders. It is incredible to see the enthusiasm and life flowing through these kids. Even though it rained on us last month, that didn’t stop us from running all over the church and having a ton of fun! Next month is a change of pace; we’re having a “Fun in The Sun” day at Rittenhouse’s on Sunday, July 12th from 1-3 Coming soon to First UMC of Pekin… We’re planning on swimming, so bring a swimsuit, towel, sunscreen, and life vest. The Rittenhouse’s live at 2006 Alameda Ct, Pekin. Don’t miss it! Vacation Bible School! Please mark your calendars for Monday, August 3 through Thursday, August 6 from 6:00 pm -8:30 pm as we get moving in God’s love! Join us for the exciting week of God’s love in action as we embark on G-Force! If you love to have fun and learn about what Jesus means for your life through crafts, science projects, awesome games, snacks and more, then this is the place for you! PAINT WARS On Wed, July 1, from 6:30-8:30 pm at Mineral Springs North (near 4H shelter) the Youth Group will be participating in Paint Wars! This event includes all of the youth groups in Pekin, so it will be sure to be a great time of bonding and worship with all Christ-loving teens across churches. A $5 fee for this event covers cost of a t-shirt, sock, paint, and goggles. It is going to be a great time. Contact Michael with any questions! If you would like to volunteer, please contact Heather at! We would love to have you!.....OR... Exciting News! We now have online registration for VBS! If you would like to register online, you can go to the church’s website: You can register as a participant or as a volunteer!! If you prefer a hard copy, registration forms are available in the narthex. Please turn into the office so we can plan for materials. 7 Family Faith Foundations At 21 years old, I am at an interesting age where I am no longer a child but I do not have many of the responsibilities of a working adult. For this reason I can both look back at my time growing up with my family and look forward to the possibility of God blessing me with a family of my own. I can see both how thankful I am for how my parents raised me and think of different ways I hope to raise my kids. A powerful theme Paul discusses in the Bible is that of sonship and daughtership. We are children of God who are desperately seeking to be like the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Ephesians 4:4-6 says: “For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will — to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.” It’s not that God likes us or even that he only loves us, he also wants us. He wants us as His children. He chose us to be like Him and sacrificed Himself for us to be like Him… there is no greater gift! Contemplating this all, I realize that I was raised with parents that walked a fine line as they showed how much they wanted me. They set a curfew and stayed up until I got home. If I was gone for dinner multiple nights in a row, they would ask me to be home for dinner the next night. It is difficult to realize as a child that even watching TV with your family is a gift from God, but my parents asking me to watch a movie with them now means the world to me. (CONT.) God wants us as His children. He pulled us out of orphanage and into His loving arms. Most likely, your children know you love them. It is nice to know that God loves me, but it feels even better to know that God wants me as His own. Do your children know that they are wanted? ~ Michael Berg Thank you everyone at FUMC for all your thoughts, prayers and support. The passing of Andrew was a most difficult time and everyone's kindness has helped the family greatly. God bless, David Callahan The family of Roy Clark extends heartfelt thanks to the FUMC family. Thank you for your prayers and support during this trying time. A special thanks to Rev. Judy, kitchen staff and helpers, and to those who donated to the funeral meal. We have been truly blessed! Linda Clark, Ryan Clark family and Ben Hull family 8 The 2015 IL Great Rivers Annual Conference was held on June 10 – 13th in Peoria. What an amazing experience to gather with other lay persons and clergy from each of the churches in the 10 districts of our conference to spend time worshiping, listening to reports from the many conference ministries, debating legislation, celebrating ordinations and pledges for Africa University, remembering those we’ve lost since last conference, and of course, sharing a meal. In his opening address Bishop Jonathan Keaton reminded us of Paul’s encouragement to the Corinthians (11 Corin. 4: 1 – 6) to “not lose heart” and “not to allow differences and struggles in the church to rob us of our courage, vision and hope. God did not give up on you. Do not give up on God!” The conference theme was Healing the Circle, and our guest speakers were the Rev. Fred Shaw and Rev. Dr. Thom White Wolf Fassett who recounted the history of relations between the white population and Native Americans through the years. Their stories helped us to understand the importance of repentance and prepared us to take part in an Act of Repentance service, as individuals and for the church. Lay members elected 5 lay delegates for General Conference, to be held in Portland, OR next May, and an additional 5 for Jurisdictional Conference, which will take place in Peoria next July…stay tuned, you may get an opportunity to help out with that! Clergy elected the same number of clergy delegates, in separate sessions. After much debate the conference made the difficult decision to close and sell 3 out of 5 of our conference camps, in order to invest into the remaining 2 camps. The number of campers has been in steady decline for the past 10 years. The Rev. Sylvester Weatherall gave a rousing Cabinet address by encouraging lay and clergy members to “step up their faith by ensuring Jesus is in the house, that Jesus is the reason we invite others to church and that Jesus is worth the trip!” “We are all called to be apostles, ambassadors, witnesses to the resurrection. Just as God sent Jesus, so Jesus sends us. So we (your cabinet) are asking you to step up to your faith.” Let’s go make disciples…. Kathy Simpson, Lay Member to Annual Conference Activity is buzzing around our building this summer! Volunteers prepped and painted the classrooms on the second floor, which meant the rooms also got a thorough cleaning! Electrical switches were updated, and light fixtures were outfitted with more efficient light bulbs. The narthex has been brightened with a new coat of paint, and hallways are in the process of being painted as well. Many thanks to the Trustees and all of the volunteers! The sprucing up came just in time to welcome Miller Center clients! They will be using some of our classroom space for weekly activities as they complete construction this summer on an expansion project. Wind and rain caused some unexpected activity in our parking lot recently. A tree at the far north end of the parking lot split in half during a storm. Many thanks to Dick Flier, Jerry Flier, David Davis, Michael Danz and Bill Cullen for their work to remove the tree! God is good – all the time! All the time – God is good! We are grateful for God’s blessing of our church building, to be able to share it with others, and for all those who give their time and resources to care for it. 9 WELCOME TEAM! “I’m so excited to see more people greeting at worship services!” We’ve heard that comment several times in the last few months. THANK YOU to our volunteers on the WELCOME TEAM who are greeting worship attenders at all 3 worship services. Your ministry of CHEERFUL GREETING is making an impact. YOU help our church BE an environment where grace flows. Do you feel the nudge to help greet? Let us know in the office 347-3155, or sign up on the clipboard available in the entryway. How about EXPANDING our ministry of greeting??!! We’ve noticed that some of our faithful attenders have to walk across a lot of parking lot, with walkers or canes, having to maneuver around curbs, cracks, buckles… Wouldn’t it be amazing if we had a couple of people volunteer to be “valets”!! Imagine the joy in someone’s heart, to think about being able to pull up to the canopy, take a much shorter walk into worship, and not have to worry about parking or walking a long distance! And then, imagine the lineup of cars lining up to be delivered to worshipers who are heading home after church… Interested in being a valet!!?? Call us in the office… 347-3155. Our Stewardship of Giving “God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7c THANK YOU for your generosity which is showing up in the offering plate and in many other ways. Your giving is strengthening your soul, AND is helping our church radiate God’s love in ways which make an eternal impact in people’s lives. Knowing that, makes giving a great JOY! At Pekin 1st UMC, we strive to take great care of the treasures you offer to God through our church. Our Business Administrator Cathy Duffy, prepares weekly reports which detail all the ways our offerings are used. We are happy to answer any questions you may have. All bills are being paid on time. We ask that all of us continue to give as we are blessed. As we all continue tithing, or growing toward the tithe, or even moving beyond the tithe, we’ll be WILDLY INSPIRED at the ways God’s grace ripples outward, and our church will be propelled forward in amazing ways as His Spirit moves into and through us to advance His kingdom in our midst. 10 Dear FUMC, Thank you so much for awarding me with the $400 scholarship. Your generosity is greatly appreciated! Caitlin Downey First United Methodist family, First United Methodist Church, Thank you so much for the scholarship. It will help me to further my educational goals as I attend Bradley University in the coming fall. Thank you so much for the scholarship. It will help to start my next journey in life at Illinois State University. I appreciate the thoughtfulness and support from my church family. Ryan Nelson Love, Jenna Rittenhouse Our Stewardship of Attendance “…Jesus went as usual to the synagogue on the Sabbath…” Luke 4:16 Thank you for your commitment to God as shown by your attendance at worship! Remember, we don’t attend to watch a performance, we don’t attend to see if we can “get something out of it”; we attend to give ourselves to the God who gave Himself to us! Worship is a verb; we GIVE our worship TO God by the way we energetically and actively participate. Date 6/7 6/14 6/21 5:30 71 47 74 8:15 91 99 111 10:50 76 71 68 Average Attendance in 2015 = 259 Average Attendance in 2014 = 238 (after 25 weekends) TOTAL 238 217 253 11 New Ministry In Tazewell County: “FAMILY PROMISE” Pekin 1st UMC is meeting with other like-minded Christians as we seek God’s vision and power to help people avoid the downward spiral of homelessness. Statistics show that approximately 300 children in our county qualify as “homeless”! Representatives of churches are gathering together to explore the Family Promise ministry, which is designed to help families stay together, and to receive support which helps them become self-sufficient. Our Outreach Committee is working on this, and we’ll be reporting our progress as we work toward launching this ministry in approximately one year. What are Conference Apportionments? As followers of Jesus in the United Methodist Church, we are part of a WORLD-WIDE MOVEMENT for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. YOU are in ministry in the neighborhoods around our church. YOU are sharing Jesus with people in need in Urbana Illinois. YOU are feeding the hungry in the inner city of Houston Texas. YOU are providing clean water to families in Africa. YOU are spreading the love of God through Jesus Christ in thousands upon thousands of ways at home, in our state, in our nation, and throughout the entire world! YOU are able to do this because God is working through the United Methodist Church in marvelous and astounding ways through the CONNECTION of Christians which is the United Methodist Church! Your Board of Trustees is prayerfully working hard on the building and grounds that God has gifted to us. Over the past several months, we have prayed together and individually for God’s vision for our church as a whole and specifically on how that vision fits into the property that we are charged to maintain. We are excited about our calling to use our gift as a tool for bringing people to Jesus Christ. Therefore, after much prayer and constructive discussion, the trustees have made some difficult decisions regarding the parking lot. Following the Marigold Festival later this year, the trustees will be coordinating a day to remove all of the trees and bushes from the parking lot. This decision was made with unanimous consent at the meeting of the Trustees in May. The trustees felt that in order to better accommodate the vision that God is putting before us, the church needed a “vision” increase. The trees and bushes provide a barrier that hides our church from traffic on Court and Fourteenth streets. Further, the trees are causing significant damage to our parking lot which causes safety hazards to pedestrians. To this same end, the south wall (across from the hospital) will be removed as well. These decisions are not made lightly, but with the utmost prayer, discussion and discernment. Over the next several months, we will see some additional changes as we re-envision the visual and maintenance issues facing our building and grounds. Some of these changes may be difficult, but rest assured that they are only done when it is clear that the intent of the change is to Make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. To that end, I will ask you to pray for our church and specifically our trustees as we undergo this process. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding these changes and improvements, please do not hesitate to contact myself or a member of the staff. In Christ, Ryan D. Wrigley Chairman, Board of Trustees Mobile: 309-256-4203 Email: 12 Baptism of Grace and Violet Jones May 31, 2015 Parents - Aaron and Carrie Jones Baptism of Jensen Jovi Marick Perry May 31, 2015 Parents – Wesley and Kensey Perry 13 Prayer List MaryAnn Arnold Leta Bailey Sharon Barger Petty Bethard Kim Birkmeier Alice Brackney Ken Clymer Esther Davidson Dustin Davin Nona Davin David Dean Derek C. Dylan Jack Evans Jennifer Flesner Gary Fox Pat Garlisch Flora Gebhardt Arlene Glesne Jack Gould Chad Hammond Dane Hanslow Ray Hanslow Mike Hay Amanda Hubbart Linda Hughes Tom Hymbaugh Ivey Don & Mary Beth Jackson Paul Jockisch * Luchlan Jones Kalan Michelle Knowles Corine Krueger Ralph Krueger Jeff Lane Earl Laumeier Darrell Leitner Leslie Darryl Little Lori Codie Maile Mary Pam McClary * Angie Meadows Vivian Morrison Patrick Nelson Kelsey Orr Danielle Perryman * Jackie Dean Peters Lynn Peters Betty Rademacker Don Rademacker Judy Randolph Jon Ray Donna Ripper Ryan Shorty Sanders Scott Gretchen Sidell Brittany Simpson Cherie Simpson Louise Spalding * Steven Stella Helen Strode * Terry Svendsen Florence Swanson Alice Trueblood Mabel Trueblood Lois Vogelsang Kathleen Joan Wallace Molly Walsh Norman Weidner Michael Watkins Wes Sandy Wilson * Kathy Zeeck * indicates new to the list Military: Brandon Gebhardt Matthew Hurd Lance Kampas Kevin Lawler Joshua Olsen Steven Stalker Tory Swearingen Please call the church office, 347-3155, to add or remove a name from the list. Membership Changes June 2015 Baptisms: Grace Olivia Jones, age 5 years, daughter of Carrie & Aaron Jones, baptized May 31, 2015 Violet Ann Jones, age 5 years, daughter of Carrie & Aaron Jones, baptized May 31, 2015 Jensen Jovi Merick Perry, infant son of Kensey & Wesley Perry, baptized May 31, 2015 Deaths: Robert Olson, 72, promoted to glory June 10, 2015. 14 July Birthdays 1 2 3 4 5 Karen Harrison Ralph Krueger Mia Vansaghi 9 Susan Bolen Brianna Short 11 Brenda Bachman Collin Allen Patsy Odell Marian Williams Myra Bachman Ben Funk Mitch Lowery Valerie Moehle Leonard Gray Boyd Harmon Ruth Jones Kristi Sloter Jason Kreiling Doris Myatt Joshua Vogel 22 Christopher Keller 24 Mallory Dodson Alexis Goodin 25 Holly Callahan Troy DuPage Florence Rowell 26 Ryan Craig Ivy Grashoff Stacey Melloy Florence Swanson 27 Jason Anderson Tracey Anderson Alex Bleeker Emily Deputy Wesley Perry Alec Shehorn 28 Allyson Funk John Hall Terri Himmel 29 Wyatt Grimschaw Matthew Hurd Ruth Jefferson Doug Nash Bonnie Pedersen Dirk Sours 30 Lynn Peters Tina Shehorn Sue Hurd 12 Tim Booth Jason Craig Travis Follis 13 Terry Pomrenke Alexis Seltveit Alice Trueblood 14 Lorelei Ferguson Kristina Funk Bernadine Just 15 Tanya Swearingen 16 Susan Stone 6 7 Hanna Baughman Deb Funk John Janssen Lois Rockhold Sylvia Tribe Peyton Bushong Denise Hocker 17 Maggie Classen Jerry Godbey Matthew Plack Kathy Sapp Lynn Sloter Nicholas Umholtz 18 Ray Kolves 8 Sara Look Tyson McFeeters Avery Neiswender Alisa Rabb 19 Bobbie Dean Ralph Heston 21 Carman McCoy Carol Moehle