ABOUT US - DOST Region 3
ABOUT US - DOST Region 3
PROVINCIAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CENTER PROVINCE OF PAMPANGA PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report 2010 Year-End Report ABOUT US The Pampanga Provincial Science and Technology Center (PSTC-Pampanga) carries out and discharges the mandate, functions, and institutional responsibilities of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) at the provincial level. As DOST’s extension arm in the Province of Pampanga, PSTC-Pampanga is tasked to provide effective and efficient S&T services to the local populace, as well as coordinate S&T matters with other government agencies, LGUs (especially with the Provincial Government, through the Governor), and MSMEs. DOST Regional Offices were established upon NSDB’s ascension into the NSTA in 1982, in which the reorganized agency was vested with broader policy-making and implementing functions. Meanwhile, the signing of RA 6959 in 1990 paved the way for the creation of PSTCs in all provinces of the country. Range of Services: Technology Transfer and Commercialization Information Dissemination Consultancy Services Manpower Education and In-service Trainings PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report VISIONS FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY As a continuing vision, S&T shall have contributed to the enhancement of national productivity and competitiveness and to the solutions of pressing national problems; By 2010, the Philippines shall have carved niches and become world-class knowledge provider and user in selected S&T areas; and shall have developed a vibrant Filipino S&T culture; By 2020, the Philippines shall have developed a wide range of globally competitive products and services which have high technology content. MISSION Harness the inputs of science and technology to improve the overall productivity and competitiveness of Region 3's economic sectors with the goals of improving the quality of life of the people; enhancing rural enterprise development and maintaining ecological balance through S&T intervention " PSTC-PAMPANGA commits to become one of the major contributor to the development of micro, small and medium enterprises, its own way of making the agency known to the community. As a strategy, it has always partner with MSMEs in technology transfer and commercialization to cover a wide range of sectors not mentioning its limited manpower resources. Moreover, the Center maintains its links and close partnerships with other national government agencies within the province and region and with local government units as well. PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report CONTENTS Pampanga Message Strategy I: Technology Transfer Programs Small Enterprises Technology Upgrading Program (SET-UP) Strategy II: Human Resource Development Program S&T Undergraduate Scholarship Program Youth Science Program Strategy III: S&T Promotion, Information Dissemination, Advocacy and Linkages Technology Trainings Consultancy and Services Provincial S&T Fairs S&T Linkages Directory PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report MESSAGE 2010, a welcome to our new office. Our appreciation to the Provincial Government for rebuilding our Provincial Science and Technology Center. Our full support to the Kapampangan continues with our comfortable office where we accommodate their concerns. Four (4) projects were added to our list in support to the micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the province. The S&T complementation of support on marketing and production to enhance the competitiveness of the firm-beneficiaries has been the highlight of assistance. Three research and development projects of the Pampanga Agricultural College (PAC) were also funded through the DOST-3 GIA. Efforts were geared in support to the One Town One Product (OTOP) Program and the Provincial Branding Project, Vida Pampanga! in partnership with the memberagencies of the Provincial SME Development Council, especially the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI-Pampanga) and the Provincial Cooperative Enterprise Development Office (PCEDO) of the LGU-Pampanga. DOST interventions were made possible with the full support from the DOST RDIs, like the ITDI, MIRDC, FNRI, FPRDI, etc. Networking and complementation (partnership) with other organizations either from the government or private sectors have always been our strategy in ensuring the high impact to target beneficiaries of our projects/activities. This may be the reason why the management nominated us for the Outstanding Provincial S&T Director Award of the Department. Modesty aside, we were among the five finalists nationwide. We thank our partners for all these achievement in 2010. MARY MICHELLE M. QUIAMBAO Provincial S&T Director PSTC-Pampanga PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report Strategy I: TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER PROGRAMS Small Enterprises Technology Upgrading Program (SETUP) The Small Enterprises Technology Upgrading Program (SETUP) has always been benefitting micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) through funding of technologies with high impact within the four aspects of business. This Strategy is DOST’s commitment to assist MSMEs that are identified to have high potential for growth. SETUP is a nationwide strategy to encourage and assist MSMEs in adopting technological innovations to enhance operational efficiency and boost productivity and competitiveness. The Program is the agency’s contribution to empower firms who have been the champions in employment generation. It has been addressing technical problems through technological interventions/ technology-based solutions that are focused on productivity improvement, ensuring superior product quality, human resources development, cost minimization and waste management. HIGHLIGHTS SETUP Program has always been PSTC-Pampanga’s tool in promoting DOST. It has been PSTC’s commitment to partnerships with other agencies in the province, complementing programs like the One-Town, One Product (OTOP), the Provincial Branding Program- Vida Pampanga! and others. Projects were implemented together with the private sector, non-government organizations and government agencies (local and national). Four new SETUP core funded projects and one DOST-3 GIA-funded project were approved and implemented together with the continuing implementation of existing projects. SETUP CORE FUNDED PROJECTS Project Title : PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT THROUGH THE APPLICATION OF IMPROVED TECHNOLOGY FOR ELLEN’S HOUSE OF FRAMES AND CRAFTS (Technical Support to the Brand Development Project and the Program). Project beneficiary : Ellen’s House of Frames and Crafts Project location : 413 Doña Asuncion Subd., San Juan, Apalit, Pampanga (District 4) Project Description : This project primarily endeavored to improve the product quality and enhance productivity of the Ellen’s House of Frames and Crafts (EHFC). EHFC manufactures wide range of products of various shapes and sizes from small gift items/decors to furniture all of which are embellished with Venetian-styled glass. Prior the intervention, only hand tools and other light equipment are available for use in the firm’s production. The project targeted to improve the firm’s production efficiency and product quality that would measure up to the quality espoused by the “Vida PampangaI”. PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report Accomplishments and impact: The firm has been assisted in package development and was later enrolled for the MPEX consultancy assistance. The official approval of the core-funding project was released in March and the project’s Memorandum of Agreement was signed on 30 March. To eventually attain the project’s objectives, the following have been initially acquired for 2010. The band saw and table saw have been ordered and will be delivered by early 2011. 1 unit thickness planer MOA signing with the proponents, Mr. and Mrs. Ramirez of EHFC 1 unit spindle moulder 1 unit jointer With the initial three units, the firm has already experienced speed in production. The table below shows the increase in productivity on a per product basis. The average increase in production more than doubled the usual output > (150%). Even the quality was enhanced with the presence of measuring devices of the equipment enabling accuracy of measurements resulting to consistency of outputs. ITEM PROD’N W/OUT EQUIPMENT PRODUCTION WITH EQUIPMENT FROM SETUP INCREASE IN PRODUCTION 10pcs. 10 pcs. 5pcs. 5pcs. 15-20 pcs 15-20 pcs 10-15 pcs. 10-15 pcs. 75-100% 75-100% 100-200% 100-200% 200 pcs. 200 pcs. 400-500 pcs. 400-500 pcs. 100-150% 100-150% 200 pcs. 400-500 pcs. 100-150% **FURNITURE** NIGHT TABLE WALL MIRRORS CHEST OF DRAWER TABLES **FRAMES** VENETIAN SILVER PLATED **BOXES** JEWELRY BOX PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report Project Title : PRODUCT AND PROCESS IMPROVEMENT THROUGH THE APPLICATION OF IMPROVED TECHNOLOGY FOR REMZON’S ORGANIC PRODUCTS AND DELI SHOP (Technical Support to the Program). Project beneficiary : Remzon’s Organic Products and Deli Shop Project location : #60 Don Jose St., Paguiruan, Floridablanca, Pampanga (District 2) Project Description : This project primarily endeavored to improve the quality and enhance productivity of the Remzon’s Organic Products & Deli Shop. Remzons manufactures Italian inspired-recipes of food products. Prior the SETUP corefunding assistance, processing of products was done in kitchen-scale although within a separate processing area and facilities. The project components targeted to improve production efficiency and product quality to be able to expand market reach. Accomplishments and impact: The project proposal has been approved in August. SETUP program’s conditions were deliberated during the MOA signing on August 10, 2010. As a matter of priority, the multi-commodity solar dryer was acquired first with its high expected impact in the firm’s production. The firm used to dry their raw materials with an improvised dryer. Due to the inavailability of local stocks, the teabag machine will be delivered within the 1st quarter of 2011. The third component on product and process improvement that includes the nutrition analysis will be deferred until the new process has been fully adopted, while the concerns on the process standardization have been addressed at minimal costs with the one-on-one consultations conducted in coordination with DTI-Pampanga, thus, there have been savings on the project funds. These savings were requested for the purchase of packaging materials instead. ACTUAL OBSERVATIONS: Raw material basil leaves Tomato Hot pepper BEFORE DOST INTERVENTION Improvised dryer Time Quality 3 days 1 day 1 day discolored/ overdried discolored discolored/ overdried AFTER DOST INTERVENTION Multi-commodity Solar Dryer Time Quality 1 day 1 day 1 day acceptable color acceptable color acceptable color MOA signing with the proponent, Mr. Remigio Baul of Remzons and PSTDPampanga, M.Quiambao 1 unit Multi-Commodity Solar Dryer PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report FPD’s Ma. Dolor Villaseñor giving her short demonstration and inputs in filling bottles at Remzon’s on 4 March. Auditor Lou Villanueva and Remzon’s Mr. Remigio Baul of Remzons during the testrun of the MCSDryer on 25 November. Project Title : PRODUCT AND PROCESS IMPROVEMENT THROUGH THE ACQUISITION OF EQUIPMENT FOR LIVING STONE ENGINEERING WORKS AND TRADING(follow-up to MPEX) Project beneficiary : Living Stone Engineering Works and Trading Project location : 1263 Brgy. Ninoy Aquino, Mac Arthur Highway, Angeles City (District 1) Project Description : The project aimed to expand the firm’s operation through the acquisition of additional equipment. It included acquisition of two units lathe machine to replace one (1) old unit having low efficiency and augmenting the production with the additional unit; two (2) tapping and drilling machines, one (1) mini/portable TIG-weld machine and calipers for the firm’s precision measuring instruments. The lathe machines and the tapping and drilling machines were meant to address concerns on existing capability and increasing production capacity for additional job orders received from new customers. The mini TIG-weld machine, on the other hand, would enable the firm to accept job orders requiring welds on stainless steels, an opportunity to provide additional services to customers. As a long term plan, the expansion will be set-up in a new location in the City of San Fernando as recommended by the MPEX consultants. The existing production area in Angeles is limited. Living Stone Engineering Works and Trading is a DTI accredited and registered machine shop specializing in micro machining that requires precision work. It caters to walk-in customers and has regular customers from the furniture, gifts, toys and housewares manufacturers for their services on fabrication of metal parts. PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report Accomplishments and impact: The project proposal has been endorsed after the MPEX engagements, where the gaps have been validated by the consultants. The project has been approved in September. All terms and conditions were deliberated during the MOA signing on September 21, 2010. The following have been acquired as of the year end. These are expected to be in full operation by January 2011. 2 units tapping and drilling machine 2 units lathe machine 1 unit mini TIG welding machine MOA signing with the proponents, Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Romero of LSEWT Project Title : PRODUCT QUALITY AND PROCESS IMPROVEMENT THROUGH THE ACQUISITION OF IMPROVED TECHNOLOGIES FOR NERIMAR’S HI- SWEETS (Technical Support to the Brand Development Project) Project beneficiary : Nerimar’s Hi-Sweets Project location : Blk 125, Lot 36, Bulaon Resettlement, City of Fernando, Pampanga (District 3) Project Description : The project’s general objective is to contribute to the firm’s improvement of product quality, productivity improvement through machine upgrading and proper packaging. This is one intervention where the DOST’s commitment to the Vida Pampanga! is targeted to be realized. Officially approved towards the end of December 2010, MOA signing and project implementation will commence by early 2011. PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report Project Title : PRODUCT AND QUALITY IMPROVEMENT THROUGH THE ADOPTION OF IMPROVED TECHNOLOGIES FOR SMILING STAR ENTERPRISES (Technical Support to the Program) Project beneficiary : Smiling Star Enterprises Project location : Villa Barosa, JAS Highway, City of San Fernando and Sabanilla, Mexico, Pampanga (District 3) Project Description : This project primarily endeavored to develop capiz puncher and a semi-mechanized box cutter to enhance the competitiveness of the firm. Capiz is the firm’s major raw material. Packaging of the lantern ensures the quality of the product from the store to the end user for it to last a long time. Smiling Star Enterprises is one of the several lantern makers of the City of San Fernando with capiz lantern as its expertise. Accomplishments and Impact : Smiling Star Enterprises was among the firm-beneficiaries for MPEX who greatly benefitted on the recommendations of the consultants on proper layouting, product costing and ensuring safety in production. The project was funded under the DOST-3 2010 Grant-in-Aid funds. One unit of semi-mechanized box cutter was fabricated adopting a low cost design of manual equipment where one component is the box creasing and the other component is the cutter. This is to enable the firm to lower the cost on the packaging and even producing boxes as additional income generating activity. The second project component is the fabrication of the capiz puncher. Two units of punchers with 10 (+4) moulds for various shapes were fabricated as a component of the project by a local machine shop. Full operation is expected by 2011. 2 units capiz puncher 1 set box cutter: cutter and creasing components PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report CONTINUING PROJECTS: Project Title : PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT FOR ORIENT DECO FURNITURE, INC. (Technical Support to the and the Program). Brand Development Project Project beneficiary : Orient Deco Furniture Inc. Project location : 124 San Nicolas, Betis Guagua, Pampanga (District 2) Project Description : This project endeavored to develop new products utilizing new line of raw materials for the firm. This project was a technical assistance for “Vida PampangaI” accredited firms and OTOP SMEs. Accomplishments and impact: Only a total of two hundred twenty-seven thousand, five hundred pesos (P P227,500.00) were utilized from the SETUP approved funds amounting to P 900,000.00. The design collections were prototyped and were showcased in the firm’s showrooms at the factory, at the CFIP Showroom in Mabalacat Techno Center and at the Deco Central of the Phil Export 3. Due to the downtrend performance in the export market of the furniture sector, the firm decided to give up the remaining components of the project that were not implemented yet. Project Title : PRODUCT QUALITY IMPROVEMENT through TECHNOLOGY UPGRADING AND IMPROVED PACKAGING FOR PINES’ BROWNIES Project beneficiary : Pines’ Brownies Project location : Brgy. Siran, Guagua, Pampanga (District 2) Accomplishments and Impact : Completed in 2009, the project upgraded the package of the firm’s bestsellers, the brownies. As a “Vida PampangaI” accredited firm, Pines’ Brownies aimed to have an acceptable packaging material and durable enough to stand the products’ vertical stacking requirements during transport. These targets were responded through the SETUP core-funding assistance coupled with the ITDIPTD’s technical assistance through the program: DOST’s Development / Improvement of Philippine Products through the Application of Advance / Modern Packaging Technologies. Now, Pines’ Brownies enjoys the confidence of being aligned with the best products during trade fairs, especially in Metro Manila due to its finely designed boxes and made of acceptable materials. Project Title : EXPANSION OF THE EXISTING OPERATION AND EQUIPMENT UPGRADE FOR ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION IN PIGS FOR DAVID SWINE ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION CENTER, INC. Project beneficiary : David Swine Artificial Insemination Center, Inc.(DAVSAIC) Project location : Brgy. San Agustin, City of San Fernando, Pampanga (District 3) PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report Accomplishments and Impact : This project showcased the impact of technology to productivity improvement and ensuring high efficiency. The firm used to produce/incubate semens with improvised tools and equipment. Now, DAVSAIC utilized genuine equipment/ machines intended for the purpose. The process’ efficiency increased twice the usual process (120% improvement). SETUP CORE FUNDING ASSISTANCE TO ACCREDITED FIRMS Project Title : PRODUCT QUALITY IMPROVEMENT THROUGH TECHNOLOGY UPGRADING AND IMPROVED PACKAGING (Technical Assistance to Vida Pampanga!) Project firm-partner : Carreon’s Sweets and Pastries (BFAD LTO: RDII-RIII-F-2201) Project location : #472 San Nicolas, Magalang, Pampanga (District 1) Project Title : PRODUCT QUALITY UPGRADING THROUGH THE ACQUISITION OF MACHINES FOR EMY’S SWEETS AND PASTRIES (Technical Assistance to Vida Pampanga!) Project firm-partner : Emy’s Sweets and Pastries (BFAD LTO: RDII-RDIII-F-1902) Project location : Unisite Subd.,Brgy. Del Pilar, City of San Fernando, Pampanga (District 3) Project Title : PRODUCT QUALITY AND PROCESS IMPROVEMENT THROUGH THE APPLICATION OF SYSTEMATIC APPROACHES AND TECHNOLOGIES AND ACQUISITION OF MACHINES FOR LAILEN’S PASTRIES (Technical Assistance to Vida Pampanga!) Project firm-partner : Lailen’s Pastries (BFAD LTO BDII-RII-F-1962) Project location : Aurea Subd.,Brgy.Sta.Lucia, City of San Fernando, Pampanga (District 3) Project Title : PRODUCT QUALITY AND PROCESS IMPROVEMENT THROUGH THE APPLICATION OF SYSTEMATIC APPROACHES AND TECHNOLOGIES FOR NAVARRO FOODS INTERNATIONAL, INC. (Technical Assistance to Vida Pampanga!) Project firm-partner : Navarro Foods International, Inc. (BFAD LTO: RDII-RIII-F-2088) Project location : Panducena St., Bebe Anac, Masantol, Pampanga (navarrofood@yahoo.com) (District 4) PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report OTHER PROJECTS: Project Title : UPGRADING THE MACHINING, FABRICATION AND ENGINE REBUILDING CAPABILITIES OF THE AUTOCHEK PARTS AND SERVICES Project firm-partner : Autochek Parts and Services Project location : Lazatin Blvd. Dolores, City of San Fernando, Pampanga (District 3) Project Title : CASSAVA PRODUCTION AND PROCESSING Project firm-partner : Porac Federation of Multi-Purpose Cooperatives, Inc. Project location : Porac, Pampanga (District 2) Project Title : INFORMATION SHARING PROJECT: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF A WEBSITE FOR MSMEs in REGION 3 (DOST-3 GIA) PHASE 2 Project beneficiary : Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Central Luzon Proponent: Central Luzon MSME Team (Secretariat: Dept. of Trade and Industry) Project location : DOST Regional Office No. 3, Gov’t Center, City of San Fernando, Pampanga Accomplishments and Impact : The website developed (2008) and uploaded (2009-2010) was expanded through the www.clmsme.net/showcase. Accredited SMEs (OTOP and/or SMEs with potential) were provided with the assistance to be in the worldwide web. Five bestselling products were uploaded in the website to possibly tap new markets/customers. The firms underwent the orientation training in uploading. Consultancy Services Technical Assistance to the Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) In the presence of a number of growing and developing MSMEs in the province, PSTC-Pampanga’s priority has always been MSME development. Technical assistance for productivity and efficiency improvement are provided in partnership with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), other government line agencies, and with DOST’s Research and Development Institutes/ Centers (RDIs), like the, Metals Industry Research and Development Center (MIRDC), Industrial Technology and Development Institute (ITDI), and the Forest Products Research and Development Institute (FPRDI). PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report This continuing strategy resulted to technology transfer through (one-on-one/group/in-plant) consultancies, technology demonstrations, seminar-workshops, and skills trainings. Program Title : Manufacturing Productivity Extension Program (MPEX) For Export Promotion On-going Firm Beneficiaries in Pampanga: Firm-Beneficiaries 1. 2. 3. 4. Product Line(s) REMZON’S ORGANIC PRODUCTS AND DELI SHOP #60 Don Jose St., Paguiruan, Floridablanca, Pampanga Contact Person: Jessica Baul (Marketing Manager) Tel: (0916)852-7468 CABEL’S ENTERPRISES 10016 Bougainvilla St., Brgy. San Isidro, Dau, Mabalacat, Pampanga Contact Person: Eladio Reyes Cabel Jr. (Owner) Tel: (045) 624-0373 / 0918-918-1677 JEOFFREY WOODWORKS Mc Arthur Hi-way, Lagundi, Mexico, Pampanga Contact Person: Jeoffrey David (Manager) Tel: (0920)370-7584 HAGGAI FOOD PRODUCTS Blk. 10 Lot 101 Model Community, Pio, Porac, Pampanga Contact Person: Gideon F. Catacutan (Gen.Mgr.) Tel: (0909)429-7746 Consultant Sector: Food IEE Product Lines: Basil tea, pesto, shrimp paste, etc. Sector: Food IEE Product Lines: Taho, soya drinks, tofu, tokwa Sector: Furniture KOG Product Lines: Bedroom collections, living room collections, dining room collections, etc. Sector: Food KOG Product Lines: Banana chips Program Title : Comprehensive Agricultural Productivity Enhancement (CAPE) Program Farmer- Beneficiaries in Pampanga: Name of Farmer VEGETABLE FARMERS 1. Alfonso Gando 2. Edgardo Cruz 3. Ernesto Narciso 4. Arnaldo Narciso 5. Joselito Jasmin / Rufino Mañalac 6. Hermie dela Cruz 7. Nestor Zapanta 8. Fidel David 9. Nestor Garcia 10. Saturnino Roque 11. Guillermo limson 12. Reynaldo Guevarra Farm Location San Matias, Sta. Rita, Pampanga San Matias, Sta. Rita, Pampanga San Matias, Sta. Rita, Pampanga San Matias, Sta. Rita, Pampanga San Matias, Sta. Rita, Pampanga San Matias, Sta. Rita, Pampanga San Matias, Sta. Rita, Pampanga San Matias, Sta. Rita, Pampanga Lambac, Guagua, Pampanga Lambac, Guagua, Pampanga Lambac, Guagua, Pampanga Maquiapo, Guagua, Pampanga Crops Area (in Has) pepper pepper pepper bitter gourd tomato /bitter gourd bitter gourd pepper / tomato pepper eggplant pole sitao bitter gourd tomato 1 ha. 2 has. 2 has. 2 has. 1 ha. 2 has. 3 has. 3.2 has. 3 has 1 ha. 4.5 ha. 1 ha. PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report Name of Farmer AQUACULTURE 1. Henry Guinto Location of Fishpond Sua, Masantol, Pampanga 2. Gil Navarro Bebe Anac, Masantol, Pampanga 3. Russel Libut San Matias, Sto.Tomas, Pampanga 4. Rustico Libut San Matias, Sto.Tomas, Pampanga Crops Area (in Has) bangus, prawn, crabs prawn, crabs 3 has. (3ponds) 1 ha. (1pond) 10 has. (5ponds) 10 has. (1pond) tilapia, white shrimps tilapia, white shrimps Accomplishments and Impact: CAPE engagements in Pampanga for 2010 covered two types of crops, the vegetables and the aquaculture. One engagement prioritized the vegetable farmers in the Sta. Rita area. These thirteen (13) farmers are users of compost that their Cooperative produces. Four other farmers using compost in Lambac and Maquiapo in Guagua joined the engagement with the NDJ Agricons headed by Dr. Norman de Jesus of the Pampanga Agricultural College (PAC). The other engagement covered the aquaculture farmers in Masantol and Sto. Tomas. Three (3) fishpond operators completed the engagement with Aquafutura Consultancy headed by Victor Emmanuel Estilo. The seventeen (17) vegetable farmers who targeted to adopt organic agriculture were provided technical assistance through the 200-sqm. demo-farms each in their respective farms. The major intervention was the utilization of proven organic production system using trichoderma. According to the NDJ, trichoderma is beneficial to farmers as follows: 1.) Protects germinating seed, roots and emerging shoots from soil borne pathogens; 2.) Effective against a large number of foliar diseases; 3.) Economical and effective to use in the field; 4.) Environment-friendly, non toxic, and non-habit forming to plants; 5.) Ideal for organic farming, IPM and export oriented crops; 6.) Used as seed dressing agent; 7.) Has properties to induce systemic resistance in plants; 8.) Can colonize the pathogenic host root system; 9.) Helps the affected plant to grow again naturally and recover fully; and 10.) Has growth promoting properties. Nestor Zapanta poses in his CAPE demo farm of tomato. Saturnino Roque poses in his CAPE demo farm of pole sitao. PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report On the other hand, the three (3) fishpond owners were able to gain various technical information in ensuring high quality and productivity of harvest. According to Mr. Estilo, pond bottom soil preparation (usually neglected due to time constraints) is one great factor in ensuring high productivity. Drying the pond bottom would hasten the mineralization of toxic substances through rapid oxidation. This restores soil texture and fertility and helps prevent the build-up of sludge. It also eliminates harmful pathogens through solar radiation and helps reduce the presence of unwanted fish species in the pond bottom. (V.Estilo). Below is the short list of recommendations made by the consultant. Although not all recommendations were adopted during the engagement, the fishpond owners recognized the effect of the different techniques. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Importance of pond bottom soil preparation Appropriate method of predator control Tips in the production of natural food Proper bond preparation Proper record keeping of measurable culture parameters Training-consultation on aquaculture provided by consultant. Consultant pointing at the signs of good condition of shrimps. PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report Project Title : Packaging Assistance to the Terra Cotta Industry Partner Firm-Beneficiaries : Members of the Pottery Exporters and Manufacturers Association of Pampanga, Inc. (PEMAPI) L&G Ceramics, Sto. Tomas Melquiades Ceramics, Sto. Tomas Eliano Baluyut Pottery, Inc., Sto. Tomas and Telapayong, Arayat Asia Ceramics, Paralayunan, Mabalacat North Empire Corporation, Paralayunan, Mabalacat Terra Cotta Artworks, Inc. , San Simon Impact and Accomplishments: This project (funded by PCIERD) was initially undertaken in 2009 in coordination with the Package Technology Division (PTD) of the ITDI. From the original eight (8) firm-beneficiaries in 2009, package design/development assistance was continued with the five (5) firms. The impact of the initial interventions in 2009 were monitored. From the original 30-50% cost in packaging, the firms were able to experience the packaging cost down to 20%. Below were the completed package development assistance for the year: 2 samples Eliano Baluyut Pottery 1 sample L&G Ceramics 2 samples Melquiades Ceramics 2 samples Terra Cotta Artworks, Inc. 1 sample North Empire Corp The project was expanded to sectors on furniture and gifts and holiday decors. Project Title : Packaging Assistance to Furniture and Gifts and Holiday Decors (GHD)/ Handicrafts Partner Firm-Beneficiaries : Members of the Chamber of Furniture Industry of the Philippines CFIP Pampanga Chapter Currey International, Inc., Angeles City Calfurn Manufacturing Corp., Pulungbulu, Angeles City More Than A Chair, Inc., Sta. Maria, Mabalacat Venzon Manufacturing Corp., Panipuan, City of San Fernando Chrysara (Carats) Manufacturing Corp., Angeles Indus’l Park, Calibutbut, Bacolor Project Description: This is an expansion coverage of the PCIERD-funded project with the terra cotta makers and implemented by the transport package group of the Package Technology Division (PTD) of the ITDI. The PSTC, in coordination with the Secretariat of the CFIP-Pampanga Chapter, identified firmpartner/beneficiaries that have existing concerns on package development for their export market. The assistance aimed to decrease the cost of production by developing package structures with lowest cost possible and that would pass the required standards for drop tests. PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report Impact and Accomplishments: The engagement was officially implemented initially through the plant visits/assessments and consultations on packaging held on 10 February and 8 March. The findings during the visits and assessments became the bases of studies by the Japanese consultant (and the PTD transport team) that were presented during the orientation training conducted on 10 March with seven (7) firms represented from among the twenty-two (22) participants. Below were the completed assistance (inclusive of passed drop tests). 2 samples Currey Int’l Inc. 1 sample More Than A Chair, Inc. 2 samples Venzon Mfg., Corp. On-going due to failed initial drop test and/or lack of requirements: 1 sample Chrysara Mfg. Inc. 2 samples Curry Int’l Inc. Other Technical Assistance / Consultancy Services Rendered Two (2) firms were benefitted of the in-plant technical assistance initiated by the PSTCPampanga. Label design assistance and discounts on laboratory tests were provided to the Sonbless Bakeshop located at San Isidro, Bacolor. These assistance were provided in support of its on-going market studies on the squash loaf, buns and “pandesal”. Dale Mathis Studio, Inc. located at Manibaug, Porac was able to seek assistance in the study of the spin casting technology, while Chrysara “Carats” Manufacturing Corp. (Angeles Industrial Park, Calibutbut, Bacolor) on kiln dryer. Only the project proposal of Chrysara was endorsed to SETUP core-funding. In addition, the project proposal of Neri-mar’s Hi-Sweets (Bulaon Resettlement, City of San Fernando) in 2009 was updated and endorsed for core-funding. Mr. Orland Anselmo of PSTC-NE and the region’s expert on biogas digesters, provided technical assistance in the construction of the fifty cubic meter digester at Morales Farm (hogs) in Dolores, Bacolor, Pampanga. The label design assistance, spearheaded by the Regional Office was expanded to firms assisted by the PSTC-Pampanga. Three firms were able to avail assistance as follows: a) Lazatin Consolidated, Inc. Sto. Domingo, Angeles City b) Gabee’s Enterprises San Pedro 1, Magalang c) Jegen SWE Enterprises San Juan, San Luis bottled vinegar box for brownies herbal oil (used for massage) For walk-in and phoned-in consultations, a total of thirty (30) MSMEs were served. While various concerns from seventeen (17) LGUs, schools, national government agencies, private individuals were responded and thirteen (13) individuals requested for scholarship application forms. These were responded through (1.) one-on-one consultations; (2.) referrals to concerned agencies; (3.) coordination/facilitation of technology requests/concerns; and (4.) responses from respective DOST RDIs. PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report CONSULTANCY SERVICES RENDERED FOR WALK-IN CLIENTS: Name of Client/Company Concern 1ST QUARTER Emmanuel dela Cruz of K3 Crafts, Bacolor, Pamp. Florencio Pingul of Home Brew Furniture, Calibutbut, Bacolor, P. Grace and Geoffrey David of Geoffrey David Woodworks, Mexico, P. Randy Viray of Angeles City Romy Dizon of City of San Fernando, P. Raymund Sese of Sese's Marble, San Nicolas, CSFP. Jerry Velasquez of Oggo Motion, City of San Fernando, P. Cris Venzon of Dale Mathis Studio, Manibaug, Porac, P. Eladio Cabel of Cabel Enterprises, Mabt.,P. Lucia Miranda of Aiza's Sweets, Sta. Rita, P. Gideon Catacutan of Haggai Food Prod. Porac, P. Glenda Quiambao of MoreThan A Chair, Mabalacat Grace and Geoffrey David of Geoffrey David Woodworks, Mexico, P. William Lacanlale of Sonbless Corporation,Bacolor, P. and Ms. Ladesma Mallari Assessment of biogas digester at MEPI - request for training on mushroom culture/propagation - phone inquiry on the source of "jelutong" wood and counterpart species in the Phils. - SETUP requirements and preparation of project proposal/ MPEX application and endorsement - request for assistance in identifying food technologist - request for training on mushroom culture/propagation - process standardization of sarsa developed by the client and other requirements for food processors - SETUP requirements - SETUP requirements and technical assistance on spin casting technology - recipe on bola-bola - request use of rotary oven from Emy's Sweets and Pastries / request for GMP Seminar - endorsed banana requirement of Lailen's - recipe's on flour and banana puree making - inquiry on wood lamination - continuous preparation of project proposal for SETUP core funding - laboratory tests for breads Initial consultation on label design (Sonbless Corp.) PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report 2ND QUARTER Grace and Geoffrey David of Geoffrey David Woodworks, Mexico, P. Gloria Recto of K-Anne's Polvoron, Sta. Rita, P. Liza Samia for Mr. Maninang of Aweca Exim, Angeles City Nida Atienza of Chrysara Mfg., Angeles Industrial Park, Calibutbut, Bacolor, Pamp. Myrna Manabat of LGU San Fernando Jojit M. Javier of JM’s Pizza Roll, Lourdes Sur, Angeles City Wilma Relucio of Kababaihang Masigla ng Nueva Ecija Erwin Quiambao, City of San Fernando, Pamp. Lucia Miranda of Aiza Sweets, Sasmuan, Pamp. Leonor Nagrampa of Nagrampa’s Food Products and Delicacies, Sepung Bulaon, Porac, Pamp. SFES, City of San Fernando, Pamp. - continuous preparation of project proposal for SETUP core funding - preservative to possibly prolong shelflife (GMP was emphasized to be one factor to prolong shelflife) - meat processing training schedules (referred TRC schedules) - dryer for wood products / SETUP requirements - linked the firm to Abelardo Tinio for possible negotiation of his lumber dryer - continuous consultation on mushroom -SETUP requirements -SETUP requirements -graduate school scholarships -supplier of plastic curtain and right specifications for plastic liners -SETUP requirements - DOST programs that may be tapped by the school for the Special Science Class and the low-income parents. 3rd QUARTER Dr. Marcial Alviz of Malow’s Meat Products, Lambac, Guagua, P. - Microwaveable chicharon (endorsed to PTD-ITDI) Grace and Geoffrey David of Geoffrey David Woodworks, Mexico, P. - Information on the woodworking equipment from Tarlac (N.E.) Science Centrum (Science on the Move) for IGP - San Fernando Elementary School (non SME) City of San Fernando, Pampanga Rotary Club of San Fernando (non SME) - Seminar/talk on Nutrition Mr. Renato Tayag Jr. of Mother Earth Products, Inc., Mabalacat, Pampanga - Assessment and technical assistance on Biogas digester - Water source for the bamboo project for the Aeta community in Sapang Bato Assistance in the conduct of tests for outputs from demonstration farms Specifications for refractometer and possible supplier Printers for packaging/box SETUP requirements Mr. Renato Tayag Jr., Mabalacat, Pampanga Weng Kasem of Office of the Prov’l Agriculturist – Pampanga Lucia Miranda of Aiza’s Sweets, Sasmuan, Pampanga Jun Cabel, Cabel’s Enterprises, Mabalacat, Pampanga Gideon Catacutan of Haggai Food Products, Pio Porac, Pampanga - PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report Continuation: - Process improvement on banana chips making / SETUP requirements Mayor Jerry Pelayo of Candaba, Pampanga - Plastic densifier Charcoal briquetting Mayor Annette B. Flores-Balgan, Macabebe - Plastic densifier / charcoal briquetting San Fernando Elementary School (non SME) City of San Fernando, Pampanga - Filing of PSHS application Ma. Cristina David, Lubao, Pampanga Harry Belie Aquino, City of San Fernando Edna Meneses, Arayat Grace Canlas, Sta. Ana Emmanuel Guinto, Candelaria Zambales Arlene Macapinlac, C.San Fdo. Lea Reyes, Gulap, Candaba - Filing of PSHS application PSHS application form DOST scholarship form/flyer do do do do Joy Gonzales, of Quantum Spares Phils., Inc. Sindalan, CSFP - SETUP requirements LGU Botolan - Visit to SWM project of cSFP Ely Luna, Floridablanca, Pampanga Emil Paolo Galang of DTI Renjie Perez of TRC - Mushroom cultivation -dofeasibility of cassava production/rootcrops Ladesma Mallari of Sonbless Corporation, San Isidro, Bacolor, Pampanga - directory/List of suppliers of plastics information materials on climate change Mrs. Roxas of San Fernando Elementary School (non SME) City of San Fernando, Pampanga - papaya pickles (achara) making - request for computers (desktops) for computer laboratory Mayor Jose Maria Hizon of Bacolor, P. - DOST scholarship form/flyer San Fernando Elementary School (non SME) City of San Fernando, Pampanga - do Girlie A. dela Cruz San Nicolas San Luis, Pamp - do Neneth Sotto Sta. Rita, P. - do Genesis Paule Sta. Cruz, Lubao, P. - do Michael Valencia (non SME) brgy.captain of Betis, Guagua, Pampanga Mrs. J. Austria of San Fernando Elementary School (non SME) City of San Fernando, Pampanga PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report Continuation: Grace and Geoffrey David of Geoffrey David Woodworks, Mexico, P. - coordinated request for the equipment Liza Samia of the CFIP-Pampanga - project proposal review for GIA assistance Phillip Repato of Philiana Designs Mabalacat, P. - SETUP project proposal preparation Nida V. Atienza of Chrysara Carats Mfg. ALV, Angeles City - SETUP project proposal preparation and coordination of specifications of dryer from FPRDI - availability of training on machining - specifications of bus (or appropriate vehicle) for mobile library transport packaging observation room for hot and cold temp.for furniture Arjay Olalia Madapdap, Mabalacat, P. Ms. Bessie Macabali (LGU) Provincial Librarian, Prov’l Gov’t Pampanga Glenda Quiambao More Than A Chair, Inc. Mabalacat, P. - GMP Seminar-Workshop GMP Seminar-Workshop at Aiza’s Sweets Seminar on Product and Process Improvement on 16-17 February GMP Seminar-Workshop at Meifoods Corp. Training on Calibration of Balances and Weighing Scales PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report 4th QUARTER list of packaging suppliers, guage plastic ideal for skewed pork barbecue Marcel Patrick Duval, Villa Victoria Subd., Brgy. Dolores, cSFP. deed of donation of PCs San Fernando Elementary School requirements for the SETUP project proposal Nida V. Atienza of Chrysara Carats Mfg. ALV, Angeles City Victorina Lorenzo Del Carmen, cSFP scholarship program - do- Rose Anne Serrano, Palmayo, Floridablanca, P. Abel Tanhueco of ADT Trading, Pulungbulu, AC. Nelson Valisno of Sweet Crystals, Porac, P. Jerry Taruc of Jegen SWE Enterprises, San Juan, San Luis, P. SETUP requirements for lumber dryer project Engineered bamboo SETUP requirements KLM Furniture Mfg., Sto. Domingo, Angeles Rose Tullo of Malow’s Meat Products, Guagua, P. Danilo M. Cubacub of Arayat, P. Regino Castro Jr. of Vulcan Resources, Manibaug Libutad, Porac, P. Joey Reyes for Kag. Angelito Reyes of Camba, Arayat, P. Randy C. Garcia of DepEd San Luis,P. Leonardo Musni of Sta. Ana, P. SETUP requirements Inquiry on SUP toll packaging firm and list of packaging suppliers Inventor (alternative power supply) Glass blowing torch Possible livelihood programs for bamboo, tiger grass and kang-kong Evaluation of Science investigatory project Scholarship Violeta G. Valenton of Allysa Repacking, San Pedro Camuning, Mexico,P. SETUP requirements Albert Datu of High School investigatory project on mushroom bamboo program Mr. Bernardo Simon, DepEd 3 Gretchen of Gabee’s Enterprise, San Pedro, Magalang, P. label design for calamansi juice, SETUP requirements PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report Technology Trainings Seminars/Trainings and GMP Audits Conducted/Facilitated by the PSTC-Pampanga for Pampanga-based firms/organizations Name of Training Venue Seminar Orientation on GMP DOST-3 Conference Room Seminar on Food Product and Process Improvement on with DOST Pampanga Conference Room Seminar on Aquaculture Management Conference Room at Navarro Foods Int'l, Masantol Seminar/Re-orientation on GMP Aiza's Sweets, Sasmuan Seminar on Transport Packaging PFTC, Mabalacat Techno Center, Brgy. Paralayunan,Mabalacat Seminar/Re-orientation on GMP Batis Asul, Pulungbulu, Angeles City Training on the Calibration of Weighing Scales and Balances DOST-3 Conference Room GMP Audit for Nadeco Meifoods, Angeles City GMP Audit for Aiza’s Sweets, Sta. Rita/Sasmuan, Pampanga GMP Seminar-Orientation for Aqua Sparkletts, Calibutbut, Bacolor, Pampanga HACCP Seminar-Orientation for Participants to the Likha ng Central Luzon No. of Participants 29 pax. from 19 MSMEs/ food processors in Pampanga 22 pax from 18 MSMEs/ food processors in Pampanga; 10 pax.from 8 MSMEs/ fishpond operators inMasantol and MAO rep. 60 participants-- food handlers at Aiza's Sweets 22 participants from 7 MSMEs (members of CFIP Pampanga Chapter) 39 participants-- food handlers of NADECO Meifoods Inc. 14 participants from the PAMPro members- from 5 MSMEs and DOST Inclusive Dates Conducted February 11 Funding Scheme sponsored by DTI-Pampanga 16-17 February sponsored by DTI-Pampanga February 27 food sponsored by PCEDO (LGUPampanga) Company sponsored March 2 March 10 April 23 June 3 Sponsored by CFIP Pampanga and the participants Company sponsored July 29 Food was sponsored by PAMPro / MIRDC shouldered other expenses of the speakers DOST3 FST August 11 DOST3 FST Conference Room, Aqua Sparkletts 32 participants /food handlers from the firm September 5 Company sponsored Conference Room, DTI- Regional Office No. 3 27 food handlers from 25 food processors September 23 DTI Regional Office No. 3 A total of nine (9) technology trainings and seminars/workshops and two (2) audits were undertaken by the PSTC-Pampanga. Of the nine (9) trainings/seminars, benefitted were 255 participants from eighty-five (85) MSMEs. PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report Strategy II: Human Resource Development Program The human resource development priority is aimed at building S&T capabilities for the future through focused programs in the higher education sector. S&T Undergraduate Scholarship Program Republic Act 7687 otherwise known as the S&T Act of 1994 was approved and enacted in February 1994. It seeks to strengthen the country's science and technology manpower by creating a pool of scientists, engineers, and technicians who shall fill the needs of industrialization. Towards this end, scholarships are provided to finance the education of talented and deserving students to pursue a degree or training in areas of science and technology. DOST through the Science Education Institute (SEI) has been mandated to directly implement the program. It has two specific sub-programs, RA-7687 (Program A) and the DOST-SEI Merit Scholarships (Program B). Program A is intended for applicant whose socio-economic status does not exceed the set values of certain indicators, e.g. family gross income, electric consumption, food expenditure, etc. while Program B is for applicant whose annual family gross income exceeds P156,600.00. On-going scholars and applicants for the Scholarship programs are being processed and assisted by the Regional Office staff on Science Education. The PSTC-Pampanga endorses walk-in and phoned in concerns to the R.O. The table shows the names of the passers for the 2010 Scholarship examinations in Pampanga (exam held on 15 November 2009): First Batch 1 2 3 4 Name Bondoc, Arger De Leon Calma, Camille Patricia Yalung Castro, Jemuel Marin High School Angeles City Trade School Holy Angel Univesity Salapungan HS Angeles City National Trade Sch. Program RA 7687 Merit RA 7687 Municipality Bacolor, Pampanga Angeles City, Pampanga Candaba, Pampanga RA 7687 Angeles City, Pampanga PSHS-Diliman Campus Pampanga High School Holy Angel University Pampanaga HS Pampanga HS PSHS-Diliman Campus Holy Family Academy San Carlos -San Luis NHS Pampanga HS Merit Merit RA 7687 RA 7687 RA 7687 Merit RA 7687 RA 7687 RA 7687 San Fernando, Pampanga Mexico, Pampanga Mabalacat, Pampanga San Fernando, Pampanga Minalin, Pampanga Angeles City, Pampanga Porac, Pampanga San Luis, Pampanga Guagua, Pampanga 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 David, Kim Danrey Cabebe Guion, Ginarey Grace Ann Sarmiento Junio, Jan-Derrick Obis Mamangun, Royette Abby Dizon Mendoza, Naomi Lois Dimzon Musni, Theodosia Lanuza Pangilinan, Coleen Mallari Rivera, Anne Kristine Natalicio Salas, John Lester Espela Tacbad, Robert Canlas 14 Calilung, David Neil Ticse Assumpta Technical HS RA 7687 Minalin, Pampanga 15 Cadiang, Kenneth Ronquillo Pampanga High School RA 7687 San Fernando, Pampanga 16 David, Edgar Allan Bartolome San Carlos San Luis NHS RA 7687 San Luis, Pampanga Second Batch PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report SCHOLARSHIP REPORT FOR REGION 3 As of December 31, 2010 Province District 2011 Applicants On-going Aurora Lone District 67 8 Bataan 1st District 2nd District 84 161 12 47 Bulacan 1st District 2nd District 3rd District 4th District Malolos City SJDM 77 101 74 118 25 21 20 28 11 17 16 4 Nueva Ecija 1st District 2nd District 3rd District 4th District 47 174 53 60 7 7 4 10 Pampanga 1st District 2nd District 3rd District 57 54 68 16 7 13 4th District 45 15 Tarlac 1st District 2nd District 3rd District 30 45 37 3 11 6 Zambales 1st District 2nd District 53 47 5 5 8 6 1506 278 Other Regions Total For the examinations held on 21 November 2010, a total of forty-one (41) applicants in Pampanga qualified for the examinations. Passers will be posted by 2011. While seventy-six (76) applicants, coming from sixteen (16) elementary schools in Pampanga took the qualifying exams for the Philippine Science High School SY 2011-2012. PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report Strategy III: S&T Promotion, Information Dissemination, Advocacy and Linkages For PSTC-Pampanga, advocacy activities and linkages have been very effective and beneficial both to the center and the partners. These initiatives were great contributors in achieving high impact accomplishments. Consistent conduct of vigorous S&T promotion and information dissemination campaign aimed at reaching the general public, policy makers and decision makers in government, the S&T community (researchers, inventors, educators, extension workers and their support personnel), the youth and the main employment generators of the country, the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). The aggressive linkages with other institutions and individuals were the main tools of the Center that enhanced the attainment of accomplishments in the various S&T programs, the development of capabilities that effectively carried out S&T activities, and the interaction between science and society. S&T Linkages INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT AND LINKAGES PROVINCIAL BRANDING PROJECT The PSTC-Pampanga, together with other members of the technical working group (TWG) for the “Vida Pampanga!”, continuously initiated projects and activities in support to the accredited firms. In time for the transition within the Provincial administration, the TWG prepared the plans and programs that were proposed and funded accordingly through the Provincial Cooperative and Enterprise Dev’t. Office (PCEDO). Moreover, the PSTC-Pampanga ensured that the accredited firms were prioritized in all programs of the Department. PAMPANGA SME DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL PSTC-Pampanga has been active in participating to the Council’s planning sessions, meetings and review activities. Partnerships were forged during these activities. CITY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD The City Solid Waste Management Board was convened by the Hon. Mayor Oscar Rodriguez through the City ENRO on 24 June 2010. PSTC-Pampanga was among the members to represent DOST. Proposed programs/projects and activities on solid waste management were evaluated by the board during regular monthly meetings every last Friday. PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report One Town One Product Program The continuous implementation of the One Town One Product Program has been one of the strategies of the PSTC-Pampanga in forging linkages with other agencies of the government and the private sector. Projects and activities crafted in line with OTOP were usually prioritized. For this year, two of the SETUP-core funded, two GIA-funded and two major technical assistance projects benefitted OTOP SMEs. DOST Regional Office No. 3 was the island’s nominee for the NATIONAL MOST SUPPORTIVE PARTNER AGENCY held on 12 March during the National Congress at the PTTC, Pasay City. BLESSING AND INAUGURATION OF THE PSTC-PAMPANGA BUILDING The new building of the PSTC-Pampanga was blessed and formally inaugurated during the Launching of the www.clmsme.net/showcase on 12 November 2010. As the second part of the program, the blessing of the whole two-storey building was officiated by Rev. Fr. Daniel Baul and was witnessed by the MSMEs and NGA representatives present during the website launching. PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report Directory Pampanga Provincial Science and Technology Center PSTC-Pampanga Department of Science and Technology – Region III Capitol Compound, City of San Fernando, Pampanga Telefax: (045) 961-0967 MARY MICHELLE M. QUIAMBAO Provincial S&T Director mmmquiambao@dost.gov.ph marymichelleq@yahoo.com ARIES D. RAMOS Science Research Assistant WILFREDO F. SIBAL / RANDY VALENCIA Regional Support Staff for Pampanga PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Province of Pampanga Capitol Compound, City of San Fernando, Pampanga Telefax No. (045)961-0967 WE ARE PLEASED TO PROVIDE YOUR OFFICE WITH A COPY OF OUR 2010 YEAR-END REPORT ON OUR PROGRAMS / PROJECTS / ACTIVITIES / ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN THE PROVINCE OF PAMPANGA. THANK YOU AND WARM REGARDS. Very truly yours, MARY MICHELLE M. QUIAMBAO PSTD-Pampanga 19 January 2011 marymichelleq@yahoo.com Acknowledgement Receipt: 1. Dr. Conrado J. Oliveros Regional Director- DOST 3 2. Dr. Julius Caesar V. Sicat Asst. Reg’l Dir., Technical Op. 3. Ms. Adena David Resident Auditor 4. Hon. Carmelo F. Lazatin Representative- 1st District 5. Hon. Gloria M. Arroyo Representative- 2nd District 6. Hon. Aurelio “Dong” Gonzales Representative- 3rd District 7. Hon. Anna York Bondoc Representative- 4th District 8. Hon. Joseller “Yeng” Guiao Vice Governor- Pampanga 9. Hon. Lilia B. Pineda Governor- Pampanga 10. Engr. Fernando Y. Henson PPDO- Pampanga ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ PSTC-Pampanga 2010 Year-End Report
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