March 2015 - Coolidge Elementary School
March 2015 - Coolidge Elementary School
Coolidge courier COOLIDGE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MARCH 2015 2, 4, 6, 8, FIRST GRADERS ARE GREAT The first graders have had a very busy winter of learning! We learned about different presidents throughout February. Do you know what type of house Abraham Lincoln lived in as a young boy? The first graders learned about then created their own log cabin out of pretzels! Check out a picture of these wonderful Lincoln Log cabins. They also wrote facts about George Washington and learned about responsibilities of the president of the United States. We figured out it is a very important job! The students currently are completing a learning unit on different types of families. We are reading books and completing activities that correlate to families. Students will have the opportunity to create their very own family tree after reading the book, Me and My Family Tree by Joan Sweeney. In addition, the students are completing a family responsibilities book where they reflect on their own family and who completes different duties in their household. They also have the opportunity to write a story about a members of their family, using the Writer’s Workshop process. The kids are thrilled to share information about their families with their classJ! ARTIST OF THE MONTH For more great pictures go to: PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Thank you to those who made it a priority to be at your child’s conference this last month. We always aim for 100% attendance, but as I am writing this we are still making up conferences from our snow days. Thanks to the flexibility of teachers and families for making the conference for trimester 2 happen. I encourage you to watch the newsletter closely as we have added dates that have changed since the beginning of the school year. This is the most effective way we can communicate with all of our families. Please note that our Preschool and Kindergarten and Alternative Kindergarten registration day was March 6th…if you were unable to come and register your child for one of these programs please stop into the office soon to complete the process. We will extend an invitation to the Kindergarten families to visit us on May 8th from 2:304:00 to get more information. Daily attendance continues to be a topic of conversation. Remember our theme is Everybody, Every day--Good Attendance Matters! Please note from Marcia Hughes’ communication that starting on March 30, 2015 our school day will be extended to make up for the instructional time we have missed from inclement weather cancellations or delays. Kindergarten- 5th grade hours will be from 8:50 am - 3:55 pm Breakfast will start at 8:30 am Students will be allowed to come into their classrooms at 8:40 am Tardy bell will ring at 8:50 am, then announcements will start. Morning AK and Early Learning will be from 8:30-11:40 Afternoon AK and Early Learning will be from 12:40-3:50 Bus times will be 10 minutes earlier than they are normally picked up, and will be dropped off 10 later than they normally are dropped off. The early dismissals on March 18th, April 3rd, May 20th and June 5th will remain at 1:30 pm. Mr. O’Connell SAFETY CONCERNS Cedar Rapids Community School District takes your safety seriously and welcomes your input. Please contact your building principal/administrator and report any safety concerns that you may have. Thank you for helping us keep staff and students safe. INTERMEC GRANT The students and staff at Coolidge are very fortunate to have a couple of parents that worked at Intermec technologies here in Cedar Rapids. Matt Baker and Adam Bumpus nominated Coolidge School to receive a technology grant this winter and it was just recently awarded to us! Thanks to both Mr. Baker and Mr. Bumpus for continuing their dedication to the students and staff here at Coolidge. The $6,000 will be used to purchase more technology for the building to be used with students at various times during the day. Students will certainly get some super use out of the new technology devices we are able to add to our building. We thank Intermec for their generosity to our school. We will follow up this spring with some photos of the students using the new technology that we submitted in the grant. NEWS FROM 3RD GRADE We have been studying Structures of Life in science. We have been exploring the structures of seeds, crayfish, and Bess beetles. All of these living things have been in our classrooms and we have been able to observe and examine their properties. We have also been preparing for the Iowa Assessments. We look forward to doing our best on these tests and show all we have learned this year! VIRTUAL BACKPACK The District offers an online Virtual Backpack site to support the efforts of community organizations wanting to share information about educationally-based programming. Individuals or organizations wishing to post material on the Virtual Backpack submit items electronically and approved materials will appear online for families to access. Organizations will find a link to submit flyers for consideration on the District homepage at . Families can access the Virtual Backpack from their school Web site. 2015-2016 Iowa Department of Education Open Enrollment applications (district to district) • Grades 1-12 DEADLINE: March 1, 2015 • Incoming Kindergarten deadline: September 1, 2015 2015-2016 In-District Permit Application This is a request for a student who resides in the Cedar Rapids Community School District (CRCSD) to attend another CRCSD school that is not in the attendance area where the family resides. Please refer to Procedure 602.4a and check with your building counselor to determine if a permit is allowed or required. • January 5, 2015 Permit application and guidelines available from resident school • March 1, 2015 DEADLINE: Submit application to a students attending building • April 2015 Parent/legal guardian will be notified in writing of decision on permit Johnson Elementary will become a STEAM school starting in 2015-2016. The enrollment procedure for new students asking to attend will be by lottery process that will take place later this spring. No new students will be allowed to permit to Johnson Elementary during the 15-16 school year. All students who are currently enrolled may continue to attend if they so choose. There will be a process for students who are currently attending and do not wish to continue in the STEAM school. These procedures will be explained in detail later this spring. KINDERGARTENERS LEARN ABOUT HISTORY What did you learn about when you were in history class? Maybe you learned about the ancient pyramids, famous explorers, or about past presidents. During the last few weeks the kindergarten students have been learning what history is – a story about something that has happened in the past. They are also learning what artifacts are, and were introduced to a timeline during this social studies unit. The kindergarteners are also discovering ways that people grow and change over time, including themselves. For example, they enjoy playing with different toys now than they used to when they were younger. That favorite rattle from long ago has been replaced with Legos or a video game. They also realized that they like different music now than they did a few years ago, do not eat the same foods that they ate when they were babies, and even use a different type of bed now than when they were younger. As a special part of this social studies unit every kindergartener is having a turn to tell their personal history. Each student is collecting artifacts from home to tell their history and then sharing them with his or her classmates. These artifacts are described by the student and placed on a timeline ranging from birth to age 5 and 6. The students have been sharing artifacts such as a baby picture or the tiny stocking hat that they wore in the hospital as a newborn. Other artifacts that have been shared by the students include a favorite stuffed animal from when they were a baby, a special blanket they carried around as a toddler, preschool projects or diplomas, and family photos from past vacations. Everybody, Every Day! Good Attendance Matters Non-Discrimination Policy It is the policy of the Cedar Rapids Community School District not to illegally discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age (employment only), marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and socioeconomic status (students/program only) in its educational programs and its employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. District employees with questions or a grievance related to this policy should contact Jill Cirivello, Director of Human Resources, 319-558-2421; Students and others should contact Ken Morris, Manager of Student Equity, 319-558-1504; The District mailing address is 2500 Edgewood Rd NW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52405-1015. MATH PROBLEMS OF THE 4TH GRADE CONFERENCES The fourth graders here at Coolidge have just MONTH wrapped up their student led conferences! They 1. Where do books come from? Books are published all over the world. The publishing information is usually printed within a book’s first few pages. Sometimes more than one city is listed. (For this activity, use the first city listed.) Look at a sample of the books in your classroom library and list all the places where they were published. Use your list to create a graph showing where the books were published. In 2004, the School Library Journal stated that the average cost of books for children and young adults was $19.31. Using this average cost, how much money did the publishers in each city on your graph generate in book sales for your classroom? Order the cities on your graph from the city generating the most money in book sales to the city generating the least. How much money in book sales was generated altogether for your classroom? 2. An Annual Salary An annual salary of $25,000 is what George Washington made after he was voted into office in 1789. As of 2008, George W. Bush, our 43rd president, had an annual salary of $400,000 + $50,000 for expenses. For how many years has the United States been governed by a president? What is the difference between the annual salaries of the two Georges? Using your data, what do you notice happening? What is the percentage of increase of the presidential salary? If this trend continues, predict the annual salary for future presidents in 50 years, 100 years, and 200 years. Explain your thinking. IMPORTANT DATES were able to share many of the wonderful things they had worked on with their parents. Parents saw their children’s strengths, goals, and plans for success. Parents and students commented on how they really enjoyed getting to see and share their presentation videos from the recent Regions Project in our social studies unit. Using this digital portfolio ultimately meant students were able to share some of the technology they had been working with in the second trimester. PowerPoints, PowToons, and some fun educational websites were used to show parents the final products that these children made by showing up each day and doing their PARRT. FOURTH AND FIFTH GRADERS PREPARE FOR SPRING MUSICAL! What do you get when you put the 3 pigs, the 3 bears, “Red,” “Goldie,” a Granny, and not one, but TWO wolves in a musical program? You get a funny fractured fairy tale! The Coolidge fourth and fifth graders are busy in the music room preparing for their spring musical, “Happily Ever After!” which will be presented on Thursday, April 16 at 2:00 and 7:00 p.m. in the Coolidge cafeteria. Parents, a program/costume information sheet has already gone home with your child. If you haven’t yet seen it, please ask your child for it. Costume items will need to be to school by Wednesday, April 15, the day of our dress rehearsal assembly for the school. We look forward to performing for you next month! April 2����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� SCRIP Sent home 3................................................................................................................. Coolidge Pride Day – wear black and gold 3.............................................................................................................. 1:30 pm Early dismissal Staff Learning Day 6����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������SCRIP Due 7��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Spring Pictures 9������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ SCRIP sent home 10������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������Family Fun Fair 13��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������SCRIP Due 16���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� SCRIP sent home 16.......................................................................................................... 2:00 pm - 4th & 5th grade music performance 16.......................................................................................................... 7:00 pm – 4th & 5th grade music performance 17����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� SCRIP Delivered 17............................................................................................................... Coolidge Pride Day – wear black and gold 20��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������SCRIP Due 24����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� SCRIP Delivered 30���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� SCRIP sent home STUDENT’S ATTENDANCE August Kindergarten Average Determan Morningstar Rooney 1st Average Carney Jennings Mitchell nd Average 2 Englert Lodge Sankot 3rd Average Brems Hackenmiller Schenkelberg th Average 4 Blocker Lang Russ 5th Average Broghammer Christoffersen Building Avg September October November December January February 97.9 97.3 96.4 97.2 95.3 94.9 96.1 98.6 97.9 97.2 98.6 98.8 99.4 97.7 98.4 98.4 100.0 96.7 99.4 100.0 100.0 98.1 98.4 99.5 97.9 97.7 99.0 99.2 98.8 98.6 98.5 95.9 97.6 98.0 97.6 97.5 98.9 97.5 98.3 98.0 96.2 97.9 98.7 96.8 98.3 97.4 98.1 97.3 96.7 97.3 96.4 98.1 97.6 96.9 93.9 98.5 97.6 97.9 97.9 97.0 97.9 97.3 99.1 97.4 97.6 97.1 97.8 97.9 97.4 96.7 97.5 98.0 97.9 97.9 97.8 97.4 98.5 96.7 96.5 95.5 97.9 95.2 93.5 98.0 98.1 97.8 98.1 97.5 98.7 94.8 99.0 96.7 97.8 97.2 95.0 98.8 98.6 98.9 97.2 96.6 92.6 96.6 95.5 97.3 95.9 93.3 96.2 95.8 96.0 96.8 96.7 97.5 96.0 96.5 96.5 97.1 97.8 94.5 97.4 97.5 97.2 96.2 97.8 90.4 96.5 94.9 97.0 95.3 92.4 96.5 95.0 97.7 96.9 97.5 96.9 98.8 96.7 96.0 94.0 98.0 96.0 96.8 95.0 98.6 96.1 98.1 95.0 95.3 94.6 97.7 92.1 93.9 95.5 96.1 95.3 95.1 94.6 96.7 95.5 91.6 95.7 97.0 95.5 94.5 93.4 94.5 92.2 95.1 USEFUL URL’S AND AMAZING APPS Special Diets If your student has a special diet form on file from a previous year and something has changed, please contact the Food and Nutrition Office at 558-2305. Follow the District on and , @crschools, compare/listing/US This is an excellent site to look at comparing the United States to other countries. The information comes up quite quickly and is VAST! Enjoy searching and comparing. Kindertown This is a great app for finding educational apps for pre-schoolers and young kids. Doodlecast This is a great app for kids that allow them to create drawings while recording their voices! This is an excellent site for students and parents to visit. It has many resources for doing homework and it also provides clip art, weather and various educational magazines. When visiting the site the User ID is: 1053cool password: aea10 April 21 Soft Shell Tacos w/ Lettuce, Cheese & Salsa Sides: Fruit Cocktail Refried Beans Mixed Vegetables April 28 Stuffed Cheese Sticks w/ Marinara Sauce Sides: Applesauce Peas Broccoli Tuesday Alternate Chicken Patty April 20 Fish Sticks & Hot Roll Sides: Applesauce Baby Carrots Mashed Potatoes & Gravy April 27 Walking Taco Sides: Peaches Corn Mixed Vegetables Monday Alternate P May Contain Pork Beef Honey BBQ Rib Sun Butter & Jelly + Cheese Stick Cheese Pizza Wednesday Alternate April 29 Chicken Nuggets w/ French Bread Sides: Pineapple Sweet Potato Fries Fresh Cauliflower April 22 French Toast Sticks & Scrambled Eggs Sides: Orange Smiles Fresh Celery Tater Tots April 15 Asian Popcorn Chicken Salad w/ Chow Mein Noodles Sides: Mandarin Oranges Cucumber Slices Mixed Vegetables April 8 Walking Taco Sides: Fresh Fruit Refried Beans Mixed Vegetables This institution is an equal opportunity provider Sun Butter & Jelly + Cheese Stick Pepperoni Pizza April 14 Spaghetti & Meat Sauce w/ Breadstick Sides: Fresh Fruit Steamed Carrots Green Beans April 13 Fruit Parfait w/ Granola Sides: Cinnamon Apples Fresh Celery Tater Tots Hamburger/Cheeseburger Sun Butter & Jelly + Cheese Stick Cheese Pizza April 7 Italian Dunkers w/ Meat Sauce Sides: Pineapple Baby Carrots Mixed Vegetables April 1 Sloppy Joe on a Bun Sides: Mandarin Oranges Steamed Carrots Green Beans Sausage Pizza Sun Butter & Jelly + Cheese Stick Yogurt with Muffin Thursday Alternate April 30 Macaroni & Cheese Sides: Pears Side Salad Roasted Chickpeas April 23 Beef-A-Roni w/ Garlic Toast Sides: Pears Side Salad Roasted Chickpeas April 16 BBQ Turkey Sandwich Sides: Pears Side Salad Roasted Chickpeas Cheese Pizza Sun Butter & Jelly + Cheese Stick Fish Wedge Friday Alternate April 24 Submarine Sandwich Sides: School Planned Fruits and Vegetables April 17 Loco Chicken Fajita Sides: School Planned Fruits and Vegetables April 10 Crazy Chicken Wrap Sides: School Planned Fruits and Vegetables Early Dismissal April 3 Mini Corn Dogs Sides: School Planned Fruits and Vegetables Daily Milk offered includes 1%, skim, or skim chocolate April 9 Beef Teriyaki Dippers w/ Buttered Noodles Sides: Peaches Side Salad Roasted Chickpeas April 2 Macaroni & Cheese Sides: Fruit Cocktail Side Salad Roasted Chickpeas April 2015 Elementary School Lunch Menu All meals include milk, fruit, vegetable, grain, meat/meat alternative April 6 Chicken & Cheese Deli Sides: Pears Corn Baked Beans A Minimum of One Fruit or Vegetable is required for a reimbursable meal April 27 April 20 P May Contain Pork Cold Cereal Toast Fruit Juice Milk Grab N Go April 21 April 28 Scrambled Eggs Toast Fruit Juice Milk Egg & Cheese Biscuit Fruit Juice Milk Hard Boiled Egg Toast Fruit Juice Milk Grab N Go April 29 Favorite Muffin w/ Yogurt Fruit Juice Milk April 22 Breakfast Pizza P Fruit Juice Milk April 15 Pancake on a Stick P Fruit Juice Milk April 8 Favorite Muffin w/ Yogurt Fruit Juice Milk April 1 Breakfast Pizza P Fruit Juice Milk BF‐16 BF-3 BF-13 BF-8 BF-3 BF-13 April 2015 School Breakfast Menu BF-14 BF-9 BF-4 BF-4 April 30 Waffles w/ Syrup (optional) Fruit Juice Milk April 23 Breakfast Combo Bar P Fruit Juice Milk April 16 Breakfast Burrito w/ Salsa Fruit Juice Milk April 9 Waffles w/ Syrup (optional) Fruit Juice Milk BF-14 BF-15 BF-10 BF-5 April 24 English Muffin Butter, Sun Butter, & Jelly Fruit Juice Milk April 17 Cinnamon Roll Fruit Juice Milk April 10 Strawberry Yogurt Shortcake Fruit Juice Milk BF-15 April 3 English Muffin Butter, Sun Butter, & Jelly Fruit Juice Milk Daily Milk offered includes 1%, skim, or skim chocolate April 2 Breakfast Combo Bar P Fruit Juice Milk This institution is an equal opportunity provider BF‐18 BF-2 BF-12 BF-7 BF-2 April 14 French Toast w/ Cinnamon & Powdered Sugar Fruit Juice Milk Grab N Go Yogurt Graham Crackers Fruit Juice Milk BF‐17 BF-1 BF-11 BF-6 BF-1 April 7 Scrambled Eggs Toast Fruit Juice Milk may contain peanut/tree nut Ultimate Breakfast Round Fruit Juice Milk Pancake w/ Sausage P Fruit Juice Milk April 13 Bagel w/ Cream Cheese Fruit Juice Milk Ultimate Breakfast Round Fruit Juice Milk April 6 Must Select a Minimum of 3 Food Items For a Reimbursable Meal. COUGAR LUNCHEON Congratulations to the following students who attended the cougar luncheon on February 3rd: Lily Kolek, Peyton Stineman, Riley Edinger, Faith Drzycimski, Kenrick Griffin, Cash Abrams, , Sabrina Poock, Max Panosh, Haidyn Ulrich, Ty Kuennen, Amarion Wynn-Jackson, Aiden Karr, Arianna Besler, Lily Ulrich, Brayden Brueggermeyer, Dayten Guy, Jose Torres, Kiefer Clow, Nick Harms, Natalie Hartgrave, Leah Graham, Grace Jungling, Gavin Sevey, Britney Greiner, Zaria Larsen, Camryn Abrams, Jacob Beirman, Landon Augustine, Jacob Strain, Jaan Ahmad, Alysa Konen, Holly Madsen, Brianna McNeal, and Sophia Reinert. Congratulations to the following students who attended the cougar luncheon with Mr. O’Connell on March 10th : Loghan Clinton, Daniel Ramos, Gabe Sayer, Roman Wright, Carter Gearhart, Wyatt Vicerman, Charlie Davis, Dietrich Eble, Javier Lozano, Landon Clinton, Danielle Boche, Dillon Poock, Bernell Borong, Ethan Hines, Olivia Shaw, Nadia Thomas, Mya Schakleford-Tischer, Mason Akers, Kylee Thomas, Sarah Jungling, Abram Johnson, Ella Baker, Delaney Greene, Brady Heideman, Ava Miles, Siham Mohamed, Jack Smith, Alaina Hanisch, Cameron Bubenyak, Jack Robertson, Haywood Stowe, and Bryce Gearhart.