222 Newsletter - Cowes Primary School


222 Newsletter - Cowes Primary School
Right to Learn
Tel: 01983 293261
House Points
Right to be Safe
Right to be Respected
14th May 2015
Attendance: Whole School Target 96.7% Last Week: 94% Class: Osprey 98.8%
This Week’s Successes & News
Run Wight Junior Challenge Success!
Congratulations to all those children who took part in the Run Wight competition that
was held at the Cowes Community Centre on Saturday. The event involved the
children running a 2km course against other children who lived in the Cowes area.
Several of the children from Cowes qualified for the Island Final that takes place on
Saturday 6th June at Sandown. Congratulations to you all. Mrs King would also like
to ask if any parents took photos at the event could she please have copies for her
sports notice board. Thank you.
Horticultural Show & Summer Fayre
Due to the success of last year we will be combining our very successful Horticultural
Show with our Summer Fayre. They will be held on Thursday 16th July, with
marquees open for displaying competition produce at 8:00am. The Fayre will run after
school from 3:00pm - 5:30pm. Within this time the marquees will be open for
everyone to view the competition entries. This is the fifth year that our Horticultural
Show has been run and it gets more and more successful each year. Last year we
had over 50 families participate.
Do you enjoy baking? Do you have vegetables, fruits or flowers growing in your garden? Are you
arty? Then enter the show! Every child who enters the show will receive a free ticket for a go on
the bouncy castle before the show/fayre.
Walk the Wight - Message from Chief Executive
Thank you to all children, parents, friends and relatives who ‘Walked the Wight’ on
Sunday 10th May. You should all be very proud of your achievement. Everybody at
the Earl Mountbatten Hospice, including patients, their families and friends; staff and
volunteers, are very grateful for your support. The Hospice is such an important
charity here on the Island, and it is wonderful that children like you show their support for us by
doing something amazing, so very well done!
Sickness Reminder
We have had a few cases of sickness and diarrhoea and have been notified that viral
gastroenteritis (norovirus) may be circulating in the community. We would like to
remind parents that children with symptoms should be excluded from school until 48
hours after their last episode of diarrhoea and vomiting. However, if your child has just
had one symptom of sickness or diarrhoea they must refrain from school for 24 hours.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Absence Line
If your child is ill, please remember to call the absence line before 9.30am each day
your child is unwell. Thank you for your co-operation.
Nurses Forms
If you have received a letter from the School Nurses about a height and weight check
for your child, please could you return this to the office in the brown envelope
provided as soon as possible. Thank you.
To report pupil absence by 9.30am each day: Tel: 293261 or Email: admin@cowespri.iow.sch.uk
For bookings
and full
please call
Club Cool,
on: 07511 709 744.
Letters home w/c 11th May 2015
Insect Repellent –Rookesbury Park - Year 6
Sports Day Letters - Years 1-6 only
EYFS Sports Day - EYFS only
If you have not received any of these
letters, please check our website or
collect from the office.
Mon 11th - Fri 15th May - KS2 SATs Week
Tues 19th May - Year 4 Swimming
Mon 18th - Fri 22nd May - Year 6 Residential Trip & IOW Activities
Mon 18th - Fri 22nd May - KS1 SATs
Thurs 21st May - KS2 Praise Assembly (Years 3-5)
Fri 22nd May - School breaks up at 3.00pm
Mon 25th May - Fri 29th May - Half Term
Mon 1st June - School Commences
Parent Lunches
Come and enjoy lunch with your
child. Parent lunches will be
every Tuesday until Tuesday 19th May
2015. Please remember to inform the
office and put your name down by 9.00am
the Friday before the lunch. Thank you.
Make your way to
Wight Karting this
holiday for an
adrenaline packed
event! Fill your morning/afternoon with
three karting sessions, technical
tuition, lunch/tea and a certificate
presentation. Prices are £40.00 (£35
for driver club members)
Event Dates: Tues 26th May with
registration at 9.00am.
Thurs 28th May with registration at
Please call: 01983 565366
Or visit: www.wightkarting.co.uk or
visit us in person at Wight Karting Ltd,
Brading Road, Ryde, Isle of Wight,
PO33 1QS.
Free Robot Battle Competition
Sat 30th May
1st Floor Venue, (Above Rocket Ronnies),
4 Chain Lane, Newport
A day dedicated to building and battling
robots. A day full of fun, including talks,
magic show with Hux, workshop and
Scrapbot Building (£tbc) 1.00-3.00pm
Main Tournament 4.30pm-7.00pm
Drop-In Sessions
Scouting Open Day
Saturday 16th May
Corfe Camp, Shalfleet
Free event - kayaking, archery, nature trails
Bring a picnic / refreshments, burger van
on site.
Class Drop-In Times after School
Monday: Year 4 and Year 6
Tuesday: Early Years
Wednesday: Year 3 and Year 5
Thursday: Year 1 and Year 2
Headteacher’s Drop-In Times
Wednesday 2.30-3.00pm
in the Reception Area/Meeting Room.
Please use the front entrance and
sign in at the office.
If you would like to add your name to the newsletter emailing list,
please email the office: admin@cowespri.iow.sch.uk