224 Newsletter - Cowes Primary School


224 Newsletter - Cowes Primary School
Right to Learn
Tel: 01983 293261
House Points
Right to be Safe
Right to be Respected
4th June 2015
Attendance: Whole School Target 96.7% Last Week: 94.4% Class: Seagull 97.9%
This Week’s Successes & News
High Praise
Just before half term, we received a visit from a Hampshire moderator regarding our
NQT (Newly Qualified Teachers) Supervision and Training. I am delighted to share
with you that the moderator was very impressed and would like to hold us up as an
example of excellent practice. A big thank you to all those involved.
Pastures New
Mr Reynolds our Teacher in Year 5, Kingfisher class has decided to move on to
pastures new and move to Liverpool. He will be leaving us at the end of the Summer
term. We have appointed a replacement teacher from September and more details
will follow shortly.
New Classes
It is that time of year again when we will be looking at all the classes and staffing for
September. This information will be with you prior to transition days on Thursday
2nd July and Friday 3rd July 2015. Thank you.
Horticultural Show & Summer Fayre
Due to the success of last year we will be combining our very successful Horticultural
Show with our Summer Fayre. They will be held on Thursday 16th July, with
marquees open for displaying competition produce at 8:00am. The Fayre will run
after school from 3:00pm - 5:30pm. Within this time the marquees will be open for
everyone to view the competition entries. This is the fifth year that our Horticultural
Show has been run and it gets more and more successful each year. Last year we had over 50
families participate.
Do you enjoy baking? Do you have vegetables, fruits or flowers growing in your garden? Are you
arty? Then enter the show! Every child who enters the show will receive a free ticket for a go on
the bouncy castle before the show/fayre.
International Day
We are looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday 10th June 2.00pm-4.00pm
for our International Day. Come along and view your child’s work and we will also
have lots of fantastic food stalls from all around the world, so join us for some
delicious International cuisine.
We are also looking for some parent volunteers from 1pm for approximately an hour. Please
contact the school office if you are able to help. Thank you for your support.
Dental Consent Forms -Year 1
If you have received a blue dental consent form for your child in Year 1, please can you
return it in to the school office. Thank you.
Hydrogen Challenge -Year 6
Just a reminder to return your child’s slip along with £2.00, if they would like to take part
in the Hydrogen Challenge.
To report pupil absence by 9.30am each day: Tel: 293261 or Email: admin@cowespri.iow.sch.uk
For bookings
and full
please call
Club Cool,
on: 07511 709 744.
Letters home w/c 1st June 2015
Cricket Letter - Selected pupils only
Rugby Letter - Selected pupils only
International Day Flyer - All pupils
Phonics Letter - Year 1 only
If you have not received any of these letters,
please check our website or collect from the
Tues 9th June - Year 1 Parents Phonics Meeting
Weds 10th June - International Day - 2.00-4.00pm
Mon 15th June - Development Day - School Closed
Tues 16th June - Sports Day - Years 1-3
Thurs 18th June - EYFS Assembly (change of date)
Tues 23rd June - EYFS Sports Day -1.30-3.00pm
Weds 24th June - Class Photos - Bentley Photography
Fri 26th June - FOCP School Disco (Details to follow)
Questionnaire Regarding
Pre-School Provision
Blackberry Lane Pre-school is
considering opening a brand new
nursery provision based outside
Cowes Enterprise College for children
aged from 6 months to 3 years. We
would like to know how you feel about
your childcare needs and if there is a
need for more nursery based childcare
in the local community. If you could
please complete the survey on the
following web link it would be much
Parent Lunches
Come and enjoy lunch with
your child. Parent lunches
will start again from Tuesday 9th June
2015 for 5 weeks. Please remember to
inform the office and put your name
down by 9.00am the Friday before the
lunch. Thank you.
Paper copies of the questionnaire are
also available from the school office.
Thank you.
Wind in the Willows
Trinity Theatre, Cowes
Fri 5th June 7.30pm, Sat 6th
June 2.30pm, Sun 7th June
Fri 19th June 7.30pm, Sat 20th June 2.30pm,
Sun 21st June 5pm
To Book: 01983 295229 or
1st Northwood Scout Group
Fun Day!
Sat 6th June 12-4pm
Wyatts Lane, Northwood
Drop-In Sessions
Class Drop-In Times after School
Monday: Year 4 and Year 6
Tuesday: Early Years
Wednesday: Year 3 and Year 5
Thursday: Year 1 and Year 2
Headteacher’s Drop-In Times
Wednesday 2.30-3.00pm
in the Reception Area/Meeting Room.
Please use the front entrance and
sign in at the office.
If you would like to add your name to the newsletter emailing list,
please email the office: admin@cowespri.iow.sch.uk