1/2 Day Workshop
1/2 Day Workshop
"Infants, Children & Family Violence….what we can learn from infants, toddlers and children about their experiences of family violence and relational trauma if we can listen". 1/2 Day Workshop - 21st April, 2015 Castlemaine Botanical Gardens Tea Rooms The Mount Alexander Community Children’s Network (MACCN) presents this 1/2 day workshop focus on Family Violence: Facilitator Profiles: Tara Pavlidis & Kathy Eyre are senior mental health clinicians who have who have presented their award winning work with infants, children and families affected by family violence in forums across Australia and overseas. Between them they have over 30 years of experience in working in child and adolescent mental health and have both undertaken postgraduate study in related fields. Kathy and Tara are prominent in promoting ‘infant – led' and 'child -led" practice to help shift ‘stuck’ families who have experienced intergenerational trauma, particularly that of family violence. To see more about the work of these presenters go to: http://dvrcv.org.au/help-advice/service-providers/practitioners-working-children This 1/2 day workshop will cover the following: The workshop will explore the impact of the trauma of family violence on early development, including neurological development. We will explore strategies to help guide you to intervene with infants, children and their families in the context of family violence and relational trauma. This workshop is open firstly to Mount Alexander Shire service providers, childcare, kinder, pre-school, primary schools and community agencies and health related services staff. Venue: Castlemaine Botanical Gardens Tea Rooms, Downes Street, Castlemaine Date: Tuesday 21st April, 2015 Time: 12.30 for 1pm start to 4.30pm Light refreshments provided THIS IS A FREE workshop. We kindly thank Mount Alexander Shire Council for funding. Registrations by Monday 13th April, 2015 to email@cdch.com.au Early registrations are essential For further information phone Cath Butler 5479 1000 (Mondays or Tuesdays) 1 Please complete this registration form and email or fax to email@cdch.com.au "Infants, Children & Family Violence” Workshop by MACCN c/- CASTLEMAINE DISTRICT COMMUNITY HEALTH REGISTRATION for "Infants, Children & Family Violence Workshop 21st April, 2015 12.30pm for 1pm to 4.30pm FAX THIS FORM to CDCH 5472 3221 or email to email@cdch.com.au NAME: (Please print) 1. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ORGANISATION:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------POSITION/S:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EMAIL ADDRESS: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- POSTCODE: --------------PHONE (B) ---------------------------- (H) ------------------------- (Mob) -----------------------------------------------DIETARY NEEDS (Vegetarian, gluten free etc)___________________________________________ FREE WORKSHOP REGISTRATIONS DUE: Monday 13th April, 2015 to email@cdch.com.au This workshop is organized by ‘Mount Alexander Community Children’s Network’ and funded by a grant from Mount Alexander Shire Council 2