GH-9030144843 - Guggenheim Helsinki Design Competition
GH-9030144843 - Guggenheim Helsinki Design Competition
GH-9030144843 " 1 ---- ----------- - -- ...... - ----------------------------------- GH-9030144843 ~:~:t'.";::~::~:':;':::~:.,',""2b;;g";20 "2 ~ v -, ~ cfíice s are a 212m2 7 m2 mechanical I e tec tr tca r I ptu mtnnq 17 au ár-ea 267 m2. mechanicall e tectr tca r mechanicall etec tr tce t " 190 m2 125 m2 r-et C"'-- --- colterno ns s t cr ece a nd m a n a g em e ~ ~ 3a ~e2a 320 m2 mainte nance a nd ooe r ano ns ar ea of l ices are a 212 m2 dinning ar ea 177 m2 :~:i ~~/::~vi~:~ ::ea. 190 m2 e xhihiho n qellerie s ar ea- 3734 m2 o ~. o ,"'"' ' . '"", ".~ ", ~~_ 02 ' ' '" '"' '"' ~ ~ ~~"" .,,' ' ' '" e-- " ,' ~c,~ ••••• .. 0 UQ) ~ ~~a¿, .. ,' ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ .. r--, ' __ •• 'J scale' 1/400 A;.\ 0 GROUNO FLOO R. LEVEL _ L-_ _ I +O,OOm SECTIDN AN scaflf : 1400 ~_ 2/4 '" exnMlon ~ a ll e r¡ es level.0~O m progra msand evenls level.8,lém " intenanteand o ~ era ti o ns / rel¡¡l/ 100Iets/oifites/mllorser."" level .O,~ ~ mlo level .8,~ O m \kyll~h l\ level . 15 .J ~ m " ins'yll~ht m leve l. 15 .J~ l' ' "y Ji' / extnbmon qenene s are a- 155 m2 scale: '/-400 ~ LEVEL . 11,90 m scale 1/.1,00 SECTION BS' r ,/ / \ _1r- TRQM8 e WALL WEST TRI PLE GLASS 11 ~ I ~ 11 WIN TER DAY \i ? UMMER DAY INTER NIGHT ~ NORTH~ SOUTH 11 11 J v 11 11; ..... UMMER NIGHf EAST V 11 A.C.S SOLAR THERMAL & RECOVERY WATER IN STALATI ON ~ " " " " " :: e T - .-- ~T T__Lr~~LJ:== · · ~=iL-. Vidrio trip le CLlMALlT 4/10/3/10/4 PLANITHERM con gas KRIPTON 92 ¡ 4 - 10 - 3 - 10 - 4 = 31 mm \ /" / / I ~ ~ Ug = 0,5 W/m2K Rw=32dB Factor so lar 70% The use oftriple glazing and high insulation high luminous efficiency, allows to achieve high levels ofthermal efficiency as a result of a major use of sunlight, and a drastic reduction in transmission losses. If to this we add the use of passive techniques using Trombe walls and solar energy across the south perimeter, we get that the lack of compactness and material selection facade becomes a c1ear highlight of efficiency and sustainability in instead of a c1ear handicap . This commitment to sustainability and efficiency, comp lete with an active solar heating for domestic hot water and a photovoltaic system to produce electric energy for home consumption. The lighting shall be settled by LEO lamp luminaires. Finally, the implementation of rainwater tanks and gray water recovery, allow greater water saving 50% of expected consumption. All this makes us sure that we will get the gold LEED rating specified , with clear aspirations to platinum. z.sco ILUM IN A TIO N teos ENERGY SOLA R THERMAl A ,C.S. PASSIVEHIGH ENERGY EflClE NCY SYSTEMGlASSING G RAY WA TER m3ogvo/Yeor PHOTOVOUAK: GENE RATION - - RAIN W ATER 4,900 rnJ lY e Ot D D ''''' ?""~~~77'7Lp O,2TnC02/Yeor D 2.6lXlm3/YeOt ~ D IN VERSE O SM051S Wate< $<Ivlng I O <Wp GOlD lEED 4/4
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