150214 PAM Outpost Solar Power Array Product Info


150214 PAM Outpost Solar Power Array Product Info
Portable • Rugged • Effec2ve Solar Power PAM™ Outpost
400 Watts of Solar Power in a Box!
PAM™ Outpost rapidly provides power, without fossil fuel, extending missions, reducing
vulnerabilities, and minimizing supply chain and power disruption !
Complete solar power system!
•  Over 400 Watts of solar energy capacity!
•  Rapidly charges batteries
•  120 VAC power for computers and other equipment!
•  Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) maximizing solar
panel output!
•  Self contained - all fits in a single transport case!
•  Provide power in less than 10 minutes!
•  Zero use of fossil fuels!
• Portable – lightweight, fits into a one transport case, generates power in minutes • Rugged -­‐ Non-­‐glass solar panels, field proven, meets U.S. Military requirements • Effec2ve -­‐ Four tri-­‐fold solar panels, rollable stand, MPPT charge controller, charge mul2ple baIeries, and provide ~50 waIs of con2nuous power 24/7 • Designed to maximize solar energy capture, rapid baIery charging, direct AC power output, and minimize weight, size, and complexity www.nishati-us.com • Info@nishati-us.com !
Copyright © 2015
All Rights Reserved 2/15 Portable • Rugged • Effec2ve PAM™ Outpost !
Solar Power Product Specification
•  Power 420 WaIs •  Over 500 W-­‐hr baIery capacity •  Up to 120 WaIs of AC power •  Charge BB2590 baIeries to 85% in 1 hour •  En2re system in transport case <80 lbs. •  Case dimensions: 48” x 17” x 9” (~4 cu. e.) •  Deployed foot print <4 e. x 10 e. •  50 mph wind ra2ng using sandbags •  Set up or package in < 10 minutes Components
2 3 7 8 7 1 5 6 10 9 11 2600 Campus Drive, Suite D LafayeIe, CO 80026, USA +1 303-­‐906-­‐3838 www.nisha2-­‐us.com Patented: www.nisha2-­‐us.com/patent Copyright © 2015
All Rights Reserved #"
Battery Charging and AC
Power Components"
Battery charger"
AC Power Adapter"
AC Power Load"
Available directly from Nisha1™ Soon to be available from Distributors Around the World 2/15