Maximilian Kobe - The Divine Saviour Parish


Maximilian Kobe - The Divine Saviour Parish
Apostleship of the Sea
Next week is Sea Sunday, when the Church prays for all those who live and work at sea. There
will be a second collection for Apostleship of the Sea, the official maritime welfare agency of
the Catholic Church in Great Britain. It provides practical and spiritual support to seafarers
visiting our ports. Please give generously to support its important work.
For more information about its work visit
Summer Prayer Sheet
Please continue to send in your prayers and reflections for our ‘Summer Prayer Sheet’. This is a
wonderfully gentle way we use as part of evangelisation.
Contributions to the Presbytery by Monday 6th July please.
Runcorn Foodbank
The Foodbank is well stocked with food at the present but donations of toiletries (soap, toothpaste, shampoo etc.) for both men and women would be welcome.
Runcorn Carnival: Runcorn Hill Park Saturday 11th July 2015
It has now been confirmed that our parish has been allocated a stall at the Runcorn Carnival
on Saturday 11th July 2015.
Confirmation Candidates—See you at Mass on Sunday
The next joint meeting is today Sunday 5th July after Mass at Our Lady’s.
We’ll have a short meeting then be taken to St. Augustine’s for a canal walk to the church in
Daresbury. Please wear trainers & bring a packed lunch and a drink.
Could parents pick up from Daresbury or we will arrange lifts back to Our Lady’s.
Parental Permission slips must be completed.
Youth 2000 Summer Prayer Festival: The Promised Land
27th - 31st August 2015 at the National Shrine of our Lady, Walsingham.
This is a 5 day Prayer Festival, packed with dynamic talks, live-band worship, powerful prayer
times, fun social activities, creative workshops, in-depth discussions, evening entertainment
and loads more. With top speakers from the USA and all over the UK.
Youth 2000 events are primarily for 16-35 year olds, but families are also most welcome to
join us for this festival, with activities for children aged 5-15 each day. If you are 35+ and keen
to come, please register in advance as a volunteer. Youth 2000 needs over 100 volunteers for
this festival, so please get in touch: WE NEED YOU!!
For more information, please see the poster in church.
Please continue to send voicemail or text messages to the Prayer Line on 07443 639416. These
messages will be picked up regularly and added to our list of prayer intentions.
All other churches in our Pastoral area of Runcorn and Frodsham
Our Lady Mother of the Saviour,
Saviour (Palacefields) Contact St Augustine’s
St Martin de Porres. (Murdishaw) Contact St Augustine’s
St Augustine,
Augustine (Castlefields) Father Lucas Ngwa, 01928 566068.
St Luke,
Luke (Frodsham) Father Isidore Madueke, 01928 733127.
Catholic Parish Community of
St Maximilian Kolbe
An Evangelising Parish Serving the Catholic
Communities of St. Edward’s and Holy Spirit
Pastoral area of Runcorn and Frodsham
North Cheshire Regional Deanery of the Catholic Diocese of Shrewsbury
Parish Priest: Father Peter Wright
St Edward’s Church, Ivy Street, Runcorn. WA7 5NZ.
Holy Spirit Church, Fernhurst, Halton Brook, Runcorn. WA7 2NJ
Parish Telephone No. 01928 577755
Email: Website:
Parish Representatives. Peter Keig, Margaret Morgan.
Parish News
Holy Mass Times and Liturgical Celebrations
Sunday 5 July 2015
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
This week’s readings: Ezekiel 2:22:2-5; Psalm 122; 2 Corinthians 12:712:7-10; Mark 6:16:1-6
Our eyes are on the
Lord till he shows us his
Tales of Wonder Rehearsal Dates
The final scheduled rehearsal date and time is as below.
Keep listening to your CD’s and thinking about costumes,
movement, prayers etc!
Wednesday 8th July 7pm at St. Edward's
Prayer for Tales of Wonder
Father in heaven send us your wisdom through the Holy
Spirit to visualise the wonders you have planned for us.
Inspire and guide us to joyfully work together to share
the wonder of your work. Amen.
Info also available in the church noticeboards and at
The Parish is now on twitter: StEdward/Holy Spirit - @StEdandHS
And on Facebook: Search for “The Parish of St. Maximilian Kolbe”
Next week’s readings: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Amos 7:127:12-15; Psalm 84; Ephesians 1:31:3-14; Mark 6:76:7-13
FAIRTRADE and TRAIDCRAFT. When shopping why not
buy some goods from FAIRTRADE as this gives the local
small producers a living wage and decent living conditions.
Rt Reverend Mark Davies Bishop of Shrewsbury
The Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity.
Sunday Cycle B Holy Mass Times and Liturgical Celebrations Weekday Cycle I
4 July
5 July
6 July
7 July
8 July
9 July
9.15 am
14th Sunday in
Ordinary Time
14th Sunday in
Holy Spirit Mass
Ordinary Time
14th Sunday in
St Edward’s Mass
Ordinary Time
Memorial of St. Maria Goretti
Morning Prayer
St Edward’s
11.30 am
Holy Spirit
6.00 pm
9.00 am
10.30 am
9.00 am
12 July
Tony G
Joe Lomas
Fr. Tony Elder
Sr. Gertrude &
Canon Vin Whelan
Lee Furnival
3.40 pm
Walton Lea Funeral Liturgy
Holy Spirit
1.30 pm
Year 6 Leavers Mass—ALL WELCOME
Memorial of St. Augustine Zhao Rong & Companions
9.00 am
9.15 am
10 July
11 July
St Edward’s
St Edward’s
9.15 am
St Edward’s
6.00 pm
St Edward’s
9.00 am
10.30 am
Morning Prayer
Priest’s Intention
Phil and Danny
15th Sunday in
Ordinary Time
Day of Special Prayer for Seafarers
15th Sunday in
Holy Spirit Mass
Ordinary Time
15th Sunday in
St Edward’s Mass
Ordinary Time
This Week
Fiesta for the Feast of St. James
You are invited to St. Edward’s Church Hall on Saturday 25th July at 7:15pm. As part of
the evening returned pilgrims will share their Camino photographs, pilgrim reflections,
reminiscences and tapas.
Tickets: Adult £7.50, Child (under 12 years) £3.00, Family £18.00 (2 Adults & 2 Children)
Please bring your own liquid refreshment.
The Holy Year of Mercy Jubilee LPA Pilgrimage to Rome & Assisi
Led by Fr Peter Wright
Our Pilgrimage will take place 2nd May to 9th May 2016. The cost is £878.00 for twin
occupancy, single supplement £98.00. For further information please see the poster at
the back of church. If interested please add your name to the sign up sheet by Sunday
31st July 2015. An opportunity to save with the Credit Union to cover the cost of the
pilgrimage is available. Please contact Ann Farrell on 01928 770592 for further details.
Itineraries and booking forms are now available.
Next Week
M. Collier / Clare Williams
Sun 9am
N. Beauvalle / R. Tiffin
E. Scott / C. Woodcock
K. Hodgkinson / Chris Williams
This Week
National Grandparents Pilgimage
The National Grandparents Pilgrimage to the Roman Catholic Shrine to Our Lady,
Walsingham will be held on Sunday 26th July 2015, celebrating the Feast of St. Anne
and St. Joachim. During the day there will be a performance of the ‘Walsingham Story’,
a play performed by local actors and children. See poster for details.
Brian Willians
M. Edwards / C. Marsh
Autumn Craft Fair Preparations
The Autumn Craft Fair is to be held on Saturday 7th November. A short meeting to
discuss ideas will be held after the 10:30am Mass at St. Edward’s on Sunday 12th July.
Please consider what talents and skills you have to offer. Suggestions for new and novel
fund raising ideas will be greatly appreciated. ALL ARE WELCOME.
Advance Notice—Spirituality Conference ‘Come & See’ 2015
Please see the poster in church for this event held in Southport on 3rd-4th October
Sat 6pm
Sun 10.30am D. McDermott / M. Morgan
Monthly Tea Dance
Tuesday 6th July—2pm to 4pm. Come and join the fun. All are welcome.
Tess and Philip
Rotas for Readers and Eucharistic Ministers
Prayer Vigil for Persecuted Christians
On Monday 6th July at 7pm in St Edwards we will have a prayer vigil for Persecuted
Christians. Please join us as we reach out in faith and love to our brothers and sisters in
the Middle East
Next Week
St Edward’s
Group B
Holy Spirit
B. Burgess / A. Snowball / Volunteer C. Unsworth / S. Wilson / K. Keig
Group C
Church Cleaning
We are in need of cleaners to help maintain the amazing cleanliness of our church. If
you would like to help please phone Mary Wheelhouse on 566807 or pass your details
to Fr. Peter. Thank you.
Please see noticeboard for all other rotas
Confessions. Please see Father Peter