Announcements - Deer Park United Church


Announcements - Deer Park United Church
Deer Park Announcements for the Week of July 5, 2015
8:00 - 11:00 Stampede Breakfast &
9:00 -10:30 Tai Chi (continuing)
9:15 -10:30 Food for Thought
9:30 - Noon Coffee and Chat
6:00 – 8:00 Hoop Dancing
7:30 AA
Upcoming Happenings at Deer Park
Summer Hours at Deer Park Office hours will be 9 to noon, starting Monday, June 29
with regular hours resuming on Monday, August 17.
Stampede Breakfast July 5 Wear your western duds and join us for breakfast at 8:00am
followed by worship at 10am. DPUC. Sign up form is in the foyer.
Worship Assistance The following assistance is required for worship on Sunday in the
summer for the following:
 Take down chairs after worship when we aren’t able to worship in the Sanctuary.
July 5 outside (Stampede Breakfast) and in the Fellowship Hall July 6 – Aug 7
(Sanctuary ceiling maintenance)
 Ushers Everyone is welcome to pick up their own bulletin. Those so inclined could
be Greeter, count the worshippers or take up offering. There are no designated
ushers for June, July and August
Opportunities Deer Park has following two paid positions available:
 Congregational Care Coordinator - Congregational Designated Ministry (CDM)
 Congregational Community Engagement Coordinator - Congregational Designated
Ministry (CDM)
Each position is part time, 15 hours/week. See Deer Park United Church » Careers for
more information. Closing date for applications is July 15, 2015.
Condolences to the family of Joanne Fisk who died Saturday, June 27.
Before Joanne and Glen moved out of town, Joanne was a very active
member of Deer Park. She was very involved with the Turkey supper and on
M&P Committees. Details about her funeral are below:
11:00 Saturday July 4
Innisfail United Church4720-48 Ave
Innisfail, AB
Summer Play program kicks off with a Community BBQ – July 13 at 6:00. Summer
Play runs July 14 – 17 and 21 – 24, 10 – 12 noon, ages 6 – 12. If you want to volunteer
with food prep or playing games, contact Tom at or the church
VBS Caravan 2015, a division of St, Andrew’s Regional Ministry will be at Deer Park on
August 10 – 14. This will be mountains of fun for children in kindergarten to grade 6.
Subsidy is available. For more information on opportunities to volunteer include, Assistant
Crew Leader, Registration Table, Kitchen Crew and Talent Sharing. For more information
and registration, see VBS Caravan - Summer Day Camp Registration - St. Andrew's
United Church.
Sunday, July 28th, is Rev. Catherine Elsdon’s last Sunday with us. Please join us in
saying farewell.
St Andrew’s New Ministers At its Congregational
Meeting on Sunday, June 21, St. Andrew's United
Church voted to call the Rev. Lois Punton as
Coordinating Team Minister effective August 1, 2015.
Lois was ordained in 1993. She previously served
Southminster United Church in Lethbridge and the
Carlyle (SK) pastoral charge. She also was an On Call
Chaplain at Lethbridge's Chinook Hospital. Most
recently, Lois has worked as an Employment
Counsellor with Training Inc. in Lethbridge.
Lois is an experienced pastoral counsellor, completed
Healing Pathways levels I and II, is a Labyrinth
facilitator and is passionate about churches integrating with their wider community. We
look forward to Lois joining the St. Andrew's staff in August. (In the above photo, Lois is
pictured with the family dog, Radar).
Thank you to the prayerful and diligent work of St. Andrew's Joint Search Committee
that included Dr. Carle Duguid (Chair), Donna Betts, Karen Decoux, Merle Ann May as
well as Calgary Presbytery representatives Rev. Bob Fillier and Bill Hadley.
Ministry of Health and Healing
Healing & Meditation The healing and meditation room is available for use by all Deer
Park and St. Andrew's members. It is a pleasant and relaxing space just off the nursery
that we hope you will enjoy. Appointment times for healing sessions can be scheduled
with June at the office. Thank you, Maureen Pysklywec
Indigenous Dance Jessica McMann will be providing drop-in Community Powwow
Classes and Hoop Dance Classes for members of the public and congregants of all ages.
These classes are informed from an Indigenous perspective infused with fitness and
holistic well-being. Hoop Dancing will be from 6 to 7 pm and Powwow will be from 7 to 8
pm on Thursdays June 25th to August 27th. Please contact Jessica McMann at 4033901778 or for more information.
Food for Thought Tuesdays, 9:15 - 10:30am - Food For Thought: Finding your Weigh
We will be starting a new session on Tuesday, June 9. We will be working through the
book Younger Next Year For Women: Live Strong, Fit, and Sexy - Until You're 80 and
Beyond by Crowley and Lodge. This book appears to be an informative yet humorous
look at ways to be healthier and live longer!. If this interests you, we welcome you to join
us, whether or not you are having issues with your weight. We meet in the classroom
from 9:15 – 10:30. If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact Barb Vogan or 403-278-0935.
Hospital Well Wishes Use the following link to send an message to an patient Patient
Email Well Wishes | Programs & Services | Alberta Health Services
Ministry of Social Justice and Outreach
Spinz Around Kim Howard from Aspen Family Services is requesting a volunteer to
help her set up the program at 5-6:30pm on the first Thursday of each month, July 2
and August 6. Everyone is welcome to come and see the program run before they
commit to volunteering. If more people volunteer, she will be able to expand the program.
If you are interested, contact Kim at or 403-219-3477 ext 117.
Spinz Around is a program with the Community Kitchen Program of Calgary that rescues
food collected from local merchants that may have otherwise been thrown away. Fresh
produce, bread and other donations from suppliers, farmers' markets and others arrive
and are distributed. Multiple organizations come to the Spinz-A-Round section of the
warehouse to pick up the food to deliver to families around the city.
Want to Feed Camp fYrefly - a 4-day residential style summer leadership retreat for
sexual and gender minority youth who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-identified,
two-spirited, queer, and allied. It focuses on building and nurturing their leadership
potential and personal resiliency in an effort to help them become agents for positive
social change in their schools, families, faith groups, and communities.
The camp is held in Cochrane from July 9-12, 2015. During camp they feed about 80
campers, youth leaders, volunteers and workshop presenters per day. For more
information, see
Camp fYrefly
We invite you to join a food prep/serving team (join as an individual or bring a group!)
for one or more meals. Help is still needed for Thursday, Saturday and Sunday meals.
Contact Bryon Delarue at 403-278-2253 or email at if you can
help. Or you can provide a financial donation to support a meal! (One full meal costs
approx. $425, snack time costs approx. $125). Make cheques payable to Deer Park or
St. Andrew's and indicate Camp fYrefly in the memo line.
DPUC Food Pantry – Requires Kraft Dinner and spaghetti sauce, toilet paper, as well as
diapers larger than size 1
Do bags seem to multiply in your cupboard? The charity thrift store where I volunteer
is in constant need to clean, plastic or paper bags that have handles. I am at the
church on Tuesday mornings as well as Sundays or you can drop them off at World
Serve 105-58 Ave SW. Thanks! Lynette James
Ministry of Community
Coffee and Chat: Tuesday mornings in the Fireside Lounge from 9:30 – noon….come
and go as it suits. All are welcome.
United Church and Calgary Presbytery
These links provide more information about the United Church, our Conference and
Paul Walfall: 'May the people in the crowds not be silent' – a message from
Rev. Paul Walfall, Conference Presiden From South Carolina to our own
Candadian Context
United Network for Justice and Peace in Palestine and Israel (UNJPI) Join
colleagues from across Canada who are working for justice and peace for the
people of Palestine and Israel. Aug 28 – 30 Hailfax, NS. See for more information.
Alberta and Northwest Conference
Pictures and information about the Alberta and Northwest Conference held in
Slave Lake.
Conference meeting in photos and other news
A 90th anniversary message from the President of ANW Conference – a
message from Paul Walfall the newly elected President of ANW Conference
United Church of Canada
General Secretary's Weekly Letter
EDGE Sponsored Event More than an event, the Skylight Festival is a
journey into community and creativity. You are invited to explore and create
community in a highly interactive series of calls on Wednesdays in which you’ll
meet new people, festival artists, performers, and thought leaders, on our way
to the Festival in Paris, Ontario, July 31-August 2.For more information, about
when and where the phone calls are to occur, see Join in a Summer Adventure
EDGE e-Newsletter - June 2015 this Newsletter from Edge, a Network for
Ministry Development with the UCC. Among other items, it contains information
about the Social Innovation Challenge, a unique opportunity that brings
together change makers, mentors and funders all focused on bettering society.
Ideas focus on one or more of the following areas: economic, social,
environmental and spiritual.
Special Issue: God's Mission, Our Gifts: Stewardship, Mission and Service
News The June version of United Church Philanthropy News which contains
information about the following:
“We are the Church 90th” Anniversary Service
Called to Be the Church
Call to Action
Registration now open: Affirm United Conference 2015, Halifax!
A couple of the items mentioned in the May-June 2015 Affirm United enewsletter:
Affirm United Annual Conference
(July 31 – Aug 3 in Halifax, NS)
Welcomes St Andrew’s as an Affirming Ministry
June-July newsletter, Affirm United/S'affirmer Ensemble
In this edition:
Register for the Halifax conference July 31-August 3!
Final call for AU/SE 2015 award nominations
Celebrate our new Affirming Ministries
New Affirm United/ S'affirmer Ensemble resources
New Facebook page for Affirm United/ S’affirmer Ensemble
Ontario becomes first province to ban “conversion therapy”
Global partners: Cuba takes another step toward equality
Affirming Ministries in action: Stories and ideas from Calgary AB, Beaconsfield QC, Guelph ON, and
Waterloo ON
42nd General Council | 42nd General Council News and information about the
42nd General Council of UCC on August 8 – 15 in Corner Brook, NL. Some
items include:
Visitor Registration
Comprehensive Review Report
Moderator Nominees
Photos and Videos
Youth at Council
Prayer Pilgrimage
Please Join the Moderator on a 40 Day Pilgrimage
Each congregation is invited to create a “prayer fish” (like a prayer flag) to hang
in the gathering space of the General Council 42, carrying your prayers and
hopes for the church at this time.
United in Learning – Distance Learning for Church Leaders A variety of
distance education opportunities for church leaders. Whether you’re clergy or
lay, whether you have years of experience under your belt, or you’ve just
joined your first committee, we have ways to connect you with like-minded
people across the country to help make your church more vibrant, exciting and
alive. For more information, see
Calgary Presbytery
...: The Calgary Presbytery, the United Church of Canada :.. What is
happening in Calgary Presbytery?
Annual Presbytery Learning Day Learning Day - Lakeview UC - October
Contact or 403-287-0375 United/Presbyterian Campus Ministry serving
the University of Calgary and Mount Royal University.
Narrative Budget Workshop Tues, Oct 27 7-9pm McDougall United Church If
developing a story which will help our congregation see the significance of all our gifts,
and the ways in which God is changing lives through the mission of our church is of
interest to you, this workshop is for you. The workshop focus on the nature of the
narrative budget and its role in supporting the regular budget discussions. Contact the
Jan van Egteren 403.710.6300 or for more information.
Revolution 2015! Hello past participants and youth in Calgary! Revolution Camp is a 5
day urban volunteer project that launched last year and is getting ready for another great
year of fellowship. Based at Southwood United Church, we will be volunteering at
agencies like the Mustard Seed, Grow Calgary and the Drop In Center. Teens must be
going into grade 8 in order to participate. The BIG NEWS is that there are 2 weeks this
year. August 3-7 will be DAY CAMPS from 8-4pm each day with the cost being $175 or
bring a friend from $150 each. Costs include snacks for the week and transportation
Week 2 is August 17-21 and will be an OVERNIGHT camp at Southwood United Church
for the cost of $225. Week 2 includes all three meals and stay overnight at Southwood
and transportation.
The website, Revolution Camp | Serving as Jesus served, has registration and info on
what Revolution is see Video Game Revolution - YouTube. If you have any questions
please feel free to contact Alina Cox, 403-464-8250.
Soul Sisters Re-Imagining Women’s Group A book written by Jean Stairs. Because so
many traditional forms of ministries with, for and by lay women are fading, readers are
invited to consider what vibrant women’s groups might look like in the church now and in
the future. the book also offers hope for men who can benefit from clues for taking care of
their own souls and ministry personnel and ministry candidates who are open to
encourage and support faith formation for women. Consider what vibrant women’s
groups might look like in the church now and in the future. The Rev. Dr. Jean Stairs is an
ordained minister of The United Church of Canada and author of best-selling “Listening
for the Soul: Pastoral Care and Spiritual Direction”
Keeping in Touch Newsletter for the National United Church Women posted on the BB.
Looking for 2017 Bulletin Photos Want to see your images on United Church bulletin
covers. Photos chosen may also be used in the church website and in bulletin ads. See
BB or office for more information.
2015 Federal Election Kit - Get Ready Now !
Even though it has not yet been announced , we know that a Federal Election is coming.
We witness to our faith in a just and life-giving God by advocating for justice and peace.
An election is a key opportunity to evaluate political issues through the lens of our faith,
and help shape the leadership of our country by engaging in the political process.
** Important Tip - Pick a date now and start inviting candidates to an All -Candidates
Meeting in the Fall. See the 2015 Federal Election Kit for how to organize and participate.
Use our non-partisan 2015 Federal Election Kit to: learn more about key election
issues and their connection with our faith; help you and your faith community participate
fully in the democratic process.
The kit includes:
 Background information on 16 election issues as they relate to United Church
 Questions you can ask candidates in your riding
 Election connections to worship, study groups, children and youth
 Instructions for planning and participating in an all-candidates meeting
 Tips for using the media (including social media)
What’s Faith Got to Do with It?—Reflection Series by Jim Sinclair
During May and September, Rev. Dr. Jim Sinclair, former General Secretary of the
United Church, will author a series of short reflections about the connection between faith
and the politics of the 2015 Federal Election. The reflections are being published on
Facebook, week by week, in May and September 2015.
Discussion about the series will be hosted on our UCC Facebook page.
Should the Church be involved in Politics? Watch UCC You Tube video to help make
the connections
For more information, contact:
Barbara Lloyd
Program Coordinator, Public Witness
Church in Mission Unit, The United Church of Canada
Tel: 416-231-7680 ext. 4196
Toll-free: 1-800-268-3781 ext. 4196
E-mail: Barbara Lloyd <mailto:>
22 Days – A Story a Day Each day during these 22 days, at #22days, the Anglican
Church of Canada is sharing a sacred story. Each of these stories details the experience
of residential school survivors—stories of trauma, shame, and abuse, but also courage,
resilience, and hope—and each is accompanied by a daily prayer. Participants told their
stories with their express consent and the desire that the stories be widely shared to
further the work of reconciliation. We encourage you to take the time to listen to each
story. When you pray, reflect on the words of the prayers, chosen so carefully by each
contributor. Think about what commitment you can make to continue the journey towards
human Rites a national conference focused on engaging conversation and
celebration the reconciliation of faith and the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
Transgender, Queer) community held May 15 – 17. Its founders include Deer
Park and St Andrews. See the links below for more information and some of
the media coverage
Interfaith LGBTQ conference pushes for inclusion | Calgary Herald
Help Wanted
MUSIC MINISTER Renfrew United Church Applications or queries can be directed to
Lou MacGregor at or phone (403 277-8700 or mailed to 956
Radnor Avenue N.E., Calgary, AB T2E 5H5.
Other Churches and the Community
24 June 2015
Esteemed Colleague:
Warm greetings.
Further to our shared great work of protecting the earth, allow me to offer a short video
that you can access here.
Please share this link as widely as possible.
May the believers of the world's religions and all men and women of good will form a
great moral alliance, so that we might change course and protect our shared home.
With gratitude, I remain
In solidarity for peace,
Dr. William F. Vendley
Secretary General
Wild Rose/Northminister Hiking Series. All are welcome, For more
information, see Hiking Information 2015 | Sunday Service 10:00 Starting June 27.Wild
Rose UC
Sunset Breakfast Calgary Ismaili Jamatkhana and Centre Sat, July 4, 8:30 – 9:53
(Sunset) Enjoy traditional Stampede pancakes and more to celebrate the breaking of the
fast (during the holy month of Ramadan)
Stampede Breakfast July 5 at 9:00am followed by Worship Roberts McClure UC
SAS Donor and Volunteer Appreciation Stampede Breakfast Venue 1008 Tuesday,
July 7, 8:30 – 11:00 am RSVP by Friday, July 3 at
Stampede BarBeQUE Renfrew UC July 12, 12:00pm to 1:30 pm Free will offering
Free Concert in the Park – St. Andrew’s United Church,Cochrane – Sunday July 12th Gospel-ish Concert at Mitford Park from 2-5:30 pm, bring your own lawn chair and enjoy
Visions Country Gospel and four St. Andrew’s bands.
Sharing Bread Calgary - St Barnabas Anglican Church - Aug 27 – 29 This event is a
3-day participatory workshop based on Primate's World Relief and Development Fund's
Sharing Bread course and resource aimed at an inter-generational audience of 25 to 30
participants. While the event is being put on by the PWRDF, Canadian Food Grains
Bank, and Anglican Diocese of Calgary it is open to all, and specifically targeted at those
who want to know more about our call as Christians to engage with food and creation.
The workshop will cover local and global food security, advocacy, community gardens,
scripture, and end with a visit to a local small scale sustainable farm. Individuals and
families are both welcome, and child care will be provided for children that are too young
to participate. When you register let us know how many children and their ages so we
can plan accordingly.
Billets will be offered for out of town participants. Registration is at Early bird cost before August 1 is $,
$30 student, $70 families. This includes transport and some meals. For more information
on registration or the programme please contact Alison Longson at phone 403 243 5478
Friends of CGIT: Our 100th Anniversary is here! We have the following event being
organized where CGIT can be remembered and celebrated in their community:
Alberta CGIT Association & Camp Wohelo: CGIT Alumnae & Friends Women’s
September 18-20th at Camp Wohelo, Pigeon Lake
Linda Ervin - Traveling Again She hopes you will join her! Working with Rostad Tours,
they are making final preparations for a Grand European River Cruise departing
October 13, 2016. I invite you to join us for a relaxing Viking River Cruise as we wind
our way through the scenic and historic regions of Holland, Germany, Austria and
Hungary. Beginning in Amsterdam and ending in Budapest, we’ll spend 15 wonderful
days cruising the Rhine, Main and Danube Rivers. Along the way we’ll be pampered on
our luxurious floating hotel, the Viking Mimir, one of Viking’s new award-winning
Information: 1-403-625-5253 or
Rostad Information: 1-800-361-8687 or
Linnea Good and her family have been invited to return to the Christian Medical
Colleges this November/December in India. You are invited to support them in bringing
joy and musical energy to these awesome institutions. See Friendship in India for more
FCJ Centre Spiritual Direction Training Program FCJ Christian Life Centre. Use this
link for more information, Application for 2015 Spiritual Direction Training Program is
Now Open!
For other events at FCJ Centre, see FCJ Christian Life Centre, Retreat & Conference
Centre, Calgary, AB
Fish Creek Activities: See the BB or the following links for activities in Fish Creek Park:
Wisdom Centre For more information regarding upcoming events in Calgary, see
Wisdom Centre | Reflect, Experiment, Learn, Transform
Project Ploughshares Events
August 6, 2015 – Olympic Plaza. The Floating Lantern Festival, a partnership between
Ploughshares and 2020 Vision for Humanity, will begin this year at 5:00 PM with a Peace
Festival featuring workshops, yoga, music and children’s activities. The lantern memorial
will take place starting at 8:30 PM, with participants launching lanterns on the reflecting
pool in memory of all those impacted by the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
August 25 – 29, 2015, near Nelson B.C. – Young Women’s Peace Camp. Women 13 –
35 years old are invited to attend this camp near beautiful, B.C. Build communication
skills, plan peace events and make a difference in your community!
Karen Huggins
Program Director
Project Ploughshares Calgary