Training for Trainers for Erasmus+: Youth in Action projects Call for 2


Training for Trainers for Erasmus+: Youth in Action projects Call for 2
Training for Trainers for Erasmus+: Youth in Action projects
Call for 2 trainers
In September 2015 the Training of Trainers for Erasmus+: Youth in Action (ToT) will enter its
15th edition. The long term training course is organised by SALTO Training and Cooperation
Resource Centre (SALTO T&C RC) in cooperation with the National Agencies of the
Erasmus+: Youth in Action programme.
The main aim of this training course is to train trainers who gain the competences and the
motivation to contribute to the improvement of the quality of projects within the Erasmus+:
Youth in Action Programme.
The ToT lasts one year and consists of:
• three residential seminars
• international practice training projects run by groups of 4 participants
• on-going e-learning
• on-going mentoring
Extended information about the course you can find on the SALTO-page:
Team of trainers
The team consists at this moment of 3 trainers: Hazel Low, Peter Hofmann and Paul
Kloosterman. Hazel Low will leave the team by the end of edition 14 and Peter Hofmann by
the end of edition 15. Therefor we are looking for 2 trainers to complete the team: a female
trainer for edition 15 (starting September 2015) and one trainer (female or male) for edition
16 (starting in June 2016).
We are looking for candidates who:
 are competent to design, facilitate and evaluate training courses for trainers based
on the principles and approaches of non-formal learning and self-directed
learning/learning to learn
 have experience in facilitating training courses for trainers/facilitators/educators
 have experience in facilitating individual learning processes
 have a profound knowledge and understanding of the Erasmus+: Youth in Action
Programme and European Youth and Education policies
 have extensive experience in working in international teams of trainers
 have the motivation to keep on learning and reflecting on own professional and
personal development
The working language in this course is English and candidates are expected to be fluent
in speaking and writing
Conditions for trainers
Candidates have to be available for the full duration at all 3 seminars.
For the position for a female trainer starting in edition 15 this means:
 An extended (to build the new team) prep-meeting: 6-8 July 2015.
 1st seminar: 24 September – 4 October 2015/ 2nd seminar 11 -21 February 2016 and
3rd seminar 1-9 July 2016. The dates for the prep-meetings for the 2nd and 3rd
seminar will be decided in the team.
For the position starting in edition 16 the dates are not decided yet.
Apart from designing, implementing and evaluating the seminars, trainers are also expected
 Support the learning process of a selected number of participants throughout
the whole period of the course (mentoring)
 Support two teams of participants for the implementation of their practice
training project.
 Generally to contribute to the online learning of participants during the whole
year using the virtual platform prepared for the course.
 Attend the annual meeting for trainers cooperating regularly with SALTO T&C
Calculation of trainer fees for the whole ToT course:
 Seminar days: 22 plus 0.5 days per training day (= existing course) for preparation,
evaluation and reporting = 33 days
 Extra days for mentoring of participants during learning projects and practical
projects between the 3 seminars: 10 days
Total per trainer: 43 days x 290€ = 12.470€
The fee will be paid in three instalments after each seminar by the respective hosting
National Agencies. All expenditures for travel, board and lodging regarding the course will be
paid and reimbursed by the respective hosting National Agencies.
After the first year an evaluation will take place on the team cooperation to decide about
the continuation.
Selection procedure
If you are interested please go to the application online: and submit your application by 3rd May 2015, 24h CET.
The selection will be done by a selection committee with representatives of
National Agencies and SALTO T&C RC and will be completed by 15th June 2015.
Applicants will be informed about the decision asap.
The application procedure will have some new features involving a self-assessment on
trainers’ competences and a video-message to be made by the applicants. We will invite all
applicants to fill in a short evaluation-form about these new features a couple of month
after the application-procedure.
In case you need further information you can contact Udo Teichmann from SALTO T&C RC: