April 2015 - Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies


April 2015 - Faculty of Creative and Critical Studies
FCCS Faculty Research
April 2015
monthly research newsletter is designed to keep you in touch with the research and
in the Faculty and to inform you of upcoming deadlines, grant opportunities,
for papers, and other relevant information. Please send brief notifications of
conferences, publications, exhibitions, performances, CFPs related to our core research
areas, and other relevant content to Shauna Oddleifson.
Nancy Holmes, Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies
upcoming grant deadlines & information
Individual Research Grant | APR 15
For more information on Internal Funding Opportunities, click here.
recent publications
David Jefferess | The White Man’s Burden ‘After Race’, Special
Issue of Critical Race and Whiteness Studies 11:1 (2015).
More information...
David Jefferess | The White Man’s Burden and Post-Racial
Humanitarianism, Introduction to the special issue of
Critical Race and Whiteness Studies. More
Oliver Lovesey | The Postcolonial
Intellectual: Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o in Context.
More information....
SSHRC Connection Grant | MAY 1
SPARC Contact: danica.kell@ubc.ca.
SSHRC Connection Grants support events and outreach activities geared towards
short-term, targeted knowledge mobilization initiatives. Awards from $7,000 to
$25,000 for events, and up to $50,000 for other outreach activities, are available.
More information...
Nancy Holmes | Sustaining Collaboration:
The Woodhaven Eco Art Project, chapter in
Sustaining the West: Cultural Responses to
Canadian Environments. Eds. Liza Piper and Lisa SzaboJones. Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2015.
Killam Research Fellowships | JUNE 15 (nominations)
More information...
recent & upcoming conferences
The Canada Council for the Arts provides grants to professional Canadian artists and
arts organizations. More information...
For a full list of External Funding Sources, click here.
FCCS Research Development Fund | May 1
Guidelines and Best Practices for Reference Letter Writers
The Canada Research Chair (CRC) program has introduced new guidelines to try
to limit unconscious bias against women in letters of recommendation. More
Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications.
CIHR, NSERN and SSHRC harmonized policy on access to research publications.
More information...
upcoming Research events
Alterknowledge Discussion Series
Recognizing knowledge as a form of power,
and acknowledging how structures of
power shape what constitutes knowledge,
AlterKnowledge provides a venue for socalled “alternative” knowledge to be shared
and valued and for dominant systems of
“knowledge” to be altered.
Nsyilxcә n Language Revitalization in the Okanagan | Friday, April 17, 2015
Alternator Centre for Contemporary Art, 421 Cawston Ave. More information...
Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada (VSAWC) Conference
The VSAWC, will be held in Kelowna from April 9-12, 2015 at the Manteo Lakeside
Resort. This year’s conference is organized locally by Constance Crompton and
Oliver Lovesey with a number of FCCS Graduate Students assisting.
*Dr. Vanessa Warne from the University of Manitoba is bringing rare 19thC raised print
books to Kelowna as part of the VSAWC:
Books Without Ink: A Hands-On Encounter with Rare Books for Blind Readers
Thursday, April 9, 2015, 3:30-5pm, Library Special Collections Room (Library 2nd Floor)
Sean Lawrence | Peace, War and Love in Troilus and
Cressida. Shakespeare Association of America Conference,
Vancouver, BC, Apr. 1-4, 2015
Claude Desmairais | Kafka and Present Day Animal Rights
Debates: Mice that Sing. PCA/ACA Annual Conference, New
Orleans, Lousinana, Apr. 1-4, 2015
Hussein Keshani | Panel Session: Botanic Gardens,
Technology and Innovative Ways to Connect People with
Nature. 9th International Congress on Education in Botanic
Gardens, St. Loius, Missouri, Apr. 27 - May 1, 2015
Denise Kenney | Mimesis: Neutral Mask and Embodying the
More-Than-Human. 2015 Ecodrama Playwrights Festival
& Symposium on Performance and Ecology, University of
Nevada, Reno. May 20-23, 2015.
research news
Francisco Peña is co-leading a project for Engaging
Diversity, Strengthening Social Sustainability, and Sparking
Innovation: Three UBC Student Diversity Dialogue Pilot
Programs, with interdisciplinary teams of 30+ researchers at
19 leading universities in 10 countries.
Stephen Foster | Remediating Curtis Imagining Indigeneity, Surrey Art Gallery,
Apr. 11-June 4, 2015. More information...
Briar Craig | Between The Lines, SNAP,
Edmonton AB, Apr. 10-May 23, 2015.
Samuel Roy-Bois | Not a new world, just
an old trick, Oakville Galleries. Mar 29May 24, 2015. More information...
S Foster, Portrait of a Sioux Scout (2013),
inkjet print for backlit light box
Faculty research con’t
opportunities & Call for Papers
A Land Shaped by Water | NACS-XI International Conference in Canadian Studies. Deadline: APR 15. More information...
2nd International Conference on Creative Writing | Corfu, Ionian University. Deadline: APR 30. More information...
The West Before (and after) the West: A Meeting of Western Canadian Studies | St. John’s College, University of Manitoba.
Deadline: MAY 1. More information...
International Journal of Art and Art History. Deadline: MAY 15. More information...
Digital Narratives – a multi-platform, interdisciplinary, creative production residency | Banff Centre, May 2015. More information...
2015 BC Studies Conference | Kwantlen Polytechnic University, MAY 7-9, 2015. More information...
Nominations 2015 American Library in Paris Book Award | Deadline: May 1. More information...
FCCS Graduate Student Researchh
Upcoming Thesis Defense
Emily Nilsen | MFA Creative Writing
Meanwhile: A Collection of Poetry
April 13, 2pm, CCS 322
David Kadish | Subtle Emergences
MFA Thesis Exhibition, March 27-May 9, 2015
Alternator Gallery, 421 Cawston Ave
Opening Reception: April 9, 7pm
Stan Chung | PhD IGS
Quantum Improvisation: Sonic Consciousness And Pauline Oliveros
April 28, 10pm, CCS 322
Ashley Little | MFA Creative Writing
Niagara Motel, A Novel
April 30, 2pm, CCS 322
Lindsay Balfour | PhD IGS
Strangers at the Gate: Hospitality in a Time of Terror
May 11, 1pm, ART 374
Call for papers
Deadline: APR 6. More information...
research News & Publications
IGS Graduate Research Symposium: Communities in Transformation
Thursday, Apr. 2, 1-4pm, UBC Ballroom. More information...
PhD student Mathieu Aubin will be a panelist for the symposium, and will
present: Pass th Poem Release th Spirit: Protest and Community Formation in
Blew ointment Magazine’s poverty usshew.
Beth Carruthers | A Subtle ACtivism of The Heart, chapter in Sustaining the West:
Cultural Responses to Canadian Environments. Eds. Liza Piper and Lisa SzaboJones. Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2015.
Upcoming grant & award deadlines
UBC Grad Student Travel. Deadline: APR 15. More
Doctoral Fellowships in Environmental Humanities in
Europe: Leeds | Munich | Stockholm. Deadline: MAY 15. More
Ph.D. scholarship in early modern book studies, University
of Montpellier, France. Deadline: MAY 15. Email: Christophe.
Graduate student & Alumni news
MFA candidate, Ashley Little was awarded a $25,000 grant
for Professional Writers through the Creative Writing Program
from the Canada Council for the Arts
FCCS Undergraduate Student Researchh
Upcoming events
Papershell is an anthology is organized by fourth year Creative Writing students each year. This year marks the 10th year of the anthology,
and the launch will include readings as well as book sales of the anthology.
Launch: Saturday, April 11th, 6pm, W & A Bistro, 315 Lawrence Ave.
LATITUDE 49.88 | A showcase of graduating student work from UBCO’s Interdisciplinary Performance Program
Performance Double-Bill: Thurs April 16 & Friday April 17, 7pm, University Theatre
Closing Night Showcase: Saturday April 18, 6pm University Theatre
Graduating visual arts students are showcasing their fourth-year artwork in an exhibition entitled Shelf Life. The year-end Bachelor of Fine
Arts show is one of the region’s premier annual art events.
Opening Reception: Saturday, April 25th, 6pm, CCS Building
1148 Research Road, Kelowna BC V1V 1V7