Contact Numbers - First Baptist Church
Contact Numbers - First Baptist Church
Today’s Service March 22, 2015 “Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker!” Psalm 95:6 Gathering for Worship Prelude … Eva Boffey Welcome & Announcements Worship in Song … The Reilly Team I Lift My Eyes Up; Cornerstone; Great Is Thy Faithfulness (#139); By Faith; I Will Rise Worship in Giving Offertory Ministry … Kieren & Alyse Pearson “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise” Worship in Prayer … Greg Hamilton / Dallas Christopherson st 1 Service – Bible classes for all ages nd 2 Service – Kids’ Own Worship (ages 3 to 5) Worship in the Word Paul Hilsden Evangelical Fellowship of Canada Song of Response Hear the Call of the Kingdom Benediction Worship in Witness & Service “Jesus said to them again, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.’” John 20:21 Our Prayer Ministry Team Our Prayer Ministry Team is available to pray for you this morning. We invite you to come to the front row at the end of the service and one of our team members will pray for you. Today Today Today Welcome, Paul Hilsden, Evangelical Fellowship of Canada Our church is a member of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada and Paul Hilsden will speak at both services this morning to update us on the work of the EFC. If you want to know what the EFC has been working on for us, please check out their website at or speak with Paul after the service. Be sure to greet Paul after the service and welcome him to Olds! Today’s FBC Mission Family member: Jeff &Lenice Harms, together with Amaris, Jonah, Isaiah & Talleta, serve with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Papua, Indonesia, in aircraft maintenance and translation consultation. Toddler Care for Ages 8 months to 3 years Toddler Care is provided during the service in the lower level on the west side of the church building. Sunday School for all ages at 9:45am and Kids Own Worship for Ages 3-5 at 11:30am Sunday School Choir Practice There is choir practice for the Grade 1-12 Palm Sunday choir, on Mar. 15th and 22nd during second service in the fellowship hall. For more info contact Janey Olson 403-556-1045 This Week "Christianity Explored" Bible Study Begins Tuesday, March 17 at 7:30pm Upstairs Room 205 Please sign up at the Welcome Desk or speak with Pastor Brent for more information. IVCF / C&C Supper Thursday, March 26 at 6:00pm – in the Fellowship Hall Contact is Pastor Andy at 403-556-3119 or Next Sunday Join us for worship at 9:15 & 11:00am – Palm Sunday The Dave Anderson Team will lead us in songs of praise and the Sunday School Choir will share an offertory piece. Pastor Brent will share a message from God's Word. El Salvador Mission Night Sunday, March 29 at 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall Please join us for a presentation of our trip to El Salvador last November and to hear about our future plans. Steve & Diane Phypers 403-556-9446 Dave & Dale Anderson 403-403-556-8797 Small Groups Sunday 12:45pm Senior High Guys Fellowship & Bible Study – at Nate Wiens. Contacts are Nate Wiens 403-3359733 and Spencer Parrott 403-5078870 6:00pm Young Marrieds – meets at the home of Rod & Helen Hammel 403556-6355. Contacts are Ron Stade 403-556-2101 and Greg & Kalen Loewen 403-556-9404 Monday 1:00pm Silver Lynx Bible Study. Contacts are Bonnie Robb 403556-3829 or Rosemary Anhorn 403507-4746 6:00pm Silverthorn Close Care Group – at Doug & Joanne Shields (23 West Heights Crescent, Didsbury). Contact Doug & Joanne Shields 403-335-3919 7:00pm Divorce Care in the Fireside Room. Contacts are Shelly Redekopp 403-556-3219 or Del Bard 403-556-2273 7:00pm GriefShare – in the Prayer Room. Contacts are Howard Schafer (403556-2536) or Darlene Munchinsky (403-556-2931). Tuesday 11:30am J.O.Y Fellowship Luncheon– in the Fellowship Hall 12:00 Noon Women’s Bible Study …meets at the home of Esther Kary. Contact Esther Kary 403556-2859 or Brenda Lytle 403-556-6870 for more info. 7:00pm Filipino Bible Study – at the home of Jaime & Marilyn Nate (49 Destiny Way 403-507-7157). Contact is Ricson Talabucon 403586-1713 7:00pm Sing and Share on Silverthorn Close. At John and Virginia Bouwmans. Contact is Virginia Bouwman at 403-556-2130 or John Campbell 403-556-2030 7:00pm Southside Bible Study – at Dyes. Contacts are Wayne Snyder 403-335-3500 and Vern Dye 403556-2142 7:00pm Evening Adult Bible Study – in the Fireside Room. Contact is Ida Schober 403-507-2736 7:00pm Didsbury / Olds Care Group Contacts are Gord & Diane Bueckert 403-507-1856 or Max & Val Clark at 403-335-3990 7:30pm College & Career Bible Study – in the Olds College Nest (on the second floor of Res). Contact is Carl Janzen 780-864-5052 or Wednesday 8:45am Mothers Who Care – in the Prayer Room 9:00am Women’s Bible Study – at Judith Ellingsgaard. Contact number is 403-556-8554 2:00pm Seniors Bible Study – in the Fireside Room. Contact is Pastor Norm 6:45pm Young Adult Bible Study – at Ryan and Dylana Kary’s. Contact Ryan at 403-556-5508 7:30pm East Didsbury Care Group – at Marvin and Karen Engels. Contacts are Marvin Engel at 403-335-3238 or Eugene Brown 403-335-4189 Thursday 10:15am Mount View Lodge Residents Bible Study – contact is Betty Evans 7:30pm Sierra Road Bible Study – meets in the Fireside Room. Contacts are Howard Schafer 403-556-2536 or Wayne Keillor 403-507-2426. Friday 7:00pm Youth – GRIP at 7:00 and then we are going to kick back and relax with some popcorn and a movie. There will be other details for this event coming soon. Contact is Pastor Andy 403-556-3219 or Coming Events "Christianity Explored" Bible Study Began Tuesday, March 17 … please join us! If you are enquiring about the Christian faith and wondering what being a follower of Jesus Christ means, then please consider joining the Christianity Explored Bible study. It's an eight week study in the Gospel of Mark to answer three vital questions: Who is Jesus Christ? Why did He come? What does it mean to follow Him? The study begins Tuesday, March 17 at 7:30pm in Room 205 (second floor above the foyer). Please sign up at the Welcome Desk or speak with Pastor Brent for more information. Good Friday Service Friday, April 3 at 10am We will gather on Good Friday to remember Jesus' death on the Cross in word and song & at the Lord's Table. An offering will be received for our Benevolent Fund. After the service please join us for coffee & hot-crossed buns in Fellowship Hall. Please be aware that because we're having communion on Good Friday, there won't be a communion service on Easter Sunday. Easter Sunday Brunch Sunday, April 5 The Deacons & Deaconesses invite you to join them for brunch between the services on Easter Sunday. Come after the First Service or before the Second Service. Brunch will be served from 9:45am to 11:15am. Hymn Sing Sunday, April 12 at 6:00pm Everyone welcome! Join us to sing the hymns we all love. Special guests: “The Tapley’s” from Bowden, AB. The Hymn Sing Band (Sounds of Praise) will begin playing at 5:30. Spring Camp April 20 - 24, 2015 Ages: Kindergarten to Grade 6 8:30am – 3:30pm The registration forms are available at the Welcome Centre as well as in the church office. Please see Pastor Greg for more information. Newcomer Lunch Sunday, April 26 in Fellowship Hall after the 2nd Service If you're new to FBC Olds within the last year, the Pastors and Deacons invite you to join them for lunch on April 26. We'd love to get to know you and answer any questions you might have about the church. You don't need to bring anything – lunch is provided. Please sign up on the list at the Welcome Desk so we know how many people to prepare for. Church & Community Employment Opportunity Students looking for summer work? Summer Camps are just around the corner and the CE department is looking for students who like working with kids and having fun. If you are interested please see Pastor Greg for details and applications. New Adult Sunday School Elective beginning March 15th “The Art of Marriage” by Family Life. This is a six week video presentation that will presented in room 208 in the CE wing of the church. For more information contact Pastor Greg at 403556-3219 or Congratulations Alison Rempel and Michael Price on their engagement this week. Mike & Missy Lorusso on the birth of their second son “Hudson James” born March 19. Congratulation also to grandparents Trevor & Esther Kary, great grandparents Gordon & Rosemary Kary and Erwin & Rose Giebler all the aunts and uncles. J.O.Y. Fellowship 4th. Tuesday of Each Month J.O.Y. Fellowship Luncheon (Adults 55+) meets at First Baptist Church for a hymn sing, a delicious full course dinner, a surprise draw for door prizes, and a devotional given by Pastor John Campbell. There will be a music presentation by the Olds Elementary School Children’s Choir under the direction of Lois Munchinsky. There will not be a business speaker. Don Church will lead Hymn Sing. Next luncheon date is Tuesday, March 24th at 11:30AM. Cost is $8.00 per person. International Dinner Group Group Members will be cooking ethnic food and deserts with a Malaysian theme. This Malaysian Dinner will be open to the first 40 people signed up in advance. We hope to see you at the next one – Friday, March 27th at 6:30PM. Enjoy authentic Malaysian Food at the home of Dave & Dale Anderson (5624 – 58 Ave). Please contact Dale Anderson to reserve your seat(s) and as to what you are bringing at 403 - 556 – 8797. 2014 Tax Receipts Your 2014 Contribution Tax Receipts are now available. You will find the receipt in your Family File Folder in the foyer. If you don’t have a “Family File Folder” please contact the church office. If you have any questions about your receipt contact Stan Neufeld at 403-3358969. To Russia With Love We hope to prepare about 50 hygiene gift bags (20 men’s and 30 ladies) for needy in Millerovo and Rostov, Russia. For more information please check out the bulletin insert, talk to Pastor Norm 403-556-3219 or Eva Boffey 403224-3704. Pictorial Directory All remaining inserts for the Pictorial Directory can be found in your church folder. If you need an insert or a new directory ($15.00), see Shelly in the office. Shalom Counselling Centre is looking for volunteers Shalom Counselling Centre is looking for volunteers to help with our annual Spring Dessert Gala (Saturday, April 25th). Positions include: Poster Distributors, Silent Auction Pick up, Set up and Monitors, Dessert Pick up, Dessert Hostesses, Kitchen Assistants and Greeters. For application forms or more information go to or call 403.342.0339. Pre-Service Prayer Everyone is welcome. We meet in the Prayer Room 20 minutes before each service. Come to pray for our church and service. If you would like prayer please join us. Ministry Opportunities Teachers & Helpers still needed on Sunday Mornings in the following areas: 1. Sunday School (9:30-10:30) for Adult Bible Class or other Adult Class Electives, Grade 1/2, Grade 3/4 2. Kids Own Worship (KOW-11:30-12:15) Contact Brenda Lytle (403-556-6870) or email: Contacts Address: 5005 – 53rd Avenue, Olds, AB T4H 1H6 Church Office: Phone 403-556-3219 Fax 403-556-2840 Church Secretary: Shelly Redekopp Email Address: Web Page: Lead Pastor: Pastor Brent Reilly Res: 403-556-8131 Adult Ministries: Pastor Norman Tauber Res: 403-507-8888 Student Ministries: Pastor Andrew Moffat Res: 403-556-8432 Family & Children Ministries: Pastor Greg Stirling Res: 403-586-4744 Prayer Chain: Bea Dersch 403-556-1902 Jean Brown 403-335-4189 Shelly Redekopp (church office)403-556-3219