
May 2015
Dearly Beloveds,
I am full to overflowing with thanks!
Rev. Denise Griebler
CELL: 630-297-1740
OFFICE: 586-727-3155
FAX: 586-727-8341
9:00 AM - 12 NOON
Afternoons by appointment
Pastor Denise is in Richmond on
Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday
We are
a Christian
called to
love God,
love neighbor,
love self,
as Jesus taught.
Thanks to all who made the Installation
Celebration so special. I’m grateful to the
search committee for their interest in me
as a candidate and opening the way to the mutual ministry we
now share. And they sure can put on a party! Thanks for the
generous and lovely meal we all enjoyed after the worship service! Serving on this committee were Terry Miller, chair, Shelly
Champion, Sharlene Haws, Traci Bartell, Jennifer Northam and
Christine Hensch.
I’m grateful for your gift to me - $326 to be shared with ministries and causes that bring me joy! Thank you for the love, freedom and generosity this expresses! I’ll share this gift with the
Curt Koehler Inquiring Minds scholarship fund, and SIPAZ,
the human rights organization I work with in Chiapas, Mexico
(, and my clay-ministry in Detroit. Deep
thanks to all who contributed.
I’m grateful to the musicians! There was wonderful music during the worship service thanks to Traci and the First UCC
choir, Paul Friesen-Carper, cellist and drummer, Ange Smith,
singer and lyricist, Sven Anderson, Ange’s accompanist, and
Rose Crowley on guitar and vocals.
I’m grateful to the preachers! My husband, Rev. Bill WylieKellermann preached on Isaiah 61 calling us into mutual ministry as disciples of Jesus who are good news to the poor and
oppressed, who build community and follow where the Spirit
leads. He told you some of my stories and brought me to tears
when he said the name of the Lord in Hebrew, YWH, like the
Spirit-Wind that has always beckoned me and now us together
in this ministry. Rev. Dr. Renee Jackson gave the charge to the
continued on next page
continued from previous page
congregation, reminding us that the Greek word for church, Ekklesia, which means called out from
and to. There’s a lot to ponder in that! What are we called out from? What are we called to? Let’s
think and pray about that. In conversation with Isaiah 61, each other, our own selves, and our
neighbors. And Rev. Deb Conrad brought the charge to me – really funny, grace-filled and freeing.
She was preaching to all of us (herself included), but this was exactly what I needed to hear and
take to heart. Because really this shared ministry is about us giving our hearts to God, one another
and our neighbors. And having the courage to trust ourselves to God’s vision and hope for us and
our neighbors. This is what it is to be in ministry together.
I’m so grateful to be duly installed as your pastor and teacher as we share in this ministry together!
Much love to all,
Pastor Denise
P.S. I want to encourage you to come to the Spring Meeting of our Eastern Association of the
Michigan Conference of the United Church of Christ. We’re hosting the meeting at First UCC – so
that’s really special. I encourage you to come for the morning worship and presentation. Stay for
lunch and fellowship if you can. The worship will be wonderful, and the speaker will help us think
about how to help our church grow. That’s something we all want! Warning: there is no magic or
easy fix! It’s about rooting and nurturing our identity as disciples who follow in the Way of Jesus.
I hope you will come so that we can continue the conversation together. It will connect to what we
began together during our retreat at the end of February.
Called and Empowered to be Disciples
UCC Responds to Nepal Earthquake
On April 25, 2015 a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal
causing significant damage
and destruction in Kathmandu
and surrounding areas. Since
Saturday's quake, our UCC
Global Ministries partnership
through the ACT Alliance has
been responding and working
hard to help stabilize the situation through provisions of
food, water, medicine and
temporary shelter.
UCC Disaster Ministries is
supporting these essential onthe-ground efforts, as the
death toll continues to rise.
There are three ways to contribute:
Financial Services, 6th Floor,
700 Prospect Ave, Cleveland,
OH 41115.
1. Earmark your donation to
By the Numbers:
First UCC for “Tibet Earthquake Relief.” First UCC will  7.8 Magnitude Earthquake
send one check to UCC Disas-  Over 6,000 confirmed dead
ter Ministries from our church.
 10,000 Injured
2. Give on line at unitedchur- 
3. Donations may also be
made out and sent directly to
Wider Church Ministries,
130,000 Homes Destroyed
530,000 Homes Damaged
8 Million Affected (over 1/4
of the population)
Worst Earthquake in Napal
in 80 years
Scripture Readings for May
May 03
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Acts 8:26-40; Psalm 22:25-31; 1 John 4:7-21; John 15:1-8
May 10
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Acts 10:44-48; Psalm 98; 1 John 5:1-6; John 15:9-17
May 17
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Acts 1:15-17, 21-26; Psalm 1; 1 John 5:9-13; John 17:6-19
May 24
Pentecost Sunday
Acts 2:1-21; Psalm 104:24-34, 35b; Romans 8:22-27; John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15
May 31
Trinity Sunday
Isaiah 6:1-8; Psalm 29; Romans 8:12-17; John 3:1-17
Vision Statement:
The purpose of this church shall be to worship God, to
preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to celebrate the
sacraments; to realize Christian fellowship and unity
within this church and the Church universal; to render
loving service toward humankind; and to strive for
righteousness, justice and peace.
Mission Statement:
We are traveling life’s road: created by God, guided by
Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit and grounded in
scripture. We strive to be individuals on a spiritual
journey and a community sharing God’s love with all.
Called to Care Team
Mary Alice Busch
Bob Chrostowski
586-727-9904 (H)
586-855-1823 (C)
Office Hours
The secretary is in the office on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday from 9 am till 12 noon
and Friday 9 am till 3 pm. If you need additional assistance other times, please send
Helen an email at or leave a phone message at the church office:
586-727-3155. Thank you.
Your 2015 Church Council
Listed below are the church council members for 2015. Please contact any
one of them with any questions or comments that you may have.
Term Ends
Veronica Chrostowski
Council Member
Mark Davis
Vicky Davis
Council Member
Karen Eltringham
Council Member
Kimberly Grewe
Council Member
Dave Hartwell
Council Member
Terri Houston
Vice President
Denise Griebler
Kathi Miller
Ron Schrote
Jackie Waszkiewicz
Financial Secretary
Rich Weinert
Council Member
First UCC
Prayer Chain
Pastor Denise
Sue Weinert
Diane Porrett
Jennifer Northam
Sally McNinch
Mary Alice Busch
Paulette Trombley
Karen Eltringham
Joyce Townsend
Shelley Champion
Christine Hensch
Traci Bartell
Want to join our prayer chain? Please call
the church office at 586-727-3155.
Here’s How it Works:
1) Take an Adopt-A-Bill envelope from
the display board in the narthex.
2) Pick a bill from the board.
3) Place your check (made out to First
United Church of Christ) or cash
along with the bill in the envelope.
4) Place the envelope in the offering
plate or mail it to the church.
Every contribution is greatly appreciated
and helps to support our church.
What’s Going on at First UCC?
If you would like to be an
active participant in any of
the goings on at First UCC or
have any questions concerning what our committees do,
feel free to reach out to the
committee liaison.
The many committees that
make sure things run
smoothly are made up of
volunteers, and each committee is represented by a church
council member.
The various committees and liaisons are as follows:
Karen Eltringham
Buildings and Grounds
Dave Hartwell
Kim Grewe (586-894-3093)
Veronica Chrostowski
Kathi Miller (586-727-1726)
Terri Houston
Rich Weinert (586-727-1139)
Ron Schrote (586-925-8801)
Servers Rotation Schedule—2015
May 3
May 24
Greeters…………Sharlene & Darrel Haws
Ushers……………Rich & Sue Weinert
Lay Reader…….Pam Green
Communion Preparer…...Paulette Trombley
Communion Servers……...Al & Mary Alice Busch
Greeters……………Ron & Kim Schrote
Ushers………………Ray Trombley & Rich Weinert
Lay Reader……….Traci Bartell
Altar Flowers…...Ray Trombley
May 10
Greeters………….Amy & Rob Follebout
Ushers……………Bob & Veronica Chrostowski
Lay Reader…….Joyce Townsend
Altar Flowers…Jennifer Northam
May 17
Greeters………….Karen Eltringham &
Joe Burkhart
Ushers…………….Kim McCardell & Lantz Northam
Lay Reader……..Christine Hensch
Altar Flowers….Joyce Townsend
May 31
Greeters…………...Dave & Ruth Hartwell
Ushers………………Glen & Diane Porrett
Lay Reader……....Ruth Hartwell
Altar Flowers…...Christine Hensch
June 7
Greeters…………...Jerry & Lynn Dunsmore
Ushers……………...Amy & Rob Follebout
Lay Reader……….Sue Weinert
Communion Preparer...Sally McNinch
Communion Servers…...Paulette & Ray
Michigan Conference—The United Church of Christ
Dear Friends in Christ,
I am writing to those 39 congregations in the Michigan Conference of the United Church
of Christ that donated more money to Our Church’s Wider Mission in 2014 than they did
in 2013!
Please know how grateful I am for your continued commitment and increased support to
the wider church. Together, we were able
► to increase our financial support of the National Setting of the United Church of Christ;
► to support the creation of ten new ministries and churches in Michigan;
► to support clergy and churches in times of transition, planning, conflict and celebration;
► to bring in nationally known speakers and teachers to help us in our mission of
equipping churches and clergy for more faithful and effective ministry in the name of
Jesus Christ.
You are a part of a growing number of Michigan churches that are working hard to build
up their local congregations and communities while also recognizing their part in the
covenant that binds us together. Because of you and your ministry and mission, I give
thanks to the Lord; God is good!
Campbell Lovett
Conference Minister
Pastor Denise’s Office Hours and Pastoral Care
I plan my week to be in
Richmond on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. It’s possible
that the days may move a bit
as I respond to various needs
that arise, but for the most
part, that’s when I’ll be in
town. If possible, please plan
for committees to meet on one
of those days or evenings.
Thanks so much! If there are
situations that arise in which
you’d like pastoral care, please
call to let me know. In the old
days, hospitals and rehab/
nursing facilities used to
inform pastors when one of
their flock was admitted. That
doesn’t happen anymore.
You can reach me directly by
calling my cell phone—
630-297-1740 or call the church
office and leave a message
with Helen or on the answering machine. I’m always
happy to receive your calls.
Pastor Denise
The Eastern Association of the Michigan Conference of the
Saturday, May 16—9 am - 2 pm
“And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to
me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” —Matthew 28:18-19
Come join in the fellowship of learning from Rev. Dr. Bill Lyons, pastor of St. John’s U.C.C.
in Grand Rapids, MI. We will also celebrate the ministry of OCWM and have an Association
business meeting.
The meeting will be hosted at the following location:
First United Church of Christ
68651 S. Forest, Richmond
Please make sure your Congregation is represented.
$10 per person $5 youth
$20 per family
Lunch will be served at 1 pm
Child care will be provided
Register on line at or mail form (available in church office)
to Traci Bartell, EA Secretary, 9614 Bartel Rd. Columbus, MI 48063. Registration deadline:
Friday, May 8.
Help us Keep our Church Lawn Beautiful
Mow the grass or
donate $35 to get the
job done.
A lawn-mowing schedule is
on the table in the narthex.
Just write your name on the
schedule in the signature box
for the week or weeks that
you would like to mow the
lawn or donate the fee and
indicate “mow” or “paid.”
“The success of love is in the loving;
it is not in the result of loving.”
—Mother Teresa
If you choose to donate $35
for a week, please place the
money in an envelope, mark
it with the words, “Lawn
Mowing” and place it in the
offering plate or leave it in the
church office.
Thank you.
Christian faith, the teaching,
practice and history of the
United Church of Christ and
our own congregation. At the
end of a time of study and
having been mentored, confirmands may confirm their
faith and become members of
the church.
Confirmation is about young
people learning about the
hank you to members who donated
food to the Richmond Food
Bank throughout the Lenten
season. Please continue to
Do you have a young person
in your family who has not
yet been confirmed? I would
donate as the local need is
huge. Also, Saturday, May 9
is the National Association of
Letter Carrier’s Stamp Out
Hunger food drive. Leave
nonperishable food items at
your mailbox by 9am on that
like to form a confirmation
group for youths in 7th grade
or older.
Please send me an email at
com or call me at 630-2971740 to let me know if your
son/daughter, granddaughter/grandson, niece/nephew,
neighbor is interested in confirmation classes.
Saturday for your letter
carrier to collect. Your support and commitment to our
hungry neighbors is greatly
First UCC’s Weekly Prayer Discipline for March
“Clip and Keep Reminders”
May - May 9
May 10 - May 16
Douglas Conner
Mark & Vicky Davis
Leona Conner
Dennis & Joyce Dubay
Rose Crowley
Erin Dunsmore
May 17 - 23
May 24 - 30
Jerry & Lynn Dunsmore
Karen Eltringham
Justin & Avrie Dunsmore
Doris Anne Ensley
Kristina Dunsmore
Doris Essenburg
Gather ‘Round the Circle’…
Join us Sunday, May 3 for our Sunday
Potluck and SongCircle. Bring a friend!
Potluck: 5:30 pm—Bring a dish to pass
Community singing: 6:30 - 8:00 pm
If you like to eat, tell stories and sing old
and new songs . . . this is for you!
We sing mostly out of a wonderful collection of songs in a songbook called Rise Up
Singing. There are 1200 songs in all - from
the Beatles to Dylan, sacred and secular,
songs of struggle and hope, love songs,
silly songs, songs of your youth and even
your grandparents’ youth, and songs and
chants of today. All are welcome!
During the summer months, our worship
service will begin at 10:00 am.
Our summer worship schedule begins on
June 7 and ends on the 2nd Sunday after
Labor Day.
It’s time again to clean
up the roads. Meet at
the church at 9:00 am
on Saturday, May 9.
Euchre Party…
Saturday, May 16 at 6 pm
Cost: $10
We will enjoy a pot luck with a picnic
theme. Cold drinks and coffee provided.
Bring a picnic-type food to share. 50/50 and
basket raffles. All tickets available at the
door. Questions, call 586-201-4508.
The installation service drew our congregation together on April 26. We accepted Rev.
Denise Griebler as our pastor and teacher
who will lead us forward with compassion
and new ideas to help our church grow.
We welcome you, Pastor Denise, to our family of faith. And, we look forward to
Sunday service as you lead us in worship
with your guitar in hand and your friendly
bright smile.
Our Website is up and running…
Come take a look! Here’s the address:
Please submit your
articles or announcements for the next
issue of Sharing the
Word no later than
May 18.
Health Kit items due in church
on or before February 22
*One Great Hour of Sharing
Offering on March 15
Shoe Drive for Grace Center of
Hope, Pontiac—April 25
Shoe Drive continues—May 2
*Blanket Sunday Offering on
May 10
*Strengthen the Church
Offering on June 7
Baby Kit items due in church
on or before June 21
School Kit items due in church
on or before August 30
*Neighbors In Need Offering
on October 4
Bread for the World Bread Sale
on October 18
Shoebox Christmas Gift
Collection for KIDS due in
church on or before Dec. 6
*Christmas Fund Offering on
Dec. 20
*Envelopes will be provided
Check the Mission bulletin board at the back of
the church for the detailed list for the baby,
health, and school kits plus any other Mission
updates. Look for canisters for the ongoing
collection of Box Tops for Education, Campbell’s
labels for Crossroads Child Services & coins for
the Holy Joe’s Café Coffee for the Troops.
Blanket Sunday, May 10
Comfort in times of crisis.
Our congregation will collect offerings for
Church World Service Blanket Sunday. A contribution of $10 will purchase one blanket. That
blanket could be given to someone in a homeless shelter here in the U.S. or to a person in a
refugee camp clear across the world. That blanket could be folded up to be used as a pillow, a
suitcase, or it could be used as a tent. The
warmth of a blanket serves a very valuable purpose—sometimes many purposes—but it also
tells people who are hurting that someone cares
about them. It’s like a hug made of cloth! When
you extend your hand to place your offering,
you are reaching out to people in need around
the world. Please give as generously as you can.
Envelopes will be provided in the bulletins.
Saturday, May 2
Donate your shoes—new or old—to Grace
Center of Hope. Leave them at the trailer
parked in our parking lot from 10 am—2 pm.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the
One Great Hour of Sharing offering on Sunday,
March 15. Our congregation’s offering totaled
$420. This money will be sent to the UCC Wider
Church Ministries to help with disaster relief all
over the United States and the world.
Here is a prayer to inspire you as you think
about our church mission projects and offerings:
Dear Lord, teach me to be generous,
teach me to serve you as I should,
to give and not to count the cost,
to fight and not to heed the wounds,
to toil and not to seek for rest,
to labor and ask not for reward,
save that of knowing that I do
your most holy will.
—St. Ignatius Loyola – 16th century
On Saturday, April 25 many
members of the Adult Choir
traveled to Wayne State
University to participate in
“Sing to the Rafters” workshop presented by GIA publishing company. We had the
chance to work with nationally known hymnodist Dr.
James Abbingdon and sing
with a huge crowd of folks
who love church music. Good
times! Ask choir members
about our time together.
There are good stories!
May 17 is the last Sunday the
Adult Choir will be sharing
music in worship for this
singing season. Thanks so
much to Shelley Champion,
Terri Houston, Chris Hensch,
Kim McCardell, Bob and
Veronica Chrostowski, and
Kathi and Terry Miller. The
leading that you do brings
worship to life in beautiful
ways. Thanks for sharing the
gifts and being consistently
committed to doing quality
work. Praise God for music!
Praise God for singing!
Eastern Association Spring Meeting
Saturday, May 16 our family
of faith will be hosting the
Spring Association meeting.
This meeting is a yearly event
and all 11 of the association
churches have the chance to
take their turn to host. This
year, 2015, is our year!
People will gather from New
Baltimore, Romeo, Armada,
Port Huron, St. Clair, Adair,
Casco, Marine City and Imlay
City. Rev. Dr. Bill Lyons, a
UCC pastor from Grand Rapids, will be presenting a
dynamic topic about growing
the church in vital ways. The
OCWM Ambassadors program will share the joy of giving to Our Churches Wider
Mission, and the association
will hold a formal business
meeting. If you are interested
in attending this event, please
talk to Traci Bartell. Each
church has the opportunity to
send delegates and visitors.
Our responsibilities to host
include providing hospitality
with food in the morning and
at lunch. Thank you Karen
Eltringham for heading this
up! She may be asking some
bakers out there to help her
out with luncheon desserts
and a few coffee cakes. There
will also be technical assistance needed since the presenters will need to be heard
and will be using power point
technology to offer their presentations. Thanks to Rich
Weinert and Ron Schrote for
volunteering to be the techies!
What a good time it will be to
gather together as the wider
expression of the United
Church of Christ. We will
“draw the circle wide” this
day! Hallelujah!
Mother’s Day is Coming!
Many mothers would love a
taste of fair trade chocolate as
a gift! Many mothers would
love fair trade coffee as a gift!
Many mothers would love
some fair trade tea and honey
as a gift! Mothers who love to
cook might like to have some
fair trade olive oil or cooking
cocoa or chocolate chips in
their pantry!
All fair trade;
All small farmer grown;
Justice is supported with
every purchase.
Check out the Equal Exchange Buying these products and
giving them as gifts spreads
offerings in the church basegoodness all over the place!
Prayers coming your way...
This page in our newsletter shares prayer concerns and prayer opportunities within the life
of our family of faith. By actively praying for the concerns presented, we strengthen our
congregation, our brother and sister churches, our association and our conference.
If you have prayer concerns you would like to see added to this page, please contact Pastor
Denise or call the office at 586-727-3155. Please add the following concerns to your personal
prayer time:
We pray for those from our family of faith who are homebound, dealing with illness,
grief or caregiving:
DiAnne Leitermann (Kim McCardall’s mom)….Bertha Teska….
Donna & Frank Bartell….Lucille Trombley….Marjorie Pentzien….
Bob Reindel….Paulette & Ray Trombley….Chuck & Mary Alice Busch ….
Ann Quinn….Amy & Rob Follebout….Leona Conner….Bud Griebler (Pastor
Denise’s dad)….Terry Hunger….Terry Miller….Jo & Bill Wagner (Jo was
recently diagnosed with ALS)….Jim Volkenant (recovering from a broken leg
and recently received a new cancer diagnosis)….Students, teachers, staff,
administrators of Richmond Community Schools….Literacy students of all
ages and their teachers….The people of Tibet, continuing sacred conversations
about race & community law enforcement.
Rewarding Gifts
Many of our older and
disabled neighbors are
isolated and looking for a
special friend who can
drop by every week or two
to chat, read mail, go out
for coffee or just let them
know that someone cares.
If you have just a few hours
each month that you can
give to someone who has
no one, you can make a real
difference in the life of a
frail or homebound
neighbor. Your special gift
of time may turn into a
very rewarding gift for you
as well.
For more information, call
the Interfaith Volunteer
Caregivers at 586-757-5551.
Learn more about their
work at
We wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the following members who are
celebrating their birthday in May:
01 - Kelly Hamburg
19 - Ryan Schrote
01 - Amelia Miller
19 - Joshua Houston
02 - Leona Conner
21 - Kristie Hollick
03 - Tarah Weeks
22 - Vance Green
07 - Jeff Chrostowski
23 - Frank Bartell
11 - Ginnean Kohn
23 - Bob Reindel
13 - Jacob Marlow
23 - Paulette Trombley
17 - David Grzanka
31 - Nicole Fair
18 - Ellen Germain
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the children of our church who celebrate a birthday
this month:
09 - Logan Northam
27 - Evan Grewe
We also wish a HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to the following members whose
wedding anniversary is in May:
03 - Jim & Joyce Townsend
18 - George & Sue Millbrand
20 - Garry & Carrie Trombley
Weekly Offerings:
April 26
April 19
April 12
April 05
$ 657.89
April 26………………...43
Installation service..71
April 19………………...30
April 12………………...28
Return address requested
No Matter Who You Are
Or Where You Are On Life’s Journey…
You Are Welcome Here!
First United Church of Christ  Rev. Denise Griebler 
cell: 630-297-1740  office: 586-727-3155  email: