Gildafest`16 honors Melissa McCarthy with The Gilda Radner Award


Gildafest`16 honors Melissa McCarthy with The Gilda Radner Award
Summer 2016
Gildafest’16 honors Melissa McCarthy with
The Gilda Radner Award for Innovation in Comedy
Gildafest’16 Honors
Melissa McCarthy
Gilda’s Club New York City Mission:
To Support, Educate, and Empower Cancer Patients and Their Families
Our free comprehensive cancer program includes support groups, educational lectures and workshops for everyone impacted by cancer – men, women, teens, and children.
Gilda’s Club New York City
195 West Houston Street
New York, NY 10014
(212) 647-9700
Univision Features
Gilda’s Club NYC
Teen & Youth Update:
Teen Essay Contest Winners
Camp Sparkle
New Program:
Open to Options
Ten Bands One Cause
Announces Artists
Revlon Love is On
$1M Challenge
Staff Updates
(L-R) Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy attend Gildafest’16
Actress and comedian, Melissa
McCarthy, received The Gilda
Radner Award for Innovation
Comedy in the presence of 280
guests at Gildafest’16 on July 12th at
Carolines on Broadway.
Producer Paul Feig, who could not
attend in person, sent a video clip
sending accolades to McCarthy
and talked about his personal
connection to Gilda Radner. The
award was presented to Melissa by
Sarah Baker and Gilda’s Club NYC
Actress Sarah Baker, who has CEO, Lily Safani.
been featured in several films with
McCarthy, hosted the event. Special Gildafest showcased some of today’s
guests included actress Kristen top comics with performances by
Wiig and former SNL writer, Alan SNL star Michael Che, Marina
Zweibel who gave a touching tribute Franklin, Lynne Koplitz, Matteo
to Gilda Radner.
Lane, Carmen Lynch, Emma
Continued on page 3
Board of Directors
Laura Bartlett, Chair
Mark J. Alles
Rob Bochicchio
Andrews Donnovan
Robert J. Easton
Robert C. Faulkner
Carl S. Goldfischer, MD
Jennifer Hill
Sofija Jovic, PhD
Mike Lee
Ellen A. Lubman
Matthew R. Patterson
Andrea F. Rabney
Jami Rubin
Alexander Scott
William S. Slattery
Associate Board
Ashley Loesch, Chair
Dara Adams
Andrew Altschuler
Christopher T. Chambers
Mandy Cheuk
Tracey Doolin
Meghan Finlayson
Michelle K. Fong
Maria Franceschelli
Katherine Griffith
Krista Gundersen
Blaike Hannay
Neil Heckman
Megan M. Knurr
Andrew Levison
Zachary R. Mattler
Alex Modell
Ellie Newman
Tiffany Robin
Emily Sanchez
Victoria Scarborough
Ari Schnitzer
Jessica Serre
Lauren Servideo
Whitnee Shulman
Steven Smolyn
John Switzer
James Trani
Remi Tseng
Katherine Wynkoop
Stefani Zien
Lily Safani, CEO
Migdalia Torres
Deborah K. Wilson
Nadine Bartholomew
Christine Braunstein
Fran Castellanos-Ross
Emily Grotheer
Michele Halusic
Nivia Herron
Eileen Jackson
Ramona Maysonet
Janine Perillo
Michelle Ramlochan
Pontip Rasavong
Emily Riordan
Jessilyn Torres
Publication of the Development Office
Deborah K. Wilson, Director of Development
Pontip Rasavong, Marketing & Communications
Gilda’s Club New York City
195 West Houston Street • New York, NY 10014
(212) 647-9700 • • @gildasclubnyc
Plan ahead with the Legacy Society
Be Prepared with
- A New Program
“We have designated Gilda’s Club NYC as one beneficiary
of an Easton Family Charitable Trust. Through almost
16 years of Board work for Gilda, I have learned how
important the Club’s services are to people touched by
cancer. Joan and I are pleased and proud to do this to
help assure that the GCNYC mission continues strong for
many years into the future.”
Robert J. Easton
Announcing this year’s participating Artists
Gilda’s Club NYC (GCNYC) has • Leaving a percentage of
established the Legacy Society
the estate or assests after
to celebrate and thank those
providing for family.
individuals who share our belief • Setting GCNYC as a
that no one should face cancer
beneficiary of 401K/IRA plans
or insurance policies.
• Establishing a Charitable
Bequests from a will or trust are the
Gift Annuity or a Charitable
most common way to leave a gift
Remainder Trust to GCNYC.
to GCNYC. Some options include:
All of the above qualify for
• Setting aside a certain dollar
membership in the Society.
Music distribution companies RED and WEA are spearheading the third
annual Ten Bands One Cause charity initiative. This year’s limited pink
vinyl are from: Anthrax, The Black Keys, Courtney Barnett, Ed Sheeran,
Jim Breuer & The Loud & Rowdy, My Chemical Romance, NOFX,
Opeth, Pixies and Red Hot Chili Peppers. The releases will be available
for purchase at retailers nationwide wherever vinyl is sold and online. Also,
Bull Moose will donate $1 for every Ten Bands One Cause Spotify playlist
subscription, up to $1,000.
Gildafest’16 honors
Melissa McCarthy
continued from page 1
For complete information, visit:
Willmann, and Michelle Wolf.
Thank you to our sponsors
The event featured a live auction and Starbright Florals, to all of
with items including a signed poster our volunteers who helped make
by the Ghostbusters cast, (Melissa the event run smoothly and to
McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Leslie everyone who attended the evening.
Jones and Kate McKinnon), and a Gildafest’16 raised more than
ride home that evening in the famed $145,000 for our program.
Ghostbusters mobile, Ecto1.
Additional Ways to Give
Recurring Gifts: Bunny Bunny members may give a monthly
donation of as little as $10. Recurring donors are important to
Gilda’s Club, as even small donations add up quickly and make a
huge difference in keeping Gilda’s Club’s program free for everyone
who needs it.
Securities: Gifts in the form of stocks, bonds, or mutual funds that
have appreciated in value may be especially attractive to you under
the current tax laws.
Matching Gifts: Approximately 91% of companies will match
an employer’s gift at a 1:1 ratio. Find out if your company has a
matching gift policy.
For more information about the Legacy Society or
other giving opportunities, please contact:
Deborah K. Wilson, Director of Development at (212) 647-9700
Open to Options™ (O2O) is an
treatment decision support. The
(CSC), in collaboration with the
Education Network to Advance
Cancer Clinical Trials (ENACCT),
developed and evaluated the Open
to Options™ program to help patients
communicate more effectively with
their health care team in order to
arrive at the treatment decision that
is right for them.
As an affiliate of CSC, Gilda’s Club
NYC is now an O2O trained site
able to guide cancer patients, in
a non-directive way, to anticipate
their questions and concerns
while describing their individual
situations, medical options and
personal goals, in advance of an
upcoming medical appointment.
The O2O facilitator helps the patient
develop and organize a Question
List (QL) which becomes a reference
point for the patient to use to guide
the conversation about the various
treatment options available to the
patient. The very act of developing
and referring to the QL can help the
patient feel empowered, focused and
more in control of the conversation
simultaneously helping to reduce
Congratulations to the 2016 “It’s Always
Something” Teen Essay Contest Winners
This year marked our 7th Annual
“It’s Always Something” Teen Essay
Contest. A total of 94 essays were
submitted by teens living in the NYC
area and Long Island, who wrote
about how cancer has personally
impacted their lives.
the teens who shared their personal
stories with us. The finalists read their
essays aloud to those in attendance.
Thanks to the generosity of Nancy
Cambino, the teens in attendance
were surprised with a special “raffle”
offering BLI Summer Jam concert
The difficult task of selecting the tickets.
winners of the contest belonged to
our amazing panel of guest judges You can read the full winning
composed of acclaimed young adult essays online on our website at
authors: Kresley Cole, Ally Condie, Garcia, Jonathan Maberry something-teen-essay-contest
and Tonya Hurley.
A reception inviting all contest
entrants and their families and
friends was held on May 19th to
celebrate the accomplishment of
The Teen Essay Contest is open to
students in grades 9-12 in New York
City, and Suffolk and Nassau Counties
on Long Island. Submissions for the 2017
contest will open in January.
Top Three Winning Essays
First Place: “Pancreatic Cancer”
by Cindy McCabe
Second Place: “Blink of an Eye”
by Haley Essig
Third Place: “Memento Vivere”
by Britney Franco
(L-R): CEO, Lily Safani, Haley Essig,
Britney Franco, Dennis Paoli, Tonya Hurley
Camp Sparkle Thrives with Full Day Camp
Fourteen children participated in
July’s exciting week of full day Camp
Sparkle programming, which took
place from 9AM-4PM each day.
Univision visited Gilda’s Club NYC
on June 14, 2016 to find out more
about our work within the Latino
Migdalia Torres, Executive Director
of Program & Off-Site Expansion,
was interviewed by Univision
News. This media coverage had a
significant reach among Latinos
impacted by cancer, as the volume of
inquiry calls following the airing was
overwhelming in a wonderful way.
Additionally, Gilda’s Club was
invited to the Univision studios
where Senior Program Manager, segment called, “Contigo En La
Carolina Hoires, had the opportunity Comunidad” (With You in The
to be interviewed for their Sunday Community).
Gilda Comes to You: Hispanics/Latinos
Through our Gilda Comes to You
(GCTY) program, we have partnered
with major medical cancer centers in
NYC in order to reach and provide
cancer support to underserved and
uninsured populations, including
Parents/guardians of our campers
reported that the full day was
incredibly beneficial for two major
reasons: it provided additional fun
for the children, and it helped to
facilitate the busy schedules of the
Campers had a blast with workshops
including interactive yoga with Yogi
Beans; acting & imagination with
Improv for Kids; cooking creations
with Freshmade NYC; movement
with Energetic Juniors; a live animal
program with Rizzo’s Wildlife; and
sporting fun with Bee in Motion.
Gilda’s Club NYC featured on Univision
Field trips were taken to The
Children’s Museum of the Arts and
the Central Park Zoo.
and a screening of summertime
favorite, Surf ’s Up.
Six trained Junior Associate Board
Camp Sparkle wrapped up with a teens assisted with this Camp
day of pizza, PopBar frozen treats, Sparkle session.
of unmet supportive care needs
(informational, practical, support,
and spiritual) when compared with
African Americans and Caucasians
(Moadel, Morgan, et al., 2007).
In order to reach more Latinos living
with cancer, we have incorporated
Spanish-bilingual GCNYC Patient
Navigators at our GCTY partner
sites. In addition, we have developed
culturally sensitive and competent
programming to meet the needs of
this emerging population, which
now represents 20% of the members
we serve.
One study found that Hispanics/
Latinos were more likely to report
poor mental, physical, and social
quality of life when compared with
Caucasians and African Americans
(Yanez et al, 2011), as well as lower
perceived social support, high
levels of uncertainty (Sammarco &
Konecny, 2010), and higher levels
of depression (Ashing-Giwa et For more information about our
al., 2013). Hispanic/Latino cancer programs offered in Spanish, please
survivors had the highest level contact Fran Castellanos-Ross.
Off-Site Spanish-Bilingual
The Mount Sinai Hospital Ruttenberg
Treatment Center - Upper West Side
Amigos Unidos - Grupo de Apoyo
Cada Miercoles 10:00am-11:30am
Montefiore-Einstein Center for
Cancer Care- Bronx
Mujeres Unidas - Grupo de Apoyo para
Cancer de Seno
Cada Lunes 9:00am-10:30am
Queens Cancer Center - Queens
Amigos Unidos Grupo de Apoyo
Please check our Off-Site Program
Calendar for more information.
You can help win
$1,000,000 for Gilda’s Club!
The Gilda’s Club NYC staff is happy to introduce
two new members of the team!
Emily Grotheer, Volunteer &
Outreach Manager, has joined
the Gilda’s Club team effective July
25, 2016. She has over 10 years of
experience working in the nonprofit industry. She’s a native New
Yorker and resides in Brooklyn.
Fran Castellanos-Ross, Program
Manager, Membership & Off-Site
Partners, is a clinical social worker
with over 20 years of clinical,
experience across various agency
settings. She is Spanish/French
bilingual and Reiki I Certified.
Congratulations and welcome 2016-2017
Associate Board Members
and new Executive Committee!
Between September 14th and October 26th,
we will need YOUR help to win $1M in the
Revlon Love is On Million Dollar Challenge.
It is with mixed emotions that we
say goodbye to two valued GCNYC
Jordan Patinkin, Volunteer and
Internal Events Coordinator
For three years, Jordan successfully
maintained and expanded our
program and volunteer base. Her
enthusiasm and passion for our
community was inspiring. We wish
her well in her new position at
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer
Join Gilda’s Marathon Team and run in the 2016 TCS
NYC Marathon on November 6, 2016.
Read Neil’s story on why he chose to run for Gilda’s Club
and how cancer motivated him to train and fundraise.
Ashley Loesch, Chair
Neil Heckman, Vice Chair
Whitnee Shulman, Communications
Emily Sanchez, Co-Chair Events & Fundraising
Katherine Wynkoop, Co-Chair Events & Fundraising
Blaike Hannay, Co-Chair Volunteer & Outreach
Mandy Cheuk, Co-Chair Volunteer & Outreach
Dara Adams
Andrew Altschuler
Christopher T. Chambers
Tracey Doolin
Meghan Finlayson
Michelle K. Fong
Maria Franceschelli
Katherine Griffith
Krista Gundersen
Megan M. Knurr
Andrew Levison
Zachary R. Mattler
Alex Modell
Ellie Newman
Tiffany Robin
Victoria Scarborough
Ari Schnitzer
Jessica Serre
Lauren Servideo
Steven Smolyn
John Switzer
James Trani
Remi Tseng
Stefani Zien
Step 1: Create a Crowdrise fundraising page on
September 14th under the Gilda’s Club NYC page.
Step 2: Reach out to your Friends & Family and
ask them to donate to your page and/or join you in
creating their own pages. That’s it!
The organization that raises the most money in the
6-week time period will win the $1M prize. The top 4
finalists will also be awarded prizes.
The more people we have fundraising, the better our
chances are. The best part is, all monies raised by our
team will go directly to Gilda’s Club NYC. Contact us
to learn how you can get involved.
For more information about any of the listed events, please visit our website at under Special Events or e-mail
Carolina Hoires, Senior Program
Carolina had been vital in the
development and expansion of our
off-site program, Gilda Comes to
You. For five years, she has been
comprehensive cancer support to
our community. Carolina will be
relocating to Florida where her
family resides.
Thank you for your service!
August 15 - 19
Special Program
Camp Sparkle
October 1
Special Program
Day of Beauty
November 6
TCS NYC Marathon
October 10
Columbus Day
November 10
Special Event
21st Annual Benefit Gala
September 5
Labor Day
September 23
Social Event
A Celebration of Our Members
October 21
Social Event
Noogiefest - Halloween Celebration
December 9
Social Event
Winter Wonderland

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