0409_gdp_legal notices - Gwinnett County Courts
0409_gdp_legal notices - Gwinnett County Courts
0409 GDP THURS LEGALS_Classifieds 4/7/2015 7:36 PM Page C1 WWW.GWINNETTDAILYPOST.COM • THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 2015 • C1 LEGAL NOTICES THE DESIGNATED LEGAL ORGAN FOR GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA LEGAL ADVERTISING DEADLINES THROUGH DECEMBER, 2015 Mail legal advertising to: Gwinnett Daily Post P.O. Box 603 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 Attention: Legal Advertising The deadline for legal advertising in the Thursday Legal Section (other than Foreclosures and Tax Sales) is 12 noon '3*DAY. Legal ads may also be submitted for publication on other days at your discretion. Please specify the date you want the ad to be published. Telephone: (770) 963-9205, Ext. 1161, 1162 The deadlines for publication are as follows: E-mail address is: legals@gwinnettdailypost.com (text format only) Office Hours 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday DAY OF PUBLICATION Wednesday Thursday Friday Sunday DEADLINE Tuesday 2pm 'SJEBZ 12 Noon Thursday 12 Noon Friday 12 Noon Southern Community Newspapers, Inc. LEGAL RESOURCE CENTER P.O. Box 1286, Lawrenceville, GA 30046 Gwinnett Daily Post Clayton News Daily Rockdale Citizen Henry Daily Herald Jackson Progress-Argus Holidays may alter deadlines to earlier days. Please check the Legal Advertising area prior to major holidays for early deadline notices. ADOPTIONS ADOPTIONS NOTICE TO BIOLOGICAL FATHER – PRIVATE PLACEMENT To: “Tikorya Jermaine Bailey and All Unknown Biological Fathers of Baby Boy Campbell a/k/a Riley Campbell.” You are hereby notified that on the 25th day of March, 2015, a petition was filed in the Superior Court of Fulton County, Georgia by a couple seeking to adopt a child born on March 9, 2015 in Gwinnett County, Georgia. They have filed the Petition to terminate the rights of the biological mother upon her unrevoked and voluntary surrender of parental rights, and the rights, if any, of the biological father upon statutory due notice. Be also advised that the couple is represented by William E. Turnipseed, Esq., Savell & Williams, LLP, the principal offices of which are located at 2700 Harris Tower, 233 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia 30303. Be further advised that the biological mother has identified you as the biological father. Be finally advised that you will lose all rights to the child and will neither receive notice nor be entitled to object to the adoption of the child unless, within thirty (30) days of receipt of this notice you (1) file a petition to legitimate the child pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 19-7-22; and (2) file a notice of the filing of the petition to legitimate with the Superior Court of Fulton County, Lewis Slaton Courthouse, Room C-155, 136 Pryor Street, S.W., Atlanta, Georgia 30303, in which the Petition for Termination of Parental Rights is pending, Adoption No. 2015CV258779, and to the below-listed counsel to the Petitioners. This 25th day of March, 2015. /s/ Anuva Chowdhury Deputy Clerk Superior Court of Fulton County Notice Prepared By: William E. Turnipseed Georgia Bar # 720125 Savell & Williams, L.L.P. 2700 Harris Tower 233 Peachtree Street Atlanta, GA 30303 (404) 521-1282 (404) 584-0026 (fax) wet@savellwilliams.com 181985-0001 901-246692, 4/2,9,16 NOTICE OF ADOPTION TO LEGAL FATHER To Rogelio Cruz: BE IT KNOWN that a Petition for Adoption of (1) Rogelio Cruz, Jr., born in Clayton County, Georgia, on June 4, 1999, (2) Joahan Cruz, born in Gwinnett County, Georgia, on November 12, 2001 and (3) Rebecca Cruz, born in Newton County, Georgia, on March 14, 2010 to Claudia Judith Cruz (maiden name of Hernandez), was filed in the Paulding County Superior Court, Georgia, Adoption No. 15-CA-7-P3. This Court will hear said Petition on May 28, 2015, at 9:00am in the Chambers of Judge Kenneth G. Vinson, Dallas, Paulding County, Georgia. If you do not defend yourself against this termination proceeding, all parental rights you may have with respect to the minor children will be lost. You will neither receive notice nor be entitled to object to the adoption of the children unless you act as required by Georgia law which may include the need to, within thirty (30) days from the date of the last publication of this notice or otherwise in a timely manner, file an answer and serve that answer upon opposing counsel, Jeffrey D. Bunch, 142 South Park Square, Marietta, Georgia 30060, 770-499-7989. 901-245344, 3/26,4/2,9 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION FILE NUMBER: 15-36-6 IN RE: PETITION OF FRANK CHRISTOPHER PERRONCINO FOR THE STEP PARENT ADOPTION OF L. J. SINGLETARY A MINOR CHILD NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION RE: Adoption of abovenamed child, born on 0323-2010, mother being BETHANYE CATHERINE SINGLETARY. TO: Any putative fathers: The above action was filed in Superior Court, Gwinnett County, Georgia, on March 9, 2014, in the Office of the Clerk of said Court. You are hereby notified that you will lose all rights to this child and will neither receive notice nor be entitled to object to the adoption of the child unless, within 30 days of receipt of this notice, you file: (1) A Petition to Legitimate the child pursuant to Ga. Code Sec. 19-7-22 or an acknowledgement of legitimation pursuant to Code Section 19-7-21.1; and (2) Notice of filing of the petition to legitimate or acknowledgement of legitimation with the court in which the action under this Code section is p pending and (3) notice of filing to the person providing this notice, the attorney named below. The Judge in this case is Judge Ronnie K. Batchelor. The Petitioner’s attorney is Juli Wisotsky, P.O. Box 362, Jefferson, Georgia 30549. 706-543-4678. 901-248954, 4/9,16,23 NOTICE OF ADOPTION TO BIOLOGICAL FATHER To: Garantz Predvil and any other unknown biological father: you are hereby notified that an adoption petition has been filed in Hall County, Georgia, (Civil Action File Number 14-AD-57A), for the adoption of Gabriel Allen Predvil, a male child born in Hall County, Georgia, on September 9, 2009, to Rebecca Darlene Nida Hill. You will lose all parental rights to the child and will neither receive notice nor be entitled to object to the adoption of the child unless, within thirty (30) days from the date of the last publication of this notice, you file: (1) a petition to legitimate the child pursuant to the Official Code of Georgia Annotated (O.C.G.A.) section 19-7-22 or an acknowledgment of legitimation pursuant to O.C.G.A. section 197-21.1; and (2) notice of the filing with the clerk of Hall County Superior Court, P.O. Drawer 1336, Gainesville, 30503 and make known such other objections in writing as you may have; and (3) serve a copy on attorney Jeffrey D. Bunch, 142 South Park Square, Marietta, Georgia 30060. Attorney Jeffrey D. Bunch, 678-483-8800. 901-245356, 3/26,4/2,9 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF FRANKLIN COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION FILE NO.: 15FVH2 IN RE: PETITION OF PHILLIP LANE ROE Step-parent FOR THE ADOPTION OF A. C. WEGNER, and D. R. MUNDAY, minor children NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION RE: Adoption of abovenamed children, born on August 8, 2001 in Gainesville, Georgia, and December 22, 2005 in Lawrenceville, Georgia, respectively. TO: Ryan Daniel Munday. You are hereby notified that the above action was filed in Franklin County Superior Court Clerk’s Office, Georgia, on March 19, 2015, and that you may lose all rights to these children if you do not file a response in writing to said Court within thirty (30) days of receiving this notice. A final hearing in this case is scheduled at the Franklin County Courthouse in Carnesville, Georgia, at 9:30 a.m. on June 11, 2015. If you fail to appear at this hearing, your rights may be terminated. The Judge in this case is Thomas L Hodges III. The attorney is Juli Wisotsky, P.O. Box 362, Jefferson, Georgia, 30549. 706-5434678. 901-246697, 4/2,9,16 CONSTRUCTION/ SERVICE BIDS PUBLIC NOTICE The Housing Authority of the City of Buford, Georgia, will receive bids for mowing and lawn and grounds maintenace service at the Office property and existing Public Housing projects in Buford, Duluth, Sugar Hill and Flowery Branch until 11:00 AM on Thursday, April 16, 2015, at which time the said bids will be publicly opened and recorded. All proposals submitted shall be claearly marked MOWING on the sealed envelope and submitted to Buford Housing Authority, 2050 Hutchins Street, Buford, GA 30518 by the above mentioned date and time. A list of apartment sizes and toher information may be obtained from the Office or by calling 770-945-5212. CONDITIONS Turf areas are to be mown at least four times per month during growing season between April 1 to November 1 as the growing season dictates and the weather permits. Turf areas are to be mown as needed during the dormant season between November and April as the weather permits. Leaves shall be blown form areas adjacent to buildings during appropriate seasons and removed from the premises. All shrubs shall be pruned as necessary on each mowing visit to obtain optimum appearance. All curbs, sidewalks, paved areas and growing beds are to be edged at least twice per month. Blowing of leaves, clippings and debris will be performed each mowing visit on all driveways, porches, steps, walks and curb surfaces. All porches, vehicles, sidewalks and asphalt areas will be kept free of dust, dirt and debris created by mowers, edgers, string trimers and any other equipment each mowing visit. It is expected that every property will be scheduled for appropriate service and that all landscaped areas will be policed for trash and unwanted natural material. H Foreclosures, Sheriff’s Sales and Tax Sales are held on the first Tuesday of each month. Notices publish four consecutive weeks prior to the first Tuesday. Deadlines are below: MONTH DEADLINE DAY OF PUBLICATION SALE DATE JANUARY *DEC 29 JAN 8, 15, 22, 29 FEB 3, 2015 FEBRUARY JAN 29 FEB 5, 12, 19, 26 MAR 3, 2015 MARCH MAR 5 MAR 12, 19, 26, APR 2 APR 7, 2015 APRIL APR 2 APR 9, 16, 23, 30 MAY 5, 2015 MAY APR 30 MAY 7, 14, 21, 28 JUN 2, 2015 JUNE JUN 4 JUN 11, 18, 25, JUL 2 JULY 7, 2015 JULY *JUNE 30 JUL 9, 16, 23, 30 AUG 4, 2015 AUGUST JUL 30 AUG 6, 13, 20, 27 SEPT 1, 2015 SEPTEMBER *SEP 2 SEPT 10, 17, 24, OCT 1 OCT 6, 2015 OCTOBER OCT 1 OCT 8, 15, 22, 29 NOV 3, 2015 NOVEMBER OCT 29 NOV 5, 12, 19, 26 DEC 1, 2015 DECEMBER DEC 3 DEC 10, 17, 24, 31 JAN 5, 2016 JANUARY 2016 *DEC 28 JAN 7, 14, 21, 28 FEB 2, 2016 * EARLY DEADLINES DUE TO HOLIDAY CONSTRUCTION/ SERVICE BIDS CONSTRUCTION/ SERVICE BIDS Herbicide should be used at air conditioning units, fence lines and other appropriate palces but not on lawns, around shrubbery and planint beds. All labor, material and supervision are to be provided by the contractor. Contractor shall pay employees for work under this contract an amount equal to or greater than the prevaling DavisBacon Wage Determination and contractor shall provide Housing Authority with weekly certified payrolls in accordance when work is performed. Contractor shall have liability insurance in appropriate coverage. The duration of this contract shall be twelve months commencing May 1, 2015, and ending on April 30, 2016. This contract may be extended twice for an additional twelve months each and at the same terms and price if mutually agreed upon by both the Housing Authority and the contacting party. 9 0 2 - 2 4 5 2 0 9 , 3/19,26,4/2,9,16 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FULL DEPTH RECLAMATION AND ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT ON HOWELL FERRY ROAD FROM NORTH BERKELEY LAKE ROAD TO PEACHTREE INDUSTRIAL BOULEVARD WITHIN THE CITY OF DULUTH, GWINNETT COUNTY GEORGIA Sealed proposals for furnishing all labor, material, and other equipment necessary for the following work will be received by the undersigned. Sealed proposals will be received no later than 10 AM on Monday, May 4, 2015 at the office of the city clerk in the Duluth City Hall, 3167 Main Street, Duluth, Georgia 30096. The bids will be publicly opened on, Monday, May 4, 2015 at 10 am at the Duluth City Hall, 3167 Main Street, Duluth, Georgia 30096. REQUESTS FOR PROPOSALS ARE AVAILABLE ON THE CITY OF DULUTH WEBSITE AT WWW.DULUTHGA.NET OR MAY BE EXAMINED AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATION: City of Duluth Public Works Department 2450 Chattahoochee Drive Duluth, Georgia 30097 A NON-Mandatory Pre-Bid conference will be held on Monday, April 20, 2015 at 10:00 AM at the Duluth City Hall, 3167 Main Street, Duluth, Georgia 30096. The work to be bid shall consist of furnishing all materials, labor and equipment for: Full Depth Reclamation and Asphaltic Concrete Pavement Howell Ferry Road from North Berkeley Lake Road to Peachtree Industrial Boulevard within the City of Duluth All proposals shall be accompanied by a bid bond in favor of the city, in the amount of five percent (5%) of the bid for the complete work, (but not less than $5,000) ; such bid bond representing that the bidder, if awarded a contract, will promptly enter into a contract and furnish performance bond and payment bond as provided by law and approved by the attorney for the city. The performance bond shall be equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount. The payment bond shall be equal to one hundred ten percent (110%) of the contract amount. The bid bond shall be forfeited to the city, as described in section 108 of Georgia Department of Transportation Standard Specifications. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The contract will be awarded, if at all, within sixty (60) calendar days after opening of the proposal. Any change to the conditions and specifications must be in the form of a written addendum to be valid; therefore, the city will issue a written addendum to document each approved change. The city seeks to ensure that all segments of the business community have access to supplying the goods and services needed by city programs. The city affirmatively works to encourage utilization of disadvantaged and minority business enterprises in our procurement activities. The city provides equal business opportunity for all businesses and does not discriminate against any persons regardless of race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin or handicap. The work shall be completed within 120 calendar days. 902-248978, 4/9,23 PUBLIC NOTICE The Housing Authority of the City of Buford, Georgia, will receive bids for Painting Service at the Office property and existing Public Housing projects in Buford, Duluth, Sugar Hill and Flowery Branch until 11:00 AM on Thursday, April 16, 2015, at which time the said bids will be publicly opened and recorded. All proposals submitted shall be claearly marked PAINTING on the sealed envelope and submitted to Buford Housing Authority, 2050 Hutchins Street, Buford, GA 30518 by the above mentioned date and time. A list of apartment sizes and toher information may be obtained from the Office or by calling 770-945-5212. CONDITIONS The purpose of this contract is to property apply paint provided by the Housing Authority to ceiling, wall surfaces and certain appurtenances in recently vacated apartments. Pint and in some situations primer are to be applied with brush or roller but not sprayed. Care shall be taken to insure that paint is uniformly applied to cover but does not get on window glass, finished surfaces surfaces of tile, cabinets, doors appliances, fixtures, floors and other areas. Work shall be upon notification that an apartment has been vacated and shall be concluded in a reasonable amount of time. All labor, material and supervision are to be provided by the contractor. Contractor shall pay employees for work under this contract an amount equal to or greater than the prevaling DavisBacon Wage Determination and contractor shall provide Housing Authority with weekley certified payrolls in accordance when work is performed. Contractor shall have liability insurance in appropriate coverage. The duration of this contract shall be twelve months commencing May 1, 2015, and ending on April 30, 2016. This contract may be extended twice for an additional twelve months each and at the same terms and price if mutually agreed upon by both the Housing Authority and the contacting party. 9 0 2 - 2 4 5 2 0 9 , 3/19,26,4/2,9,16 #PURCH0409 NOTICE IN AN EFFORT TO BETTER SERVE THE CITIZENS AND SUPPLIER COMMUNITY AND TO INCREASE COMPETITION INFORMATION REGARDING GWINNETT COUNTY SOLICITATIONS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES: GWINNETT DAILY POST (NEWSPAPER), GWINNETT COUNTY WEB SITE WWW. GWINNETTCOUNTY.COM, AND THE SOLICITATION CENTER LOCATED AT THE GWINNETT JUSTICE AND ADMINISTRATION CENTER, PURCHASING DIVISION, SECOND FLOOR, 75 LANGLEY DRIVE, LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA 30046. ADVERTISEMENTS FOR BIDS BID NUMBER; DESCRIPTION; OPENING DATE; OPENING TIME BL037-15 PURCHASE OF WATER METER REPAIR PARTS, FITTINGS AND METER BOXES APRIL 17, 2015 3:00 P.M. BL039-15 BOGAN COMMUNITY CENTER ROOF REPLACEMENT MAY 11, 2015 3:00 P.M. BL040-15 PURCHASE OF SIGN TRUCK APRIL 22, 2015 3:00 P.M. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL (770) 822-8720 OR VISIT WWW. GWINNETTCOUNTY.COM GWINNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 902-248941, 4/9 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that this office received an application for a distilled spirits license from WILD WING CAFE located at 3519 BRASELTON HIGHWAY, SUITE B 100, DACULA, GA 30019. Said establishment is owner WILD PETES 1 LLC. Please submit in writing any information affecting the issuance of a license at said establishment to this office by APRIL 15, 2015. BRANDI EVERETT Licensing & Revenue Supervisor Gwinnett County Department of Planning & Development 446 WEST CROGAN STREET SUITE 125 LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30046 904-246694, 4/2,9 CITATIONS APPENDIX “A” TO EXHIBIT “A” RESOLUTION GWINNETT COUNTY COMMISSION WHEREAS, the Gwinnett County Department of Transportation has laid out and determined to construct a certain State road or highway as a part of the Gwinnett County Road System of the State of Georgia, known and designated as Project F-0796-01 Gwinnett County, being a project to upgrade and improve Bethesda School Road ( CITATIONS CITATIONS CONDEMNATIONS CONDEMNATIONS CONDEMNATIONS (Sweetwater Park Connection), and being more fully shown on a map and drawing on file in the office of the Gwinnett County Department of Transportation, 75 Langley Drive, Lawrenceville, Georgia; and WHEREAS, in order to maintain the projected schedule of road construction of Gwinnett County, it is necessary that the right of way, and other rights, if any, for the construction of said project be acquired without delay; and WHEREAS, the parcel of right of way and other rights as herein described and as listed below, shown of record as owned by the person named herein, all as described in the annexes to this order hereinafter enumerated, all of said annexes, being by reference made a part of this order, are essential for the construction of said project. Parcel Number: 7 Permanent Construction Easement: 720.282 square feet Owners: Robert Scott Gentry JP Morgan Chase Bank, NA as successor in interest to Washington Mutual Bank, FA NOW, THEREFORE, it is found by the Board of Commissioners of Gwinnett County that the circumstances are such that it is necessary that the right of way, easements and access rights, if any as described in annexes to this order be acquired by condemnation under the provisions of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated, Sections 32-3-4 through 32-3-19; and IT IS ORDERED that Gwinnett County proceed to acquire the title, estate, or interest in the lands hereinafter described in annexes to this order by condemnation under the provisions of said Code, and the Attorney for Gwinnett County, is authorized and directed to file condemnation proceedings, including a Declaration of Taking, to acquire said title, estate, or interest in said lands and to deposit in the Court the sum estimated as just compensation, all in accordance with the provisions of said Code. This day of 2015. -sCHARLOTTE J. NASH CHAIRMAN OF GWINNETT COUNTY COMMISSION ATTEST: -sCOUNTY CLERK/DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK OF GWINNETT COUNTY COMMISSION Approved as To Form: -sSenior Assistant County Attorney EXIHBIT “B” PROJECT NUMBER: F-0796-01 PARCEL NUMBER: 7 RECORD OWNER (S): Robert Scott Gentry PERMANENT EASEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF SLOPES All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 1 of the 7th District of Gwinnett County, Georgia, and being more particularly described as follows: at point BEGINNING DE10025 said point being 39.63 feet right of Bethesda School ROad Construction Centerline Station 31+44.49; thence 141.69 feet along the arc of a curve (said curve having a radius of 731.83 feet and being subtended by a chord having a length of 141.46 feet on a bearing of N 47˚ 25’ 53.6” E) to point DE10162, said point being 40.45 feet right of Bethesda School Road Construction Centerline Station 32+78.74; thence 19.99 feet along the arc of a curve (said curve having a radius of 20.00 feet and being subtended by a chord having a length of 19.17 feet on a bearing of S 80˚ 31’ 50.1” E) to point DE10030, said point being 56.72 feet right of Bethesda School Road Construction Centerline Station 32+88.25; thence S 51 ˚ 53’ 33.9” E, a distance of 3.28 feet to point DE10031, said point being 60.00 feet right of Bethesda School Road Construction Centerline Station 32+88.41; thence S 78˚ 25’ 52.2” W a distance of 28.54 feet to point DE10032 , said point being 43.00 feet right of Bethesda School Road Construction Centerline Station 32+67.00; thence S 40˚ 25’ 54.9 W, a distance of 43.85 feet to point DE10164, said point being 46.00 feet right of Bethesda School Road Construction Centerline Station 32+25.78; thence S 51˚ 10’ 43.1” W, a distance of 27.45 feet to point DE10165, said point being 44.00 feet right of Bethesda School Road construction Centerline Station 32+00.00; thence S 44˚ 41’ 59.4” W, a distance of 26.63 feet to point DE10166, said point being 46.00 feet right of Bethesda School Road Construction Centerline Station 31+75.00; thence S 62˚ 20’ 48.1” W, a distance of 32.93 feet back to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said required Permanent Construction Easement for Parcel 7 containing a total of 0.017 acres (720.282 square feet). All according to the attached plans for Gwinnett County Department of Transportation, titled Bethesda School Road (Sweetwater Creek Connection), Sheets 75 and 79 as drawn by Wolverton and Associates, dated August 14, 2014, as Parcel No. 7, which plans are incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this description. 905-248847, 4/9,16 erty is hereby notified that the above property will be forfeited as provided by law (O.C.G.A. Section 16-13-49) under the Georgia Controlled Substances Act if a defense is not filed within thirty (30) days from the service of the aforementioned civil action. 906-245794, 3/26,4/2,9 DEFENDANT IN REM FORFEITURE UNDER THE CONTROLLED GEORGIA SUBSTANCES ACT O.C.G.A. SEC. 16-13-49 Anyone claiming interest in the above described property is hereby notified that the above property will be forfeited as provided by law (O.C.G.A. Section 16-13-49) under the Georgia Controlled Substances Act if a defense is not filed within thirty (30) days from the service of the aforementioned civil action. 906-245843, 3/26,4/2,9 erty is hereby notified that the above property will be forfeited as provided by law (O.C.G.A. Section 16-13-49) under the Georgia Controlled Substances Act if a defense is not filed within thirty (30) days from the service of the aforementioned civil action. 906-245831, 3/26,4/2,9 CONDEMNATIONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION 15A 02767-3 STATE OF GEORGIA, PLAINTIFF VS. Seven Hundred Seventy Dollars ($770.00) US Currency DEFENDANT IN REM FORFEITURE UNDER THE CONTROLLED GEORGIA SUBSTANCES ACT O.C.G.A. SEC. 16-13-49 Anyone claiming interest in the above described property is hereby notified that the above property will be forfeited as provided by law (O.C.G.A. Section 16-13-49) under the Georgia Controlled Substances Act if a defense is not filed within thirty (30) days from the service of the aforementioned civil action. 906-244388, 3/19,26,4/2 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION 15A 02892-8 STATE OF GEORGIA, PLAINTIFF VS. Six Hundred Twenty Three Dollars Five Cents ($623.25) US Currency 2002 Honda Civic VIN: 1HGEM22962L047649 DEFENDANT IN REM FORFEITURE UNDER THE CONTROLLED GEORGIA SUBSTANCES ACT O.C.G.A. SEC. 16-13-49 Anyone claiming interest in the above described property is hereby notified that the above property will be forfeited as provided by law (O.C.G.A. Section 16-13-49) under the Georgia Controlled Substances Act if a defense is not filed within thirty (30) days from the service of the aforementioned civil action. 906-245791, 3/26,4/2,9 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION 15A 02893-8 STATE OF GEORGIA, PLAINTIFF VS. Eight Hundred Fifty Four Dollars ($854.00) US Currency DEFENDANT IN REM FORFEITURE UNDER THE GEORGIA CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT O.C.G.A. SEC. 16-13-49 Anyone claiming interest in the above described property is hereby notified that the above property will be forfeited as provided by law (O.C.G.A. Section 16-13-49) under the Georgia Controlled Substances Act if a defense is not filed within thirty (30) days from the service of the aforementioned civil action. 906-245793, 3/26,4/2,9 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION 15A 03248 6 STATE OF GEORGIA, PLAINTIFF VS. One Thousand Four Hundred Twelve Dollars ($1412.00) US Currency DEFENDANT IN REM FORFEITURE UNDER THE GEORGIA CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT O.C.G.A. SEC. 16-13-49 Anyone claiming interest in the above described property is hereby notified that the above property will be forfeited as provided by law (O.C.G.A. Section 16-13-49) under the Georgia Controlled Substances Act if a defense is not filed within thirty (30) days from the service of the aforementioned civil action. 906-245796, 3/26,4/2,9 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION 15A 03249-10 STATE OF GEORGIA, PLAINTIFF VS. Eight Hundred Dollars ($800.00) US Currency DEFENDANT IN REM FORFEITURE UNDER THE GEORGIA CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT O.C.G.A. SEC. 16-13-49 Anyone claiming interest in the above described prope is hereby notified that t IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION 15A 03260 7 STATE OF GEORGIA, PLAINTIFF VS. 2001 Chevrolet Camaro VIN: 2G1FP32K812137363 DEFENDANT IN REM FORFEITURE UNDER THE GEORGIA CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT O.C.G.A. SEC. 16-13-49 Anyone claiming interest in the above described property is hereby notified that the above property will be forfeited as provided by law (O.C.G.A. Section 16-13-49) under the Georgia Controlled Substances Act if a defense is not filed within thirty (30) days from the service of the aforementioned civil action. 906-245809, 3/26,4/2,9 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION 15A 03262-5 STATE OF GEORGIA, PLAINTIFF VS. Two Thousand Fifty Dollars ($2050.00) US Currency DEFENDANT IN REM FORFEITURE UNDER THE CONTROLLED GEORGIA SUBSTANCES ACT O.C.G.A. SEC. 16-13-49 Anyone claiming interest in the above described property is hereby notified that the above property will be forfeited as provided by law (O.C.G.A. Section 16-13-49) under the Georgia Controlled Substances Act if a defense is not filed within thirty (30) days from the service of the aforementioned civil action. 906-245817, 3/26,4/2,9 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION 15A 03268 5 STATE OF GEORGIA, PLAINTIFF VS. Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) US Currency DEFENDANT IN REM FORFEITURE UNDER THE GEORGIA CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT O.C.G.A. SEC. 16-13-49 Anyone claiming interest in the above described property is hereby notified that the above property will be forfeited as provided by law (O.C.G.A. Section 16-13-49) under the Georgia Controlled Substances Act if a defense is not filed within thirty (30) days from the service of the aforementioned civil action. 906-245797, 3/26,4/2,9 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION 15A 03292-2 STATE OF GEORGIA, PLAINTIFF VS. Ten Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty Dollars ($10,854.00) US Currency DEFENDANT IN REM FORFEITURE UNDER THE GEORGIA CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT O.C.G.A. SEC. 16-13-49 Anyone claiming interest in the above described property is hereby notified that the above property will be forfeited as provided by law (O.C.G.A. Section 16-13-49) under the Georgia Controlled Substances Act if a defense is not filed within thirty (30) days from the service of the aforementioned civil action. 906-245834, 3/26,4/2,9 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION 15A 03312-3 STATE OF GEORGIA, PLAINTIFF VS. Three Hundred Dollars ($355.00) US Currency DEFENDANT IN REM FORFEITURE UNDER THE GEORGIA CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT O.C.G.A. SEC. 16-13-49 Anyone claiming interest in the above described property is hereby notified that the above property will be forfeited as provided by law (O.C.G.A. Section 16-13-49) under the Georgia Controlled Substances Act if a defense is not filed within thirty (30) days from the service of the aforementioned civil action. 906-245839, 3/26,4/2,9 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION 15A 03317-3 STATE OF GEORGIA, PLAINTIFF VS. Three Hundred Twenty Nine Dollars ($329.00) US Currency IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION 15A 03319-3 STATE OF GEORGIA, PLAINTIFF VS. Three Thousand Fifty One Dollars ($3051.00) US Currency 2012 Dodge Ram 15000 VIN: 1C6RD7KTCS165258 2008 Scion XB VIN: JTLKE50E081002232 DEFENDANT IN REM FORFEITURE UNDER THE CONTROLLED GEORGIA SUBSTANCES ACT O.C.G.A. SEC. 16-13-49 Anyone claiming interest in the above described property is hereby notified that the above property will be forfeited as provided by law (O.C.G.A. Section 16-13-49) under the Georgia Controlled Substances Act if a defense is not filed within thirty (30) days from the service of the aforementioned civil action. 906-245844, 3/26,4/2,9 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION 15A 03320-10 STATE OF GEORGIA, PLAINTIFF VS. Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety Dollars ($7890.00) US Currency DEFENDANT IN REM FORFEITURE UNDER THE GEORGIA CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT O.C.G.A. SEC. 16-13-49 Anyone claiming interest in the above described property is hereby notified that the above property will be forfeited as provided by law (O.C.G.A. Section 16-13-49) under the Georgia Controlled Substances Act if a defense is not filed within thirty (30) days from the service of the aforementioned civil action. 906-245845, 3/26,4/2,9 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION 15A 03324-10 STATE OF GEORGIA, PLAINTIFF VS. One Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy Dollars ($1770.00) US Currency 2011 GMC Acadia VIN: 1GKKRNED9BJ298623 DEFENDANT IN REM FORFEITURE UNDER THE GEORGIA CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT O.C.G.A. SEC. 16-13-49 Anyone claiming interest in the above described property is hereby notified that the above property will be forfeited as provided by law (O.C.G.A. Section 16-13-49) under the Georgia Controlled Substances Act if a defense is not filed within thirty (30) days from the service of the aforementioned civil action. 906-245846, 3/26,4/2,9 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION 15A 03327-6 STATE OF GEORGIA, PLAINTIFF VS. Six Hundred Twenty Seven Dollars ($627.00) US Currency DEFENDANT IN REM FORFEITURE UNDER THE GEORGIA CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT O.C.G.A. SEC. 16-13-49 Anyone claiming interest in the above described property is hereby notified that the above property will be forfeited as provided by law (O.C.G.A. Section 16-13-49) under the Georgia Controlled Substances Act if a defense is not filed within thirty (30) days from the service of the aforementioned civil action. 906-245837, 3/26,4/2,9 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION 15A 03332 5 STATE OF GEORGIA, PLAINTIFF VS. 2013 Chevrolet Impala VIN: 2G1WB5E33D1188617 Taurus PT709 Slim 9mm Pistol Serial Number: TFP85030 One Hundred Seventy Five Dollars ($175.00) US Currency DEFENDANT IN REM FORFEITURE UNDER THE GEORGIA CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT O.C.G.A. SEC. 16-13-49 Anyone claiming interest in the above described prope CORPORATIONS NOTICE TO DISSOLVE Notice is given that a Notice of Intent to Dissolve Air Treads, Inc., a Georgia Corporation with its registered office located at Corporation Service Co., 40 Technology Pkwy. South, #300, Norcross, GA 30092, has been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. 907-248810, 4/9,16 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of Incorporation that will incorporate A.L.O.R.E. Foundation, Inc., have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The initial registered office of the Corporation is located at 162 Camberton Ct., Lawrenceville, GA. 30044 and its initial registered agent at such address is Christina Clement. 907-248432, 4/9,16 NOTICE OF MERGER Notice is given that Articles of Merger which will effect a merger by and between CTS North America, Inc., a Georgia Corporation, and ARCA. TECH Systems, L.L.C., a New Jersey limited liability company, has been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The name of the surviving entity in the merger is ARCA.TECH Systems, L.L.C., a New Jersey limited liability company, organized in the State of New Jersey. The registered office of such entity is located at 208 West State Street, Trenton, NJ 08608-1002, and its registered agent at such address is Incorp Services Inc. 907-248429, 4/9,16 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of Incorporation that will incorporate AT CONTRACTING, INC., have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The initial registered office of the Corporation is located at 65 Darcee Court and its initial registered agent at such address is Brook Todd. 907-248426, 4/9,16 NOTICE OF INTENT TO VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE A CORPORATION Notice is given that a notice of intent to dissolve Better Health for Haiti, Incorporated, a Georgia nonprofit corporation with its registered office at 1001 Wolf Run Court, Lawrenceville, GA 30043, will be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Nonprofit Corporation Code. 907-246795, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that articles of incorporation, that will incorporate BL EXPEDITE, INC.. have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The initial registered office of the corporation is located 2498 Red Wine Oak Drive, Braselton, Georgia 30517 and its initial registered agent at such addres is Brent Lamb. 907-247661, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of Incorporation which incorporate Brianna Melley Stylist, Inc., have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The initial registered office of the Corporation is located at 1991 Sugar Valley Lane, Lawrenceville, Gwinnett County, Georgia 30043. The initial registered agent of the corporation at such address is GERALD MELLEY. LISA M. GABLE ROBERTSON & GABLE LLC 5875 Peachtree Industrial Blvd., Suite 170 Norcross, GA 30092 (770) 736-5182 907-247642, 4/2,9 0409 GDP THURS LEGALS_Classifieds 4/7/2015 7:36 PM Page C2 C2 • THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 2015 • WWW.GWINNETTDAILYPOST.COM CORPORATIONS CORPORATIONS NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that articles of incorporation, that will incorporate CauseMatch, Inc. have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The initial registered office of the corporation is located 5363 Amhurst Dr., Norcross, GA 30092 of Gwinnett County and its initial registered agent at such addres is Susan E. Shepard. 907-247651, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of Incorporation which incorporate INGRUMA SOLUTIONS, INC., have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The initial registered office of the Corporation is located at 5705 Lawrenceville Highway, Tucker, Gwinnett County, Georgia 30084. The initial registered agent of the corporation at such address is MANUEL J. PINZON. LISA M. GABLE ROBERTSON & GABLE LLC 5875 Peachtree Industrial Blvd., Suite 170 Norcross, GA 30092 907-247031, 3/26,4/2 NOTICE OF CORPORATE NAME CHANGE Notice is given that articles of amendment, that will change the name of CHAD AND RHONE MCCALL FOUNDATION, INC. to CCC FOUNDATION, INC., have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The registered office of the corporation is located at Corporation Service Co., 40 Technology Pkwy. South, #300, Norcross, GA 30092. 907-246673, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of Incorporation that will incorporate CHINESE NATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, INC., have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Nonprofit Corporation Code. The initial registered office of the Corporation is located at 600 Professional Drive, Suite 100, Lawrenceville, Gwinnett County, Georgia 30046. The initial registered agent at such address is ROSE JARBOE. LISA M. GABLE ROBERTSON & GABLE LLC 5875 Peachtree Industrial Blvd., Suite 170 Norcross, GA 30092 907-246834, 3/26,4/2 NOTICE OF INTENT TO VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE A CORPORATION “Notice is given that a notice of intent to dissolve CP Investor Group, Inc., a Georgia corporation with its registered office at 4828 Ashford Dunwoody Road, Suite 400, Atlanta, Georgia 30338, has been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code.” 907-247580, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that articles of incorporation that will incorporate DeCota Transport Inc., have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at 500 Briscoe Blvd., Suite 201, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30046 and its initial registered agent at such address is Dennis Lescota. 907-247028, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of Incorporation that will incorporate EL JEFE ELECTRIC, INC., have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The initial registered office of the Corporation is located at 1112 Lake Hill Drive, Lawrenceville, GA. 30044 and its initial registered agent at such address is Jose Munoz. 907-246828, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of Incorporation which will incorporates Garcia Construction GA, LLC; have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code(O.C.G.A. 14-2-201.1). The initial registered office of the corporation is located at 3302 James Harbor Way Lawrenceville, GA 30044. Its initial registered agent is Jacinto Garcia. 907-247637, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of Incorporation which incorporate GEORGIA GROUNDS MAINTENANCE, INC., have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The initial registered office of the Corporation is located at 3433 Runelle Place, Lilburn, Gwinnett County, Georgia 30047. The initial registered agent of the corporartion at such address is ANDREW DUNCAN. LISA M. GABLE ROBERTSON & GABLE, LLC 5875 Peachtree Industrial Blvd., Suite 170 Norcross, GA. 30092 907-248676, 4/9,16 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of Incorporation which incorporate GLENS AT SUGARLOAF HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Nonprofit Business Corporation Code as amended. The initial registered office of the Corporation is located at 2180 Satellite Blvd., Suite 180, Duluth (Gwinnett County), GA. 30097. The initial registered agent of the Association shall be Michelle Valente Lee, Esq. 907-248678, 4/9,16 NOTICE OF MERGER Notice is given that a certificate of merger which will effect a merger by and between Guardian of Georgia, Inc., a Georgia corporation, and Guardian Security Holdings, Inc., a Delaware corporation has been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The surviving corporation in the merger is Guardian of Georgia, Inc. The registered office of Guardian of Georgia, Inc. is located at 1346 Oakbrook Drive, Suite 175, Norcross, Georgia 30093 and its registered agent at such address is Jeff Cohen. 907-248499, 4/9,16 NOTICE TO DISSOLVE Notice is given of intent to dissolve HBS LAWN MAINTENANCE INC, a Georgia Incorporation with its registered office at 565 JAMES LEE DRI SUWANEE, GA 30024 and its initial registered agent SONIA URENA will be deliver to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. 907-248947, 4/9,16 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of Incorporation which will incorporates Jao Flooring, LLC; have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code(O.C.G.A. 14-2201.1). The initial registered office of the corporation is located at 463 Edwards CT Lawrenceville, GA 30044. Its initial registered agent is Javier A. Ortiz. 907-247625, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INTENT TO INCORPORATE Notice is given that Articles of Incorporation which will incorporate JCD MARKETING, INC., will be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code (O.C.G.A. 14-2201.1). The initial registered office of the Corporation will be located at 4604 Whitestone Way, Suwanee, Gwinnett County, Georgia 30024, and its initial registered agent at such address is J. Carey Dean. 907-248680, 4/9,16 NOTICE OF INTENT TO DISSOLVE Notice is given that a notice of intent to dissolve Jonathan Associates, Inc., a Georgia corporation with its registered office at 6340 Sugarloaf Parkway, Duluth, GA. 30097, Gwinnett County, has been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. 907-248683, 4/9,16 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of Incorporation that will incorporate JOY CARES, INC., have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Nonprofit Corporation Code. The initial registered office of the Corporation is located at 1390 Willow Bend Dr. Snellville, GA 30078 of Gwinnett County and its initial registered agent at such address is Joyce McDougal. 907-246831, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of Incorporation which will incorporates JP General Construction, LLC; have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code(O.C.G.A. 14-2-201.1). The initial registered office of the corporation is located at 2385 Thornberry Dr Lawrenceville, GA 30044. Its initial registered agent is Jesus Palma. 907-247622, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INTENT TO VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE A CORPORATION Notice is given that a notice of intent to dissolve KAKI-NO IT CONSULTING CORPORATION, a Georgia corporation with its registered office at 5285 Spalding Bridge CT, Norcross, GA 30092, has been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. 907-246788, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that articles of incorporation that will incorporate Kikos Enterprises 3 Inc have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at 1095 Duluth Hwy, Lawrenceville GA 30043 and its initial registered agent at such address is Higinio Delgado. 907-246792, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INTENT TO DISSOLVE Notice is given that a notice of intent to dissolve KITTY TRADING INC. has been forwarded to the official organ of the county of the registered office as required by O.C.G.A. 14-2-1403.1(b). Zhuocheng WU Chairperson of Board of Directors 907-248685, 4/9,16 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of Incorporation which incorporates KOJIMA CORPORATION, have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The initial registered office of the Corporation is located at 400 Peachtree Industrial Blvd., STE. 6, Suwanee, GA. 30024 Its initial registered agent at such address is Alexandre Cerveira. 907-248473, 4/9,16 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of Incorporation which incorporate LAKEVIEW 231, INC., have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The initial registered office of the Corporation is located at 4823 Roy Carlson Boulevard, Buford, Gwinnett County, GA. 30518, and its initial registered agent at such address is Hadi Irvani. 907-246783, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of Incorporation which will incorporates Leo’s Tiles GA, LLC; have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code(O.C.G.A. 14-2201.1). The initial registered office of the corporation is located at 3779 Withlock Ave Suwanee GA 30024. Its initial registered agent is Leonardo Guzman. 907-247629, 4/2,9 CORPORATIONS CORPORATIONS CORPORATIONS CORPORATIONS DEBTORS & CREDITORS NOTICE OF INTENT TO DISSOLVE Notice is given that articles of dissolution, which will dissolve LG Technical Services, Inc. have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code (O.C.G.A. 14-2201.0). The initial registered office of the corporation is located at 1812 Sydney Mill Ct, Buford, GA 30519 and its initial registered agent at such address is Lucian Gavriliuc. 907-247764, 4/9,16 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of Incorporation that will incorporate Paid in America have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Nonprofit Corporation Code. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at 297 Longview Drive and its initial registered agent at such address is Kathleen Hamilton Allen. 907-246786, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that articles of Incorporation which will incorporate Random Cricketz Enterprises, LLC have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code (O.C.G.A. 14-2-201.0) The initial registered office office of the corporation is located at 51 South Peachtree Street Suite 4 Norcross, GA 30071 and its initial registered agent at such address is Curt Blackburn Thompson II 907-246797, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INTENT TO DISSOLVE (ARTICLES OF DISSOLUTION) Notice is given that a Notice of Intent to Dissolve Vecchio Consulting, Inc., a Georgia Corporation with its registered office located at 3449 Lawrenceville Suwanee Rd, Ste D, Suwanee, GA 30024, has been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. 907-248836, 4/9,16 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of MARTHA T. ALLEN, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 9 day of April, 2015. D.W. ALLEN P.O. BOX 732 SNELLVILLE, GA 30078 908-248115, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF INTENT TO VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE A CORPORATION Notice is given that a notice of intent to dissolve WORD4WORD REPORTING, INC., a Georgia corporation with its registered office at 2372 Bancroft Way, Buford, GA. 30519, has been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. 907-248838, 4/9,16 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of KAREN BRITT ANDREWS, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. Joy Britt Andrews Administrator c/o of Karen S. Kurtz, Esq. Chamberlain, Hrdlicka, White, Williams, & Aughtry 191 Peachtree ST. N.E. Thirty-fourth Floor Atlanta, Georgia 30303 908-248472, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that articles of incorporation that will incorporate Light Foundation, Inc. have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Nonprofit Corporation Code. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at 2331 Henry Clower Boulevard, Suite-A, Snellville, GA 30078 and its initial registered agent at such address is Shahid Rafique. 907-246785, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that articles of incorporation that will incorporate M.A.P.S. Learning Center Pass and ExCel have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Nonprofit Corporation Code. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at 3845 Hickory Branch Trail, Suwanee, GA 30024 and its initial registered agent at such address is Luthenya Wright. 907-246791, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INTENT TO VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE A CORPORATION Notice is given that a notice of intent to dissolve MACANDDELL, Inc., a Georgia corporation with its registered office at 2155 Lena Carter Road, Lawrenceville, Georgia, has been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. 907-247605, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INTENT TO VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE A CORPORATION “Notice is given that a notice of intent to dissolve MIG Investments, Inc., a Georgia corporation with its registered office at 4828 Ashford Dunwoody Road, Suite 400, Atlanta, Georgia 30338, has been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code.” 907-247577, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of Incorporation that incorporate Moore Medway Holdings, Inc. have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at 2755 The Terraces Way, Dacula, Georgia 30019, in Gwinnett County and the initial registered agent at such address is Richard Moore. 907-247524, 4/2,9 “NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of Incorporation which incorporate Morgan Commons Townhomes and Houses HOA, Inc. have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Nonprofit Corporation Code. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at 3276 Buford Drive, Suite 104-102, Buford, GA 30519, and its initial registered agent at such address is Bill Austin.” 907-248921, 4/9,16 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that articles of incorporation that will incorporate MOUNTAIN STREAM BUILDERS OF NORTH GEORGIA, INC. have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. Princ. place of business: PO Box 213, Sylva, NC 28779. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at 40 Technology Pkwy. South, #300, Norcross, GA 30092, and its initial registered agent at such address is Corporation Service Co. 907-246676, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INTENT TO VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE A CORPORATION “Notice is given that a notice of intent to dissolve MP Investor Group, Inc., a Georgia corporation with its registered office at 4828 Ashford Dunwoody Road, Suite 400, Atlanta, Georgia 30338, has been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code.” 907-247579, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INTENT TO VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE A CORPORATION “Notice is given that a notice of intent to dissolve MSH Investor Group, Inc., a Georgia corporation with its registered office at 4828 Ashford Dunwoody Road, Suite 400, Atlanta, Georgia 30338, has been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code.” 907-247574, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INTENT TO INCORPORATE Notice is given that articles of Incorporation that will incorporate New Life Transformation Ministries, Inc., have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Nonprofit Corporation Code (O.C.G.A. 14-3-202). The initial registered office office of the corporation is located at 4237 Austin Lee Trail Snellville, Georgia 30039 and its initial registered agent at such address is Wilson L. Ross. 907-247020, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of Incorporation which incorporate OPERATION VET CARE, INC., have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Nonprofit Corporation Code. The initial registered office of the Corporation is located at 3237 Alcovy Cove Court, Dacula, Gwinnett County, Georgia 30019. The initial registered agent of the corporartion at such address is FRANKIE L. STEWART. SALLY S. JARRATT PRESTON & MALCOM 110 Court Street P.O. Box 984 Monroe, GA. 30655 907-248671, 4/9,16 NOTICE OF CHANGE OF CORPORATE NAME Notice is given that Articles of Amendment which will change the name of Edward H. Mohme II DMD PC to Peachtree Corners Dental Associates, PC have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The registered office of the corporation is located at 5635 Peachtree Parkway, Peachtree Corners, Georgia 30092 and its initial registered agent at such address is Edward Mohme. 907-248832, 4/9,16 NOTICE OF INTENT TO VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE A CORPORATION Notice is given that a notice of intent to disPLGK Futures solve Foundation,Incorporated, a Georgia nonprofit corporation with its registered office at 2675 Still Farms Court, Lawrenceville, GA 30043, will be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Nonprofit Corporation Code. 907-247754, 4/9,16 NOTICE OF INTENT TO VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE A CORPORATION Notice is given that a notice of intent to dissolve Plair Holdings Corporation, a Georgia corporation with its registered office at 2675 Still Farms Court, Lawrenceville, Georgia, has been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. 907-247755, 4/9,16 NOTICE OF INTENT TO VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE A CORPORATION Notice is given that a notice of intent to dissolve PLAIRLOCKLEY-GATLIN-KAHAM, CORPORATION, a Georgia corporation with its registered office at 2675 Still Farms Court, Lawrenceville, GA. 30043, has been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. 907-247759, 4/9,16 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of Incorporation that will PROSPERITY incorporate FOR ALL FUND, INC., have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Nonprofit Corporation Code. The initial registered office of the Corporation is located at 2180 Satellite Blvd., Ste. 400, Duluth, GA. 30097 in Gwinnett County, and its initial registered agent at such address is Corporation Process Company. 907-246412, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INTENT TO VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE A CORPORATION Notice is given that a notice of intent to dissolve QUEST VIRTUAL SCHOOL, INC., A Georgia Corporation with its registered office at 5875 Lenox Park Place, Sugar Hill, Gwinnett County, Georgia 30518, has been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. QUEST VIRTUAL SCHOOL, INC. requests that person with claims against the Corporation present their claims to the Corporation at the registered office of the corporation. All Claims should describe in detail the particulars of the claim, the amount of the claim, and the name and address of the claimant. Except for claims that are contingent at the time of the filing of the notice of intent to dissolve or that areas after the filing of the notice of intent to dissolve, a claim against the Corporation not otherwise barred will be barred unless a proceeding to enforce the claim ins commenced within two years after the publication of this notice. Robertson & Gable, LLC 5875 Peachtree Industrial Blvd., Suite 170 Norcross, GA 30092 (770)736-5182 907-247607, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of Incorporation that will incorporate QUICK STOP PRESSURE WASHING SUPPLIES, INC., have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Profit Corporation Code. The initial registered office of the Corporation is located at 4020 Pleasantdale Road, Suite 240, Atlanta, GA. 30340. Brian Sutherlin President 907-246411, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of Incorporation which will incorporates Quill Multimedia Communications, LLC; have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code(O.C.G.A. 14-2-201.1). The initial registered office of the corporation is located at 2500 Pleasant Hill Rd Apt-522 Duluth GA 30096. Its initial registered agent is Jorge Buzo. 907-247614, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF CHANGE OF CORPORATE NAME Notice is given that articles of amendment which will change the name of Moore Medway Holdings, Inc. to R. Moore Holdings, Inc. have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The registered office of the corporation is located at 2755 The Terraces Way, Dacula, Georgia 30019. 907-247525, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INTENT TO INCORPORATE Notice is hereby given that ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION which will incorporate REBEL SWINE FOODS, INC. will be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The initial registered office of the corporation will be located at: 1412 Hartman Drive, SW, Lilburn, Gwinnett County, Georgia 30047 and its initial registered agent at such address is Robert Lawton LeSueur, III. 907-247507, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF MERGER Notice is given that articles or a certificate of merger by and between RILY ENTERPRISES, INC., a Georgia corporation and INTERMEDIATE INVESTORS GROUP OF GEORGIA, INC., a Georgia corporation, have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The name of the surviving corporation (or other entity) in the merger will be INTERMEDIATE INVESTORS GROUP OF GEORGIA, INC., a Georgia corporation. The registered office of such corporation (or other entity) is located at 2063 Old Peachtree Road, Georgia Lawrenceville, 30043, and its registered agent at such address is Bobbie Cole. 907-248474, 4/9,16 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that articles of incorporation, which incorporate Rivers Edge At Abbotts Bridge Association, have been delivered Inc. to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The initial registered office of the corporation is located 2180 Satellite Blvd., Suite 400, Duluth, Gwinnett County, GA 30097. The initial registered agent of the Association shall be Michelle Valente Lee. 907-247647, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF MERGER Notice is given that articles or a certificate of merger by and between ROYALE GOLDN-TAN, INC., a Georgia corporation and INTERMEDIATE INVESTORS GROUP OF GEORGIA, INC., a Georgia corporation, have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The name of the surviving corporation (or other entity) in the merger will be INTERMEDIATE INVESTORS GROUP OF GEORGIA, INC., a Georgia corporation. The registered office of such corporation (or other entity) is located at 2063 Old Peachtree Road, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30043, and its registered agent at such address is Bobbie Cole. 907-248496, 4/9,16 NOTICE OF INTENT TO INCORPORATE Notice is given that ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION which will incorporate SDT ENTERTAINMENT, INC. will be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The initial registered office of the corporation will be located at 4673 Blackwater Way, Suwanee, Georgia 30024 and its initial registered agent at such address is Tok Stewart. 907-247663, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of Incorporation which will incorporates T&C Renovations, LLC; have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code(O.C.G.A. 14-2-201.1). The initial registered office of the corporation is located at 5739 Willow Way Buford, GA 30518. Its initial registered agent is Trinidad Hernandez Vargas. 907-247621, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of Incorporation that will incorporate The Faith Center Withholdings, Inc., have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Nonprofit Corporation Code. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at 3167 Trinity Grove Dr. Dacula, GA. 30019 and the initial registered agent at such address is Felicia Campbell. 907-247295, 4/2,9 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that Articles of Incorporation that will incorporate THE MAN CAVE STORE INC., have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. The initial registered office of the Corporation is located at 6438 Dawson Blvd., Suite B, Norcross, Georgia 30093 and its initial registered agent at such address is Robert Baxter. 907-248430, 4/9,16 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that articles of incorporation that will incorporate UBIQUITY FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. have been delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code. Princ. place of business: 3346 Brickey Ln., Marietta, GA 30068. The initial registered office of the corporation is located at 40 Technology Pkwy. South, #300, Norcross, GA 30092, and its initial registered agent at such address is Corporation Service Co. 907-248812, 4/9,16 If your old stuff is collecting dust, it could be collecting cash! classifieds 770-962-SELL NOTICE OF INTENT TO VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE XI BUILDERS, INC. NOTICE is hereby given that a Notice of Intent to Dissolve XI Builders, Inc., a Georgia corporation with its registered office at 6941 Peachtree Industrial Blvd., Norcross, GA 30092 (the “Company”), has been delivered to the Office of the Georgia Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code (the “Code”). This notice is given pursuant to Sections 14-2-1403.1 and 14-2-1407 of the Code. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that all persons having claims against the Company must present such claims in writing together with information sufficient to reasonably inform the Company of the identity of the claimant and the substance of the claim. If you believe you have a claim against the Company, please include the following information with your claim: (1) the nature and origin of your claim; (2) the date on which your claim arose; (3) any documentation supporting your claim; (4) the individual to contact regarding your claim; and (5) the address to which correspondence regarding your claim should be sent. All claims must be sent to the Company at the following address: XI Builders, Inc., Attn: Dissolution Dept., 5337 N. Socrum Loop Rd., Suite 220, Lakeland, FL 33809. Except for claims that were contingent as of the date the Notice of Intent to Dissolve was filed in the Office of the Georgia Secretary of State or that arise after the filing of the Notice of intent to Dissolve, a claim against the Company not otherwise barred will be barred unless a proceeding to enforce the claim is commenced within two (2) years after the publication of this notice. 907-247782, 4/9,16 NOTICE OF INTENT TO VOLUNTARILY DISSOLVE XI CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT, INC. NOTICE is hereby given that a Notice of Intent to Dissolve XI Construction and Development, Inc., a Georgia corporation with its registered office at 6941 Peachtree Industrial Blvd., Norcross, GA 30092 (the “Company”), has been delivered to the Office of the Georgia Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia Business Corporation Code (the “Code”). This notice is given pursuant to Sections 14-2-1403.1 and 14-2-1407 of the Code. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that all persons having claims against the Company must present such claims in writing together with information sufficient to reasonably inform the Company of the identity of the claimant and the substance of the claim. If you believe you have a claim against the Company, please include the following information with your claim: (1) the nature and origin of your claim; (2) the date on which your claim arose; (3) any documentation supporting your claim; (4) the individual to contact regarding your claim; and (5) the address to which correspondence regarding your claim should be sent. All claims must be sent to the Company at the following address: XI Construction and Development, Inc., Attn: Dissolution Dept., 5337 N. Socrum Loop Rd., Suite 220, Lakeland, FL 33809. Except for claims that were contingent as of the date the Notice of Intent to Dissolve was filed in the Office of the Georgia Secretary of State or that arise after the filing of the Notice of Intent to Dissolve, a claim against the Company not otherwise barred will be barred unless a proceeding to enforce the claim is commenced within two (2) years after the publication of this notice. 907-247877, 4/9,16 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is given that articles of incorporation which will incorporate Z G Group, Inc will be delivered to the Secretary of State for filing in accordance with the Georgia for Profit Corporation Code (O.C.G.A. 14-2-202). The initial registered office will be located at 325 Lester Road, NW, Suite B, Lawrence, GA 30044 and its registered agent at such address will be Veena Gouri. 907-247554, 4/2,9 DEBTORS & CREDITORS NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of Syd Abbe, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 2nd day of April, 2015 Laura DeSimpliciis, Executor 3922 Grand Park Drive Suwanee, GA 30024 908-248835, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors in the Estate of AHMAD AHADI, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 6TH day of March, 2015. MAHYAR AHADI, EXECUTOR 1771 NORTH OAK DRIVE LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30044 908-244494, 3/19,26,4/2,9 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of VANCE P. BAKER, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 19’th day of March, 2015. Michael T. Smith 7 Lumpkin Street Lawrenceville,Georgia 30046 908-246034, 3/26,4/2,9,16 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors in the Estate of ELEANOR I. BART, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This day of February, 2015. JACQUELINE ANN BART 4183 RIVER MILL DR DULUTH, GA. 30097 908-245653, 3/26,4/2,9,16 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors in the Estate of ERNEST BEAM, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 19’th day of March, 2015. Cameron Beam, Executor, c/o E Nicole Harrison Esq. 4851 Jimmy Carter Blvd Norcross, GA 30093 908-244798, 3/19,26,4/2,9 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of MARY JEANNE BENNETT, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 12’th day of March, 2015 Stephens Neke Bennett Executor c/o Donn M. Peevy Attorney at Law PO Box 1264 Lawrenceville, GA. 30046 908-248467, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of Carolyn Bowman, Late of Gwinnett County, Georgia, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to the law, and all persons indebted to the said estate are required to make immediate payment. This 31st day of March, 2015. Deborah Burt, Executor Estate of: Carolyn Bowman Address: 30 Fernwood Court, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina 29926 908-247766, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of JOSEPH BOZUNG, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 2’nd day of April, 2015. Paula Bozung PO Box 491299 Lawrenceville, GA. 30049 908-246355, 4/2,9,16,23 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of BRUCE H. BRANITZ, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 2’nd day of April, 2015. SLOANE BARRAS Executrix c/o Bill W. Crecelius, Jr. 10475 Medlock Bridge, Suite 820 Johns Creek, GA 30097 908-246741, 4/2,9,16,23 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of Robert LeConte Brannan, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 2 day of April, 2015. Shirley Lavonne Jennings Brannan 2761 Hickory Trail Snellville, GA 30078 908-247666, 4/2,9,16,23 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors in the Estate of LOIS K. BRITT, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 5TH day of March, 2015. ERNEST MELTON, EXECUTOR 568 DOGWOOD DRIVE LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30046 908-245272, 3/26,4/2,9,16 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of JAMES R. BROWN, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 6’th day of February, 2015. Karen B. Anderson, Executor of Last Will and Testament of James R. Brown, deceased WEBB, TANNER, POWELL & AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of JAMES R. BROWN, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to & to DEBTORS said Estate are required make immediate payment. CREDITORS This 6’th day of February, 2015. Karen B. Anderson, Executor of Last Will and Testament of James R. Brown, deceased WEBB, TANNER, POWELL & WILSON, LLP Attorneys at Law 10 Lumpkin Street Lawrenceville, GA. 30046 770 962-0100 908-246383, 4/2,9,16,23 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors in the Estate of SUSAN A. BRUMBELOW, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 19’th day of March, 2015. Steven E. Brumbelow 1755 Berkshire Ct Snellville, GA 30078 908-244289, 3/19,26,4/2,9 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of CAROL E. CARLSON, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 2’nd day of April, 2015. Barbara Hayward 903 Tarry Post Ct Suwanee, GA. 30024 908-246768, 4/2,9,16,23 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors in the Estate of George Eugene Coon, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 19’th day of March, 2015. Jean Caroline Gannon Coon 82 Patricia Terrace Grayson, GA 30017 908-244419, 3/19,26,4/2,9 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors in the Estate of CULLIE RICHARD COX, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 10’th day of March, 2015. CHARLES A TINGLE ATTORNEY FOR LILETA C COX, EXECUTOR ESTATE OF CULLIE RICHARD COX 538 Scenic Highway Lawrenceville, GA 30046 908-244538, 3/19,26,4/2,9 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of MARY ROSE DEMPSEY, late of Gwinnett County, Georgia, deceased, are hereby notified to render an account of their demands to the undersigned according to law; and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 24 day of March, 2015. Patricia Dempsey Executrix 2927 Winn Drive Lawrenceville, GA 30044 908-247257, 4/2,9,16,23 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of ROGER DIXON, Sr., late of Gwinnett County, Georgia, deceased, are hereby notified to render an account of their demands to the undersigned according to law; and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 2’nd day of April, 2015. Ethel D. Andersen, Attorney For Anthony T. Dixon, Sr. Executor of the Estate of Roger Dixon, Sr. 1960 Satellite Blvd., Suite 4000 Duluth, GA. 30097 908-247266, 4/2,9,16,23 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF GWINNETT All creditors of the Estate of HERBERT SIMPSON DONAGHY, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment to me. This 1’st day of April, 2015. Robert W. Hughes, Jr. Esq. Attorney to the Administrator of the Estate of Herbert Simpson Donaghy, Deceased ROBERT W. HUGHES & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 390 West Crogan Street; Suite 230 Lawrenceville, GA. 30046 770 469-8887 908-248653, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors in the Estate of JACQUELINE BUREL DOVE, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 17’th day of March, 2015. James Terry Dove Administrator 636 Wildcat Drive Lawrenceville, GA 30043 908-245681, 3/26,4/2,9,16 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All Creditors of the Estate of James C. Dyer late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 5th day of March, 2015 James M. Dyer Executor. 70 Park Ave. Craigsville, WV. 26205 908-244405, 3/19,26,4/2,9 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of BETTY E. ETHRIDGE, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment to me. This 1st day of April, 2015. Elaine Chalmers 2885 Stil Meadows Way Buford, GA. 30519 908-248668, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE THE ESTATE OF SYBLE C. FAIN E -13-001119 This NOTICE is for Gwendolyn Fain Miles to come forward to make any outstanding claims on the Estate of Syble C. Fain. 908-248830, 4/9,16,23,30 DEBTORS & CREDITORS DEB CRE NOTICE TO DEBTORS NOTIC AND CREDITORS AND All creditors of the Estate All credito of Catherine T. Ford, late ofDOROTHY Gwinnett County, deceased,late of Gwi are hereby notified to renderceased, are in their demands to the un-to render in dersigned according to thethe undersi law, and all persons indebtedlaw, and all to said Estate are required toto said Esta make immediate payment.make imme This 16th day of March, This 27th 2015. Catherine F. Swee-2015. ney, P.O.Box 369, FloweryDARRYL G Branch, Ga. 30542. TOR 908-245147, 3/19,26,4/2,9 490 SAINT LILBURN, G NOTICE TO DEBTORS 908-242408 AND CREDITORS NOTIC All creditors of the Estate of AND BOBBIE BOSWELL FULLER, late of Gwinnett County, All credito Georgia, deceased, areJAMES AN hereby notified to render anlate of Gwi account of their demands toceased, are the undersigned according toto render in law; and all persons indebtedthe undersi to said Estate are required tolaw, and all make immediate payment toto said Esta make imme the undersigned. This 2’nd day of April, 2015. This 6th d Beverly Phe Wanda Denise Fuller 961 Cedar B 1443 Norwood Dr. Lilburn, GA Lilburn, GA. 30047 908-247015, 4/2,9,16,23 908-248937 NOTICE TO DEBTORS NOTIC AND CREDITORS AND All creditors in the Estate All credit of SARAH E GADDIS, late ofof JOYCE L Gwinnett County, deceased,Gwinnett C are hereby notified to renderare hereby in their demands to the un-in their dem dersigned according to lawdersigned and all persons indebted toand all per said Estate are required tosaid Estate make immediate payment. make imme This 11’th day of March, This 10’t 2015. 2015. Linda Narcy, Executrix CHARLES A 4441 Brickton Spur ATTORNEY Buford, GA 30518 LINDSAY, E 908-244794, 3/19,26,4/2,9 ESTATE OF 538 Scenic NOTICE TO DEBTORS Lawrencevi AND CREDITORS 908-244781 All creditors in the Estate NOTIC of PEGGY T. GARNER, late of AND Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render All credito in their demands to the un-ROSEMARY dersigned according to law,late of Gwi and all persons indebted toceased, are said Estate are required toto render in make immediate payment. the undersi This 26’th day of March,law, and all to said Es 2015. Ethel D. Anderson, Attorney to make im thereto. For Nancy G. Lail and This 2’n Stephanie G. Humphrey Co-Executors of the Estate of 2015. Gregory K. Peggy T. Garner Administrat 1960 Satellite Blvd. Rosemary G Suite 4000 1407 Pointv Duluth, GA 30097 908-245684, 3/26,4/2,9,16 Suwanee, G 908-248651 NOTICE TO DEBTORS NOTIC AND CREDITORS AND All creditors of the Estate of GLENN GOUND, late of All credito Gwinnett County, deceased,HOLLAND are hereby notified to renderlate of Gwi in their demands to the un-ceased, are dersigned according to law,to render in and all persons indebted tothe undersi said Estate are required tolaw, and all make immediate payment. to said Esta This 2 day of April, 2015. make imme GARY ROY GOUND, ExecutorThis 18’th C/O Bryson Law Firm, P.C., 2015. Jimmy Join 4045 Smithtown Rd, c/o Michael Suite K, 2138 East M Suwanee, GA 30024 908-247671, 4/2,9,16,23 Snellville, G 908-246071 NOTICE TO DEBTORS NOTIC AND CREDITORS AND All creditors of the Estate of HARRY EARL GRAY, JR., All credit late of Gwinnett County, de-of CHARLE ceased, are hereby notifiedlate of Gwi to render in their demands toceased, are the undersigned according toto render in law, and all persons indebtedthe undersi to said Estate are required tolaw, and all make immediate payment. to said Esta This 26’th day of March,make imme This 30 2015. Ethel D. Andersen, Attorney 2015. Jill Johnso For Janice E. Beemer and Linda C. Harris, Co-Executorstratrix) of the Estate of Harry Earl3601 Oak S Duluth, GA Gray, Jr. 1960 Satellite Blvd. STE 4000908-247148 Duluth, GA. 30097 NOTIC 908-246067, 3/26,4/2,9,16 AND NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND All credito of RONALD CREDITORS All creditors in the Estate oflate of Gwi Lucy Jean Baldino Griffith,ceased, are late of Gwinnett County, de-to render in ceased, are hereby notifiedthe undersi to render in their demands tolaw, and all the undersigned according toto said Esta law, and all persons indebtedmake imme to said Estate are required to This 26t make immediate payment. 2015. This 12th day of March,Julie L. Ste 2450 Ashbo 2015. Lawrencevi Ralph Eugene Griffith 908-246283 4995 Fox Forrest Drive Lilburn, Geogia 30047 NOTIC 908-245582, 3/26,4/2,9,16 AND NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND All credit of Edith F CREDITORS All creditors in the Estate oflate of Gwi Shubin Guo, late of Gwinnettceased, are County, are hereby notified toto render in render in their demands tothe undersi the undersigned according tolaw, and all law, and all persons indebtedto said Esta to said Estate are required tomake imme This 30th make immediate payment. This 13th day of March,2015. Bridget Chr 2015. Udo Herges, Administrator 2050 Marco 1225 Island Avenue, #314 Suite 300, San Diego, California 92101 Alpharetta, 908-245583, 3/26,4/2,9,16 Attorney fo ruff, Execut NOTICE TO DEBTORS Edith Florre AND CREDITORS 908-247761 All creditors in the Estate of NOTIC Barry J. Hall, late of GwinAND nett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in All credit their demands to the under-of EVAN JA signed according to law, andlate of Gwi all persons indebted to saidceased, are Estate are required to maketo render in the undersi immediate payment. This 27th day of March,law, and all to said Esta 2015. make imme CHARLES A TINGLE ATTORNEY FOR BARBARAThis 2’nd d A. HALL AND KEVIN HALL,Kimberly Ev CO-EXECUTORS ESTATE OFExecutor 1591 Wicke BARRY J. HALL Suwanee, G 538 Scenic Highway 908-246769 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 (770)822-5635 NOTIC 908-247689, 4/2,9,16,23 AND NOTICE TO DEBTORS All credit AND CREDITORS of HELEN All creditors of the EstateGwinnett C of WILLIAM CALVIN HANEY,are hereby SR., late of Gwinnett County,in their dem deceased, are hereby notifieddersigned to render in their demands toand all per the undersigned according tosaid Estate law, and all persons indebtedmake imme to said Estate are required toThis 17’th make immediate payment. 2015. This 13’th day of March,Elizabeth Li 2015 114 West M William Calvin Haney, Jr. Bellingham Executor 908-246380 c/o Donn M. Peevy NOTICE T Attorney at Law CR PO Box 1264 All credit Lawrenceville, GA. 30046 908-248469, 4/9,16,23,30 of LOUIS late of Gwi NOTICE TO DEBTORS ceased, are AND CREDITORS to render in All creditors of the Estate ofthe undersi Kenneth Charles Hardwick,law, and all late of Gwinnett County, de-to said Esta ceased, are hereby notifiedmake imme to render in their demands to This 7’th the undersigned according to2015. law, and all persons indebtedL. Nixdorf-L to said Estate are required to3814 Mean make immediate payment. Lilburn, GA This 2 day of April, 2015. 908-244294 Stephen Edward Smith 4205 Mamie Way Kennesaw, GA 30152 908-247668, 4/2,9,16,23 Please Recycle This Newspaper RS & ORS 0409 GDP THURS LEGALS_Classifieds 4/7/2015 7:36 PM Page C3 DEBTORS & CREDITORS EBTORS NOTICE TO DEBTORS ITORS AND CREDITORS the Estate All creditors of the Estate of ord, late ofDOROTHY EVELYN HELMS, deceased,late of Gwinnett County, ded to renderceased, are hereby notified to the un-to render in their demands to ing to thethe undersigned according to ns indebtedlaw, and all persons indebted required toto said Estate are required to payment.make immediate payment. of March, This 27th day of March, e F. Swee-2015. 9, FloweryDARRYL G. HELMS, EXECU2. TOR 19,26,4/2,9 490 SAINT MARKS DR. LILBURN, GA 30047 EBTORS 908-242408, 4/2,9,16,23 ITORS NOTICE TO DEBTORS he Estate of AND CREDITORS L FULLER, tt County, All creditors of the Estate of sed, areJAMES ANDREW HERRING, o render anlate of Gwinnett County, dedemands toceased, are hereby notified ccording toto render in their demands to ns indebtedthe undersigned according to required tolaw, and all persons indebted payment toto said Estate are required to make immediate payment. April, 2015. This 6th day of April, 2015 Beverly Phelps Herring ler 961 Cedar Bluff Trail . Lilburn, GA 30047 7 9,16,23 908-248937, 4/9,16,23,30 EBTORS NOTICE TO DEBTORS ITORS AND CREDITORS the Estate All creditors in the Estate DIS, late ofof JOYCE L. HERZOG, late of deceased,Gwinnett County, deceased, d to renderare hereby notified to render to the un-in their demands to the uning to lawdersigned according to law, ndebted toand all persons indebted to required tosaid Estate are required to payment. make immediate payment. of March, This 10’th day of March, 2015. utrix CHARLES A TINGLE ur ATTORNEY FOR LARENE H LINDSAY, EXECUTOR OF THE 9,26,4/2,9 ESTATE OF JOYCE L HERZOG 538 Scenic Highway EBTORS Lawrenceville, GA 30046 ITORS 908-244781, 3/19,26,4/2,9 the Estate NOTICE TO DEBTORS NER, late of AND CREDITORS deceased, d to render All creditors of the Estate of to the un-ROSEMARY GAIL HINMAN, ing to law,late of Gwinnett County, dendebted toceased, are hereby notified required toto render in their demands to payment. the undersigned according to of March,law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required , Attorney to make immediate payment thereto. and This 2’nd day of April, phrey he Estate of 2015. Gregory K. Miller Administrator of the Estate of d. Rosemary Gail Hinman 1407 Pointview Ct. 6,4/2,9,16 Suwanee, GA. 30024 908-248651, 4/9,16,23,30 EBTORS NOTICE TO DEBTORS ITORS AND CREDITORS the Estate ND, late of All creditors of the Estate of deceased,HOLLAND COX HURNDON, d to renderlate of Gwinnett County, deto the un-ceased, are hereby notified ing to law,to render in their demands to ndebted tothe undersigned according to required tolaw, and all persons indebted payment. to said Estate are required to pril, 2015. make immediate payment. D, ExecutorThis 18’th day of March, irm, P.C., 2015. Jimmy Joines, Executor Rd, c/o Michael T. Byrne 2138 East Main Street 24 2,9,16,23 Snellville, Georgia, 30078 908-246071, 3/26,4/2,9,16 EBTORS NOTICE TO DEBTORS ITORS AND CREDITORS the Estate GRAY, JR., All creditors of the Estate County, de-of CHARLES W. JOHNSON, by notifiedlate of Gwinnett County, dedemands toceased, are hereby notified ccording toto render in their demands to ns indebtedthe undersigned according to required tolaw, and all persons indebted payment. to said Estate are required to of March,make immediate payment. This 30 day of March, , Attorney 2015. Jill Johnson Hill (Adminismer and o-Executorstratrix) Harry Earl3601 Oak Street Duluth, GA 30096 d. STE 4000908-247148, 4/2,9,16,23 7 NOTICE TO DEBTORS 6,4/2,9,16 AND CREDITORS BTORS AND All creditors of the Estate of RONALD G. JOHNSON, RS he Estate oflate of Gwinnett County, deno Griffith,ceased, are hereby notified County, de-to render in their demands to by notifiedthe undersigned according to demands tolaw, and all persons indebted ccording toto said Estate are required to ns indebtedmake immediate payment. required to This 26th day of March, payment. 2015. of March,Julie L. Stephenson 2450 Ashbourne Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30043 fith 908-246283, 3/26,4/2,9,16 Drive 0047 NOTICE TO DEBTORS ,4/2,9,16 AND CREDITORS BTORS AND All creditors of the Estate of Edith Florrene Kunatz, RS he Estate oflate of Gwinnett County, deof Gwinnettceased, are hereby notified y notified toto render in their demands to emands tothe undersigned according to ccording tolaw, and all persons indebted ns indebtedto said Estate are required to required tomake immediate payment. This 30th day of March, payment. of March,2015. Bridget Christian, inistrator 2050 Marconi Drive, ue, #314 Suite 300, nia 92101 Alpharetta, Georgia 30005, ,4/2,9,16 Attorney for Peggy Woodruff, Executor of the Estate of EBTORS Edith Florrene Kunatz. ITORS 908-247761, 4/9,16,23,30 he Estate of NOTICE TO DEBTORS e of GwinAND CREDITORS eased, are o render in All creditors of the Estate the under-of EVAN JAMES LANGMAN, to law, andlate of Gwinnett County, deted to saidceased, are hereby notified ed to maketo render in their demands to the undersigned according to nt. of March,law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. LE BARBARAThis 2’nd day of April, 2015. EVIN HALL,Kimberly Everest Langman ESTATE OFExecutor 1591 Wickersham Place Suwanee, GA. 30024 ay 908-246769, 4/2,9,16,23 30046 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS EBTORS All creditors of the Estate ITORS of HELEN TANG LI, late of the EstateGwinnett County, deceased, VIN HANEY,are hereby notified to render nett County,in their demands to the uneby notifieddersigned according to law, demands toand all persons indebted to ccording tosaid Estate are required to ns indebtedmake immediate payment. required toThis 17’th day of March, payment. 2015. of March,Elizabeth Li, Executor 114 West Magnolia St., #406 ney, Jr. Bellingham, WA. 98225 908-246380, 4/2,9,16,23 y NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors in the Estate . 30046 ,16,23,30 of LOUIS C. LITANO, JR., late of Gwinnett County, deEBTORS ceased, are hereby notified ITORS to render in their demands to he Estate ofthe undersigned according to Hardwick,law, and all persons indebted County, de-to said Estate are required to by notifiedmake immediate payment. demands to This 7’th day of March, ccording to2015. ns indebtedL. Nixdorf-Litano required to3814 Meandering Way SW payment. Lilburn, GA 30047 pril, 2015. 908-244294, 3/19,26,4/2,9 Smith 9,16,23 152 9,16,23 ecycle spaper DEBTORS & CREDITORS DEBTORS & CREDITORS DEBTORS & CREDITORS DEBTORS & CREDITORS NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of JOSE ANTONIO HERNANDEZ LOPEZ, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 2’nd day of April, 2015. Geraldine Zagarov 195 N Church St Buford, GA 30518 908-246434, 4/2,9,16,23 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of DANIEL LEE PRIMACK, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. March 18, 2015 Victor Bennett Primack Executor c/o Scott I. Merlin, Esq. Cohen Pollock Merlin & Small, P.C. Attorneys at Law 3350 Riverwood Parkway Suite 1600 Atlanta, Georgia 30339 908-246032, 3/26,4/2,9,16 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of DORIS LYNN SEELEY., late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 2ND day of APRIL, 2015 JEFF SEELEY, Executor 161 Punkin Junction Winder, Georgia 30680 908-248899, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors in the Estate of BESSIE IVEY COCHRAN TIMMS, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 26TH day of March, 2015. Lyndell C. Timms, Executor PO Box 8 Lakemont, GA 30552 908-245277, 3/26,4/2,9,16 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of Erika Malischke, late of Gwinnett County, Georgia, deceased, are hereby notified to render an account of their demands to the undersigned according to law; and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 25th day of March, 20 15. Rita Malischke Carsen, Executrix of the Estate of Erika Malischke 39 Woodlawn Avenue New Rochelle, NY 10804 908-246804, 4/2,9,16,23 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of Elinor C. Martin, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 9th day of March, 2015. CHARLES A TINGLE ATTORNEY FOR ROBERT LANCE CHANDLER, EXECUTOR ESTATE OF ELINOR C. MARTIN 538 Scenic Highway Lawrenceville, GA 30046 (770)822-5635 908-244496, 3/19,26,4/2,9 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors in the Estate of CHARLES CLAYTON McCARTHA, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render an account of their demands to the undersigned and all debtors are required to make immediate payment. This 11’th day of March, 2015. WILLIAM F POTTER JR. EXECUTOR of the Estate of CHARLES CLAYTON McCARTHA, deceased Elbert N Whitmire III Fortson, Bentley & Griffin PA 2500 Daniell’s Bridge Road Building 200, Suite 3A Athens, Georgia 30606 908-244791, 3/19,26,4/2,9 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of DAVID H. McCLURE, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 19’th day of March, 2015. Judy McClure Executrix 197 Brackin Trace Grayson, GA. 30017 908-246028, 3/26,4/2,9,16 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of BILLIE ANN MCDANIEL, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Patti Adams as Executrix of the Estate of Billie Ann McDaniel, Deceased c/o Steven A. Cornelison P.O. Box 3280 Gainesville, Ga. 30502 908-247012, 4/2,9,16,23 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of DANIEL GEORGE McKENZIE, JR., late of Gwinnett County, Georgia, deceased, are hereby notified to render an account of their demands to the undersigned according to law; and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 24’th day of March, 2015. Estate of DANIEL GEORGE McKENZIE, JR. JANE M. CUCHINS, EXECUTOR c/o SARAH R. WATCHKO, Esq. Bettis, Hill & Vann, LLC 1815 Lockeway Drive, STE 106, Alpharetta, GA 30005 908-247259, 4/2,9,16,23 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors in the Estate of ELLA MAE WILSON MERRITT, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment unto the undersigned. This 12’th day of March, 2015. James G Wilson as Executor of the Estate of ELLA MAE WILSON MERRITT, deceased 971 Panorama Drive Sautee, GA 30571 908-244789, 3/19,26,4/2,9 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of “Leo” Virginia Ashe Moody, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 2 day of April, 2015. Paula S. Moody 2260 Hickory Station Circle Snellville, GA 30078 908-247693, 4/2,9,16,23 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of RUTH AVIS NIELSEN, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 2 day of April, 2015. Gordon T. Nielsen Executor 5978 Eton Ct Norcross, GA 30071-2030 908-247478, 4/2,9,16,23 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors in the Estate of JACK E. PESSERILO, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 9’th day of March, 2015. Ronnie Pesserilo Executor c/o Webb, Tanner, Powell & Wilson, LLP 10 Lumpkin Street Lawrenceville, GA 30046 908-244537, 3/19,26,4/2,9 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of Ruth Grace Protis, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 12th day of March, 2015. Emily Stephens and Christine P. Barnett, Co-Executors Debra Robinson Law P.C. 3460 Preston Ridge Road, Suite 100 Alpharetta, Georgia 30005 908-245588, 3/26,4/2,9,16 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY All creditors of the Estate of THOMAS ALBERT PRUITT, late of Gwinnett County, Georgia, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 9TH day of March, 2015. RANDOLPH ALBERT PRUITT, as Executor of the Will of Thomas Albert Pruitt, deceased 1375 Ridge Road Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Telephone: (770) 827-0626 A. THOMAS STUBBS, Attorney Suite 515 125 Clairemont Avenue Decatur, GA 30030 Ph. 404-378-3633 908-244500, 3/19,26,4/2,9 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of FLOYCE GENEVA RIDGWAY, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 26’th day of March, 2015. David Ridgway 323 Wolffork Road Rabun Gap, GA. 30568 908-246029, 3/26,4/2,9,16 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of JEANETTE C. ROSS, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 26’th day of March, 2015. Sandra R. Garner Executor PO Box 759 Hoschton, GA 30548 908-246025, 3/26,4/2,9,16 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of MARIE A. RUBY, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 6th day of April, 2015. Howard R. Murray 6417 Hickory Springs Circle Hoschton, GA 30548 908-248910, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors in the Estate of WILLIAM FRANKLIN SANDERS, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 19’th day of March, 2015. Diane Linda Sanders Administrator 1062 Shelby Lynn Ct Sugar Hill GA 30518 908-244533, 3/19,26,4/2,9 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of Kenneth Bernard Sass, Sr., late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 2 day of April, 2015. BARBARA ANN SASS 3040 TEMPLETON LANE LOGANVILLE, GEORGIA 30052-5670 908-247670, 4/2,9,16,23 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of EDWARD ANTHONY SCHIRMER, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 17’th day of March, 2015. Bonnie J. Schirmer Executor Debra Robinson Law, P.C. 3460 Preston Ridge Road Suite 100 Alpharetta, Georgia 30005 908-246039, 3/26,4/2,9,16 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors in the Estate of VIRGINIA B. SCHRAGE, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 26’th day of March, 2015. Michael A Schrage Executor 33 Hunters Way Hoschton, GA 30548 908-245680, 3/26,4/2,9,16 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of GUY A. SCRIBNER, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 2 day of April, 2015. Thomas E. Scribner 5033 SW 10 Lane Gainesville, FL 32607 908-246956, 4/2,9,16,23 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors in the Estate of BARBARA E. SHEARER, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 26’th day of March, 2015. Carol E Jones Executrix 2351 Lenora Rd Loganville, GA 30052 908-245661, 3/26,4/2,9,16 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors in the Estate of ANTHONY R. SILVA, JR., late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 26’th day of March, 2015. Betty Carney Koelzer Executrix 2348 Alnwick Drive Duluth, GA 30096 908-245656, 3/26,4/2,9,16 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of JOHN ELLIS SIMS, III late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 2’nd day of April, 2015 Wanda W. Sims 2543 Whispering Pines Drive Grayson, Georgia 30017 908-248471, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors in the Estate of TERRY NORROURE SINGLEY, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 3’rd day of March, 2015. CHARLES A TINGLE ATTORNEY FOR TERESA PARKER, ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF TERRY NORROURE SINGLEY 538 Scenic Highway Lawrenceville, GA 30046 908-244782, 3/19,26,4/2,9 STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF GWINNETT IN RE: ESTATE OF GLORIA MCJENKIN SMITH NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of GLORIA MCJENKIN SMITH, late of GWINNETT County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. DONNA S. PIERCE, Executrix of the Estate of GLORIA MCJENKIN SMITH 2233 RIO GRANDE COURT SNELLVILLE, GA 30078 908-248923, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors in the Estate of PATRICIA M. SNOW, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 19’th day of March, 2015. Brian P McGreevy 335 W Ponce de Leon AV Unit 205 Decatur, GA 30030 908-244297, 3/19,26,4/2,9 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of LILLIAN LUCILLE STRICKLAND a/k/a LILLIAN J. STRICKLAND, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment to me. This 2’nd day of April, 2015. Donald E. Kinsler Executor 421 Stone Road McDonough, Ga. 30253 908-248656, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors in the Estate of Jill M. Swart, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 19’th day of March, 2015. Matthew J. Swart (Executor) 2040 Pendleton Place Suwanee, GA 30024 908-244424, 3/19,26,4/2,9 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of Melissa Lynne Sweet deceased, late of Gwinnett County, Georgia, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 6th day of March 2015. Clyde Lynn Payne c/o Robert T. Prior Prior, Daniel & Wiltshire, LLC 288 South Main Street Madison, GA 30650 908-244404, 3/19,26,4/2,9 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of MARY FRANCES TENCH, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 16’th day of March, 2015. Katherine C. Gargiulo 2883 Edwards Estate Circle Dacula, GA 30019 908-246022, 3/26,4/2,9,16 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors in the Estate of Michael Shannon Treadway, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 9’th day of March, 2015. Mitchell Stephen Treadway, Administrator 2654 Regal Circle Georgia Lawrenceville, 30044 908-244495, 3/19,26,4/2,9 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of Carmen Tucker Vandor, late of Gwinnett County, Georgia, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 9th day of March, 2015. JERE F. WOOD Georgia Bar No. 774550 Attorney for Estate of Carmen Tucker Vandor WOOD PERRY 1173 Canton Street Roswell, GA 30075 908-244412, 3/19,26,4/2,9 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of(Name of Deceased) Rita M. Varga, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands tothe undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment.This 2nd day of April, 2015. ) Michael Varga 2297 Redfield Dr. Norcross, GA 30071-432 , Executor 908-248833, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors in the Estate of BETTY JANE WEBB, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 9’th day of March, 2015. Charles Bradley Webb Executor 4755 Shagbark Court Lilburn, Georgia 30047 908-244540, 3/19,26,4/2,9 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of CHARLES R. WEBSTER, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 23’rd day of March, 2015. Leslie Ann Crump, Executor 1847 Kensington High ST Lilburn, Georgia 30047 908-246771, 4/2,9,16,23 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of GREGORY SCOTT WELCH, late of Gwinnett County, Georgia, deceased, are hereby notified to render an account of their demands to the undersigned according to law; and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 26’th day of March, 2015. Angela Robinson Welch Executor Post Office Box 782 Dacula, Georgia 30019 908-247288, 4/2,9,16,23 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors in the Estate of GERALD RUDOLPH WESTBROOK, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 19’th day of March, 2015. Dorothy Cheeley Willis 141 Willows Court Cleveland, Georgia 305283460 908-244290, 3/19,26,4/2,9 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of EMILY JO WHEELER, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 26 day of March, 2015. BOBBY DEAN WHEELER ADMINISTRATOR JOHN G. WALRATH ATTORNEY AT LAW 1770 INDIAN TRAIL ROAD SUITE 430 NORCROSS, GA 30093 908-247064, 4/2,9,16,23 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of JERRY ALLEN WILES, JR., late of Gwinnett County, Georgia, deceased, are hereby notified to render an account of their demands to the undersigned according to law; and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 26’th day of March, 2015. Michael T. Smith Administrator 7 Lumpkin Street Lawrenceville, GA. 30046 908-247291, 4/2,9,16,23 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS All creditors of the Estate of ESTELLE L. WILKERSON, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate payment. This 2’nd day of April, 2015. Betty W. Marshall 3960 Lantern Hill Dr Dacula, GA. 30019 908-246346, 4/2,9,16,23 NOTICE All creditors of the Estate of Estate of Mariann Williamson, late of Gwinnett County, deceased, are hereby notified to render their demands to the undersigned according to law, and all persons indebted to the estate are required to make payment to: Ellen Williamson Meyer C/O Kristine R. Moore Tarrer, LLC 1129 Lake Oconee Parkway, Suite 105 Eatonton, GA 31024 riage. You are required to file All creditors of the Estate of with the Clerk of the Superior Estate of Mariann WilliamCourt, and serve upon the son, late of Gwinnett County, Petitioner whose name and deceased, are hereby notified address is 6570 Stillmeadow to render their demands to Drive, Cumming, GA •30040, the undersigned WWW.GWINNETTDAILYPOST.COM according to • THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 2015 C3 an Answer in writing within law, and all persons indebted sixty (60) days of the Order to the estate are required to DEBTORS for Publication. make payment to: & DIVORCES DIVORCES DIVORCES CREDITORS WITNESS, The Honorable Ellen Williamson Meyer Randy Rich, Judge of this C/O Kristine R. Moore TarSuperior Court. IN THE rer, LLC IN THE This the 20th day of March, SUPERIOR COURT OF 1129 Lake Oconee Parkway, SUPERIOR COURT OF 2015. GWINNETT COUNTY Suite 105 GWINNETT COUNTY -sSTATE OF GEORGIA Eatonton, GA 31024 STATE OF GEORGIA Deputy Clerk, Superior Court CIVIL ACTION This the 31st day of March, CIVIL ACTION For: Richard T. Alexander, FILE NO. 15A-03293-2 2015 FILE NO. 15-A-02408-10 Jr., Clerk JIDE BABALOLA Sincerely, JOHN SAMUEL COOPER PO Box 880 Petitioner Kristine R. Moore Tarrer Plaintiff, Lawrenceville, GA 30046 vs. Kristine v. 909-246139, 3/26,4/2,9,16 SARA V. PITTS R. Moore Tarrer Attorney DORIS JEANINE COOPER Respondent for Executor IN THE Defendant cc: Ellen Williamson Meyer SUPERIOR COURT OF NOTICE OF NOTICE OF 908-247757, 4/9,16,23,30 COUNTY GWINNETT PUBLICATION PUBLICATION STATE OF GEORGIA By Order for service by NOTICE TO DEBTORS To: SARA V. PITTS, ResponCIVIL ACTION publication dated the 3’rd AND CREDITORS dent FILE NO. 15-A-00598-10 day of March, 2015, you are All creditors in the Estate By Order of the court for Lidia O. Garcia hereby notified that on the of TERRI MELISSA WOOD, service by publication dated Plaintiff, 27’th day of February, 2015 late of Gwinnett County, de4-3-15, you are hereby notiJohn Samuel Cooper filed ceased, are hereby notified fied that JIDE BABALOLA Defendant suit against you for Divorce. to render in their demands to the aboved-named Petitioner To:Keith G. Patrick You are required to file the undersigned according to filed divorce against you. 213 19th Street Medicine with the Clerk of the Superior law and all persons indebted You are required to file Hat Court, and serve upon Plainto said Estate are required to with the Clerk of the SupeAlberta Canada tiff’s Attorney, E.W. Weiman, make immediate payment. rior Court, and serve upon NOTICE OF Esq. 739 Main ST., STE 9, This 9’th day of March, Plaintiff’s Attorney whose PUBLICATION Stone Mountain, GA 30083 2015. name and address is:, KhaBy Order for service by an Answer in writing within Helen Rebecca Joyner dizeth Toure-Samba, Esq., 3-24, publication dated sixty (60) days of the Order Administrator of the Estate of 4151 Memorial Drive, Suite 2015, you are hereby notified for Publication. Terri Melissa Wood, 208E, Decatur, GA 30032 an that on the 16 day of January, WITNESS, The Honorable deceased. Answer in writing within sixty 2015 Lidia O. Garcia filed Warren Davis, Judge of this C David Joyner, Attorney for (60) days . suit against you for Divorce. Superior Court. the Estate of Terri Melissa WITNESS, the honorable You are required to file This the 10 day of March, Wood, deceased Presiding Judge of said Court with the Clerk of the Supe2015. C David Joyner PC This 3rd day of April, 2015. rior Court, and serve upon -s1305 Mall of Georgia Blvd -s- M Wilson Plaintiff’s Attorney, Lidia O. Deputy Clerk, Superior Court Mill Creek Forest, Suite 130 PRESENTED BY: Garcia 115 Wood Terrace Cr For: Richard T. Alexander, Buford, Georgia 30519 Khadizeth Toure-Samba, Esq. Doraville, GA 30340 an AnJr., Clerk 908-244799, 3/19,26,4/2,9 GA Bar # 141714 swer in writing within sixty PO Box 880 Attorney for Petitioner (60) days of the Order for Lawrenceville, GA 30046 4151 Memorial Drive, Publication. 909-244771, 3/19,26,4/2,9 DIVORCES Suite 208E WITNESS, The Honorable Decatur, GA 30032-1515 Warren Davis, Judge of this Tel: 404-499-1212 Ext. 222 THE IN IN THE Superior Court. Fax: 404-499-0612 SUPERIOR COURT OF SUPERIOR COURT OF This the 25 day of March, 909-248703, 4/9,16,23,30 GWINNETT COUNTY GWINNETT COUNTY 2015. OF GEORGIA STATE STATE OF GEORGIA -sIN THE CIVIL ACTION CIVIL ACTION Deputy Clerk, Superior Court SUPERIOR COURT OF FILE NO. 15-A-010191-7 FILE NO. 15-A-02458-8 For: Richard T. Alexander, GWINNETT COUNTY JAN BARBARA CRUMP, ADELEKE ADEFIOYE Jr., Clerk STATE OF GEORGIA Petitioner, Plaintiff, PO Box 880 CIVIL ACTION vs. vs. Lawrenceville, GA 30046 FILE NO. 15-A-01706-7 TEODORO ALVAREZ MEBERNICE TAYLOR ADEFIOYE 909-247593, 4/2,9,16,23 Angela D Banner DINA, Defendant Plaintiff, RESPONDENT IN THE NOTICE OF Terry L Banner NOTICE OF SUPERIOR COURT OF PUBLICATION OF A Defendant PUBLICATION GWINNETT COUNTY COMPLAINT FOR DIVORCE To:Terry L Banner TO: Teodoro Alvarez Medina STATE OF GEORGIA Notice is hereby given 1800 NW 4’th ST Apt. 3 3081 Frankie Lane CIVIL ACTION that THE FOGLE LAW FIRM, Boca Raton, FL 33432 Duluth, Georgia 30396 NO. 15-A-03085-4 FILE LLC, on behalf of ADELEKE NOTICE OF You are hereby notified Leona Guevara ADEFIOYE, the undersigned, PUBLICATION that the above-styled action Plaintiff, filed his Complaint for DiBy order for service by seeking divorce was filed Jose Guevara vorce to the Superior Court publication dated 3-10-15, against you in said Court Defendant of Gwinnett County, Georgia you are hereby notified that on January 20, 2015, and To:682 Sherwood Dr. on the 2 day of March, 2015, on the 2 day of 10-2015, that by reason of an Order Lawrenceville, GA 30046 praying for divorce from the Angela D Banner filed suit for Service of Summons by NOTICE OF Defendant BERNICE TAYOR against you for Divorce. Publication entered by the PUBLICATION ADEFIOYE. Notice is hereby You are required to file Court on March 16, 2015, By Order for service by given pursuant to law to any with the Clerk of the Supeyou are hereby commanded 3-23, publication dated interested or affected party to rior Court, and serve upon and required to file with the 2015, you are hereby notiappear in said Court and to plaintiff’s attorney, Angela D Clerk of said Court and serve fied that on the 12th day of file objections to such ComBanner 3317 Fernview Drive, upon John C. McCaffery, March, 2015 Leona Guevara plaint for Divorce. ObjecLawrenceville, GA 30044 an Esq., Petitioners’s attorfiled suit against you for Ditions must be filed with said answer in writing within sixty ney, whose address is: 800 vorce. Court within 60 days of filing (60) days of the order for Johnson Ferry Rd. NE, Suite You are required to file of said petition. publication. B, Atlanta, Georgia, 30342, with the Clerk of the SupeThis 25th day of March, This the 10’th day of an Answer to the Complaint rior Court, and serve upon 2015. March, 2015. within 60 days of , 2015.0 Plaintiff, Leona Guevara 682 THE FOGLE LAW FIRM, LLC WITNESS, The Honorable WITNESS, The Honorable Sherwood Dr. Lawrenceville, 55 Allen Plaza Melodee Snell Conner, Judge Melodie Snell Conner, Judge GA 30046 an Answer in writ55 Ivan Allen Jr. Blvd. of this Superior Court. of this Court. ing within sixty (60) days of Suite 830 -s- Wendy Mann This the 16 day of March, the Order for Publication. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Deputy Clerk, Superior Court 2015. WITNESS, The Honorable -sFor: Richard T. Alexander, -s- Wendy Mason Randy Rich, Judge of this Adeleke Adefioye, Plaintiff Jr., Clerk Deputy Clerk, Superior Court Superior Court. -sPO Box 880 For: Richard T. Alexander, This the 24 day of March, Viridiana G. Carreon, Esq., Lawrenceville, GA 30046 Jr., Clerk 2015. Attorney for Plaintiff Georgia 909-244766, 3/19,26,4/2,9 PO Box 880 -s- Debra Peters Bar No.: 209082 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 IN THE Deputy Clerk, Superior Court -s- Susan Rollins 909-246140, 3/26,4/2,9,16 SUPERIOR COURT OF For: Richard T. Alexander, D/Clerk of Gwinnett County GWINNETT COUNTY Jr., Clerk 909-246141, 3/26,4/2,9,16 STATE OF GEORGIA PO Box 880 THE IN CIVIL ACTION IN THE Lawrenceville, GA 30046 SUPERIOR COURT OF FILE NO. 15-A-01628-9 SUPERIOR COURT OF 4/5 909-248495, GWINNETT COUNTY Franklin Blair GWINNETT COUNTY 4/9,16,23,30 STATE OF GEORGIA Plaintiff, STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION IN THE Myisha Blair CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 15-A-01637-3 SUPERIOR COURT OF Defendant FILE NO. 15-A-02458-8 DOMINIQUE A. DUFANAL, GWINNETT COUNTY To: Myisha Blair ADELEKE ADEFIOYE Plaintiff, STATE OF GEORGIA 1901 Dark Colony Drive Plaintiff, v. CIVIL ACTION Norcross, GA 30093 vs. MARIE NADALETTE FILE NO. 14A 11537-10 NOTICE OF BERNICE TAYLOR ADEFIOYE CHARLES Tarah Hayes PUBLICATION Defendant Defendant Plaintiff, By Order for service by NOTICE OF Jason Hayes publication dated the March PUBLICATION OF A NOTICE OF Defendant 5th, 2015, you are hereby COMPLAINT FOR DIVORCE PUBLICATION To: Jason Hayes notified that on the 9th day Notice is hereby given Order for service by By 3325 Revere Cir of February, 2015 Franklin that THE FOGLE LAW FIRM, dated the 3 day of publication Snellville, GA 30039 Blair filed suit against you for LLC, on behalf of ADELEKE April, 2015, you are hereby NOTICE OF Divorce Complaint. ADEFIOYE, the undersigned, that on the 9th day notified PUBLICATION You are required to file filed his Complaint for Diof March, 2015 DOMINIQUE By Order for service by with the Clerk of the Superior vorce to the Superior Court A. DUFANAL filed suit against publication dated 3/23/15, Court, and serve upon Plainof Gwinnett County, Georgia you for Divorce. you are hereby notified that tiff’s Attorney, Franklin Blair, on the 2 day of March, 2015, You are required to file on the 15 day of December, GDC#1241595, Washington praying for divorce from the the Clerk of the Supewith 2014 Tarah Hayes filed suit State Prison, Davisboro, GA Defendant BERNICE TAYOR Court, and serve upon rior against you for Divorce. 31018 an Answer in writing ADEFIOYE. Notice is hereby Plaintiff’s Attorney, whose You are required to file within sixty (60) days of the given pursuant to law to any is: name with the Clerk of the Superior Order for Publication. interested or affected party to Vanessa Kosky Court, and serve upon PlainWITNESS, The Honorable appear in said Court and to Attorney at Law tiff’s Attorney, Tarah Hayes Tom Davis, Judge of this Sufile objections to such Com2341 Brockett Road 2394 Oakland Sprg Dr. Snellperior Court. plaint for Divorce. ObjecTucker, Georgia 30084 ville, GA 30039 an Answer in This the 20 day of March, tions must be filed with said vanessa@attorEmail: writing within sixty (60) days 2015. Court within 60 days of filing neykosky.com of the Order for Publication. -sof said petition. Phone: (678) 694-1540 WITNESS, The Honorable Deputy Clerk, Superior Court This 25th day of March, An answer in writing withWarren Davis, Judge of this For: Richard T. Alexander, 2015. in sixty (60) days of the Order Superior Court. Jr., Clerk THE FOGLE LAW FIRM, LLC for Publication. This the 31st day of March, PO Box 880 55 Allen Plaza WITNESS, The Honorable 2015. Lawrenceville, GA 30046 55 Ivan Allen Jr. Blvd. Kathryn M. Schrader, Judge -s909-246110, 3/26,4/2,9,16 Suite 830 of this Superior Court. Deputy Clerk, Superior Court Atlanta, Georgia 30303 This the 3 day of April, IN THE For: Richard T. Alexander, -s2015. SUPERIOR COURT OF Jr., Clerk Adeleke Adefioye, Plaintiff Ginger Stancil -sGWINNETT COUNTY PO Box 880 -sDeputy Clerk, Superior Court STATE OF GEORGIA Lawrenceville, GA 30046 Viridiana G. Carreon, Esq., For: Richard T. Alexander, CIVIL ACTION 909-248901, 4/9,16,23,30 Attorney for Plaintiff Georgia Jr., Clerk FILE NO. 15-A-03170-8 Bar No.: 209082 PO Box 880 IN THE RONALD J BRADEN -s- Susan Rollins Lawrenceville, GA 30046 SUPERIOR COURT OF Plaintiff, D/Clerk of Gwinnett County 909-248695, 4/9,16,23,30 COUNTY GWINNETT DALIA LLAGOSTERA 909-246129, 3/26,4/2,9,16 STATE OF GEORGIA Defendant ACTION CIVIL TO: DALIA LLAGOSTERA IN THE IN THE FILE NO. 15A-03565-3 NOTICE OF SUPERIOR COURT OF SUPERIOR COURT OF GABRIELLE WOLFF HERPUBLICATION GWINNETT COUNTY GWINNETT COUNTY NANDEZ By Order for service by STATE OF GEORGIA STATE OF GEORGIA Plaintiff, publication dated the 19th CIVIL ACTION CIVIL ACTION HUGO DAVID HERNANDEZ day of March, 2015, you are FILE NO. 15-A-01035-9 FILE NO. 15-A-02783-9 PENA hereby notified that on the OLABISI ADESIOYE FELIPE, ALAIN Defendant 16th day of March, 2015 Plaintiff, Plaintiff, To: HUGO DAVID HERNANRonald J Braden filed suit v. SERAFIN, MARIA DEZ PENA against you for Divorce. ADETUBOKUN ADESIOYE Defendant address: unknown You are required to file Defendant NOTICE OF the Clerk of the Supewith NOTICE OF PUBLICATION NOTICE OF rior Court, and serve upon PUBLICATION By Order for service by PUBLICATION Plaintiff’s Attorney, Ronald J By Order for service by publication dated the March By Order for service by Braden, 1445 Chalet Circle, publication dated the March 16th, 2015, you are hereby publication dated April 1, Lawrenceville, GA 30043 an 5, 2015, you are hereby notinotified that on the 9th day 2015, you are hereby notiAnswer in writing within sixty fied that on the JANUARY 23, of March, 2015 , Alain Felipe fied that on the 26th day of (60) days of the Order for 2015, OLABISI ADESIOYE filed suit against you for DiMarch, 2015 Gabrielle Wolff Publication. filed a Divorce against you. vorce. Hernandez filed suit against WITNESS, The Honorable You are required to file You are required to file you for Divorce. Hamil, Judge of this Superior with the Clerk of the Superior with the Clerk of the Superior You are required to file Court. Court, and serve upon GloCourt, and serve upon Plainwith the Clerk of the SupeThis the 19 day of March, ria Smith-Grimes, plaintiff’s tiff’s Attorney, Alain Felipe rior Court, and serve upon 2015. attorney, whose address is 2503 Oakbluff Drive, Dacula Plaintiff’s Attorney, Lance D. -s- Susan Rollins 189 West Pike Street, suite GA 30019 an Answer in writCrawford, 6340 Sugarloaf Deputy Clerk, Superior Court 102, Lawrenceville, Georgia ing within sixty (60) days of Pkwy, Suite 200 Duluth, GA For: Richard T. Alexander, 30046 an Answer in writing the Order for Publication. 30097 an Answer in writing Jr., Clerk within sixty (60) days of the WITNESS, The Honorable within sixty (60) days of the PO Box 880 Order for Publication. Tom Davis, Judge of this SuOrder for Publication. Lawrenceville, GA 30046 WITNESS, The Honorable perior Court. WITNESS, The Honorable 909-246136, 3/26,4/2,9,16 Tom Davis, Judge of this SuThis the 16 day of March, Kathryn M. Schrader, Judge perior Court. 2015. IN THE of this Superior Court. This the 17 day of March, -sSUPERIOR COURT OF This the 2 day of April, 2015. Deputy Clerk, Superior Court GWINNETT COUNTY 2015. -sFor: Richard T. Alexander, STATE OF GEORGIA -s- Ginger Stancil Deputy Clerk, Superior Court Jr., Clerk CIVIL ACTION Deputy Clerk, Superior Court For: Richard T. Alexander, PO Box 880 FILE NO. 15-A-01177-5 For: Richard T. Alexander, Jr., Clerk Lawrenceville, GA 30046 Yalonda Carqadine Jr., Clerk PO Box 880 909-246127, 3/26,4/2,9,16 Plaintiff, PO Box 880 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 Ricky Caradine Lawrenceville, GA 30046 909-246125, 3/26,4/2,9,16 Defendant 909-248696, 4/9,16,23,30 IN THE To: Ricky Caradine IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF IN THE 4107 Holland Place SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT OF Lawrenceville, GA 30044 GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA GWINNETT COUNTY NOTICE OF STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION STATE OF GEORGIA PUBLICATION CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 15-A-03123-4 CIVIL ACTION By order for service by FILE NO. 15-A-02450-9 In Re the Marriage of: FILE NO. 15A-0299-4 publication dated 3-10-2015, ATTAH J. AMON JOSETTE FRYER IRIS HIDALGO HOLT you are hereby notified that Plaintiff, Petitioner Plaintiff, on the 28 day of Jan., 2015, SAYKUN EBATH AGATHE VS. MARCUS W HOLT Yalonda Caradine filed suit Defendant TROY XANTHUS CLAY Defendant against you for Divorce. NOTICE OF Respondent To: Marcus W. Holt You are required to file PUBLICATION And in the interests of (mi1415 Seasons Pkwy with the Clerk of the SupeBy Order for service by nor children) Norcross, GA. 30093 rior Court, and serve upon publication dated the 3/5, Victoria Florence Clay (Age: NOTICE OF plaintiff’s attorney, Yalonda 2015, you are hereby notified 13) PUBLICATION Caradine, 720 Still Lake Dr that on the 02 day of March, To: Troy Xanthus Clay By Order for service by Lawrenceville, GA 30046, an 2015 ATTAH J. filed suit 1564 Herrington Rd #2234 publication dated April 1, answer in writing within sixty against you for Divorce. Lawrenceville, Ga 30043 2015, you are hereby notified (60) days of the order for You are required to file NOTICE OF that on the 12th day of Janupublication. with the Clerk of the Superior PUBLICATION ary, 2015, Iris Hidalgo filed This the 11’th day of Court, and serve upon PlainBy Order for service by suit against you for Divorce. March, 2015. tiff’s Attorney, AMON ATTAH publication dated the March You are required to file WITNESS, The Honorable J. 3911 ELMSIDE VILLAGE 18, 2015, You are hereby nowith the Clerk of the Superior Karen E Beyers, Judge of this LN NORCROSS, GA 30092 tified that Josette Fryer, the Court, and serve upon PlainSuperior Court. an Answer in writing within above-named Petitioner filed tiff’s Attorney, Iris Hidalgo -s- Cassie Gaubert sixty (60) days of the Order suit against you for: Divorce, Holt, 6518 Brynhurst DR. Deputy Clerk, Superior Court for Publication. on the grounds of irretrievTucker, GA. 30084 an Answer For: Richard T. Alexander, WITNESS, The Honorable able breakdown of the marin writing within sixty (60) Jr., Clerk Tom Davis, Judge of this Suriage. You are required to file days of the Order for PubliPO Box 880 perior Court. with the Clerk of the Superior cation. Lawrenceville, GA 30046 This the 18 day of March, Court, and serve upon the WITNESS, The Honorable 909-244700, 3/19,26,4/2,9 2015. Petitioner whose name and George Hutchinson III, Judge -saddress is 6570 Stillmeadow of this Superior Court. Deputy Clerk, Superior Court Drive, Cumming, GA 30040, This the 31st day of March, For: Richard T. Alexander, an Answer in writing within 2015. Jr., Clerk sixty (60) days of the Order -s- Debra Peters PO Box 880 for Publication. Deputy Clerk, Superior Court Lawrenceville, GA 30046 WITNESS, The Honorable For: Richard T. Alexander, 909-246118, 3/26,4/2,9,16 Randy Rich, Judge of this Jr., Clerk Superior Court. PO Box 880 This the 20th day of March, Lawrenceville, GA 30046 2015. 909-248936, 4/9,16,23,30 -s- PROTECT OUR PLANET suit against you for Divorce. suit against you for Divorce. You are required to file you for Divorce. required to file LEGALS_Classifieds You areGDP 0409 THURS 4/7/2015 7:36 PM Page with the Clerk of the Superior You are required to file C4 You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior the Clerk of the Supewith Court, and serve upon Plainwith the Clerk of the Superior Court, and serve upon Plainrior Court, and serve upon tiff’s Attorney, Jeana Kwon, Court, and serve upon Plaintiff’s Attorney, Iris Hidalgo Attorney, Tori JackPlaintiff’s Esq., 2900 Chamblee Tucker tiff Attorney at Law Denise Holt, 6518 Brynhurst DR. son Reynolds, 3614 Elkhorn Rd., 9, #5-300, GA Holmes, P.O. Box 20492, AtC4 • THURSDAY, 2015Atlanta, • WWW.GWINNETTDAILYPOST.COM GA. 30084 an AnswerAPRIL Tucker, Court, Duluth, GA 30096 an 30341 an Answer in writing lanta, GA 30325an Answer in in writing within sixty (60) Answer in writing within sixty within sixty (60) days of the writing within sixty (60) days days of the Order for Publi(60) days of the Order for Order forDIVORCES Publication. of the Order for Publication. DIVORCES DIVORCES cation. DIVORCES Publication. WITNESS, The Honorable WITNESS, The Honorable WITNESS, The Honorable WITNESS, The Honorable George F. Hutchinson, III, Warren Davis, Judge of this George Hutchinson III, Judge Tom Davis, Judge of this SuJudge of this Superior Court. Superior Court. of this Superior Court. perior Court. This the 23 day of March, This 31 day of March, This the 31st day of March, This the 10 day of March, 2015. 2015. 2015. 2015. -s- Wendy Marsh -s-s- Debra Peters -sDeputy Clerk, Superior Court Deputy Clerk, Superior Court Deputy Clerk, Superior Court Deputy Clerk, Superior Court For: Richard T. Alexander, For: Richard T. Alexander, For: Richard T. Alexander, For: Richard T. Alexander, Jr., Clerk Jr., Clerk Jr., Clerk Clerk Jr., PO Box 880 PO Box 880 PO Box 880 Box 880 PO Lawrenceville, GA 30046 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 GA 30046 Lawrenceville, 909-247590, 4/2,9,16,23 909-248698, 4/9,16,23,30 909-248936, 4/9,16,23,30 909-244772, 3/19,26,4/2,9 IN THE IN THE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF SUPERIOR COURT OF IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY GWINNETT COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA STATE OF GEORGIA GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION CIVIL ACTION STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 14A-11824-8 FILE NO. 15-A-03280-6 CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 14A-10597-1 RUTH KONADU MARIA CRISTINA MACAREFILE NO. 15A-02282-4 ALPABEN JIVANI, Plaintiff, NO-SANDOVAL Monetia Rivera Plaintiff, DEONITA ANDRE BRYANT Petitioner, Plaintiff, vs. Defendant PEDRO ROMO-HUERTA, Terrell Jones SAGAR ANKOLA, To: DEONITA ANDRE BRYRespondent, Defendant Defendant ANT NOTICE OF NOTICE OF NOTICE OF 2104 TREE CORNERS PARKPUBLICATION PUBLICATION PUBLICATION WAY By Order for service by By Order for service by To: SAGAR ANKOLA: NORCROSS, GA 30092 publication dated the 31 publication dated April 2, By Order for service by NOTICE OF day of March, 2015, you are 2015, you are hereby notified publication dated the 30 PUBLICATION hereby notified that on the 19 that on the 23 day of Februday of March, 2015, you are By Order for service by day of March, 2015 MARIA ary, 2015, Monetia Rivera hereby notified that on the publication dated the March CRISTINA MACARENOfiled suit against you for Di24 day of Nov, 2014, the 31, 2015, you are hereby SANDOVAL filed a Petition vorce. Plaintiff Wife filed a Petition notified that on the 16th day for Divorce. You are required to file for Divorce by publication, of December, 2014 Ruth You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior wherein you are named as Konadu filed suit against you with the Clerk of the Superior Court, and serve upon Plainthe Defendant Husband for for Divorce. Court, and serve upon Plaintiff’s Attorney, an Answer in divorce. You are required to file tiff’s Attorney, Wesley W. writing within sixty (60) days You are required to file with the Clerk of the SupeWilson, Esq. at 6855 Jimmy of the Order for Publication. with the Clerk of the Superior Court, and serve upon Carter Boulevard, Building WITNESS, The Honorable rior Court, and serve upon Plaintiff’s Attorney, Michael 2100, Suite 2150, Norcross, Randy Rich, Judge of this Plaintiff’s Attorney, Neera A. Boakye-Danquatt 1532 DunGA 30071 an Answer in writSuperior Court. Bahl, Esq., whose address is woody Village Parkway, Suite ing within sixty (60) days of This the 23 day of Februc/o Neera Bahl & Associates, 200 Dunwoody, GA 30338 an the Order for Publication. ary, 2015. 2814 Spring Road, SE, Suite Answer in writing within sixty WITNESS, The Honorable -s- Debra Peters 100, Atlanta, GA 30339, any (60) days of the Order for RONNIE K. BATCHELOR, Deputy Clerk, Superior Court objections in within sixty (60) Publication. Judge of this Superior Court. For: Richard T. Alexander, days of the Order for PubliWITNESS, The Honorable This the 31 day of March, Jr., Clerk cation. HAMIL, Judge of this Supe2015. PO Box 880 WITNESS, The Honorable rior Court. -s- CASSIE GAUBERT Lawrenceville, GA 30046 George F. Hutchinson III, This the 2nd day of April, Deputy Clerk, Superior Court 909-248938, 4/9,16,23,30 Judge of said Court. 2015. For: Richard T. Alexander, This the 30 day of March, -s- Susan Rollins Jr., Clerk IN THE 2015. Deputy Clerk, Superior Court PO Box 880 SUPERIOR COURT OF -s- Wendy Mason For: Richard T. Alexander, Lawrenceville, GA 30046 GWINNETT COUNTY Deputy Clerk, Superior Court Jr., Clerk 909-248697, 4/9,16,23,30 STATE OF GEORGIA For: Richard T. Alexander, PO Box 880 ACTION CIVIL Jr., Clerk THE IN Lawrenceville, GA 30046 NO. 15-A-02204-3 FILE PO Box 880 SUPERIOR COURT OF 909-248701, 4/9,16,23,30 Hernandez Ruiz Marisol Lawrenceville, GA 30046 GWINNETT COUNTY Plaintiff, IN THE 909-248699, 4/9,16,23,30 STATE OF GEORGIA Juan Vasquez Casas SUPERIOR COURT OF CIVIL ACTION Defendant GWINNETT COUNTY FILE NO. 15-A-01643-4 IN THE To:Juan Vasquez Casas STATE OF GEORGIA Kevin Mitchell SUPERIOR COURT OF Address Unknown CIVIL ACTION Plaintiff, GWINNETT COUNTY NOTICE OF FILE NO. 14A-8909-4 Byrd Marvetta STATE OF GEORGIA PUBLICATION Chong Lee Defendant CIVIL ACTION order for service by By Plaintiff, To: Marvetta Byrd FILE NO. 15-A-02197-4 publication dated February Young Lee 1307 Wesley Plantation Dr RIHANOT OLABISI JOLA2015, you are hereby 26, Defendant Duluth, GA 30096 SUN notified that on the 20 day of To: Young Lee NOTICE OF Plaintiff, February, 2015 Marisol HerNOTICE OF PUBLICATION FELIX ENOGIERU EWERE nandez Ruiz filed suit against PUBLICATION By order for service by Defendant for Divorce. you By Order for service by dated March 9, publication NOTICE OF You are required to file publication dated Feb. 27, 2015, you are hereby notified PUBLICATION the Clerk of the Supewith you are hereby notified 2015, that on the 19 day of Feb., By Order for court service rior Court, and serve upon that on the 1st day of Octo2015, Kevin Mitchell filed by publication dated the 11th attorney, Jason plaintiff’s ber, 2014, Chong Lee filed suit against you for Divorce. day of March, 2015, you are Kesser, 997 Windy Hill RD, suit against you for Divorce. You are required to file hereby notified that on Feb. Suite A, Smyrna, GA 30080 You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior 20th, 2015 RIHANOT OLAan answer in writing within with the Clerk of the Superior Court, and serve upon plainBISHI JOLASUN filed suit sixty (60) days of the order and serve upon PlainCourt, attorney, Kevin Mitchell, tiff’s against you for Divorce. for publication. tiff’s Attorney, an Answer in 2602 Lovejoy Circle, Duluth, You are required to file This the 4’th day of March, within sixty (60) days writing GA 30097 an answer in writwith the Clerk of the Supe2015. of the Order for Publication. ing within sixty (60) days of rior Court, and serve upon The Honorable WITNESS, WITNESS, The Honorable the order for publication. Plaintiff’s Attorney, ADENIKE Kathy Schrader, Judge of this Randy Rich, Judge of this This the 10’th day of O. ADEBAYO, ESQ, 2250 Superior Court. Superior Court. March, 2015. NORTH DRUID HILLS RD., -s- Ginger Stancil This the 2 day of April, WITNESS, The Honorable SUITE 237, ATLANTA, GA Deputy Clerk, Superior Court 2015. Rich, Judge of this Randy 30329 an Answer in writing For: Richard T. Alexander, -s- Debra Peters Superior Court. within sixty (60) days of the Clerk Jr., Clerk, Superior Court Deputy -s- Debra Peters Order for Publication. PO Box 880 For: Richard T. Alexander, Deputy Clerk, Superior Court WITNESS, The Honorable GA 30046 Lawrenceville, Jr., Clerk For: Richard T. Alexander, RANDY RICH, Judge of this 909-244768, 3/19,26,4/2,9 PO Box 880 Jr., Clerk Superior Court. Lawrenceville, GA 30046 PO Box 880 This the 11th day of March, 909-248940, 4/9,16,23,30 IN THE Lawrenceville, GA 30046 2015. SUPERIOR COURT OF 909-244746, 3/19,26,4/2,9 -s- DEBRA PETERS IN THE GWINNETT COUNTY Deputy Clerk, Superior Court SUPERIOR COURT OF IN THE STATE OF GEORGIA For: Richard T. Alexander, GWINNETT COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT OF CIVIL ACTION Jr., Clerk STATE OF GEORGIA GWINNETT COUNTY FILE NO. 15-A-03111-6 PO Box 880 CIVIL ACTION STATE OF GEORGIA YONG CHAE SALDANA Lawrenceville, GA 30046 FILE NO. 15-A-02396-10 CIVIL ACTION Plaintiff, 909-246128, 3/26,4/2,9,16 Andrea N Price-Lippitt FILE NO. 15-A-02482-5 ISMAEL SALDANA Plaintiff, Bosede Odedele Defendant IN THE Garrett L Lippitt Plaintiff, TO: SUPERIOR COURT OF Defendant Oluwasegun Odedele NOTICE OF GWINNETT COUNTY To: Garrett Lippitt Defendant PUBLICATION STATE OF GEORGIA 4525 Trellis View Lane To: Oluwasegun Odedele By Order for service by CIVIL ACTION Loganville, GA 30052 22 Balogun ST publication dated the 3-18, FILE NO. 15A 03284 9 NOTICE OF Lagos, Nigeria 2015, you are hereby notified Jerry Eugene JURDEN, PUBLICATION NOTICE OF that on the 13 day of March, Plaintiff, By Order for service by PUBLICATION 2015, filed suit against you Veronica Ruth ROA RASSpublication dated 3/13, 2015 order for service by By for Divorce. MANN you are hereby notified that dated 3-10-2015, publication You are required to file Respondent, on the 27 day of February, are hereby notified that you with the Clerk of the SupeNOTICE OF 2015, Andrea Lippitt filed on the 2 day of March, 2015, rior Court, and serve upon PUBLICATION suit against you for Divorce. Odedele filed suit Bosede Plaintiff’s Attorney, Ahe Ahn, By Order for service by You are required to file against you for Divorce. Ahn Law Office: 5465 Bupublication dated the 23 day with the Clerk of the SupeYou are required to file ford Hwy, #202, Atlanta, GA of March, 2015, you are hererior Court, and serve upon with the Clerk of the Supe30340 an Answer in writing by notified that on the 19 day Plaintiff’s Attorney, Andrea rior Court, and serve upon within sixty (60) days of the of March, 2015 the Plaintiff N Price-Lippitt, 4525 Trellis attorney, Fredy M plaintiff’s Order for Publication. herein filed suit against you View Lane, Loganville, GA Esq. 62-A Lenox Alvarez, WITNESS, The Honorable for Divorce. 30052 an Answer in writing Pointe NE Atlanta, GA 30324, Ronnie K. Batchelor, Judge You are required to file within sixty (60) days of the answer in writing within an of this Superior Court. with the Clerk of the SuOrder for Publication. sixty (60) days of the order This the 18 day of March, perior Court, and to serve This the 13 day of March, for publication. 2015. upon the Plaintiff through 2015. This the 11’th day of -sCassie Gaubert his attorney of record, Ms. WITNESS, the Honorable March, 2015. Deputy Clerk, Superior Court Rebeca E. Salmon, Esq., A Warren Davis, Judge of this The Honorable WITNESS, For: Richard T. Alexander, Salmon Firm, LLC, P.O. Box Superior Court. Karen E Beyers, Judge of this Jr., Clerk 1644, Norcross, GA 30091 -sSuperior Court. PO Box 880 an answer in writing within Deputy Clerk, Superior Court Cassie Gaubert -sLawrenceville, GA 30046 sixty (60) days of the Order For: Richard T. Alexander, Deputy Clerk, Superior Court 909-246134, 3/26,4/2,9,16 of Publication. Jr., Clerk For: Richard T. Alexander, WITNESS, The Honorable PO Box 880 Clerk Jr., Tom Davis, Judge of this SuIN THE Lawrenceville, GA 30046 PO Box 880 perior Court. SUPERIOR COURT OF 909-244773, 3/19,26,4/2,9 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 This the 23 day of March, GWINNETT COUNTY 909-244741, 3/19,26,4/2,9 2015. STATE OF GEORGIA IN THE -sCIVIL ACTION SUPERIOR COURT OF IN THE Deputy Clerk, Superior Court NO. 14-A-08891-3 FILE GWINNETT COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT OF For: Richard T. Alexander, Marcus R Sales STATE OF GEORGIA GWINNETT COUNTY Jr., Clerk Plaintiff/Husband CIVIL ACTION STATE OF GEORGIA PO Box 880 vs. FILE NO. 15-A-03171-8 CIVIL ACTION Lawrenceville, GA 30046 Audra Sales YOLANDA LOPEZ-HURTAFILE NO. 15-A-02800-4 909-247592, 4/2,9,16,23 Defendant/Wife DO Maivilyn Yissi JimemezNOTICE OF Plaintiff, Perez PUBLICATION vs IN THE Plaintiff, Order for service by By JAIME REYES-BARAJAS SUPERIOR COURT OF Filiberto Jimenez-Perez publication dated December Defendant GWINNETT COUNTY Defendant 12, 2014, you are hereby NOTICE OF STATE OF GEORGIA To: Filiberto Jimenez-Perez notified that on the 1’st day PUBLICATION CIVIL ACTION 180 Prestwyck Oak Place of October, 2014, Marcus R By Order for service by FILE NO. 15A-03512-4 Lawrenceville, Georgia Sales filed suit against you publication dated the 19 day Mavette A. Khatib, 30043 for Divorce. of March, 2015, you are herePlaintiff, NOTICE OF You are required to file by notified that on the 16 day vs. PUBLICATION with the Clerk of the Superior of March, 2015 YOLANDA Abdul B. Khatib, By order for service by Court, and serve upon plainLOPEZ-HURTADO filed a PeDefendant publication dated March 11, tiff’s attorney, tition for Divorce. 2015, you are hereby notified Beverly Parnell You are required to file NOTICE OF that on the 9 day of March, The Parnell Firm, LLC with the Clerk of the Superior PUBLICATION 2015, Maivilyn Yissi Jimi2250 Satellite Blvd., Court, and serve upon PetiTo: Abdul B. Khatib nez-Perez filed suit against Suite 225 tioner’s attorney Wesley W. By Order of the Court for you for Divorce. Duluth, GA 30097 Wilson, Esq at 6855 Jimmy service by publication dated You are required to file (770) 263-9993 Office Carter Boulevard, Building the 31st day of March, 2015, with the Clerk of the Superior (770) 263-9994 Fax 2100, Suite 2150, Norcross, you are hereby notified that Court, and serve upon plainan Answer in writing withGA 30071 an Answer in writon the 25th day of March, tiff’s attorney, Derick C Vilin sixty (60) days of the Order ing within sixty (60) days of 2015, the aboved-name lanueva, Esq. 3300 Buckeye for Publication. the Order for Publication. Plaintiff filed suit against you Road, Suite 335, Atlanta, GA This 16 day of March, WITNESS, The Honorable for Divorce. 30341 an answer in writing 2015. Hamil, Judge of this Superior You are required to file within sixty (60) days of the WITNESS, the Honorable Court. with the Clerk of the Superior order for publication. Kathryn M Schrader, Judge This the 19 day of March, Court, and serve upon PlainThis the 12’th day of of this Superior Court. 2015. tiff’s Attorney whose name March, 2015. -s- Ginger Stancil -s- Susan Rollins and address is: Lu Wang, WITNESS, The Honorable Deputy Clerk, Superior Court Deputy Clerk, Superior Court Esq., Wang & Associates, Randy Rich, Judge of this For: Richard T. Alexander, For: Richard T. Alexander, P.C., 3296 Summit Ridge Superior Court. Jr., Clerk Jr., Clerk Parkway, Building 2020 Du-s- Debra Peters PO Box 880 PO Box 880 luth, GA 30096 an Answer in Deputy Clerk, Superior Court Lawrenceville, GA 30046 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 writing within sixty (60) days For: Richard T. Alexander, 909-244775, 3/19,26,4/2,9 909-246135, 3/26,4/2,9,16 of the Order for Publication. Jr., Clerk WITNESS, The Honorable PO Box 880 IN THE Randy Rich, Judge of this Lawrenceville, GA 30046 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Superior Court. 909-244686, 3/19,26,4/2,9 SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY This the 1st day of April, GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA IN THE 2015. STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION SUPERIOR COURT OF -s- Debra Peters CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 15A-03289-10 GWINNETT COUNTY Deputy Clerk, Superior Court FILE NO. 15A-03482-4 Amornrat Luangkruea, STATE OF GEORGIA For: Richard T. Alexander, Danielle Seatts vs. CIVIL ACTION Jr., Clerk Plaintiff, Titus Bourngam, FILE NO. 15-A-02540-9 PO Box 880 Keith Hawkins Defendant Tori Jackson Reynolds Lawrenceville, GA 30046 Defendant NOTICE OF Plaintiff, 909-248700, 4/9,16,23,30 To: Keith Hawkins PUBLICATION TO Kurt Reynolds 225 Merton Apt 203 NONRESIDENT Defendant IN THE Detroit, MI. 48203 DEFENDANT To: Kurt Reynolds SUPERIOR COURT OF NOTICE OF To: Titus Bourngam 9590 W Heather Lane GWINNETT COUNTY PUBLICATION 1197 Lavista Road Miramar, FL 33025 STATE OF GEORGIA By Order for service by Atlanta, GA 30324 NOTICE OF CIVIL ACTION publication dated March 31, By Order for service by PUBLICATION FILE NO. 15-A-02527-1 2015, you are hereby notified publication dated 3/31/15, By Order for service by Yeong Ho Kim that on the 24th day of March you are hereby notified that publication dated 3/5, 2015 Plaintiff, 2015, Danielle Seatts filed on the 3/19, 2015 Amornrat you are hereby notified that Kyung Sook Lee suit against you for Divorce. Luangkruea, filed suit against on the 3 day of March, 2015, Defendant You are required to file you for Divorce. Tori Jackson Reynolds filed To:Kyung Sook Lee with the Clerk of the SupeYou are required to file suit against you for Divorce. NOTICE OF rior Court, and serve upon with the Clerk of the Superior You are required to file PUBLICATION Plaintiff’s Attorney, Danielle Court, and serve upon Plainwith the Clerk of the SupeBy Order for service by Seats, 5015 Chartley Circle tiff Attorney at Law Denise rior Court, and serve upon publication dated 3-18, SW, Lilburn, GA. 30047 an Holmes, P.O. Box 20492, AtPlaintiff’s Attorney, Tori Jack2015, you are hereby notified Answer in writing within sixty lanta, GA 30325an Answer in son Reynolds, 3614 Elkhorn that on the 3rd day of March, (60) days of the Order for writing within sixty (60) days Court, Duluth, GA 30096 an 2015 Yeong Ho Kim filed suit Publication. of the Order for Publication. Answer in writing within sixty against you for Divorce. WITNESS, The Honorable WITNESS, The Honorable (60) days of the Order for You are required to file Randy Rich, Judge of this Warren Davis, Judge of this Publication. with the Clerk of the Superior Superior Court. Superior Court. WITNESS, The Honorable Court, and serve upon PlainThis the 1st day of April, This 31 old day stuff of March, Tom Davis, Judge of this Sutiff’s Attorney, Jeana Kwon, 2015. If your is 2015. perior Court. Esq., 2900 Chamblee Tucker -s- Debra Peters collecting dust, it could -sThis the 10 day of March, Rd., #5-300, Atlanta, GA Deputy Clerk, Superior Court be collecting cash! Deputy Clerk, Superior Court 2015. 30341 an Answer in writing For: Richard T. Alexander, For: Richard T. Alexander, -swithin sixty (60) days of the Jr., Clerk Jr., Clerk Deputy Clerk, Superior Court Order for Publication. PO Box 880 PO Box 880 classifieds For: Richard T. Alexander, WITNESS, The Honorable Lawrenceville, GA 30046 770-962-SELL Lawrenceville, GA 30046 Jr., Clerk George F. Hutchinson, III, 909-248926, 4/9,16,23,30 909-248698, 4/9,16,23,30 PO Box 880 Judge of this Superior Court. Lawrenceville, GA 30046 This the 23 day of March, 909-244772, 3/19,26,4/2,9 2015. -s- Wendy Marsh GWINNETT COURT: RECORDER’S COUNTY COURT NAME: DEFENDANT’S KIM, YOON KY U DIVORCES DIVORCES IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 15A 03104-2 Iris Strachan Plaintiff, Emory Strachan Defendant To: Waffle House 1945 Rockbridge Rd SW Stone Mountain, GA NOTICE OF PUBLICATION By Order for service by publication dated 3-30-15, you are hereby notified that on the 11th day of March, 2015 Iris Strachan filed suit against you for Divorce. You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court, and serve upon Plaintiff’s Attorney, 2585 Creek Circle Snellville, GA 30078 an Answer in writing within sixty (60) days of the Order for Publication. WITNESS, The Honorable Debra Turner, Judge of this Superior Court. This the 31st day of March, 2015. -s- M. Wilson Deputy Clerk, Superior Court For: Richard T. Alexander, Jr., Clerk PO Box 880 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 909-248900, 4/9,16,23,30 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 15-A-02221-10 XINYUE YIN Plaintiff, QIANYUN LU Defendant TO: QIANYUN LU, Defendant NOTICE OF PUBLICATION You are hereby notified that the above-styled action seeking a Divorce was filed against you in said Court on this date: 2/20/15 and that by reason of an order for service of summons by publication entered by the Court on this date: 3/10/15, you are hereby commanded and required to file with the Clerk of said Court and serve upon the Attorney at Law for the plaintiff Xinyue Yin at an Answer to the Complaint within sixty (60) days of WITNESS, the Honorable Warren Davis, Judge of said Court. This date: 3/10/15 -sDeputy Clerk, Superior Court For: Richard T. Alexander, Jr., Clerk PO Box 880 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 909-244769, 3/19,26,4/2,9 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 15-A-02733-3 INDYA SHAPEL SWINNEY Plaintiff, MATTHEW JAMES SWINNEY Defendant TO: MATTHEW JAMS SWINNEY 8793 W MARYLAND AVE GLENDALE, AL 85305 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION By Order for service by publication dated the March 9, 2015, you are hereby notified that on the 5TH day of March, 2015 INDYA SWINNEY filed suit against you for Divorce. You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court, and serve upon Plaintiff’s Attorney, INDYA SHAPEL SWINNEY 3231 OPEN FIELDS DR, SNELLVILLE, GA 30078 an Answer in writing within sixty (60) days of the Order for Publication. WITNESS, The Honorable KATHRYN M. SCHRADER, Judge of this Superior Court. This the 16 day of March, 2015. -s- GINGER STANCIL Deputy Clerk, Superior Court For: Richard T. Alexander, Jr., Clerk PO Box 880 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 909-246123, 3/26,4/2,9,16 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 15-A-03047-9 WOUNDU K. TIBEBE Plaintiff, MAKEDA M. TAYE Defendant TO: GWINNETT DAILY POST 725 OLD NORCROSS RD LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30046 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION By Order for service by publication dated the 3/16, March, 2015, you are hereby notified that on the 11 day of 03, 2015 WOUNDU filed suit against you for Divorce. You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court, and serve upon Plaintiff’s Attorney, WOUNDU K TIBEBE 3060 WYNTREE DR, NORCROSS, GA 30071 an Answer in writing within sixty (60) days of the Order for Publication. WITNESS, The Honorable Tom Davis, Judge of this Superior Court. This the 16 day of March, 2015. -sDeputy Clerk, Superior Court For: Richard T. Alexander, Jr., Clerk PO Box 880 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 909-246126, 3/26,4/2,9,16 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 15-A-02417-1 EDULFINO VELASQUEZ Plaintiff, MARTHA LOU VELASQUEZ Defendant TO: MARTHA LOU VELASQUEZ NOTICE OF PUBLICATION By Order for service by publication dated March 3rd, 2015, you are hereby notified that on the 3rd day of March, 2015, Edulfino Velasquez filed suit against you for Divorce. You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court, and serve upon Plaintiff’s Attorney, Edulfino Velasquez 5393 Stanford Village Bldg 9 Norcross, GA 30071 an Answer in writing within sixty (60) days of the Order for Publication. WITNESS, The Honorable George F. Hutchinson III, Judge of this Superior Court. This the day of , 20 . -sDeputy Clerk, Superior Court For: Richard T. Alexander, Jr., Clerk PO Box 880 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 909-246110, 3/26,4/2,9,16 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 15-A-03098-8 LUDE-JEANY WILLIAMS Plaintiff, GREGORY WILLIAMS JR Defendant To: 6885 HARBOR TOWN WAY STONE MOUNTAIN, GA 30087 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION By Order for service by publication dated the 19 day of March, 2015, you are hereby notified that on the 13 day of March, 2015 LUDE WILLIAMS filed suit against you for Divorce. You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court, and serve upon Plaintiff’s Attorney, LUDE WILLIAMS 2300 COUNTRY WALK APT 532 SNELLVILLE 30039 an Answer in writing within sixty (60) days of the Order for Publication. WITNESS, The Honorable HAMIL, Judge of this Superior Court. This the 19 day of March, 2015. -s- Susan Rollins Deputy Clerk, Superior Court For: Richard T. Alexander, Jr., Clerk PO Box 880 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 909-246137, 3/26,4/2,9,16 DUI NOTICES NOTICE INFORMATION ADDRESS: DUI NOTICES 2343 GALLARD ST LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30043 DATE OF ARREST: September 19, 2014 PLACE OF ARREST: Pleasant Hill Rd. Satellite Blvd. Gwinnett County, GA CASE DISPOSITION: Conviction: Guilty Plea 910-248951, 4/9 NOTICE OF CONVICTION COURT: GWINNETT STATE COURT ACCUSATION NO: 14-D-06603-S4 CONVICTED PERSON: RUBEN ROSTRO LARA- ADDRESS: LILBURN GA, 30047 DATE & TIME OF ARREST: 3-16-14 @ 4:13AM PLACE OF ARREST: GWINNETT COUNTY CASE DISPOSITION: GUILTY COUNTS 1,2,&5 ON 03/18/15 PHOTO ATTACHED: YES 910-247742, 4/9 NOTICE OF CONVICTION COURT: GWINNETT COUNTY RECORDER’S COURT DEFENDANT’S NAME: DHANANI, KARIM K 2829 WYNADDRESS: HAVEN OAKS WAY GA LAWRENCEVILLE, 30043 DATE OF ARREST: January 4th, 2015 PLACE OF ARREST: BUFORD DR WOODWARD CROSSING Gwinnett County, GA CASE DISPOSITION: Conviction: Guilty Plea 910-248951, 4/9 COURT: GWINNETT STATE COURT ACCUSATION NO: 14-D-07268-S1 CONVICTED PERSON: JON MARTIN MEACHAM ADDRESS: LAWRENCEVILLE GA, 30043 DATE & TIME OF ARREST: 4-29-14 @ 6:49 PM PLACE OF ARREST: GWINNETT COUNTY CASE DISPOSITION: GUILTY ON 3-16-2015 PHOTO ATTACHED: YES 910-245900, 4/9 NOTICE OF CONVICTION NOTICE INFORMATION COURT: GWINNETT COUNTY RECORDER’S COURT DEFENDANT’S NAME: FERRER, CARLOS ADDRESS: 1990 ELLIS AVE BRONX, NY 10472 DATE OF ARREST: OCTOBER 18TH, 2014 PLACE OF ARREST: I 85 NB JCB Gwinnett County, GA CASE DISPOSITION: Conviction: Guilty Plea 910-247152, 4/9 NOTICE INFORMATION COURT: GWINNETT STATE COURT ACCUSATION NO: 14-D-07349-S3 CONVICTED PERSON: ALFREDO VERA LOPEZ ADDRESS: NORCROSS GA, 30092 DATE & TIME OF ARREST: 3/30/2014 PLACE OF ARREST: GWINNETT COUNTY CASE DISPOSITION: PLED GUILTY ON 03/11/2015 PHOTO ATTACHED: YES 910-247743, 4/9 SEX OFFENDERS SEX OFFENDER COURT: GWINNETT COUNTY RECORDER’S COURT DEFENDANT’S NAME: FREEMAN, KEVIN HAYES ADDRESS: 4366 SAINT MICHAELS DR SW LILBURN, GA 30047 DATE OF ARREST: FEBRUARY 21ST, 2015 PLACE OF ARREST: FIVE FORKS TRICKUM RD JO BETH DR Gwinnett County, GA CASE DISPOSITION: Conviction: Guilty Plea 910-247154, 4/9 NOTICE INFORMATION COURT: GWINNETT COUNTY RECORDER’S COURT DEFENDANT’S NAME: GALLARDO, RODOLFO JAVIER VASQUES ADDRESS: 5522 RAMONT POINT C NORCROSS, GA 30093 DATE OF ARREST: NOVEMBER 13TH, 1999 PLACE OF ARREST: JIMMY CARTER BLVD ROCKBRIDGE SCHOOL RD Gwinnett County, GA CASE DISPOSITION: Conviction: Guilty Plea 910-247153, 4/9 NOTICE INFORMATION COURT: GWINNETT COUNTY RECORDER’S COURT DEFENDANT’S NAME: KIM, YOON KY U ADDRESS: 2343 GALLARD ST LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30043 DATE OF ARREST: September 19, 2014 PLACE OF ARREST: Pleasant Hill Rd. Satellite Blvd. Gwinnett County, GA CASE DISPOSITION: Conviction: Guilty Plea 910-248951, 4/9 Name: Hawkins, Terrance L. Address: 2055 Killian Hill Rd. Snellville, GA 30039 Year of Conviction: 1999 Crime Convicted of: Sexual Abuse 1st Degree County of Conviction: Cross Co., AR911-230465, 12/25 911-248845, 4/9 JUVENILE COURT NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF RIGHTS TO CHILD PURSUANT TO O.C.G.A § 19-8-12 To: Benjamin Awele Re: Baby Girl Chavhunduka You are hereby advised that the legal mother of the above-referenced child has alleged that Benjamin Awele is the biological father of the child. If you are the same Benjamin Awele, you are hereby advised that a petition seeking to terminate your rights to the child has been filed in Fulton County Superior Court. You will lose all rights to the child and will neither receive further notice nor be entitled to object to the adoption of the child unless, within 30 days of receipt of this notice, you (1) file a petition to legitimate the child pursuant to Georgia Code Section 19-7-22; (2) provide notice of the filing of the petition to legitimate with the Clerk of the Superior Court of Fulton County, Georgia at 136 Pryor Street SW, Suite C-640, Atlanta, Georgia 30303; and (3) provide notice of the filing to Rhonda Fishbein, Attorney, at One Glenlake Parkway, Suite 700, Atlanta, Georgia 30328. Civil Action No. 2015CV258312 Fulton County Superior Court Judge Jerry W. Baxter 913-245605, 3/26,4/2,9 IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA IN THE INTEREST OF: I.D. , Minor child Docket No. 14-03975-1 Theresa Dare-Johnson Petitioner, NOTICE OF SUMMONS TO: ASHLEY SCHULTZ , NATURAL MOTHER OF ABOVE-NAMED CHILD. You are hereby notified that PETITION FOR DEPENDENCY, has been filed by petitioners, THERESA DARE-JOHNSON, the present temporary custodians of above-named child. You may obtain a copy of the petition from the clerk of this court at 115 Stone Mountain Drive, Lawrenceville, Georgia, during regular business hours, or a copy will be mailed to you at your request. You are further notified that ABOVE-NAMED CHILD. You are hereby notified that PETITION FOR DEPENDENCY, has been filed by petitioners, THERESA DARE-JOHNSON, the present temporary custodians of above-named child. You may obtain a copy of the petition from the clerk of this court at COURT JUVENILE 115 Stone Mountain Drive, Lawrenceville, Georgia, during regular business hours, or a copy will be mailed to you at your request. You are further notified that a hearing thereon will be held before this court on MAY 14, 2015 at 8:30 A.M., to be required to appear and answer the allegations of the petition at said hearing. Findings of fact and orders of disposition will become final at the hearing. You have the right to be represented by legal counsel. If you are unable to employ legal counsel without undue financial hardship, the court will appoint counsel to represent you. If you desire to have an attorney appointed for you, you should advise the court of such need prior to the hearing. Witness the Honorable ROBERT RODATUS , Judge of said court, this the 1st day of APRIL , 2015. Sheila Williams, Clerk of Court Gwinnett County Juvenile Court 913-248844, 4/9,16,23,30 IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA Docket 15-00608-2 In the matter of: J.B. minor child DOB: 05/04/2012 Georgia Department of Human Resources, acting by and through the Gwinnett County Department of Family and Children Services Petitioner NOTICE OF SUMMONS TO: ANY AND ALL KNOWN ,UNKNOWN, UNNAMED, LEGAL, AND/OR PUTATIVE FATHERS OF J.B., minor child You are hereby notified that a Termination of Parental Rights Petition regarding the above-named child has been filed in the court by the above-named Petitioner. You are further notified that a hearing for the purpose of terminating your parental rights will be held by the Court on the 12TH day of MAY 2015 at 9:00 A.M., at which time you should make your objections known. NOTICE OF EFFECT OF TERMINATION JUDGMENT Petitioner seeks to terminate your parental rights to the child and to extend the Court’s order for the temporary custodian’s custody of the child. An order terminating the parental rights of a parent is without limit as to duration and terminates all of his or her rights and obligations with respect to the child and all rights and obligations of the child to the parent arising from the parental relationship, including rights of inheritance. A parent is not thereafter entitled to notice of proceedings for the adoption of the child by another nor has he or she any right to object to the adoption or otherwise to participate in the proceedings. You have the right to be represented by an attorney. If you are unable to employ an attorney without undue financial hardship, the Court will appoint one to represent you. If you desire appointment of an attorney you should advise the Court of such need immediately. Even if your parental rights are terminated: (1) You will still be responsible for providing financial support (child support payments) for your child’s care unless and until your child is adopted; and (2) Your child can still inherit from you unless and until your child is adopted. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 15-1-283(b), you are hereby put on notice that a biological father who is not the legal father may lose all rights to the child named in petition brought pursuant to this article and will not be entitled to object to the termination of his rights to such child unless, within 30 days of receipt of notice, he files: (1) A petition to legitimate such child; and (2) Notice of the filing of the petition to legitimate with the court in which the termination of parental rights proceeding is pending Further, pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 15-11-283(d), you are hereby put on notice that the court may enter an order terminating all the parental rights of a biological father, including any right to object thereafter to such proceeding; (1) Who fails to file a timely petition to legitimate the child named in the petition brought Pursuant to this article and notice in accordance with subsection (b) of this Code section; (2) Whose petition to legitimate is subsequently dismissed for failure to prosecute; or (3) Whose petition to legitimate does not result in a court order finding that he is the legal father of the child named in the petition brought pursuant to this article. The foregoing Petition for Termination of Parental Rights is hereby approved to be filed in the best interests of the public and the children. WITNESS, the Honorable Judge STEPHEN E. FRANZEN, of said Court. This the 1st day of APRIL, 2015 Sheila Williams, Clerk of Court Gwinnett County Juvenile Court 913-248841, 4/9,16,23,30 IN THE JUVENILE COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA Docket 14-03607-1 In the matter of: J.C., DOB: 01/20/2013 Minor child Georgia Department of Human Resources, acting by and through the Gwinnett County Department of Family and Children Services Petitioner NOTICE OF SUMMONS TO: ANY AND ALL KNOWN ,UNKNOWN, UNNAMED, LEGAL, AND/OR PUTATIVE FATHERS OF J.C., minor child You are hereby notified that a TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS PETITION, regarding the above-named child has been filed in the court by the above-named Petitioner. You are further notified that a hearing for the purpose of terminating your parental rights will be held by the Court on the 14 day of JULY 2015 at 8:30 A.M., at which time you should make your objections known. NOTICE OF EFFECT OF TERMINATION JUDGMENT Petitioner seeks to terminate your parental rights to the child and to extend the Court’s order for the temporary custodian’s custody of the child. An order terminating the parental rights of a parent is without limit as to duration and terminates all of his or her rights and obligations with respect to the child and all rights and obligations of the child to the parent arising from the parental relationship, including rights of inheritance. A parent is not thereafter entitled to notice of proceedings for Court’s order for the tem- You have porary custodian’s custodyrepresented of the child. An order termi-If you are nating the parental rights ofan attorne a parent is without limit asfinancial ha to duration and terminateswill appoint all of his or her rights andyou. If you obligations with respect toment of a adv child and all COURT rights andshould theJUVENILE JUVEN obligations of the child to thesuch need i parent arising from the pa- Even if yo rental relationship, includingare termina rights of inheritance. A par- (1) You w ent is not thereafter entitledsible for p to notice of proceedings forsupport (ch the adoption of the child byments) for another nor has he or she anyunless and right to object to the adoptionadopted; an or otherwise to participate in (2) Your herit from the proceedings. You have the right to beuntil your c represented by an attorney. Pursuant If you are unable to employ15-1-283(b an attorney without undueput on noti financial hardship, the Courtcal father w will appoint one to representfather may you. If you desire appoint-the child n ment of an attorney youbrought pu should advise the Court ofticle and w to object t such need immediately. Even if your parental rightsof his rights less, within are terminated: (1) You will still be respon-of notice, h sible for providing financial (1) A pet support (child support pay-such child; ments) for your child’s care (2) Notic unless and until your child isthe petitio with the co adopted; and (2) Your child can still in-termination herit from you unless andproceeding Further, until your child is adopted. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. §O.C.G.A. § 1 15-1-283(b), you are herebyare hereby put on notice that a biologi-the court m cal father who is not the legalterminating father may lose all rights torights of a the child named in petitionincluding a brought pursuant to this ar-thereafter t ticle and will not be entitleding; to object to the termination (1) Who f of his rights to such child un-petition to l less, within 30 days of receiptnamed in th Pursuant of notice, he files: (1) A petition to legitimatenotice in subsection such child; and (2) Notice of the filing ofsection; the petition to legitimate (2) Whos with the court in which thegitimate termination of parental rightsdismissed f ecute; or proceeding is pending pursuant to (3) Whos Further, O.C.G.A. § 15-11-283(d), yougitimate do are hereby put on notice thata court ord the court may enter an orderis the legal terminating all the parentalnamed in th rights of a biological father,pursuant to including any right to object The for thereafter to such proceed-for Termin Rights is he ing; (1) Who fails to file a timelybe filed in petition to legitimate the childof the publi named in the petition brought WITNESS Pursuant to this article andJudge ROB notice in accordance withsaid Court. subsection (b) of this Code This the 1 2015 section; (2) Whose petition to le- Sheila W gitimate is subsequentlyCourt dismissed for failure to pros- Gwinnett Court ecute; or (3) Whose petition to le- 913-2488 gitimate does not result in a court order finding that he is the legal father of the child named in the petition brought NAME pursuant to this article. The foregoing Petition for Termination of Parental Rights is hereby approved to SUPER be filed in the best interests GWIN of the public and the children. STATE WITNESS, the HonorableCIVIL ACTIO Judge ROBERT RODATUS ofNO. 15A-02 said Court. REMILEKUN This the 1st day of APRIL,Petitioner, 2015 IN RE: Ir Sheila Williams, Clerk ofHamzat Court NOTIC Gwinnett County Juvenile TO CH Court Notice is 913-248842, 4/9,16,23,30 REMILEKUN has filed IN THE JUVENILE COURT Superior C OF GWINNETT COUNTY County, Ge STATE OF GEORGIA day of Ma Docket No. 15-00407-3 ing for he 15-00408-3 be change IN THE INTEREST OF: Hammad H L.H. and K. H., , Hammad A Minor child Notice is PATSY CHASTAIN suant to law Petitioner, or affected NOTICE OF SUMMONS said Court TO: RAYMOND HUBBARD,tions to su PUTATIVE FATHER AND ANYSaid objec KNOWN OR UNKNOWN LE-filed within GAL AND/OR BIOLOGICALby law. FATHERS OF L.H., and K.H., Respectfu minor children 5th day of M You are hereby notifiedLaw Offices that PETITION FOR DEPEN-P.C. DENCY, has been filed by-spetitioner, PATSY CHASTAINTee Okonkw , the present temporary cus-Attorney fo todian of above-named child.Georgia Bar You may obtain a copy of970 Martin the petition from the clerkDrive Suite of this court at 115 StoneAtlanta, Geo Mountain Drive, Lawrencev-(404) 222-0 ille, Georgia, during regular916-248856 business hours, or a copy will be mailed to you at your SUPER request. GWIN You are further notified that STATE a hearing thereon will be held Civil Action before this court on MAY 7, 2015 at 12:30 P.M., to be re-15A-02813 quired to appear and answerIn re the Na the allegations of the petitionCynthia Ako at said hearing. Findings ofPetitioner. NOTIC fact and orders of disposiTO CH tion will become final at the O hearing. Cynthia You have the right to be represented by legal counsel.filed a petiti If you are unable to employCourt of Gw legal counsel without undue03/09/, to financial hardship, the courtfrom Cynth will appoint counsel to rep-coo to Ak resent you. If you desire toAny interes have an attorney appointedright to ap for you, you should adviseand file obj the court of such need priordays after filed. to the hearing. Witness the HonorableDated: 03/0 ROBERT WALLER , Judge of-ssaid court, this the 2ND dayCynthia Qua 239 New Ho of APRIL , 2015 . Sheila Williams, Clerk ofLawrencevi 916-248850 Court Gwinnett County Juvenile Court 913-248839, 4/9,16,23,30 SUPER GWIN IN THE JUVENILE COURT STATE OF CIVIL ACTIO GWINNETT COUNTY NO. 15-A-0 STATE OF GEORGIA IN RE: S Docket 15-00820-3 CAMDEN In the matter of: S.N. LINDA HER Minor child CHILDREN Georgia Department of Hu-JOHN ST man Resources, acting byMARCIA SP and through the GwinnettMELODY N County Department of Fam-Petitioner. ily and Children Services A Petitioner NOTIC NOTICE OF SUMMONS TO CHAN TO: NANCY NOLASCO, OF MIN ANY AND ALL KNOWN AND Notice UNKNOWN, UNNAMED, PU-that JOHN TATIVE, BIOLOGICAL ANDMARCIA SP OR LEGAL FATHER OF S.N.,MELODY N minor child filed their You are hereby notifiedSuperior C that a Termination of Paren-County, Geo tal Rights Petition regardingday of Mar the above-named child hasfor a chang been filed in the court by theof their min above-named Petitioner. SASHA NI You are further notified thatand LORA a hearing for the purpose ofNANDEZ to terminating your parentalBARKER an rights will be held by theDA BARKER Court on the 21ST day of Notice is MAY 2015 at 12:30 P.M., atsuant to law which time you should makeor affected your objections known. said Court NOTICE OF EFFECT OFtions to su TERMINATION JUDGMENT Objections Petitioner seeks to termi-said Court nate your parental rights tothe filing of the child and to extend the This 27t Court’s order for the tem-2015. porary custodian’s custody-s- Jennifer of the child. An order termi-Jennifer C. nating the parental rights ofGeorgia S a parent is without limit as004910 to duration and terminates1755 North all of his or her rights andSuite 200 obligations with respect toLawrencevi the child and all rights and30043 obligations of the child to the(770)935-0 parent arising from the pa-916-248855 rental relationship, including rights of inheritance. A parSUPER ent is not thereafter entitled GWIN to notice of proceedings for STATE the adoption of the child by another nor has he or she anyCivil Action right to object to the adoption15A 03429or otherwise to participate inIn re the Na Anthony Je the proceedings. You have the right to bePetitioner. NOTIC represented by an attorney. TO CH If you are unable to employ O an attorney without undue financial hardship, the Court Anthony will appoint one to representfiled a petiti you. If you desire appoint-Court of Gw ment of an attorney youMarch 24th should advise the Court ofthe name such need immediately. Jermaine Even if your parental rightsBomani Be are terminated: party has th (1) You will still be respon-in this cas sible for providing financialtions within support (child support pay-Petition wa ments) for your child’s careDated: 03/2 NOTICE OF PETITION You have the right to be NOTICE OF PETITION 4/7/2015TO7:36 r the tem- 0409 CHANGE GDP THURS LEGALS_Classifieds PMNAME Page TO CHANGE NAME ’s custodyrepresented by an attorney. OF ADULT OF ADULT rder termi-If you are unable to employ ALESEVIC, ELVEDINA attorney without undue an Anthony Jermaine Adams, al rights of filed a petition in the Superior filed a petition in the Superior out limit asfinancial hardship, the Court Court of Gwinnett County on Court of Gwinnett County on terminateswill appoint one to represent 3-26-15, 20_, to change the March 24th, 2015, to change rights andyou. If you desire appointname from ELVEDINA ALEthe name from Anthony respect toment of an attorney you SEVIC TO ELVEDINA DURAadvise the Court of to Akeen Jermaine rights andshould COURT COURT CHANGES JUVENILE NAMEAdams NAME Any CHANGES interested party NOVIC. Bomani Bey. Any interested child to thesuch need immediately. has the right to appear in party has the right to appear om the pa- Even if your parental rights this case and file objections in this case and file objecp, includingare terminated: within 30 days after the Petitions within 30 days after the nce. A par- (1) You will still be respontion was filed. Petition was filed. ter entitledsible for providing financial Dated: 03/25/2015 Dated: 03/24/2015 eedings forsupport (child support payELVEDINA ALESEVIC Anthony Jermaine Adams he child byments) for your child’s care Petitioner, Pro se Petitioner, Pro se e or she anyunless and until your child is ELVEDINA ALESEVIC Anthony Jermaine Adams he adoptionadopted; and 1139 OLD SNELLVILLE HWY 4380 Bridle Point Pkwy articipate in (2) Your child can still inGA LAWRECNCEVILLE, herit from you unless and Snellville, GA 30039 30044 your child is adopted. until 916-247480, 4/2,9,16,23 right to be 916-247481, 4/2,9,16,23 n attorney. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § to employ15-1-283(b), you are hereby SUPERIOR COURT OF SUPERIOR COURT OF out undueput on notice that a biologiGWINNETT COUNTY GWINNETT COUNTY , the Courtcal father who is not the legal STATE OF GEORGIA STATE OF GEORGIA o representfather may lose all rights to CIVIL ACTION FILE Action Case Number Civil re appoint-the child named in petition NO. 15A 02859-10 15A 03556-10 orney youbrought pursuant to this arIn re the Name Change of re the Name Change of: In e Court ofticle and will not be entitled Child(ren) EUCHERIA IFEOMA OGBUto object to the termination iately. Bryson Demond Ham DIKE, ental rightsof his rights to such child unKendra Black Petitioner. less, within 30 days of receipt Plaintiff, NOTICE OF PETITION notice, he files: of be responv. TO CHANGE NAME ng financial (1) A petition to legitimate Fredrick Black OF ADULT upport pay-such child; and Respondent EUCHERIA IFEOMA OGchild’s care (2) Notice of the filing of NOTICE OF PETITION filed a petition in BUDIKE, our child isthe petition to legitimate TO CHANGE NAME(S) the Superior Court of Gwinwith the court in which the OF MINOR CHILD(REN) nett County on March 26TH, can still in-termination of parental rights Kendra Black filed a peti2015, to change the name unless andproceeding is pending tion in the Superior Court of from EUCHERIA IFEOMA pursuant to Further, adopted. Gwinnett County on March OGBUDIKE TO EUCHERIA O.C.G.A. §O.C.G.A. § 15-11-283(d), you 10, 2015 to change the IFEOMA EKWENUGO. Any are herebyare hereby put on notice that name of the following minor interested party has the right t a biologi-the court may enter an order child(ren) to appear in this case and file not the legalterminating all the parental From: Bryson Demond Ham objections within 30 days afall rights torights of a biological father, to Bryson Demond Black. ter the Petition was filed. in petitionincluding any right to object Any interested party has the Dated: 3-26-2015 to this ar-thereafter to such proceedright to appear in this case -s- EUCHERIA IFEOMA OGing; be entitled and file objections within the BUDIKE termination (1) Who fails to file a timely time prescribed in OCGA sec. Petitioner Pro se ch child un-petition to legitimate the child 19-12-1(f)(2)and (3). EUCHERIA IFEOMA OGBUys of receiptnamed in the petition brought Dated: March 10, 2015 DIKE Pursuant to this article and -s- Kendra Black 5399 DURHAM VIEW COURT o legitimatenotice in accordance with Petitioner, Pro se LILBURN, GA 30047 subsection (b) of this Code Kendra Black 916-247410, 4/2,9,16,23 he filing ofsection; 655 Simon Ive Drive Whose petition to le(2) legitimate Lawrenceville, GA SUPERIOR COURT OF which thegitimate is subsequently 916-244748, 3/19,26,4/2,9 GWINNETT COUNTY ental rightsdismissed for failure to prosSTATE OF GEORGIA or ecute; ding SUPERIOR COURT OF Civil Action Case Number suant to (3) Whose petition to leGWINNETT COUNTY 15-A-03386-9 283(d), yougitimate does not result in STATE OF GEORGIA In re the Name Change of: notice thata court order finding that he Civil Action Case Number Kau Yeyia Kidau Joseph, er an orderis the legal father of the child 15A 01592-7 Petitioner. in the petition brought named he parental In re the Name Change of: NOTICE OF PETITION gical father,pursuant to this article. JANETH CATHERINE LITTLE, TO CHANGE NAME ht to object The foregoing Petition Petitioner. OF ADULT Termination of Parental for h proceedAMENDEND Kau Yeyia Kidau Joseph, Rights is hereby approved to NOTICE OF PETITION filed a petition in the Superior file a timelybe filed in the best interests TO CHANGE NAME Court of Gwinnett County on ate the childof the public and the children. OF ADULT March 23, 2015, to change ion brought WITNESS, the Honorable JANETH CATHERINE LITthe name from Kau Yeyia article andJudge ROBERT WALLER of TLE, filed a petition in the Kidau Joseph to Kau Yeyia dance withsaid Court. Superior Court of Gwinnett Fahnbulleh. Any interested this Code This the 1st day of APRIL, County on January 05, 2015, party has the right to appear 2015 to change the name from in this case and file objecition to le- Sheila Williams, Clerk of JANETH CATHERINE LITTLE tions within 30 days after the ubsequentlyCourt to JANETH CATHERINE BURPetition was filed. County Juvenile Gwinnett ure to prosGOS-ARIAS. Any interested Dated: 3/23/15 Court party has the right to appear -s- Kau Yeyia Kidau Joseph 4/9,16,23,30 913-248843, ition to lein this case and file objecPetitioner Pro se ot result in tions within 30 days after the Kau Yeyia Kidau Joseph ing that he Petition was filed. 618 First Street of the child Dated: March 09, 2015 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 ion brought NAME CHANGES -s- Janeth Catherine Little 916-247435, 4/2,9,16,23 rticle. Petitioner Pro se g Petition Janeth Catherine Little SUPERIOR COURT OF of Parental 2365 Waterford Park Dr. IN THE GWINNETT COUNTY approved to Lawrenceville, GA 30044 SUPERIOR COURT OF STATE OF GEORGIA st interests 916-244750, 3/19,26,4/2,9 GWINNETT COUNTY Civil Action Case Number he children. STATE OF GEORGIA 15A-03682-9 HonorableCIVIL ACTION FILE SUPERIOR COURT OF In re the Name Change of: ODATUS ofNO. 15A-02588-6 GWINNETT COUNTY Angela Lynnette Kleinhenz, REMILEKUN B. HAMZAT, STATE OF GEORGIA Petitioner. y of APRIL,Petitioner, CIVIL ACTION FILE NOTICE OF PETITION IN RE: Iremide Hammad NO. 15A 02440-5 TO CHANGE NAME s, Clerk ofHamzat In re the Name Change of OF ADULT NOTICE OF PETITION Child(ren) Angela Lynnette Kleinhenz, ty Juvenile TO CHANGE NAME Jo Eun Choe filed a petition in the Superior Notice is hereby given that Jong In Choe Court of Gwinnett County on 9,16,23,30 REMILEKUN B. HAMZAT, Plaintiff, March 31, 2015, to change has filed a Petiton in the v. the name from Angela LynLE COURT Superior Court of Gwinnett Ah Young Choe nette Kleinhenz to Angela COUNTY County, Georgia, on the 5th Respondent Falletti. Any interLynnette IA day of March, 2015, prayNOTICE OF PETITION ested party has the right to 407-3 ing for her son’s name to TO CHANGE NAME(S) appear in this case and file be changed from Iremide OF MINOR CHILD(REN) objections within 30 days afOF: Hammad Hamzat to Iremide Jong In, Choe filed a petiter the Petition was filed. Hammad Adeymo. tion in the Superior Court of Dated: March 31, 2015 Notice is hereby given purGwinnett County on March -s- Angela Lynnette Kleinsuant to law to any interested 2, 2015 to change the name henz or affected party to appear in of the following minor Petitioner, Pro se UMMONS said Court and to file objecchild(ren) Angela Lynnette Kleinhenz HUBBARD,tions to such name change. From: Jo Eun Choe to Jo5395 Winswept Trace R AND ANYSaid objections must be anna Joeun Choe. Any inSugar Hill, GA 30518 NOWN LE-filed within the time allowed terested party has the right 916-248849, 4/9,16,23,30 IOLOGICALby law. to appear in this case and , and K.H., Respectfully submitted this file objections within the time SUPERIOR COURT OF 5th day of March, 2015. prescribed in OCGA sec. 19GWINNETT COUNTY by notifiedLaw Offices of Tee Okonkwo, 12-1(f)(2)and (3). STATE OF GEORGIA OR DEPEN-P.C. Dated: 3-2-2015 Civil Action Case Number n filed by-s-s- Jong In Choe 15A 03088-2 CHASTAINTee Okonkwo Petitioner, Pro se In re the Name Change of: porary cus-Attorney for Petitioner Jong In Choe Daniel J. Petrucelli, III, amed child.Georgia Bar No. 551120 135 Friars Head Dr. Petitioner. a copy of970 Martin Luther King, Jr. Suwanee, GA 3024 NOTICE OF PETITION m the clerkDrive Suite 202 916-246350, 3/26,4/2,9,16 TO CHANGE NAME 115 StoneAtlanta, Georgia 30314 OF ADULT Lawrencev-(404) 222-0238 IN THE Daniel J. Petrucelli, III, ing regular916-248856, 4/9,16,23,30 SUPERIOR COURT OF filed a petition in the Superior or a copy GWINNETT COUNTY Court of Gwinnett County on you at your STATE OF GEORGIA February 26, 2015, to change SUPERIOR COURT OF CIVIL ACTION FILE the name from Daniel J. GWINNETT COUNTY notified that NO. 15-A-03139-7 III to Daniel J. Petrucelli, STATE OF GEORGIA will be held IN RE: Ferber. Any interested party on MAY 7,Civil Action Case Number THE NAME CHANGE OF has the right to appear in M., to be re-15A-02813-5 MARIA ROSARIO GARCIA this case and file objections and answerIn re the Name Change of: NOTICE OF PETITION within 30 days after the Petithe petitionCynthia Akosua Quarcoo, TO CHANGE NAME tion was filed. Findings ofPetitioner. Notice is hereby given Dated: 2/25/15 NOTICE OF PETITION of disposithat Maria Rosario Garcia, -s- Daniel J. Petrucelli, III TO CHANGE NAME final at the through the undersigned, Petitioner Pro se OF ADULT filed her Petition with the Daniel J. Petrucelli, III Cynthia Akosua Quarcoo, right to be Superior Court of Gwinnett 190 Victoria Station Blvd gal counsel.filed a petition in the Superior County, Georgia, on or about Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Court of Gwinnett County on to employ 16th day of March, 2015, 916-244753, 3/19,26,4/2,9 hout undue03/09/, to change the name praying for a change in the , the courtfrom Cynthia Akosua Quarname of petitioner from Mato Akosua Adomako. coo SUPERIOR COURT OF sel to repria Rosario Garcia to Maria GWINNETT COUNTY u desire toAny interested party has the Rosario Cruz. to appear in this case right STATE OF GEORGIA appointed Notice is hereby given purfile objections within 30 and Civil Action Case Number ould advise suant to law to any interested 15-A-03367-7 need priordays after the Petition was or affected party to appear in filed. In Re the Name Change of: said Court and to file objecReginald Finklea HonorableDated: 03/09/2015 tions to such name change. Petitioner. R , Judge of-sObjections must be filed with NOTICE OF PETITION he 2ND dayCynthia Quarcoo said Court within thirty (30) 239 New Hope Rd TO CHANGE NAME days of the filing of petition. GA 30046 Lawrenceville, OF ADULT s, Clerk of This the 23rd day of March, 916-248850, 4/9,16,23,30 An action was filed in the 2015. Superior court of Gwinnett ty Juvenile -son 03-20-2015, to County Roland R. Castellanos IN THE change the Petitioner’s name 9,16,23,30 Attorney for Petitioner SUPERIOR COURT OF from Reginald Finklea to Georgia Bar No. 116112 GWINNETT COUNTY Reginald Tao Finklea. Any 166 Anderson Street, Suite LE COURT STATE OF GEORGIA interested party has the right 103 CIVIL ACTION FILE to appear in this case and file Marietta, GA 30060 COUNTY NO. 15-A-03344-10 objections within 30 days af770-841-4180 EORGIA IN RE: SASHA NICHOLE ter the Petition was filed. rcastellanos1975@gmail. -3 CAMDEN and LORA MADated: 3-20-15 com S.N. LINDA HERNANDEZ, MINOR -s-Reginald Finklea 916-248857, 4/9,16,23,30 CHILDREN Petitioner Pro se ment of Hu-JOHN STEVE BARKER, HERU AMIN TCHAAS acting byMARCIA SPELL BARKER and SUPERIOR COURT OF 5305A Wexford Ct. e GwinnettMELODY NANTIDA BARKER, GWINNETT COUNTY Norcross, GA 30071 nt of Fam-Petitioner. STATE OF GEORGIA 916-247347, 4/2,9,16,23 Services CIVIL ACTION FILE AMENDED NO. 15A 03265-10 NOTICE OF PETITION SUPERIOR COURT OF UMMONS In re the Name Change of TO CHANGE SURNAMES GWINNETT COUNTY NOLASCO, Child(ren) OF MINOR CHILDREN STATE OF GEORGIA NOWN AND Notice is hereby given Isabella Gabrielle Dribnak Civil Action Case Number AMED, PU-that JOHN STEVE BARKER, Angela Dribnak 15A 03199-1 ICAL ANDMARCIA SPELL BARKER and Petitioner, In re the Name Change of: R OF S.N.,MELODY NANTIDA BARKER v. Yohanes Sisay Ashebr, David Drummond filed their Petition to the Petitioner. by notifiedSuperior Court of Gwinnett Respondent NOTICE OF PETITION n of Paren-County, Georgia, on the 20th NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME n regardingday of March, 2015, praying TO CHANGE NAME(S) OF ADULT child hasfor a change in the surnames OF MINOR CHILD(REN) Yohanes Sisay Ashebr, ourt by theof their minor children from _______filed a petition in through his attorney, filed a tioner. the Superior Court of GwinSASHA NICHOLE CAMDEN petition in the Superior Court notified thatand LORA MALINDA HERnett County on __ , 20_ to of Gwinnett County on 3-17, purpose ofNANDEZ to SASHA NICHOLE change the name of the fol2015, to change the name r parentalBARKER and LORA MALINlowing minor child(ren) from Yohanes Sisay Ashebr eld by theDA BARKER, respectively. From: Isabella Gabrielle to Yohanes Sisay Haile. Any ST day of Notice is hereby given purDribnak to Isabella Gabriinterested party has the right 30 P.M., atsuant to law to any interested elle Drummond. Any interto appear in this case and file hould makeor affected party to appear in ested party has the right to objections within 30 days afnown. appear in this case and file said Court and to file objecter the Petition was filed. FFECT OFtions to such name change. objections within the time Dated: 3/3/15 DGMENT Objections must be filed with prescribed in OCGA sec. 19Respectfully submitted s to termi-said Court within 30 days of 12-1(f)(2)and (3). -s- W. Bryant Green, III Esq al rights tothe filing of said Petition. Dated: 3-15-18 Attorney for the Plaintiff extend the This 27th day of March, -s- Angela Dribnak GA Bar Number: 307707 r the tem-2015. Petitioner, Pro se 4787 Memorial Dr, Decatur, ’s custody-s- Jennifer C. Pinson-Harvey Angela Dribnak GA 30032 rder termi-Jennifer C. Pinson-Harvey 4747 Maherhorn Dr. Tel: (404) 500-5181 al rights ofGeorgia State Bar No. Lilburn, GA 30047 916-247444, 4/2,9,16,23 out limit as004910 916-246351, 3/26,4/2,9,16 terminates1755 North Brown Road, IN THE SUPERIOR rights andSuite 200 SUPERIOR COURT OF COURT OF respect toLawrenceville, GWINNETT COUNTY Georgia GWINNETT COUNTY rights and30043 STATE OF GEORGIA STATE OF GEORGIA child to the(770)935-0026 Civil Action Case Number Civil Action om the pa-916-248855, 4/9,16,23,30 15A 03550-1 File Number 15A 03461-9 p, including In re the Name Change of: In re the Name Change of: nce. A parELVEDINA ALESEVIC, SUPERIOR COURT OF MAHENDER N. DOKWAL, ter entitled Petitioner. GWINNETT COUNTY Petitioner. eedings for NOTICE OF PETITION STATE OF GEORGIA NOTICE OF PETITION he child by TO CHANGE NAME TO CHANGE THE NAME e or she anyCivil Action Case Number OF ADULT OF ADULT he adoption15A 03429-4 ELVEDINA ALESEVIC, Petitioner, MAHENDER N. articipate inIn re the Name Change of: filed a petition in the Superior Anthony Jermaine Adams, DOKWAL, filed a petition in Court of Gwinnett County on the Superior Court of Gwinright to bePetitioner. 3-26-15, 20_, to change the NOTICE OF PETITION nett County on MARCH 24, n attorney. name from ELVEDINA ALETO CHANGE NAME 2015, to change Petitioner’s to employ SEVIC TO ELVEDINA DURAOF ADULT name from MAHENDER N. out undue NOVIC. Any interested party DOKWAL TO ARIF HASNANI. , the Court Anthony Jermaine Adams, has the right to appear in Any interested party has the o representfiled a petition in the Superior this case and file objections right to appear in this case re appoint-Court of Gwinnett County on within 30 days after the Petiand file objections within orney youMarch 24th, 2015, to change tion was filed. thirty (30) days after the Petie Court ofthe name from Anthony Dated: 03/25/2015 Jermaine Adams to Akeen tion was filed. iately. ELVEDINA ALESEVIC This __ Day of March, ental rightsBomani Bey. Any interested Petitioner, Pro se party has the right to appear 2015. ELVEDINA ALESEVIC Respectfully submitted, be respon-in this case and file objec1139 OLD SNELLVILLE HWY -s- Douglas W. Lewis, Esq. ng financialtions within 30 days after the LAWRECNCEVILLE, GA Attorney for Petitioner upport pay-Petition was filed. 30044 Ga. State Bar No. 450240 child’s careDated: 03/24/2015 916-247481, 4/2,9,16,23 County on MARCH 24, C5nett 2015, to change Petitioner’s name from MAHENDER N. DOKWAL TO ARIF HASNANI. Any interested party has the right to appear in this case and file objections within thirty (30) days after the Petiwas filed.CHANGES tionNAME This __ Day of March, 2015. Respectfully submitted, -s- Douglas W. Lewis, Esq. Attorney for Petitioner Ga. State Bar No. 450240 245 W. Crogan Lawrenceville, GA 30046 Phone: (770)682-3765 Fax: (770)822-1610 dlewis@dwlewislaw.com 916-247358, 4/2,9,16,23 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA Civil Action File Number 15A 03462-8 In re the Name Change of: BHAVNA SHAH, Petitioner. NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE THE NAME OF ADULT Petitioner, BHAVNA SHAH, filed a petition in the Superior Court of Gwinnett County on MARCH 24, 2015, to change Petitioner’s name from BHAVNA SHAH to ZOHRA HASNANI. Any interested party has the right to appear in this case and file objections within thirty (30) days after the Petition was filed. This __ Day of March, 2015. Respectfully submitted, -s- Douglas W. Lewis, Esq. Attorney for Petitioner Ga. State Bar No. 450240 245 W. Crogan Lawrenceville, GA 30046 Phone: (770)682-3765 Fax: (770)822-1610 dlewis@dwlewislaw.com 916-247353, 4/2,9,16,23 SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 15A-02464-6 IN RE: the Name Change of Child(ren) Betania T. Hadlay Genet Beyene Petitioner vs. Genet Beyene Respondent NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME OF MINOR CHILD(REN) Genet G. Beyene filed a petition in the Superior Court of Gwinnett County on March 2, 2015 to change the name of the following minor child(ren) From: Betania T. Hailemariam to Betaia T. Haylay. Any interested party has the right to appear in this case and file objections within the time prescribed in OCGA sec. 1912-1(f)(2)and (3). Dated: 03/02/2015 -s- Genet G. Beyene Petitioner, Pro se Genet G. Beyene 4874 Manor Dr. Stone Mountain, GA 30087 916-244260, 3/19,26,4/2,9 SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA Civil Action Case Number 15A-03795-10 In re the Name Change of: GUSTAVO ALEXANDER HERNANDEZ BOLAINEZ JOSSIE C. BOLAINEZ, Petitioner VS. __, Respondent NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME OF ADULT Jossie Cecilia Bolainez, filed a petition in the Superior Court of Gwinnett County on __. 20_, to change the name from Gustavo Alexander Hernandez- Bolainez to Gustavo Alexander Hernandez. Any interested party has the right to appear in this case and file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. Dated: 4/01/2015 Jossie Cecilia Bolainez 3922 Laurel Bend Dr. Snellville, GA 30039 916-248853, 4/9,16,23,30 SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA Civil Action Case Number 15A 03366-10 In re the Name Change of: Linda Ekwenugo, Petitioner. NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME OF ADULT Linda Ekwenugo, filed a petition in the Superior Court of Gwinnett County on March 20, 2015, to change the name from Linda Ekwenugo to Linda Herrod. Any interested party has the right to appear in this case and file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. Dated: 3/20/15 -s- Linda Ekwenugo Petitioner Pro se Linda Ekwenugo 5038 Victor Trail Norcross, GA 30071 916-247439, 4/2,9,16,23 SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 15A 02756-5 In re the Name Change of Child(ren) Ardashia D’Money Morris Christine Morris Plaintiff, vs. Clifford Hogan Respondent NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME(S) OF MINOR CHILD(REN) Christine Morris filed a petition in the Superior Court of Gwinnett County on March 6, 2015 to change the name of the following minor child(ren) From: Ardashia D’Money Morris to Ardashia D’Money Hogan. Any interested party has the right to appear in this case and file objections within the time prescribed in OCGA sec. 19-12-1(f)(2) and (3). Dated: 3-6-2015 -s- Christine Morris Petitioner, Pro se Christine Morris 167 Quietwaters Lane Lawrenceville, GA 30045 916-244742, 3/19,26,4/2,9 SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA Civil Action Case Number 15a 02587-6 In re the Name Change of: GRACIA ILONGA KAPETA, Petitioner. NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME OF ADULT NTANGA KAYEMBE L. , filed a petition in the Superior Court of Gwinnett County on MARCH 4, 2015, to change the name from GRACIA ILONGA KAPETA to GRACE JESSICA KAPETA ILUNGA. Any interested party has the right to appear in this case and file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. Dated: ___ -s- Ntanga Kayembe Ntanga Kayembe 95 Bleeker Street Lawrenceville, GA 30044 916-248854, 4/9,16,23,30 SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 15A 02569-8 In re the Name Change of Child(ren) Eamin Pual Ealina Paul Eva Paul Ligy Jacob Plaintiff, vs. Paulprasad N. Sebastian SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 15A 02569-8 In re the Name Change of Child(ren) NAME CHANGES Eamin Pual Ealina Paul Eva Paul Ligy Jacob Plaintiff, vs. Paulprasad N. Sebastian Respondent NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME(S) OF MINOR CHILD(REN) First Name, Last Name, of Plaintiff/Petitioner filed a petition in the Superior Court of Gwinnett County on __, 20_ to change the name of the following minor child(ren) From: Eamin Paul to Eamin Jacob; Ealina Paul to Ealina Jacob Eva Paul to Eva Jacob. Any interested party has the right to appear in this case and file objections within the time prescribed in OCGA sec. 19-12-1(f)(2) and (3). Dated: 03/04/2015 -s- Ligy Jacob Petitioner, Pro se Ligy Jacob 236 Kenvilla Court Tucker, GA 30084 916-244745, 3/19,26,4/2,9 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 15A 03523-5 IN RE: In re: the Name Change of KARICK JAVAIYNE JOHNSON Petitioner. NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME Notice is hereby given that KARICK JAVAIYNE JOHNSON, by and through the undersigned, filed his Petition in the Superior Court of GWINNETT County, Georgia, on or about 3-25-15, praying for a change in name from KARICK JAVAIYNE JOHNSON TO KARICK JAVAIYNE KING. Notice is hereby given pursuant to law to any interested or affected party to appear in said Court and to file objections to such name change. Objections must be filed with said Court within 30 days of the filing of the Petition for Name Change Name of KARICK JAVAIYNE JOHNSON. This 25th day of March, 2015. -s- JAMMIE TAIRE Georgia State Bar No. 660640 Attorney for Petitioner 175 Langley Drive Suite D-3 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 (770)339-1818 916-247367, 4/2,9,16,23 SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA Civil Action Case Number 15A 03376-8 In re the Name Change of: Esther D. Herron, Petitioner. NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME OF ADULT Esther Dingwall Herron, filed a petition in the Superior Court of Gwinnett County on March 23th, 2015, to change the name from Esther Dingwall Herron to Lupu Gina Gbassagee King. Any interested party has the right to appear in this case and file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. Dated: 03/23/2015 Esther Herron Petitioner, Pro se Esther D. Herron 865 Regency Ct. Lawrenceville, GA 30044 916-247479, 4/2,9,16,23 SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA Civil Action Case Number 15A 03221-2 In re the Name Change of: Candace Anne Saxon Petitioner. NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME OF ADULT Candace Anne Saxon filed a petition in the Superior Court of Gwinnett County on March 15, 2015, to change the name from Candace Anne Saxon to Candace Saxon Koon. Any interested party has the right to appear in this case and file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. Dated:March 3, 2015 -s- Candace Anne Saxon Petitioner Pro se Candace Anne Saxon Candace Saxon Koon (Corrected) 300 Ecarte Ct. Sw Lilburn, GA 30047 916-246338, 3/26,4/2,9,16 SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA Civil Action Case Number 15A 02793-6 In re the Name Change of: ASTRID JORGE Petitioner. AMENDED NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME OF ADULT ASTRID JORGE filed a petition in the Superior Court of Gwinnett County on 03/16, 2015, to change the name from ASTRID JORGE TO ASTRID LA ROTTA. Any interested party has the right to appear in this case and file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. Dated:3/16/2015 -s- ASTRID JORGE Petitioner Pro se ASTRID JORGE 3590 FOREST GLEN TRL LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30044 916-246347, 3/26,4/2,9,16 SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA Civil Action Case Number 15A 02863-6 In re the Name Change of: Cynthia Lee Lawrence, Petitioner. NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME OF ADULT Cynthia Lee Lawrence, filed a petition in the Superior Court of Gwinnett County on March 10, 2015, to change the name from Cynthia Lee Lawrence to Cynthia Lawrence-Yedvab. Any interested party has the right to appear in this case and file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. Dated: 3/9/15 -s- Cynthia Lawrence Petitioner Pro se Cynthia Lawrence 1157 Clear Stream Ridge Auburn, GA 30011 916-244749, 3/19,26,4/2,9 SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA Civil Action Case Number 15A 03505-3 In re the Name Change of: NATALIJA LAZOVSKA, Petitioner. NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME OF ADULT Natalija Lazovska, filed a petition in the Superior Court of Gwinnett County on 03/25, 2015, to change the name fromNATALIJA LAZOVSKA TO NATALYA LAZOWSKA. Any interested party has the right to appear in this case and file objections within 30 days after the Petition was filed. Dated: 3-25-2015 Petitioner. ing for change in the name NOTICE OF PETITION NOTICE OF PETITION of Petitioner from RANDALL TO CHANGE NAME TO CHANGE NAME WILLIAM McHENRY to RANOF ADULT OF ADULT DALL WILLIAM THRASH. Tracy R. Robinson, filed Natalija Lazovska, filed a NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN a petition in the Superior petition in the Superior Court to 2015 law to any inpursuant 9, County on APRIL Court of •Gwinnett WWW.GWINNETTDAILYPOST.COM THURSDAY, • C5 of Gwinnett County on 03/25, or affected party to terested April 2, 2015, to change the 2015, to change the name appear in said Court and to name from Tracy Rochelle fromNATALIJA LAZOVSKA objections to such name file NAME Tracy Rochelle Robinson CHANGES CHANGES NAME CHANGES NAMEtoCHANGES NATALYA LAZOWSKA. TO NAME change. Objections must be Rawlins. Any interested parAny interested party has the filed with said Court within ty has the right to appear in right to appear in this case 30 days of the filing of said this case and file objections IN THE and file objections within 30 Notice. within 30 days after the PetiSUPERIOR COURT OF days after the Petition was This the 2nd day of March, tion was filed. GWINNETT COUNTY filed. 2015. Dated: April 2, 2015 STATE OF GEORGIA Dated: 3-25-2015 KAINE LAW, LLC -s- Tracy R. Robinson CIVIL ACTION FILE -s- N. Lazovska -sPetitioner, Pro se NO. 15A 02790-4 Petitioner Pro se Tammy M. Holcomb, Tracy R. Robinson IN RE: Natalija Lazovska GA Bar No.: 345411 2575 Rosedale Road In re: the Name Change of 909 GLENLEAF DR., Attorney for the Petitioner Snellville, GA 30078 Kaycee Nguyen Norcross, GA 30092 1200 Ashwood Parkway 916-248851, 4/9,16,23,30 Petitioner. 916-247416, 4/2,9,16,23 Suite 110 NOTICE OF PETITION COURT OF SUPERIOR Atlanta, Georgia 30338 TO CHANGE NAME COUNTY GWINNETT Tel: (404) 214-2001 Notice is hereby given that SUPERIOR COURT OF STATE OF GEORGIA 916-246353, 3/26,4/2,9,16 Kaycee Nguyen, by and GWINNETT COUNTY Action Case Number Civil through the undersigned, STATE OF GEORGIA 15A 03032-3 filed her Petition for Name Civil Action Case Number SUPERIOR COURT OF In re the Name Change of: Change of Adult in the Su14A 09726-6 GWINNETT COUNTY Lashaunia Robinson perior Court of Gwinnett In re the Name Change of: STATE OF GEORGIA Petitioner, County, Georgia, on or about YOLANDA LIVSEY BRYANT Civil Action Case Number OF PETITION NOTICE March 06, 2015, praying for Petitioner. 03475-9 15A TO CHANGE NAME a change in name from KayNOTICE OF PETITION In re the Name Change of: OF ADULT cee Lien Ngo Nguyen to KC TO CHANGE NAME Angel Ethel Sellars, action was filed in the An Lien Ngo. OF ADULT Petitioner. Superior court of Gwinnett Notice is hereby given purYOLANDA LIVSEY BRYANT NOTICE OF PETITION County on March 11, 2015, suant to law to any interested filed a petition in the GwinTO CHANGE NAME to change the Petitioner’s or affected party to appear in nett County Superior Court OF ADULT name from Lashaunia Robsaid Court and to file objecon the 28th day of October, Angel Ethel Sellars, filed a to Lashaunia Hudson. inson tions to such name change. 2014, to change the name in the Superior Court petition Any interested party has the Objections must be filed with from YOLANDA LIVSEY BRYof Gwinnett County on 03/24, right to appear in this case said Court within 30 days of ANT to YOLANDAYEVETTE 2015, to change the name and file objections within 30 the filing of the Petition for LIVSEY. Any interested party from Angel Ethel Sellars to days after the Petition was Name Change of Adult. has the right to appear in Angel Ethel Tyler. Any interfiled. This 6th day of March, this case and file objections ested party has the right to Dated: 3-11-15 2015. within 30 days after the Petiappear in this case and file -s- Lashaunia Robinson -s- Philip Kim tion was filed. objections within 30 days afPro se Petitioner Philip Kim This the 23rd day of Octoter the Petition was filed. Lashaunia Robinson Georgia State Bar No. ber, 2014. Dated: 3/24/15 2702 Haynescrest Dr. 253851 Respectfully submitted, -s- Angel Sellars Grayson, GA 30017 PHILIP KIM LAW, P.C. -s- Lisa K. Liang Petitioner Pro se 770-906-3956 Attorney for Petitioner Georgia Bar No. 147098 Angel Sellars lashauniah@yahoo.com 368 west Pike Street, STE Attorney for the Petitioner 1524 Season’s Parkway, 916-244761, 3/19,26,4/2,9 203 Atlanta Legal Aid Society, Inc. Norcross, GA 30093 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 151 Spring Street NW 916-247422, 4/2,9,16,23 COURT OF SUPERIOR 678-273-3500 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-2097 GWINNETT COUNTY 678-273-3501-fax (404)614-3971 (direct) SUPERIOR COURT OF OF GEORGIA STATE pk@philipkimlaw.com (404)614-3981 (Fax) GWINNETT COUNTY Civil Action Case Number 916-244759, 3/19,26,4/2,9 916-246055, 3/26,4/2,9,16 STATE OF GEORGIA 15A 03353 2 Civil Action Case Number In re the Name Change of: SUPERIOR COURT OF 15A 02852 6 Clark Mayef Sayer, SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY In re the Name Change of: Petitioner. GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA Myrna Pride NOTICE OF PETITION STATE OF GEORGIA Civil Action Case Number Petitioner, TO CHANGE NAME CIVIL ACTION FILE 15A-03798-2 NOTICE OF PETITION OF ADULT NO. 15-A-02591-9 In re the Name Change of: TO CHANGE NAME Clark Nayef Sayer, filed a In re the Name Change of M’Mah Noba Lloyd, OF ADULT petition in the Superior Court Child(ren) Petitioner. An action was filed in the of Gwinnett County on March Michael O Colliar NOTICE OF PETITION Superior court of Gwin20th, 2015, to change the Matthew R. Collier TO CHANGE NAME nett County on 3-10-15, to name fromClark Nayef Sayer Lashaunda E. Mayfield OF ADULT change the Petitioner’s name to Nayefi Isaac Sayar. Any Plaintiff, M’Mah Noba Lloyol, filed from Myrna Pride to Myrna interested party has the right vs. a petition in the Superior Warren. Any interested party to appear in this case and file __ Court of Gwinnett County has the right to appear in objections within 30 days afRespondent on April 1, 2015, to change this case and file objections ter the Petition was filed. NOTICE OF PETITION the name from M’Mah Noba within 30 days after the PetiDated: March 20th, 2015 TO CHANGE NAME(S) Lloyd to M’Mah Noba. Any tion was filed. Clark Nayef Sayer OF MINOR CHILD(REN) interested party has the right Dated: February 26, 2015 5336 Creek Branch Ct. Lashaunde E. Mayfield filed to appear in this case and file -s- Myrna Pride Norcross, GA 30071 a petition in the Superior objections within 30 days afPetitioner Pro se 916-247446, 4/2,9,16,23 Court of Gwinnett County on ter the Petition was filed. Myrna Pride March 11, 2015 to change Dated: 265 Springbottom Dr. IN THE the name of the following -s- M’Mah N Lloyd Lawrenceville,GA 30046 COURT OF SUPERIOR minor child(ren) Petitioner, Pro se 804-931-1636 GWINNETT COUNTY From: Michael O Colliar to M’Mah Noba Lloyd MyrnaPride96@gmail.com STATE OF GEORGIA Michael O Mayfield; Mat3360 Grand Central Drive 916-244762, 3/19,26,4/2,9 ACTION FILE CIVIL thew R Collier to Matthew Snellville, GA 30078 NO. 15A-02564-2 R. Mayfield. Any interested 916-248848, 4/9,16,23,30 SUPERIOR COURT OF IN RE: party has the right to apGWINNETT COUNTY VINEETHA LOKESH, pear in this case and file SUPERIOR COURT OF STATE OF GEORGIA Petitioner objections within the time GWINNETT COUNTY Civil Action Case Number NOTICE OF PETITION prescribed in OCGA sec. 19STATE OF GEORGIA 15A 03385-1 TO CHANGE NAME 12-1(f)(2)and (3). Civil Action Case Number In re the Name Change of: Notice is hereby given that Dated: 3-11-15 15A 03160-1 Leybel Rhadharani WaterLokesh, the PetiVineetha -s- L. Mayfield In re the Name Change of: man, tioner, filed this petition to the Petitioner, Pro se Dawn Levermore Petitioner. Superior Court of Gwinnett Lashaunda Mayfield Petitioner. NOTICE OF PETITION County, Georgia on the 27th 401 Natalie Dr. NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME of February 2015, prayday Lawrenceville, GA 30043 TO CHANGE NAME OF ADULT ing for a change in the name 916-244747, 3/19,26,4/2,9 OF ADULT Leybel Rhadharani Waterof petitioner from Vineetha Dawn Levermore filed a man, filed a petition in the Lokesh to Vineetha L.N. petition in the Superior Court Superior Court of Gwinnett SUPERIOR COURT OF Shivanna. Notice is hereby of Gwinnett County on March County on March 23th, 2015, GWINNETT COUNTY given pursuant to law to any 16, 2015, to change the to change the name fromLeySTATE OF GEORGIA interested or affected party to from Dawn A. Levername bel Rhadharani Waterman Civil Action Case Number appear in said Court and to to Dawn A. Noel. Any more to Leybel Medina Water15A 03070-8 file objections to such name interested party has the right man. Any interested party In re the Name Change of: change. Objections must be appear in this case and file to has the right to appear in this Xuan Diem Thu Mong, filed with said Court within objections within 30 days afcase and file objections withPetitioner. 30 days of the filing of said the Petition was filed. ter in 30 days after the Petition NOTICE OF PETITION petition. 16, 2015 Dated:March was filed. TO CHANGE NAME This 27 day of Feb, 2015. -s- Dawn A. Levermore Dated: March 23th, 2015 OF ADULT -s- Lindsey R. Harrison Petitioner Pro se Leybel Rhadharani WaterXuan Diem Thi Mong, filed Spooner & Associates, P.C. Dawn A. Levermore man a petition in the Superior Georgia Bar No. 805492 2638 Heathrow Dr. 1618 Eric Circle Court of Gwinnett County on Attorney for Petitioner Lawrenceville, GA 30043 Lawrenceville, GA 30043 March 12, 2015, to change 3451 Lawrenceville-Suwanee 916-246342, 3/26,4/2,9,16 916-247454, 4/2,9,16,23 the name from Xuan Diem Rd., Ste. C Thi Mong to Kayla Xuan Suwanee, GA 30024 SUPERIOR COURT OF COURT OF SUPERIOR Mong. Any interested party Phone (678) 714-1131 GWINNETT COUNTY GWINNETT COUNTY has the right to appear in Fax (678) 714-5391 STATE OF GEORGIA OF GEORGIA STATE this case and file objections 916-244758, 3/19,26,4/2,9 Civil Action Case Number Civil Action Case Number within 30 days after the Peti15A-03285-8 15-A-02427-1 tion was filed. IN THE In re the Name Change of In re the Name Change of: Dated: 03/12/2015 SUPERIOR COURT OF Child(ren): Jose Manuel Zacariaz-s- Xuan Diem Thi Mong GWINNETT COUNTY Katie Lea Weaver, Ramirez Petitioner Pro se STATE OF GEORGIA Petitioner, Petitioner, Xuan Diem Thi Mong CIVIL ACTION FILE vs. NOTICE OF PETITION 1959 Riverlanding Circle NO. 15A 02567-2 Thomas Justin Rivers TO CHANGE NAME Lawrenceville, GA 30046 IN RE: Respondent ADULT OF 916-244756, 3/19,26,4/2,9 NEHA LOKESH, NOTICE OF PETITION An action was filed in the a minor child, born in 2009, TO CHANGE NAME(S) Superior court of Gwinnett VINEETHA LOKESH AND OF MINOR CHILDREN County on February 27, SUPERIOR COURT OF LOKESH SHIVANNA, Petitioner filed a peti2015, to change the PetitionGWINNETT COUNTY Petitioners. tion in the Superior Court of er’s name from Jose Manuel STATE OF GEORGIA NOTICE OF PETITION Gwinnett County on March Zacariaz-Ramirez to Jose CIVIL ACTION FILE TO CHANGE NAME 19 , 2015, to change the Manuel Nolasco-Ramirez. NO. 15A 03140-1 Notice is hereby given that name(s) of the following miAny interested party has the In re the Name Change of Vineetha Lokesh and Lokesh nor child(ren) from: Adella right to appear in this case Child(ren) Shivanna, the Petitioners, Lynn Rivers to Adella Lynn and file objections within 30 Mikkel George-Thomas filed this petition on behalf of Weaver. Any interested party days after the Petition was Moore their daughter, a minor child, has the right to appear in filed. Tommi A. Moore Neha Lokesh, to the Superior this case and file objections Dated: March 10, 2015 Plaintiff, Court of Gwinnett County, within the time prescribed -s- Glenn E. Cooper v. Georgia on the 27th day in O.C.G.A. §§ 19-12-1(f)(2) Attorney George T. Moore of February 2015, praying and (3). Petitioner Pro se Respondent for a change in the name of Dated: 3-23-15 Attorney Glenn E. Cooper NOTICE OF PETITION petitioner from Neha Lokesh -s- Thomas Westbury Esq. 5855 Jimmy Carter Blvd., TO CHANGE NAME(S) to Neha L.N. Shivanna. NoThomas Westbury #155 OF MINOR CHILD(REN) tice is hereby given pursuant Petitioner, Pro se Norcross, Georgia 30071 Tommi A. Moore filed a to law to any interested or af479-E. Paces Ferry RD. 770-441-5558 petition in the Superior fected party to appear in said Atlanta, GA 30305 Glenn@glennecooper.com Court of Gwinnett County Court and to file objections to Bar #749630 916-244760, 3/19,26,4/2,9 on __, 20__ to change the such name change. Objec916-247400, 4/2,9,16,23 name of the following minor tions must be filed with said SUPERIOR COURT OF child(ren) Court within 30 days of the SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY From: George-Thomas filing of said petition. GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA Mikkel Moore to GT Mikkel This 27 day of Feb, 2015. STATE OF GEORGIA Civil Action Case Number Moore. Any interested party -s- Lindsey R. Harrison Civil Action Case Number 15A 03203-6 has the right to appear in Spooner & Associates, P.C. 15A 02835-5 In re the Name Change of: this case and file objections Georgia Bar No. 805492 In re the Name Change of: Kirk Beckles within the time prescribed Attorney for Petitioner Robert Wysocki, Petitioner. in OCGA sec. 19-12-1(f)(2) 3451 Lawrenceville-Suwanee Petitioner. NOTICE OF PETITION and (3). Rd., Ste. C NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME Dated: March 16, 2015 Suwanee, GA 30024 TO CHANGE NAME OF ADULT -s- Tommi A. Moore Phone (678) 714-1131 OF ADULT Kirk Beckles filed a petiPetitioner, Pro se Fax (678) 714-5391 Robert Wysocki, filed a tion in the Superior Court 3325 Maple Terrace Dr. 916-244757, 3/19,26,4/2,9 petition in the Superior Court of Gwinnett County on __, Suwanee, GA 30024 of Gwinnett County on March 2015, to change the name 916-246348, 3/26,4/2,9,16 SUPERIOR COURT OF 9, 2015, to change the name from Kirk Beckles to Kirk GWINNETT COUNTY from Robert Lee Wysocki to Parham. Any interested parSTATE OF GEORGIA SUPERIOR COURT OF Robert Lee Williams. Any ty has the right to appear in Civil Action Case Number GWINNETT COUNTY interested party has the right this case and file objections 15A-03234-5 STATE OF GEORGIA to appear in this case and file within 30 days after the PetiIn re the Name Change of Civil Action Case Number objections within 30 days aftion was filed. Child(ren): 15-A-03039-9 ter the Petition was filed. Dated: 3/17/2015 Michael Sherrod Teemer In re the Name Change of: Dated: 3-9-2015 -s- Kirk Beckles Rodrick Teemer, Barbara Dianne Millspaugh -s- Robert Wysocki Petitioner Pro se Petitioner, Waggoner Moreno, Petitioner Pro se Kirk Beckles vs. Petitioner. Robert Wysocki 2011 Appaloosa Mill Circle __ NOTICE OF PETITION 1002 Gather Drive Buford, GA 30519 Respondent TO CHANGE NAME Lawrenceville, GA 30093 916-246341, 3/26,4/2,9,16 NOTICE OF PETITION OF ADDULT 916-244752, 3/19,26,4/2,9 TO CHANGE NAME(S) Barbara Dianne Millspaugh SUPERIOR COURT OF OF MINOR CHILDREN SUPERIOR COURT OF Waggoner Moreno, filed a GWINNETT COUNTY Rodrick Teemer filed a GWINNETT COUNTY petition in the Superior Court STATE OF GEORGIA petition in the Superior Court STATE OF GEORGIA of Gwinnett County on March Civil Action Case Number of Gwinnett County on AuCivil Action Case Number 11, 2015, to change the name 15-A-03132-5 gust 18 , 2015, to change 15A 02864-6 from Barbara Dianne MillIn re the Name Change of: the name(s) of the following In re the Name Change of: spaugh Waggoner Moreno MERYLUZ PINEDA, minor child(ren) from: MiShlomo Paz, to Diane W. Moreno. Any Petitioner. chael Sherrod Teemer to Petitioner. interested party has the right NOTICE OF PETITION Sherrod Deon Teemer. Any NOTICE OF PETITION to appear in this case and file TO CHANGE NAME interested party has the right TO CHANGE NAME objections within 30 days afOF ADULT to appear in this case and file OF ADULT ter the Petition was filed. An action was filed in the objections within the time Shlomo Paz, filed a petiDated: 3/17/15 Superior Court of Gwinprescribed in O.C.G.A. §§ 19tion in the Superior Court of -s- Barbara Dianne Millnett County on MARCH 13, 12-1(f)(2) and (3). Gwinnett County on March spaugh Waggoner Moreno 2015, to change the name Dated: 3-18-15 10, 2015, to change the Petitioner Pro se from MERYLUZ PINEDA to -s- Rodrick Teemer name from Shlomo Paz to Barbara Dianne Millspaugh AIDAN JOSUE PINEDA. Any Petitioner, Pro se Shlomo Yedvab. Any interWaggoner Moreno interested party has the right 1423 Cooper Gayle Dr. ested party has the right to 4206 High Street to appear in this case and file Snellville, GA 30078 appear in this case and file Buford, GA 30518 objections within 30 days af916-247398, 4/2,9,16,23 objections within 30 days af916-247428, 4/2,9,16,23 ter the Petition was filed. ter the Petition was filed. Dated: 3-23-15 IN THE Dated: 3/10/15 -s- Meryluz Pineda NOTICE OF PETITION TO SUPERIOR COURT OF -s- Shlomo Paz Petitioner, Pro se CHANGE NAME GWINNETT COUNTY Petitioner Pro se MERYLUZ PINEDA CIVIL ACTION 15-A-02556-1 STATE OF GEORGIA Shlomo Paz 80 CABOOSE COURT GWINNETT COUNTY FAMILY DIVISION 1157 Clear Stream Ridge LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30044 STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION FILE Auburn, GA 30011 916-248848, 4/9,16,23,30 Notice is hereby given 15A 02754-7 916-244751, 3/19,26,4/2,9 that a petition has been filed IN RE THE NAME CHANGE SUPERIOR COURT OF on behalf of CAILYN MIOF GWINNETT COUNTY PROBATE COURT CHELLE WHITEHEAD, in the RANDALL WILLIAM McHENSTATE OF GEORGIA ADMINISTRATION Superior Court of Gwinnett RY, Civil Action Case Number County, Georgia on the 3rd Petitioner 15A-03840-6 day of March, 2015, praying NOTICE OF PETITION IN THE PROBATE COURT In re the Name Change of: for a change in the name of TO CHANGE NAME COUNTY OF GWINNETT Tracy R. Robinson, the petitioner from CAILYN OF AN ADULT STATE OF GEORGIA Petitioner. MICHELLE WHITEHEAD to ESTATE NO. 15-E-000348 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE OF PETITION CAILYN MICHELE MOSS. IN RE: ESTATE OF JARIRUS that RANDALL WILLIAM TO CHANGE NAME Notice is hereby given pursuBANARD ADAMS, McHENRY filed her PetiOF ADULT ant to law to any interested DECEASED tion in the Superior Court of Tracy R. Robinson, filed or affected party to appear in PETITION FOR LETTERS Gwinnett County, Georgia on a petition in the Superior said Court and to file objecOF ADMINISTRATION the __ day of __, 2015, prayCourt of Gwinnett County on tions to such name change. NOTICE ing for change in the name April 2, 2015, to change the objections must be filed with TO: ALL THE BENEFICIARIES of Petitioner from RANDALL name from Tracy Rochelle said Court within 30 days of UNDER THE WILL OF SAID WILLIAM McHENRY to RANRobinson to Tracy Rochelle the filing of said petition. DECEDENT AND ALL INDALL WILLIAM THRASH. Rawlins. Any interested parBallard, Stephenson & WaTERESTED PARTIES AND TO NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ty has the right to appear in ters, PC WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: pursuant to law to any inthis case and file objections 1141 Clark Street terested or affected party to MELISSA MICHELE within 30 days after the PetiP.O. Box 29 appear in said Court and to ADAIR, has petitioned to be tion was filed. Covington, Georgia 30015 file objections to such name appointed Administrator of Dated: April 2, 2015 770/786-8123 change. Objections must be the estate of JARIRUS BA-s- Tracy R. Robinson 916-247386, 4/2,9,16,23 filed with said Court within NARD ADAMS, deceased, of Petitioner, Pro se 30 days of the filing of said said County. The Petitioner Tracy R. Robinson Notice. has also applied for waiver of 2575 Rosedale Road This the 2nd day of March, bond and/or grant of certain Snellville, GA 30078 2015. powers contained in O.C.G.A. OF ADMINISTRATION plied for waiver of bond unless you qualify to file as 0409 GDP THURS LEGALS_Classifieds 4/7/2015 7:36ofPM NOTICE and/or grant certainPage pow- C6 an indigent party. Contact TO: ALL THE BENEFICIARIES ers contained in O.C.G.A. probate court personnel at UNDER THE WILL OF SAID §53-12-261. All interested the following address/teleDECEDENT AND ALL INparties are hereby notified phone number for the rePARTIES AND TOAPRIL TERESTED to show cause why said peof •filing fees. quired9,amount C6 • THURSDAY, 2015 WWW.GWINNETTDAILYPOST.COM WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: tition should not be granted. If any objections are filed, a MICHELE MELISSA All objections to the petition hearing will be scheduled at COURT COURT COURT PROBATE PROBATE PROBATE PROBATE COURT has petitioned to be ADAIR, must be in writing, setting a later date. If no objections Administrator of appointed ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION forth the grounds of any filed, the petition may be areADMINISTRATION the estate of JARIRUS BAsuch objections, and must granted without a hearing. NARD ADAMS, deceased, of be filed with the court on or CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR IN THE PROBATE COURT said County. The Petitioner before APRIL 27, 2015. All Judge of the Probate Court COUNTY OF GWINNETT has also applied for waiver of pleadings/objections must By:-s- SYDNEY BOSTWICK STATE OF GEORGIA bond and/or grant of certain be signed under oath before Clerk/Deputy Clerk ESTATE NO. 15-E-000334 powers contained in O.C.G.A. a notary public or before a of the Probate IN RE: ESTATE OF PAMELA §53-12-261. All interested probate court clerk, and filing 75 LANGLEY DRIVE ANN FARLEY, parties are hereby notified fees must be tendered with LAWRENCEVILLE GA DECEASED to show cause why said peyour pleadings/objections, 30046 PETITION FOR LETTERS tition should not be granted. unless you qualify to file as 770-822-8265 OF ADMINISTRATION All objections to the petition an indigent party. Contact 919-246036, 3/26,4/2,9,16 NOTICE must be in writing, setting probate court personnel at TO: ALL HEIRS AND INforth the grounds of any IN THE PROBATE COURT the following address/teleTERESTED PERSON IN THE such objections, and must COUNTY OF GWINNETT phone number for the reESTATE OF PAMELA ANN be filed with the court on or STATE OF GEORGIA quired amount of filing fees. FARLEY: before APRIL 27, 2015. All ESTATE NO. 04-E-000139 If any objections are filed, a TAKITA FARLEY, has pepleadings/objections must IN RE: ESTATE OF hearing will be scheduled at titioned to be appointed be signed under oath before CARL WALTER ARENDALL, a later date. If no objections Administrator of the estate a notary public or before a DECEASED are filed, the petition may be of PAMELA ANN FARLEY, probate court clerk, and filing PETITION FOR LETTERS granted without a hearing. deceased, of said County. fees must be tendered with OF ADMINISTRATION CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR The Petitioner has also apyour pleadings/objections, NOTICE Judge of the Probate Court plied for waiver of bond unless you qualify to file as TO: ALL INTERESTED PARBy:-s- BARBARA LOGSDON and/or grant of certain powan indigent party. Contact TIES IN THE ESTATE OF Clerk/Deputy Clerk ers contained in O.C.G.A. probate court personnel at CARL WALTER ARENDALL: of the Probate §53-12-261. All interested the following address/teleREMBERT LAWSON OLI75 LANGLEY DRIVE parties are hereby notified phone number for the reVER, JR, has petitioned to LAWRENCEVILLE GA to show cause why said pequired amount of filing fees. be appointed Administrator 30046 tition should not be granted. If any objections are filed, a of the estate of CARL WAL770-822-8350 All objections to the petition hearing will be scheduled at TER ARENDALL, deceased, 919-247307, 4/2,9,16,23 must be in writing, setting a later date. If no objections of said County. The Petitioner forth the grounds of any are filed, the petition may be IN THE PROBATE COURT has also applied for waiver of such objections, and must granted without a hearing. COUNTY OF GWINNETT bond and/or grant of certain be filed with the court on or CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR STATE OF GEORGIA powers contained in O.C.G.A. before APRIL 27, 2015. All Judge of the Probate Court ESTATE NO. 15-E-000376 §53-12-261. All interested pleadings/objections must By:-s- SYDNEY BOSTWICK IN RE: ESTATE OF parties are hereby notified to be signed under oath before Clerk/Deputy Clerk MARY KATHERINE BUIE, show cause why said petition a notary public or before a of the Probate DECEASED should not be granted. All obprobate court clerk, and filing 75 LANGLEY DRIVE PETITION FOR LETTERS jections to the petition must fees must be tendered with LAWRENCEVILLE GA OF ADMINISTRATION be in writing, setting forth the your pleadings/objections, 30046 NOTICE grounds of any such objecunless you qualify to file as 770-822-8265 TO: ALL INTERESTED PARtions, and must be filed with an indigent party. Contact 919-247270, 4/2,9,16,23 TIES AND TO WHOM IT MAY the court on or before MAY probate court personnel at CONCERN IN THE ESTATE OF 4, 2015. All pleadings/objecthe following address/teleMARY KATHERINE BUIE: tions must be signed under phone number for the reIN THE PROBATE COURT KAREN PRICE, has peoath before a notary public quired amount of filing fees. COUNTY OF GWINNETT titioned to be appointed or before a probate court If any objections are filed, a STATE OF GEORGIA Administrator of the estate clerk, and filing fees must hearing will be scheduled at ESTATE NO. 15-E-000379 of MARY KATHERINE BUIE, be tendered with your pleada later date. If no objections IN RE: ESTATE OF deceased, of said County. ings/objections, unless you are filed, the petition may be AL GIBSON ADAMS, JR., The Petitioner has also apqualify to file as an indigent granted without a hearing. DECEASED plied for waiver of bond party. Contact probate court CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR PETITION FOR LETTERS and/or grant of certain powpersonnel at the following Judge of the Probate Court OF ADMINISTRATION ers contained in O.C.G.A. address/telephone number By:-s- BARBARA LOGSDON NOTICE §53-12-261. All interested for the required amount of Clerk/Deputy Clerk TO: All heirs and interested parties are hereby notified filing fees. If any objections of the Probate parties of the Estate of AL to show cause why said peare filed, a hearing will be 75 LANGLEY DRIVE GIBSON ADAMS, JR.: tition should not be granted. scheduled at a later date. If LAWRENCEVILLE GA AL DAVID ADAMS, has All objections to the petition no objections are filed, the 30046 petitioned to be appointed must be in writing, setting petition may be granted with770-822-8350 Administrator of the estate forth the grounds of any out a hearing. 919-247310, 4/2,9,16,23 of AL GIBSON ADAMS, JR., such objections, and must CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR deceased, of said County. be filed with the court on or Judge of the Probate Court The Petitioner has also apIN THE PROBATE COURT before APRIL 20, 2015. All By:-s- BONNIE CUSHING plied for waiver of bond COUNTY OF GWINNETT pleadings/objections must Clerk/Deputy Clerk and/or grant of certain powSTATE OF GEORGIA be signed under oath before of the Probate ers contained in O.C.G.A. ESTATE NO. 15-E-000336 a notary public or before a 75 LANGLEY DRIVE §53-12-261. All interested IN RE: ESTATE OF court clerk, and filing probate LAWRENCEVILLE GA parties are hereby notified MARK JOSEPH FITZPATfees must be tendered with 30046 to show cause why said peRICK, your pleadings/objections, 770-822-8350 tition should not be granted. DECEASED unless you qualify to file as 919-248667, 4/9,16,23,30 All objections to the petition PETITION FOR LETTERS an indigent party. Contact must be in writing, setting OF ADMINISTRATION IN THE PROBATE COURT probate court personnel at forth the grounds of any NOTICE COUNTY OF GWINNETT the following address/telesuch objections, and must TO: All heirs and interSTATE OF GEORGIA phone number for the rebe filed with the court on or ested parties of the Estate of ESTATE NO. 15-E-000153 quired amount of filing fees. before APRIL 20, 2015. All MARK JOSEPH FITZPATRICK IN RE: ESTATE OF If any objections are filed, a pleadings/objections must JOAN FITZPATRICK, has ALAN M. BAGULLY, hearing will be scheduled at be signed under oath before petitioned to be appointed DECEASED a later date. If no objections a notary public or before a Administrator of the estate PETITION FOR LETTERS are filed, the petition may be probate court clerk, and filing of MARK JOSEPH FITZPATOF ADMINISTRATION granted without a hearing. fees must be tendered with RICK, deceased, of said NOTICE CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR your pleadings/objections, County. The Petitioner has TO: ALL HEIRS AND INTERJudge of the Probate Court unless you qualify to file as also applied for waiver of ESTED PERSON IN THE ESBy:-s- BONNIE CUSHING an indigent party. Contact bond and/or grant of certain TATE OF ALAN M. BAGULLY: Clerk/Deputy Clerk probate court personnel at powers contained in O.C.G.A. MIRIAM ANITA BAGULLY, of the Probate the following address/tele§53-12-261. All interested has petitioned to be ap75 LANGLEY DRIVE phone number for the reparties are hereby notified pointed Administrator of the LAWRENCEVILLE GA quired amount of filing fees. to show cause why said peestate of ALAN M. BAGULLY, 30046 If any objections are filed, a tition should not be granted. deceased, of said County. 770-822-8265 hearing will be scheduled at All objections to the petition The Petitioner has also ap919-246057, 3/26,4/2,9,16 a later date. If no objections must be in writing, setting plied for waiver of bond and/ are filed, the petition may be IN THE PROBATE COURT forth the grounds of any or grant of certain powers granted without a hearing. COUNTY OF GWINNETT such objections, and must contained in O.C.G.A. §53CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR STATE OF GEORGIA be filed with the court on or 12-261. All interested parJudge of the Probate Court ESTATE NO. 15-E-000322 before APRIL 13, 2015. All ties are hereby notified to By:-s- BARBARA LOGSDON IN RE: ESTATE OF pleadings/objections must show cause why said petiClerk/Deputy Clerk MICHAEL H. CASTRO, be signed under oath before tion should not be granted. of the Probate DECEASED a notary public or before a All objections to the petition 75 LANGLEY DRIVE PETITION FOR LETTERS probate court clerk, and filing must be in writing, setting LAWRENCEVILLE GA OF ADMINISTRATION fees must be tendered with forth the grounds of any 30046 NOTICE your pleadings/objections, such objections, and must 770-822-8350 TO: ALL THE BENEFICIAunless you qualify to file as be filed with the court on or 919-246059, 3/26,4/2,9,16 RIES UNDER THE WILL OF an indigent party. Contact before APRIL 20, 2015. All SAID DECEDENT AND ALL probate court personnel at pleadings/objections must INTERESTED PARTIES AND the following address/telebe signed under oath before IN THE PROBATE COURT WHOM IT MAY CONTO phone number for the rea notary public or before a COUNTY OF GWINNETT CERN: quired amount of filing fees. court clerk, and filing probate STATE OF GEORGIA VERONICA CASTRO, has If any objections are filed, a fees must be tendered with ESTATE NO. 15-E-000072 petitioned to be appointed hearing will be scheduled at your pleadings/objections, IN RE: ESTATE OF Administrator of the estate a later date. If no objections unless you qualify to file as LEON AGNEW, of MICHAEL H. CASTRO, are filed, the petition may be an indigent party. Contact DECEASED deceased, of said County. without a hearing. granted court personnel at probate PETITION FOR LETTERS The Petitioner has also apCHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR the following address/teleOF ADMINISTRATION plied for waiver of bond Judge of the Probate Court phone number for the reNOTICE and/or grant of certain powBy:-s- BARBARA LOGSDON quired amount of filing fees. TO: ALL THE BENEFICIAers contained in O.C.G.A. Clerk/Deputy Clerk If any objections are filed, a RIES UNDER THE WILL OF §53-12-261. All interested of the Probate hearing will be scheduled at SAID DECEDENT AND ALL parties are hereby notified 75 LANGLEY DRIVE a later date. If no objections INTERESTED PARTIES AND to show cause why said peLAWRENCEVILLE GA are filed, the petition may be TO WHOM IT MAY CONtition should not be granted. 30046 granted without a hearing. CERN: All objections to the petition 770-822-8350 CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR CHRISTINE AGNEW has must be in writing, setting 919-244720, 3/19,26,4/2,9 Judge of the Probate Court petitioned to be appointed forth the grounds of any BONNIE CUSHING By:-sAdministrator of the estate IN THE PROBATE COURT such objections, and must Clerk/Deputy Clerk of LEON AGNEW, deceased, COUNTY OF GWINNETT be filed with the court on or of the Probate of said County. The Petitioner STATE OF GEORGIA before APRIL 13, 2015. All 75 LANGLEY DRIVE has also applied for waiver of ESTATE NO. 15-E-000377 pleadings/objections must LAWRENCEVILLE GA bond and/or grant of certain IN RE: ESTATE OF be signed under oath before 30046 powers contained in O.C.G.A. JEANETTE T. GORDON, a notary public or before a 770-822-8350 §53-12-261. All interested DECEASED probate court clerk, and filing 919-246056, 3/26,4/2,9,16 parties are hereby notified PETITION FOR LETTERS fees must be tendered with to show cause why said peOF ADMINISTRATION your pleadings/objections, IN THE PROBATE COURT tition should not be granted. NOTICE unless you qualify to file as COUNTY OF GWINNETT All objections to the petition TO: All heirs and interested an indigent party. Contact STATE OF GEORGIA must be in writing, setting parties of the Estate of JEAprobate court personnel at ESTATE NO. 15-E-000303 forth the grounds of any NETTE T. GORDON: the following address/teleIN RE: ESTATE OF such objections, and must DEBRA G. BURGAMY and phone number for the reHOMER FRANKLIN BLACK, be filed with the court on or MARK R. GORDON, has quired amount of filing fees. JR, before APRIL 13, 2015. All to be appointed petitioned If any objections are filed, a DECEASED pleadings/objections must Administrator of the estate hearing will be scheduled at PETITION FOR LETTERS be signed under oath before JEANETTE T. GORDON, of a later date. If no objections OF ADMINISTRATION a notary public or before a deceased, of said County. are filed, the petition may be NOTICE probate court clerk, and filing The Petitioner has also apgranted without a hearing. TO: ALL INTERESTED PARfees must be tendered with plied for waiver of bond CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR TIES AND TO WHOM IT MAY your pleadings/objections, and/or grant of certain powJudge of the Probate Court CONCERN IN THE ESTATE OF unless you qualify to file as ers contained in O.C.G.A. By:-sSydney Bostwick HOMER FRANKLIN BLACK, an indigent party. Contact §53-12-261. All interested Clerk/Deputy Clerk JR probate court personnel at parties are hereby notified of the Probate BEVERLY J. BLACK, has the following address/teleto show cause why said pe75 LANGLEY DRIVE petitioned to be appointed phone number for the retition should not be granted. LAWRENCEVILLE GA Administrator of the estate quired amount of filing fees. All objections to the petition 30046 of FRANKLIN BLACK, JR, If any objections are filed, a must be in writing, setting 770-822-8265 deceased, of said County. hearing will be scheduled at forth the grounds of any 919-244709, 3/19,26,4/2,9 The Petitioner has also apa later date. If no objections such objections, and must plied for waiver of bond are filed, the petition may be IN THE PROBATE COURT be filed with the court on or and/or grant of certain powgranted without a hearing. COUNTY OF GWINNETT before APRIL 20, 2015. All ers contained in O.C.G.A. CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR STATE OF GEORGIA must pleadings/objections §53-12-261. All interested Judge of the Probate Court ESTATE NO. 15-E-000027 be signed under oath before parties are hereby notified By:-s- SYDNEY BOSTWICK IN RE: ESTATE OF a notary public or before a to show cause why said peClerk/Deputy Clerk THOMAS LEE CLARK, probate court clerk, and filing tition should not be granted. of the Probate DECEASED fees must be tendered with All objections to the petition 75 LANGLEY DRIVE PETITION FOR LETTERS your pleadings/objections, must be in writing, setting LAWRENCEVILLE GA OF ADMINISTRATION unless you qualify to file as forth the grounds of any 30046 NOTICE an indigent party. Contact such objections, and must 770-822-8265 TO: ALL THE BENEFICIAprobate court personnel at be filed with the court on or 919-244711, 3/19,26,4/2,9 RIES UNDER THE WILL OF the following address/telebefore APRIL 13, 2015. All SAID DECEDENT AND ALL phone number for the repleadings/objections must INTERESTED PARTIES AND IN THE PROBATE COURT quired amount of filing fees. be signed under oath before TO WHOM IT MAY CONCOUNTY OF GWINNETT If any objections are filed, a a notary public or before a CERN: STATE OF GEORGIA hearing will be scheduled at probate court clerk, and filing MELISSA MODING LEE, ESTATE NO. 15-E-000282 a later date. If no objections fees must be tendered with has petitioned to be apIN RE: ESTATE OF are filed, the petition may be your pleadings/objections, pointed Administrator of VINCENT ANENE ANIAGOH, granted without a hearing. unless you qualify to file as the estate of THOMAS LEE DECEASED CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR an indigent party. Contact CLARK, deceased, of said PETITION FOR LETTERS Judge of the Probate Court probate court personnel at County. The Petitioner has OF ADMINISTRATION By:-s- BARBARA LOGSDON the following address/telealso applied for waiver of NOTICE Clerk/Deputy Clerk phone number for the rebond and/or grant of certain TO: ALL THE BENEFICIAof the Probate quired amount of filing fees. powers contained in O.C.G.A. RIES UNDER THE WILL OF 75 LANGLEY DRIVE If any objections are filed, a §53-12-261. All interested SAID DECEDENT AND ALL LAWRENCEVILLE GA hearing will be scheduled at parties are hereby notified INTERESTED PARTIES AND 30046 a later date. If no objections to show cause why said peTO WHOM IT MAY CON770-822-8265 are filed, the petition may be tition should not be granted. CERN: 919-246051, 3/26,4/2,9,16 granted without a hearing. All objections to the petition ROBERT IKENNA ANICHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR must be in writing, setting IN THE PROBATE COURT AGOH, has petitioned to be Judge of the Probate Court forth the grounds of any COUNTY OF GWINNETT appointed Administrator of By:-s- BONNIE CUSHING such objections, and must STATE OF GEORGIA the estate of VINCENT ANClerk/Deputy Clerk be filed with the court on or ESTATE NO. 15-E-000394 ENE ANIAGOH, deceased, of the Probate before APRIL 13, 2015. All IN RE: ESTATE OF of said County. The Petitioner 75 LANGLEY DRIVE pleadings/objections must DEBORAH MAE HENDRICKS, has also applied for waiver of LAWRENCEVILLE GA be signed under oath before DECEASED bond and/or grant of certain 30046 a notary public or before a PETITION FOR LETTERS powers contained in O.C.G.A. 770-822-8350 probate court clerk, and filing OF ADMINISTRATION §53-12-261. All interested 919-244718, 3/19,26,4/2,9 fees must be tendered with NOTICE parties are hereby notified your pleadings/objections, IN THE PROBATE COURT TO: All heirs and interested to show cause why said peunless you qualify to file as COUNTY OF GWINNETT parties of the Estate of DEBtition should not be granted. an indigent party. Contact STATE OF GEORGIA ORAH MAE HENDRICKS: All objections to the petition probate court personnel at ESTATE NO. 15-E-000419 DAVID O. HENDRICKS, must be in writing, setting the following address/teleIN RE: ESTATE OF SHARON has petitioned to be apforth the grounds of any phone number for the reROSE BROWN, pointed Administrator of the such objections, and must quired amount of filing fees. DECEASED estate of DEBORAH MAE be filed with the court on or If any objections are filed, a PETITION FOR LETTERS HENDRICKS, deceased, of before APRIL 20, 2015. All hearing will be scheduled at OF ADMINISTRATION said County. The Petitioner pleadings/objections must a later date. If no objections NOTICE has also applied for waiver of be signed under oath before are filed, the petition may be TO: ALL HEIRS AND INbond and/or grant of certain a notary public or before a granted without a hearing. TERESTED PERSON IN THE powers contained in O.C.G.A. probate court clerk, and filing CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR ESTATE OF SHARON ROSE §53-12-261. All interested fees must be tendered with Judge of the Probate Court BROWN: parties are hereby notified to your pleadings/objections, By:-sSYDNEY BOSTWICK TRACY LYNN EWERS, has show cause why said petition unless you qualify to file as Clerk/Deputy Clerk petitioned to be appointed should not be granted. All oban indigent party. Contact of the Probate Administrator of the estate jections to the petition must probate court personnel at 75 LANGLEY DRIVE of SHARON ROSE BROWN, be in writing, setting forth the the following address/teleLAWRENCEVILLE GA deceased, of said County. grounds of any such objecphone number for the re30046 The Petitioner has also aptions, and must be filed with quired amount of filing fees. 770-822-8265 plied for waiver of bond the court on or before MAY If any objections are filed, a 919-244713, 3/19,26,4/2,9 and/or grant of certain pow4, 2015. All pleadings/objechearing will be scheduled at ers contained in O.C.G.A. tions must be signed under a later date. If no objections §53-12-261. All interested oath before a notary public are filed, the petition may be parties are hereby notified or before a probate court granted without a hearing. to show cause why said peclerk, and filing fees must CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR tition should not be granted. be tendered with your pleadJudge of the Probate Court All objections to the petition ings/objections, unless you By:-s- SYDNEY BOSTWICK must be in writing, setting qualify to file as an indigent Clerk/Deputy Clerk forth the grounds of any party. Contact probate court of the Probate such objections, and must personnel at the following 75 LANGLEY DRIVE be filed with the court on or address/telephone number LAWRENCEVILLE GA before APRIL 27, 2015. All for the required amount of 30046 pleadings/objections must filing fees. If any objections 770-822-8265 be signed under oath before are filed, a hearing will be 919-246036, 3/26,4/2,9,16 the court on or before MAY 4, 2015. All pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a notary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, unless you PROBATE to file as COURT an indigent qualify ADMINISTRATION Contact probate court party. personnel at the following address/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hearing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing. CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR Judge of the Probate Court By:-s- BARBARA LOGSDON Clerk/Deputy Clerk of the Probate 75 LANGLEY DRIVE LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30046 770-822-8350 919-248663, 4/9,16,23,30 IN THE PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF GWINNETT STATE OF GEORGIA ESTATE NO. 15-E-000304 IN RE: ESTATE OF MARY ADRIENNE HIERS, DECEASED PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION NOTICE TO: ALL INTERESTED PARTIES IN THE ESTATE MARY ADRIENNE HIERS CHARLES W. HIERS, III has petitioned to be appointed Administrator of the estate of CHARLES W. HIERS, III, deceased, of said County. The Petitioner has also applied for waiver of bond and/or grant of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. §53-12-261. All interested parties are hereby notified to show cause why said petition should not be granted. All objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections, and must be filed with the court on or before APRIL 13, 2015. All pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a notary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court personnel at the following address/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hearing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing. CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR Judge of the Probate Court By:-s- BONNIE CUSHING Clerk/Deputy Clerk of the Probate 75 LANGLEY DRIVE LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30046 770-822-8350 919-244717, 3/19,26,4/2,9 IN THE PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF GWINNETT STATE OF GEORGIA ESTATE NO. 15-E-00004 IN RE: ESTATE OF HENRY DANIEL HISAW, DECEASED PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION NOTICE TO: ALL THE BENEFICIARIES UNDER THE WILL OF SAID DECEDENT AND ALL INTERESTED PARTIES AND TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN SHARON KAY HISAW, has petitioned to be appointed Administrator of the estate of HENRY DANIEL HISAW, deceased, of said County. The Petitioner has also applied for waiver of bond and/or grant of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. §53-12-261. All interested parties are hereby notified to show cause why said petition should not be granted. All objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections, and must be filed with the court on or before APRIL 13, 2015. All pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a notary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court personnel at the following address/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hearing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing. CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR Judge of the Probate Court By:-s- SYDNEY BOSTWICK Clerk/Deputy Clerk of the Probate 75 LANGLEY DRIVE LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30046 770-822-8265 919-244715, 3/19,26,4/2,9 IN THE PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF GWINNETT STATE OF GEORGIA ESTATE NO. 15-E-000410 IN RE: ESTATE OF GUYDELL EUGENE HORLOCK, DECEASED PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION NOTICE TO: DAVID M. ROGERS ALL THE BENEFICIARIES UNDER THE WILL OF SAID DECEDENT AND ALL INTERESTED PARTIES AND TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: JOHN DRISCOLL HORLOCK, III, has petitioned to be appointed Administrator of the estate of GUYDELL EUGENE HORLOCK, deceased, of said County. The Petitioner has also applied for waiver of bond and/or grant of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. §53-12-261. All interested parties are hereby notified to show cause why said petition should not be granted. All objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections, and must be filed with the court on or before APRIL 27, 2015. All pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a notary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court personnel at the following address/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hearing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing. CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR Judge of the Probate Court By:-s- SYDNEY BOSTWICK Clerk/Deputy Clerk of the Probate 75 LANGLEY DRIVE LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30046 770-822-8265 919-247280, 4/2,9,16,23 IN THE PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF GWINNETT STATE OF GEORGIA ESTATE NO. 15-E-000354 IN RE: ESTATE OF FAWZIA JAMSHIDI, DECEASED PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION NOTICE TO: ALL INTERESTED PARTIES IN THE ESTATE OF FAWZIA JAMSHIDI: AZIZULLAH JAMSHIDI, has petitioned to be appointed Administrator of the estate of FAWZIA JAMSHIDI, deceased, of said County. The Petitioner has also applied for waiver of bond and/ or grant of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. §5312-261. All interested parties are hereby notified to show cause why said petition NOTICE TO: ALL INTERESTED PARTIES IN THE ESTATE OF FAWZIA JAMSHIDI: JAMSHIDI, AZIZULLAH has petitioned to be appointed Administrator of the estate of FAWZIA JAMSHIDI, COURT PROBATE of said County. deceased, Petitioner has also apTheADMINISTRATION plied for waiver of bond and/ or grant of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. §5312-261. All interested parties are hereby notified to show cause why said petition should not be granted. All objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections, and must be filed with the court on or before MAY 4, 2015. All pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a notary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court personnel at the following address/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hearing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing. CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR Judge of the Probate Court By:-s- BONNIE CUSHING Clerk/Deputy Clerk of the Probate 75 LANGLEY DRIVE LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30046 770-822-8350 919-248672, 4/9,16,23,30 IN THE PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF GWINNETT STATE OF GEORGIA ESTATE NO. 15-E-000310 IN RE: ESTATE OF DALE ALAN JONES, DECEASED PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION NOTICE TO: ALL HEIRS AND TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN IN THE ESTATE OF DALE ALAN JONES: MUZAFFER SARITAS, has petitioned to be appointed Administrator of the estate of DALE ALAN JONES, deceased, of said County. The Petitioner has also applied for waiver of bond and/ or grant of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. §53-12-261. All interested parties are hereby notified to show cause why said petition should not be granted. All objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections, and must be filed with the court on or before APRIL 20, 2015. All pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a notary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court personnel at the following address/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hearing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing. CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR Judge of the Probate Court By:-s- BONNIE CUSHING Clerk/Deputy Clerk of the Probate 75 LANGLEY DRIVE LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30046 770-822-8265 919-246050, 3/26,4/2,9,16 IN THE PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF GWINNETT STATE OF GEORGIA ESTATE NO. 15-E-000392 IN RE: ESTATE OF MELISSA GAIL KIMSEY, DECEASED PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION NOTICE TO: ALL THE BENEFICIARIES UNDER THE WILL OF SAID DECEDENT AND ALL INTERESTED PARTIES AND TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: VANESSA KIMSEY, has petitioned to be appointed Administrator of the estate of MELISSA GAIL KIMSEY, deceased, of said County. The Petitioner has also applied for waiver of bond and/or grant of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. §53-12-261. All interested parties are hereby notified to show cause why said petition should not be granted. All objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections, and must be filed with the court on or before APRIL 27, 2015. All pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a notary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court personnel at the following address/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hearing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing. CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR Judge of the Probate Court By:-s- SYDNEY BOSTWICK Clerk/Deputy Clerk of the Probate 75 LANGLEY DRIVE LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30046 770-822-8265 919-247276, 4/2,9,16,23 IN THE PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF GWINNETT STATE OF GEORGIA ESTATE NO. 15-E-000411-5 IN RE: ESTATE OF KENNETH TODD LOVE, DECEASED PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION NOTICE TO: ALL HEIRS AND INTERESTED PERSON IN THE ESTATE OF KENNETH TODD LOVE: ALAINA MARIE LOVE, has petitioned to be appointed Administrator of the estate of KENNETH TODD LOVE, deceased, of said County. The Petitioner has also applied for waiver of bond and/or grant of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. §53-12-261. All interested parties are hereby notified to show cause why said petition should not be granted. All objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections, and must be filed with the court on or before APRIL 27, 2015. All pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a notary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court personnel at the following address/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hearing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing. CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR Judge of the Probate Court By:-s- ADISA AHMETSPAHIC Clerk/Deputy Clerk of the Probate 75 LANGLEY DRIVE LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30046 770-822-8260 919-247293, 4/2,9,16,23 PROBATE COURT ADMINISTRATION IN THE PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF GWINNETT STATE OF GEORGIA ESTATE NO. 15-E-000363 IN RE: ESTATE OF JAMES FRANCIS MCLAUGHLIN, DECEASED PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION NOTICE TO: ALL THE BENEFICIARIES UNDER THE WILL OF SAID DECEDENT AND ALL INTERESTED PARTIES AND TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ELAINE J. LAING, has petitioned to be appointed Administrator of the estate of JAMES FRANCIS MCLAUGHLIN, deceased, of said County. The Petitioner has also applied for waiver of bond and/or grant of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. §53-12-261. All interested parties are hereby notified to show cause why said petition should not be granted. All objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections, and must be filed with the court on or before APRIL 20, 2015. All pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a notary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court personnel at the following address/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hearing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing. CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR Judge of the Probate Court By:-s- SYDNEY BOSTWICK Clerk/Deputy Clerk of the Probate 75 LANGLEY DRIVE LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30046 770-822-8265 919-246040, 3/26,4/2,9,16 IN THE PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF GWINNETT STATE OF GEORGIA ESTATE NO. 15-E-000364 IN RE: ESTATE OF CHARLES ANDREW MCMULLEN, DECEASED PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION NOTICE TO: ALL INTERESTED PARTIES AND TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN IN THE ESTATE OF CHARLES ANDREW MCMULLEN: JOSEPH A. MCMULLEN, has petitioned to be appointed Administrator of the estate of CHARLES ANDREW MCMULLEN, deceased, of said County. The Petitioner has also applied for waiver of bond and/or grant of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. §53-12-261. All interested parties are hereby notified to show cause why said petition should not be granted. All objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections, and must be filed with the court on or before APRIL 20, 2015. All pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a notary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court personnel at the following address/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hearing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing. CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR Judge of the Probate Court By:-s- BONNIE CUSHING Clerk/Deputy Clerk of the Probate 75 LANGLEY DRIVE LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30046 770-822-8265 919-246058, 3/26,4/2,9,16 IN THE PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF GWINNETT STATE OF GEORGIA ESTATE NO. 15-E-000385 IN RE: ESTATE OF EVELYN MIGNON MILLER, DECEASED PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION NOTICE TO: ALL INTERESTED PARTIES AND TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN IN THE ESTATE OF EVELYN MIGNON MILLER: BRADLEY ALAN MILLER, has petitioned to be appointed Administrator of the estate of EVELYN MIGNON MILLER, deceased, of said County. The Petitioner has also applied for waiver of bond and/or grant of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. §53-12-261. All interested parties are hereby notified to show cause why said petition should not be granted. All objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections, and must be filed with the court on or before APRIL 20, 2015. All pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a notary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court personnel at the following address/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hearing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing. CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR Judge of the Probate Court By:-s- BONNIE CUSHING Clerk/Deputy Clerk of the Probate 75 LANGLEY DRIVE LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30046 770-822-8350 919-246060, 3/26,4/2,9,16 IN THE PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF GWINNETT STATE OF GEORGIA ESTATE NO. 15-E-000370 IN RE: ESTATE OF PEARL HIGGINS NIX, DECEASED PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION NOTICE TO: ALL HEIRS AND INTERESTED PARTIES OF THE ESTATE OF PEARL HIGGINS NIX: BARBARA J. LAMB, has petitioned to be appointed Administrator of the estate of PEARL HIGGINS NIX, deceased, of said County. The Petitioner has also applied for waiver of bond and/ or grant of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. §5312-261. All interested parties are hereby notified to show cause why said petition should not be granted. All objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections, and must be filed with the court on or before MAY 4, 2015. All pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a notary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court personnel at the following jections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections, and must be filed with the court on or before MAY 4, 2015. All pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a notary public COURT before a probate court or PROBATE ADMINISTRATION and filing fees must clerk, be tendered with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court personnel at the following address/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hearing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing. CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR Judge of the Probate Court By:-s- BARBARA LOGSDON Clerk/Deputy Clerk of the Probate 75 LANGLEY DRIVE LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30046 770-822-8350 919-248686, 4/9,16,23,30 IN THE PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF GWINNETT STATE OF GEORGIA ESTATE NO. 14-E-001500 IN RE: ESTATE OF JAMES GEORGE ODOM JR., DECEASED PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION NOTICE TO: ALL THE BENEFICIARIES UNDER THE WILL OF SAID DECEDENT AND ALL INTERESTED PARTIES AND TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN JOE NEIL ODOM, has petitioned to be appointed Administrator of the estate of JAMES GEORGE ODOM JR., deceased, of said County. The Petitioner has also applied for waiver of bond and/or grant of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. §53-12-261. All interested parties are hereby notified to show cause why said petition should not be granted. All objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections, and must be filed with the court on or before APRIL 13, 2015. All pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a notary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court personnel at the following address/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hearing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing. CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR Judge of the Probate Court By:-s- SYDNEY BOSTWICK Clerk/Deputy Clerk of the Probate 75 LANGLEY DRIVE LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30046 770-822-8265 919-244716, 3/19,26,4/2,9 IN THE PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF GWINNETT STATE OF GEORGIA ESTATE NO. 15-E-000415-5 IN RE: ESTATE OF EDNA MAE PATTERSON, DECEASED PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION NOTICE TO: ALL THE BENEFICIARIES UNDER THE WILL OF SAID DECEDENT AND ALL INTERESTED PARTIES AND TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: BECKY WILSON, has petitioned to be appointed Administrator of the estate of EDNA MAE PATTERSON, deceased, of said County. The Petitioner has also applied for waiver of bond and/or grant of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. §53-12-261. All interested parties are hereby notified to show cause why said petition should not be granted. All objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections, and must be filed with the court on or before APRIL 27, 2015. All pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a notary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court personnel at the following address/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hearing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing. CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR Judge of the Probate Court By:-s- SYDNEY BOSTWICK Clerk/Deputy Clerk of the Probate 75 LANGLEY DRIVE LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30046 770-822-8265 919-247289, 4/2,9,16,23 IN THE PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF GWINNETT STATE OF GEORGIA ESTATE NO. 15-E-000365 IN RE: ESTATE OF TUAN ANH PHAN, DECEASED PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION NOTICE TO: ALL THE BENEFICIARIES UNDER THE WILL OF SAID DECEDENT AND ALL INTERESTED PARTIES AND TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: TRANG MY TRUONG, has petitioned to be appointed Administrator of the estate of TUAN ANH PHAN, deceased, of said County. The Petitioner has also applied for waiver of bond and/or grant of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. §53-12-261. All interested parties are hereby notified to show cause why said petition should not be granted. All objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections, and must be filed with the court on or before APRIL 20, 2015. All pleadings/objections must be signed under oath before a notary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court personnel at the following address/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hearing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing. CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR Judge of the Probate Court By:-s- SYDNEY BOSTWICK Clerk/Deputy Clerk of the Probate 75 LANGLEY DRIVE LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30046 770-822-8265 919-246054, 3/26,4/2,9,16 IN THE PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF GWINNETT STATE OF GEORGIA ESTATE NO. 15-E-000367 IN RE: ESTATE OF KISHORI LALL PODDAR, DECEASED PETITION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION NOTICE TO: ALL INTERESTED PARTIES IN THE ESTATE OF KISHORI LALL PODDAR: SUSHILA PODDAR, has petitioned to be appointed Administrator of the estate of KISHORI LALL PODDAR, deceased, of said County. The Petitioner has also applied for waiver of bond and/ or grant of certain powers DECEASED unless you PETITION FOR LETTERS an indigen OF ADMINISTRATION probate co NOTICE the follow TO: ALL INTERESTED PAR-phone num TIES IN THE ESTATE OFquired amo KISHORI LALL PODDAR: If any obje SUSHILA PODDAR, hashearing wil PROBATE PROB to beCOURT appointeda later petitioned date ADMINISTRATION Administrator of the estateareADMIN filed, th of KISHORI LALL PODDAR,granted wit deceased, of said County.CHRISTOPH The Petitioner has also ap-Judge of th plied for waiver of bond and/By:-s- BAR or grant of certain powers Clerk/Depu contained in O.C.G.A. §53-of the Prob 12-261. All interested par-75 LANGLE ties are hereby notified toLAWRENCE show cause why said petition30046 should not be granted. All ob-770-822-83 jections to the petition must919-244719 be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objec- IN THE P tions, and must be filed with COUNTY STATE the court on or before MAY 4, 2015. All pleadings/objec-ESTATE NO tions must be signed underIN RE: ES oath before a notary publicHOLLINGSW or before a probate courtDECEASED clerk, and filing fees must PETITIO OF ADM be tendered with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigentTO: ALL party. Contact probate courtTERESTED personnel at the followingESTATE OF address/telephone numberSWORTH V for the required amount of MICHAEL filing fees. If any objectionspetitioned are filed, a hearing will beAdministrat scheduled at a later date. Ifof RUBY no objections are filed, theVITOLO, d petition may be granted with-County. Th also applie out a hearing. CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR bond and/o Judge of the Probate Court powers con §53-12-261 By:-s- BONNIE CUSHING parties are Clerk/Deputy Clerk to show ca of the Probate tition shoul 75 LANGLEY DRIVE All objectio LAWRENCEVILLE GA must be in 30046 forth the 770-822-8350 919-248681, 4/9,16,23,30 such objec be filed wit IN THE PROBATE COURT before APR COUNTY OF GWINNETT pleadings/o STATE OF GEORGIA be signed u ESTATE NO. 10-E-001120 a notary p IN RE: ESTATE OF probate cou SUSAN DIANA SILVER, fees must DECEASED your plea PETITION FOR LETTERS unless you OF ADMINISTRATION an indigen NOTICE probate co TO: ALL HEIRS AND INTER-the follow ESTED PARTIES OF THEphone num ESTATE OF SUSAN DIANAquired amo SILVER: If any obje JONATHAN PATRICK SIL-hearing wil VER, has petitioned to bea later date appointed Administrator ofare filed, th the estate of SUSAN DIANAgranted wit SILVER, deceased, of saidCHRISTOPH County. The Petitioner hasJudge of th also applied for waiver ofBy:-s- Adisa bond and/or grant of certainClerk/Deput powers contained in O.C.G.A.of the Prob §53-12-261. All interested75 LANGLE parties are hereby notifiedLAWRENCE to show cause why said pe-30046 tition should not be granted.770-822-82 All objections to the petition919-247332 must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections, and must IN THE P be filed with the court on or COUNTY STATE before APRIL 20, 2015. All pleadings/objections mustESTATE NO be signed under oath beforeIN RE: ESTA a notary public or before aSARAH CAT probate court clerk, and filingDECEASED fees must be tendered with PETITIO OF ADM your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact TO: ALL H probate court personnel atESTED PER the following address/tele-TATE OF SA phone number for the re-WADE quired amount of filing fees. CLARK D If any objections are filed, apetitioned hearing will be scheduled atAdministrat a later date. If no objectionstate of SA are filed, the petition may beWADE, d granted without a hearing. County. Th CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR also applie Judge of the Probate Court bond and/o powers con By:-s- Barbara Logsdon §53-12-261 Clerk/Deputy Clerk parties are of the Probate to show ca 75 LANGLEY DRIVE tition shoul LAWRENCEVILLE GA All objectio 30046 must be in 770-822-8265 919-246053, 3/26,4/2,9,16 forth the such objec IN THE PROBATE COURT be filed wit COUNTY OF GWINNETT before APR pleadings/o STATE OF GEORGIA ESTATE NO. 15-E-000297 be signed u IN RE: ESTATE OF ROBERTa notary p probate cou LARRY SIMONTON, fees must DECEASED PETITION FOR LETTERS your plea OF ADMINISTRATION unless you an indigen NOTICE TO: ALL THE BENEFICIARIESprobate co UNDER THE WILL OF SAIDthe follow DECEDENT AND ALL IN-phone num TERESTED PARTIES AND TOquired amo WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: If any obje CHRISTOPHER D. GUN-hearing wil NELS/ROHAN LAW P.C.,a later date has petitioned for Michaelare filed, th T. Smith to be appointedgranted wit Administrator of the estateCHRISTOPH of ROBERT LARRY SIMON-Judge of th TON, deceased, of saidBy:-s- Adis County. The Petitioner has Clerk/Depu also applied for waiver ofof the Prob bond and/or grant of certain75 LANGLE powers contained in O.C.G.A.LAWRENCE §53-12-261. All interested30046 parties are hereby notified770-822-82 to show cause why said pe-919-244708 tition should not be granted. All objections to the petition IN THE P must be in writing, setting COUNTY STATE forth the grounds of any such objections, and mustESTATE NO be filed with the court on orIN RE: ESTA before APRIL 27, 2015. AllGORDON D pleadings/objections mustDECEASED be signed under oath before PETITIO OF ADM a notary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered withTO: ALL IN your pleadings/objections,TIES IN T unless you qualify to file asGORDON D an indigent party. Contact AZIZULLA probate court personnel athas petitio the following address/tele-pointed Ad phone number for the re-estate of FA quired amount of filing fees.deceased, If any objections are filed, aThe Petitio hearing will be scheduled atplied for wa a later date. If no objectionsor grant o are filed, the petition may becontained granted without a hearing. 12-261. Al CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR ties are h Judge of the Probate Court show cause should not By:-s- Sydney Bostwick jections to Clerk/Deputy Clerk be in writing of the Probate grounds of 75 LANGLEY DRIVE tions, and m LAWRENCEVILLE GA the court o 30046 4, 2015. Al 770-822-8265 tions must 919-247338, 4/2,9,16,23 oath before or before IN THE PROBATE COURT clerk, and COUNTY OF GWINNETT be tendered STATE OF GEORGIA ings/objecti ESTATE NO. 15-E-000324 qualify to f IN RE: ESTATE OF party. Cont JESSE CHAVES SOURZA, personnel DECEASED address/tele PETITION FOR LETTERS for the req OF ADMINISTRATION filing fees. NOTICE are filed, a TO: All heirs and in-scheduled terested parties of the Eno objectio state of JESSE CHAVESpetition ma SOUZA out a hearin ALEX DANIELLE SOUZA,CHRISTOPH has petitioned to be ap-Judge of th pointed Administrator of theBy:-s- BARB estate of JESSE CHAVESClerk/Deput SOUZA, deceased, of saidof the Prob County. The Petitioner has75 LANGLE also applied for waiver ofLAWRENCE bond and/or grant of certain30046 powers contained in O.C.G.A.770-822-83 §53-12-261. All interested919-248677 parties are hereby notified to show cause why said petition should not be granted. PROB All objections to the petition MISCE must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any IN THE P such objections, and must COUNTY be filed with the court on or STATE before APRIL 13, 2015. AllEstate No.1 pleadings/objections mustIN RE: ESTA be signed under oath beforeWILLIAM B a notary public or before aDeceased probate court clerk, and filing PETITIO fees must be tendered with REPRES your pleadings/objections, W unless you qualify to file as OF BOND an indigent party. Contact OF CERT probate court personnel at the following address/tele- MARY LO phone number for the re-petitioned f quired amount of filing fees.and/or for t If any objections are filed, apowers con hearing will be scheduled at53-12-261 a later date. If no objectionsabove esta are filed, the petition may beparties are granted without a hearing. show cause CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR should not Judge of the Probate Court jections to By:-s- BARBARA LOGSDON be in writing Clerk/Deputy Clerk grounds of of the Probate tions, and m 75 LANGLEY DRIVE the court o LAWRENCEVILLE GA 27, 2015. 30046 jections mu 770-822-8350 fore a notar 919-244719, 3/19,26,4/2,9 a probate HERBERT E. BROUGHTON, powers contained O.C.G.A. § unless you qualify to file as GDP THURS 4/7/2015 7:36 for PM Page LETTERS an0409 decedent’s JR., deceased, 53-12-261 in regard to the indigent party. Contact LEGALS_Classifieds TRATION probate court personnel at having surviving spouse above estate. All interested CE been duly filed, all interested parties are hereby notified to the following address/teleSTED PAR-phone number for the repersons are hereby notified show cause why said petition STATE OFquired amount of filing fees. to show cause, if any they should not be granted. All obODDAR: have, on or before APRIL jections to the petition must If any objections are filed, a DAR, hashearing will be scheduled at 27, 2015, why said petition be in writing, setting forth the COURT COURT COURT PROBATE PROBATE PROBATE appointeda later not be granted. should of any such objecgrounds date. If noCOURT objections RATION MISCELLANEOUS 12 the estateareADMINISTRATION ObjectionsSUPPORT to the petiAll MONTH and must be filed with tions, filed, the petition may be L PODDAR,granted without a hearing. tion must be in writing, setthe court on or before April id County.CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR ting forth the grounds of any 27, 2015. All pleadings/obas also ap-Judge of the Probate Court such objections, and must jections must be signed bef bond and/By:-s- BARBARA LOGSDON be filed on or before the time fore a notary public or before ain powers Clerk/Deputy Clerk stated in the preceding sena probate court clerk, and C.G.A. §53-of the Probate tence. All pleadings/objecfiling fees must be tendered rested par-75 LANGLEY DRIVE tions must be signed before with your pleadings/objecnotified toLAWRENCEVILLE GA a notary public or before a tions. Contact probate court said petition30046 probate court clerk, and filing personnel at the address/ nted. All ob-770-822-8350 fees must be tendered with telephone number listed betition must919-244719, 3/19,26,4/2,9 your pleadings/objections, low for the required amount ng forth the unless you qualify to file as of filing fees. If any objecsuch objec- IN THE PROBATE COURT an indigent party. Contact tions are filed, a hearing will e filed with COUNTY OF GWINNETT probate court personnel at be scheduled for a later date. STATE OF GEORGIA before MAY the following address/teleIf no objections are filed, the ings/objec-ESTATE NO. 15-E-000341 phone number for the repetition may be granted withgned underIN RE: ESTATE OF RUBY quired amount of filing fees. out a hearing. VITOLO, HOLLINGSWORTH tary public If any objections are filed, a CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR bate courtDECEASED hearing will be scheduled at PROBATE JUDGE fees must PETITION FOR LETTERS a later date. If no objections By: Adisa Ahmetspahic OF ADMINISTRATION your pleadare filed, the Petition may be CLERK OF THE PROBATE NOTICE unless you granted without a hearing. COURT an indigentTO: ALL HEIRS AND INCHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR ADDRESS: obate courtTERESTED PERSON IN THE Judge of the Probate Court 75 LANGLEY DRIVE e followingESTATE OF RUBY HOLLINGBy:-s- Barbara Logsdon LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30046 VITOLO: SWORTH e number Clerk/Deputy Clerk of the 770-822-8350 amount of MICHAEL T. SMITH, has Probate Court 923-247252, 4/2,9,16,23 objectionspetitioned to be appointed 75 Langley Drive IN THE PROBATE COURT ng will beAdministrator of the estate Lawrenceville, GA 30046 COUNTY OF GWINNETT ter date. Ifof RUBY HOLLINSWORTH 770-822-8350 STATE OF GEORGIA e filed, theVITOLO, deceased, of said 925-247256, 4/2,9,16,23 Estate No.15-E-000422 anted with-County. The Petitioner has also applied for waiver of IN RE: ESTATE OF IN THE PROBATE COURT ALICE ROACH SARA COUNTY OF GWINNETT BALLAR bond and/or grant of certain HUTCHINS, STATE OF GEORGIA ate Court powers contained in O.C.G.A. §53-12-261. All interested Deceased ESTATE NO. 15-E-000271 USHING parties are hereby notified PETITION BY PERSONAL IN RE: ESTATE OF k to show cause why said peREPRESENTATIVE FOR HAROLD W. COX tition should not be granted. WAIVER DECEASED VE All objections to the petition OF BOND AND/OR GRANT NOTICE OF PETITION GA must be in writing, setting OF CERTAIN POWERS TO FILE FOR forth the grounds of any NOTICE YEAR’S SUPPORT SHANE R. HUTCHINS has The Petition of DEBO16,23,30 such objections, and must be filed with the court on or petitioned for waiver of bond RAH D. COX, for a year’s TE COURT before APRIL 27, 2015. All and/or for the grant of certain support from the estate of WINNETT pleadings/objections must HAROLD W. COX, deceased, powers contained O.C.G.A. § ORGIA for decedent’s surviving be signed under oath before 53-12-261 in regard to the -001120 a notary public or before a above estate. All interested spouse having been duly F probate court clerk, and filing parties are hereby notified to filed, all interested persons LVER, fees must be tendered with show cause why said petition are hereby notified to show your pleadings/objections, should not be granted. All obcause, if any they have, on LETTERS unless you qualify to file as jections to the petition must or before APRIL 20, 2015, TRATION an indigent party. Contact be in writing, setting forth the why said petition should not CE probate court personnel at grounds of any such objecbe granted. ND INTER-the following address/teletions, and must be filed with All Objections to the petiOF THEphone number for the rethe court on or before May tion must be in writing, setAN DIANAquired amount of filing fees. 4, 2015. All pleadings/objecting forth the grounds of any If any objections are filed, a tions must be signed before such objections, and must TRICK SIL-hearing will be scheduled at a notary public or before a be filed on or before the time ned to bea later date. If no objections probate court clerk, and filstated in the preceding sennistrator ofare filed, the petition may be ing fees must be tendered tence. All pleadings/objecSAN DIANAgranted without a hearing. with your pleadings/objections must be signed before d, of saidCHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR tions. Contact probate court a notary public or before a itioner hasJudge of the Probate Court personnel at the address/ probate court clerk, and filing waiver ofBy:-s- Adisa Ahmetspaahic telephone number listed befees must be tendered with t of certainClerk/Deputy Clerk low for the required amount your pleadings/objections, in O.C.G.A.of the Probate of filing fees. If any objecunless you qualify to file as interested75 LANGLEY DRIVE tions are filed, a hearing will an indigent party. Contact by notifiedLAWRENCEVILLE GA be scheduled for a later date. probate court personnel at hy said pe-30046 If no objections are filed, the the following address/telebe granted.770-822-8260 petition may be granted withphone number for the rethe petition919-247332, 4/2,9,16,23 out a hearing. quired amount of filing fees. ng, setting CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR If any objections are filed, a ds of any PROBATE JUDGE hearing will be scheduled at and must IN THE PROBATE COURT By: Adisa Ahmetspahic a later date. If no objections court on or COUNTY OF GWINNETT CLERK OF THE PROBATE are filed, the Petition may be STATE OF GEORGIA , 2015. All COURT granted without a hearing. ons mustESTATE NO. 03-E-001891 ADDRESS: CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR oath beforeIN RE: ESTATE OF 75 LANGLEY DRIVE Judge of the Probate Court or before aSARAH CATHERINE WADE, LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30046 By:-s- BARBARA LOGSDON k, and filingDECEASED 770-822-8265 Clerk/Deputy Clerk of the ndered with PETITION FOR LETTERS 923-248912, 4/9,16,23,30 Probate Court OF ADMINISTRATION /objections, 75 Langley Drive NOTICE IN THE PROBATE COURT y to file as Lawrenceville, GA 30046 COUNTY OF GWINNETT y. Contact TO: ALL HEIRS AND INTER770-822-8350 STATE OF GEORGIA ersonnel atESTED PERSON IN THE ES925-244722, 3/19,26,4/2,9 ESTATE NO. 14-E-000637-5 ddress/tele-TATE OF SARAH CATHERINE IN RE: ESTATE OF IN THE PROBATE COURT or the re-WADE HORTENSE LACKEY, COUNTY OF GWINNETT filing fees. CLARK D. WADE, has DECEASED STATE OF GEORGIA are filed, apetitioned to be appointed NOTICE ESTATE NO. 15-E-000361 cheduled atAdministrator of the estate of SARAH CATHERINE AN ORDER FOR SERVICE IN RE: ESTATE OF objections WAS GRANTED BY THIS RICHARD TERRELL PRATT, ion may beWADE, deceased, of said County. The Petitioner has COURT ON APRIL 1ST, DECEASED hearing. 2015, REQUIRING THE FOLNOTICE OF PETITION BALLAR also applied for waiver of LOWING: TO FILE FOR ate Court bond and/or grant of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. TO: JAMES E. LACKEY, YEAR’S SUPPORT gsdon §53-12-261. All interested JR., CHAROLETTE LACKEY, The Petition of SUSAN k parties are hereby notified BRIDGES PRATT, for a year’s CLINESE LACKEY, VENITA to show cause why said pesupport from the estate of LACKEY, CHARLES LACKEY, VE tition should not be granted. RICHARD TERRELL PRATT, AND ALL THE BENEFICIAGA All objections to the petition deceased, for decedent’s RIES UNDER THE WILL OF must be in writing, setting having SAID DECEDENT AND ALL surviving spouse INTERESTED PARTIES AND been duly filed, all interested ,4/2,9,16 forth the grounds of any such objections, and must TO WHOM IN MAY CONpersons are hereby notified TE COURT be filed with the court on or CERN: to show cause, if any they WINNETT before APRIL 13, 2015. All This is to notify you to file obhave, on or before APRIL pleadings/objections must ORGIA jection, if there is any, to the 20, 2015, why said petition -000297 be signed under oath before above reference petition, in should not be granted. OF ROBERTa notary public or before a this Court on or before MAY All Objections to the petiprobate court clerk, and filing N, 4, 2015. tion must be in writing, setfees must be tendered with BE NOTIFIED FURTHER: ting forth the grounds of any LETTERS your pleadings/objections, All objections to the petition such objections, and must TRATION unless you qualify to file as must be in writing, setting be filed on or before the time an indigent party. Contact CE forth the grounds of any such stated in the preceding senEFICIARIESprobate court personnel at objections. All pleadings/ tence. All pleadings/objecL OF SAIDthe following address/teleobjections must be signed tions must be signed before ALL IN-phone number for the rebefore a notary public or a notary public or before a ES AND TOquired amount of filing fees. probate court clerk, and filing probate court clerk, and filing ONCERN: If any objections are filed, a fees must be tendered with fees must be tendered with D. GUN-hearing will be scheduled at your pleadings/objections, your pleadings/objections, AW P.C.,a later date. If no objections unless you qualify to file as unless you qualify to file as or Michaelare filed, the petition may be an indigent party. Contact an indigent party. Contact appointedgranted without a hearing. probate court personnel at probate court personnel at the estateCHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR the below address/telephone the following address/teleRY SIMON-Judge of the Probate Court number for the required phone number for the reof saidBy:-s- Adisa ahmetspahic amount of filing fees. If an quired amount of filing fees. itioner has Clerk/Deputy Clerk objection is filed, a hearing If any objections are filed, a waiver ofof the Probate will be scheduled at a later hearing will be scheduled at t of certain75 LANGLEY DRIVE date. If no objection is filed, a later date. If no objections in O.C.G.A.LAWRENCEVILLE GA the petition may be granted are filed, the Petition may be interested30046 without a hearing. granted without a hearing. by notified770-822-8260 Christopher A. Ballar CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR hy said pe-919-244708, 3/19,26,4/2,9 PROBATE JUDGE Judge of the Probate Court be granted. By: -s- Kimberly Shierling By:-s- Adisa Ahmetspahic the petition IN THE PROBATE COURT CLERK OF THE Clerk/Deputy Clerk of the ng, setting COUNTY OF GWINNETT PROBATE COURT Probate Court STATE OF GEORGIA ds of any 75 Langley Drive 75 Langley Drive and mustESTATE NO. 15-E-000439 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 court on orIN RE: ESTATE OF (770) 822-8350 770-822-8260 , 2015. AllGORDON D. WILSON, 923-248913, 4/9,16,23,30 925-246018, 3/26,4/2,9,16 ons mustDECEASED oath before PETITION FOR LETTERS PROBATE COURT PROBATE COURT OF ADMINISTRATION or before a NOTICE 12 MONTH SUPPORT DISCHARGE k, and filing ndered withTO: ALL INTERESTED PARTIES IN THE ESTATE OF IN THE PROBATE COURT NOTICE /objections, COUNTY OF GWINNETT (FOR DISCHARGE y to file asGORDON D. WILSON: AZIZULLAH JAMSHIDI, STATE OF GEORGIA FROM OFFICE AND ALL y. Contact ESTATE NO. 15-E-000323 LIABILITY ) ersonnel athas petitioned to be apIN RE: ESTATE OF ESTATE NO: 14-E-000096 ddress/tele-pointed Administrator of the estate of FAWZIA JAMSHIDI, RANDY DEE BILLEW, PROBATE COURT OF or the reDECEASED GWINNETT COUNTY filing fees.deceased, of said County. NOTICE OF PETITION RE: PETITION OF SUSAN are filed, aThe Petitioner has also applied for waiver of bond and/ TO FILE FOR G. DIXON, FOR DISCHARGE cheduled at YEAR’S SUPPORT AS EXECUTORS OF THE ESobjectionsor grant of certain powers contained in O.C.G.A. §53The Petition of DORIS TATE OF RUTH MARY GOSion may be JEAN BILLEW, for a year’s SLING a/k/a RUTH M. GOShearing. 12-261. All interested parsupport from the estate SLING, DECEASED. BALLAR ties are hereby notified to of RANDY DEE BILLEW, TO: THE BENEFICIARIES ate Court show cause why said petition should not be granted. All obdeceased, for decedent’s UNDER THE WILL AND TO stwick jections to the petition must surviving spouse having WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: k be in writing, setting forth the been duly filed, all interested This is to notify you to file grounds of any such objecpersons are hereby notified objection, if there is any, to VE tions, and must be filed with to show cause, if any they the above referenced petiGA the court on or before MAY have, on or before APRIL tion, in this Court on or be4, 2015. All pleadings/objec13, 2015, why said petition fore APRIL 20, 2015. tions must be signed under should not be granted. All objections to the pe9,16,23 oath before a notary public All Objections to the petitition must be in writing, or before a probate court tion must be in writing, setsetting forth the grounds TE COURT clerk, and filing fees must ting forth the grounds of any of any such objections. All WINNETT be tendered with your pleadsuch objections, and must pleadings/objections must be ORGIA ings/objections, unless you be filed on or before the time signed before a notary pub-000324 qualify to file as an indigent stated in the preceding senlic or before a probate court F party. Contact probate court tence. All pleadings/objecclerk, and filing fees must OURZA, personnel at the following tions must be signed before be tendered with your pleadaddress/telephone number a notary public or before a ings/objections, unless you LETTERS for the required amount of probate court clerk, and filing qualify to file as an indigent TRATION filing fees. If any objections fees must be tendered with party. Contact probate court CE are filed, a hearing will be your pleadings/objections, personnel at the following s and in-scheduled at a later date. If unless you qualify to file as address/telephone number of the Eno objections are filed, the an indigent party. Contact for the required amount of E CHAVESpetition may be granted withprobate court personnel at filing fees. If any objections out a hearing. the following address/teleare filed, a hearing will be LE SOUZA,CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR phone number for the rescheduled at a later date. If to be ap-Judge of the Probate Court quired amount of filing fees. no objections are filed, the rator of theBy:-s- BARBARA LOGSDON If any objections are filed, a petition may be granted withE CHAVESClerk/Deputy Clerk hearing will be scheduled at out a hearing. ed, of saidof the Probate a later date. If no objections CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR itioner has75 LANGLEY DRIVE are filed, the Petition may be PROBATE JUDGE waiver ofLAWRENCEVILLE GA granted without a hearing. BY:-s- BONNIE CUSHING t of certain30046 CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR PROBATE CLERK/ in O.C.G.A.770-822-8350 Judge of the Probate Court DEPUTY CLERK interested919-248677, 4/9,16,23,30 By:-s- SYDNEY BOSTWICK 75 LANGLEY DRIVE by notified Clerk/Deputy Clerk of the LAWRENCEVILLE, GA hy said peProbate Court 30046 be granted. PROBATE COURT 75 Langley Drive 770-822-8350 the petition MISCELLANEOUS Lawrenceville, GA 30046 927-248693, 4/9 ng, setting 770-822-8265 ds of any IN THE PROBATE COURT NOTICE 925-244721, 3/19,26,4/2,9 and must COUNTY OF GWINNETT (FOR DISCHARGE court on or STATE OF GEORGIA IN THE PROBATE COURT FROM OFFICE AND ALL , 2015. AllEstate No.15-E-000294 COUNTY OF GWINNETT LIABILITY ) ons mustIN RE: ESTATE OF STATE OF GEORGIA ESTATE NO: 14-E-000869 oath beforeWILLIAM BENJAMIN HOLT, ESTATE NO. 15-E-000398 PROBATE COURT OF or before aDeceased IN RE: ESTATE OF GWINNETT COUNTY k, and filing PETITION BY PERSONAL HERBERT E. BROUGHTON, RE: PETITION OF REBECCA ndered with REPRESENTATIVE FOR JR., ROSE MARKS, FOR DIS/objections, WAIVER DECEASED CHARGE AS EXECUTORS OF y to file as OF BOND AND/OR GRANT NOTICE OF PETITION THE ESTATE OF SCOTT PAUL y. Contact OF CERTAIN POWERS TO FILE FOR MARKS, DECEASED. ersonnel at NOTICE YEAR’S SUPPORT TO: THE BENEFICIARIES ddress/tele- MARY LOUISE HOLT has The Petition of JACKIE J. UNDER THE WILL AND TO or the re-petitioned for waiver of bond BROUGHTON, for a year’s WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: filing fees.and/or for the grant of certain support from the estate of This is to notify you to file are filed, apowers contained O.C.G.A. § HERBERT E. BROUGHTON, objection, if there is any, to cheduled at53-12-261 in regard to the JR., deceased, for decedent’s the above referenced petiobjectionsabove estate. All interested surviving spouse having tion, in this Court on or beion may beparties are hereby notified to been duly filed, all interested fore APRIL 20, 2015. hearing. show cause why said petition persons are hereby notified All objections to the peBALLAR should not be granted. All obto show cause, if any they tition must be in writing, ate Court jections to the petition must have, on or before APRIL setting forth the grounds LOGSDON be in writing, setting forth the 27, 2015, why said petition of any such objections. All k grounds of any such objecshould not be granted. pleadings/objections must be tions, and must be filed with All Objections to the petisigned before a notary pubVE the court on or before April tion must be in writing, setlic or before a probate court GA 27, 2015. All pleadings/obting forth the grounds of any clerk, and filing fees must jections must be signed besuch objections, and must be tendered with your pleadfore a notary public or before be filed on or before the time ings/objections, unless you ,26,4/2,9 a probate court clerk, and stated in the preceding senqualify to file as an indigent if there is any, to C7objection, the above referenced peti- tion, in this Court on or before APRIL 20, 2015. All objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. All PROBATE COURT pleadings/objections must be signedDISCHARGE before a notary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court personnel at the following address/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hearing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing. CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR PROBATE JUDGE BY:-s- BONNIE CUSHING PROBATE CLERK/ DEPUTY CLERK 75 LANGLEY DRIVE LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30046 770-822-8350 927-248692, 4/9 CITATION ESTATE NO. 13-C-000873 PROBATE COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY RE: ESTATE OF STEPHANIE L. MURGAS, FORMER WARD. Date of Publication, if any: 04/09/2015 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN AND: GREAT AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY REGISTERED AGENT ASHLEY HASTY C/0 CT CORPORATION: The conservator of the above estate, has applied for Discharge from said trust. This is to notify the above interested parties to show cause, if any they can, why said conservator should not be discharged from office and liability. All objections must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections, and filed with the above Probate Court, 75 Langley Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30046 on or before, MAY 11, 2015, said date being more than 30 days from the date of publication, or if personally served, then 10 days from the date of such service. All pleadings must be signed before a notary public or probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court personnel at the below address/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hearing will be scheduled for a later date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing. CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR PROBATE JUDGE BY: BONNIE CUSHING PROBATE CLERK/DEPUTY CLERK 75 LANGLEY DRIVE LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30046 770-822-8350 927-248687, 4/9 NOTICE (FOR DISCHARGE FROM OFFICE AND ALL LIABILITY ) ESTATE NO: 13-E-001335 PROBATE COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY RE: PETITION OF JOHN P. TUTTLE, FOR DISCHARGE AS EXECUTORS OF THE ESTATE OF ADA GERTRUDE TUTTLE, DECEASED. TO: THE BENEFICIARIES UNDER THE WILL AND TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to notify you to file objection, if there is any, to the above referenced petition, in this Court on or before APRIL 20, 2015. All objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. All pleadings/objections must be signed before a notary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court personnel at the following address/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hearing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing. CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR PROBATE JUDGE BY:-s- BONNIE CUSHING PROBATE CLERK/ DEPUTY CLERK 75 LANGLEY DRIVE LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30046 770-822-8350 927-248690, 4/9 NOTICE (FOR DISCHARGE FROM OFFICE AND ALL LIABILITY ) ESTATE NO: 14-E-001096 PROBATE COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY RE: PETITION OF STEVEN WAYNE WILLIS, FOR DISCHARGE AS EXECUTORS OF THE ESTATE OF JAMES CALVIN WOOD, JR, DECEASED. TO: THE BENEFICIARIES UNDER THE WILL AND TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to notify you to file objection, if there is any, to the above referenced petition, in this Court on or before APRIL 20, 2015. All objections to the petition must be in writing, setting forth the grounds of any such objections. All pleadings/objections must be signed before a notary public or before a probate court clerk, and filing fees must be tendered with your pleadings/objections, unless you qualify to file as an indigent party. Contact probate court personnel at the following address/telephone number for the required amount of filing fees. If any objections are filed, a hearing will be scheduled at a later date. If no objections are filed, the petition may be granted without a hearing. CHRISTOPHER A. BALLAR PROBATE JUDGE BY:-s- BONNIE CUSHING PROBATE CLERK/ DEPUTY CLERK 75 LANGLEY DRIVE LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30046 770-822-8350 927-248694, 4/9 PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE OF ABANDONED VEHICLE The following motor vehicle, advertised pursuant to O.C.G.A. Code Section 40.112, is being stored at: 4155 BUSINESS PARK CT LILBURN GA 30047 1991 FORD MUSTANG VIN#1FACP42EXMF103637 This vehicle is deemed abandoned and will be disposed of if not claimed by the legal owner or lienholder by 0402-2015 928-248441, 4/9,16 Please Recycle This Newspaper PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE OF ABANDONED VEHICLE The following motor vehicle, advertised pursuant to O.C.G.A. Code Section 40.112, is being stored at: 5170 JIMMY CARTER BLVD., NORCROSS GA. 30093 1995 LEXUS ES 300 VIN#JT8GK13T2S0099068 This vehicle is deemed abandoned and will be disposed of if not claimed by the legal owner or lienholder by 0402-2015 928-248437, 4/9,16 NOTICE OF ABANDONED VEHICLE The following motor vehicle, advertised pursuant to O.C.G.A. Code Section 40.112, is being stored at: LAWRENCEVILLE 3540 HWY, LILBURN GA 30047 2000 CHEVROLET EXPRESS VIN#1GBFG15R1Y1206134 This vehicle is deemed abandoned and will be disposed of if not claimed by the legal owner or lienholder by 0402-2015 928-248439, 4/9,16 NOTICE OF ABANDONED VEHICLE The following motor vehicle, advertised pursuant to O.C.G.A. Code Section 40.112, is being stored at: 5170 JIMMY CARTER BLVD., NORCROSS GA. 30093 2005 MERCURY MONTEREY VIN#2MRDA23275BJ10067 This vehicle is deemed abandoned and will be disposed of if not claimed by the legal owner or lienholder by 0402-2015 928-248434, 4/9,16 PUBLIC NOTICE The City of Buford Planning and Zoning Board will meet on Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. and the Buford City Commission will meet on Monday, May 4, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at Buford City Hall, 2300 Buford Highway, Buford, Georgia 30518 to consider a rezoning application from M-1 to C-2 with a special use permit to allow for the use of outdoor performance fitness training at 4903 Summer Oak Place for Cornerstone Capital Holdings, LLC. 9 2 8 - 2 4 5 7 6 4 , 3/26,4/2,9,16,23,30 PUBLIC NOTICE The City of Buford Planning and Zoning Board will meet on Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. and the Buford City Commission will meet on Monday, May 4, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at Buford City Hall, 2300 Buford Highway, Buford, Georgia 30518 to consider the following amendments to the 2000 Regulations Development and the 2000 Tree Protection Ordinance: 1. To amend Development Regulations Article 6, Section 6.5.6: Street Lights 2. To amend Development Regulations Article 7, Section 7.2: Water System and Fire Hydrants 3. To amend Development Regulations Article 11, Section 11.1.4: Subdivision Final Plat Approval 4. To amend Development Regulations Article 11, Section 11.2.4: Non-subdivision Final Plat Approval 5. To amend Development Regulations Article 11, Section 11.5: Approval of Development Conformance 6. To amend Tree Protection Ordinance, Section 3: Applicability and Exemptions 7. To amend Tree Protection Ordinance, Section 5: Tree Density Requirements 9 2 8 - 2 4 5 7 5 0 , 3/26,4/2,9,16,23,30 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC STATE OF GEORGIA FULTON COUNTY Notice to the public is hereby given that on April 20, 2015, at 1:00 o’clock p.m., in the Superior Court of Fulton County, Georgia, at the courthouse in said county, a hearing will be held in the case of State of Georgia v. Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia (“MEAG Power”), Georgia Power Company, Oglethorpe Power Corporation, The City of Dalton, MEAG POWER SPVJ, LLC, MEAG POWER SPVP, LLC, MEAG POWER SPVM, LLC, JEA, Powersouth Energy Cooperative, Crisp County, City of Acworth, City of Adel, City of Albany, City of Barnesville, City of Blakely, City of Buford, City of Cairo, City of Calhoun, City of Camilla, City of Cartersville, City of College Park, City of Commerce, City of Covington, City of Douglas, City of Elberton, City of Ellaville, City of Fairburn, City of Fitzgerald, City of Forsyth, City of Fort Valley, City of Grantville, City of Griffin, City of Hogansville, City of Jackson, City of LaFayette, City of LaGrange, City of Lawrenceville, City of Mansfield, City of Marietta, City of Monroe, City of Moultrie, City of Newnan, City of Norcross, City of Palmetto, City of Sylvania, City of Sylvester, City of Thomaston, City of Thomasville, City of Washington, City of West Point, The Albany Utility Board, formerly known as City of Albany Board of Water, Light and Gas Commissioners, The Board of Water, Light and Sinking Fund Commissioners of the City of Dalton, The Crisp County Power Commission, The Water, Light and Bond Commission of the City of Fitzgerald, The Utilities Commission of the City of Fort Valley, The Board of Water, Sewerage and Light Commissioners of the City of Newnan, and The Board of Lights and Water of the City of Marietta, Civil Action File No. 2015CV259189, on a petition and complaint to (a) validate and confirm, among other things, certain amendments set forth in, or to the terms of, (i) the Second Amended and Restated Plant Vogtle Additional Units Non-PPA Project Bond Resolution (the “Second Amended and Restated Non-PPA Bond Resolution”), adopted by MEAG Power on December 23, 2014, (ii) the Second Amended and Restated Plant Vogtle Additional Units PPA Project Bond Resolution, adopted by MEAG Power on December 23, 2014 (the “Second Amended and Restated PPA Bond Resolution”), (iii) the Second Amended and Restated Plant Vogtle Additional Units PPA-2 Project Bond Resolution, adopted by MEAG Power on December 23, 2014 (the “Second Amended and Restated PPA2 Bond Resolution,” together with the Second Amended and Restated Non-PPA Bond Resolution and the Second Amended and Restated PPA Bond Resolution, the “Second Amended and Restated Bond Resolutions”), (iv) the Bonds and Federal Loans (each as defined in the Second Amended and Restated Bond Resolutions), (v) the Additional Units Non-PPA Power Sales Contracts, the Additional Units PPA Power Sales Contracts and the Additional Units PPA2 Power Sales Contracts (each as defined in the Second Amended and Restated Bond Resolutions), each between MEAG Power and certain of the defendant political subdivi- Chandler, Britt & Jay, LLC, notice relates is dated Octonotice relates is dated FebruBonds and Federal Loans 4350 S. Lee Street, Buford, ber 2, 2012, and is recorded ary 4, 2014, and is recorded (each as defined in the SecGeorgia 30518. in the office of the Clerk of in the office of the Clerk of ond Amended and Restated are further required to You Superior Court of Gwinnett Superior Court of Gwinnett Bond Resolutions), (v) the lay any and all business aside County, Georgia in Deed County, Georgia in Deed Additional Units Non-PPA and to be and appear before Book 51792 at Page 872. Page 775. Book 52809 the Power Sales Contracts, WWW.GWINNETTDAILYPOST.COM • THURSDAY, APRIL 9, at2015 • C7 Buford Municipal Court the The property may be reThe property may be reAdditional Units PPA Power on the 15th day of May, 2015 deemed at any time before deemed at any time before Sales Contracts and the Ad9:00 a.m.,HEARINGS 2300 Buford atPUBLIC May 8, 2015,HEARINGS by payment of 20, 2015,HEARINGS by payment of April UnitsHEARINGS PPA2 Power ditional PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC Hwy, Buford, Georgia 30518, the redemption price as fixed the redemption price as fixed Sales Contracts (each as dethen and there to make a and provided by law to the and provided by law to the fined in the Second Amended defense and to show cause undersigned at the following undersigned at the following and Restated Bond Resoluwhy said Petition To Abate address: address: tions), each between MEAG Nuisance should not be dealt RTDCO, LLC NR Deed, LLC Power and certain of the according to the proviwith 1266 West Paces Ferry Road 1266 West Paces Ferry defendant political subdivisions of the City of Buford #517 Road #517 sions, (vi) certain power purBuilding Code. Atlanta, GA 30327 Atlanta, GA 30327 chase agreements between WITNESS the Honorable Please be governed accordPlease be governed acMEAG Power and certain of William F. Brogdon, Judge of ingly. cordingly. the defendants to this action, Municipal Court, this Buford 928-246973, 4/2,9,16,23 928-245606, 3/26,4/2,9,16 (vii) certain Federal Loans, the 2nd day of April, 2015. Loan Guarantee Agreements 928-248949, 4/9,16 (as defined in the Second IN THE DISTRICT COURT NOTICE Amended and Restated Bond OF DICKINSON COUNTY, To: Resolutions) and Transaction KANSAS OWNER/RESIDENT/TENANT/ OF NOTICE Documents (as defined in the IN THE INTEREST OF OCCUPANT ABANDONED VEHICLE Loan Guarantee Agreements) K.D.B., JUVENILE. GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORThe following motor veto accommodate the Federal CASE NO. 14 JC 03 C/O COMMISSION GIA advertised pursuant hicle, Loan Option contemplated 1999 DOB:__-__CHAIRMAN to O.C.G.A. Code Section by the Second Amended and A FEMALE CHILD UNDER 18 OF LAWRENCEVILLE, CITY is being stored at: 40.11-2, Restated Bond Resolutions YEARS OF AGE GEORGIA C/O MAYOR Kam Towing 4371 Stone and relating to the Bonds NOTICE OF HEARING DEVELOPMENT SOLOMAN Highway Lilburn, Mountain and security therefor and (Pursuant to K.S.A.38-2267) LLC GA 30047. (viii) certain transactions TO: Schreda Bero, natural HTNS AMERICA INC C/O related to such documents, mother of K.D.B, female child WON SANG JANG, RA 1997 GMC and (b) confirmation that (i) born July 24, 1999. HTNS AMERICA INC Tag: the judgment entered on Noall other persons who And RICHARD KIM VIN# 3GKFK16R0VG509965 vember 18, 2008 (the “2008 are or may be concerned: HTNS AMERICA INC C/O THE Validation Judgment”) by A petition/motion to find ZDRILICH LAW GROUP LLC This vehicle is deemed abanthe Superior Court of Fulton the natural mother unfit and GWINNETT BANKING COMand will be disposed doned County, Georgia in Civil Acto terminate her parental PANY NKA FIFTH THIRD if not claimed by the leof tion File No. 2008CV159297 rights to the above-described BANK gal owner or lienholder by is in full force and effect, child has been filed and a GWINNETT BANKING COM3/26/15. except as supplemented by hearing set before this Court PANY NKA FIFTH THIRD 4/9,16 928-248515, the hereinafter defined 2010 at 9:00 o’clock a.m. on the BANK C/O CORPORATION Validation Judgment and as 13th day of April, 2015, at SERVICE COMPANY, RA further supplemented in this NOTICE OF Abilene, Kansas. If, after a Take Notice That: proceeding, (ii) the judgABANDONED VEHICLE child has been adjudged to The right to redeem the ment entered on January 19, The following motor vebe a child in need of care, described property following 2010 (the “2010 Validation hicle, advertised pursuant the Court finds a parent to wit: Judgment”) by the Supeto O.C.G.A. Code Section or parents to be unfit, the that tract or parcel of All rior Court of Fulton County, 40.11-2, is being stored at: Court may make an order land lying and being in DisGeorgia in Civil Action File Kam Towing 4371 Stone permanently terminating the 5 Land Lot 178 known as trict No. 2009CV179503 is in full Mountain Highway Lilburn, parent’s parental rights. If pa589 WINDER HWY and parforce and effect, except as GA 30047. rental rights are terminated, cel R5178 008 per records supplemented in this prothe Court will consider variof Gwinnett County and plat ceeding, (iii) the respective 1999 VOLKSWAGEN ous placement alternatives. maps of the County Tax AsBonds issued in accordance Tag: You are required to appear sessor’s Office, subject to with the 2008 Validation VIN# or prior to that time file your restrictions on record with Judgment, as supplemented WVWPD63B5XE388150 written request with the Clerk the Clerk of Superior Court, by the 2010 Validation Judgof the District Court if you Gwinnett County, Georgia, ment, and the respective seThis vehicle is deemed abanwish to be considered for and excluding rights of way curity therefor, remain condoned and will be disposed placement of the child or to and easements. The propfirmed and validated, and (iii) of if not claimed by the leexpress your views regarding erty is more particularly the respective Bonds to be gal owner or lienholder by appropriate placement of the described in the Gwinnett issued in accordance with the 2/24/15. child. County deed records at Deed 2008 Validation Judgment, 928-248970, 4/9,16 Mitchell B. Christians, an Book 53042, Page 524. Plat as supplemented by the 2010 attorney, has been appointed and deed are a part hereof. Validation Judgment and as as guardian ad litem for the will expire and be forever NOTICE OF further supplemented in this child. Each parent or other foreclosed and barred on and ABANDONED VEHICLE proceeding, and the respeclegal custodian of the child after May 1, 2015. The following motor vetive security therefor, remain has the right to appear and be The tax deed to which this hicle, advertised pursuant confirmed and validated, heard personally either with notice relates is dated Octoto O.C.G.A. Code Section which such validated bonds or without an attorney. The ber 1, 2013, and is recorded 40.11-2, is being stored at: (including refunding bonds) court will appoint an attorney in the office of the Clerk of 5170 JIMMY CARTER BLVD., and Advances (as defined for a parent who is financially Superior Court of Gwinnett NORCROSS, GA 30093 in the Second Amended and unable to hire one. County, Georgia in Deed 2001 TOYOTA SIENNA Restated Bond Resolutions) Clerk of the District Court Book 52637 at Page 373. VIN# 5TDDK3DC0BS027653 shall be issued or made (a) By: The property may be reThis vehicle is deemed aban(1) to finance or refinance deemed at any time before doned and will be disposed the Costs of Acquisition and IN THE DISTRICT COURT 1, 2015, by payment of May of if not claimed by the legal Construction and the FinancOF DICKINSON COUNTY, the redemption price as fixed owner or lienholder by 03ing Costs (as each such KANSAS provided by law to the and 27-2015. term is defined in the SecIN THE INTEREST OF undersigned at the following 928-247306, 4/2,9 ond Amended and Restated K.D.B., JUVENILE. address: Non-PPA Bond Resolution) CASE NO. 14 JC 03 NR Deed, LLC of MEAG Power’s Non-PPA DOB:__-__- 1999 1266 West Paces Ferry Road NOTICE OF Project, and (2) to refund A FEMALE CHILD UNDER 18 #517 ABANDONED VEHICLE all or any portion of any YEARS OF AGE. Atlanta, GA 30327 The following motor veOutstanding Bonds (as that AFFIDAVIT Please be governed accordhicle, advertised pursuant term is defined in the Second Pursuant to K.S.A. 38ingly. to O.C.G.A. Code Section Amended and Restated Non2237(e) 928-246969, 4/2,9,16,23 is being stored at: 40.11-2, PPA Bond Resolution), all or STATE OF KANSAS , 5170 JIMMY CARTER BLVD., any portion of any outstandPUBLIC NOTICE COUNTY OF DICKINSON, ss: GA 30093 NORCROSS, ing subordinated bonds, or Southern Communications Daryl E. Hawkins, Dickin2003 CADILLAC ESCALATE all or any portion of SPV M’s Services, Inc. is proposing son County Attorney, of lawVIN#1GYEK63N73R199990 DOE Guaranteed Loan, (b) to build a 190‐foot Monopole ful age, being first duly sworn This vehicle is deemed aban(1) to finance or refinance Telecommunications Tower. states that: doned and will be disposed the Costs of Acquisition and No lighting is anticipated. Affiant is the Dickinson of if not claimed by the legal Construction and the FinancThe site location is 1140 SceCounty Attorney and makes owner or lienholder by 03ing Costs (as each such term nic Highway, Lawrenceville, this Affidavit for the purpose 27-2015. is defined in the Second Gwinnett County, Georgia of obtaining service by publi4/2,9 928-247315, Amended and Restated PPA 30045 (33° 54’ 17.14” North cation upon the party named Bond Resolution) of MEAG and 84° 00’ 1.88” West). The herein. Power’s PPA Project, and (2) Federal Communications NOTICE OF Affiant has made a reasonto refund all or any portion Commission (FCC) Antenna ABANDONED VEHICLE able effort to ascertain the of any Outstanding Bonds Structure Registration (ASR, The following motor vename and/or residence of the (as that term is defined in Form 854) filing number is hicle, advertised pursuant natural mother, Schreda Bero the Second Amended and A0940168. to O.C.G.A. Code Section and seeks to effect service on Restated PPA Bond Resolu40.11-2, is being stored at: said person, and is relying tion), all or any portion of any ENVIRONMENTAL EF509 BUFORD DR STE B, on the last known address outstanding subordinated FECTS – Interested persons LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30046 of the natural mother to efbonds, or all or any portion may review the application 2003 DODGE CARAVAN fect personal service on her of SPV J’s DOE Guaranteed (www.fcc.gov/asr/applicaSPORT in the State of Georgia, howLoan, and (c) (1) to finance tions) by entering the filing VIN#2D4GP44323R316759 ever, the State requests the or refinance the Costs of Acnumber. Environmental conThis vehicle is deemed abanCourt’s permission for notice quisition and Construction cerns may be raised by filing doned and will be disposed by publication service due to and the Financing Costs (as a Request for Environmental of if not claimed by the legal the uncertainty that the natueach such term is defined Review (www.fcc.gov/asr/ owner or lienholder by 03ral mother has continued her in the Second Amended and environmentalrequest) and 27-2015. address and residence as last Restated PPA-2 Bond Resoonline filings are strongly 928-247318, 4/2,9 known to the State. lution) of MEAG Power’s encouraged. The mailing adThe party on whom service PPA-2 Project and (2) to redress to file a paper copy is: by publication is sought is as fund all or any portion of any NOTICE OF FCC Requests for Environfollows: Outstanding Bonds (as that ABANDONED VEHICLE mental Review, Attn: Ramon Schreda Bero, natural term is defined in the Second The following motor veWilliams, 445 12th Street biological mother of a female Amended and Restated PPAhicle, advertised pursuant SW, Washington, DC 20554. child Kasidy Danielle Bero 2 Bond Resolution), all or any to O.C.G.A. Code Section 928-248979, 4/9 date of birth, July 24, 1999. portion of any outstanding 40.11-2, is being stored at: -ssubordinated bonds, or all or 4140 ARCADIA INDUSTRIAL GWINNETT COUNTY AFFIANT any portion of SPV P’s DOE CIRCLE, LILBURN, GA 30047 BOARD Subscribed and sworn to Guaranteed Loan. The Bonds 2006 KIA RIO REGISTRATIONS AND before me this 18th day of shall be issued pursuant to VIN# KNADE123866072308 ELECTIONS February, 2015. and bear interest and be payThis vehicle is deemed abanPUBLIC NOTICE Notary Public able as described in the Secdoned and will be disposed The regularly scheduled Lisa Melhus Daniels ond Amended and Restated of if not claimed by the legal meeting of the Gwinnett 928-244090, 3/26,4/2,9 Bond Resolutions. owner or lienholder by 03County Board of RegistraThe Court will pass on such 27-2015. tions and Elections will be NOTICE OF LILBURN matters at said hearing. Any 928-247308, 4/2,9 held on Thursday, April 16, COMMUNITY citizen of the State of Georgia 2015 at 5:30 pm. The meetIMPROVEMENT DISTRICT has a right to object and may ing will be held in the offices ELECTION NOTICE OF intervene and become a party of the Gwinnett County Voter NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ABANDONED VEHICLE to this proceeding. Registration and Elections as provided in the GWINThe following motor veThis the 3rd day of April, Conference Room, located at NETT COUNTY COMMUNITY hicle, advertised pursuant 2015. 455 Grayson Highway, Suite IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS to O.C.G.A. Code Section By: Cathelene Robinson 200, Lawrenceville, Georgia. ACT (Ga. L. 2001, p. 3709, 40.11-2, is being stored at: CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR Dated this 2nd day of April et. seq.), that a caucus of 4140 ARCADIA INDUSTRIAL COURT OF FULTON COUNTY 2015. Electors of the Lilburn ComCIRCLE, LILBURN, GA 30047 928-248594, 4/9,16 -smunity Improvement Dis2004 NISSAN VERSA Lynn Ledford trict (CID) shall be held on VIN# 3N1CN71P2EL87591 Elections Director the 17th day of April, 2015 NOTICE OF EVERMORE This vehicle is deemed abanVoter 40215 at the Providence Christian COMMUNITY doned and will be disposed 928-248121, 4/9 Academy Media Center, IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT of if not claimed by the legal Lawrenceville Highway, 4575 ELECTION owner or lienholder by 03Lilburn, Gwinnett County, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 27-2015. Georgia. Registration for the PUBLIC SALES/ as provided in the GWIN928-247311, 4/2,9 shall be held from election AUCTIONS NETT COUNTY COMMUNITY 8:15 o’clock A.M. to 8:45 IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS o’clock A.M. Voting will ocMCCULLOUGH TOWING PUBLIC AUCTION ACT (Ga. L. 2001, p. 3709, et. cur immediately thereafter. 4431 BUFORD HWY In accordance with the proseq.), that a caucus of ElecThe purpose of the caucus NORCROSS, GA 30071 vision of Georgia State Law, tors of the Evermore Comis to elect Board Members to 770-263-8483 there being due and unpaid munity Improvement District Posts 2 & 5 to serve on the 4/3/15 charges for which the undershall be held on the 22nd Lilburn Community ImproveNOTICE OF ABANDONED signed is entitled to satisfy day of April, 2015 at Stone ment District Board. A map MOTOR VEHICLE an owner’s lien of the goods Mountain Tennis Center, of said District is on file with The following vehicle, hereinafter described and 5525 Bermuda Road, Stone the Gwinnett County Comadvertised to O.C.G.A.Code stored at AAAA Self Storage Mountain, Georgia 30087. Clerk and the Gwinmission Section 40-11-12, is being located at 4365 Commerce The purpose of the caucus nett County Tax Commissionstored at 4431 Buford Hwy, Drive, Buford, GA 30518, is to elect Board Members er. All Electors as designated Norcross, Ga. 30071. 770770-614-1424. With due noto fill Posts 3 and 6 to serve under the Act are invited to 263-8483. tice having been given to the on the Evermore Community attend and cast their votes. This vehicle is being owner of said property and Improvement District Board 928-243063, 3/19,26,4/2,9 deemed abandoned and will all parties known to claim and to vote on the question, be auctioned or disposed of an interest therein, and the “Shall the Evermore ComNOTICE if not claimed by the legal time specified in such notice munity Improvement District To: owner and or lien holder. for payment of such having be dissolved?”. Registration RESIDENT/TENANT/OCCUThe Vehicle was impoundexpired, the goods will be for the election shall be held PANT ed from 3515 Pleasantdale sold to the highest bidder or from 2:00 o’clock p.m. to HOPE ROGERS Rd. Atlanta, Ga. on 3/3/15, otherwise disposed. The sale 2:30 o’clock p.m. Voting will CEDRIC HARRIS at the request of the property will be held at: www.storageoccur immediately after evCOREY HENDERSON owner or manager. battles.com at 12:00 Noon ery Elector who has arrived at THE SPRINGS CONDOTrailer on April 20, 2015. Terms: the registration table by 2:30 MINIUM ASSOCIATION INC VIN# 4YMUL1211EG017213 Cash at Sale. o’clock p.m. has registered. C/O ACCESS MANAGEMENT No Tag Unit# 1055 Norma GamA map of said District is on GROUP, RA 928-248914, 4/9,16 mill– Misc. Household file with the Gwinnett County GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORItems Clerk and the Gwinnett CounGIA C/O COMMISSION Unit# 2022 Kimberly Y. ty Tax Commissioner. All CHAIRMAN NOTICE Janifer– Misc. Household Electors as designated under STATE OF GEORGIA C/O NATo: Items the Act are invited to attend THAN DEAL, GOVERNOR GEORGIA ASSET RESOLUUnit# 2110 Ryan Daniel and cast their votes. Take Notice That: TION GROUP LLC Culpepper– Misc. HouseAdvertisement to run: The right to redeem the GEORGIA ASSET RESOLUhold Items 03/19/15 following described property TION GROUP LLC C/O BRETT Unit# 3029 Harold John03/26/15 to wit: LOCKWOOD, RA son a/k/a Harold Johnson 04/02/15 All that tract or parcel of GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORIII– Misc. Household Items 04/09/15 land lying and being in DisGIA C/O COMMISSION Unit# 5036 Bonny “Bon928-244068, 3/19,26,4/2,9 trict 6 Land Lot 192 known as CHAIRMAN nie” Poole a/k/a Bonny Shu1430 BRANCH DR and parcel STATE OF GEORGIA C/O NAreen Poole– Misc. HouseR6192E010 per records of THAN DEAL, GOVERNOR NOTICE OF PETITION TO hold Items Gwinnett County and plat Take Notice That: ABATE NUISANCE Unit# 6002 James Travis maps of the County Tax AsThe right to redeem the TO: Estate of OreFreeman– Misc. Household sessor’s Office, subject to following described property na B. Black, deceased. Items restrictions on record with to wit: A Petition to Abate NuiUnit# 7006 Lara Fink– the Clerk of Superior Court, All that tract or parcel of sance has been filed by the Misc. Household Items Gwinnett County, Georgia, land lying and being in DisCity of Buford based upon 929-246876, 4/2,9 and excluding rights of way trict 5 Land Lots 174 and the alleged nuisance at the and easements. The prop179 known as PAPER MILL above-described property in erty is more particularly RD and parcel R5179 207 PUBLIC AUCTION the Buford Municipal Court, described in the Gwinnett per records of Gwinnett There will be sold at pubon the 31st day of March, County deed records at Deed County and plat maps of the lic outcry for cash at Lance 2015. A free copy of said Book 51708, Page 820. Plat County Tax Assessor’s Office, Wrecker Service, Inc., 300 pleadings can be obtained and deed are a part hereof. subject to restrictions on reMaltbie Street, Lawrencevfrom the Clerk of Municipal will expire and be forever cord with the Clerk of Supeille, GA, Saturday, April 11, Court, whose office is located foreclosed and barred on and rior Court, Gwinnett County, 2015 at 11:00 AM the folat 2300 Buford Hwy, Buford, after April 20, 2015. Georgia, and excluding rights lowing vehicles, declared Georgia 30518. The tax deed to which this of way and easements. The abandoned and foreclosed You are hereby advised notice relates is dated Februproperty is more particularly vehicles pursuant to Official that you will not be entitled ary 4, 2014, and is recorded described in the Gwinnett Code of Georgia Annotated to object to this Petition unin the office of the Clerk of County deed records at Deed Section 40-11-5, as follows: less you come forward with a Superior Court of Gwinnett Book 51588, Page 298. Plat 1 1993 Acura Integra response to this Petition, and County, Georgia in Deed and deed are a part hereof. JH4DA9480PS001116 notice of your response to Book 52809 at Page 775. will expire and be forever 12979059–TEMP this Petition is filed with the The property may be reforeclosed and barred on and Buford Municipal Court and 2 2004 Chevrolet Malibu deemed at any time before after May 8, 2015. served upon Gregory D. Jay, 1G1ZU54804F111331 April 20, 2015, by payment of The tax deed to which this Chandler, Britt & Jay, LLC, NO TAG the redemption price as fixed notice relates is dated Octo4350 S. Lee Street, Buford, 3 2005 Chevrolet Suburban and provided by law to the ber 2, 2012, and is recorded Georgia 30518. 1GNEC16Z05J196457 undersigned at the following in the office of the Clerk of You are further required to PTW3601 address: Superior Court of Gwinnett lay any and all business aside 4 1995 Chevrolet Tahoe NR Deed, LLC County, Georgia in Deed and to be and appear before 1GNEK13K3SJ362802 1266 West Paces Ferry Book 51792 at Page 872. the Buford Municipal Court BZE9966 Road #517 The property may be reon the 15th day of May, 2015 5 2007 Chevrolet Impala Atlanta, GA 30327 deemed at any time before at 9:00 a.m., 2300 Buford 2G1WU58R279120518 Please be governed acMay 8, 2015, by payment of Hwy, Buford, Georgia 30518, BSB3290 cordingly. the redemption price as fixed then and there to make a 6 1998 Chevrolet Malibu 928-245606, 3/26,4/2,9,16 and provided by law to the defense and to show cause 1G1ND52MXW6243594 undersigned at the following why said Petition To Abate BPZ3589 address: Nuisance should not be dealt 7 2007 Chevrolet Aveo RTDCO, LLC with according to the proviKL1TD56697B115647 1266 West Paces Ferry Road sions of the City of Buford PTL8729 NO TAG UNIT# 471- RENEE WOODSASHLEY MCCLENDON JH4DA9363MS017614 2005 Chevrolet Suburban LEGALS_Classifieds 30409 GDP THURS 4/7/2015 7:36 PM Page C8HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FUR6201 1GNEC16Z05J196457 NITURE, BOXES BENNIE WATSON 2010 PTW3601 6173 HONDA CIVIC 4 1995 Chevrolet Tahoe UNIT# 571- GRASA MILLBELL PATRICK 2HGFA1F52AH551092 1GNEK13K3SJ362802 ER- HOUSEHOLD GOODS, 3233 9, 2015 • WWW.GWINNETTDAILYPOST.COM C8 • THURSDAY, APRIL BZE9966 FURNITURE, BOXES, TOYS, TRUCK TT5788E LAURENCE 2001 5 2007 Chevrolet Impala SPORTING GOODS, TOOLS WEINSTEIN DODGE INTREPID 2G1WU58R279120518 SALES/ SALES/ PUBLIC SALES/ PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC SALES/ 4428 2B3HD46R11H693924 BSB3290 AUCTIONS AUCTIONS AUCTIONS AUCTIONS UNIT#608BRANDY MILLROBINSON WYDRAKAS 6 1998 Chevrolet Malibu ER- HOUSEHOLD GOODS 3044 1999 1G1ND52MXW6243594 JONATHAN MCCONICO DODGE PK BPZ3589 UNIT#619- MARY BREW3239 1B7GL22X1XS200640 7 2007 Chevrolet Aveo ER- HOUSEHOLD GOODS, RANDI WALKER KL1TD56697B115647 FURNITURE, BOXES, SUIT 1723 2000 PTL8729 CASES GIONNI MATTHEWS OLDSMOBILE ALERO 8 2006 Chrysler Pacifica 1912 1G3NL52E9YC429389 2A4GM68486R640799 UNIT# 631- KATHY MOORETHERAN TRUCK JH1300H PD8HEU FURNITURE, BOXES AUGUSTINE 1989 9 1997 Dodge Ram Van 1608 MERCEDES 190 E 2B7KB31Z7VK594609 UNIT #643LEE DANIELLE JENKINS WDBDA29DXKF577066 BWKI02 (FL) NODLERHOUSEHOLD 6023 929-248973, 4/9,16 10 2004 Dodge Neon GOODS,FURNITURE, BOXES KITA SHARPE 1B3ES56C94D644305 6053 SPRWM19 PUBLIC AUCTION UNIT #645-ASHLE BRACKSKITA SHARPE 11 1998 Dodge Caravan IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FUR6057 2B4GP45G3WR574532 OCGA 40-11-2 RIVERSTON NITURE, BOXES, TOYS ARTIA BP 7203S MOODY PQH4709 WILL HOLD COMMUNITIES, 2206 12 2002 Ford Focus AN AUCTION FOR THE FOLUNIT #704- LEE NODLERPAMELA KENNY 3FAHP37372R155623 LOWING VEHICLE(S). HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FUR2310 PJS6690 NITURE DEBORAH RILEY 13 1989 Ford Ranger 1970 DETROITER MH 929-248915, 4/9,16,23 3247 1FTCR10T3KUB40302 GJ020090 CASSANDRA HARRISON BTW4438 PUBLIC AUCTION MELROSE ESTATES 7735 3270 14 2006 Ford Escape The following units will TARA BLVD LOT A07 CASSANDRA HARRISON 1FMYU03176KA72589 sold at Public Auction on be GA 30236 7038 JONESBORO 3243 13518547–TEMP Monday, APRIL 27, 2015, at Angela Garrett 15 2003 Ford Windstar A.M. At Gwinnett Self 11:00 STATLER MH 1981 AA6573E 2FMZA51453BB62014 Storage, located at, 1475 GDWSGA34805817 2885 Clairmont Rd NE Atl K783DI (FL) Grayson Hwy., LawrencevPECAN ESTATES 525 MUGa, 30329 404-315-0681 16 2006 Ford Focus ille, GA 30045. To satisfy SEUM CIR LOT 30 KHOUNG NGUYEN 1FAFP34N56W188149 lien for rent due in accorJONESBORO GA 30236 7037 B226 PSA9605 dance with Georgia Law. All CECIL COOPER 17 2000 Ford F-150 items and spaces may not be WILL BE AUCTIONED ON A344 1FTRX07W8YKB07021 available on day of sale. We 4/19/2015 4/10/2015 AT 10 SADITH JUSTIANO BUD8377 reserve the right to refuse AM. A240 18 2000 Ford Taurus any and all bids. All sales will 929-248831, 4/9,16 TARA FORREST 1FAFP52U5YA107477 be for cash only. All items C003 BIE7480 PUBLIC AUCTION must be removed from propPHILLIP LESTER 19 1998 Honda Civic On 04/21/2015 at 1:30 PM erty within 24 hours of sale. A397 1HGEJ6577WL023294 StoreSmart self storage DAMARIS RAGONE AWX0642 located at 2914 Buford Dr. UNIT# 309- ROBERT POWB389 20 1993 Honda Civic del Sol Buford, GA. 30519 will conELL-HOUSEHOLD GOODS, STEVE SEELEY JHMEH6262PS016071 duct a public auction of the FURNITURE, BOXES B032 AVF1121 following: Unit # 1042 Taylor 2951 N E Expressway Cham21 1994 Honda Accord Whitford, lawn tools, saw, UNIT# 501- DESEAN YATESblee Ga, 30341 770-4581HGCD5636RA122998 misc boxes, tv, ladders. Unit GOODS, HOUSEHOLD 8353 PTC9903 # 1071, Lori Hill, misc boxes, BOXES COLVIN WYLESA 22 1990 Honda Accord chairs, tv, dresser, national 4/17/2015 1HGCB766XLA145574 geographic magazines. Unit UNIT# 694- EMMALEE 4/2/2015 BDC0608 # 2032, Michele Brown, misc FURNITURE, CROWLEY2513 23 2006 Honda Accord boxes, end tables . Unit # BOXES $349.85 1HGCM55426A033208 2117, Marcellino King, misc 929-248919, 4/9,16,23 BRYANT AVERY PVB3128 bags, rug, end tables, lamps, 4/17/2015 24 PUBLIC AUCTION vacuum. Unit # 3030, Lauren 4/2/2015 2004 Honda Civic The following units will Wilson, washer, dryer, chair. 2326 1HGEM22544L032468 be sold at Public Auction on Unit # 3128 Roosevelt King, $349.85 BIE6552 Monday, APRIL 27, 2015, bike, stereo, dvd player, suite KEVIN FORD 25 1997 Honda Accord at 12:00 P.M. At Gwinnett case, boxes. Unit # 4009 Fa4/17/2015 1HGCE6676VA017460 Self Storage, located at, bian Matar, computer, bed, 4/2/2015 PWC2392 3950 Five Forks Trickum fog machine, cds, washer. 1723 26 2004 Honda VT600 Rd., Lilburn, GA 30047. To Unit # 4020 Ayanna Depriest, $879.80 JH2PC21344M500274 satisfy lien for rent due in acsmoker, bike, fridge, stove. KEVIN FORD NO TAG cordance with Georgia Law. Unit # 4056, Heather Brown, 4/17/2015 27 2000 Lincoln Town Car All items and spaces may not misc boxes, totes, filing 4/2/2015 1LNHM82W9YY769399 be available on day of sale. cabinet. Unit # 4101, Dung 1719 PTB1955 We reserve the right to refuse Nguyen, white couch, bed, $839.80 28 1994 Mazda 323 any and all bids. All sales will coffee table, lamp. KEVIN FORD JM1BG2345R0805536 be for cash only. All items 929-246683, 4/2,9 4/17/2015 PD21RG must be removed from prop4/2/2015 29 1998 Mitsubishi Montero erty within 24 hours of sale. OF PUBLIC SALE NOTICE 1715 Spt Ark Self Storage, pursuant $839.80 JA4LS31P7WP016100 UNIT# 121- FRANKLIN LEON the Georgia Self Storage to DURAYE JACOBS PRI2909 NEWKIRK III-HOUSEHOLD Facilities Act, shall conduct 4/17/2015 30 1999 MitsubiGOODS, FURNITURE, BOXa public auction of the con4/2/2015 shi Montero Spt ES, TOOLS of the following units to tents 2510 JA4LS31H2XP040380 the highest bidder, at 6305 $439.80 PGA4771 UNIT# 230- DOUGLAS E. Boulevard, Norcross, Atlantic DONNA MARSHALL 31 1996 Nissan Maxima VILLANUEVA-FURNITURE, GA 30071 sale will be on 4/17/2015 JN1CA21D8TT747830 BOXES, TOYS Thursday April 23, 2015 at 4/2/2015 PDI1885 PM, in front of each 2:00 1106 32 1996 Nissan Maxima UNIT# 309- PANDORA unit. Management reserves $459.90 JN1CA21DXTT140411 MINOR-FURNITURE, BOXES the right to withdraw units, OPAL BROWN PWZ1835 and reject bids. Veitems, 4/17/2015 33 1994 Pontiac Trans Sport UNIT# 536- DEBRA MChicles auctioned are parts 4/2/2015 1GMDU06L4RT238612 GLOTHURN- HOUSEHOLD only, no titles are involved. 2521-23 PMR8879 FURNITURE, GOODS, All sales are final and must be $349.90 34 2006 Pontiac G6 BOXES, TOYS, SPORTING paid for with certified funds. BRICE DEFOOR 1G2ZG578864101837 GOODS All units must be emptied 4/17/2015 NO TAG (MI) 929-248922, 4/9,16,23 and swept clean in 48 hours. 4/2/2015 35 2006 Pontiac G6 Contents of each unit will be 1603 1G2ZF55B764174120 available for inspection at the SERVICE $399.90 PJA1065 time of the auction. If for any JASON POOLE BY PUBLICATION 36 1998 Pontiac Firebird reason a unit does not sell at 4/17/2015 2G2FS22K7W2205602 scheduled auction, it will be 4/2/2015 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT WF9439 sold on the next scheduled 1707 OF GWINNETT COUNTY 37 2001 Saturn L200 auction date. $649.85 STATE OF GEORGIA 1G8JU52F01Y500325 Unit; Occupant; Contents DEJUAN SIMMONSIA ACTION: CIVIL BBY2174 C100a Pierre Diallo 4/17/2015 FILE No. 14-A-09893-1 38 2008 Suzuki VZR1800 Household Items 4/2/2015 INVESTMENT STONEFIELD JS1VY53A482105487 C70J Ligaya king 2607 FUND II, LLC 1893KW (FL) Household Items $245.80 Petitioner 39 1999 Toyota Corolla Cc70 Zomar Arteaga 929-248928, 4/9,16 v. 1NXBR12EXXZ217468 Household Items A TRACT OF LAND, BEING PSC7938 929-247350, 4/2,9 PUBLIC AUCTION KNOWN AS 4054 OVER40 1999 Volkswagen Golf IN ACCORDANCE WITH TRAIL, GWINNETT LAND 3VWJA81H2XM248498 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE THE OCGA 40-11-2 SPEEDY COUNTY, GEORGIA BEPHW9174 Ark Self Storage, pursuant TRANSIMISSION, WILL TAX PARCEL NUMBER ING 41 2000 Volkswagen New to the Georgia Self Storage HOLD AN AUCTION FOR THE R6054126 AND As The ReBeetle Facilities Act, shall conduct FOLLOWING VEHICLE(S). spective Interests May Be 3VWCD21C0YM429246 a public auction of the conOr Appear: TENANT, OWNER PWV2185 tents of the following units to 1999 ACURA 3.2 OR OCCUPANT OF PROPERAuction 4/11/15 11:00:00 the highest bidder, at 1410 19UUA5645XA028324 TY; SHARON CLARK; VINAM Beaver Ruin Road, Norcross, CENT CROSS; COMMERCIAL 929-247556, 4/2,9 GA 30093, 770- 923-4674. 2002 KIA SEDONA EX CREDIT PLAN, INC.; JOHN The sale will be on Thursday, KNDUP131226287977 GEIGLE; DOUGLAS J. MACPUBLIC AUCTION April 23, 2015 at 1:00 PM, GINNITIE, in his Official CaThe following rooms will in front of each unit. Man2004 NISSAN MAXIMA pacity as Commissioner of be sold at the public auction agement reserves the right 1N4BA41E84C802328 the GEORGIA DEPARTMENT on April 17, 2015 starting at to withdraw units, items, OF REVENUE; DISCOVER 300 Peters St Atl Ga, 30313. and reject bids. Vehicles 2003 CHEVROLET IMPALA BANK; FLOWERS CROSSING @ 10:00. auctioned are parts only, no 2G1WF52E339336663 AT THE MILL HOMEOWN300 Peters St Atl Ga, 30313 titles are involved. All sales ERS ASSOCIATION, INC.; 404-681-0502 are final and must be paid for WILL BE AUCTIONED ON GWINNETT COUNTY BOARD RHONDA JONES with cash or certified funds. 4/17/2015 AT 10 AM. THE OF COMMISSIONERS; UN6644 All units must be emptied AUCTION WILL BE HELD KNOWN PARTIES WITH ANY SECORI BARLOW and swept clean in 48 hours. AT 850 SANDY PLAINS RD INTEREST IN THE SUBJECT 4008 Contents of each unit will be STE3 MARIETA GA 30066 PROPERTY; LEWIS FOSTER available for inspection at the 7036 Respondents 6151 time of the auction. If for any 929-248846, 4/9,16 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION NAOMI JH1846K RAINES reason a unit does not sell at TO: TRUCK scheduled auction, it will be MCCULLOUGH TOWING • Unknown Parties with 4321 sold on the next scheduled AUCTION LIST any Interest in the Subject JASON JAMES auction date. 4431 BUFORD HWY. Property; 6478 Unit Occupant NORCROSS, GA 30071 • Sharon Clark; JASON JAMES Contents 770-263-8483 • Vincent Cross; 2213 A34 ELEODORO SISMIT SATURDAY, APRIL 18TH • Commercial Credit Plan, JONATHAN HINSON HOUSEHOLD 2015@ 1:00PM Inc.; 6400 BB10 AMANDA FOUTS 2003 Cadillac deVille • John Geigle; KARIM KING HOUSEHOLD 1G6KD54Y83U192424 • Discover Bank; 6271 BE06 HADASSAH COLLIER 2001 Chevrolet Impala You are hereby notified that KEANNA COGBORN HOUSEHOLD 2G1WF55K119353556 the above-styled petition to 2612 CC052 RANUKA PATEL 1979 Chevrolet Caprice Quiet Title to property known MARCELLUS LEWIS HOUSEHOLD 1N6969J299448 as 4054 Overland Trail, Gwin6120 CC065 STEPHANE PICAR1995 Dodge Ram Pickup nett County, Georgia, was ALVIN GREER DA HOUSEHOLD 1500 1B7HC16Z6SS125291 filed against you in the Supe6552 CC078 RANUKA PATEL 2000 Ford Crown Victoria rior Court of Gwinnett County FREDRICK GRIFFIN HOUSEHOLD 2FAFP74W1YX132393 on November 14, 2014 and 1001 D04 YESNIA ARZATE 1998 Ford F-150 that by reason of an order for DIANA LOKEY HOUSEHOLD 1FTZX1722WNA75200 service of summons by pub6494 D08 MARITA FRAZIER 2004 Ford Explorer lication entered by the Court CARLOS WILLIAMS HOUSEHOLD 1FMZU63K24ZA67644 on the 12th day of March, 6155 E26 TIMECIA GAINES 2003 Ford Expedition 2015, you are hereby comCHARLES ROGERS HOUSEHOLD 1FMRU15W23LB78005 manded and required to file 2200 E34 VICTORIA CRAWFORD 2000 GMC Yukon XL with the Clerk of said Court SHAMIKA MERIWEATHER HOUSEHOLD 3GKEC16T3YG228896 and serve upon John Ayoub 4128 G45 GEORGE DANIEL 1999 Honda Accord or Carolina Dallal Bryant, ANTOINE BATES HOUSEHOLD 1HGCG5651XA095246 Attorney at Law, whose ad4013-16 G60 LATORIA HATCHETT 1995 Honda Accord dress is 675 Seminole Ave., SHANTELLE HARRIS HOUSEHOLD 1HGCD7232SA015549 Suite 301, Atlanta, GA 30307 4844 929-247355, 4/2,9 1998 Honda Civic an Answer to the Complaint DEMARQUELLI WATSON 1HGEJ8252WL059635 within sixty (60) days of the 4409 OF PUBLIC SALE NOTICE 1995 Lexus GS 300 order for publication. STACEY JACKSON OF PERSONAL PROPERTY: JT8JS47E7S0090479 WITNESS, the Honorable 3035 Notice is hereby given that 1995 Lexus GS 300 George F. Hutchinson III, CATHERINE JONES the undersigned will sell, to JT8JS47E1S0111794 Judge of said Court. 6331 satisfy lien of the owner, at 2001 Lincoln LS This the 12th day of March, KIMBERLY SPRINGER public sale by competitive 1LNHM87A91Y614841 2015. 4605 bidding via www.storagetrea2003 Nissan Sentra Clerk of Superior Court JOYCE CLEVELAND sures.com on April 24, 2015 3N1CB51D73L778473 9 3 0 - 2 4 5 8 9 6 , 4709 at 9:00 AM for the Space 2003 Nissan Altima 3/26,4/2,9,16, ANTHONY BLACK Shop Storage facility located 1N4AL11D03C189521 6181 below. Management has the 2000 Oldsmobile Bravada RICK HUTCHINSON right to refuse any bid or 1GHDT13WXY2120686 NOTICE OF SERVICE OF 6652 withdraw any unit from the 2000 Pontiac Grand Am PROCESS BY LIZA MILAGRO auction. 1G2NW52E0YM791343 PUBLICATION STATE 6604 530 Athens Hwy 2005 Pontiac Sunfire OF NORTH TERRY MANSON Loganville GA 30052 3G2JB12FX5S103310 CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY 6203 770-466-4317 2001 Pontiac Grand Prix In the General Court of JusKAREEM RUTH The personal goods stored 1G2WP52K21F226903 tice, District Court Division 3159 therein by the following may Scooter Builder’s Mutual Insurance BERNARDINE BROWN include, but are not limited to LHJTLBBN8DB001576 Company, Plaintiff, 6412 general household, furniture, Scooter Vs. BRANNON POOLE boxes, clothes, and appli3CG3D7D4063005124 Thomas Abbey Individually 6158 ances. 1999 Toyota Avalon and d/b/a Mtn. Air of North ANTHONY BLACK A102- Christine Proc4T1BF18B3XU329941 Georgia, Inc. t/a Mountain 4205-07 tor- Household Goods, 2010 Trailmobile Air of North GA, Inc., DeSHAWN CABELL Furniture, Boxes, Trunks, 4M8UZ0811AD000216 fendant 3220 Suitcases, Toys, Tools. 1998 Volkswagen Cabriolet To: Thomas Abbey ELIJAH TUTT 929-248930, 4/9,16 3VWBA81E0WM809385 14 CVD 14368 3098 929-248935, 4/9,16 Take notice that a pleadPUBLIC AUCTION ADRIAN CARLISLE ing seeking relief against PUBLIC AUCTION The following units will 3037 you has been filed in aboveThere will be sold at public be sold at Public Auction on JOHNNIE CABBELL entitled action. The nature of out cry for at Kam Towing Monday, APRIL 27, 2015, 4400-07 the relief being sought is as Service Inc. 4371 Stone Mtn at 10:00 A.M. At Gwinnett JEREMY TAYLOR follows: Hwy, Lilburn , Ga. 30047. Self Storage, located at, 6008 Money damages for breach APRIL 19th, 2015 at 10 2600 Lawrenceville Hwy. DEAVERIC CLAYTON of contract and unjust enrichA.M.. Lawrenceville, GA 30044. 4806 ment arising out of unpaid inThe following vehicles have To satisfy lien for rent due DEREK CRUTCHFIELD surance premiums. been declared abandoned in accordance with Georgia 2224 You are required to make and foreclosed Vehicles purLaw. All items and spaces KWASIC MAYS defense to such pleading no suant to official code of Geormay not be available on day 6543 later than May 5, 2015 and gia annotated section of sale. JEFFERY BLAND upon your failure to do so the 40-11-5 as follows: We reserve the right to 1514 party seeking service against 1999 refuse any and all bids. All KIA LAWRENCE you will apply to the court for FORD RANGER sales will be for cash only. All 1703 the relief sought. 1FTYR14V6XTB08037 items must be removed from OBATAIYE SAMUEL This the 26 day of March, property within 24 hours of 6357 2015. 1998 sale. ROZLYN PEEPLES Theresa S. Dew, N.C. State PLYMOUTH VOYAGER 3193 Bar No. 29449 2P4GP45R0WR568722 UNIT# 317- ISAAC HERNANSADE SCOTT STUART LAW FIRM, PLLC DEZ- HOUSEHOLD GOODS, 2202 1033 Wade Avenue, 1991 FURNITURE, BOXES AUTRY CALLOWAY Suite 202 ACURA INTEGRA GS 6080 Raleigh, NC 27605-1155 JH4DA9363MS017614 UNIT# 471- RENEE WOODSASHLEY MCCLENDON 930-242140, 3/26,4/2,9 HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FUR6201 2010 NITURE, BOXES BENNIE WATSON HONDA CIVIC 6173 2HGFA1F52AH551092 UNIT# 571- GRASA MILLPATRICK BELL ER- HOUSEHOLD GOODS, 3233 2001 FURNITURE, BOXES, TOYS, LAURENCE TRUCK TT5788E DODGE INTREPID SPORTING GOODS, TOOLS WEINSTEIN 2B3HD46R11H693924 4428 UNIT#608- BRANDY MILLWYDRAKAS ROBINSON 1999 ER- HOUSEHOLD GOODS 3044 DODGE PK JONATHAN MCCONICO 1B7GL22X1XS200640 UNIT#619- MARY BREW3239 ER- HOUSEHOLD GOODS, RANDI WALKER 2000 FURNITURE, BOXES, SUIT 1723 SERVICE BY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 14A02018-10 CACH, LLC Plaintiff vs. THOMAS WARD, Defendant NOTICE OF PUBLICATION THOMAS WARD 3950 BAXLEY RIDGE DR. SUWANEE, GA 30024 By order for service by Publication dated 30 day of January, 2015. You are hereby notified that on the 28th day of March 2014, the Plaintiff filed suit against you. You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gwinnett County, and to serve upon Plaintiff’ CACH, LLC at 1200 Lake Hearn Drive, Suite 350, Atlanta, GA 30319 an answer in writing within sixty (60) days of the date of the first publication of notice. This the 16 day of MARCH, 2015. WITNESS, the Honorable Warren Davis, Judge of this Court. -sDeputy Clerk, Superior Court of Gwinnett County SUBMITTED BY SCHERR & MCCLURE, P.A. BY: -s- Joseph A. Ranieri, IV State Bar No. 797058 1200 Lake Hearn Drive Atlanta, Georgia 30319 (678)346-7023 930-246198, 3/26,4/2,9,16 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 14-C-06690-S5 TRACIE COLARUSSO Plaintiff(s) CARLOS GOMEZ, Defendant(s) TO: CARLOS GOMEZ NOTICE OF PUBLICATION By order for service by publication dated MARCH 24th, 2015, you are hereby notified that on the 15th day of December 2014, Tracie Colarusso filed suit against you for TORT. You are required to file with the Clerk of the State Court of Gwinnett County, and serve upon Plaintiff’s attorney, P. Charles Scholle 6340 Sugarloaf Parkway, Suite 200 Duluth, GA 30097, an answer in writing within sixty (60) days of the date of the first publication of notice. This the 27th day of March, 2015. WITNESS, the Honorable Randy Rich, Judge of this Court. -sDeputy Clerk, Superior Court For: Richard T. Alexander, Jr., CLerk PO Box 880 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 930-247645, 4/2,9,16,23 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION NO. 15A 02737-7 RYSZARD GIERLICKI, PLAINTIFF V. ANNA MALSKA, DEFENDANT NOTICE OF PUBLICATION By Order for service by publication dated 3-10-, 2015, you are hereby notified that on 3-6-15, RYSZARD GIERLICKI filed a Complaint against you. You are required to file with the Clerk of the SUPERIOR Court of Gwinnett County Georgia and to serve upon Complainant’s attorney, D. Warren Auld, Attorney at Law, P.O. Box 1438, 2388 Scenic Highway, Snellville, GA 30078 an Answer in writing within sixty (60) days of the date of the order for publication. This the 10 day of March, 2015. WITNESS, the Honorable Melodie Snell Conner, Judge of this said Court. Clerk of Superior Court Gwinnett County, Georgia -s- Wendy Marsh Deputy Clerk, 930-248908, 4/9,16,23,30 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 15A 03448-4 Jennifer Hancock Plaintiff Adrian Hancock Sr., Defendant TO: Adrian Hancock Sr. Address Unknown San Antonio, TX NOTICE OF PUBLICATION By order for service by Publication dated MARCH 30, 2015 you are hereby notified that on the 24 day of March 2015, Jennifer Hancock filed suit against you for Petition for Modification of Custody. You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gwinnett County, and to serve upon Plaintiff’s attorney, Jennifer Hancock P.O. Box 655, Grayson, GA 30017, an answer in writing within sixty (60) days of the date of the first publication of notice. This the 27 day of March, 2015. WITNESS, the Honorable Randy Rich, Judge of this Court. -sDeputy Clerk, Superior Court For: Richard T. Alexander, Jr., CLerk PO Box 880 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 930-248904, 4/9,16,23,30 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION: FILE No. 15-A-01371-1 HARVEST ASSETS, LLC Petitioner v. A TRACT OF LAND, BEING KNOWN AS 4703 ARDEN DRIVE, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA BEING TAX PARCEL NUMBER R7266156 AND As The Respective Interests May Be Or Appear: TENANT, OWNER OR OCCUPANT OF PROPERTY; L.A. MILLER, TRUSTEE OF THE BUFORD WILDLIFE CONSERVATION TRUST; TOM HAAS; CITY OF BUFORD, CITY MANAGER BRYAN B. KERLIN; UNKNOWN PARTIES WITH ANY INTEREST IN THE SUBJECT PROPERTY; Respondents NOTICE OF PUBLICATION TO: • Unknown Parties with any Interest in the Subject Property; • Tom Haas. You are hereby notified that the above styled action seeking to quiet title to real property known as 4703 Arden Drive, Gwinnett County, Georgia, was filed against you in the Superior Court of Gwinnett County on February 2, 2015 and that by reason of an order for service of summons by publication entered by the Court on 13th day of March, 2015, you are hereby Property; • Tom Haas. You are hereby notified that the above styled action seeking to quiet title to real property known as 4703 Arden Drive, Gwinnett County, Georgia, was filed against SERVICE Superior Court of you in the BY PUBLICATION County on February Gwinnett 2, 2015 and that by reason of an order for service of summons by publication entered by the Court on 13th day of March, 2015, you are hereby commanded and required to file with the Clerk of said Court and serve upon John Ayoub or John Coleman, Attorneys at Law, whose address is 675 Seminole Ave., Suite 301, Atlanta, GA 30307 an Answer to the Complaint within sixty (60) days of the date of the order for publication. WITNESS, the Honorable George F. Hutchinson III, Judge of said Court. This the 13th day of March, 2015. Clerk of Superior Court 930-246332, 3/26,4/2,9,16 IN THE STATE COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION NO:14-C-06389-S3 LACEY KING, Plaintiff(s) VS AHMED TAKPARA, Defendant(s) To: Eric M. Hape NOTICE OF PUBLICATION By order for service by publication dated MARCH 9TH, 2015, you are hereby notified that on the 26TH day of NOVEMBER, 2014, LACEY KING filed suit against you for AUTO TORT. You are required to file with the Clerk of the State Court, and serve upon plaintiff’s attorney, Gerry Carty 235 Peachtree Center Atlanta, GA 30303 an answer in writing within sixty (60) days of the date of the order for publication. This the 13th day of MARCH, 2015. WITNESS, the Honorable CARLA E. BROWN, Judge of this State Court. -s- Austin White Office Of: Richard T. Alexander, Jr., CLERK Hon. Carla E. Brown, JUDGE Gwinnett Judicial Circuit State Court 75 Langley Dr. Lawrenceville, GA 30046 930-245137, 3/19,26,4/2,9 NOTICE FOR SERVICE BY PUBLICATION NR DEED, LLC, Petitioner, v. MARY ANN LUICK; CITY OF LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA; GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA; STATE OF GEORGIA; and any RESIDENT/ TENANT/OCCUPANT of the property known as 985 PLEASANT HILL ROAD, LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA 30044, Defendants. CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 14A-10092-2 JUDGE DEBRA K. TURNER TO: MARY ANN LUICK By the Order of Honorable Debra K. Turner, Judge, Superior Court of Gwinnett County, dated March 4, 2015, you are hereby notified that on the 10th day of November, 2014, NR Deed, LLC filed suit against you to quiet title to certain property in Gwinnett County, Georgia. You are required to file with the Clerk of Superior Court and serve upon Petitioner’s attorney, John E. Ramsey, 4355 Cobb Parkway, Suite J-505, Atlanta, Georgia 30339, an answer in writing within sixty (60) days of the date of the Order for Publication. WITNESS the Honorable Debra K. Turner, Judge, Superior Court of Gwinnett County. This 9th day of March, 2015. 930-244422, 3/19,26,4/2,9 IN THE STATE COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION NO: 14-C05080-S3 Jammal Lynton Plaintiff(s) Salomon Madrid Defendant(s) NOTICE OF PUBLICATION To: Salomon Madrid By Order for Service by Publication dated March 09, 2015, you are hereby notified that on the 24th day of September, 2014, Jammal Lynton, filed suit against you for tort. You are required to file with the Clerk of State Court, and serve upon plaintiff’s attorney, Johnny G. Phillips, 3379 Peachtree Rd., NE, Suite 555, Atlanta, GA 30326 an answer in writing within sixty (60) days of the date of the order for publication. This the 18th day March, 2014. WITNESS, the Honorable Emily J. Brantley, Judge of this State Court. -s- Judy Clements Deputy Clerk, State Court For: Richard T. Alexander, Jr., Clerk P.O. Box 880, Lawrenceville, GA 30046 930-246152, 3/26,4/2,9,16 IN THE STATE COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 14-A-04113-6 MCCLAREN PARKE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., PLAINTIFF, v. ADDIS D. HENRY, DEFENDANT. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION TO: Addis D. Henry, 3603 McClaren Way Lawrenceville, GA 30044 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the above-styled action seeking damages for non-payment of assessments was filed in said court on May 12, 2014, and that by reason of an order for service of summons by Publication entered by the court on January 15, 2015, you are hereby commanded and required to file with the clerk of said court and serve upon Lazega & Johanson, LLC, 3520 Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite 415, Atlanta, Georgia 30305 an answer to the Complaint within sixty (60) days of the order referenced above. WITNESS the Honorable Ronnie K. Batchlor, Judge of said Court. This 18 day of March, 2015. -s- Casey Gaubert D/Clerk of Court State Court of Gwinnett County, Georgia 930-246196, 3/26,4/2,9,16 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA Civil Action No. 14A 08986-3 AMANDA MCMAHAN-BIVENS, Plaintiff, vs. JAMES CORTIS BIVENS II, Defendant TO: JAMES CORTIS BIVENS II: You are hereby notified that the above-styled action seeking modification of visitation was filed against you in the Court on 3 October 2014 and that by reason of an Order for Service of Summons by publication entered by the Court on 30 December 2014, you are hereby commanded and required to file with the Clerk of said Court and serve upon Defendant TO: JAMES CORTIS BIVENS II: You are hereby notified that the above-styled action seeking modification of visitation was filed against you in the Court on 3 October 2014 and SERVICE that by reason of an Order for BY PUBLICATION Service of Summons by publication entered by the Court on 30 December 2014, you are hereby commanded and required to file with the Clerk of said Court and serve upon Carlton Gibson, Plaintiff’s Attorney whose address is PO Box 2630, Brunswick, Georgia 31521 an answer to the Complaint within 60 days of 10 April 2015. WITNESS the Honorable Kathryn M. Schrader, Judge of this Court. Dated this 2nd day of April, 2015 -s- Ginger Stancil D/Clerk, Superior Court Gwinnett County, GA 930-248902, 4/9,16,23,30 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 15A 03250-3 TOMASA RANGEL Plaintiff ISMAEL LUGO BARRERA, Defendant TO: ISMAEL LUGO BARRERA NOTICE OF PUBLICATION By order for service by Publication dated MARCH 20, 2015. You are hereby notified that on the 18 day of MARCH 2015, TOMASA RANGEL filed suit against you for PETITIONER FOR CUSTODY. You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gwinnett County, and to serve upon Plaintiff’s attorney, TOVAR-HASTINGS LAW, LLC. 3609 Shallowford Rd. Suite B-501, Doraville, GA 30340, an answer in writing within sixty (60) days of the date of the first publication of notice. This the 20 day of March, 2015. WITNESS, the Honorable Kathryn M. Schrader, Judge of this Court. -sDeputy Clerk, Superior Court For: Richard T. Alexander, Jr., CLerk PO Box 880 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 930-246207, 3/26,4/2,9,16 IN THE STATE COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION NO. 14-C-05163-S2 RIVEREDGE LANDING HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION INC., Plaintiff(s) SIRAJUL HOQUE AND NIDIRA SARAJ Defendant(s) NOTICE OF PUBLICATION To: SIRAJUL HOQUE AND NIDIRA SARAJ By order for service by publication dated March 6, 2015, you are hereby notified that the 30th day of September, 2014, Riveredge Landing Association Homeowners filed suit against you for CONTRACT. You are required to file with the Clerk of the State Court, and serve upon plaintiff’s attorney, BARBARA MICIUL, 565 BRIGHTMORE DOWNS ALPAHARETTA, GA 30005, an answer in writing within sixty (60) days of the date of the order for publication. This the 1st day of April, 2015. WITNESS, the Honorable Shawn F. Bratton, Judge of this State Court. -s- T Whiteside Deputy Clerk, State Court FOR: Richard T. Alexander, Jr., Clerk 930-248911, 4/9,16,23,30 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA Civil Action File No. 14A 02955 7 CATHY FRANCES CHRISTOPHER ROBERTSON, Petitioner, V. ANNA NICHOLE PHILLIPS, Respondent. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS TO: ANNA NICHOLE PHILLIPS You are hereby notified that the above styled action seeking an order for permanent legal guardianship for Adon Alexzander Christopher was filed against you in said Court on April 4, 2014, and that by reason of an order for service of summons by publication entered by the Court on March 11, 2015, you are hereby commanded and required to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court and serve upon J. Greg Tharp, Plaintiff’s attorney, whose address is J. Greg Tharp Law Firm, P.C., 2565 Thompson Bridge Road, Suite 208, Gainesville, Georgia 30501-1723, an Answer in writing within sixty (60) days of the first date of publication. WITNESS, the Honorable Melodie Snell Conner, Chief Judge of this Superior Court. This the __ day of __, 2015. -s- Wendy Marsh D/Clerk of Court George G. Chenggis Richardson & Chenggis 1300 Canton Road Marietta, Georgia 30066 (770)428-5133 930-246119, 3/26,4/2 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS THE TRIAL COURT PROBATE AND FAMILY COURT Hampden Division Docket Number: HD14E0059EC SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION AND MAILING EARLINE SULLIVAN Plaintiff v. CRAIG S. SMITH Defendant To the above named Defendant: A complaint has been presented to this Court by Earline Sullivan, plaintiff, on Complaint in Equity for Child Support of Unemancipated Child Previously Under Guardianship. You are required to serve upon - Earline Sullivanplaintiff- whose address is 86 St. James Avenue, Springfield MA. 01109, your answer on or before June 8, 2015. If you fail to do so, the court will proceed to the hearing and adjudication of this action. You are also required to file a copy of your answer in the office of the Register of this Court at Springfield. Witness, Anne M. Geoffrion, Esquire, first Justice of said Court at Springfield, this twenty-fourth day of February 2015. -s-Suzanne O. Seguin Register of Probate 930-246433, 4/2,9,16,23 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION: FILE No. 15-A-01108-10 TASSARE FINANCIAL GROUP, LLC Petitioner v. A TRACT OF LAND, BEING KNOWN AS 1969 HOOT OWL TRAIL, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA BEING TAX PARCEL NUMBER R6214 167 STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION: FILE No. 15-A-01108-10 FINANCIAL TASSARE GROUP, LLC Petitioner v. A TRACT OF LAND, BEING SERVICE KNOWN AS PUBLICATION BY HOOT OWL TRAIL, 1969 GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA BEING TAX PARCEL NUMBER R6214 167 AND As The Respective Interests May Be Or Appear: TENANT, OWNER OR OCCUPANT OF PROPERTY; MARIO CANCADO; ELIZETI CANCADO; UNKNOWN PARTIES WITH ANY INTEREST IN THE SUBJECT PROPERTY; Respondents NOTICE OF PUBLICATION TO: • Unknown Parties with any Interest in the Subject Property; You are hereby notified that the above styled action seeking to quiet title to real property known as 1969 Hoot Owl Trail, Gwinnett County, Georgia, was filed against you in the Superior Court of Gwinnett County on January 26, 2015 and that by reason of an order for service of summons by publication entered by the Court on 26th day of March, 2015, you are hereby commanded and required to file with the Clerk of said Court and serve upon John Ayoub or Carolina Dallal Bryant, Attorneys at Law, whose address is 675 Seminole Ave., Suite 301, Atlanta, GA 30307 an Answer to the Complaint within sixty (60) days of the date of the order for publication. WITNESS, the Honorable Warren Davis, Judge of said Court. This the 26th day of March, 2015. Clerk of Superior Court 930-248314, 4/9,16,23,30 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION NO. 15A-03522-3 PATRICIA TREMBLAY PLAINTIFF CARL STEVE TREMBLAY DEFENDANT To: CARL STEVE TREMBLAY NOTICE OF PUBLICATION By Order for service by March publication dated 31, 2015, you are hereby notified that on 24th day of March, 2015 filed suit against you for MODIFICATION OF CUSTODY. You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court and to serve upon Plaintiff’s attorney, Rachel M. Lazarus, Gwinnett Legal Aid, 324 W. Pike Street, Suite 200, Lawrenceville, GA. 30046 an Answer in writing within sixty (60) days of the date of the order for publication. This the 31 day of March, 2015. WITNESS, the Honorable Kathryn M. Schrader, Judge of this Superior Court. -s-Ginger Stancil Deputy Clerk of Superior Court For: Richard T. Alexander Jr. Clerk, PO Box 880 Lawrenceville, GA. 30046 930-248944, 4/9,16,23,30 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA Civil Action No. 14A11009-1 WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF THE SASCO 2007 MLN1 Plaintiff, vs. MELISSA K. THOMPSON; DAVID NAGLIT; BALDEMAR LOPEZ; ROSALIA MENDOZA; THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF RICHARD M. NAGLIT; AND JEFFREY R. SLIZ, Defendants NOTICE OF PUBLICATION By order for service by publication dated March 11, 2015, David Naglit and the Unknown Heirs of Richard M. Naglit are hereby notified that Wells Fargo bank, National Association, as Trustee for the Certificateholders of the Sasco 2007 MLN1 filed a Complaint for Equitable Reformation, to Remove Cloud from Title, or for Declaratory Judgment (the “Complaint”) on December 8, 2014. David Naglit and the Unknown Heirs of Richard M. Naglit are required to file with the Clerk of the Superio Court, and serve upon Plaintiff’s Attorney, Leigh Ann Dowden, an answer in writing within sixty (60) days of the date of the order for publication. WITNESS the Honorable George F. Hutchinson, III, Judge of this Superior Court. This 23 day of March, 2015. -s- Wendy Marsh DEPUTY CLERK, Superior Court of Gwinnett County, Georgia FOR: Leigh Ann Dowden Georgia Bar Number 227710 Fidelity National Law Group 4170 Ashford Dunwoody Road Suite 460 Atlanta, Georgia 30319 Direct: (770) 325-4811 Email: leigh.dowden@fnf. com 930-248907, 4/9,16,23,30 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY STATE OF GEORGIA CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 14A 09772-4 TANYA M. YOUNG Plaintiff MARCUS JOHNSON, Defendant TO: MARCUS JOHNSON 2013 TULIP PETAL RD. AUBURN, GA 30011 NOTICE OF PUBLICATION By order for service by Publication dated MARCH 18, 2015. You are hereby notified that on the 28th day of October 2014, Tanya Young filed suit against you for Child Custody Modification. You are required to file with the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gwinnett County, and to serve upon Plaintiff’s attorney, Hannah C. Pelham, P.O. Box 928, Braselton, GA 30517, an answer in writing within sixty (60) days of the date of the first publication of notice. This the 20 day of March, 2015. WITNESS, the Honorable Randy Rich, Judge of this Court. -s- Debra Peters Deputy Clerk, Superior Court For: Richard T. Alexander, Jr., CLerk PO Box 880 Lawrenceville, GA 30046 930-246219, 3/26,4/2,9,16 SHERIFF’S SALES SHERIFF’S SALE STATE OF GEORGIA GWINNETT COUNTY STATE COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY CIVIL ACTION NUMBER 12-C-06492-S2 (Writ of Fieri Facias) OAK GREEN PARK TOWNHOMES ASSOCIATION, INC. -VSNADIA MARONSKI Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 443-232(c) of the Georgia Property Owners Act and the Writ of Fieri Facias entered by the State Court of Gwinnett County, Georgia on January 3, 2013; Civil Action No. 12-C-06492-S2 and in favor of Oak Green 12-C-06492-S2 (Writ of FieriDr. Lawren is/are doin Facias) OAK GREEN PARK TOWN-Gwinnett HOMES ASSOCIATION, INC. under the n 1414 Ivey -VSrenceville, G NADIA MARONSKI Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 44-the nature o 3-232(c) of the Georgiabe carried o Property Owners SALES Act andis: Graphi SHERIFF’S TRAD the Writ of Fieri Facias en-duction, Ap tered by the State Court of-s- Richard Gwinnett County, GeorgiaOwner, on January 3, 2013; CivilSworn to Action No. 12-C-06492-S2before me and in favor of Oak GreenMarch, 201 Park Townhomes Associa--s- Sladjan tion, Inc. plaintiff and againstNotary Pub Nadia Maronski, defendant,Filed in Offi the below described propertyClerk Super will be sold at public auctionGwinnett Co to the highest and best bid-15 MAR 31 der for cash, between theRichard Ale legal hours of sale before the933-248679 courthouse doors in GwinG nett County, Georgia, on the SUPE first Tuesday in May, 2015 to TR wit: May 5, 2015. REG All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in LandMINUTE BO Lot 47 of the 5th District,PAGE 0026 Gwinnett County, Georgia, Persona being Lot 54, Block A, Oakundersigne Green Park Townhomes Sub-poses and s division, phase one as perZ. KHAN plat recorded in Plat Book 84,BLVD., #71 Page 180 and revised plat re-30097 is/a corded in Plat Book 96, Pageness in G 287, Gwinnett County, Geor-Georgia un gia records, which recordedBRIGHTWO plat is incorporated hereinellite Blvd., by this reference and made a30097 and part of this description. Saidthe busines property being known as 21at such add Oak Green Dr. according to -s- Fazal Z the present system of num-Sworn to an bering houses in Gwinnettfore me this 2015 County, Georgia. Said property having been-s- Ginger found to be in the possessionDeputy Cler of the defendant, Nadia Mar-Filed in Offi onski and levied upon as theClerk Super property of the defendant inGwinnett Co accordance with the Writ of15 MAR 30 Richard Ale Fieri Facias stated above. The sale will be held sub-933-248705 ject to any unpaid taxes, asG sessments, rights-of-way, SUPE easements, protective covTR enants or restrictions, liens, REG and other superior matters of record, which may affect saidMINUTE BO 0028 PAGE property. The sale will be conducted Persona subject to confirmation thatundersigne the sale is not prohibited un-deposes an der the United States Bank-ton Enterpr wood Hills ruptcy Code. -s- R.L. “Butch” Conway 30024 is/a in Gwinnet SHERIFF under the GWINNETT COUNTY 931-248950, 4/9,16,23,30 Smith Perfo (CSPS), 4 Blvd., Suite 30093 and TRADE NAMES the busines at such add Performanc -sGWINNETT Sworn to SUPERIOR COURT before me TRADE NAME March, 201 REGISTRATION -s- Kaycee MINUTE BOOK 15T Notary Pub PAGE 00253 Personally appeared theFiled in Offi undersigned who on oathClerk Super deposes and says that: AN-Gwinnett Co DREA USA OESTE, LLC 760315 MAR 31 SAINT ANDREWS AVENUERichard Ale SUITE A-B-C, SAN DIEGO933-248661 CA. 92154 is/are doing busiG ness in Gwinnett County, SUPE Georgia under the name of: TR ANDREA, 40 Technology REG Pkwy South #300 Norcross, GA 30092 and that the na-MINUTE BO 0026 PAGE ture of the business to be carried on at such address Persona is: trading of foot wear andundersigne deposes clothing. John Andr -sp Fairmont Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 18th day of30019 is/ar in Gwinnet March, 2015 under the n -s- Douglas Kent Burnor and Sons R NOTARY PUBLIC Fairmont p Filed in Office 30019 and Clerk Superior Court the busines Gwinnett County, GA at such ad 15 MAR 24 remodel Richard Alexander, Clerk -s933-242437, 4/2,9 Sworn to before me GWINNETT February, 2 SUPERIOR COURT -s- Hina Fer TRADE NAME NOTARY PU REGISTRATION Filed in Offi MINUTE BOOK 15T Clerk Super PAGE 00290 Personally appeared theGwinnett Co undersigned who on oath15 MAR 27 deposes and says that: ONRichard Ale EVENT SERVICES, LLC c/o933-247473 CAPITAL PARTNERS, LP, G ONE GLENLAKE PARKWAY, SUPE SUITE 1075, ATLANTA, GA TR 30328 is/are doing busiREG ness in Gwinnett County, Georgia under the name of:MINUTE BO AREA NORTH POINT, 1327PAGE 0025 NORTHBROOK PARKWAY, Persona SUWANEE, GA 30024 andundersigne that the nature of the busi-poses and s ness to be carried on at suchPizza, LLC address is: Audio Visual Pro-Hwy #104, 30045 is/ar duction Supply in Gwinnet -sSworn to and Subscribedunder the before me this 18 day ofCO’S BEST Hwy #104, MARCH, 2015 30045 and -s- Frank M. Rutland the busines Notary Public at such ad Filed in Office Serving fo Clerk Superior Court Pasta Wing Gwinnett County, GA -s15 APR 3 Sworn to Richard Alexander, Clerk before me 933-248655, 4/9,16 March, 201 -s- Angela M GWINNETT NOTARY PU SUPERIOR COURT Filed in Offi TRADE NAME Clerk Super REGISTRATION Gwinnett Co MINUTE BOOK 15T 15 MAR 25 PAGE 00257 Personally appeared theRichard Ale undersigned who on oath de-933-247461 poses and says that: Digital G Glue, Inc. 30100 Town center SUPE Dr., Suite 0-444, Laguna NiTR guel, CA 92677 is/are doing REG business in Gwinnett County, MINUTE BO Georgia under the name of: Barnfind Americas, 368 W.PAGE 0027 Persona Pike Street #104, Lawrenceville, Ga 30046 and that theundersigne nature of the business to beposes and carried on at such addressgie Lyon In is: Sales of communicationIndustrial cross, GA equipment doing busi -sSworn to and SubscribedCounty, Ge before me this 16th day ofname of: 6000 Pea March, 2015 Boulevard, -s- Heather Carthy 30071 and NOTARY PUBLIC the busines Filed in Office at such add Clerk Superior Court tion and rep Gwinnett County, GA fectionery i 15 MAR 25 -s- Jeffrey Richard Alexander, Clerk President 933-247471, 4/2,9 Sworn to before me GWINNETT March, 201 SUPERIOR COURT -s- Norma TRADE NAME Notary Pub REGISTRATION Filed in Offi MINUTE BOOK 15T Clerk Super PAGE 00252 Personally appeared theGwinnett Co undersigned who on oath de-15 MAR 31 poses and says that: BiglandRichard Ale Refigeretion 925 Hannah933-248675 Creek Ct Lawrenceville, GA G 30044 is/are doing business SUPE in Gwinnett County, Georgia TR under the name of: Bigland REG Cooler, 925 Hannah Creek CtMINUTE BO Lawrenceville, GA 30044 andPAGE 0025 that the nature of the busi- Persona ness to be carried on at suchundersigne address is: Install refigera-deposes an tion and HVAC, Greek Hood Visions, LL -sHill Drive, Sworn to and Subscribed30045 is/ar before me this 23rd day ofin Gwinnet March, 2015 under the -s- Angela McCarter BAGS AND NOTARY PUBLIC Chapel Hill Filed in Office ille, GA 30 Clerk Superior Court nature of th Gwinnett County, GA carried on 15 MAR 24 is: Online a Richard Alexander, Clerk handbags, 933-242437, 4/2,9 including and access GWINNETT -sSUPERIOR COURT Sworn to an TRADE NAME fore me this REGISTRATION 2015 MINUTE BOOK 15T -s- Ginger H PAGE 00273 Personally appeared theDeputy Cler undersigned who on oath de-Filed in Offi poses and says that: Rich-Clerk Super ard Valenzi 1414 Ivey PointeGwinnett Co Dr. Lawrenceville, GA 3004515 MAR 26 is/are doing business inRichard Ale Gwinnett County, Georgia933-247466 under the name of: Bling4U, 1414 Ivey Pointe Dr., Lawrenceville, GA 30045 and that the nature of the business to be carried on at such address is: Graphic design and production, Apparel Decoration -s- Richard Valenzi, Owner, Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 18th day of March, 2015 Writ of FieriDr. Lawrenceville, GA 30045 0409doing GDPbusiness THURSin LEGALS_Classifieds 4/7/2015 7:36 PM Page is/are RK TOWN-Gwinnett County, Georgia TION, INC. under the name of: Bling4U, 1414 Ivey Pointe Dr., Lawrenceville, GA 30045 and that KI the C.G.A. 44- nature of the business to e Georgiabe carried on at such address design and pros SALES Act andis: Graphic NAMES TRADE TRADE NAMES TRADE NAMES Facias en-duction, Apparel Decoration te Court of-s- Richard Valenzi, y, GeorgiaOwner, GWINNETT GWINNETT 2013; CivilSworn to and Subscribed SUPERIOR COURT SUPERIOR COURT C-06492-S2before me this 18th day of TRADE NAME TRADE NAME Oak GreenMarch, 2015 REGISTRATION REGISTRATION s Associa--s- Sladjana Miskic MINUTE BOOK 15T BOOK 15T MINUTE and againstNotary Public PAGE 00286 PAGE 00261 defendant,Filed in Office Personally appeared the Personally appeared the ed propertyClerk Superior Court undersigned who on oath dewho on oath undersigned blic auctionGwinnett County, GA poses and says that: Sweet deposes and says that: Anna d best bid-15 MAR 31 Beverage World LLC 501 and Joseph Haba 2280 Skyetween theRichard Alexander, Clerk Indian Trail Road, NW, Lillars Mill Way, Snellville, GA e before the933-248679, 4/9,16 burn, GA 30047 is/are doing 30078 is/are doing business s in Gwinbusiness in Gwinnett County, GWINNETT Gwinnett County, Georgia in gia, on the Georgia under the name of: SUPERIOR COURT under the name of: Haba ay, 2015 to Lilburn Package, 501 Indian TRADE NAME and Associates, 2280 Sky. Trail, NW, Lilburn, GA 30047 REGISTRATION Mill Way, Snellville, GA lars r parcel of and that the nature of the 30078 and that the nature of ing in LandMINUTE BOOK 15T business to be carried on at the business to be carried on th District,PAGE 00268 such address is: 501 Indian Personally appeared the such address is: Nonstore at , Georgia, Trail, NW, Lilburn, GA 30047 Retailers, Retail Export-Genock A, Oakundersigned who on oath de-seral Supplies. homes Sub-poses and says that: FAZAL Sworn to and Subscribed be-sone as perZ. KHAN 2200 SATELLITE fore me this 10 day of FebruSworn to and Subscribed beat Book 84,BLVD., #716 DULUTH, GA ary, 2015 is/are doing busi30097 me this 27 day of Februfore sed plat re-s- Richard Gaalema ary, 2015 ok 96, Pageness in Gwinnett County, Deputy Clerk -s- Ginger Hendrix unty, Geor-Georgia under the name of: Filed in Office 2200 SatBRIGHTWORLD, Clerk Deputy h recorded Clerk Superior Court Filed in Office ated hereinellite Blvd., #716 Duluth, GA Gwinnett County, GA Clerk Superior Court and made a30097 and that the nature of 15 APR 2 Gwinnett County, GA iption. Saidthe business to be carried on Richard Alexander, Clerk 15 MAR 27 nown as 21at such address is: Contract 933-248659, 4/9,16 -sFazal Z. Khan Alexander, Clerk Richard ccording to 933-247465, 4/2,9 GWINNETT m of num-Sworn to and Subscribed beSUPERIOR COURT n Gwinnettfore me this 30 day of March, 2015 TRADE NAME GWINNETT REGISTRATION aving been-s- Ginger Stancil SUPERIOR COURT MINUTE BOOK 15T possessionDeputy Clerk TRADE NAME PAGE 00271 Nadia Mar-Filed in Office REGISTRATION Personally appeared the upon as theClerk Superior Court MINUTE BOOK 15T undersigned who on oath efendant inGwinnett County, GA PAGE 00283 deposes and says that: LUA the Writ of15 MAR 30 Personally appeared the Richard Alexander, Clerk GROUP, INC. 1568 Indian above. undersigned who on oath deTrail Lilburn Rd., Suite 109, e held sub-933-248705, 4/9,16 and says that: Linposes Norcross, GA 30093 is/are d taxes, ascare Inc. 19387 US 19 North GWINNETT doing business in Gwinnett hts-of-way, Clearwater FL 33764 is/are SUPERIOR COURT County, Georgia under the ective covbusiness in Gwinnett doing NAME TRADE name of: Lua Pho & Grills, ions, liens, Georgia under the County, REGISTRATION 1568 Indian Trail Lilburn r matters of name of: HI-Tech HealthRd. Suite 109, Norcross, GA y affect saidMINUTE BOOK 15T care 1805 Schackleford PAGE 00280 30093 and that the nature of Court, #100, Norcross, GA the business to be carried on conducted Personally appeared the 30093, and that the nature at such address is: Full sermation thatundersigned who on oath of the business to be carried and says that: Carldeposes vice restaurant -s- Richard ohibited unon at such address is: Home Valenzi, tates Bank-ton Enterprises, LLC 52 Oakdelivery of durable medical wood Hills Dr. Suwanee, GA Owner, equipment and respiratory Sworn to and Subscribed beConway 30024 is/are doing business care equipment. in Gwinnett County, Georgia fore me this 11 day of March, -sGreg McCarthy the name of: Chip under 2015 UNTY Sworn to and Subscribed Performance Systems Smith -s- Carol Garcia 9,16,23,30 before me this 19th day of (CSPS), 4295 International Notary Public March, 2015 Blvd., Suite F, Norcross, GA Filed in Office -s- Gayle M. Davis 30093 and that the nature of Clerk Superior Court Notary Public Gwinnett County, GA AMES the business to be carried on Filed in Office at such address is: Sports 15 MAR 31 Clerk Superior Court Performance Training. Richard Alexander, Clerk Gwinnett County, GA -sETT 933-248684, 4/9,16 15 MAR 31 Sworn to and Subscribed COURT Richard Alexander, Clerk before me this 26th day of GWINNETT AME 933-248670, 4/9,16 March, 2015 SUPERIOR COURT ATION -s- Kaycee May TRADE NAME T Notary Public REGISTRATION APPLICATION TO MINUTE BOOK 15T peared theFiled in Office REGISTER A BUSINESS PAGE 00266 o on oathClerk Superior Court TO BE CONDUCTED UNDER Personally appeared the s that: AN-Gwinnett County, GA TRADE NAME, PARTNERundersigned who on oath deE, LLC 760315 MAR 31 SHIP OR OTHERS poses and says that: Luckie S AVENUERichard Alexander, Clerk STATE OF KENTUCKY Losers LLC 1796 Satellite AN DIEGO933-248661, 4/9,16 COUNTY OF JEFFERSON Blvd Apt 1014 Duluth, GA doing busiMINUTE BOOK 15T GWINNETT 30097 is/are doing business tt County, PAGE 00247 SUPERIOR COURT in Gwinnett County, Georgia e name of: The undersigned does TRADE NAME under the name of: Luckie Technology hereby certify that Humana REGISTRATION Losers, 1796 Satellite Blvd 0 Norcross, Pharmacy, Inc. conducting Apt 1014, Duluth, GA 30097 hat the na-MINUTE BOOK 15T a business at 40 Technolgy 00262 PAGE and that the nature of the ness to be Pkwy South, #300 in the City business to be carried on at ch address Personally appeared the of Norcross County of Gwinsuch address is: 1796 Satt wear andundersigned who on oath nett in the State of Georgia, deposes and says that: ellite Blvd Apt. 1014 Duluth, under the name of PrescriJohn Andrew Deguido 621 30097 (Clothing /Retail) GA beIT Rx - Mirama and the -sSubscribedFairmont pk dr., Dacula, GA nature of the business is to and Subscribed beSworn 8th day of30019 is/are doing business mail order pharmacy and in Gwinnett County, Georgia fore me this 30 day of March, related activities and that the the name of: DeGuido under 2015 Burnor name and addresses of the and Sons Remodeling, 621 -s- Richard A. Black, II persons, firms or partnerFairmont pk dr., Dacula, GA Public Notary ship owning and carrying on and that the nature of 30019 Filed in Office urt said trade or business are the business to be carried on Superior Court Clerk GA Humana Pharmacy, Inc. 500 at such address is: general Gwinnett County, GA W Main Street, Louisville, KY remodel MAR 30 15 r, Clerk 40202 -sRichard Alexander, Clerk 9 -sSworn to and Subscribed 933-248702, 4/9,16 Sworn to and Subscribed bebefore me this 14th day of ETT fore me this 12 day of March February, 2015 COURT GWINNETT 2015 -s- Hina Ferrell AME SUPERIOR COURT -s- Courtney Durall NOTARY PUBLIC ATION TRADE NAME NOTARY PUBLIC Filed in Office T REGISTRATION Filed in Office Clerk Superior Court MINUTE BOOK 15T Clerk Superior Court peared theGwinnett County, GA PAGE 00269 Gwinnett County, GA o on oath15 MAR 27 Personally appeared the 15 MAR 23 s that: ONRichard Alexander, Clerk undersigned who on oath Richard Alexander, Clerk S, LLC c/o933-247473, 4/2,9 deposes and says that: 933-247475, 4/2,9 NERS, LP, DANIEL NARCISO 2018 SINGWINNETT PARKWAY, CLAIR COURT LAWRENCEVSUPERIOR COURT LANTA, GA ILLE GA 30044 is/are doing GWINNETT COUNTY TRADE NAME oing busibusiness in Gwinnett County, SUPERIOR COURT REGISTRATION tt County, Georgia under the name APPLICATION TO e name of:MINUTE BOOK 15T of: M&D ADVISORS CA, REGISTER A BUSINESS INT, 1327PAGE 00258 2018 SINCLAIR COURT TO BE CONDUCTED PARKWAY, Personally appeared the LAWRENCEVILLE GA 30044 A TRADE NAME UNDER 30024 andundersigned who on oath deand that the nature of the STATE OF GEORGIA f the busi-poses and says that: Franco’s business to be carried on at COUNTY OF GWINNETT LLC 1365 Grayson Pizza, on at such such address is: SAME AS MINUTE BOOK 15-T Visual Pro-Hwy #104, Lawrenceville GA ABOVE - INTERNET SALES PAGE 00291 30045 is/are doing business OF AUTO PARTS The undersigned hereby in Gwinnett County, Georgia -scertifies that it is conductSubscribedunder the name of: FRANSworn to and Subscribed being a business in the City of 18 day ofCO’S BEST, 1365 Grayson fore me this 30 day of March, County of GwinNorcross, Hwy #104, Lawrenceville GA 2015 nett, State of Georgia, under 30045 and that the nature of nd -s- Angela McCarter the name: the business to be carried on Deputy Clerk IgniteCX at such address is: Selling/ Filed in Office The Nature of the business Serving food Pizza Salads urt Clerk Superior Court is: website/service for fundPasta Wings GA Gwinnett County, GA raising for educational insti-s15 MAR 30 tutions Sworn to and Subscribed r, Clerk Richard Alexander, Clerk The business is composed before me this 25th day of ,16 933-248725, 4/9,16 of the following limited liabilMarch, 2015 ity company: -sAngela McCarter GWINNETT ETT COREXPAND, LLC One Meca NOTARY PUBLIC SUPERIOR COURT COURT Way Filed in Office TRADE NAME AME Norcross, GA 30093-2919 Clerk Superior Court REGISTRATION ATION This affidavit is made in Gwinnett County, GA MINUTE BOOK 15T T compliance with GA Code 15 MAR 25 PAGE 00263 Annotated, Title 10, Chapter Personally appeared the peared theRichard Alexander, Clerk 1, Section 490. undersigned who on oath on oath de-933-247461, 4/2,9 COREXPAND, LLC deposes and says that: Jefhat: Digital By: Lindsey Tanner GWINNETT frey M Malucci, DC LLC 3091 Town center Linsdy Tanner, Manager SUPERIOR COURT Holcomb Bridge Rd., Suite Laguna NiSworn to and subscribed TRADE NAME D1, Norcross, GA 30071 is/ s/are doing before me this 20th day of REGISTRATION are doing business in Gwinnett County, March, 2015. MINUTE BOOK 15T nett County, Georgia under e name of: -s- Sarah Roecker the name of: Malucci Sports as, 368 W.PAGE 00272 Notary Public Therapy, 3091 Holcomb Lawrencev- Personally appeared the My Commission Expires: Bridge Rd., Suite D1, Nornd that theundersigned who on oath de1-29-2019 cross, GA 30071 and that the iness to beposes and says that: Mag933-248787, 4/9,16 nature of the business to be ch addressgie Lyon Inc. 6000 Peachtree carried on at such address is: municationIndustrial Boulevard, Norcross, GA 30071 is/are GWINNETT Health care - Chiropractors doing business in Gwinnett SUPERIOR COURT -sTRADE NAME Sworn to and Subscribed beSubscribedCounty, Georgia under the GiGi’s Sweets, REGISTRATION fore me this 16 day of March, 6th day ofname of: 6000 Peachtree Industrial MINUTE BOOK 15T 2015 Boulevard, Norcross, GA PAGE 00256 -s- Jeffrey Park y 30071 and that the nature of Personally appeared the NOTARY PUBLIC the business to be carried on undersigned who on oath Filed in Office at such address is: Producdeposes and says that: Clerk Superior Court urt tion and repackaging of conSharlene DeBorah Wyke 878 Gwinnett County, GA GA fectionery items Winding Down Way, Grayson 15 MAR 27 -s- Jeffrey Pollack, GA 30017 is/are doing busiRichard Alexander, Clerk r, Clerk President ness in Gwinnett County, 933-247474, 4/2,9 9 Sworn to and Subscribed Georgia under the name of: before me this 18th day of GWINNETT ETT iHEARTBEAUTYi, 878 WindMarch, 2015 SUPERIOR COURT COURT ing Down Way, Grayson, GA -s- Norma R. Cochran TRADE NAME AME 30017 and that the nature Notary Public REGISTRATION ATION of the business to be carried Filed in Office MINUTE BOOK 15T T on at such address is: Sale Clerk Superior Court PAGE 00270 of Clothing & Beauty Items Personally appeared the peared theGwinnett County, GA Online undersigned who on oath on oath de-15 MAR 31 -sRichard Alexander, Clerk deposes and says that: ONE hat: Bigland Sworn to and Subscribed HEALTH GROUP, LLC 3473 5 Hannah933-248675, 4/9,16 before me this 25th day of OLD NORCROSS ROAD, ceville, GA March, 2015 GWINNETT DULUTH, GA 30096 is/are g business -s- Angela McCarter SUPERIOR COURT doing business in Gwinnett ty, Georgia NOTARY PUBLIC TRADE NAME County, Georgia under the of: Bigland Filed in Office REGISTRATION name of: MORNING CHIah Creek CtMINUTE BOOK 15T Clerk Superior Court ROPRACTIC AT DULUTH, 30044 andPAGE 00259 Gwinnett County, GA 3473 OLD NORCROSS f the busi- Personally appeared the 15 MAR 25 ROAD, DULUTH, GA 30096 on at suchundersigned who on oath Richard Alexander, Clerk and that the nature of the ll refigera-deposes and says that: TNT 933-247462, 4/2,9 business to be carried on at reek Hood Visions, LLC 1055 Chapel such address is: OFFICES Hill Drive, Lawrenceville, GA GWINNETT OF CHIROPRACTORS Subscribed30045 is/are doing business SUPERIOR COURT -s3rd day ofin Gwinnett County, Georgia TRADE NAME Sworn to and Subscribed beunder the name of: TNTV REGISTRATION fore me this 30 day of March, er BAGS AND MORE, 1055 MINUTE BOOK 15T 2015 Chapel Hill Drive, LawrencevPAGE 00264 -s- Angela McCarter ille, GA 30045 and that the Personally appeared the Deputy Clerk urt nature of the business to be undersigned who on oath deFiled in Office GA carried on at such address poses and says that: AtlanClerk Superior Court is: Online and local sells of ta Korean Cultural Center Inc. Gwinnett County, GA r, Clerk handbags, clothing, linens 5336 Medlock Corners Dr. 15 MAR 30 9 including upholestery jobs Norcross, GA 30092 is/are Richard Alexander, Clerk and accessories. doing business in Gwinnett ETT 933-248727, 4/9,16 -sCounty, Georgia under the COURT Sworn to and Subscribed bename of: Korean Cultural AME GWINNETT fore me this 26 day of March, Center, 3585 Peachtree ATION SUPERIOR COURT 2015 Ind. Blvd 178-A Duluth, GA T TRADE NAME -s- Ginger Hendrix 30096 and that the nature of REGISTRATION the business to be carried on peared theDeputy Clerk MINUTE BOOK 15T at such address is: Korean on oath de-Filed in Office PAGE 00250 Cultural Activities - Dance hat: Rich-Clerk Superior Court Personally appeared the Gwinnett County, GA -sIvey Pointe undersigned who on oath deSworn to and Subscribed beGA 3004515 MAR 26 poses and says that: Neighfore me this 30 day of March, usiness inRichard Alexander, Clerk borhood Advertising Network 2015 y, Georgia933-247466, 4/2,9 1268 Brooks Pointe Dr, -s- Angela McCarter : Bling4U, Lawrenceville, GA 30045 is/ Deputy Clerk e Dr., Laware doing business in GwinFiled in Office 45 and that nett County, Georgia under Clerk Superior Court business to the name of: NAN SIGNS, Gwinnett County, GA uch address 1268 Brooks Pointe Dr, Law15 MAR 30 gn and prorenceville, GA 30045 and that Richard Alexander, Clerk Decoration the nature of the business to 933-248773, 4/9,16 zi, be carried on at such address is: Digital Signage AdvertisSubscribed ing 8th day of -sSworn to and Subscribed C9borhood Advertising Network poses and says that: Neigh- 1268 Brooks Pointe Dr, Lawrenceville, GA 30045 is/ are doing business in Gwinnett County, Georgia under the name of: NAN SIGNS, 1268 Brooks Pointe Dr, Lawrenceville, GA 30045 and that NAMES TRADE the nature of the business to be carried on at such address is: Digital Signage Advertising -sSworn to and Subscribed before me this 23rd day of March, 2015 -s- Angela McCarter NOTARY PUBLIC Filed in Office Clerk Superior Court Gwinnett County, GA 15 MAR 23 Richard Alexander, Clerk 933-247455, 4/2,9 GWINNETT SUPERIOR COURT TRADE NAME REGISTRATION MINUTE BOOK 15T PAGE 00251 Personally appeared the undersigned who on oath deposes and says that: Noble Realty LLC 4661 Warrior Trail Lilburn, GA 30047 is/ are doing business in Gwinnett County, Georgia under the name of: NOBLE REALTY, 4661 Warrior Trail Lilburn, GA 30047 and that the nature of the business to be carried on at such address is: Real Estate -sSworn to and Subscribed before me this 23 day of March, 2015 -s- Angela McCarter NOTARY PUBLIC Filed in Office Clerk Superior Court Gwinnett County, GA 15 MAR 23 Richard Alexander, Clerk 933-247456, 4/2,9 GWINNETT SUPERIOR COURT TRADE NAME REGISTRATION MINUTE BOOK 15T PAGE 00260 Personally appeared the undersigned who on oath deposes and says that: NDIDI P. ODWU CHUKWURAH 2854 Valley Spring dr, Lawrenceville, GA 30044 is/are doing business in Gwinnett County, Georgia under the name of: Oluchi General Merchant Enterprises, 2854 Valley Spring dr, Lawrenceville, GA 30044 and that the nature of the business to be carried on at such address is: General Wholesale Supplies of goods -sSworn to and Subscribed before me this 27th day of March, 2015 -s- Angela McCarter NOTARY PUBLIC Filed in Office Clerk Superior Court Gwinnett County, GA 15 MAR 27 Richard Alexander, Clerk 933-247458, 4/2,9 GWINNETT SUPERIOR COURT TRADE NAME REGISTRATION MINUTE BOOK 15T PAGE 00278 Personally appeared the undersigned who on oath deposes and says that: Moto Deviant, LLC 340 Sharon Industrial Way, Suite B, Suwanee, GA 30024 is/are doing business in Gwinnett County, Georgia under the Peach Machine name of: Works, 340 Sharon Industrial Way, Suite B, Suwanee, GA 30024 and that the nature of the business to be carried on at such address is: Metal Machining -sSworn to and Subscribed before me this 31 day of March, 2015 -s- Ginger Stancil Deputy Clerk Filed in Office Clerk Superior Court Gwinnett County, GA 15 MAR 31 Richard Alexander, Clerk 933-248709, 4/9,16 GWINNETT SUPERIOR COURT TRADE NAME REGISTRATION MINUTE BOOK 15T PAGE 00281 Personally appeared the undersigned who on oath deposes and says that: Florafelt Corporation 6659 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard, Suite B, Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 is/are doing business in Gwinnett County, Georgia under the name of: Plants on Walls, 6659 Peachtree Industrial Boulevard, Suite B, Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 and that the nature of the business to be carried on at such address is: Shipping and assembly of Garden Planters. -sSworn to and Subscribed before me this 26th day of March, 2015 -s- Angela R. Mashburn Notary Public Filed in Office Clerk Superior Court Gwinnett County, GA 15 MAR 31 Richard Alexander, Clerk 933-248662, 4/9,16 GWINNETT SUPERIOR COURT TRADE NAME REGISTRATION MINUTE BOOK 15T PAGE 00293 Personally appeared the undersigned who on oath deposes and says that: Ten Keys Property Partners LLC 1170 McKendree Church Rd Lawrenceville, GA 30043 is/ are doing business in Gwinnett County, Georgia under the name of: PMI Gwinnett, 1170 McKendree Church Rd, Lawrenceville, GA 30043 and that the nature of the business to be carried on at such address is: Property Management -sSworn to and Subscribed before me this 3rd day of April, 2015 -s- Angela McCarter Deputy Clerk Filed in Office Clerk Superior Court Gwinnett County, GA 15 APR 3 Richard Alexander, Clerk 933-248766, 4/9,16 GWINNETT SUPERIOR COURT TRADE NAME REGISTRATION MINUTE BOOK 15T PAGE 00277 Personally appeared the undersigned who on oath deposes and says that: HERBERUSA TECNOLOGIES INC 3435 Palisade Lake Dr. Duluth, GA 30096 is/are doing business in Gwinnett County, Georgia under the name of: POS Ultimate, 3435 Palisade Lake Dr. Duluth, GA 30096 and that the nature of the business to be carried on at such address is: TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING -sSworn to and Subscribed before me this 31 day of March, 2015 -s- Angela McCarter Deputy Clerk Filed in Office Clerk Superior Court Gwinnett County, GA 15 MAR 31 Richard Alexander, Clerk 933-248738, 4/9,16 If your old stuff is collecting dust, it could be collecting cash! classifieds 770-962-SELL TRADE NAMES GWINNETT SUPERIOR COURT TRADE NAME REGISTRATION MINUTE BOOK 15T PAGE 00287 Personally appeared the undersigned who on oath deposes and says that: Marcello C. Locascio 4340 Cary Drive Snellville, GA 30039 is/ are doing business in Gwinnett County, Georgia under Prestige the name of: Properties, 4340 Cary Dr. and Snellville, GA 30039 that the nature of the business to be carried on at such address is: Landscaping -sSworn to and Subscribed before me this 2 day of April, 2015 -s- Angela McCarter Deputy Clerk Filed in Office Clerk Superior Court Gwinnett County, GA 15 APR 2 Richard Alexander, Clerk 933-248756, 4/9,16 GWINNETT SUPERIOR COURT TRADE NAME REGISTRATION MINUTE BOOK 15T PAGE 00292 Personally appeared the undersigned who on oath deposes and says that: FOUR MINC DBA PROSOURCE WHOLESALE FLOORCOVING OF ATLANTA 3000 MILLER COURT WEST NORCROSS GA 30071 is/are doing business in Gwinnett County, Georgia under the name of: PROSOURCE WHOLESALE FLOORCOVERING, 3000 MILLER COURT WEST NORCROSS, GA 30071 and that the nature of the business to be carried on at such address is: WHOLESALE FLOORING, CABINETS WINDOW TREATMENTS ETC. -sSworn to and Subscribed before me this 30TH day of MARCH, 2015 -s- JUDI GRANT Notary Public Filed in Office Clerk Superior Court Gwinnett County, GA 15 APR 3 Richard Alexander, Clerk 933-248654, 4/9,16 GWINNETT SUPERIOR COURT TRADE NAME REGISTRATION MINUTE BOOK 15T PAGE 00267 Personally appeared the undersigned who on oath deposes and says that: DAVID ROBERTSON 91 TERRY LANE LILBURN, GA 30047 is/are doing business in Gwinnett County, Georgia under the name of: ROBERTSON PAINTING AND CONTRACTING, P.O. BOX 450311 Atlanta, GA 31145 and that the nature of the business to be carried on at such address is: Painting and Contracting -sSworn to and Subscribed before me this 30 day of March, 2015 -s- Ginger Stancil Deputy Clerk Filed in Office Clerk Superior Court Gwinnett County, GA 15 MAR 30 Richard Alexander, Clerk 933-248704, 4/9,16 GWINNETT SUPERIOR COURT TRADE NAME REGISTRATION MINUTE BOOK 15T PAGE 00279 Personally appeared the undersigned who on oath deposes and says that: Ryan Burton Marketing LLC 3011 Brasshire Ct Dacula, GA 30019 is/are doing business in Gwinnett County, Georgia Ryan under the name of: Burton Music Group, 3011 Brasshire Ct Dacula GA 30019 and that the nature of the business to be carried on at such address is: MUSIC PRODUCTION -sSworn to and Subscribed before me this 31 day of March, 2015 -s- Angela McCarter Deputy Clerk Filed in Office Clerk Superior Court Gwinnett County, GA 15 MAR 31 Richard Alexander, Clerk 933-248755, 4/9,16 GWINNETT SUPERIOR COURT TRADE NAME REGISTRATION MINUTE BOOK 15T PAGE 00288 Personally appeared the undersigned who on oath deposes and says that: Serenity Writing Services, LLC P.O. Box 3496, Loganville, GA 30052 is/are doing business in Gwinnett County, Georgia under the name of: Serenity Writing Services, 4015 Britler Springs Drive Loganville, GA 30052 and that the nature of the business to be carried on at such address is: Custom Writing Services -s- Lena E. Bain Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 2 day of April, 2015 -s- Ginger Stancil Deputy Clerk Filed in Office Clerk Superior Court Gwinnett County, GA 15 APR 2 Richard Alexander, Clerk 933-248706, 4/9,16 GWINNETT SUPERIOR COURT TRADE NAME REGISTRATION MINUTE BOOK 15T PAGE 00284 Personally appeared the undersigned who on oath deposes and says that: Scientific Games International, Inc. 6650 El Camino Road, Las Vegas, NV 89118 is/ are doing business in Gwinnett County, Georgia under the name of: SG Lottery, 1680 Executive Drive South, Duluth, GA 30096 and that the nature of the business to be carried on at such address is: Lottery Supplier -sSworn to and Subscribed before me this 31st day of March, 2015 -s- Ivory Abad Notary Public Filed in Office Clerk Superior Court Gwinnett County, GA 15 APR 1 Richard Alexander, Clerk 933-248673, 4/9,16 GWINNETT SUPERIOR COURT TRADE NAME REGISTRATION MINUTE BOOK 15T PAGE 00255 Personally appeared the undersigned who on oath deposes and says that: Andre Hues Photography 1027 Ivey Chase Place Dacula GA 30019 is/are doing business in Gwinnett County, Georgia under the name of: Soft Hues Photography, 1027 Ivey Chase Place Dacula GA 30019 and that the nature of the business to be carried on at such address is: Photography -sSworn to and Subscribed before me this 24th day of March, 2015 -sNOTARY PUBLIC 30019 is/are doing business Lot 52 of the 5th District, Development for the City of in Gwinnett County, GeorGwinnett County, Georgia, Snellville located in Snellville gia under the name of: Soft being Lot 2, Block H, Unit City Hall, 2nd Floor, 2342 Oak Hues Photography, 1027 Two, of The Summit at SaraRoad, Snellville, Georgia. For Ivey Chase Place Dacula GA toga Subdivision, as per inquiries please call the Pub30019 and thatWWW.GWINNETTDAILYPOST.COM the nature plat thereof Plat Office 770- APRIL lic Information • THURSDAY, 9, recorded 2015 •in C9 of the business to be carried Book 70, Page 105, Gwinnett 985-3517. on at such address is: PhoCounty, Georgia Records, A public hearing with the tography which recorded plat is incorCouncil, as proMayor and TRADE NAMES TRADE NAMES ZONINGS FORECLOSURES -sporated herein by reference vided by law, is scheduled Sworn to and Subscribed and made a part of this defor Monday, April 27, 2015 before me this 24th day of scription. GWINNETT at the Snellville City Hall March, 2015 The debt secured by said SUPERIOR COURT Council Chambers, Snellville -sSecurity Deed has been and TRADE NAME City Center, 2342 Oak Road, NOTARY PUBLIC is hereby declared due beREGISTRATION Snellville, Georgia to considFiled in Office cause of, among other posMINUTE BOOK 15T er the proposed text amendClerk Superior Court sible events of default, failure PAGE 00249 ment and recommendations Gwinnett County, GA to pay the indebtedness as Personally appeared the by the Planning Department 15 MAR 24 and when due and in the undersigned who on oath and Planning Commission, Richard Alexander, Clerk manner provided in the Note deposes and says that: TRI conduct a public hearing and 933-247463, 4/2,9 and Security Deed. The debt NGUYEN 645 PEACHTREE take action. remaining in default, this sale DR. SUWANEE, GA 30024 The public is invited and GWINNETT will be made for the purpose is/are doing business in encouraged to attend the SUPERIOR COURT of paying the same and all Gwinnett County, Georgia public hearing. All citizens TRADE NAME expenses of this sale, as under the name of: TR 2 are advised that the adopREGISTRATION provided in the Security Deed 645 TRANSPORTATION, tion of the proposed text MINUTE BOOK 15T and by law, including attorPEACHTREE DR. SUWANEE, amendment could affect: the PAGE 00289 ney’s fees (notice of intent to GA 30024 and that the nause of any property located Personally appeared the collect attorney’s fees having ture of the business to be within the City; the definiundersigned who on oath been given). carried on at such address is: tions of words as applied to deposes and says that: Said property is commonly TRUCKING BUSINESS. the zoning and use of any SOUTHERN AUTOMOTIVE known as 2095 Broadway -sproperty located within the SERVICES, LLC 763 REDrive, Lawrenceville, GA Sworn to and Subscribed City; the display of any signs BECCA ST. N.W. LILBURN, 30044 together with all fixbefore me this 23 day of within the City; procedures is/are doing GA 30047 tures and personal property MARCH, 2015 contained in the Zoning Ordibusiness in Gwinnett County, attached to and constituting -s- GINGER HENDRIX nance; and other conditions, Georgia under the name of: a part of said property, if any. NOTARY PUBLIC requirements or allowed SOUTHERN HEADGASKET To the best knowledge and Filed in Office uses/items contained in the 763 REBECCA REPAIR, belief of the undersigned, the Clerk Superior Court Articles of the Zoning OrdiST. NW LILBURN, GA 30047 party (or parties) in possesGwinnett County, GA nance listed above. and that the nature of the sion of the subject property 15 MAR 23 934-246719, 4/9 business to be carried on at is (are): Lester Adams or tenRichard Alexander, Clerk such address is: MOBILE ant or tenants. 933-247468, 4/2,9 AUTO REPAIR PennyMac Loan Services, -s- ROBERT P. OXENDINE GWINNETT FORECLOSURES LLC is the entity or individual Sworn to and Subscribed SUPERIOR COURT designated who shall have before me this 2ND day of TRADE NAME full authority to negotiate, NOTICE OF SALE APRIL, 2015 REGISTRATION amend and modify all terms UNDER POWER -s- Angela McCarter MINUTE BOOK 15T of the mortgage. STATE OF GEORGIA Deputy Clerk PAGE 00282 PennyMac Loan Services, COUNTY OF GWINNETT Filed in Office Personally appeared the LLC By virtue of the power of Clerk Superior Court undersigned who on oath deLoss Mitigation sale contained in a Security Gwinnett County, GA poses and says that: Atiya 6101 Condor Drive Deed from Carly C. Ackie 15 APR 2 Shakoor 980 Walther Blvd., Moorpark, CA 93021 a/k/a Carly Chemia Ackie Richard Alexander, Clerk Apt. 1412, Lawrenceville, GA 1-800-549-3583 Moore to Branch Banking 933-248776, 4/9,16 30043 is/are doing business Note, however, that such and Trust Co. (“BB&T”), datin Gwinnett County, Georgia entity or individual is not GWINNETT ed February 8, 2007, and reunder the name of: True Rarequired by law to negotiate, SUPERIOR COURT corded in Deed Book 47622, diance, 980 Walther Blvd., amend or modify the terms TRADE NAME Page 434, Gwinnett County, Apt. 1412, Lawrenceville, GA of the loan. REGISTRATION Georgia records, securing a 30043 and that the nature of Said property will be sold MINUTE BOOK 15T Note in the original princithe business to be carried on subject to: (a) any outstandPAGE 00265 pal amount of $108,000.00, at such address is: It will be ing ad valorem taxes (includPersonally appeared the the holder thereof will sell selling homemade bath salts ing taxes which are a lien, but undersigned who on oath at public outcry for cash to with essential oils and other not yet due and payable), (b) deposes and says that: Inthe highest bidder before safe products for the public. unpaid water or sewage bills terstate Auction Company the courthouse doors of said -s- Atiya Shakoor, Owner that constitute a lien against 3300 Holcomb Bridge Rd, county during the legal hours Sworn to and Subscribed the property whether due and Ste 240 Peachtree Corners, of sale on the first Tuesday in before me this 21st day of payable or not yet due and GA is/are doing business in May, 2015, the following deMarch, 2015 payable and which may not Gwinnett County, Georgia scribed property, to-wit: -s- Maegan M. Redden be of record, (c) the right of under the name of: Sperry All that tract or parcel of Notary Public redemption of any taxing auVan Ness Ameritrade, 3300 land lying and being in Land Filed in Office thority, (d) any matters which Holcomb Bridge Rd, Ste 240, Lot 168 of the 6th District, Clerk Superior Court might be disclosed by an acPeachtree Corners and that Gwinnett County, Georgia, Gwinnett County, GA curate survey and inspection the nature of the business to being Building “L”, Unit “A” 15 MAR 31 of the property, and (e) any be carried on at such address of the Townhomes at WedgeRichard Alexander, Clerk assessments, liens, encumis: Real Estate Auctions wood, Phase Two, as per plat 933-248666, 4/9,16 brances, zoning ordinances, -sthereof recorded in Condorestrictions, covenants, and Sworn to and Subscribed beGWINNETT minium Plat Book 1, page matters of record superior fore me this 27 day of March, SUPERIOR COURT 288, Gwinnett County, Georto the Security Deed first set 2015 TRADE NAME gia Records, which recorded out above. -s- Vicki L. Wilson REGISTRATION plat is incorporated herein by The sale will be conducted Notary Public MINUTE BOOK 15T reference and made a part of subject to (1) confirmation Filed in Office PAGE 00274 this description. that the sale is not prohibited Clerk Superior Court Personally appeared the The indebtedness secured under the U.S. Bankruptcy Gwinnett County, GA undersigned who on oath deby said Security Deed having Code; and (2) final confirma15 MAR 30 poses and says that: FOODbeen declared due and paytion and audit of the status Richard Alexander, Clerk VENTURE NORCROSS, LLC able because of default in the of the loan with the holder 933-248689, 4/9,16 5247 JIMMY CARTER BLVD payment of the indebtedness of the Security Deed. PurNORCROSS, GA 30093 is/are secured thereby, this sale suant to O.C.G.A. Section GWINNETT doing business in Gwinnett will be made for the purpose 9-13-172.1, which allows for SUPERIOR COURT County, Georgia under the of paying the same and all certain procedures regarding TRADE NAME name of: WINGSTOP, 5247 expenses of the sale, includthe rescission of judicial and REGISTRATION JIMMY CARTER BLVD NORing attorney’s fees, notice of non-judicial sales in the State MINUTE BOOK 15T CROSS, GA 30093 and that intention to collect attorney’s of Georgia, the Deed Under PAGE 00248 the nature of the business to fees having been given as Power and other foreclosure Personally appeared the be carried on at such address provided by law. BB&T Loss documents may not be proundersigned who on oath is: RESTAURANT Mitigation Department is the vided until final confirmation deposes and says that: Tra-sname of the department at and audit of the status of the vis J. Council 2384 Boone Sworn to and Subscribed BB&T who has full authorloan as provided immediately Ct., Snellville GA 30078 before me this 26TH day of ity to negotiate, amend, and above. and Talitha S. Council 2384 MARCH, 2015 modify all terms of the mortPennyMac Loan Services, Boone Ct., Snellville GA -sgage with the debtor, and LLC as agent and Attorney in 30078 is/are doing business Deputy Clerk their address is: BB&T Loss Fact for Lester Adams in Gwinnett County, Georgia Filed in Office Mitigation Department, 301 Aldridge Connors, LLP, under the name of: Swavvy Clerk Superior Court College Street, Greenville, 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 Music Productions, 2384 Gwinnett County, GA South Carolina 29601; Phone Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite Boone Ct., Snellville GA 15 MAR 31 # 800-827-3722, Option 6. 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, 30078 and that the nature Richard Alexander, Clerk The property will be sold (404) 994-7400. of the business to be carried 933-247482, 4/9,16 subject to the following: (1) 1120-14703A on at such address is: Music any prior restrictive covTHIS LAW FIRM MAY BE Production GWINNETT enants, easements, right-ofACTING AS A DEBT COLLEC-sSUPERIOR COURT ways, or encumbrances; (2) ATTEMPTING TO COLTOR Sworn to and Subscribed TRADE NAME any valid zoning ordinances; LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORbefore me this 23rd day of REGISTRATION (3) any matters which would MATION OBTAINED WILL BE February, 2015 MINUTE BOOK 15T be disclosed by an accurate USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. -s- Angela McCarter PAGE 00285 survey of the property; (4) 1120-14703A NOTARY PUBLIC Personally appeared the any outstanding ad valorem 9 5 0 - 2 4 7 1 1 2 , Filed in Office undersigned who on oath taxes (including taxes which 4/2,9,16,23,30 Clerk Superior Court deposes and says that: are a lien, but not yet due Gwinnett County, GA George W. Haskins, Jr. 2442 and payable), assessments, 15 MAR 23 Oak Creek Court, Dacula, GA STATE OF GEORGIA unpaid bills, charges and Richard Alexander, Clerk 30019 is/are doing business COUNTY OF GWINNETT expenses that constitute 933-242437, 4/2,9 in Gwinnett County, Georgia NOTICE OF SALE liens against the property, under the name of: Wood UNDER POWER whether due and payable or GWINNETT You!!!, 2442 Oakcreek Court Because of a default in the not yet due and payable, and SUPERIOR COURT Dacula, GA 30019 and that payment of the indebtedness matters of record superior to TRADE NAME the nature of the business to secured by a Security Deed the Security Deed first set out REGISTRATION be carried on at such address executed by Howard Adkins, above. MINUTE BOOK 15T is: Wood Carving, Engraving Jr. to Mortgage Electronic The sale will be conducted PAGE 00276 services Registration Systems, Inc. subject to (1) confirmation Personally appeared the -s- George W. Haskins, Jr., as nominee for Taylor, that the sale is not prohibited undersigned who on oath Owner Bean & Whitaker Mortgage under the U.S. Bankruptcy deposes and says that: La Sworn to and Subscribed beCorp., and its successors Code; and (2) final confirmaShonda Herring 1610 Chase fore me this 23 day of March, and assigns dated Decemtion and audit of the status Ridge Ln., Lawrenceville, GA 2015 ber 15, 2006, and recorded of the loan with the secured 30043 is/are doing busi-sin Deed Book 47433, Page creditor, including but not ness in Gwinnett County, Deputy Clerk 543, and Deed Book 48869, limited to, a determination Georgia under the name of: Filed in Office Page 212Deed Book 52869, that the borrower has not reThe H Zone, 1610 Chase Clerk Superior Court Page 645, Gwinnett County instated the loan prior to the Ridge Ln Lawrenceville, GA Gwinnett County, GA Records, said Security Deed foreclosure sale. 30043 and that the nature 15 APR 1 having been last sold, asThe party in possession is of the business to be carried Richard Alexander, Clerk signed, transferred and conor may be Carly C. Ackie a/k/a on at such address is: Life 933-248650, 4/9,16 veyed to Selene Finance LP Carly Chemia Ackie Moore, a Coaching by Assignment, securing a tenant or tenants, or parties -s- La Shonda Herring Note in the original principal claiming under the aforeSworn to and Subscribed beamount of $164,419.00, the ZONINGS mentioned, and said property fore me this 31 day of March, holder thereof pursuant to is more commonly known 2015 said Deed and Note thereby as 6467 Wedgeview Drive, -s- Angela McCarter PUBLIC NOTICE secured has declared the Tucker, GA 30084. Deputy Clerk The City of Buford Zoning entire amount of said indebtBranch Banking & Trust Filed in Office Board of Appeals will meet edness due and payable and, Co., Clerk Superior Court on Monday, April 20, 2015 pursuant to the power of sale as Attorney-in-Fact for Gwinnett County, GA at 7:00 p.m. at Buford City contained in said Deed, will Carly C. Ackie a/k/a Carly 15 MAR 31 Hall, 2300 Buford Highway, on the first Tuesday, May 5, Chemia Ackie Moore Richard Alexander, Clerk Buford, Georgia 30518 to 2015, during the legal hours Gregory M. Eells 933-248733, 4/9,16 consider a variance request of sale, before the CourtAttorney at Law at 1595 Heraeus Boulevard house door in said County, Eells Law Group, LLC GWINNETT for Panattoni Development sell at public outcry to the Suite 181–The Oglethorpe SUPERIOR COURT Company, Inc. The variance highest bidder for cash, the Bldg. TRADE NAME requested is to allow a decoproperty described in said 2971 Flowers Road South REGISTRATION rative black metal fence 8 feet Deed, to-wit: Atlanta, Georgia 30341 MINUTE BOOK 15T high in the front yard and to ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR(770) 455-3660 PAGE 00275 allow two (2) guard houses. CEL OF LAND LYING AND THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING Personally appeared the 934-247552, 4/2,9,16 IN LAND LOT 91 OF BEING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATundersigned who on oath THE 5TH DISTRICT, GWINTEMPTING TO COLLECT A deposes and says that: COUNTY, GEORGIA, NETT DEBT. ANY INFORMATION PUBLIC NOTICE Three Aces LLC 323 Park BEING LOT 44, BLOCK A, OBTAINED WILL BE USED The City of Buford Zoning River Blvd Lawrenceville Ga HAYNES CREEK TRACE FOR THAT PURPOSE. Board of Appeals will meet 30046 is/are doing business SUBDIVISION, AS PER PLAT IF YOU ARE ENTITLED TO on Monday, April 20, 2015 in Gwinnett County, Georgia RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK THE PROTECTIONS OF THE at 7:00 p.m. at Buford City under the name of: The PAGE 231-232, GWIN93, U.S. BANKRUPTCY CODE Hall, 2300 Buford Highway, Hook Up, 3435 Medlock NETT COUNTY, GEORGIA (11 U.S.C. § 362; 524) REBuford, Georgia 30518 to Bridge Rd Norcross, GA RECORDS, SAID PLAT IS GARDING THE SUBJECT consider a variance request 30092 and that the nature INCORPORATED HEREIN BY MATTER OF THIS LETTER, at 4228 Buford Drive for of the business to be carried REFERENCE THERETO. THE FOLLOWING APPLIES Prime Motors, LLC. The on at such address is: Retail Said property is known as TO YOU: THIS COMMUNICAvariance requested is to alSmoke Shop & Accessories 1346 Haynes Trace Court, TION IS NOT AN ATTEMPT low bollards in the front yard. -sGrayson, GA 30017, together TO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR 934-247549, 4/2,9,16 Sworn to and Subscribed bewith all fixtures and personal RECOVER A CLAIM OR fore me this 31 day of March, property attached to and conTO ENFORCE A LIEN IN 2015 NOTICE stituting a part of said propVIOLATION OF THE U.S. -s- Angela McCarter The City of Buford Zoning erty, if any. BANKRUPTCY CODE AND Deputy Clerk Board of Appeals will meet Said property will be sold IS BEING GIVEN FOR INFORFiled in Office on Monday, April 20, 2015 subject to any outstanding MATIONAL PURPOSES OR Clerk Superior Court at 7:00 p.m. at Buford City ad valorem taxes (including TO COMPLY WITH A STATUGwinnett County, GA Hall, 2300 Buford Highway, taxes which are a lien, whethTORY REQUIREMENT ONLY. 15 MAR 31 Buford, Georgia 30518 to er or not now due and pay950-247864, 4/9,16,23,30 Richard Alexander, Clerk consider a variance request able), the right of redemp933-248731, 4/9,16 at 1595 Heraeus Boulevard tion of any taxing authority, NOTICE OF SALE for Panattoni Development any matters which might be GWINNETT UNDER POWER, Company, Inc. The variance disclosed by an accurate SUPERIOR COURT GWINNETT COUNTY requested is to allow a decosurvey and inspection of the TRADE NAME Pursuant to the Power of rative black metal fence 8 feet property, any assessments, REGISTRATION Sale contained in a Security high in the front yard, to alliens, encumbrances, zoning MINUTE BOOK 15T Deed given by Lester Adams low a 8 foot high black vinyl ordinances, restrictions, covPAGE 00254 to Mortgage Electronic Regcoated chainlink fence in the enants, and matters of record Personally appeared the istration Systems, Inc. as front yard and to allow two superior to the Security Deed undersigned who on oath nominee for Bank of Amer(2) guard houses. first set out above. deposes and says that: The ica, N.A. dated 11/23/2012 934-247495, 4/2,9,16 The proceeds of said sale American Eagle Mortgage and recorded in Deed Book will be applied to the payCo., LLC 6145 Park Square CITY OF SNELLVILLE 51873 Page 62, Gwinnett ment of said indebtedness Drive, Suite 4, Lorain, OH NOTICE OF PUBLIC County, Georgia records; and all expenses of said sale 44053 is/are doing business HEARING as last transferred to or acas provided in said Deed, in Gwinnett County, Georgia Notice is hereby given to quired by PennyMac Loan and the balance, if any, will under the name of: The Rena the general public that the Services, LLC, conveying be distributed as provided Rogers Team of Team of The City of Snellville, Georgia the after-described propby law. American Eagle Mortgage will consider an amendment erty to secure a Note in the The sale will be conducted Co., LLC, 2078 Teron Trace, (case #ZOA 15-01) to the original principal amount of subject (1) to confirmation Suite 250, Dacula, GA 30019 text of the 2001 Zoning Ordi$ 171,755.00, with interest that the sale is not prohibited and that the nature of the nance of the City of Snellville, at the rate specified therein, under the U.S. Bankruptcy business to be carried on at Georgia to add certain definithere will be sold by the unCode and (2) to final consuch address is: Residential tions to Sec. 6.2, Definitions dersigned at public outcry to firmation and audit of the mortgage lending and add ëFinance Companyí the highest bidder for cash status of the loan with the -sand ëLoan Offices (GILA before the Courthouse door secured creditor. Sworn to and Subscribed Regulated)í as principal perof Gwinnett County, Georgia, The property is or may be before me this 27th day of mitted uses to Sec. 9.10, BG within the legal hours of sale in the possession of Howard February, 2015 (General Business) District. on May 05, 2015 (being the E. Adkins, Jr. and Starr Dun-sA copy of the proposed text first Tuesday of said month can Adkins, a/k/a Starr DunNOTARY PUBLIC amendment is available for unless said date falls on a can, successor in interest or Filed in Office review on the City of SnellFederal Holiday), the followtenant(s). Clerk Superior Court ville website (www.snellville. ing described property: Selene Finance LP as Gwinnett County, GA org) and in the office of the All that tract or parcel of Attorney-in-Fact for Howard 15 MAR 24 Director of Planning and land lying and being in Land Adkins, Jr. Richard Alexander, Clerk Development for the City of Lot 52 of the 5th District, File no. 15-051662 933-247470, 4/2,9 Snellville located in Snellville Gwinnett County, Georgia, SHAPIRO, SWERTFEGER City Hall, 2nd Floor, 2342 Oak being Lot 2, Block H, Unit & HASTY, LLP* Road, Snellville, Georgia. For Two, of The Summit at SaraAttorneys and Counselors inquiries please call the Pubtoga Subdivision, as per at Law lic Information Office 770plat thereof recorded in Plat 2872 Woodcock Blvd., 985-3517. Book 70, Page 105, Gwinnett Suite 100 A public hearing with the County, Georgia Records, Atlanta, GA 30341-3941 Mayor and Council, as prowhich recorded plat is incor(770) 220-2535/CH vided by law, is scheduled porated herein by reference www.swertfeger.net for Monday, April 27, 2015 and made a part of this de*THE LAW FIRM IS ACTat the Snellville City Hall scription. ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. Council Chambers, Snellville The debt secured by said ANY INFORMATION OBCity Center, 2342 Oak Road, Security Deed has been and TAINED WILL BE USED FOR Snellville, Georgia to considis hereby declared due beTHAT PURPOSE. dated August 27, 2008, in the Raymer, LLC 1544 Old Alacan, successor in interest or manner provided in the Note original principal amount of bama Road Roswell, Georgia tenant(s). debt C10 and Security 0409 GDP THURS LEGALS_Classifieds 4/7/2015 7:36Deed. PMThe Page $2,500,000 executed by AJS 30076 www.foreclosurehotSelene Finance LP as remaining in default, this sale Investment, Inc., in favor of line.net EXHIBIT “A” All that Attorney-in-Fact for Howard will be made for the purpose Global Commerce Bank, and tract or parcel of land lying Adkins, Jr. of paying the same and all last assigned to Gardena JM, and being in Land Lot 182 File no. 15-051662 expenses of this sale, as C10 • THURSDAY, 2015 • WWW.GWINNETTDAILYPOST.COM thereof purLLC, the9,holder of the 6th District, Gwinnett SWERTFEGER APRIL SHAPIRO, provided in the Security Deed suant to said Deed to Secure County, Georgia and being & HASTY, LLP* and by law, including attorDebt, Assignment of Rents, known as Lot 159, Block B, Attorneys and Counselors ney’s fees (notice of intent to Security Agreement and andFORECLOSURES Mill Subdivision, Unit Bray’s FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES at Law attorney’s fees having collect Note thereby secured has IV as per plat recorded in Plat 2872 Woodcock Blvd., been given). declared the entire amount Book 25, Page 25, Gwinnett Suite 100 Said property is commonly of said indebtedness due and County records, which plat Atlanta, GA 30341-3941 known as 1338 Vintage payable and, pursuant to the is incorporated herein by (770) 220-2535/CH Pointe Drive, Lawrencevpower of sale contained in reference and made a part www.swertfeger.net ille, GA 30044 together said Deed, will on the first hereof. Being the same prop*THE LAW FIRM IS ACTwith all fixtures and personal Tuesday in May, 2015,during erty described in that certain ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. property attached to and the legal hours of sale, before Warranty Deed recorded in ANY INFORMATION OBconstituting a part of said the Courthouse door in said Deed Book 37724, Page 132, TAINED WILL BE USED FOR property, if any. To the best County, sell at public outcry Gwinnett County, Georgia reTHAT PURPOSE. knowledge and belief of the to the highest bidder for cords. MR/rkd 5/5/15 Our file 950-247952, [FC-NOS], undersigned, the party (or cash, the following property: no. 5564814–FT3 4/9,16,23,30 parties) in possession of the All that tract or parcel of 950-247402, 4/9,16,23,30 subject property is (are): Juland lying and being in Land lio Zuniga and Gloria M. AleNOTICE OF SALE Lot 210 of the 6th District, NOTICE OF SALE jos or tenant or tenants. UNDER POWER Gwinnett County, being that UNDER POWER Rushmore Loan ManageSTATE OF GEORGIA certain Condominium Unit STATE OF GEORGIA ment Services, LLC is the COUNTY OF GWINNETT 2, and rights appurNumber COUNTY OF GWINNETT entity or individual desigUnder and by virtue of the tenant thereto as described Under and by virtue of the nated who shall have full power of sale contained in in that certain Declaration of power of sale contained in authority to negotiate, amend that certain Security Deed for Satellite Condominium certain Commercial Deed that modify all terms of the and from Sultanuddin Babla Plaza, a Condominium, dated to Secure Debt from Antonio mortgage. Ahmed (the “Grantor”) to August 21, 2008, recorded G. Alfeo (“Grantor”) to Rushmore Loan Manageand in favor of Mortgage in Deed Book 49037, Pages and in favor Omni National ment Services, LLC Electronic Registration Sys417 through 454, records Bank (“Original Lender”) PO Box 52708 tems, Inc. (the “MERS”), Gwinnett County, Georof dated June 25, 2007 and reIrvine, CA 92619 dated February 12, 2007, gia, and as depicted by that corded in Deed Book 48080, 888.504.7300 and recorded in Deed Book certain plat recorded in ConPage 321, Gwinnett County, Note, however, that such 47585, Page 154, Gwinnett dominium Plat Book CD 5, Georgia records as amended entity or individual is not County, Georgia records, Page 183, aforesaid records; and modified by that certain required by law to negotiate, as transferred and assigned and in accordance with those Modification Agreement of amend or modify the terms by MERS to RADC/CADC floor plans found in Condothe Deed to Secure Debt, reof the loan. Venture 2010-2, LLC, a minium Floor Plan Numbers corded in Deed Book 49323, Said property will be sold Delaware limited liability through 5528, together 5525 Page 707, Gwinnett County, subject to: (a) any outstandcompany, by that certain Aswith said Unit’s appurtenant Georgia records (the “Secuing ad valorem taxes (includsignment of Deed to Secure percentage of undivided rity Deed”), as transferred to ing taxes which are a lien, but Debt, effective as of January in the common eleinterest MultiBank 2009-1 RES-ADC yet due and payable), (b) not 26, 2011, recorded in Deed ments of Satellite Plaza, a Venture, LLC by that certain unpaid water or sewage bills Book 50756, Page 73, aforeCondominium, as provided Assignment of Real Estate that constitute a lien against said records, and as further by said Declaration, which Deed to Secure Debt recordthe property whether due and assigned to WEST COAST Declaration, plat and plans ed in Deed Book 50153, Page payable or not yet due and FUND, LLC, an Arizona limthereto, are incorexecuted 71, aforesaid records, securpayable and which may not ited liability company (the porated herein by reference ing that certain promissory be of record, (c) the right of “Holder”) by that certain as part of the description note dated June 25, 2007, in redemption of any taxing auAssignment of Mortgage the property described of the original principal amount (d) any matters which thority, dated November 21, 2013, hereby. of Ninety Six Thousand One might be disclosed by an acrecorded in Deed Book Said property is known as Hundred Twenty and No/100 curate survey and inspection 52685, Page 218, aforesaid 4470 Satellite Blvd., DuDollars ($96,120.00), as last of the property, and (e) any records (as modified and asluth, GA 30096. Said propmodified, renewed, amended assessments, liens, encumsigned, the “Security Deed”); erty will be sold subject to or otherwise restated by that brances, zoning ordinances, securing that certain Balloon any outstanding ad valorem certain Modification Agreerestrictions, covenants, and Note from Grantor to and in taxes (including taxes which ment dated August 5, 2008 matters of record superior favor of Ohio Savings Bank a lien, whether or not are in the amount of $96,119.93 the Security Deed first set to dated February 12, 2007 in now due and payable), the (collectively, the “Note”); out above. the original principal sum right of redemption of any there will be sold at public The sale will be conducted of Fifty-Five Thousand Two taxing authority, any matters outcry by Lender as attorneysubject to (1) confirmation Hundred and No/100 Dollars which might be disclosed by in-fact of Grantor to the highthat the sale is not prohibited ($55,200.00), as modified by an accurate survey and inest bidder for cash between under the U.S. Bankruptcy that certain Loan Modificaspection of the property, any the legal hours for sale before Code; and (2) final confirmation Agreement dated March assessments, liens, encumthe Courthouse door in Gwintion and audit of the status 1, 2010, now held by Holder zoning ordinances, brances, nett County, Georgia, on the the loan with the holder of (as modified and assigned, restrictions, covenants, and first Tuesday in May, 2015, of the Security Deed. Purthe “Note”); there will be sold matters of record superior the following described propsuant to O.C.G.A. Section at public outcry by Holder as to the Deed to Secure Debt, erty (the “Premises”) to wit: 9-13-172.1, which allows for attorney-in-fact of Grantor to Assignment of Rents, and ALL THAT TRACT OR PARcertain procedures regarding the highest bidder for cash Security Agreement first set CEL OF LAND LYING AND the rescission of judicial and between the legal hours for out above. To the best inforBEING IN LAND LOTS 30 non-judicial sales in the State sale before the courthouse mation, knowledge and belief AND 31 OF THE 6TH DISof Georgia, the Deed Under door in Gwinnett County, of the undersigned, the party/ TRICT, GWINNETT COUNTY, Power and other foreclosure Georgia, on the first Tuesday parties in possession of the GEORGIA, BEING LOT 3, documents may not be proin May, 2015, the following subject property at 4470 SatBLOCK A, CENTERVILLE vided until final confirmation described land, improveellite Blvd., Duluth, GA 30096 NORTH SUBDIVISION, UNIT and audit of the status of the ments and appurtenances is AJS Investment, Inc. d/b/a ONE, AS PER PLAT RECORDloan as provided immediately (hereinafter collectively reGolf Center. Paragon ED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE above. ferred to as the “Premises”) The debt secured by said 135, GWINNETT COUNTY, Wilmington Savings Fund to wit: Deed to Secure Debt, AssignGEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH Society, FSB, d/b/a Christiana All that tract or parcel of ment of Rents, and Security RECORDED PLAT IS INCORTrust, not individually but as land lying and being in Land Agreement has been and is PORATED HEREIN BY THIS trustee for Pretium Mortgage Lot 107, 7th District, Gwinhereby declared due because REFERENCE AND MADE A Acquisition Trust as agent nett County, Georgia, being of, among other possible PART OF THIS DESCRIPand Attorney in Fact for Julio Lot 14, Block A, Southampevents of default, failure to TION. Zuniga and Gloria M. Alejos ton at Springbrook, as per pay the indebtedness as and TOGETHER WITH all buildAldridge Connors, LLP, plat recorded in Plat Book 64, when due in the manner proings, structures, and other 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 Pages 83-85, Gwinnett Counvided in the Note and Deed to improvements now or herePiedmont Road, N.E., Suite ty, Georgia records, which Secure Debt, Assignment of after located on said prop500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, plat is incorporated herein Rents, and Security Agreeerty, or any part and parcel (404) 994-7400. and made a part hereof by ment. The debt remaining in thereof; and 1208-658A reference. default, this sale will be made TOGETHER WITH all rights, THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE TOGETHER with all the for the purpose of paying the title, and interest of grantor in ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECimprovements now and and all expenses of this same and to the minerals, flowers, TOR ATTEMPTING TO COLhereafter erected on the sale, as provided in the Deed shrubs, crops, trees, timber, LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORPremises, and all easements, to Secure Debt, Assignment and other emblements now MATION OBTAINED WILL BE appurtenances, and fixtures Rents, and Security Agreeof or hereafter on said property FOR THAT PURPOSE. USED now or hereafter a part of the ment and by law, including, or above the same or any part 1208-658A property. without limitation, attorneys’ or parcel thereof; and 950-247939, 4/9,16,23,30 The indebtedness evifees. Notice has been given TOGETHER WITH all and denced by the Note is due of the intent to collect attorsingular the tenements, herand payable in full and reneys’ fees and other charges editaments, easements, and NOTICE OF SALE mains unpaid. The Security in accordance with the terms appurtenances thereunto UNDER POWER Deed therefore has become of the Note secured by said belonging or in any wise apGEORGIA, and is now foreclosable acDeed. The balance, if any, will pertaining, and the reversion GWINNETT COUNTY cording to its terms. Accordbe distributed as provided or reversions, remainder and THIS IS AN ATTEMPT ingly, the Premises will be by law. remainders, rents, issues, TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY sold at public outcry pursuThe secured lender and and profits thereof; and also INFORMATION OBTAINED ant to the terms of the power holder of the Deed to Secure all the estate, right, title, inWILL BE USED FOR THAT of sale provided in the SecuDebt, Assignment of Rents, terest, claim, and demand PURPOSE. rity Deed. and Security Agreement is whatsoever of grantor of, in, Under and by virtue of the The Premises will be sold GARDENA JM, LLC, which and to the same and of, in, Power of Sale contained in on an “as is, where is” bahas the full authority to negoand to every part and parcel a Security Deed given by sis without recourse against tiate, amend, and modify all thereof; and Rudy J. Alfaro to Mortgage Holder and without repreterms of the loan. Pursuant TOGETHER WITH all fitElectronic Registration sentation or warranty of any to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, tings and fixtures, whether Systems Inc., as nominee kind or nature whatsoever by GARDENA JM, LLC may be actually or constructively for RBC Mortgage ComHolder with respect thereto. contacted at: 2551 Fernattached to said property pany, its successors and The proceeds of the sale wood Ave., Lynwood, CA, and including all attached assigns, dated March 26, are to be applied first to the (310) 868-5188. Pursuant machinery, equipment, appa2004, recorded in Deed Book expenses of the sale and all O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, to ratus, and all trade, domesPage 0133, Gwinnett 37724, proceedings in connection the secured creditor is not tic, and ornamental fixtures, County, Georgia Records and therewith, including attorrequired to amend or modify appliances, and articles of as modified by that certain neys’ fees (notice of intention the terms of the loan. personal property of every Loan Modification Agreeto collect attorneys’ fees havThe sale will be conducted kind and nature whatsoever, ment recorded in Deed Book ing been given), then to the to (1) confirmation subject now or hereafter located in, 52686, Page 565, Gwinnett payment of all sums secured that the sale is not prohibited upon, or under said property County, Georgia Records, as by the Security Deed, and under the U.S. Bankruptcy or any part thereof and used last transferred to JPMorgan the remainder, if any, will be Code, and (2) final confirmaor usable in connection with Chase Bank, National Aspaid to the person or persons tion and audit of the status of any present or future operasociation by assignment relegally entitled thereto, all as the loan with the holder of the tion of said property and now corded in Deed Book 52060, provided in the Note and Sesecurity deed. owned or hereafter acquired Page 631, Gwinnett County, curity Deed. GARDENA JM, LLC, SUCby grantor (hereinafter colGeorgia Records, conveying Said Premises will be sold BY ASSIGNMENT CESSOR lectively called “equipment”) the after-described propby Holder as the attorney-inFROM CRE/ADC VENTURE including, but without limerty to secure a Note in the fact for Grantor, subject to 2012-1, LLC, successor by iting the generality of the original principal amount (1) any and all unpaid taxes FROM FEDERAL assignment foregoing, all heating, air ONE HUNDRED FORTYof and/or assessments relating DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORconditioning, freezing, lightNINE THOUSAND NINE to the Premises, if any, and PORATION IN ITS CAPACITY ing, laundry, cooking, incinHUNDRED AND 0/100 DOL(2) any and all prior restricAS RECEIVER FOR GLOBAL erating, and power equipLARS ($149,900.00), with tions, liens, encumbrances, COMMERCE BANK ment; engines; pipes; pumps; interest thereon as set forth and easements of record as Attorney in Fact for tanks; motors; conduits; therein, there will be sold at relating to the Premises, if AJS INVESTMENT, INC. switchboards; plumbing, liftpublic outcry to the highest any, having priority over the G. FRANK NASON, IV ing, cleaning, fire prevention, bidder for cash before the Security Deed and those apCIFELLI, ELLIS LAMBERTH, fire extinguishing, refrigeratdoor of Gwinnett courthouse pearing after the date of the & NASON, P.A. ing, ventilating , and commuCounty, Georgia, or at such Security Deed which have 3343 Peachtree Road NE, nications apparatus; boilers , place as may be lawfully been consented to by Lender Suite 550 ranges, furnaces, oil burners, designated as an alternaor its successors and asAtlanta, Georgia 30326-1022 or units thereof; appliances; tive, within the legal hours signs. 495-4468 (404) air-cooling and air condiof sale on the first Tuesday in To the best of the underwww.lcsenlaw.com tioning apparatus; vacuum May, 2015, the following designed’s knowledge and 950-248127, 4/9,16,23,30 cleaning systems; elevators; scribed property: SEE EXHIBbelief, the owner of the escalators; shades; awnings; “A” ATTACHED HERETO IT Premises is the Grantor and NOTICE OF SALE screens; storm doors and AND MADE A PART HEREOF the party or parties in posUNDER POWER, windows; stoves; wall beds; The debt secured by said Sesession of the Premises is GWINNETT COUNTY refrigerators; dishwashers; curity Deed has been and is the Grantor or tenants of the Pursuant to the Power of attached cabinets; partitions; hereby declared due because Grantor. Sale contained in a Security ducts and compressors; of, among other possible Holder has the full authorDeed given by Julio Zuniga rugs and carpets; mirrors; events of default, failure to ity to negotiate, amend and and Gloria M. Alejos to mantles; draperies; furniture pay the indebtedness as and modify all terms of the SecuHomeBanc Mortgage Corand furnishings; all builddue and in the manwhen rity Deed, provided however, poration dated 9/27/2000 ing materials, supplies, and ner provided in the Note that Holder shall have no oband recorded in Deed Book equipment now or hereafter and Security Deed. The debt ligation to negotiate, amend 21394 Page 200, Gwinnett delivered to said property remaining in default, this sale or modify such instrument. County, Georgia records; and intended to be installed will be made for the purpose Holder’s address and teleas last transferred to or actherein; all additions to and of paying the same and all phone number is as follows: quired by Wilmington Savrenewals or replacements of expenses of this sale, as proWest Coast Fund, LLC, c/o ings Fund Society, FSB, all of the foregoing, and all vided in Security Deed and by Pacific Land, 15210 N. ScottChristiana Trust, not proceeds and profits of all d/b/a including attorney’s fees law, sdale Rd., Suite 230, Scottsthe foregoing; and individually but as trustee (notice of intent to collect dale, AZ 85254, Attn: Logan TOGETHER WITH any and for Pretium Mortgage Acattorney’s fees having been French, (480) 656-3888. all rents which are now due quisition Trust, conveying given). Said property will be WEST COAST FUND, LLC, the after-described propsold subject to any outstandor may hereafter become due an Arizona limited liability erty to secure a Note in the ing ad valorem taxes (includby reason of the renting or company, original principal amount of ing taxes which are a lien, leasing of the property, the as Attorney-in-Fact for $ 123,400.00, with interest but not yet due and payable), improvements thereon, and Sultanuddin Babla Ahmed at the rate specified therein, any matters which might be equipment; and Nicholas N. Sears, Esq. there will be sold by the undisclosed by an accurate TOGETHER WITH any and Morris, Manning & Martin, dersigned at public outcry to survey and inspection of the all awards or payments, inL.L.P. the highest bidder for cash property, any assessments, cluding interest thereon, and 1600 Atlanta Financial Center before the Courthouse door liens, encumbrances, zonthe right to receive the same, 3343 Peachtree Road, N.E. of Gwinnett County, Georgia, ing ordinances, restrictions, as a result of (a) the exerAtlanta, Georgia 30326 within the legal hours of sale covenants, and matters of cise of the right of eminent (404) 233-7000 on May 05, 2015 (being the record superior to the Secudomain, (b) the alteration 950-248399, 4/9,16,23,30 first Tuesday of said month rity Deed first set out above. of the grade of any street, unless said date falls on a JPMorgan Chase Bank, or (c) any other injury to, Federal Holiday), the followSTATE OF GEORGIA National Association is the taking of, or decrease in the ing described property: COUNTY OF GWINNETT holder of the Security Deed value of, the property, to the ALL THAT TRACT OR PARNOTICE OF SALE to the property in accordance extent of all amounts which CEL OF LAND LYING AND UNDER POWER with OCGA § 44-14-162.2. may be secured by this deed BEING IN LAND LOT 178 By virtue of a power of The entity that has full auat the date of receipt of any OF THE 6TH DISTRICT OF sale contained in a Deed to thority to negotiate, amend, such award or payment by GWINNETT COUNTY GEORSecure Debt, Assignment of and modify all terms of the grantee and of the reasonGIA, BEING LOT 168, BLOCK Rents, and Security Agreemortgage with the debtor able attorneys’ fees, costs, B, VINTAGE POINTE SUBment given by AJS INVESTis: JPMorgan Chase Bank, and disbursements incurred DIVISION UNIT THREE, AS MENT, INC., to GLOBAL National Association, 3415 by grantee in connection with SHOWN ON PLAT OF SUBCOMMERCE BANK, dated Vision Drive, Columbus, OH the collection of such award JECT PROPERTY RECORDAugust 27, 2008, and re43219 800-446-8939. To the or payment. ED IN PLAT BOOK 74, PAGE corded in Deed Book 4904, best knowledge and belief of The indebtedness evi166, GWINNETT COUNTY, Page 479, Gwinnett County the undersigned, the party denced by the Note is due GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH Records, and last assigned to in possession of the propand payable and remains PLAT IS INCORPORATED GARDENA JM, LLC, pursuerty is Rudy J. Alfaro and unpaid. The Security Deed HEREIN BY REFERENCE AND ant to an Assignment and AsLiliana Alfaro or a tenant or therefore has become and MADE A PART OF THIS DEsumption Agreement dated tenants and said property is is now foreclosable accordSCRIPTION. as of February 4, 2015, by more commonly known as ing to its terms. Accordingly, BEING IMPROVED PROPand between GARDENA JM, 1531 Brays Mill Trace, Lawthe Premises will be sold at ERTY KNOWN AS 1338 VINLLC, and CRE/ADC VENTURE renceville, Georgia 30044. public outcry pursuant to TAGE POINTE DRIVE, AC2012-1, LLC, successor by The sale will be conducted the terms of the power of CORDING TO THE PRESENT assignment from FEDERAL subject (1) to confirmation sale provided in the Security SYSTEM OF NUMBERING DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORthat the sale is not prohibited Deed. HOUSES IN GWINNETT PORATION IN ITS CAPACITY under the U.S. Bankruptcy The Premises will be sold The debt secured by said AS RECEIVER FOR GLOBAL Code and (2) to final confiron an “as is, where is” baSecurity Deed has been and COMMERCE BANK, by virmation and audit of the stasis without recourse against is hereby declared due betue of that certain Assigntus of the loan with the holder Lender and without reprecause of, among other posment of Real Estate Deed of the security deed. JPMorsentation or warranty of any sible events of default, failure to Secure Debt recorded gan Chase Bank, National Askind or nature whatsoever by to pay the indebtedness as at Deed Book 52116, Page sociation as Attorney in Fact Lender with respect thereto. and when due and in the 844, and securing a Note for Rudy J. Alfaro McCalla The proceeds of the sale manner provided in the Note dated August 27, 2008, in the Raymer, LLC 1544 Old Alaare to be applied first to the and Security Deed. The debt original principal amount of bama Road Roswell, Georgia expenses of the sale and all remaining in default, this sale $2,500,000 executed by AJS 30076 www.foreclosurehotproceedings in connection will be made for the purpose Investment, Inc., in favor of line.net EXHIBIT “A” All that therewith, including attorof paying the same and all Global Commerce Bank, and tract or parcel of land lying neys’ fees (notice of intenexpenses of this sale, as last assigned to Gardena JM, and being in Land Lot 182 tion to collect attorneys’ fees provided in the Security Deed LLC, the holder thereof purof the 6th District, Gwinnett having been given), then to and by law, including attorsuant to said Deed to Secure County, Georgia and being the payment of all sums seney’s fees (notice of intent to Debt, Assignment of Rents, known as Lot 159, Block B, cured by the Security Deed, collect attorney’s fees having and Security Agreement and Bray’s Mill Subdivision, Unit and the remainder, if any, been given). Note thereby secured has IV as per plat recorded in Plat will be paid to the person Said property is commonly declared the entire amount Book 25, Page 25, Gwinnett or persons legally entitled known as 1338 Vintage of said indebtedness due and County records, which plat thereto, all as provided in the Pointe Drive, Lawrencevpayable and, pursuant to the is incorporated herein by Note and Security Deed. The ille, GA 30044 together power of sale contained in reference and made a part Premises shall be sold as the with all fixtures and personal said Deed, will on the first hereof. Being the same propproperty of Grantor, subject are to be applied first to the expenses of the sale and all proceedings in connection therewith, including attorneys’ fees (notice of intention to collect attorneys’ fees having been given), then to the payment of all sums secured by the Security Deed, the remainder, if any, andFORECLOSURES will be paid to the person or persons legally entitled thereto, all as provided in the Note and Security Deed. The Premises shall be sold as the property of Grantor, subject to all restrictions, easements and other matters of record that are prior to the Security Deed and to which the Security Deed is subject and to any unpaid city, county and state ad valorem taxes or assessments relating to the Premises. Please note that FAY Servicing, LLC, on behalf of Multibank 2009-1 RES-ADC Venture, LLC whose mailing address of is 440 South LaSalle St., Suite 2000, Chicago, IL 60605, is the entity that has the full authority to negotiate, amend or modify the terms of the loan documents with you. Ken Castillo, Fay Services, LLC can be contacted through the representative: following Lisa A. Frank, Esq., McCalla Raymer, 900 Holcomb Woods Parkway, Roswell, Georgia 30076; (678) 2816503. Please understand that the secured creditor is not required by law to negotiate, amend, or modify the terms of the mortgage instrument. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in possession of the Premises is Grantor or a tenant or tenants and said property is more commonly known as 3207 Sunderland Drive, Snellville, GA 30039. MULTIBANK 2009-1 RESADC VENTURES, LLC as Attorney-in-Fact for Antonio G. Alfeo Lisa A. Frank, Esq. McCalla Raymer, LLC 900 Holcomb Woods Parkway Roswell, Georgia 30076 (678) 281-6503 950-248256, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by Ralph W. Allen, Sr. to New Century Mortgage Corporation, A California Corporation, dated February 2, 2000, recorded in Deed Book 20072, Page 201, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, as last transferred to The Bank of New York Mellon, as successor Trustee to JP Morgan Chase Bank, NA (f/k/a The Chase Manhattan Bank), as trustee for the holders of the Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 20007 by assignment recorded in Deed Book 53427, Page 194, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, conveying the after-described property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of NINETY-FIVE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND 0/100 DOLLARS ($95,200.00), with interest thereon as set forth therein, there will be sold at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the courthouse door of Gwinnett County, Georgia, or at such place as may be lawfully designated as an alternative, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in May, 2015, the following described property: SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The Bank of New York Mellon, as successor Trustee to JP Morgan Chase Bank, NA (f/k/a The Chase Manhattan Bank), as trustee for the holders of the Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2000-7 is the holder of the Security Deed to the property in accordance with OCGA § 44-14-162.2. The entity that has full authority to negotiate, amend, and modify all terms of the mortgage with the debtor is: Select Portfolio Servicing, 3815 S West Temple, Salt Lake City, UT 84115 888-818-6032. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in possession of the property is Ralph W. Allen, Sr. or a tenant or tenants and said property is more commonly known as 5204 Wydella Road, Lilburn, Georgia 30047. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the security deed. The Bank of New York Mellon, as successor Trustee to JP Morgan Chase Bank, NA (f/k/a The Chase Manhattan Bank), as trustee for the holders of the Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2000-7 as Attorney in Fact for Ralph W. Allen, Sr. McCalla Raymer, LLC 1544 Old Alabama Road Roswell, Georgia 30076 www.foreclosurehotline.net EXHIBIT “A” All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 114, 6th District Gwinnett County, Georgia being Lot 1, Block B, Wydella Estates Subdivision per plat recorded in Plat Book W, Page 147, Gwinnett County Records which plat is by reference incorporated herein and made a part of this description; Being improved property known as 5204 Wydella Road according to the present system of numbering of houses in Gwinnett Co., Georgia all as shown on plat of survey prepared by Georgia Land Surveying Co., Inc., dated 2/7/84. MR/ crp1 5/5/15 Our file no. 5370214 - FT1, 950-247418, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER, GWINNETT COUNTY Pursuant to the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by James Alleyne to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Fremont Investment & Loan dated 5/23/2006 and recorded in Deed Book 46610 Page 525, Gwinnett County, Georgia records; as last transferred to or acquired by Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for Fremont Home Loan Trust 2006-3, Asset-Backed Certificates, Sale contained in a Security Deed given by James Alleyne to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Fremont Investment & Loan dated 5/23/2006 and recorded in Deed Book 46610 Page 525, County, Georgia Gwinnett FORECLOSURES records; as last transferred to or acquired by Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for Fremont Home Loan Trust 2006-3, Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2006-3, conveying the after-described property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of $ 164,900.00, with interest at the rate specified therein, there will be sold by the undersigned at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the Courthouse door of Gwinnett County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on May 05, 2015 (being the first Tuesday of said month unless said date falls on a Federal Holiday), the following described property: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAND LOT 3 OF THE 5TH DISTRICT, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING LOT 36, BLOCK A, TRADD COURT, UNIT ONE, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 69, PAGE 19, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS INCORPORATED HEREIN AND MADE A PART HEREOF BY THIS REFERENCE; BEING IMPROVED PROPERTY KNOWN AS 3595 ANDREA LEE COURT, ACCORDING TO THE PRESENT SYSTEM OF NUMBERING HOUSES IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY SHOWN ON SURVEY PREPARED BY SURVEY CONCEPTS, INC., DATED 4/9/98. The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in the Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Said property is commonly known as 3595 Andrea Lee Court, Snellville, GA 30039 together with all fixtures and personal property attached to and constituting a part of said property, if any. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party (or parties) in possession of the subject property is (are): James Alleyne or tenant or tenants. Wells Fargo Bank, NA is the entity or individual designated who shall have full authority to negotiate, amend and modify all terms of the mortgage. Wells Fargo Bank, NA Loss Mitigation 3476 Stateview Boulevard Fort Mill, SC 29715 1-800-662-5014 Note, however, that such entity or individual is not required by law to negotiate, amend or modify the terms of the loan. Said property will be sold subject to: (a) any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), (b) unpaid water or sewage bills that constitute a lien against the property whether due and payable or not yet due and payable and which may not be of record, (c) the right of redemption of any taxing authority, (d) any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, and (e) any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The sale will be conducted subject to (1) confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the Security Deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1, which allows for certain procedures regarding the rescission of judicial and non-judicial sales in the State of Georgia, the Deed Under Power and other foreclosure documents may not be provided until final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan as provided immediately above. Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for Fremont Home Loan Trust 2006-3, Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2006-3 as agent and Attorney in Fact for James Alleyne Aldridge Connors, LLP, 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, (404) 994-7400. 1000-667507489A THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 1000-667507489A 950-248500, 4/9,16,23,30 STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF GWINNETT NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER Because of a default in the payment of the indebtedness secured by a Security Deed executed by Wedrell E. Alman and Shirley J. Alman to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. dated August 24, 2005, and recorded in Deed Book 44646, Page 14, Gwinnett County Records, said Security Deed having been last sold, assigned, transferred and conveyed to HSBC Bank USA, National Association as Trustee for Wells Fargo Home Equity Asset-Backed Securities 2005-3 Trust, Home Equity Asset-Backed Certificates, Series 2005-3 by Assignment, securing a Note in the original principal amount of $152,400.00, the holder thereof pursuant to said Deed and Note thereby secured has declared the entire amount of said indebtedness due and payable and, pursuant to the power of sale contained in said Deed, will on the first Tuesday, May 5, 2015, during the legal hours of sale, before the Courthouse door in said County, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the property described in said Deed, to-wit: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAND LOT 334 OF THE 4TH DISTRICT, GWINNETT’ COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING LOT 21, BLOCK B, WYNSHIP SUBDIVISION, UNIT ONE, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 43, PAGE 122, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH RECORDED PLAT IS INCORPORATED HEREIN AND MADE A PART HEREOF BY REFERENCE. Said property is known as 3700 Wynship Court, Snellville, GA 30039, together with all fixtures and personal property attached to and constituting a part of said property, if any. Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, whether or not now due and payable), the right of redemption of any taxing authority, any matters which might be Said property is known as 3700 Wynship Court, Snellville, GA 30039, together with all fixtures and personal property attached to and constituting a part of said property, if any. Said property will be sold to any outstanding subject FORECLOSURES ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, whether or not now due and payable), the right of redemption of any taxing authority, any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The proceeds of said sale will be applied to the payment of said indebtedness and all expenses of said sale as provided in said Deed, and the balance, if any, will be distributed as provided by law. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the secured creditor. The property is or may be in the possession of Wedrell Alman, a/k/a Wedrell E Alman and Shirley Alman, a/k/a Shirley J Alman, successor in interest or tenant(s). HSBC Bank USA, National Association as Trustee for Wells Fargo Home Equity Asset-Backed Securities 2005-3 Trust, Home Equity AssetBacked Certificates, Series 2005-3 as Attorney-in-Fact for Wedrell E. Alman and Shirley J. Alman File no. 15-051162 SHAPIRO, SWERTFEGER & HASTY, LLP* Attorneys and Counselors at Law 2872 Woodcock Blvd., Suite 100 Atlanta, GA 30341-3941 (770) 220-2535/KMM www.swertfeger.net *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 950-246487, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF GWINNETT Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained with that certain Security Deed dated August 24, 2007, from Reginald Anderson to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Countrywide Bank, FSB, recorded on September 4, 2007 in Deed Book 48237 at Page 614, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, having been last sold, assigned, transferred and conveyed to Bank Of America, N.A., Successor By Merger TO BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP fka Countrywide Home Loans Servicing, LP by Assignment and said Security Deed having been given to secure a note dated August 24, 2007, in the amount of $61,000.00, said note being in default, the undersigned will sell at public outcry during the legal hours of sale before the door of the courthouse of Gwinnett County, Georgia, on May 5, 2015, the following described real property (hereinafter referred to as the “Property”): ALL THAT CERTAIN CONDOMINIUM UNIT LYING AND BEING IN LAND LOT 283 OF THE OF THE 6TH DISTRICT OF GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING IDENTIFIED AND DEPICTED AS CONDOMINIUM UNIT NUMBER 6246, IN BUILDING NUMBER 2 OF WOODLANDS CONDOMINIUM A CONDOMINIUM, AS MORE PARTICULARLY SHOWN ON AN AS-BUILT SURVEY OF PHASE 1- BROOKWOOD PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT WOODLANDS CONDOMINIUM, A CONDOMINIUM, PREPARED BY MCNALLY, PATRICK, AND COLE, INC., DATED SEPTEMBER 28, 1979, AND RECORDED IN CONDOMINIUM PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 54, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS. TOGETHER WITH ITS APPURTENANT PERCENTAGE OF UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE COMMON ELEMENTS OF SAID WOODLANDS CONDOMINIUMS, A CONDOMINIUM, AS SET FORTH AND PROVIDED IN THAT CERTAIN DECLARATION OF CONDOMINIUM FOR WOODLANDS CONDOMINIUMS, A CONDOMINIUM, AND RECORDED IN DEED BOOK 1809 PAGE 210, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS AND RECORDED IN DEED BOOK 1871, PAGE 232 AND DEED BOOK 1929, PAGE 228, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS, AS NOW OR HEREAFTER AMENDED AS PROVIDED HEREIN. The debt secured by the Security Deed and evidenced by the Note and has been, and is hereby, declared due and payable because of, among other possible events of default, failure to make the payments as required by the terms of the Note. The debt remaining is in default and this sale will be made for the purposes of paying the Security Deed, accrued interest, and all expenses of the sale, including attorneys’ fees. Notice of intention to collect attorneys’ fees has been given as provided by law. To the best of the undersigned’s knowledge, the person(s) in possession of the property is/ are Reginald Anderson. The property, being commonly known as 6242 Overlook Rd, Norcross, GA 30092 in Gwinnett County, will be sold as the property of Reginald Anderson, subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien and not yet due and payable), any matters affecting title to the property which would be disclosed by accurate survey and inspection thereof, and all assessments, liens, encumbrances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record to the Security Deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A.Section 44-14162.2, the name, address and telephone number of the individual or entity who shall have the full authority to negotiate, amend or modify all terms of the above described mortgage is as follows: Bank of America, N.A., 9000 Southside Boulevard, Building 400, Jacksonville, FL 32256, 800-846-2222. The foregoing notwithstanding, nothing in O.C.G.A. Section 44-14-162.2 shall require the secured creditor to negotiate, amend or modify the terms of the mortgage instrument. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under U.S. Bankruptcy code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the Security Deed. Albertelli Law Attorney for Bank Of America, N.A., Successor By Merger TO BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP fka Countrywide Home Loans Servicing, LP as Attorney in Fact for Reginald Anderson 100 Galleria Parkway, Suite 960 Atlanta, GA 30339 Phone: (866) 690-0418 A-4516504 04/09/2015, 04/16/2015, 04/23/2015, 04/30/2015 950-248058, 4/9,16,23,30 The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under U.S. Bankruptcy code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the Security Deed. Albertelli Law Attorney for Bank Of FORECLOSURES N.A., Successor By America, Merger TO BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP fka Countrywide Home Loans Servicing, LP as Attorney in Fact for Reginald Anderson 100 Galleria Parkway, Suite 960 Atlanta, GA 30339 Phone: (866) 690-0418 A-4516504 04/16/2015, 04/09/2015, 04/23/2015, 04/30/2015 950-248058, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by Corey A Anderson and Rebecca I Cormican to HomeSouth Mortgage Corporation, dated June 18, 1998, recorded in Deed Book 16275, Page 12, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, as last transferred to Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation by assignment recorded in Deed Book 17931, Page 85, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, conveying the after-described property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND FIFTY-ONE AND 0/100 DOLLARS ($100,051.00), with interest thereon as set forth therein, there will be sold at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the courthouse door of Gwinnett County, Georgia, or at such place as may be lawfully designated as an alternative, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in May, 2015, the following described property: SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, successor by merger to Chase Home Finance, LLC, successor by merger to Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation is the holder of the Security Deed to the property in accordance with OCGA § 44-14-162.2. The entity that has full authority to negotiate, amend, and modify all terms of the mortgage with the debtor is: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, 3415 Vision Drive, Columbus, OH 43219 800-446-8939. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in possession of the property is Corey A Anderson and Rebecca I Cormican or a tenant or tenants and said property is more commonly known as 3024 Heathgate Court, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30044. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the security deed. JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, successor by merger to Chase Home Finance, LLC, successor by merger to Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation as Attorney in Fact for Corey A Anderson and Rebecca I Cormican McCalla Raymer, LLC 1544 Old Alabama Road Roswell, Georgia 30076 www.foreclosurehotline.net EXHIBIT “A” All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 128, 6th District, Gwinnett County, Georgia, being Lot 11, Block H, Unit Three, Brentwood Gates, as recorded in Plat Book 76, Page 226, Gwinnett County Records, which plat is incorporated herein and made a part hereof for a more complete description. MR/tkn 5/5/15 Our file no. 5100415 - FT3, 950-247430, 4/9,16,23,30 STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF GWINNETT NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER IN DEED TO SECURE DEBT Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain Deed to Secure Debt from Patricia Archambault and Benoit East to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Citizens Fidelity Mortgage Corp., its successors and assigns, in the original principal amount of $153,187.00 dated 01/10/2007, and recorded in Deed Book 47507, page 25, Gwinnett County records, said Security Deed being last transferred and assigned to Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC , the undersigned will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the Courthouse door in said County, during the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday of May, 2015 by Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC, as Attorney-inFact for Patricia Archambault and Benoit East the following described property: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 159 of the 6th District, Gwinnett County, Georgia, being Lot 9, Block B, Jacksons Mill Subdivision, Unit Three, as per plat recorded in Plat Book 16, Page 314, Gwinnett County, Georgia records, which recorded plat is incorporated herein by this reference and made a part of this description. Said property being known as 4995 Jacksons Mill Drive NW according to the present system of numbering houses in Gwinnett County, Georgia. Property known as: 4995 Jacksons Mill Drive NW, Lilburn, GA 30047 The indebtedness secured by said Deed to Secure Debt having been declared due and payable because of default in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby, this sale will be made for the purposes of paying the same and all expenses of sale, including attorney’s fees, (notice having been given as provided by law). The property will be sold as the property of Patricia Archambault and Benoit East subject to the following: (1) all prior restrictive covenants, easements, rights-ofway or encumbrances; (2) all valid zoning ordinances; (3) matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey of the property; (4) thereon as and all expenses of sale,the holder including attorney’s fees,ant to said (notice having been given asthereby sec provided by law). the entire a The property will be solddebtedness as the property of Patriciaand, pursua Archambault and Benoit Eastsale contain subject to the following: will on Ma all prior restrictive cov-the FORE (1) FORECLOSURES legal ho enants, easements, rights-of-the Courtho way or encumbrances; (2)County, sel all valid zoning ordinances;to the hig (3) matters which would becash, the p disclosed by an accuratein said Deed survey of the property; (4) All that t the outstanding ad valoremland lying a taxes and assessments, ifLot 267 of any; (5) unpaid water andGwinnett sewage bills, that constitutebeing Lot 3 liens against the property,Creek Sub whether due and payable oras per plat not yet due and payable; andBook 110, (6) matters of record supe-Gwinnett rior to the security deed firstRecords, w set out above. porated her Carrington Mortgage Ser- Said pro vices, LLC is the assigneeas 861 W and holder of the SecurityDacula, GA Deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A.with all fixt Section 44-14-162.2 theproperty att name of the person or entitystituting a who has the full authority toerty, if any. negotiate, amend, or modify Said prop the terms of the aforemen-as the pro tioned indebtedness is: Arrington, Carrington Mortgage Ser-erty, to the vices, LLC knowledge 1610 St. Andrew Pl. undersigne Suite B150 in the poss Santa Ana, CA 92705 Arrington, PH: 949-517-5057 tenants. S Please note that, pursuantbe sold su to O.C.G.A. Section 44-14-standing a 162.2, you are not entitled(including t by law to an amendment orlien, but no modification of the terms ofable), the your loan. tion of any To the best of the under-any matters signed’s knowledge and be-disclosed lief, the party in possessionsurvey and is Patricia Archambault andproperty, a Benoit East. liens, encu Carrington Mortgage Ser-ordinances, vices, LLC, as Attorney-in-enants, and fact for Patricia Archambaultsuperior to and Benoit East. first set ou Pendergast & Associates,will be cond P.C. to confirma 211 Perimeter Center Park-is not proh way U.S. Bankr Suite 300 (2) to final Atlanta, GA 30346 audit of the Phone – 770-392-0398 with the ho Toll Free – 866-999-7088 rity deed. www.penderlaw.com Pursuant Our File No. 15-00092-1 tion 9-13-1 950-247151, 4/9,16,23,30 lows for ce regarding t NOTICE OF judicial and FORECLOSURE SALE in the Stat UNDER POWER Deed Under GWINNETT COUNTY, foreclosure GEORGIA not be pro THIS IS AN ATTEMPTconfirmatio TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANYthe status o INFORMATION OBTAINEDvided imme WILL BE USED FOR THAT The debt PURPOSE. Security De Under and by virtue of theis hereby Power of Sale contained incause of, a a Security Deed given bysible events Victor Arocho to ABN Amroto pay the Mortgage Group, Inc., datedand when March 2, 2007, and recordedmanner pro in Deed Book 47684, Pageand Securit 0017-0030, Gwinnett County,remaining i Georgia Records, conveyingwill be mad the after-described prop-of paying erty to secure a Note in theexpenses o original principal amount ofvided in Sec Three Hundred Forty-Fourlaw, includi Thousand and 0/100 dol-tion, attorn lars ($344,000.00), withhas been g interest thereon as set forthto collect a therein, there will be sold atother charg public outcry to the highestwith the te bidder for cash before thesecured by courthouse door of Gwin-balance, if nett County, Georgia, withintributed as the legal hours of sale on Pursuant May 5, 2015, the following14-162.2, t described property: and telepho All that tract or parcel ofindividual o land lying and being in Landhave the fu Lot 82 of the 7th District,gotiate, am Gwinnett County Georgia be-terms of the ing Lot 28 Block C, Sugarloafmortgage Springs Unit Three Phase A,secured cre as per plat recorded in PlatSavings Fu Book 80, Page 23 Gwinnettd/b/a Chris County Georgia Records.individually Which plat is incorporatedfor Pretium herein by reference and madequisition Tr a part hereof RLMS, 154 The debt secured by saidyon Road, Security Deed has been949-341-07 and is hereby declared dueing notwith because of, among otherin O.C.G.A. possible events of default,require the failure to pay the indebted-to negotiate ness as and when due andify the term in the manner provided in theinstrument. Note and Security Deed. The Wilmingto debt remaining in default,Society, FSB this sale will be made for theTrust, not i purpose of paying the sametrustee for P and all expenses of this sale,Acquisition as provided in Security Deedas Attorney and by law, including attor-Harvest Arr ney’s fees (notice of intent toButler & Ho collect attorney’s fees having1303 Hight been given). 315 Your mortgage servicerSandy Sp can be contacted at (866)30350 272-4749–Loss Mitigationhttp://fore Dept, or by writing to 1000source.net Technology Drive, O’Fallon,GA-910000 Missouri 63368, to discuss THIS LAW possible alternatives to avoidAS A DEBT foreclosure. TEMPTING Said property will be soldDEBT. ANY subject to any outstandingOBTAINED ad valorem taxes (includingFOR THAT P taxes which are a lien, but 950-2484 not yet due and payable), any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate NOT survey and inspection of the UND property, any assessments, State of G liens, encumbrances, zoning County of ordinances, restrictions, cov- Under an enants, and matters of recordthe Power superior to the Security Deedin a Deed first set out above. given by G To the best knowledge andto MORTGA belief of the undersigned, theREGISTRAT party in possession of theINC. (“ME property is Victor A. ArochoNEE FOR or tenant(s); and said proper-MORTGAGE ty is more commonly known11/29/2012 as 1906 Sugar Springson 12/03/2 Court, Lawrenceville, GA51830 and 30043. GWINNETT The sale will be conductedrecords, as subject to (1) confirmationJPMORGAN that the sale is not prohibitedN.A. (the S under the U.S. Bankruptcyby assign Code (2) final confirmationthe afterand audit of the status of theerty to secu loan with the holder of thedate in the security deed and (3) anyamount of $ right of redemption or otherinterest at lien not extinguished by fore-therein, th closure. by the unde CitiMortgage, Inc. succes-outcry to t sor by merger to ABN AMROfor cash a Group, Inc., successor byCounty Co merger with Atlantic Mort-the legal ho gage & Investment Corpora-first Tuesda tion as Attorney in Fact forthe follo Victor Arocho. property: A Brock & Scott, PLLC OR PARCE 4360 Chamblee DunwoodyING AND Road LOT 225, Suite 310 OF GWIN Atlanta, GA 30341 GEORGIA 404-789-2661 50, UNIT 2 B&S file no.: 15-05679 MILL CREE 950-248312, 4/9,16,23,30 AS PER P IN PLAT BO GWINNETT STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF GWINNETT GIA RECOR cured by sa NOTICE OF SALE Debt has b UNDER POWER Under and by virtue of thedeclared d Power of Sale contained in aamong othe Security Deed given by Har-of default, vest Arrington, Jr. to Mort-indebtednes gage Electronic Registrationdue and in Systems, Inc. as nomineevided in th for Pine State Mortgageto Secure D Corporation, dated Januarydebt remain 25, 2008, recorded on Janu-sale will be ary 29, 2008 in Deed Bookpose of pay 48597, Page 355, Gwinnettall expense County, Georgia Records,provided in said Security Deed havingcure Debt a been last sold, assigned,ing attorney transferred and conveyed tointent to Wilmington Savings Fundfees havin Society, FSB, d/b/a Chris-JPMORGAN tiana Trust, not individuallyN.A. holds but as trustee for PretiumNote and i Mortgage Acquisition Trust,signee of t the secured creditor, byto the prop Assignment conveying theCHASE BA after-described property toASSOCIATI secure a Note in the origi-behalf of a nal principal amount of Twoin consulta Hundred Fifty-Two Thou-GAN CHAS sand Seven Hundred Thirty-current inve Five and 00/100 DOLLARSis the entity ($252,735.00), with interestthority to n thereon as set forth therein,and modify the holder thereof pursu-loan. Purs ant to said Deed and Note§ 44-14-16 thereby secured has declaredCHASE BA the entire amount of said in-ASSOCIATI debtedness due and payabletacted at: JP and, pursuant to the power ofBANK, NAT sale contained in said Deed,TION, 3415 will on May 5, 2015 duringCOLUMBUS the legal hours of sale, before866-550-57 the Courthouse door in saidthat, pursu County, sell at public outcry§ 44-14-16 to the highest bidder forcreditor is cash, the property describedamend or of the loa in said Deed, to-wit: All that tract or parcel ofknowledge and audit of the status of the thereon as set forth therein, loan. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. s of sale,the loan as provided immediately holder thereof pursu- LEGALS_Classifieds 0409 GDP THURS 4/7/2015 7:36 PM Page § 44-14-162.2, JPMORGAN ey’s fees,ant to said Deed and Note above. CHASE BANK, NATIONAL en given asthereby secured has declared Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC ASSOCIATION may be conas agent and Attorney in Fact the entire amount of said intacted at: JPMORGAN CHASE will be solddebtedness due and payable for Seife B Asfaha BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIAof Patriciaand, pursuant to the power of Aldridge Connors, LLP, TION, 3415 VISION DRIVE, Benoit Eastsale contained in said Deed, 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 COLUMBUS, OH 43219, owing: Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite will on May 5, 2015 during 866-550-5705. Please note rictive cov-the FORECLOSURES Atlanta, Georgia 30305, 500,FORECLOSURES SURES FORECLOSURES legal hours of sale, before that, pursuant to O.C.G.A. s, rights-of-the Courthouse door in said (404) 994-7400. § 44-14-162.2, the secured rances; (2)County, sell at public outcry 1017-655660A creditor is not required to ordinances;to the highest bidder for THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE amend or modify the terms h would becash, the property described ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECof the loan. To the best n accuratein said Deed, to-wit: TOR ATTEMPTING TO COLknowledge and belief of the operty; (4) All that tract or parcel of LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORundersigned, the party/parad valoremland lying and being in Land MATION OBTAINED WILL BE ties in possession of the subsments, ifLot 267 of the 5th District, USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. ject property known as 2867 water andGwinnett County, Georgia, 1017-655660A CHASTAIN PARK COURT, t constitutebeing Lot 33, Block A of Wolf 9 5 0 - 2 4 7 1 1 8 , BUFORD, GEORGIA 30519 e property,Creek Subdivision, Unit 5, 4/2,9,16,23,30 is/are: GHASSAN ASADI or payable oras per plat recorded in Plat tenant/tenants. Said property ayable; andBook 110, Pages 181-182, will be sold subject to (a) any NOTICE OF SALE cord supe-Gwinnett County, Georgia outstanding ad valorem taxes UNDER POWER y deed firstRecords, which plat is incor(including taxes which are a GEORGIA, porated herein by reference. lien, but not yet due and payGWINNETT COUNTY tgage Ser- Said property is known able), (b) any matters which THIS IS AN ATTEMPT e assigneeas 861 Wisteria View Ct, might be disclosed by an acTO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY he SecurityDacula, GA 30019, together curate survey and inspection INFORMATION OBTAINED o O.C.G.A.with all fixtures and personal of the property, and (c) all WILL BE USED FOR THAT 162.2 theproperty attached to and conmatters of record superior to PURPOSE. on or entitystituting a part of said propthe Deed to Secure Debt first Under and by virtue of the authority toerty, if any. set out above, including, but Power of Sale contained in a , or modify Said property will be sold not limited to, assessments, Security Deed given by Andy aforemen-as the property of Harvest liens, encumbrances, zonAsubonteng to Mortgage ss is: Arrington, Jr., the proping ordinances, easements, Electronic Registration Systgage Ser-erty, to the best information, restrictions, covenants, tems, Inc., as nominee for knowledge and belief of the etc. The sale will be Americahomekey, Inc., its w Pl. undersigned, being presently conducted subject to (1) successors and assigns, datin the possession of Harvest confirmation that the sale is ed June 2, 2010, recorded in 2705 Arrington, Jr. or a tenant or not prohibited under the U.S. Deed Book 50115, Page 166, 57 tenants. Said property will Bankruptcy Code; and (2) Gwinnett County, Georgia t, pursuantbe sold subject to any outfinal confirmation and audit Records, as last transferred ion 44-14-standing ad valorem taxes of the status of the loan with to Lakeview Loan Servicing, not entitled(including taxes which are a the holder of the security LLC by assignment recorded endment orlien, but not yet due and paydeed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. in Deed Book 52570, Page he terms ofable), the right of redempSection 9-13-172.1, which 611, Gwinnett County, Geortion of any taxing authority, allows for certain procedures gia Records, conveying the the under-any matters which might be regarding the rescission of after-described property to ge and be-disclosed by an accurate judicial and nonjudicial sales secure a Note in the original possessionsurvey and inspection of the in the State of Georgia, the principal amount of ONE mbault andproperty, any assessments, Deed Under Power and other HUNDRED TWELVE THOUliens, encumbrances, zoning foreclosure documents may SAND FOUR HUNDRED tgage Ser-ordinances, restrictions, covnot be provided until final EIGHTY-FIVE AND 0/100 Attorney-in-enants, and matters of record confirmation and audit of the DOLLARS ($112,485.00), rchambaultsuperior to the Security Deed status of the loan as provided with interest thereon as set first set out above. The sale in the preceding paragraph. forth therein, there will be Associates,will be conducted subject (1) JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, sold at public outcry to the to confirmation that the sale N.A. as Attorney in Fact for highest bidder for cash beenter Park-is not prohibited under the GHASSAN ASADI. THIS LAW fore the courthouse door of U.S. Bankruptcy Code and FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT Gwinnett County, Georgia, or (2) to final confirmation and COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING at such place as may be law46 audit of the status of the loan TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY fully designated as an alter2-0398 with the holder of the secuINFORMATION OBTAINED native, within the legal hours 999-7088 rity deed. WILL BE USED FOR THAT of sale on the first Tuesday in .com Pursuant to O.C.G.A. SecPURPOSE. 00000005048509 May, 2015, the following de00092-1 tion 9-13-172.1, which alBARRETT DAFFIN FRAPscribed property: SEE EXHIB9,16,23,30 lows for certain procedures PIER LEVINE & BLOCK, LLP IT “A” ATTACHED HERETO regarding the rescission of 15000 Surveyor Boulevard AND MADE A PART HEREOF OF judicial and non-judicial sales Addison, Texas 75001 TeleThe debt secured by said SeRE SALE in the State of Georgia, the phone: (972) 341-5398. curity Deed has been and is OWER Deed Under Power and other 950-247866, 4/9,16,23,30 hereby declared due because TY, foreclosure documents may of, among other possible not be provided until final events of default, failure to ATTEMPTconfirmation of the audit of NOTICE OF SALE pay the indebtedness as and DEBT. ANYthe status of the loan as proUNDER POWER, when due and in the manOBTAINEDvided immediately above. GWINNETT COUNTY ner provided in the Note FOR THAT The debt secured by said Pursuant to the Power of and Security Deed. The debt Security Deed has been and Sale contained in a Securemaining in default, this sale irtue of theis hereby declared due berity Deed given by Seife B will be made for the purpose ontained incause of, among other posAsfaha to Washington Muof paying the same and all given bysible events of default, failure tual Bank, FA dated 8/8/2006 expenses of this sale, as proABN Amroto pay the indebtedness as and recorded in Deed Book vided in Security Deed and by Inc., datedand when due and in the 48125 Page 841, Gwinnett law, including attorney’s fees nd recordedmanner provided in the Note County, Georgia records; (notice of intent to collect 7684, Pageand Security Deed. The debt as last transferred to or attorney’s fees having been nett County,remaining in default, this sale acquired by Ocwen Loan given). Said property will be conveyingwill be made for the purpose Servicing, LLC, conveying sold subject to any outstandbed prop-of paying the same and all the after-described proping ad valorem taxes (includNote in theexpenses of this sale, as proerty to secure a Note in the ing taxes which are a lien, amount ofvided in Security Deed and by original principal amount of but not yet due and payable), Forty-Fourlaw, including, without limita$ 92,612.00, with interest any matters which might be 0/100 dol-tion, attorneys’ fees. Notice at the rate specified therein, disclosed by an accurate 00), withhas been given of intention there will be sold by the unsurvey and inspection of the as set forthto collect attorneys’ fees and dersigned at public outcry to property, any assessments, be sold atother charges in accordance the highest bidder for cash liens, encumbrances, zonthe highestwith the terms of the Note before the Courthouse door ing ordinances, restrictions, before thesecured by said Deed. The of Gwinnett County, Georgia, covenants, and matters of of Gwin-balance, if any, will be diswithin the legal hours of sale record superior to the Securgia, withintributed as provided by law. on May 05, 2015 (being the rity Deed first set out above. of sale on Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 44first Tuesday of said month Lakeview Loan Servicing, e following14-162.2, the name, address unless said date falls on a LLC is the holder of the Sey: and telephone number of the Federal Holiday), the followcurity Deed to the property r parcel ofindividual or entity who shall ing described property: in accordance with OCGA § ing in Landhave the full authority to neThe land referred to in this 44-14-162.2. The entity that th District,gotiate, amend, or modify all policy is situated in the State has full authority to negotiGeorgia be-terms of the above-described of GA, County of GWINNETT, ate, amend, and modify all C, Sugarloafmortgage on behalf of the City of LILBURN and determs of the mortgage with ee Phase A,secured creditor, Wilmington scribed as follows: the debtor is: M&T Bank , ded in PlatSavings Fund Society, FSB, ALL THAT TRACT OR PARP.O. Box 1288, Buffalo, NY 3 Gwinnettd/b/a Christiana Trust, not CEL OF LAND LYING AND 14240 800-724-1633. To Records.individually but as trustee BEING IN LAND LOT 173, best knowledge and belief the ncorporatedfor Pretium Mortgage Ac6TH DISTRICT, GWINNETT the undersigned, the party of e and madequisition Trust, is as follows: COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING in possession of the propRLMS, 15480 Laguna CanLOT 7, BLOCK F, INDIAN erty is Andy Asubonteng or ed by saidyon Road, Irvine, CA 92618, SUBDIVISION, SPRINGS a tenant or tenants and said has been949-341-0777. The foregoUNIT SIX, ACCORDING TO property is more commonly eclared dueing notwithstanding, nothing PLAT RECORDED AT PLAT as 1755 Campbell known ong otherin O.C.G.A. 44-14-162.2 shall BOOK 13, PAGE 123, GWINIves Drive, Lawrenceville, of default,require the secured creditor NETT COUNTY RECORDS, 30045. The sale Georgia e indebted-to negotiate, amend or modWHICH PLAT IS HEREBY will be conducted subject en due andify the terms of the mortgage REFERRED TO AND MORE (1) to confirmation that the vided in theinstrument. A PART OF THIS DESCRIPsale is not prohibited under y Deed. The Wilmington Savings Fund TION, BEING KNOWN AS the U.S. Bankruptcy Code in default,Society, FSB, d/b/a Christiana 1476 INDIAN WAY, ACCORDand (2) to final confirmation made for theTrust, not individually but as ING TO THE PRESENT SYSand audit of the status of the g the sametrustee for Pretium Mortgage TEM OF NUMBERING HOUSloan with the holder of the of this sale,Acquisition Trust ES IN GWINNETT COUNTY, security deed. Lakeview Loan curity Deedas Attorney in Fact for GEORGIA. Servicing, LLC as Attorney uding attor-Harvest Arrington, Jr. APN 6-173-160 in Fact for Andy Asubonteng of intent toButler & Hosch, P.A. WITH THE APPURTEMcCalla Raymer, LLC 1544 fees having1303 Hightower Trail, Suite NANCES THERETO. Old Alabama Road Roswell, 315 APN: 6-1 73-1 60 Georgia 30076 www.foree servicerSandy Springs, Georgia The debt secured by said closurehotline.net EXHIBIT d at (866)30350 Security Deed has been and “A” ALL that tract of parcel of Mitigationhttp://foreclosure.closingis hereby declared due beland lying and being in Land ng to 1000source.net cause of, among other posLot 246 of the 5th District, e, O’Fallon,GA-91000085-15 sible events of default, failure Gwinnett County, Georgia, to discuss THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING to pay the indebtedness as being known as Lot 56, of ves to avoidAS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATand when due and in the Campbell Crossing SubdiviTEMPTING TO COLLECT A manner provided in the Note sion, Unit One, as per plat rewill be soldDEBT. ANY INFORMATION and Security Deed. The debt corded in Plat Book 83, page outstandingOBTAINED WILL BE USED remaining in default, this sale 183, Gwinnett County, Geor(includingFOR THAT PURPOSE. will be made for the purpose gia Records, said plat being a lien, but 950-248413, 4/9,16,23,30 of paying the same and all incorporated herein and d payable), expenses of this sale, as made a part hereof by referhich might provided in the Security Deed ence for a more complete an accurate NOTICE OF SALE and by law, including attordescription of Captioned ction of the UNDER POWER. ney’s fees (notice of intent to Property. MR/kr8 5/5/15 Our sessments, State of Georgia, collect attorney’s fees having file no. 5416214 - FT1 ces, zoning County of GWINNETT. been given). 950-247412, 4/9,16,23,30 ctions, cov- Under and by virtue of Said property is commonly rs of recordthe Power of Sale contained known as 1476 Northwest curity Deedin a Deed to Secure Debt NOTICE OF SALE Indian Way, Lilburn, GA . given by GHASSAN ASADI UNDER POWER, 30047 together with all fixwledge andto MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC GWINNETT COUNTY tures and personal property rsigned, theREGISTRATION SYSTEMS, Pursuant to the Power of attached to and constituting ion of theINC. (“MERS”) AS NOMISale contained in a Secua part of said property, if any. A. ArochoNEE FOR FIRST OPTION rity Deed given by Shirley To the best knowledge and said proper-MORTGAGE, LLC , dated E. Atkinson to Mortgage belief of the undersigned, the only known11/29/2012, and Recorded Electronic Registration Sysparty (or parties) in possesr Springson 12/03/2012 as Book No. tems, Inc. as nominee for sion of the subject property eville, GA51830 and Page No. 0486, Suntrust Mortgage, Inc. datis (are): Seife B Asfaha or ed 8/27/2007 and recorded in GWINNETT County, Georgia tenant or tenants. conductedrecords, as last assigned to Deed Book 48241 Page 406, Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC onfirmationJPMORGAN CHASE BANK, Gwinnett County, Georgia is the entity or individual dest prohibitedN.A. (the Secured Creditor), records; as last transferred ignated who shall have full Bankruptcyby assignment, conveying to or acquired by Nationstar authority to negotiate, amend onfirmationthe after-described propMortgage LLC, conveying and modify all terms of the tatus of theerty to secure a Note of even the after-described propmortgage. lder of thedate in the original principal erty to secure a Note in the Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC nd (3) anyamount of $265,109.00, with original principal amount of Foreclosure Loss Mitigation on or otherinterest at the rate specified $ 321,650.00, with interest 1661 Worthington Road hed by fore-therein, there will be sold at the rate specified therein, Suite 100 by the undersigned at public will be sold by the unthere West Palm Beach, FL 33409 nc. succes-outcry to the highest bidder dersigned at public outcry to 1-877-596-8580 ABN AMROfor cash at the GWINNETT the highest bidder for cash Note, however, that such ccessor byCounty Courthouse within before the Courthouse door entity or individual is not antic Mort-the legal hours of sale on the of Gwinnett County, Georgia, required by law to negotiate, nt Corpora-first Tuesday in May, 2015, within the legal hours of sale amend or modify the terms in Fact forthe following described on May 05, 2015 (being the of the loan. property: ALL THAT TRACT first Tuesday of said month Said property will be sold PLLC OR PARCEL OF LAND LYunless said date falls on a subject to: (a) any outstandDunwoodyING AND BEING IN LAND Federal Holiday), the following ad valorem taxes (includLOT 225, 7TH DISTRICT ing described property: ing taxes which are a lien, but OF GWINNETT COUNTY, All that tract or parcel of not yet due and payable), (b) 41 GEORGIA AND BEING LOT land lying and being in Land unpaid water or sewage bills 50, UNIT 2, THE PARK AT Lot 124 of the 5th District, that constitute a lien against -05679 MILL CREEK SUBDIVISION, Gwinnett County, Georgia the property whether due and 9,16,23,30 AS PER PLAT RECORDED being Lot 5 Block A of Lakepayable or not yet due and IN PLAT BOOK 97, PAGE 5, side Manor according to plat payable and which may not GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORrecorded in plat book 113, RGIA be of record, (c) the right of page 266, Gwinnett County, WINNETT GIA RECORDS. The debt seredemption of any taxing aucured by said Deed to Secure Georgia records. Which plat F SALE thority, (d) any matters which Debt has been and is hereby is incorporated herein for a OWER might be disclosed by an acmore accurate and complete irtue of thedeclared due because of, curate survey and inspection description. ntained in aamong other possible events of the property, and (e) any The debt secured by said en by Har-of default, failure to pay the assessments, liens, encumSecurity Deed has been and r. to Mort-indebtedness as and when brances, zoning ordinances, is hereby declared due beegistrationdue and in the manner prorestrictions, covenants, and cause of, among other poss nomineevided in the Note and Deed matters of record superior sible events of default, failure Mortgageto Secure Debt. Because the to the Security Deed first set to pay the indebtedness as ed Januarydebt remains in default, this out above. and when due and in the d on Janu-sale will be made for the purThe sale will be conducted manner provided in the Note Deed Bookpose of paying the same and subject to (1) confirmation and Security Deed. The debt 5, Gwinnettall expenses of this sale, as that the sale is not prohibited remaining in default, this sale Records,provided in the Deed to Seunder the U.S. Bankruptcy will be made for the purpose eed havingcure Debt and by law, includCode; and (2) final confirmaof paying the same and all assigned,ing attorney’s fees (notice of tion and audit of the status expenses of this sale, as onveyed tointent to collect attorney’s of the loan with the holder provided in the Security Deed ings Fundfees having been given). of the Security Deed. Purand by law, including attor/b/a Chris-JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, suant to O.C.G.A. Section ney’s fees (notice of intent to ndividuallyN.A. holds the duly endorsed 9-13-172.1, which allows for collect attorney’s fees having or PretiumNote and is the current ascertain procedures regarding been given). ition Trust,signee of the Security Deed the rescission of judicial and Said property is commonly editor, byto the property. JPMORGAN non-judicial sales in the State known as 2768 Rolling veying theCHASE BANK, NATIONAL of Georgia, the Deed Under Downs Way, Loganville, GA property toASSOCIATION, acting on Power and other foreclosure 30052 together with all fixthe origi-behalf of and, as necessary, documents may not be protures and personal property unt of Twoin consultation with JPMORvided until final confirmation attached to and constituting wo Thou-GAN CHASE BANK, N.A. (the and audit of the status of the a part of said property, if any. dred Thirty-current investor on the loan), loan as provided immediately To the best knowledge and DOLLARSis the entity with the full auabove. belief of the undersigned, the ith interestthority to negotiate, amend, Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC party (or parties) in possesrth therein,and modify all terms of the as agent and Attorney in Fact sion of the subject property eof pursu-loan. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. for Seife B Asfaha is (are): Shirley E. Atkinson d and Note§ 44-14-162.2, JPMORGAN Aldridge Connors, LLP, or tenant or tenants. as declaredCHASE BANK, NATIONAL 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 Nationstar Mortgage LLC is of said in-ASSOCIATION may be conPiedmont Road, N.E., Suite the entity or individual desnd payabletacted at: JPMORGAN CHASE 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, ignated who shall have full he power ofBANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIA(404) 994-7400. authority to negotiate, amend said Deed,TION, 3415 VISION DRIVE, 1017-655660A and modify all terms of the 015 duringCOLUMBUS, OH 43219, THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE mortgage. sale, before866-550-5705. Please note ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECNationstar Mortgage LLC oor in saidthat, pursuant to O.C.G.A. TOR ATTEMPTING TO COLclassifieds 8950 Cypress Waters Blvd. ublic outcry§ 44-14-162.2, the secured LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORCoppell, TX 75019 bidder forcreditor is not required to MATION OBTAINED WILL BE 1-888-480-2432 y describedamend or modify the terms USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. of the loan. To the best Note, however, that such it: 1017-655660A entity or individual is not r parcel ofknowledge and belief of the 9 5 0 - 2 4 7 1 1 8 , If your old stuff is collecting dust, it could be collecting cash! 770-962-SELL C11 is (are): Shirley E. Atkinson sion of the subject property or tenant or tenants. Nationstar Mortgage LLC is the entity or individual designated who shall have full authority to negotiate, amend and modify all terms of the mortgage. FORECLOSURES Nationstar Mortgage LLC 8950 Cypress Waters Blvd. Coppell, TX 75019 1-888-480-2432 Note, however, that such entity or individual is not required by law to negotiate, amend or modify the terms of the loan. Said property will be sold subject to: (a) any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), (b) unpaid water or sewage bills that constitute a lien against the property whether due and payable or not yet due and payable and which may not be of record, (c) the right of redemption of any taxing authority, (d) any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, and (e) any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The sale will be conducted subject to (1) confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the Security Deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1, which allows for certain procedures regarding the rescission of judicial and non-judicial sales in the State of Georgia, the Deed Under Power and other foreclosure documents may not be provided until final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan as provided immediately above. Nationstar Mortgage LLC as agent and Attorney in Fact for Shirley E. Atkinson Aldridge Connors, LLP, 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, (404) 994-7400. 1006-667501192A THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 1006-667501192A 950-247903, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by Sherly Augustin and Frantz A Georges to Mortgage Registrations, Electronic Inc., as nominee for Security Atlantic Mortgage Co., Inc., dated November 20, 2008, recorded in Deed Book 49182, Page 0621, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, as last transferred to Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, d/b/a Christiana Trust, not individually but as trustee for Pretium Mortgage Acquisition Trust by assignment recorded in Deed Book 53289, Page 477, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, conveying the after-described property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of THREE HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTY-FIVE AND 0/100 DOLLARS ($330,585.00), with interest thereon as set forth therein, there will be sold at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the courthouse door of Gwinnett County, Georgia, or at such place as may be lawfully designated as an alternative, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in May, 2015, the following described property: SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, d/b/a Christiana Trust, not individually but as trustee for Pretium Mortgage Acquisition Trust is the holder of the Security Deed to the property in accordance with OCGA § 44-14-162.2. The entity that has full authority to negotiate, amend, and modify all terms of the mortgage with the debtor is: Rushmore Loan Management Services, LLC, 7515 Irvine Center Drive 1st Floor, Irvine, CA 92618 888-504-7300. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in possession of the property is Sherly Augustin and Frantz A Georges or a tenant or tenants and said property is more commonly known as 720 Campbell Road, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30045. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the security deed. Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, d/b/a Christiana Trust, not individually but as trustee for Pretium Mortgage Acquisition Trust as Attorney in Fact for Sherly Augustin and Frantz A Georges McCalla Raymer, LLC 1544 Old Alabama Road Roswell, Georgia 30076 www.foreclosurehotline.net EXHIBIT “A” All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 268 of the 5th Land District, Gwinnett County, Georgia; containing 1.7715 acres, and being identified as Tract No. One, and more particularly shown and delineated by that plat of survey entitled -Exemption Plat for John Veciunca,” dated May 28, 1994, prepared by Norton and Associates, certified by Jean G. Norton, Jr., Georgia Registered Surveyor No. 2276, recorded in Plat Book 63, page 180, Gwinnett County, Georgia records; said plat being incorporated herein and made a part hereof by reference for a more complete and detailed description. MR/sdw 5/5/15 Our file no. 5101815–FT8 950-247100, 4/9,16,23,30 PROTECT OUR PLANET FORECLOSURES NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY By virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Security Deed from MELESSA L. AVERY to MORTGAGE REGISTRAELECTRONIC TION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR AMERICA`S WHOLESALE LENDER, dated January 2, 2007, recorded January 16, 2007, in Deed Book 47477, Page 756, , Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, said Security Deed having been given to secure a Note of even date in the original principal amount of One Hundred Forty-Four Thousand and 00/100 dollars ($144,000.00), with interest thereon as provided for therein, said Security Deed having been last sold, assigned and transferred to BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., there will be sold at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash at the Gwinnett County Courthouse, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in May, 2015, all property described in said Security Deed including but not limited to the following described property: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAND LOT 154, 6TH DISTRICT, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING LOT 7, BLOCK “A”, UNIT ONE, DUNLIN SUBDIVISION, AS PER PLAT RECORDED AT PLAT BOOK 62,, PAGE 237, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE AND MADE A PART HEREOF. Said legal description being controlling, however the property is more commonly known as 3232 DUNLIN WAY, LAWRENCEVILLE, GA 30044. The indebtedness secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of default under the terms of said Security Deed and Note. The indebtedness remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same, all expenses of the sale, including attorneys’ fees (notice to collect same having been given) and all other payments provided for under the terms of the Security Deed and Note. Said property will be sold on an “as-is” basis without any representation, warranty or recourse against the above-named or the undersigned. The sale will also be subject to the following items which may affect the title: any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, whether or not now due and payable); the right of redemption of any taxing authority; matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey or by an inspection of the property; all zoning ordinances; assessments; liens; encumbrances; restrictions; covenants, and any other matters of record superior to said Security Deed. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the owner and party in possession of the property is MELESSA L. AVERY, MELESSA L. AVERY AND DARRYL G. AVERY, SR., or tenants(s). The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the Security Deed. The entity having full authority to negotiate, amend or modify all terms of the loan (although not required by law to do so) is: Bank of America, N.A., as successor by merger to BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP f/k/a Countrywide Home Loans Servicing, LP, Loss Mitigation Dept., 7105 Corporate Drive, Plano, TX 75024, Telephone Number: 800-846-2222. BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. as Attorney in Fact for MELESSA L. AVERY THE BELOW LAW FIRM MAY BE HELD TO BE ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR, UNDER FEDERAL LAW. IF SO, ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Attorney Contact: Rubin Lublin, LLC, 3740 Davinci Court, Suite 150, Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 Telephone Number: (877) 813-0992 Case No. BAC-1113999-14 Ad Run Dates 04/09/2015, 04/16/2015, 04/23/2015, 04/30/2015 w w w. r u b i n l u b l i n . c o m / property-listings.php 950-248576, 4/9,16,23,30 STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF GWINNETT NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER IN DEED TO SECURE DEBT Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain Deed to Secure Debt from Bonzell Baker Jr. and Lula Baker and Sharon Baker to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Countrywide Bank, FSB, its successors and assigns, in the original principal amount of $171,000.00 dated 01/24/2008, and recorded in Deed Book 48644, page 705, Gwinnett County records, said Security Deed being last transferred and assigned to BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP FKA Countrywide Home Loans Servicing LP in Deed Book 50705, page 609, Gwinnett County records, the undersigned will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the Courthouse door in said County, during the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday of May, 2015 by Bank of America, N.A., as Attorney-in-Fact for Bonzell Baker Jr. and Lula Baker and Sharon Baker the following described property: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 49 of the 5th District, Gwinnett County, Georgia, being Lot 23, Block F, Unit I of Moorings at River Park Subdivision, as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 54, Page 13, Gwinnett County, Georgia records, which recorded plat is incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this description. Property known as: 385 Seneca Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30044 The indebtedness secured by said Deed to Secure Debt having been declared due and payable because of default in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby, this sale will be made for the purposes of paying the same and all expenses of sale, including attorney’s fees, (notice having been given as provided by law). The property will be sold as the property of Bonzell Baker Jr. and Lula Baker and Sharon Baker subject to the following: (1) all prior restrictive covenants, easements, rights-ofway or encumbrances; (2) all valid zoning ordinances; (3) matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey of the property; (4) the outstanding ad valorem Irvine, CA 92619 INFORMATION OBTAINED (notice having been given as 888.504.7300 WILL BE USED FOR THAT provided by law). Note, however, that such PURPOSE. The property will be sold entity or individual is not Under and by virtue of the as the property of Bonzell required by law to negotiate, Power of Sale contained in Baker Jr. and Lula Baker and amend or modify the terms a Security Deed given by • THURSDAY, 9, 2015 • C11 Sharon Baker WWW.GWINNETTDAILYPOST.COM subject to the of the loan. R. Barner and APRIL Demetrius following: Said property will be sold LaShon Barner to Bank of (1) all prior restrictive covsubject to: (a) any outstandAmerica, N.A., dated Febenants, easements, rights-ofad valorem taxes (including FORECLOSURES 20, 2010, recorded in ruary FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES way or encumbrances; (2) ing taxes which are a lien, but Deed Book 50004, Page 202, all valid zoning ordinances; not yet due and payable), (b) Gwinnett County, Georgia (3) matters which would be unpaid water or sewage bills Records, as last transferred NOTICE OF SALE disclosed by an accurate that constitute a lien against to Federal National MortUNDER POWER. survey of the property; (4) the property whether due and gage Association by asState of Georgia, the outstanding ad valorem payable or not yet due and signment recorded in Deed County of GWINNETT. taxes and assessments, if payable and which may not Book 52791, Page 676, Under and by virtue of any; (5) unpaid water and be of record, (c) the right of Gwinnett County, Georgia the Power of Sale consewage bills, that constitute redemption of any taxing auRecords, conveying the tained in a Deed to Secure liens against the property, thority, (d) any matters which after-described property to Debt given by VICKIE A whether due and payable or might be disclosed by an acsecure a Note in the original BARBER to WASHINTON not yet due and payable; and curate survey and inspection principal amount of TWO MUTUAL BANK, FA , dated (6) matters of record supeof the property, and (e) any HUNDRED TEN THOUSAND 11/22/2003, and Recorded rior to the security deed first assessments, liens, encumEIGHT HUNDRED AND 0/100 on 12/09/2003 as Book No. set out above. brances, zoning ordinances, DOLLARS ($210,800.00), 36269 and Page No. 0238, Bank of America, N.A. is restrictions, covenants, and with interest thereon as set GWINNETT County, Georgia the assignee and holder of matters of record superior forth therein, there will be records, as last assigned to the Security Deed. Pursuant to the Security Deed first set sold at public outcry to the JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, to O.C.G.A. Section 44-14out above. highest bidder for cash beNATIONAL ASSOCIATION, 162.2 the name of the person The sale will be conducted fore the courthouse door of SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST or entity who has the full ausubject to (1) confirmation Gwinnett County, Georgia, BY PURCHASE FROM THE thority to negotiate, amend, that the sale is not prohibited or at such place as may be FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURor modify the terms of the under the U.S. Bankruptcy lawfully designated as an ANCE CORPORATION AS aforementioned indebtedCode; and (2) final confirmaalternative, within the legal RECEIVER OF WASHINGTON ness is: tion and audit of the status hours of sale on the first MUTUAL BANK F/K/A WASHBank of America, N.A. of the loan with the holder Tuesday in May, 2015, the INGTON MUTUAL BANK, FA Home Loan Assistance of the Security Deed. Purfollowing described property: (the Secured Creditor), by Dept. suant to O.C.G.A. Section SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED assignment, conveying the 7105 Corporate Drive 9-13-172.1, which allows for HERETO AND MADE A PART after-described property to Plano, TX 75024 certain procedures regarding HEREOF The debt secured secure a Note of even date in PH: 800-669-6650 the rescission of judicial and by said Security Deed has the original principal amount Please note that, pursuant non-judicial sales in the State been and is hereby declared of $90,000.00, with interest to O.C.G.A. Section 44-14of Georgia, the Deed Under due because of, among other at the rate specified therein, 162.2, you are not entitled Power and other foreclosure possible events of default, there will be sold by the unby law to an amendment or documents may not be profailure to pay the indebteddersigned at public outcry to modification of the terms of vided until final confirmation ness as and when due and the highest bidder for cash your loan. and audit of the status of the in the manner provided in the at the GWINNETT County To the best of the underloan as provided immediately Note and Security Deed. The Courthouse within the legal signed’s knowledge and beabove. debt remaining in default, hours of sale on the first lief, the party in possession Wilmington Savings Fund this sale will be made for the Tuesday in May, 2015, the is Bonzell Baker Jr. and Lula Society, FSB, d/b/a Christiana purpose of paying the same following described property: Baker and Sharon Baker. not individually but as Trust, and all expenses of this sale, LYING AND BEING LOCATED Bank of America, N.A., as trustee for Pretium Mortgage as provided in Security Deed IN THE UNINCORPORATED Attorney-in-fact for Bonzell Acquisition Trust as agent and by law, including attorAREA, COUNTY OF GWINBaker Jr. and Lula Baker and and Attorney in Fact for Evney’s fees (notice of intent to NETT, STATE OF GEORGIA; Sharon Baker. elin K. Barrios Dezaldana collect attorney’s fees having ALL THAT CERTAIN PARCEL Pendergast & Associates, A/K/A Evelin Barrios Zaldana been given). Said property OR TRACT OF LAND KNOWN P.C. Aldridge Connors, LLP, will be sold subject to any AS: 211 Perimeter Center Park15 Piedmont Center, 3575 outstanding ad valorem taxes LAND LOT 246, DISTRICT way Road, N.E., Suite Piedmont (including taxes which are 4, GWINNETT COUNTY, Suite 300 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, a lien, but not yet due and GEORGIA, CONTAINING 1.2 Atlanta, GA 30346 (404) 994-7400. payable), any matters which ACRES OF LAND AND BEPhone – 770-392-0398 1208-752A might be disclosed by an ING MORE PARTICULARLY Toll Free – 866-999-7088 THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE accurate survey and inspecDESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: www.penderlaw.com ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECtion of the property, any BEGINNING AT A POINT Our File No. 14-03338-3 TOR ATTEMPTING TO COLassessments, liens, encumSITUATED ON THE CEN950-247874, 4/9,16,23,30 LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORbrances, zoning ordinances, TERLINE OF BEAVER ROAD, MATION OBTAINED WILL BE restrictions, covenants, and WHICH POINT IS EASTERLY, NOTICE OF SALE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. matters of record superior 1049 FEET, MORE OR LESS, UNDER POWER 1208-752A to the Security Deed first set FROM VIRGIL MOON ROAD, GEORGIA, 950-247927, 4/9,16,23,30 out above. Federal National AS MEASURED ALONG THE GWINNETT COUNTY Mortgage Association is the CENTERLINE OF BEAVER THIS IS AN ATTEMPT holder of the Security Deed STATE OF GEORGIA ROAD; RUNNING THENCE S TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY to the property in accordance COUNTY of GWINNETT 29 DEG 34’ E, 439.4’ TO A INFORMATION OBTAINED with OCGA § 44-14-162.2. NOTICE OF SALE POINT; RUNNING THENCE WILL BE USED FOR THAT The entity that has full auUNDER POWER S 60 DEG 27’ W, 162.0’ TO PURPOSE. thority to negotiate, amend, By virtue of the power of A POINT; RUNNING THENCE Under and by virtue of the and modify all terms of the sale contained in that cer29 DEG 34’ W, 268.9’ TO A Power of Sale contained in mortgage with the debtor is: tain Deed to Secure Debt POINT; RUNNING THENCE a Security Deed given by Seterus, Inc., 14523 S.W. from NICKESHA BARTLEY N 60 DEG 27’ E, 122.0’ TO A Remigija Banyte to Century Millikan Way Suite 200, Beato MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC POINT; RUNNING THENCE N Mortgage Corporation, dated verton, OR 97005 888-917REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, 29 DEG 34’ W, 185’, MORE November 19, 2001, record3094. To the best knowledge INC., AS NOMINEE FOR OR LESS, TO A POINT LOed in Deed Book 26033, Page and belief of the undersigned, COUNTRYWIDE BANK, FSB CATED ON THE CENTERLINE 3, Gwinnett County, Georgia the party in possession of the dated November 21, 2007, OF BEAVER ROAD; RUNNING Records, as last transferred property is LaShon Barner or filed for record November THENCE NORTHEASTERLY, to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. a tenant or tenants and said 30, 2007, and recorded in ALONG SAID CENTERLINE, by assignment recorded in property is more commonly Deed Book 48463, Page 22, 40’ MORE OR LESS TO THE Deed Book 47782, Page 870, known as 3029 Brookgreen GWINNETT County, Georgia POINT OF BEGINNING. The Gwinnett County, Georgia Trl, Lawrenceville, Georgia Records, as last transferred debt secured by said Deed Records, conveying the after30043-2642. The sale will to BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., to Secure Debt has been described property to secure be conducted subject (1) to SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO and is hereby declared due a Note in the original princiconfirmation that the sale BAC HOME LOANS SERVICbecause of, among other pal amount of SEVENTY-FIVE is not prohibited under the ING, LP FKA COUNTRYWIDE possible events of default, THOUSAND FIFTY AND 0/100 U.S. Bankruptcy Code and HOME LOANS SERVICING, failure to pay the indebtedDOLLARS ($75,050.00), with (2) to final confirmation and LP by assignment recorded ness as and when due and interest thereon as set forth audit of the status of the loan in Deed Book 50880, Page in the manner provided in therein, there will be sold at with the holder of the secu457, GWINNETT County, the Note and Deed to Sepublic outcry to the highest rity deed. Federal National Georgia Records, Deed to cure Debt. Because the debt bidder for cash before the Mortgage Association as AtSecure Debt having been remains in default, this sale courthouse door of Gwinnett torney in Fact for Demetrius given to secure a Note dated will be made for the purpose County, Georgia, or at such R. Barner and LaShon Barner November 21, 2007 in the of paying the same and all place as may be lawfully McCalla Raymer, LLC 1544 original principal sum of ONE expenses of this sale, as prodesignated as an alternaOld Alabama Road Roswell, HUNDRED TWENTY FOUR vided in the Deed to Secure tive, within the legal hours Georgia 30076 www.foreTHOUSAND AND 0/100 Debt and by law, including of sale on the first Tuesday closurehotline.net EXHIBIT DOLLARS ($124,000.00), attorney’s fees (notice of in May, 2015, the follow“A” All that parcel of land in with interest from date at intent to collect attorney’s ing described property: SEE the County of Gwinnett, State the rate stated in said Note fees having been given). EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED of Georgia, as more fully deon the unpaid balance until JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, HERETO AND MADE A PART scribed in Book/Page 49127paid, there will be sold by the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, HEREOF The debt secured 884 and being more particuundersigned at public outcry SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST by said Security Deed has larly described as follows: All to the highest bidder for cash BY PURCHASE FROM THE been and is hereby declared that tract or parcel of land lybefore the Courthouse door FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURdue because of, among other ing and being in Land Lot 91 at GWINNETT County, GeorANCE CORPORATION AS possible events of default, of the 7th District of Gwinnett gia, within the legal hours RECEIVER OF WASHINGTON failure to pay the indebtedCounty, Georgia, being Lot of sale on the first Tuesday MUTUAL BANK F/K/A WASHness as and when due and 3, Block B, Unit One, Phase in May, 2015, the following INGTON MUTUAL BANK, in the manner provided in the One, The Preserve, as per described property: FA holds the duly endorsed Note and Security Deed. The plat recorded in Plat Book 68, ALL THAT TRACT OR PARNote and is the current asdebt remaining in default, Page 67, Gwinnett County, CEL OF LAND LYING AND signee of the Security Deed this sale will be made for the Georgia Records, which plat BEING IN LAND LOT 47 OF to the property. JPMORGAN purpose of paying the same is hereby incorporated by THE 6TH DISTRICT, GWINCHASE BANK, N.A., acting and all expenses of this sale, reference thereto and made NETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, on behalf of and, as necesas provided in Security Deed a part of this description, beLOT 22, BLOCK E, BEING sary, in consultation with and by law, including attoring property known as 3029 THE FOREST, UNIT 5, AS JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, ney’s fees (notice of intent to Brookgreen Trail according PER PLAT RECORDED IN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, collect attorney’s fees having to the present system of PLAT BOOK 12, PAGE 95, SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST been given). Said property numbering houses in said GWINNETT COUNTY REBY PURCHASE FROM THE will be sold subject to any County. APN: R7091093 CORDS, SAID PLAT BEING FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURoutstanding ad valorem taxes MR/kc9 5/5/15 Our file no. INCORPORATED HEREIN BY ANCE CORPORATION AS (including taxes which are 5265214–FT18 REFERENCE THERETO. RECEIVER OF WASHINGTON a lien, but not yet due and 950-246482, 4/9,16,23,30 To the best of the knowlMUTUAL BANK F/K/A WASHpayable), any matters which edge and belief of the INGTON MUTUAL BANK, might be disclosed by an undersigned, the party in NOTICE OF SALE FA (the current investor on accurate survey and inspecpossession of the property UNDER POWER, the loan), is the entity with tion of the property, any is NICKESHA BARTLEY or GWINNETT COUNTY the full authority to negotiassessments, liens, encuma tenant or tenants. Said Pursuant to the Power of ate, amend, and modify all brances, zoning ordinances, property is more commonly Sale contained in a Security terms of the loan. Pursuant restrictions, covenants, and known as: 3828 FERNCLIFF Deed given by Evelin K. Barto O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, matters of record superior RD, SNELLVILLE, GA 30039rios Dezaldana A/K/A Evelin JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, to the Security Deed first set 4337. Barrios Zaldana to Mortgage N.A. may be contacted at: out above. Wells Fargo Bank, The debt secured by said Electronic Registration SysJPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. is the holder of the SeDeed to Secure Debt has tems, Inc., as nominee for N.A., 8333 RIDGEPOINT curity Deed to the property been and is hereby declared Cornerstone Home Lending DRIVE, IRVING, TX 75063, in accordance with OCGA § due because of, among other dated 4/19/2010 and record866-550-5705. Please note 44-14-162.2. The entity that possible events of default, ed in Deed Book 50042 Page that, pursuant to O.C.G.A. has full authority to negotinon-payment of the monthly 95, Gwinnett County, Georgia § 44-14-162.2, the secured ate, amend, and modify all installments on said loan. records; as last transferred to creditor is not required to terms of the mortgage with The debt remaining in deor acquired by Wilmington amend or modify the terms the debtor is: Wells Fargo fault, this sale will be made Savings Fund Society, FSB, of the loan. To the best Home Mortgage a div. of for the purpose of paying the d/b/a Christiana Trust, not knowledge and belief of the Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., PO same and all expenses of this individually but as trustee undersigned, the party/parBox 10335, Des Moines, IA sale, including attorney’s fees for Pretium Mortgage Acties in possession of the 50306 1-800-416-1472. To (notice of intent to collect atquisition Trust, conveying subject property known as the best knowledge and belief torney’s fees having been the after-described prop4275 BEAVER RD, LOGANof the undersigned, the party given). erty to secure a Note in the VILLE, GEORGIA 30052 is/ in possession of the property The individual or entity that original principal amount of are: VICKIE A BARBER or is Remigija Banyte and Timohas full authority to negoti$ 123,717.00, with interest tenant/tenants. Said property thy M. O’Brien or a tenant or ate, amend, and modify all at the rate specified therein, will be sold subject to (a) any tenants and said property is terms of the loan is BANK there will be sold by the unoutstanding ad valorem taxes more commonly known as OF AMERICA, N.A., 7105 dersigned at public outcry to (including taxes which are a 1361 Branch Drive, Tucker, CORPORATE DR, PLANO, the highest bidder for cash lien, but not yet due and payGeorgia 30084. The sale TX 75024-4100; (800) 669before the Courthouse door able), (b) any matters which will be conducted subject 6650. of Gwinnett County, Georgia, might be disclosed by an ac(1) to confirmation that the Said property will be sold within the legal hours of sale curate survey and inspection sale is not prohibited under subject to any outstanding on May 05, 2015 (being the of the property, and (c) all the U.S. Bankruptcy Code ad valorem taxes (including first Tuesday of said month matters of record superior to and (2) to final confirmataxes which are a lien, whethunless said date falls on a the Deed to Secure Debt first tion and audit of the status er or not now due and payFederal Holiday), the followset out above, including, but of the loan with the holder able), the right of redemping described property: not limited to, assessments, of the security deed. Wells tion of any taxing authority, All that tract or parcel of liens, encumbrances, zonFargo Bank, N.A. as Attorney any matters which might be land lying and being in Land ing ordinances, easements, in Fact for Remigija Banyte disclosed by an accurate Lot 182, 5th District, Gwinrestrictions, covenants, McCalla Raymer, LLC 1544 survey and inspection of the nett County, Georgia, being etc. The sale will be Old Alabama Road Roswell, property, any assessments, Lot 150, Block A of Magnolia conducted subject to (1) Georgia 30076 www.forecloliens, encumbrances, zoning Place Subdivision, Unit Two, confirmation that the sale is surehotline.net EXHIBIT “A” ordinances, restrictions, covas per plat recorded in Plat not prohibited under the U.S. ALL THAT TRACT OR PARenants, and matters of record Book 74, Page 32, GwinBankruptcy Code; and (2) CEL OF LAND LYING AND superior to the Security Deed nett County Records, which final confirmation and audit BEING IN LAND LOT 192 first set out above. plat is by reference incorpoof the status of the loan with OF THE 6TH DISTRICT OF The sale will be conducted rated herein and made a part the holder of the security GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORsubject (1) to confirmation hereof. deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. GIA AND BEING A CONDOthat the sale is not prohibited The debt secured by said Section 9-13-172.1, which MINIUM UNIT KNOWN AS under the U.S. Bankruptcy Security Deed has been and allows for certain procedures UNIT NO. 1361, BUILDING Code and (2) to final conis hereby declared due beregarding the rescission of NO. 10, PHASE IC, OF THE firmation and audit of the cause of, among other posjudicial and nonjudicial sales SPRING CONDOMINIUM AS status of the loan with the sible events of default, failure in the State of Georgia, the DEPICTED ON A PLAT PREholder of the Security Deed. to pay the indebtedness as Deed Under Power and other PARED BY CONSTRUCTION Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section and when due and in the foreclosure documents may ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES 9-13-172.1, which allows for manner provided in the Note not be provided until final AND RECORDED IN CONcertain procedures regarding and Security Deed. The debt confirmation and audit of the DOMINIUM PLAT BOOK 1, the rescission of judicial and remaining in default, this sale status of the loan as provided PAGE 73,74 AND 83, GWINnonjudicial sales in the State will be made for the purpose in the preceding paragraph. NETT COUNTY, GEORGIA of Georgia, the Deed Under of paying the same and all JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, RECORDS, TOGETHER WITH Power and other foreclosure expenses of this sale, as NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, ALL RIGHT, TITLE AND documents may not be proprovided in the Security Deed SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST INTEREST OF GRANTOR vided until final confirmation and by law, including attorBY PURCHASE FROM THE INSAID CONDOMINIUM and audit of the status of the ney’s fees (notice of intent to FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURUNIT AND THE APPURTEloan as provided in the precollect attorney’s fees having ANCE CORPORATION AS NANCES THERETO UNDER ceding paragraph. been given). RECEIVER OF WASHINGTON THAT CERTAIN DECLARASaid property will be sold Said property is commonly MUTUAL BANK F/K/A WASHTION OF CONDOMINIUM as the property of NICKESHA known as 1097 Cotton Gin INGTON MUTUAL BANK, FA OF THE SPRINGS CONDOBARTLEY. Court, Lawrenceville, GA as Attorney in Fact for VICKIE MINIUM, DATED NOVEMBANK OF AMERICA, N.A. 30045 together with all fixA BARBER. THIS LAW FIRM BER 16, 1982, RECORDED SUCCESSOR BY MERGER tures and personal property IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLIN DEED BOOK 2473, PAGE TO BAC HOME LOANS SERattached to and constituting LECTOR ATTEMPTING TO 462, GWINNETT COUNTY VICING, LP FKA COUNTRYa part of said property, if any. COLLECT A DEBT. ANY GEORGIA RECORDS, WIDE HOME LOANS SERTo the best knowledge and INFORMATION OBTAINED AS AMENDED BY FIRST VICING, LP belief of the undersigned, WILL BE USED FOR THAT AMENDMENT JANUARY 25, As Attorney-in-Fact for the party (or parties) in PURPOSE. 00000005003264 1983, FILED FOR RECORDS NICKESHA BARTLEY possession of the subject BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPJANUARY 1983, RECORDED Phelan Hallinan Diamond & property is (are): Evelin K. PIER LEVINE & BLOCK, LLP INDEED BOOK 2497, PAGE Jones, PLLC Barrios Dezaldana or tenant 15000 Surveyor Boulevard 30, AFORESAID RECORDS 11675 Great Oaks Way, or tenants. Addison, Texas 75001 TeleAS FURTHER AMENDED BY Suite 375 Rushmore Loan Managephone: (972) 341-5398. AMENDMENT RECORDED Alpharetta, GA 30022 ment Services, LLC is the 950-247878, 4/9,16,23,30 IN DEED BOOK 2567 PAGE Telephone: 770-393-4300 entity or individual desig72 AFORESAID RECORDS, Fax: 770-393-4310 nated who shall have full TOGETHER WITH ANY REPH # 23240 authority to negotiate, amend NOTICE OF SALE CORDED AMENDMENTS This law firm is acting as a and modify all terms of the UNDER POWER THERETO, (HEREINAFTER debt collector. Any informamortgage. GEORGIA, REFERRED TO AS THE “DECtion obtained will be used for Rushmore Loan ManageGWINNETT COUNTY LARATION”), WHICH PLAT that purpose. ment Services, LLC THIS IS AN ATTEMPT AND DECLARATION ARE 950-246498, 4/9,16,23,30 PO Box 52708 TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INCORPORATED HEREIN BY Irvine, CA 92619 INFORMATION OBTAINED REFERENCE. MR/rla 5/5/15 888.504.7300 WILL BE USED FOR THAT NOTICE OF SALE Our file no. 5268914–FT12 Note, however, that such PURPOSE. UNDER POWER 950-247414, 4/9,16,23,30 entity or individual is not Under and by virtue of the GEORGIA, required by law to negotiate, Power of Sale contained in GWINNETT COUNTY amend or modify the terms a Security Deed given by THIS IS AN ATTEMPT of the loan. Demetrius R. Barner and TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY Said property will be sold LaShon Barner to Bank of INFORMATION OBTAINED subject to: (a) any outstandAmerica, N.A., dated FebWILL BE USED FOR THAT ing ad valorem taxes (includPURPOSE. ruary 20, 2010, recorded in ing taxes which are a lien, but Under and by virtue of the Deed Book 50004, Page 202, not yet due and payable), (b) Power of Sale contained in a Gwinnett County, Georgia unpaid water or sewage bills Security Deed given by GilRecords, as last transferred that constitute a lien against berta Baza to Wells Fargo to Federal National Mortthe property whether due and Home Mortgage, Inc. , dated gage Association by aspayable or not yet due and June 30, 2003, recorded in signment recorded in Deed SALE full authority to negotiate, by WILMINGTON or acquired possible events of default, 0409NOTICE GDPOFTHURS LEGALS_Classifieds 4/7/2015 7:36 PM Page C12 UNDER POWER 14-162.2. The entity that has cords; as last transferred to due because of, among other amend, and modify all terms SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, failure to pay the indebtedGEORGIA, of the mortgage with the FSB, doing business as ness as and when due and GWINNETT COUNTY debtor is: Central Mortgage CHRISTIANA TRUST, not in in the manner provided in THIS IS AN ATTEMPT Company, 801 John Barrow its individual capacity but the Note and Deed to Secure C12 • THURSDAY, 9, 2015 • WWW.GWINNETTDAILYPOST.COM TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY APRIL 1, Little Rock, AR Road, Suite solely as legal title trustee Debt. The debt remaining in INFORMATION OBTAINED 72205 800-366-2132. To the for BRONZE CREEK TITLE default, this sale will be made WILL BE USED FOR THAT best knowledge and belief of TRUST 2013-NPL1, conveyfor the purpose of paying the PURPOSE. FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES undersigned, the party in the FORECLOSURES ing FORECLOSURES the after-described propsame and all expenses of Under and by virtue of the possession of the property is erty to secure a Note in the this sale, as provided in the Power of Sale contained in a Thony Beaubrun or a tenant original principal amount of Deed to Secure Debt and by Security Deed given by Gilor tenants and said property $ 163,415.00, with interest law, including attorney’s fees berta Baza to Wells Fargo is more commonly known as at the rate specified therein, (notice of intent to collect Home Mortgage, Inc. , dated 740 Langley Farms Drive, there will be sold by the unattorney’s fees having been June 30, 2003, recorded in Loganville, Georgia 30052. dersigned at public outcry to given). Deed Book 34122, Page 226, The sale will be conducted the highest bidder for cash Said property is commonly Gwinnett County, Georgia subject (1) to confirmation before the Courthouse door known as 960 Cranbrook Records, as last transferred that the sale is not prohibited of Gwinnett County, Georgia, Glen Lane, Snellville, GA to U.S. Bank National Asunder the U.S. Bankruptcy within the legal hours of sale 30078, together with all fixsociation, as trustee for Code and (2) to final conon May 05, 2015 (being the tures and personal property SROF-2013-M4 REMIC Trust firmation and audit of the first Tuesday of said month attached to and constituting IV by assignment recorded in status of the loan with the unless said date falls on a a part of said property. To the Deed Book 53117, Page 581, holder of the security deed. Federal Holiday), the followbest knowledge and belief of Gwinnett County, Georgia Central Mortgage Company ing described property: the undersigned, the party Records, conveying the afteras Attorney in Fact for Thony All THAT TRACT OR PAR(or parties) in possession of described property to secure Beaubrun and Thony BeauCEL OF LAND LYING AND the subject property is (are): a Note in the original prinbrin McCalla Raymer, LLC BEING IN LAND LOT 294 Veronica Berry or tenant or cipal amount of ONE HUN1544 Old Alabama Road OF THE 6TH DISTRICT, tenants. DRED THIRTY-SEVEN THOURoswell, Georgia 30076 OF GWINNETT COUNTY, Said property will be sold SAND SEVEN HUNDRED www.foreclosurehotline.net GEORGIA, BEING LOT 23, subject to (a) any outstandTHIRTY-FIVE AND 0/100 EXHIBIT “A” All that tract or BLOCK B OF IVY STATION ing ad valorem taxes (includ($137,735.00), DOLLARS parcel of land lying and being SUBDIVISION, AS PER PLAT ing taxes which are a lien, with interest thereon as set in Land Lot 125 of the 5th RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK but not yet due and payable), forth therein, there will be District of Gwinnett County, 57, PAGE 135, GWINNETT (b) any matters which might sold at public outcry to the Georgia, being Lot 47, of COUNTY, GEORGIA REbe disclosed by an accurate highest bidder for cash beLangley Farms, Phase One CORDS, SAID PLAT BEING survey and inspection of the fore the courthouse door of as per plat recorded in Plat INCORPORATED HEREIN property, and (c) all matters Gwinnett County, Georgia, Book 119, Page 188-189, AND MADE A PART HEREOF of record superior to the or at such place as may be Gwinnett County, Georgia BY REFERENCE. Deed to Secure Debt first lawfully designated as an records, which plat is incorThe debt secured by said set out above, including, but alternative, within the legal porated herein and made Security Deed has been and not limited to, assessments, hours of sale on the first a part hereof by reference. is hereby declared due beliens, encumbrances, zonTuesday in May, 2015, the MR/akr 5/5/15 Our file no. cause of, among other posing ordinances, easements, following described property: 575515–FT17 sible events of default, failure restrictions, covenants, etc. SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED 950-246483, 4/9,16,23,30 to pay the indebtedness as The sale will be conducted HERETO AND MADE A PART and when due and in the subject to (1) confirmation HEREOF The debt secured manner provided in the Note that the sale is not prohibited NOTICE OF SALE by said Security Deed has and Security Deed. The debt under the U.S. Bankruptcy UNDER POWER, been and is hereby declared remaining in default, this sale Code; (2) O.C.G.A. Section GWINNETT COUNTY due because of, among other will be made for the purpose 9-13-172.1; and (3) final Pursuant to the Power possible events of default, of paying the same and all confirmation and audit of the of Sale contained in a Sefailure to pay the indebtedexpenses of this sale, as status of the loan with the curity Deed given by Todd ness as and when due and provided in the Security Deed holder of the security deed. Stephen Bell and Teresa L. in the manner provided in the and by law, including attorPursuant to O.C.G.A. SecBell to Mortgage Electronic Note and Security Deed. The ney’s fees (notice of intent to tion 9-13-172.1, which alRegistration Systems, debt remaining in default, collect attorney’s fees having lows for certain procedures Inc. as nominee for Brand this sale will be made for the been given). regarding the rescission of Mortgage Group, LLC dated purpose of paying the same Said property is commonly judicial and nonjudicial sales 4/2/2007 and recorded in and all expenses of this sale, known as 4240 Ivy Run in the State of Georgia, the Deed Book 47778 Page 448, as provided in Security Deed Circle, Duluth, GA 30096 Deed Under Power and other Gwinnett County, Georgia and by law, including attortogether with all fixtures and foreclosure documents may records; as last transferred ney’s fees (notice of intent to personal property attached not be provided until final to or acquired by Nationstar collect attorney’s fees having to and constituting a part of confirmation and audit of the Mortgage LLC, conveying been given). Said property said property, if any. To the status of the loan as provided the after-described propwill be sold subject to any best knowledge and belief in the preceding paragraph. erty to secure a Note in the outstanding ad valorem taxes of the undersigned, the party Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Secoriginal principal amount of (including taxes which are (or parties) in possession of tion 44-14-162.2, the entity $ 417,000.00, with interest a lien, but not yet due and the subject property is (are): that has full authority to neat the rate specified therein, payable), any matters which Wallace M. Berry Jr. or tenant gotiate, amend and modify all there will be sold by the unmight be disclosed by an acor tenants. terms of the mortgage with dersigned at public outcry to curate survey and inspection Rushmore Loan Managethe debtor is: the highest bidder for cash of the property, any assessment Services, LLC is the Select Portfolio Servicing, before the Courthouse door ments, liens, encumbrances, entity or individual desigInc. of Gwinnett County, Georgia, zoning ordinances, restricnated who shall have full Attention: Loss Mitigation within the legal hours of sale tions, covenants, and matauthority to negotiate, amend Department on May 05, 2015 (being the ters of record superior to the and modify all terms of the 3815 South West Temple first Tuesday of said month Security Deed first set out mortgage. Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 unless said date falls on a above. U.S. Bank National Rushmore Loan Manage1-888-818-6032 Federal Holiday), the followAssociation, as trustee for ment Services, LLC The foregoing notwithing described property: SROF-2013-M4 REMIC Trust PO Box 52708 standing, nothing in OC.G.A. ALL THAT TRACT OR PARIV is the holder of the SecuIrvine, CA 92619 Section 44-14-162.2 shall CEL OF LAND LYING AND rity Deed to the property in 888.504.7300 be construed to require the BEING IN LAND LOTS 164, accordance with OCGA § 44Note, however, that such secured creditor to negotiate, 165, 188, AND 189 OF THE 14-162.2. The entity that has entity or individual is not amend or modify the terms 5TH DISTRICT, GWINNETT full authority to negotiate, required by law to negotiate, of the Deed to Secure Debt COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING amend, and modify all terms amend or modify the terms described herein. LOT 7, CONTAINING 2.302 of the mortgage with the of the loan. This sale is conducted on ACRES, PAUL C. BULLOCH debtor is: Specialized Loan Said property will be sold behalf of the secured crediESTATE, AS PER PLAT REServicing, 8742 Lucent Blvd subject to: (a) any outstandtor under the power of sale CORDED IN PLAT BOOK STE 300, Highlands Ranch, ing ad valorem taxes (includgranted in the aforemen84, PAGE 200, GWINNETT CO 80129 800-306-6059. To ing taxes which are a lien, but tioned security instrument, COUNTY, GEORGIA REthe best knowledge and belief not yet due and payable), (b) specifically being CORDS, WHICH RECORDED of the undersigned, the party unpaid water or sewage bills U.S. Bank National AsPLAT IS INCORPORATED in possession of the property that constitute a lien against sociation, as Trustee, sucHEREIN BY THIS REFERis Javier Humberto Hernanthe property whether due and cessor in interest to Bank of ENCE AND MADE A PART OF dez or a tenant or tenants payable or not yet due and America, NA, as Trustee, sbm THIS DESCRIPTION. SAID and said property is more payable and which may not LaSalle Bank NA, as Trustee PROPERTY BEING KNOWN commonly known as 2726 be of record, (c) the right of for Certificateholders of Bear AS 2995 BERRY ROAD ACKing Arthur Court, Buford, redemption of any taxing auStearns Asset Backed SecuriCORDING TO THE PRESENT Georgia 30519. The sale will thority, (d) any matters which ties I LLC Asset Backed CerSYSTEM OF NUMBERING be conducted subject (1) to might be disclosed by an actificates, Series 2006-HE10 PROPERTY IN GWINNETT confirmation that the sale curate survey and inspection as attorney in fact for COUNTY, GEORGIA. is not prohibited under the of the property, and (e) any Veronica Berry The debt secured by said U.S. Bankruptcy Code and assessments, liens, encumRichard B. Maner, P.C. Security Deed has been and (2) to final confirmation and brances, zoning ordinances, 5775 Glenridge Drive is hereby declared due beaudit of the status of the loan restrictions, covenants, and Building D, Suite 100 cause of, among other poswith the holder of the secumatters of record superior Atlanta, GA 30328 sible events of default, failure rity deed. U.S. Bank National to the Security Deed first set (404)252-6385 to pay the indebtedness as Association, as trustee for out above. THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING and when due and in the SROF-2013-M4 REMIC Trust The sale will be conducted AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATmanner provided in the Note IV as Attorney in Fact for Gilsubject to (1) confirmation TEMPTING TO COLLECT A and Security Deed. The debt berta Baza McCalla Raymer, that the sale is not prohibited DEBT. ANY INFORMATION remaining in default, this sale LLC 1544 Old Alabama Road the U.S. Bankruptcy under OBTAINED WILL BE USED will be made for the purpose Roswell, Georgia 30076 Code; and (2) final confirmaFOR THAT PURPOSE. of paying the same and all www.foreclosurehotline.net tion and audit of the status FC15-023 expenses of this sale, as EXHIBIT “A” All that tract or of the loan with the holder 950-248406, 4/9,16,23,30 provided in the Security Deed parcel of land lying and beof the Security Deed. Purand by law, including attoring in Land Lot 263 of the to O.C.G.A. Section suant ney’s fees (notice of intent to 7th District, Gwinnett County, NOTICE OF SALE 9-13-172.1, which allows for collect attorney’s fees having Georgia, being Lot 22, Block UNDER POWER. certain procedures regarding been given). D, Nottingham Woods SubState of Georgia, the rescission of judicial and Said property is commonly division, Unit One, as shown County of GWINNETT. non-judicial sales in the State known as 2995 Berry Road, on plat of said subdivision Under and by virtue of of Georgia, the Deed Under Loganville, GA 30052 torecorded in Gwinnett County the Power of Sale contained Power and other foreclosure gether with all fixtures and plat records at Plat Book in a Deed to Secure Debt documents may not be propersonal property attached 5, Page 232, which plat is given by TAT’YANA I BIBER vided until final confirmation to and constituting a part of incorporated herein by referAND VIKTOR S BIBER to FT and audit of the status of the said property, if any. To the ence for a more complete deMORTGAGE COMPANIES loan as provided immediately best knowledge and belief scription. The right, if any, of D.B.A HOMEBANC MORTabove. of the undersigned, the party The United States of America GAGE CORPORATION , dated WILMINGTON SAVINGS (or parties) in possession of to redeem said land within 11/30/1995, and Recorded FUND SOCIETY, FSB, doing the subject property is (are): 120 days from the date of on 12/05/1995 as Book No. business as CHRISTIANA Teresa Lynn Bell or tenant or the foreclosure sale held on 12044 and Page No. 0075, TRUST, not in its individual tenants. May 5, 2015, as provided for GWINNETT County, Georgia capacity but solely as legal Nationstar Mortgage LLC is by the Federal Tax Lien Act of records, as last assigned to title trustee for BRONZE the entity or individual des1966 (Public Law 89-719). JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, CREEK TITLE TRUST 2013ignated who shall have full MR/crp1 5/5/15 Our file no. N.A. (the Secured Creditor), NPL1 as agent and Attorney authority to negotiate, amend 51395910–FT1 by assignment, conveying in Fact for Wallace M. Berry and modify all terms of the 950-247129, 4/9,16,23,30 the after-described propJr. mortgage. erty to secure a Note of even Aldridge Connors, LLP, Nationstar Mortgage LLC NOTICE OF SALE date in the original principal 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 8950 Cypress Waters Blvd. UNDER POWER amount of $73,150.00, with Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite Coppell, TX 75019 GEORGIA, interest at the rate specified 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, 1-888-480-2432 GWINNETT COUNTY therein, there will be sold (404) 994-7400. Note, however, that such THIS IS AN ATTEMPT by the undersigned at public 1208-706A entity or individual is not TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY outcry to the highest bidder THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE required by law to negotiate, INFORMATION OBTAINED for cash at the GWINNETT ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECamend or modify the terms WILL BE USED FOR THAT County Courthouse within TOR ATTEMPTING TO COLof the loan. PURPOSE. the legal hours of sale on the LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORSaid property will be sold Under and by virtue of the first Tuesday in May, 2015, MATION OBTAINED WILL BE subject to: (a) any outstandPower of Sale contained in a the following described USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. ing ad valorem taxes (includSecurity Deed given by Thony property: ALL THAT TRACT 1208-706A ing taxes which are a lien, but Beaubrun and Thony BeauOR PARCEL OF LAND LYING 950-247935, 4/9,16,23,30 not yet due and payable), (b) brin to Mortgage Electronic AND BEING IN LAND LOT unpaid water or sewage bills Registration Systems, Inc., 180 OF THE 6TH DISTRICT, that constitute a lien against NOTICE OF SALE as nominee for Taylor, Bean GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORthe property whether due and UNDER POWER and Whitaker, its succesGIA, BEING LOT 56, BLOCK payable or not yet due and Georgia, sors and or assigns, dated “A”, OVERLOOK GREEN payable and which may not Gwinnett County May 29, 2008, recorded in SUBDIVISION, SITE “10”, be of record, (c) the right of Under and by virtue of the Deed Book 48962, Page 111, UNIT ONE, ACCORDING TO redemption of any taxing auPower of Sale contained in Gwinnett County, Georgia PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT thority, (d) any matters which a Deed to Secure Debt given Records, as last transferred BOOK 41, PAGE 32, GWINmight be disclosed by an acby Veronica Berry to Mortto Central Mortgage ComNETT COUNTY RECORDS, curate survey and inspection gage Electronic Registration pany by assignment to be WHICH PLAT IS INCORPOof the property, and (e) any Systems, Inc. (“MERS”) as recorded in the Office of RATED HEREIN BY REFERassessments, liens, encumnominee for Encore Credit the Clerk of Superior Court ENCE. The debt secured by brances, zoning ordinances, Corp., dated September 26, of Gwinnett County, Georsaid Deed to Secure Debt has restrictions, covenants, and gia Records, conveying the 2006, and recorded in Deed been and is hereby declared matters of record superior after-described property to Book 47110, Page 275, due because of, among other to the Security Deed first set secure a Note in the original Gwinnett County, Georgia possible events of default, out above. principal amount of TWO records, as last transferred failure to pay the indebtedThe sale will be conducted HUNDRED TWENTY-EIGHT to U.S. Bank National Asness as and when due and subject to (1) confirmation THOUSAND AND 0/100 DOLsociation, as Trustee, sucin the manner provided in that the sale is not prohibited LARS ($228,000.00), with in interest to Bank cessor the Note and Deed to Seunder the U.S. Bankruptcy interest thereon as set forth of America, NA, as Trustee, cure Debt. Because the debt Code; and (2) final confirmatherein, there will be sold at sbm LaSalle Bank NA, as remains in default, this sale tion and audit of the status public outcry to the highest Trustee for Certifi cateholdwill be made for the purpose of the loan with the holder bidder for cash before the ers of Bear Stearns Asset of paying the same and all of the Security Deed. Purcourthouse door of Gwinnett Backed Securities I LLC expenses of this sale, as prosuant to O.C.G.A. Section County, Georgia, or at such Asset Backed Certificates, vided in the Deed to Secure 9-13-172.1, which allows for place as may be lawfully Series 2006-HE10 by AsDebt and by law, including atcertain procedures regarding designated as an alternasignment recorded in Deed torney’s fees (notice of intent the rescission of judicial and tive, within the legal hours Book 51946, Page 775, to collect attorney’s fees havnon-judicial sales in the State of sale on the first Tuesday in Gwinnett County, Georgia ing been given). JPMORGAN of Georgia, the Deed Under May, 2015, the following derecords, conveying the afterCHASE BANK, N.A. holds the Power and other foreclosure scribed property: SEE EXHIBdescribed property to secure duly endorsed Note and is documents may not be proIT “A” ATTACHED HERETO a Note of even date in the the current assignee of the vided until final confirmation AND MADE A PART HEREOF original principal amount of Security Deed to the propand audit of the status of the The debt secured by said Se$530,100.00, with interest erty. JPMORGAN CHASE loan as provided immediately curity Deed has been and is at the rate specified therein, BANK, NATIONAL ASSOabove. hereby declared due because there will be sold by the unCIATION, acting on behalf of Nationstar Mortgage LLC of, among other possible dersigned at public outcry to and, as necessary, in consulas agent and Attorney in Fact events of default, failure to the highest bidder for cash tation with FEDERAL HOME for Todd Stephen Bell and Tepay the indebtedness as and before the Courthouse door LOAN MORTGAGE CORPOresa L. Bell when due and in the manof Gwinnett County, Georgia, RATION (the current investor Aldridge Connors, LLP, ner provided in the Note within the legal hours of sale on the loan), is the entity with 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 and Security Deed. The debt on the first Tuesday in May, the full authority to negotiPiedmont Road, N.E., Suite remaining in default, this sale 2015, to wit: May 5, 2015, ate, amend, and modify all 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, will be made for the purpose the following described propterms of the loan. Pursuant (404) 994-7400. of paying the same and all erty: to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, 1006-667500783A expenses of this sale, as proAll that tract or parcel of JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE vided in Security Deed and by land lying and being in Land NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ACTING AS A DEBT COLLEClaw, including attorney’s fees Lot 54 of the 5th District, may be contacted at: JPMTOR ATTEMPTING TO COL(notice of intent to collect Gwinnett County, Georgia, ORGAN CHASE BANK, NALECT A DEBT. ANY INFORattorney’s fees having been being Lot 7, Block G, HavenTIONAL ASSOCIATION, 3415 MATION OBTAINED WILL BE given). Said property will be stone Subdivision, Phase 4, VISION DRIVE, COLUMBUS, USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. sold subject to any outstandas per plat recorded in Plat OH 43219, 866-550-5705. 1006-667500783A ing ad valorem taxes (includBook 111, Page 209, and Please note that, pursuant 950-248378, 4/9,16,23,30 ing taxes which are a lien, revised plat recorded in Plat to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, but not yet due and payable), Book 115, Page 239, Gwinthe secured creditor is not any matters which might be nett County, Georgia records, NOTICE OF SALE required to amend or modify disclosed by an accurate which recorded plat is incorUNDER POWER, the terms of the loan. To the survey and inspection of the porated herein by reference GWINNETT COUNTY best knowledge and belief of property, any assessments, and made a part of this dePursuant to the Power of the undersigned, the party/ liens, encumbrances, zonscription. Said property beSale contained in a Secuparties in possession of ing ordinances, restrictions, ing known as 960 Cranbrook rity Deed given by Wallace the subject property known covenants, and matters of Glen Lane according to the M. Berry Jr. to Mortgage as 1223 OVERTON DRIVE, record superior to the Secupresent system of numbering Electronic Registration SysLAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA rity Deed first set out above. houses in Gwinnett County, tems, Inc., as nominee for 30245 is/are: TAT’YANA I Central Mortgage Company Georgia. FirstCity Mortgage, Inc. datBIBER AND VIKTOR S BIBER is the holder of the Security The debt secured by said ed 3/7/2003 and recorded in or tenant/tenants. Said propDeed to the property in acDeed to Secure Debt has Deed Book 31526 Page 115, erty will be sold subject to (a) cordance with OCGA § 44been and is hereby declared Gwinnett County, Georgia reany outstanding ad valorem 14-162.2. The entity that has due because of, among other cords; as last transferred to taxes (including taxes which full authority to negotiate, possible events of default, or acquired by WILMINGTON are a lien, but not yet due amend, and modify all terms failure to pay the indebtedSAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, and payable), (b) any matters of the mortgage with the ness as and when due and FSB, doing business as which might be disclosed debtor is: Central Mortgage in the manner provided in CHRISTIANA TRUST, not in by an accurate survey and Company, 801 John Barrow the Note and Deed to Secure its individual capacity but inspection of the property, Road, Suite 1, Little Rock, AR Debt. The debt remaining in solely as legal title trustee and (c) all matters of record 72205 800-366-2132. To the default, this sale will be made for BRONZE CREEK TITLE superior to the Deed to Sebest knowledge and belief of for the purpose of paying the TRUST 2013-NPL1, conveycure Debt first set out above, the undersigned, the party in same and all expenses of ing the after-described propincluding, but not limited to, possession of the property is this sale, as provided in the erty to secure a Note in the assessments, liens, encumThony Beaubrun or a tenant Deed to Secure Debt and by original principal amount of brances, zoning ordinances, or tenants and said property law, including attorney’s fees $ 163,415.00, with interest easements, restrictions, covis more commonly known as (notice of intent to collect at the rate specified therein, enants, etc. The sale will 740 Langley Farms Drive, attorney’s fees having been there will be sold by the unbe conducted subject to (1) Loganville, Georgia 30052. given). dersigned at public outcry to confirmation that the sale is taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), (b) any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, and (c) all matters of record superior to the Deed to Secure Debt first set out above, FORECLOSURES but not limited to, including, assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, easements, restrictions, covenants, etc. The sale will be conducted subject to (1) confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the security deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1, which allows for certain procedures regarding the rescission of judicial and nonjudicial sales in the State of Georgia, the Deed Under Power and other foreclosure documents may not be provided until final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan as provided in the preceding paragraph. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. as Attorney in Fact for TAT’YANA I BIBER AND VIKTOR S BIBER. THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 00000005085709 BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER LEVINE & BLOCK, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard Addison, Texas 75001 Telephone: (972) 341-5398. 950-247860, 4/9,16,23,30 STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF GWINNETT NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER Because of a default in the payment of the indebtedness secured by a Security Deed executed by Latonya Billups to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Pine State Mortgage Corporation dated July 11, 2005, and recorded in Deed Book 43660, Page 87, Gwinnett County Records, said Security Deed having been last sold, assigned, transferred and conveyed to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. by Assignment, securing a Note in the original principal amount of $207,466.00, the holder thereof pursuant to said Deed and Note thereby secured has declared the entire amount of said indebtedness due and payable and, pursuant to the power of sale contained in said Deed, will on the first Tuesday, May 5, 2015, during the legal hours of sale, before the Courthouse door in said County, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the property described in said Deed, to-wit: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAND LOTS 337 AND 338 OF THE 4TH DISTRICT, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND BEING LOT 67A, UNIT FOUR, BRIDLE POINT, FORMERLY KNOWN AS LEE ROAD TRACT, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 106, PAGES 163 THROUGH 164, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH RECORDED. PLAT IS INCORPORATED HEREIN FOR A MORE COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF SAID PROPERTY. Said property is known as 4955 Bridle Point Parkway, Snellville, GA 30039, together with all fixtures and personal property attached to and constituting a part of said property, if any. Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, whether or not now due and payable), the right of redemption of any taxing authority, any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The proceeds of said sale will be applied to the payment of said indebtedness and all expenses of said sale as provided in said Deed, and the balance, if any, will be distributed as provided by law. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the secured creditor. The property is or may be in the possession of Latonya Billups, successor in interest or tenant(s). Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as Attorney-in-Fact for Latonya Billups File no. 09-019040 SHAPIRO, SWERTFEGER & HASTY, LLP* Attorneys and Counselors at Law 2872 Woodcock Blvd., Suite 100 Atlanta, GA 30341-3941 (770) 220-2535/KLM www.swertfeger.net *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 950-247979, [FC-NOS], 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER. State of Georgia, County of GWINNETT. Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a Deed to Secure Debt given by MARCOS BLASNICH AND LILIA LOMELI to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., (“MERS”), AS NOMINEE FOR NETBANK , dated 10/21/2005, and Recorded on 11/03/2005 as Book No. 45114 and Page No. 5, GWINNETT County, Georgia records, as last assigned to JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO CHASE HOME FINANCE LLC (the Secured Creditor), by assignment, conveying the after-described property to secure a Note of even date in the original principal amount of $166,155.00, with interest at the rate specified therein, there will be sold by the undersigned at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash at the GWINNETT County Courthouse within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in May, 2015, the following described property: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAND LOT 224 OF THE 7TH DISTRICT, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING LOT 4, NORTHWOODS ESTATES SUBDIVISION, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 57, PAGE 110, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS, TO WHICH PLAT REFERENCE IS MADE FOR A MORE DETAILED DESCRIPTION. The debt secured by said Deed to Secure Debt has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Deed to Secure Debt. Because the debt remains in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in the Deed to Secure Debt and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Deed to Secure Debt. Because the debt remains in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and of this sale, as all expenses FORECLOSURES provided in the Deed to Secure Debt and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO CHASE HOME FINANCE LLC holds the duly endorsed Note and is the current assignee of the Security Deed to the property. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, acting on behalf of and, as necessary, in consultation with JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO CHASE HOME FINANCE LLC (the current investor on the loan), is the entity with the full authority to negotiate, amend, and modify all terms of the loan. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, ASSOCIATION NATIONAL may be contacted at: JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, 3415 VISION DRIVE, COLUMBUS, OH 43219, 866-550-5705. Please note that, pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, the secured creditor is not required to amend or modify the terms of the loan. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party/ parties in possession of the subject property known as 3126 SPRINGLAKE DRIVE, BUFORD, GEORGIA 30519 is/are: MARCOS BLASNICH AND LILIA LOMELI or tenant/tenants. Said property will be sold subject to (a) any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), (b) any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, and (c) all matters of record superior to the Deed to Secure Debt first set out above, including, but not limited to, assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, easements, covenants, restrictions, The sale will be etc. conducted subject to (1) confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the security deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1, which allows for certain procedures regarding the rescission of judicial and nonjudicial sales in the State of Georgia, the Deed Under Power and other foreclosure documents may not be provided until final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan as provided in the preceding paragraph. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO CHASE HOME FINANCE LLC as Attorney in Fact for MARCOS BLASNICH AND LILIA LOMELI. THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 00000005097613 BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER LEVINE & BLOCK, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard Addison, Texas 75001 Telephone: (972) 341-5398. 950-247850, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by Gregory Bochenek to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for United Wholesale Mortgage, its successors and assigns, dated May 26, 2009, recorded in Deed Book 49525, Page 571, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, as last transferred to Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, d/b/a Christiana Trust, not individually but as trustee for Pretium Mortgage Acquisition Trust by assignment recorded in Deed Book 53288, Page 408, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, conveying the after-described property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of ONE HUNDRED FOUR THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED FORTY-NINE AND 0/100 ($104,649.00), DOLLARS with interest thereon as set forth therein, there will be sold at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the courthouse door of Gwinnett County, Georgia, or at such place as may be lawfully designated as an alternative, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in May, 2015, the following described property: SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, d/b/a Christiana Trust, not individually but as trustee for Pretium Mortgage Acquisition Trust is the holder of the Security Deed to the property in accordance with OCGA § 44-14-162.2. The entity that has full authority to negotiate, amend, and modify all terms of the mortgage with the debtor is: Rushmore Loan Management Services, LLC, 7515 Irvine Center Drive 1st Floor, Irvine, CA 92618 888-504-7300. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in possession of the property is Gregory Bochenek or a tenant or tenants and said property is more commonly known as 2170 Davis Oaks Court, Stone Mountain, Georgia 30087. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the security deed. Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, d/b/a Christiana Trust, not individually but as trustee for Pretium Mortgage Acquisition Trust as Attorney in Fact for Gregory Bochenek McCalla Raymer, LLC 1544 Old Alabama Road Roswell, Georgia 30076 www.foreclosurehotline.net EXHIBIT “A” All that certain tract or the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the security deed. Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, d/b/a Christiana Trust, not individually but as trustee for Pretium Mortgage AcTrust as Attorney quisition FORECLOSURES in Fact for Gregory Bochenek McCalla Raymer, LLC 1544 Old Alabama Road Roswell, Georgia 30076 www.foreclosurehotline.net EXHIBIT “A” All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 57 of the 6th District of Gwinnett County, Georgia, being Lot 3, Block A, Unit One of Davis Oaks, as per plat recorded in Plat Book 31, Page 146, Gwinnett County Records, which plat by reference is incorporated herein and made a part hereof. MR/jbm2 5/5/15 Our file no. 519014–FT8 950-247083, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE UNDER POWER GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by Mary E. Borden to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Principal Residential Mortgage, Inc., dated July 23, 2003, and recorded in Deed Book 34441, Page 0123, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, subsequently modified by a Loan Modification Agreement recorded March 26, 2012 in Book 51257, Page 337 in the amount of Ninety-Three Thousand Four Hundred Thirty-Five and 06/100 ($93,435.06) Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, as last transferred to CitiMortgage, Inc. by assignment recorded on June 24, 2010 in Book 50135 Page 0837 in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, conveying the afterdescribed property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of One Hundred Seven Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty-Six and 0/100 dollars ($107,726.00), with interest thereon as set forth therein, there will be sold at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the courthouse door of Gwinnett County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on May 5, 2015, the following described property: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 149 of the 6th District of Gwinnett County, Georgia, being Lot 24, Block B, Creekwood Farms Subdivision, Unit One, as per plat recorded in Plat Book 26, Page 140, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, which plat is incorporated herein by reference and made a part of the description hereof. The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Your mortgage servicer can be contacted at (866) 272-4749–Loss Mitigation Dept, or by writing to 1000 Technology Drive, O’Fallon, Missouri 63368, to discuss possible alternatives to avoid foreclosure. Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in possession of the property is Mary E. Borden or tenant(s); and said property is more commonly known as 575 Harvard Drive Northwest, Lilburn, GA 30047. The sale will be conducted subject to (1) confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the security deed and (3) any right of redemption or other lien not extinguished by foreclosure. CitiMortgage, Inc. as Attorney in Fact for Mary E. Borden. Brock & Scott, PLLC 4360 Chamblee Dunwoody Road Suite 310 Atlanta, GA 30341 404-789-2661 B&S file no.: 15-00286 950-246858, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER, GWINNETT COUNTY Pursuant to the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by Cheryl B. Boyd to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Countrywide Bank, FSB dated 3/27/2008 and recorded in Deed Book 48777 Page 570, Gwinnett County, Georgia records; as last transferred to or acquired by Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, d/b/a Christiana Trust, not individually but as trustee for Pretium Mortgage Acquisition Trust, conveying the after-described property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of $ 180,862.00, with interest at the rate specified therein, there will be sold by the undersigned at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the Courthouse door of Gwinnett County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on May 05, 2015 (being the first Tuesday of said month unless said date falls on a Federal Holiday), the following described property: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 62 of the 5th District, Gwinnett County, Georgia, being Lot 3, Block C, The Preserve at Haynes Creek, Unit 1, as per plat recorded in Plat Book 100, Page 64 and revised at Plat Book 102, Page 130, Gwinnett County Records, which plat is incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof by reference. The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in the Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Said property is commonly known as 1687 Preserve Park Drive, Loganville, GA 30052 together with all fixtures and personal property and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in the Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having FORECLOSURES been given). Said property is commonly known as 1687 Preserve Park Drive, Loganville, GA 30052 together with all fixtures and personal property attached to and constituting a part of said property, if any. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party (or parties) in possession of the subject property is (are): Cheryl B. Boyd or tenant or tenants. Rushmore Loan Management Services, LLC is the entity or individual designated who shall have full authority to negotiate, amend and modify all terms of the mortgage. Rushmore Loan Management Services, LLC PO Box 52708 Irvine, CA 92619 888.504.7300 Note, however, that such entity or individual is not required by law to negotiate, amend or modify the terms of the loan. Said property will be sold subject to: (a) any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), (b) unpaid water or sewage bills that constitute a lien against the property whether due and payable or not yet due and payable and which may not be of record, (c) the right of redemption of any taxing authority, (d) any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, and (e) any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The sale will be conducted subject to (1) confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the Security Deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1, which allows for certain procedures regarding the rescission of judicial and non-judicial sales in the State of Georgia, the Deed Under Power and other foreclosure documents may not be provided until final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan as provided immediately above. Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, d/b/a Christiana Trust, not individually but as trustee for Pretium Mortgage Acquisition Trust as agent and Attorney in Fact for Cheryl B. Boyd Aldridge Connors, LLP, 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, (404) 994-7400. 1208-741A THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 1208-741A 950-247928, 4/9,16,23,30 STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF GWINNETT NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER IN DEED TO SECURE DEBT Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain Deed to Secure Debt from Arnitha E. Boyd and Wynetta L. Brown to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Pine State Mortgage Corporation, its successors and assigns, in the original principal amount of $235,615.00 dated 09/12/2007, and recorded in Deed Book 48288, page 363, Gwinnett County records, said Security Deed being last transferred and assigned to Bank of America, N.A., successor by merger to BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP fka Countrywide Home Loans Servicing, LP in Deed Book 51366, page 237, Gwinnett County records, the undersigned will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the Courthouse door in said County, during the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday of May, 2015 by Bank of America, N.A., as Attorney-in-Fact for Arnitha E. Boyd and Wynetta L. Brown the following described property: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 159 of the 5th District, Gwinnett County, Georgia, being Lot 3, Block A, Oak Crossing, Unit I, as per plat recorded in Plat Book 118, Pages 181-182, Gwinnett County records, said plat being incorporated herein by reference thereto. Property known as: 288 Jarrod Oaks Court, Loganville, GA 30052 The indebtedness secured by said Deed to Secure Debt having been declared due and payable because of default in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby, this sale will be made for the purposes of paying the same and all expenses of sale, including attorney’s fees, (notice having been given as provided by law). The property will be sold as the property of Arnitha E. Boyd and Wynetta L. Brown subject to the following: (1) all prior restrictive covenants, easements, rights-ofway or encumbrances; (2) all valid zoning ordinances; (3) matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey of the property; (4) the outstanding ad valorem taxes and assessments, if any; (5) unpaid water and sewage bills, that constitute liens against the property, whether due and payable or not yet due and payable; and (6) matters of record superior to the security deed first set out above. Bank of America, N.A. is the assignee and holder of the Security Deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 44-14162.2 the name of the person or entity who has the full authority to negotiate, amend, or modify the terms of the aforementioned indebtedness is: Bank of America, N.A. Home Loan Assistance Dept. 7105 Corporate Drive Plano, TX 75024 PH: 800-669-6650 Please note that, pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 44-14162.2, you are not entitled by law to an amendment or modification of the terms of your loan. To the best of the undersigned’s knowledge and belief, the party in possession is Arnitha E. Boyd and Wynetta L. Brown. Bank of America, N.A., as Attorney-in-fact for Arnitha E. Boyd and Wynetta L. Brown. Pendergast & Associates, P.C. 211 Perimeter Center Parkway Suite 300 Atlanta, GA 30346 Phone – 770-392-0398 Toll Free – 866-999-7088 www.penderlaw.com Our File No. 14-03212-6 950-247150, 4/9,16,23,30 debtedness this sale wi purposes o and all ex including (notice hav provided by The prope the propert FORECLOSURES subject FORE to t (1) all pri enants, eas NOTICE OF SALE way or en UNDER POWER. all valid zo State of Georgia, (3) matters County of GWINNETT. disclosed Under and by virtue of thesurvey of Power of Sale contained inthe outstan a Deed to Secure Debt giventaxes and by LARRY P BRADLEY toany; (5) u JPMORGAN CHASE BANK,sewage bill N.A. , dated 05/17/2013,liens again and Recorded on 06/05/2013whether du as Book No. 52276 andnot yet due Page No. 0001, GWINNETT(6) matters County, Georgia records,rior to the s as last assigned to JPMOR-set out abo GAN CHASE BANK, N.A. CitiMortg (the Secured Creditor), byassignee a assignment, conveying theSecurity after-described property toto O.C.G.A secure a Note of even date in162.2 the n the original principal amountor entity wh of $86,229.00, with interestthority to n at the rate specified therein,or modify there will be sold by the un-aforementio dersigned at public outcry toness is: the highest bidder for cash CitiMortg at the GWINNETT County 1000 Tech Courthouse within the legal O`Fallon, hours of sale on the first PH: 866-2 Tuesday in May, 2015, the Please no following described property:to O.C.G.A ALL THAT PARCEL OF LAND162.2, you IN LAND LOT 33, 6TH DIS-by law to a TRICT, GWINNETT COUNTY,modificatio STATE OF GEORGIA, ASyour loan. MORE FULLY DESCRIBED To the b IN DEED BOOK 18183, PAGEsigned’s kn 171, ID# R6033 216, BEINGlief, the pa KNOWN AND DESIGNATEDis Eula Brad AS LOT 5, BLOCK A, ASHLY CitiMortg PINES, UNIT FIVE, FILED INAttorney-in PLAT BOOK 50, PAGE 277,Bradley. RECORDED 04/06/1990. Penderga MORE COMMONLYP.C. KNOWN AS 3180 ASHLY 211 Perim BROOKE DR, SNELLVILLE,way GA TAX/PARCEL ID R6033 Suite 300 216 The debt secured by Atlanta, G said Deed to Secure Debt has Phone – 7 been and is hereby declared Toll Free – due because of, among other www.pen possible events of default, Our File N failure to pay the indebted- 950-2473 ness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Deed to SeNOT cure Debt. Because the debt UND remains in default, this sale STATE will be made for the purpose COUNTY of paying the same and all By virtue expenses of this sale, as pro-Sale contai vided in the Deed to Securerity Deed fr Debt and by law, includingCHAEL BR attorney’s fees (notice ofor”) to AT intent to collect attorney’sBANK (“A fees having been given).November JPMORGAN CHASE BANK,corded in D N.A. holds the duly endorsedPage 79, in Note and is the current as-of Gwinnet signee of the Security Deed(the “Secu to the property. JPMORGANSecurity De CHASE BANK, NATIONALsecure: ASSOCIATION, acting on (a) behalf of and, as neces-tions of G sary, in consultation withas set forth JPMORGAN CHASE BANK,Agreement N.A. (the current investor onAtlantic, da the loan), is the entity with2003, evide the full authority to negoti-edness in t ate, amend, and modify allpal amount terms of the loan. Pursuantas modified to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2,Modificatio JPMORGAN CHASE BANK,dated Feb NATIONAL ASSOCIATION(collectively may be contacted at: JPM- (b) ORGAN CHASE BANK, NA-debtedness TIONAL ASSOCIATION, 3415defined in t VISION DRIVE, COLUMBUS, FIRST-CIT OH 43219, 866-550-5705.TRUST COM Please note that, pursuantsuccessor b to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2,Stone Bank the secured creditor is notas Atlantic required to amend or modify There wi the terms of the loan. To theundersigne best knowledge and belief ofto the highe the undersigned, the party/before the parties in possession ofat Gwinne the subject property knowngia, within as 3180 ASHLY BROOKEof sale on DR, SNELLVILLE, GEOR-in May, 20 GIA 30078 is/are: LARRY Pdescribed p BRADLEY or tenant/tenants. ALL TH Said property will be soldPARCEL OF subject to (a) any outstand-being in L ing ad valorem taxes (includ-the 7th D ing taxes which are a lien,County, Ge but not yet due and payable),approximat (b) any matters which mightmore or le be disclosed by an accurateprepared fo survey and inspection of theBrannon, property, and (c) all matters15, 1993, of record superior to theAssoc. Sur Deed to Secure Debt firstR.L.S. No. set out above, including, butmore parti not limited to, assessments,as follows: liens, encumbrances, zon- BEGINNIN ing ordinances, easements,found on t covenants,lot line of restrictions, The sale will beand 160, etc. conducted subject to (1)249.72 fee confirmation that the sale isthe interse not prohibited under the U.S.lot lines c Bankruptcy Code; and (2) fi-Lots 159, 1 nal confirmation and audit ofrunning the the status of the loan with the11 minutes holder of the security deed.549.59 fee Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Sectionfound on th 9-13-172.1, which allows forof-way of certain procedures regardingfeet rightthe rescission of judicial andthence sou nonjudicial sales in the Statethe westerl of Georgia, the Deed UnderBunten Roa Power and other foreclosurethe curvatu documents may not be pro-distance of vided until final confirmationbeing subte and audit of the status of thebearing of loan as provided in the pre-minutes 14 ceding paragraph. JPMOR-having a c GAN CHASE BANK, N.A. as100.68 feet Attorney in Fact for LARRYtinuing the P BRADLEY. THIS LAWright-of-wa FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBTof 209.65 COLLECTOR ATTEMPTINGsubtended TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANYing of S. INFORMATION OBTAINEDminutes 33 WILL BE USED FOR THAThaving a c PURPOSE. 00000005117031209.46 fee BARRETT DAFFIN FRAP-placed; ru PIER LEVINE & BLOCK, LLP61 degrees 15000 Surveyor Boulevardseconds W. Addison, Texas 75001 Tele-iron pin fo phone: (972) 341-5398. mon land lo 950-247844, 4/9,16,23,30 159 and 16 N. 31 degre STATE OF GEORGIA seconds W. COUNTY OF GWINNETT iron pin fou NOTICE OF SALE OF BEGINN UNDER POWER M Tax IN DEED TO SECURE DEBTR7159004. Under and by virtue of the Said prop power of sale contained inmonly know that certain Deed to Secureen Road, D Debt from Eula Bradley to The inde Mortgage Electronic Reg-by the Note istration Systems, Inc. ashereby decl nominee for AHM Mort-of the failu gage, its successors andthe terms assigns, in the original prin-contained cipal amount of $192,971.00Security D dated 05/31/2007, and re-edness rem corded in Deed Book 47977,the sale wil page 0311, Gwinnett Countypurpose of records, said Security Deedceeds there being last modified in Deedof the inde Book 51094, page 141,by the Se Gwinnett County records,crued inter said Security Deed being lastof the sale transferred and assigned toments pro CitiMortgage, Inc. in Deedthe Securit Book 52835, page 894,attorneys’ f Gwinnett County records, thethe Note an undersigned will sell at publicnotice of in outcry to the highest bidderattorneys’ for cash before the Court-given as pro house door in said County,the remaind during the legal hours ofapplied as p sale, on the first Tuesday of To the b May, 2015 by CitiMortgage,signed’s Inc. , as Attorney-in-Fact forbelief, the Eula Bradley the followingthe propert described property: the party in All that tract of parcel ofproperty is land lying and being in Landants of Gran Lot 106 & 119 of the 5th Said pr District, Gwinnett County,sold as the Georgia, being Lot 18, BlockGrantor sub B, U-1 of Great Oaks Landingproperty tax Subdivision, as per plat re-restrictions corded in Plat Book 68, Pageenants, rig 143, Gwinnett County, Geor-easements gia records, which recordedand subjec plat is incorporated hereinSecurity De and made a part hereof by27, 2003, reference thereto. Mortgage Property known as: 1359istration S Great Oaks Court, Law-nominee fo renceville, GA 30045 gage Corp The indebtedness securedin Deed Boo by said Deed to Secure DebtGwinnett Co having been declared duecords in the and payable because of de-amount of fault in the payment of the in-last assigne debtedness secured thereby,tional Mort this sale will be made for theby assignm purposes of paying the sameDeed Book and all expenses of sale,aforesaid re including attorney’s fees, The sale (notice having been given assubject (1) provided by law). that the sale The property will be sold asunder the the property of Eula BradleyCode, and ( subject to the following: mation and (1) all prior restrictive cov-tus of the lo enants, easements, rights-of-of the Secu way or encumbrances; (2) FIRST-CIT all valid zoning ordinances;TRUST CO (3) matters which would besor by mer disclosed by an accurateBank, form tional Mortgage Association debtedness secured thereby, been and is hereby declared by assignment recorded in this sale will be made for the LEGALS_Classifieds due because amongPage other 0409 GDP THURS 4/7/2015 7:36of,PM Deed Book 52783, Page 448, purposes of paying the same possible events of default, aforesaid records. and all expenses of sale, failure to pay the indebtedThe sale will be conducted including attorney’s fees, ness as and when due and subject (1) to confirmation (notice having been given as in the manner provided in that the sale is not prohibited provided by law). the Note and Deed to Seunder the U.S. Bankruptcy The property will be sold as cure Debt. Because the debt Code, and (2) to final confirthe property of Eula Bradley remains in default, this sale mation and audit of the staSURES subject FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES to the following: willFORECLOSURES be made for the purpose tus of the loan with the holder (1) all prior restrictive covof paying the same and all of the Security Deed. enants, easements, rights-ofexpenses of this sale, as proF SALE FIRST-CITIZENS BANK & way or encumbrances; (2) vided in the Deed to Secure OWER. TRUST COMPANY, succesall valid zoning ordinances; Debt and by law, including at, sor by merger to IronStone (3) matters which would be torney’s fees (notice of intent NNETT. Bank, formerly known as disclosed by an accurate to collect attorney’s fees havirtue of thesurvey of the property; (4) Atlantic States Bank, ing been given). JPMORGAN ontained inthe outstanding ad valorem As Attorney-in-Fact for CHASE BANK, NATIONAL Debt giventaxes and assessments, if THOMAS MICHAEL BRANASSOCIATION holds the duly RADLEY toany; (5) unpaid water and NON endorsed Note and is the ASE BANK,sewage bills, that constitute David B. McAlister, Esq. current assignee of the Se05/17/2013,liens against the property, Arnall Golden Gregory LLP curity Deed to the property. 06/05/2013whether due and payable or 171 17th Street, N.W., JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, 52276 andnot yet due and payable; and Suite 2100 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, GWINNETT(6) matters of record supeAtlanta, Georgia 30363 acting on behalf of and, as records,rior to the security deed first (404) 873-8718 necessary, in consultation to JPMOR-set out above. 950-246864, 4/9,16,23,30 with JPMORGAN CHASE ANK, N.A. CitiMortgage, Inc. is the BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIAeditor), byassignee and holder of the NOTICE OF SALE TION (the current investor veying theSecurity Deed. Pursuant UNDER POWER on the loan), is the entity with property toto O.C.G.A. Section 44-14GEORGIA, the full authority to negotieven date in162.2 the name of the person GWINNETT COUNTY ate, amend, and modify all pal amountor entity who has the full auTHIS IS AN ATTEMPT terms of the loan. Pursuant ith interestthority to negotiate, amend, TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, ied therein,or modify the terms of the INFORMATION OBTAINED JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, by the un-aforementioned BE USED FOR THAT WILL indebtedNATIONAL ASSOCIATION ic outcry toness is: PURPOSE. may be contacted at: JPMer for cash CitiMortgage, Inc. Under and by virtue of the ORGAN CHASE BANK, NATT County 1000 Technology Drive Power of Sale contained in TIONAL ASSOCIATION, 3415 n the legal O`Fallon, MO 63368 a Security Deed given by VISION DRIVE, COLUMBUS, n the first PH: 866-272-4749 Freda Brazziel to Mortgage OH 43219, 866-550-5705. 2015, the Please note that, pursuant Registration Electronic Please note that, pursuant ed property:to O.C.G.A. Section 44-14Systems, Inc., as nominee to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, L OF LAND162.2, you are not entitled for Cornerstone Home Lendthe secured creditor is not , 6TH DIS-by law to an amendment or ing, its successors and asrequired to amend or modify T COUNTY,modification of the terms of signs, dated September 30, the terms of the loan. To the RGIA, ASyour loan. 2008, recorded in Deed Book best knowledge and belief of DESCRIBED To the best of the under49102, Page 523, Gwinnett the undersigned, the party/ 8183, PAGEsigned’s knowledge and beCounty, Georgia Records and parties in possession of 216, BEINGlief, the party in possession as modified by that certain the subject property known ESIGNATEDis Eula Bradley. Loan Modification Agreeas 997 PIERCE BRENNEN, K A, ASHLY CitiMortgage, Inc. , as ment recorded in Deed Book LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA E, FILED INAttorney-in-fact for Eula 52541, Page 229, Gwinnett 30043 is/are: LOIS R BRISPAGE 277,Bradley. County, Georgia Records, as TOL or tenant/tenants. Said /1990. last transferred to WilmingPendergast & Associates, property will be sold subject OMMONLYP.C. ton Savings Fund Society, to (a) any outstanding ad 80 ASHLY 211 Perimeter Center ParkFSB, d/b/a Christiana Trust, valorem taxes (including NELLVILLE,way not individually but as trustee taxes which are a lien, but ID R6033 Suite 300 for Pretium Mortgage Acquinot yet due and payable), secured by Atlanta, GA 30346 sition Trust by assignment re(b) any matters which might re Debt has Phone – 770-392-0398 corded in Deed Book 53288, be disclosed by an accurate by declared Toll Free – 866-999-7088 Page 440, Gwinnett County, survey and inspection of the mong other www.penderlaw.com Georgia Records, conveying property, and (c) all matters of default, Our File No. 14-04134-2 the after-described propof record superior to the e indebted- 950-247336, 4/9,16,23,30 erty to secure a Note in the Deed to Secure Debt first en due and original principal amount of set out above, including, but provided in ONE HUNDRED SIXTY-FOUR not limited to, assessments, eed to SeTHOUSAND TWO HUNDRED NOTICE OF SALE liens, encumbrances, zonse the debt FORTY AND 0/100 DOLUNDER POWER ing ordinances, easements, t, this sale LARS ($164,240.00), with STATE OF GEORGIA restrictions, covenants, he purpose COUNTY OF GWINNETT interest thereon as set forth etc. The sale will be me and all By virtue of the Power of therein, there will be sold at conducted subject to (1) ale, as pro-Sale contained in the Secupublic outcry to the highest confirmation that the sale is d to Securerity Deed from THOMAS MIbidder for cash before the not prohibited under the U.S. , includingCHAEL BRANNON (“Grantcourthouse door of Gwinnett Bankruptcy Code; and (2) (notice ofor”) to ATLANTIC STATES County, Georgia, or at such final confirmation and audit attorney’sBANK (“Atlantic”), dated place as may be lawfully of the status of the loan with en given).November 25, 2003, redesignated as an alternathe holder of the security ASE BANK,corded in Deed Book 36206, tive, within the legal hours deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. y endorsedPage 79, in the deed records of sale on the first Tuesday Section 9-13-172.1, which current as-of Gwinnett County, Georgia in May, 2015, the followallows for certain procedures curity Deed(the “Security Deed”), said ing described property: SEE regarding the rescission of JPMORGANSecurity Deed being given to EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED judicial and nonjudicial sales NATIONALsecure: HERETO AND MADE A PART in the State of Georgia, the acting on (a) HEREOF The debt secured the obligaDeed Under Power and other as neces-tions of Grantor to Atlantic by said Security Deed has foreclosure documents may ation withas set forth in an EquityLine been and is hereby declared not be provided until final ASE BANK,Agreement from Grantor to due because of, among other confirmation and audit of the investor onAtlantic, dated November 25, possible events of default, status of the loan as provided entity with2003, evidencing an indebtfailure to pay the indebtedin the preceding paragraph. to negoti-edness in the original princiness as and when due and JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, modify allpal amount of $196,000.00, in the manner provided in the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION as n. Pursuantas modified by an EquityLine Note and Security Deed. The Attorney in Fact for LOIS R 4-14-162.2,Modification debt remaining in default, Agreement, BRISTOL. THIS LAW FIRM IS ASE BANK,dated February 23, 2007 this sale will be made for the ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECSOCIATION(collectively, the “Note”); and purpose of paying the same TOR ATTEMPTING TO COLd at: JPM- (b) and all expenses of this sale, such other inLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORBANK, NA-debtedness of Grantor as is as provided in Security Deed MATION OBTAINED WILL BE TION, 3415defined in the Security Deed; and by law, including attorUSED FOR THAT PURPOSE. OLUMBUS, FIRST-CITIZENS BANK & ney’s fees (notice of intent to 00000005075213 BARRETT -550-5705.TRUST COMPANY being the collect attorney’s fees having DAFFIN FRAPPIER LEVINE & , pursuantsuccessor by merger to Ironbeen given). Said property BLOCK, LLP 15000 Surveyor 4-14-162.2,Stone Bank, formerly known will be sold subject to any Boulevard Addison, Texas itor is notas Atlantic States Bank; outstanding ad valorem taxes 75001 Telephone: (972) d or modify There will be sold by the (including taxes which are 341-5398. oan. To theundersigned at public outcry a lien, but not yet due and 950-247861, 4/9,16,23,30 nd belief ofto the highest bidder for cash payable), any matters which the party/before the Courthouse door might be disclosed by an session ofat Gwinnett County, Georaccurate survey and inspecNOTICE OF SALE erty knowngia, within the legal hours tion of the property, any UNDER POWER. Y BROOKEof sale on the first Tuesday assessments, liens, encumState of Georgia, E, GEOR-in May, 2015, the following brances, zoning ordinances, County of GWINNETT. : LARRY Pdescribed property: restrictions, covenants, and Under and by virtue of the ant/tenants. ALL THAT TRACT OR matters of record superior Power of Sale contained in ill be soldPARCEL OF LAND lying and to the Security Deed first set a Deed to Secure Debt given y outstand-being in Land Lot 159 of out above. Wilmington Savby INGRID V BROWN to xes (includ-the 7th District, Gwinnett ings Fund Society, FSB, MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC are a lien,County, Georgia, containing d/b/a Christiana Trust, not REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, nd payable),approximately 4.2974 acres, individually but as trustee for INC., (“MERS”), AS NOMIwhich mightmore or less, as per survey Pretium Mortgage AcquisiNEE , dated 11/26/2008, and an accurateprepared for Thomas Michael tion Trust is the holder of the Recorded on 12/05/2008 ction of theBrannon, dated December Security Deed to the property as Book No. 49189 and all matters15, 1993, by J. A. Evans & in accordance with OCGA § Page No. 0523, GWINNETT ior to theAssoc. Surveying Co., Inc., 44-14-162.2. The entity that County, Georgia records, as Debt firstR.L.S. No. 2167, and being has full authority to negotilast assigned to BANK OF cluding, butmore particularly described ate, amend, and modify all AMERICA, N.A., SUCCESsessments,as follows: terms of the mortgage with SOR BY MERGER TO BAC nces, zon- BEGINNING at an iron pin the debtor is: Rushmore HOME LOANS SERVICING, easements,found on the common land Loan Management Services, LP, FKA COUNTRYWIDE covenants,lot line of Land Lots 159 LLC, 7515 Irvine Center HOME LOANS SERVICING sale will beand 160, said point being Drive 1st Floor, Irvine, CA LP (the Secured Creditor), ct to (1)249.72 feet southeast from 92618 888-504-7300. To the by assignment, conveying the sale isthe intersection of the land best knowledge and belief of the after-described propder the U.S.lot lines common to Land the undersigned, the party in erty to secure a Note of even and (2) fi-Lots 159, 160, 161 and 162; possession of the property date in the original principal and audit ofrunning thence N. 75 degrees is Freda Brazziel or a tenant amount of $126,332.00, with oan with the11 minutes 00 seconds E., or tenants and said property interest at the rate specified urity deed.549.59 feet to an iron pin is more commonly known therein, there will be sold G.A. Sectionfound on the westerly rightas 1949 Trellis View Court, by the undersigned at public h allows forof-way of Bunten Road (80 Loganville, Georgia 30052. outcry to the highest bidder s regardingfeet right-of-way); running The sale will be conducted for cash at the GWINNETT judicial andthence southeasterly along subject (1) to confirmation County Courthouse within n the Statethe westerly right-of-way of that the sale is not prohibited the legal hours of sale on the Deed UnderBunten Road, and following under the U.S. Bankruptcy first Tuesday in May, 2015, foreclosurethe curvature thereof, an arc Code and (2) to final conthe following described not be pro-distance of 100.70 feet (and firmation and audit of the property: ALL THAT TRACT onfirmationbeing subtended by a chord status of the loan with the OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING tatus of thebearing of S. 20 degrees 30 holder of the security deed. AND BEING IN LAND LOT in the pre-minutes 14 seconds E. and Wilmington Savings Fund 38, 7TH DISTRICT, GWINh. JPMOR-having a chord distance of Society, FSB, d/b/a Christiana NETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, NK, N.A. as100.68 feet) to a point; conTrust, not individually but as BEING LOT 36, BLOCK “A”, for LARRYtinuing thence along said trustee for Pretium Mortgage LANDING, HUNTINGTON THIS LAWright-of-way an arc distance Acquisition Trust as Attorney UNIT VII, AS PER PLAT AS A DEBTof 209.65 feet (and being in Fact for Freda Brazziel RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK TTEMPTINGsubtended by a chord bearMcCalla Raymer, LLC 1544 54, PAGE 160, GWINNETT DEBT. ANYing of S. 18 degrees 17 Old Alabama Road Roswell, COUNTY RECORDS, WHICH OBTAINEDminutes 33 seconds E. and Georgia 30076 www.forecloPLAT IS HEREBY REFERRED FOR THAThaving a chord distance of surehotline.net EXHIBIT “A” TO AND MADE A PART OF 005117031209.46 feet) to an iron pin All that tract or parcel of land THIS DESCRIPTION, BEING IN FRAP-placed; running thence S. lying and being in Land Lot PROPERTY KNOWN AS 2790 LOCK, LLP61 degrees 19 minutes 53 273 of the 4th District, GwinBINGHAMPTON LANE ACBoulevardseconds W. 463.40 feet to an nett County, Georgia, being CORDING TO THE PRESENT 5001 Tele-iron pin found on the comLot 70, Block A of Arbors SYSTEM OF NUMBERING -5398. at Rosebud Subdivision, as HOUSES IN SAID COUNTY, mon land lot line of Land Lots 9,16,23,30 159 and 160; running thence per plat thereof recorded in AS MORE PARTICULARLY Plat Book 116, pages 59-61, SHOWN ON THAT CERTAIN N. 31 degrees 03 minutes 00 Gwinnett County, Georgia RGIA PLAT OF SURVEY PREseconds W. 437.66 feet to an Records, which recorded WINNETT iron pin found at the POINT PARED BY TRAVIS & PRUITT plat is incorporated herein F SALE & ASSOCIATES, P.C., DATED OF BEGINNING. by reference and made a OWER Map Reference: 11-4-92. The debt secured by Tax part of this description. CURE DEBTR7159004. said Deed to Secure Debt has MR/jgn 5/5/15 Our file no. irtue of the Said property being combeen and is hereby declared 5129814 - FT8, 950-247377, ontained inmonly known as 2991 Buntdue because of, among other 4/9,16,23,30 to Secureen Road, Duluth, Georgia. possible events of default, Bradley to The indebtedness secured failure to pay the indebtedonic Reg-by the Note has been and is NOTICE OF SALE ness as and when due and s, Inc. ashereby declared due because UNDER POWER. in the manner provided in HM Mort-of the failure to comply with State of Georgia, the Note and Deed to Sessors andthe terms and conditions County of GWINNETT. cure Debt. Because the debt riginal prin-contained in the Note and Under and by virtue of remains in default, this sale 192,971.00Security Deed. The indebtthe Power of Sale contained will be made for the purpose in a Deed to Secure Debt 7, and re-edness remaining in default, of paying the same and all given by LOIS R BRISTOL ook 47977,the sale will be made for the expenses of this sale, as proto WASHINGTON MUnett Countypurpose of applying the provided in the Deed to Secure TUAL BANK, FA , dated curity Deedceeds thereof to the payment Debt and by law, including 04/27/2007, and Recorded ed in Deedof the indebtedness secured attorney’s fees (notice of inon 05/16/2007 as Book No. page 141,by the Security Deed, actent to collect attorney’s fees 47890 and Page No. 0245, y records,crued interest and expenses having been given). BANK OF GWINNETT County, Georgia d being lastof the sale and all other payAMERICA, N.A., SUCCESrecords, as last assigned to assigned toments provided for under SOR BY MERGER TO BAC c. in Deedthe Security Deed, including JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, HOME LOANS SERVICING, page 894,attorneys’ fees as provided in NATIONAL ASSOCIATION LP, FKA COUNTRYWIDE ecords, thethe Note and Security Deed, (the Secured Creditor), by HOME LOANS SERVICING ell at publicnotice of intention to collect assignment, conveying the LP holds the duly endorsed hest bidderattorneys’ fees having been after-described property to Note and is the current asthe Court-given as provided by law; and secure a Note of even date in signee of the Security Deed aid County,the remainder, if any, shall be the original principal amount to the property. BANK OF hours ofapplied as provided by law. of $140,500.00, with interest AMERICA, N.A., AS SUCTuesday of To the best of the underat the rate specified therein, CESSOR BY MERGER TO tiMortgage,signed’s knowledge and there will be sold by the unBAC HOME LOANS SERVIC-in-Fact forbelief, the current owner of dersigned at public outcry to ING, LP, acting on behalf e followingthe property is Grantor, and the highest bidder for cash at of and, as necessary, in y: the GWINNETT County Courtconsultation with BANK OF the party in possession of the f parcel ofproperty is Grantor or tenhouse within the legal hours AMERICA, N.A., SUCCESing in Landants of Grantor. of sale on the first Tuesday SOR BY MERGER TO BAC of the 5th Said property will be in May, 2015, the followHOME LOANS SERVICING, tt County,sold as the property of the ing described property: ALL LP, FKA COUNTRYWIDE t 18, BlockGrantor subject to all unpaid THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF HOME LOANS SERVICING aks Landingproperty taxes, assessments, LAND LYING AND BEING IN LP (the current investor on per plat re-restrictions, restrictive covLAND LOT 131 OF THE 7TH the loan), is the entity with ok 68, Pageenants, rights of way, and DISTRICT OF GWINNETT the full authority to negotiunty, Geor-easements of record, if any, COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING ate, amend, and modify all h recordedand subject to that certain LOT 187, BLOCK A, OLDE terms of the loan. Pursuant ated hereinSecurity Deed, dated March PEACHTREE TOWNHOMES to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, hereof by27, 2003, from Grantor to SUBDIVISION, AS PER PLAT BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK SUCCESSOR BY MERGER Mortgage Electronic Regn as: 1359istration Systems, Inc., as 98, PAGE 222-224, GWINTO BAC HOME LOANS SERurt, Law-nominee for Sunshine MortNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA VICING, LP may be contact045 RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS ed at: BANK OF AMERICA, gage Corporation, recorded ss securedin Deed Book 31877, Page 1, INCORPORATED HEREIN BY N.A., AS SUCCESSOR BY Secure DebtGwinnett County, Georgia reREFERENCE AND MADE A MERGER TO BAC HOME clared duecords in the original principal PART OF THE DESCRIPTION LOANS SERVICING, LP, 7105 ause of de-amount of $320,000.00, as HEREOF. The debt secured by CORPORATE DRIVE, PLANO, nt of the in-last assigned to Federal Nasaid Deed to Secure Debt has TX 75024, 800-669-6650. ed thereby,tional Mortgage Association been and is hereby declared Please note that, pursuant made for theby assignment recorded in due because of, among other to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, g the sameDeed Book 52783, Page 448, possible events of default, the secured creditor is not s of sale,aforesaid records. failure to pay the indebtedrequired to amend or modify ey’s fees, The sale will be conducted ness as and when due and the terms of the loan. To the en given assubject (1) to confirmation in the manner provided in best knowledge and belief of the Note and Deed to Sethe undersigned, the party/ that the sale is not prohibited l be sold asunder the U.S. Bankruptcy cure Debt. Because the debt parties in possession of the ula BradleyCode, and (2) to final confirremains in default, this sale subject property known as owing: will be made for the purpose 2970 BINGHAMPTON LANE, mation and audit of the starictive cov-tus of the loan with the holder of paying the same and all LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORs, rights-of-of the Security Deed. expenses of this sale, as proGIA 30044 is/are: INGRID V rances; (2) FIRST-CITIZENS BANK & vided in the Deed to Secure BROWN or tenant/tenants. ordinances;TRUST COMPANY, succesDebt and by law, including atSaid property will be sold h would besor by merger to IronStone torney’s fees (notice of intent subject to (a) any outstandn accurateBank, formerly known as to collect attorney’s fees having ad valorem taxes (includ- to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, C13 Please note that, pursuant the secured creditor is not required to amend or modify the terms of the loan. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party/ parties in possession of the subject property known as BINGHAMPTON LANE, 2970 FORECLOSURES LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA 30044 is/are: INGRID V BROWN or tenant/tenants. Said property will be sold subject to (a) any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), (b) any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, and (c) all matters of record superior to the Deed to Secure Debt first set out above, including, but not limited to, assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, easements, covenants, restrictions, The sale will be etc. conducted subject to (1) confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the security deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1, which allows for certain procedures regarding the rescission of judicial and nonjudicial sales in the State of Georgia, the Deed Under Power and other foreclosure documents may not be provided until final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan as provided in the preceding paragraph. BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP, FKA COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING LP as Attorney in Fact for INGRID V BROWN. THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 00000005065081 BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER LEVINE & BLOCK, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard Addison, Texas 75001 Telephone: (972) 341-5398. 950-247890, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER, GWINNETT COUNTY Pursuant to the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by Garry Brown to Wells Fargo Bank, NA dated 9/15/2010 and recorded in Deed Book 50287 Page 666, Gwinnett County, Georgia records; as last transferred to or acquired by Wells Fargo Bank, NA, conveying the after-described property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of $ 104,500.00, with interest at the rate specified therein, there will be sold by the undersigned at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the Courthouse door of Gwinnett County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on May 05, 2015 (being the first Tuesday of said month unless said date falls on a Federal Holiday), the following described property: All that tract or parcel of land, with all improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in Land Lot 18 of the 6th District of Gwinnett County, Georgia, being known and designated as Lot 10, Block E of Centerville-North Subdivision, Unit Two, as per plat recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 163, Gwinnett County, Georgia records, which recorded plat is incorporated herein by this reference and made a part of this description. Said property being known as 3427 Centerville Lane, Sneliville, GA 30039, according to the present system of numbering property in Gwinnett County, Georgia. The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in the Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Said property is commonly known as 3427 Centerville Lane, Snellville, GA 30039 together with all fixtures and personal property attached to and constituting a part of said property, if any. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party (or parties) in possession of the subject property is (are): Garry Brown or tenant or tenants. Wells Fargo Bank, NA is the entity or individual designated who shall have full authority to negotiate, amend and modify all terms of the mortgage. Wells Fargo Bank, NA Loss Mitigation 3476 Stateview Boulevard Fort Mill, SC 29715 1-800-662-5014 Note, however, that such entity or individual is not required by law to negotiate, amend or modify the terms of the loan. Said property will be sold subject to: (a) any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), (b) unpaid water or sewage bills that constitute a lien against the property whether due and payable or not yet due and payable and which may not be of record, (c) the right of redemption of any taxing authority, (d) any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, and (e) any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The sale will be conducted subject to (1) confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the Security Deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1, which allows for certain procedures regarding the rescission of judicial and non-judicial sales in the State of Georgia, the Deed Under Power and other foreclosure documents may not be provided until final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan as provided immediately above. Wells Fargo Bank, NA as agent and Attorney in Fact for Garry Brown Aldridge Connors, LLP, 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, (404) 994-7400. 1000-667507527A THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 1000-667507527A 950-248514, 4/9,16,23,30 STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF GWINNETT NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER Because of a default in the payment of the indebtedness secured by a Security Deed executed by Deirdre C. Brown and Edward A. Brown to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Lehman Brothers Bank, FSB and its successors and as- STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF GWINNETT NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER Because of a default in the payment of the indebtedness secured by a Security executed by Deirdre Deed FORECLOSURES C. Brown and Edward A. Brown to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Lehman Brothers Bank, FSB and its successors and assigns dated July 23, 2004, and recorded in Deed Book 39351, Page 271, Gwinnett County Records, said Security Deed having been last sold, assigned, transferred and conveyed to U.S. Bank National Association, as Trustee for STRUCTURED ASSET SECURITIES CORPORATION MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-RF2 by Assignment, securing a Note in the original principal amount of $157,007.00, the holder thereof pursuant to said Deed and Note thereby secured has declared the entire amount of said indebtedness due and payable and, pursuant to the power of sale contained in said Deed, will on the first Tuesday, May 5, 2015, during the legal hours of sale, before the Courthouse door in said County, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the property described in said Deed, to-wit: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAND LOT 3 OF THE 5TH DISTRICT, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING LOT 61, BLOCK C, ROSE LAKE SUBDIVISION, UNIT THREE, AS PER PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 63, PAGE 32, RECORDS OF GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA; WHICH RECORDED PLAT IS INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE AND MADE A PART HEREOF. BEING THE SAME PROPERTY CONVEYED TO DEIRDRE C. BROWN AND EDWARD A. BROWN BY DEED FROM JEFFREY M. MOSER AND REBECCA L. MOSER RECORDED 02/08/2000 IN DEED BOOK 19996 PAGE 117, IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA. Said property is known as 2711 Kingstream Way, Snellville, GA 30039, together with all fixtures and personal property attached to and constituting a part of said property, if any. Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, whether or not now due and payable), the right of redemption of any taxing authority, any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The proceeds of said sale will be applied to the payment of said indebtedness and all expenses of said sale as provided in said Deed, and the balance, if any, will be distributed as provided by law. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the secured creditor. The property is or may be in the possession of Deirdre C. Brown and Edward A. Brown, successor in interest or tenant(s). U.S. Bank National Association, as Trustee for STRUCTURED ASSET SECURITIES CORPORATION MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2006-RF2 as Attorney-in-Fact for Deirdre C. Brown and Edward A. Brown File no. 14-047969 SHAPIRO, SWERTFEGER & HASTY, LLP* Attorneys and Counselors at Law 2872 Woodcock Blvd., Suite 100 Atlanta, GA 30341-3941 (770) 220-2535/CH www.swertfeger.net *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 950-248555, 4/9,16,23,30 STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF GWINNETT NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER Because of a default in the payment of the indebtedness secured by a Security Deed executed by Sheron D. Brown to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Taylor, Bean and Whitaker Mortgage Corp. and its successors and assigns dated August 7, 2006, and recorded in Deed Book 47101, Page 450, and Deed Book 5238, Page 694, Gwinnett County Records, said Security Deed having been last sold, assigned, transferred and conveyed to Selene Finance LP by Assignment, securing a Note in the original principal amount of $100,916.00, the holder thereof pursuant to said Deed and Note thereby secured has declared the entire amount of said indebtedness due and payable and, pursuant to the power of sale contained in said Deed, will on the first Tuesday, May 5, 2015, during the legal hours of sale, before the Courthouse door in said County, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the property described in said Deed, to-wit: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAND LOT 178 OF THE 5TH DISTRICT, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING LOT 31, TIMBER GATE SUBDIVISION, PHASE ONE AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 91, PAGE 65, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH RECORDED PLAT IS INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE AND MADE A PART OF THIS DESCRIPTION. SAID PROPERTY BEING KNOWN AS 318 TIMBER GATE DRIVE ACCORDING TO THE PRESENT SYSTEM OF NUMBERING HOUSES IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA. Said property is known as 318 Timber Gate Dr, Lawrenceville, GA 30045, together with all fixtures and personal property attached to and constituting a part of said property, if any. Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, whether or not now due and payable), the right of redemption of any taxing authority, any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The proceeds of said sale will be applied to the payment of said indebtedness and all expenses of said sale as provided in said Deed, and the balance, if any, will be distributed as provided by law. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation property, any assessments, through its division Midland page 0195, Gwinnett County liens, encumbrances, zoning Mortgage as loan servicer is records, the undersigned ordinances, restrictions, covthe entity with full authorwill sell at public outcry to enants, and matters of record ity to negotiate, amend and the highest bidder for cash superior to the Security Deed modify the terms of the Note before the Courthouse door first set out above. and Security Deed. MidFirst in said County, during the WWW.GWINNETTDAILYPOST.COM • THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 2015its • division C13 The proceeds of said sale Bank, through legal hours of sale, on the will be applied to the payMidland Mortgage may be first Tuesday of May, 2015 ment of said indebtedness contacted at: 999 Northwest by FORECLOSURES Bank of America, N.A. , andFORECLOSURES all expenses of said sale FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES Boulevard, Oklahoma Grand as Attorney-in-Fact for Pablo as provided in said Deed, City, Oklahoma 73118; Burgos the following deand the balance, if any, will 1-800-552-3000. To the best scribed property: STATE OF GEORGIA be distributed as provided of the undersigned’s knowlAll that tract or parcel COUNTY OF GWINNETT by law. edge and belief, the party in of land lying and being in NOTICE OF SALE The sale will be conducted possession of the property is Land Lot 72 of the 6th DisUNDER POWER subject (1) to confirmation believed to be Dennis D. Caltrict, Gwinnett County GeorBecause of a default in the that the sale is not prohibited lahan and Toni D. Callahan, or gia, being Lot 6, Block B, payment of the indebtedness under the U.S. Bankruptcy tenant(s). Stonemont Subdivision, Unit secured by a Security Deed Code and (2) to final conMidFirst Bank, as TransOne,as per plat recorded in executed by Joseph S. Bush, firmation and audit of the feree, Assignee, and Secured Plat Book U, Page 282, GwinJr. to Mortgage Electronic status of the loan with the Creditor As attorney-in-fact nett County, Georgia records; Systems, Registration secured creditor. for the aforesaid Grantor which plat is incorporated Inc. as nominee for Aegis The property is or may be Campbell & Brannon, LLC herein and made a part hereCorporation Wholesale in the possession of Sheron Attorneys at Law of by reference. and its successors and asD. Brown, successor in interGlenridge Highlands II Property known as: 1759 signs dated May 6, 2004, est or tenant(s). 5565 Glenridge Connector, Killian Hill Rd, Lilburn, GA and recorded in Deed Book Selene Finance LP as Suite 350 30047 38489, Page 106, Gwinnett Attorney-in-Fact for Sheron Atlanta, GA 30342 The indebtedness secured County Records, said SecuD. Brown (770) 392-0041 by said Deed to Secure Debt rity Deed having been last File no. 15-051458 THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE having been declared due sold, assigned, transferred SHAPIRO, SWERTFEGER HELD TO BE ACTING and payable because of deand conveyed to THE BANK & HASTY, LLP* AS A DEBT COLLECTOR, UNfault in the payment of the inOF NEW YORK MELLON FKA Attorneys and Counselors DER FEDERAL LAW. debtedness secured thereby, THE BANK OF NEW YORK at Law IF SO, ANY INFORMATION this sale will be made for the SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE TO 2872 Woodcock Blvd., OBTAINED WILL BE USED purposes of paying the same JPMORGAN CHASE BANK Suite 100 FOR THAT PURPOSE. and all expenses of sale, N.A. AS TRUSTEE FOR THE Atlanta, GA 30341-3941 950-248250, 4/9,16,23,30 including attorney’s fees, SARM 2004-8 TRUST FUND (770) 220-2535/CH (notice having been given as by Assignment, securing a www.swertfeger.net provided by law). NOTICE OF SALE Note in the original principal *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTThe property will be sold as UNDER POWER amount of $132,800.00, the ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. the property of Pablo Burgos GEORGIA, holder thereof pursuant to ANY INFORMATION OBsubject to the following: GWINNETT COUNTY said Deed and Note thereby TAINED WILL BE USED FOR (1) all prior restrictive covBy virtue of a Power of Sale secured has declared the THAT PURPOSE. enants, easements, rights-ofcontained in that certain Seentire amount of said indebt[FC-NOS], 950-247946, way or encumbrances; (2) curity Deed from DOROTHY edness due and payable and, 4/9,16,23,30 all valid zoning ordinances; CALLOWAY to AMTRUST pursuant to the power of sale (3) matters which would be MORTGAGE CORPORATION, contained in said Deed, will NOTICE OF SALE disclosed by an accurate dated February 23, 2007, reon the first Tuesday, May 5, UNDER POWER, survey of the property; (4) corded in Deed Book 47757, 2015, during the legal hours GWINNETT COUNTY the outstanding ad valorem 413, GWINNETT Page of sale, before the CourtPursuant to the Power of taxes and assessments, if County, Georgia Records, house door in said County, Sale contained in a Secuany; (5) unpaid water and said Security Deed having sell at public outcry to the rity Deed given by Nikola sewage bills, that constitute been given to secure a Note highest bidder for cash, the Budjar and Nevenka Budjar liens against the property, of even date in the original property described in said to JPMorgan Chase Bank, whether due and payable or principal amount of ONE Deed, to-wit: N.A. dated 1/10/2012 and renot yet due and payable; and HUNDRED SEVENTY-TWO ALL THAT TRACT OR PARcorded in Deed Book 51139 (6) matters of record supeTHOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED CEL OF LAND LYING AND Page 505, Gwinnett County, rior to the security deed first AND 00/100 DOLLARS (U.S. BEING IN LAND LOT 32 OF Georgia records; as last set out above. $172,500.00) with interTHE 6TH DISTRICT, GWINtransferred to or acquired Bank of America, N.A. is est thereon as provided for NETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, by JPMorgan Chase Bank, the assignee and holder of therein, said Security Deed BEING LOT 43, SPRINGDALE National Association, conthe Security Deed. Pursuant having been last sold, asSUBDIVISION, AS PER PLAT veying the after-described to O.C.G.A. Section 44-14signed, transferred and RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK property to secure a Note in 162.2 the name of the person conveyed to James B. Nut87, PAGE 256, GWINNETT the original principal amount or entity who has the full auter & Company, recorded in COUNTY, GEORGIA REof $ 111,099.00, with interest thority to negotiate, amend, Deed Book 53339, Page 212, CORDS, SAID PLAT BEING at the rate specified therein, or modify the terms of the Gwinnett County, Georgia INCORPORATED HEREIN there will be sold by the unaforementioned indebtedRecords, there will be sold AND MADE REFERENCE dersigned at public outcry to ness is: at public outcry to the highHERETO. the highest bidder for cash Bank of America, N.A. est bidder for cash before the Said property is known as before the Courthouse door Home Loan Assistance courthouse door of GWIN3625 Spring Mesa Drive, of Gwinnett County, Georgia, Dept. NETT County, Georgia, within Snellville, GA 30039, towithin the legal hours of sale 7105 Corporate Drive the legal hours of sale on the gether with all fixtures and on May 05, 2015 (being the Plano, TX 75024 first Tuesday in MAY, 2015, personal property attached first Tuesday of said month PH: 800-669-6650 the following described propto and constituting a part of unless said date falls on a Please note that, pursuant erty: said property, if any. Federal Holiday), the followto O.C.G.A. Section 44-14ALL THAT TRACT OR PARSaid property will be sold ing described property: 162.2, you are not entitled CEL OF LAND LYING AND subject to any outstanding All that tract or parcel of by law to an amendment or BEING IN LAND LOT 140 OF ad valorem taxes (including land in Land Lot 46, 7th modification of the terms of THE 5TH DISTRICT, GWINtaxes which are a lien, whethDistrict, in Gwinnett County, your loan. NETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, er or not now due and payState of Georgia, being To the best of the underBEING LOT 20, BLOCK B, able), the right of redempknown and designated as signed’s knowledge and beWOODS SUBDIVIOAKDALE tion of any taxing authority, Lot 7, Block A, Orchard lief, the party in possession SION, UNIT 10 AS PER PLAT any matters which might be Mill, Unit One, filed in Plat is Pablo Burgos. RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK disclosed by an accurate Book 31, Page 95, recorded Bank of America, N.A. , as X, PAGE 276, GWINNETT survey and inspection of the 06/13/1985, Gwinnett County Attorney-in-fact for Pablo COUNTY, GEORGIA REproperty, any assessments, Records, State of Georgia. Burgos. CORDS, WHICH RECORDED liens, encumbrances, zoning Commonly known as 960 Pendergast & Associates, PLAT IS INCORPORATED ordinances, restrictions, covOrchard Mill Lane, LawP.C. HEREIN BY THIS REFERenants, and matters of record renceville, GA 30043. 211 Perimeter Center ParkENCE AND MADE A PART OF superior to the Security Deed BY FEE SIMPLE DEED way THIS DESCRIPTION. SAID first set out above. FROM MARENE D. STRAUB Suite 300 PROPERTY BEING KNOWN The proceeds of said sale OF AS SET FORTH IN DEED Atlanta, GA 30346 AS 852 POST OAK CIRCLE will be applied to the payBOOK 36201, PAGE 246 Phone – 770-392-0398 ACCORDING TO THE PRESment of said indebtedness DATED 11/24/2003 AND REToll Free – 866-999-7088 ENT SYSTEM OF NUMBERand all expenses of said sale CORDED 12/03/2003, GWINwww.penderlaw.com ING HOUSES IN GWINNETT as provided in said Deed, NETT COUNTY RECORDS, Our File No. 14-03178-6 COUNTY, GEORGIA. and the balance, if any, will STATE OF GEORGIA. 950-248372, 4/9,16,23,30 The indebtedness secured be distributed as provided The debt secured by said by said Security Deed has by law. Security Deed has been and been and is hereby declared The sale will be conducted is hereby declared due beNOTICE OF SALE due because of default under subject (1) to confirmation cause of, among other posUNDER POWER the terms of said Security that the sale is not prohibited sible events of default, failure GEORGIA, Deed and Note, including but under the U.S. Bankruptcy to pay the indebtedness as GWINNETT COUNTY not limited to the nonpayCode and (2) to final conand when due and in the THIS IS AN ATTEMPT ment of the indebtedness as firmation and audit of the manner provided in the Note TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY and when due. The indebtstatus of the loan with the and Security Deed. The debt INFORMATION OBTAINED edness remaining in default, secured creditor. remaining in default, this sale WILL BE USED FOR THAT this sale will be made for the The property is or may be will be made for the purpose PURPOSE. purpose of paying the same, in the possession of Joseph of paying the same and all Under and by virtue of the all expenses of the sale, inS. Bush, Jr., successor in inexpenses of this sale, as Power of Sale contained in cluding attorney’s fees and terest or tenant(s). provided in the Security Deed a Security Deed given by all other payments provided THE BANK OF NEW YORK and by law, including attorShetiesha Burt to Mortgage for under the terms of the MELLON FKA THE BANK ney’s fees (notice of intent to Electronic Registration Security Deed and Note. OF NEW YORK SUCCEScollect attorney’s fees having Systems, Inc., as nominee Said property will be sold SOR TRUSTEE TO JPMORbeen given). for Southeast Mortgage of subject to the following items GAN CHASE BANK N.A. AS Said property is commonly Georgia, Inc., its succesmay affect the title which TRUSTEE FOR THE SARM known as 960 Orchard Mill sors and assigns, dated Octo said property: all zoning 2004-8 TRUST FUND as Lane, Lawrenceville, GA tober 31, 2012, recorded in matters which ordinances; Attorney-in-Fact for Joseph 30043 together with all fixDeed Book 51773, Page 516, would be disclosed by an S. Bush, Jr. tures and personal property Gwinnett County, Georgia accurate survey or by an inFile no. 14-050026 attached to and constituting Records, as last transferred spection of the property; any SHAPIRO, SWERTFEGER a part of said property, if any. to Wells Fargo Bank, NA outstanding taxes, including & HASTY, LLP* To the best knowledge and by assignment recorded in but not limited to ad valorem Attorneys and Counselors belief of the undersigned, the Deed Book 52771, Page 173, taxes, which constitute liens at Law party (or parties) in possesGwinnett County, Georgia upon said property; special 2872 Woodcock Blvd., sion of the subject property Records, conveying the afterassessments; all outstandSuite 100 is (are): Nikola Budjar and described property to secure ing bills for public utilities Atlanta, GA 30341-3941 Nevenka Budjar or tenant or a Note in the original principal which constitute liens upon (770) 220-2535/SJ tenants. amount of TWO HUNDRED said property; all restricwww.swertfeger.net JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA THOUSAND FORTY-SIX tive covenants, easements, *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTis the entity or individual desSEVENTY-FIVE AND 0/100 rights-of-way and any other ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. ignated who shall have full ($246,075.00), DOLLARS matters of record superior to ANY INFORMATION OBauthority to negotiate, amend with interest thereon as set said Security Deed. TAINED WILL BE USED FOR and modify all terms of the forth therein, there will be James B. Nutter & ComTHAT PURPOSE. mortgage. sold at public outcry to the 4153 Broadway, Kanpany, 950-246868, 4/9,16,23,30 JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA highest bidder for cash besas City, Missouri 64111, Homeowner’s Assistance fore the courthouse door of number (816)531telephone NOTICE OF SALE Department Gwinnett County, Georgia, 5642 as the secured creditor UNDER POWER 3415 Vision Drive or at such place as may be is the entity that has full auCONTAINED IN Columbus, Ohio 43219 lawfully designated as an thority to negotiate, amend, SECURITY DEED 1-866-550-5705 alternative, within the legal and modify all terms of the STATE OF GEORGIA, Note, however, that such hours of sale on the first mortgage with the debtor. COUNTY OF Gwinnett entity or individual is not Tuesday in May, 2015, the Please understand that Pursuant to a power of sale required by law to negotiate, following described property: the secured creditor is not contained in a certain secuamend or modify the terms SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED by law to negotiate, required rity deed executed by Dennis of the loan. HERETO AND MADE A PART amend or modify the terms D. Callahan and Toni D. CalSaid property will be sold HEREOF The debt secured of the mortgage instrument. lahan, hereinafter referred subject to: (a) any outstandby said Security Deed has Notice has been given of into as Grantor, to RBMG, ing ad valorem taxes (includbeen and is hereby declared tention to collect attorneys Inc. recorded in Deed Book ing taxes which are a lien, but due because of, among other fees in accordance with the 21290, beginning at page not yet due and payable), (b) possible events of default, terms of the note secured by 60, which is re-recorded in unpaid water or sewage bills failure to pay the indebtedsaid Deed. Deed Book 53415, Page 804, that constitute a lien against ness as and when due and To the best knowledge and and Modified at Deed Book the property whether due and in the manner provided in the belief of the undersigned, 46140, Page 595 and Modipayable or not yet due and Note and Security Deed. The the party in possession of fied at Deed Book 49308, payable and which may not debt remaining in default, the property is DOROTHY Page 146 and Modified at be of record, (c) the right of this sale will be made for the CALLOWAY or a tenant or Deed Book 50784, Page 385, redemption of any taxing aupurpose of paying the same tenants, and said property is and Modified at Deed Book thority, (d) any matters which and all expenses of this sale, more commonly known as: Page 353, of the deed 52784, might be disclosed by an acas provided in Security Deed 852 Post Oak Circle, Lawrecords of the Clerk of the curate survey and inspection and by law, including attorrenceville, Georgia 30045. Superior Court of the aforeof the property, and (e) any ney’s fees (notice of intent to The sale will be conducted said state and county, and by assessments, liens, encumcollect attorney’s fees having subject (1) to confirmation virtue of a default under the brances, zoning ordinances, been given). Said property the sale is not prohibited that of said security deed, terms restrictions, covenants, and will be sold subject to any under the U.S. Bankruptcy and the related note, the unmatters of record superior outstanding ad valorem taxes and (2) to final confirCode dersigned attorney-in-fact for to the Security Deed first set (including taxes which are mation and audit of the stathe aforesaid Grantor (which out above. a lien, but not yet due and tus of the loan with the holder attorney-in-fact is the present The sale will be conducted payable), any matters which of the Security Deed. holder of said security deed subject to (1) confirmation might be disclosed by an JAMES B. NUTTER & and note secured thereby) that the sale is not prohibited accurate survey and inspecCOMPANY will sell at the usual place of under the U.S. Bankruptcy tion of the property, any Attorney in Fact for as Sheriff’s sales in conducting Code; and (2) final confirmaassessments, liens, encumDOROTHY CALLOWAY said county within the legal tion and audit of the status brances, zoning ordinances, Contact: Bonny Powell hours of sale, to the highest of the loan with the holder restrictions, covenants, and Perrie & Associates, LLC bidder on the first Tuesday of the Security Deed. Purmatters of record superior 100 Galleria Pkwy., N.W. in May 2015, all property desuant to O.C.G.A. Section to the Security Deed first set Suite 1170 scribed in said security deed 9-13-172.1, which allows for out above. Wells Fargo Bank, Atlanta, GA 30339 including but not limited certain procedures regarding NA is the holder of the Se(678) 501-5777 to the following described the rescission of judicial and curity Deed to the property File No.: 2014-0175 property: non-judicial sales in the State in accordance with OCGA § THIS LAW FIRM IS ATAll that tract or parcel of of Georgia, the Deed Under 44-14-162.2. The entity that TEMPTING TO COLLECT A land lying and being in Land Power and other foreclosure has full authority to negotiDEBT OR TO ENFORCE THE Lot 212, 5th District, Gwindocuments may not be proate, amend, and modify all TERMS AND CONDITIONS nett County, Georgia, being vided until final confirmation terms of the mortgage with OF THE SECURITY DEED. Lot 53, Block A, Phase I, and audit of the status of the the debtor is: Wells Fargo ANY INFORMATION OBStephens Pointe Subdivision, loan as provided immediately Home Mortgage a div. of TAINED WILL BE USED FOR as per plat recorded in Plat above. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., PO THAT PURPOSE. Book 54, Page 26, Gwinnett JPMorgan Chase Bank, Box 10335, Des Moines, IA 950-248420, 4/9,16,23,30 County records, which plat is National Association as agent 50306 1-800-416-1472. To incorporated herein by referand Attorney in Fact for Nikothe best knowledge and belief ence and made a part hereof NOTICE OF la Budjar and Nevenka Budjar of the undersigned, the party for a more complete and acFORECLOSURE SALE Aldridge Connors, LLP, in possession of the property curate description. UNDER POWER 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 is Shetiesha Burt or a tenant Said property will be sold GWINNETT COUNTY, Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite or tenants and said property on an “as-is” basis without GEORGIA 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, is more commonly known any representation, warTHIS IS AN ATTEMPT (404) 994-7400. as 3108 Tuscan Ridge Ct, ranty or recourse against TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY 1031-74215A Snellville, Georgia 30039. the above-named or the unINFORMATION OBTAINED THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE The sale will be conducted dersigned. The sale will be WILL BE USED FOR THAT ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECsubject (1) to confirmation subject to the following items PURPOSE. TOR ATTEMPTING TO COLthat the sale is not prohibited which may affect the title: Under and by virtue of the LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORunder the U.S. Bankruptcy any outstanding ad valorem Power of Sale contained in a MATION OBTAINED WILL BE Code and (2) to final contaxes (including taxes which Security Deed given by NevUSED FOR THAT PURPOSE. firmation and audit of the are a lien but not yet due and ille G. Campbell to Mort1031-74215A status of the loan with the payable); any matters which gage Electronic Registration 950-247987, 4/9,16,23,30 holder of the security deed. might be disclosed by an acSystems, Inc. as nominee Wells Fargo Bank, NA as Atcurate survey and inspection for WR Starkey Mortgage, torney in Fact for Shetiesha of the property; any assessSTATE OF GEORGIA L.L.P., dated January 15, Burt McCalla Raymer, LLC ments, liens, encumbrances, COUNTY OF GWINNETT 2009, and recorded in Deed 1544 Old Alabama Road Rozoning ordinances, restricNOTICE OF SALE Book 49250, Page 0467, swell, Georgia 30076 www. tions, and all other matters UNDER POWER Gwinnett County, Georgia foreclosurehotline.net *Aucof record superior to the said IN DEED TO Records, as last transferred tion services provided by Security Deed. The sale will SECURE DEBT to MCM Capital Partners, Auction.com (www.auction. be conducted subject (1) to Under and by virtue of the LLC, as Trustee for Ventures com) EXHIBIT “A” All that confirmation that the sale power of sale contained in Trust 2013 I-NH by assigntract or parcel of land lying is not prohibited under the that certain Deed to Secure ment recorded on February and being in Land Lot 32 of U.S. Bankruptcy Code and Debt from Pablo Burgos 19, 2014 in Book 52786 the 6th District, Gwinnett (2) to final confirmation and to Bank of America, N.A. Page 202 in the Office of County, Georgia, being Lot audit of the status of the loan in the original principal the Clerk of Superior Court 30, Block A, Tuscan Ridge, with the holder of the Seamount of $173,000.00 of Gwinnett County, Georgia as per plat recorded in Plat curity Deed. MidFirst Bank, dated 11/29/2005, and reRecords, conveying the afterBook 126, pages 271-274, through its division Midland corded in Deed Book 45581, described property to secure Gwinnett County, Georgia Mortgage as loan servicer is page 0195, Gwinnett County a Note in the original princiRecords, which plat is inthe entity with full authorrecords, the undersigned pal amount of One Hundred corporated herein and made ity to negotiate, amend and will sell at public outcry to Ten Thousand Five Hundred a part hereof by reference. modify the terms of the Note the highest bidder for cash Forty-One and 0/100 dolMR/rla 5/5/15 Our file no. and Security Deed. MidFirst before the Courthouse door lars ($110,541.00), with 5394614 - FT5 Bank, through its division in said County, during the interest thereon as set forth 950-246458, 4/9,16,23,30 Midland Mortgage may be legal hours of sale, on the therein, there will be sold at contacted at: 999 Northwest first Tuesday of May, 2015 public outcry to the highest Grand Boulevard, Oklahoma by Bank of America, N.A. , bidder for cash before the City, Oklahoma 73118; as Attorney-in-Fact for Pablo courthouse door of Gwin1-800-552-3000. To the best Burgos the following denett County, Georgia, within of the undersigned’s knowlscribed property: the legal hours of sale on edge and belief, the party in All that tract or parcel May 5, 2015, the following possession of the property is of land lying and being in described property: believed to be Dennis D. CalLand Lot 72 of the 6th DisAll that tract or parcel of the party in C14 the undersigned, Note inGDP the original princi- LEGALS_Classifieds 4/7/2015 a 0409 before the Courthouse door THURS 7:36 PM Page possession of the property is pal amount of One Hundred of Gwinnett County, Georgia, NOTICE OF SALE Jair Carrasquilla or a tenant Ten Thousand Five Hundred within the legal hours of sale UNDER POWER or tenants and said property Forty-One and 0/100 dolon May 05, 2015 (being the GEORGIA, is more commonly known lars ($110,541.00), with first Tuesday of said month GWINNETT COUNTY C14 • thereon THURSDAY, • WWW.GWINNETTDAILYPOST.COM as 1080 Clairidge Ln, Lawas set forth APRIL interest unless said date falls on a AN ATTEMPT THIS 9,IS 2015 renceville, Georgia 30045. therein, there will be sold at Federal Holiday), the followTO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY sale will be conducted The public outcry to the highest ing described property: INFORMATION OBTAINED (1) to confirmation subject for cash before the bidder ALL THAT TRACT OR PARBE USED FOR THAT WILL FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES that the sale is not prohibited courthouse door of GwinCEL OF LAND LYING AND PURPOSE. under the U.S. Bankruptcy nett County, Georgia, within BEING IN LAND LOTS 141 Under and by virtue of the Code and (2) to final confirthe legal hours of sale on AND 142 OF THE 5TH DISPower of Sale contained in mation and audit of the staMay 5, 2015, the following TRICT, GWINNETT COUNTY, a Security Deed given by tus of the loan with the holder described property: GEORGIA, BEING A PORDawn R Carpenter to Wells of the security deed. JPMorAll that tract or parcel of TION OF LOT 10, SECTION Fargo Bank, N.A., dated Chase Bank, National gan land lying and being in Land B, L. R. MARTIN ESTATE June 8, 2005, recorded in Association as Attorney in Lot 334 of the 4th District, SUBDIVISION, AS PER PLAT Deed Book 43094, Page 38, Fact for Jair Carrasquilla Gwinnett County, Georgia, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK Gwinnett County, Georgia McCalla Raymer, LLC 1544 being Lot 70, Block B, WillG, PAGE 17, GWINNETT Records, as last transferred Old Alabama Road Roswell, ingham Manor Subdivision, COUNTY RECORDS AND BEto U.S. Bank National AsGeorgia 30076 www.forecloas per plat recorded in Plat ING MORE PARTICULARLY sociation, as Trustee for surehotline.net EXHIBIT “A” Book 106, Pages 222-224, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SASCO Mortgage Loan Trust All that tract or parcel of land Gwinnett County Records, BEGINNING AT AN IRON 2005-WF4 by assignment to lying and being in Land Lot said plat being incorporated PIN LOCATED AT THE INbe recorded in the Office of 117 of the 5th District, Gwinherein by reference thereto. TERSECTION FORMED BY the Clerk of Superior Court nett County, Georgia, being The debt secured by said THE SOUTHWESTERLY of Gwinnett County, Georgia Lot 107, Block A, Clairidge Security Deed has been RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF Records, conveying the afterCrossing Subdivision, Phase and is hereby declared due PINEVIEW DRIVE WITH THE described property to secure Five, as per plat recorded in because of, among other NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT OF a Note in the original prinPlat Book 97, pages 14-17, possible events of default, WAY LINE OF OAK TERRACE; cipal amount of ONE HUNGwinnett County records, failure to pay the indebtedTHENCE SOUTHWESTERLY DRED SEVENTY THOUSAND plat being incorporated said ness as and when due and ALONG THE NORTHWESTFIVE HUNDRED AND 0/100 herein by reference thereto. in the manner provided in the ERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE DOLLARS ($170,500.00), MR/rkd 5/5/15 Our file no. Note and Security Deed. The OF OAK TERRACE 70.1 with interest thereon as set 5140714 - FT3, 950-247906, debt remaining in default, FEET TO AN IRON PIN LOforth therein, there will be 4/9,16,23,30 this sale will be made for the CATED AT THE NORTHEAST sold at public outcry to the purpose of paying the same LINE OF PROPERTY NOW highest bidder for cash beand all expenses of this sale, OR FORMERLY OWNED BY NOTICE OF SALE fore the courthouse door of as provided in Security Deed LEON CLEM, JR., THENCE UNDER POWER, Gwinnett County, Georgia, and by law, including attorNORTHWESTERLY ALONG GWINNETT COUNTY or at such place as may be ney’s fees (notice of intent to THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE Pursuant to the Power of lawfully designated as an collect attorney’s fees having OF SAID CLEM PROPERTY Sale contained in a Security alternative, within the legal been given). 109.2 FEET TO AN ANGLE Deed given by Guadalupe hours of sale on the first Your mortgage servicer IRON; THENCE CONTINUING Carrillo to Mortgage ElecTuesday in May, 2015, the can be contacted at (800) NORTHWESTERLY ALONG tronic Registration Sysfollowing described property: 327-7861–Loss Mitigation THE NORTHEASTERLY OF tems, Inc. as nominee for SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED Dept, or by writing to 7500 SAID CLEM PROPERTY 82.8 FirstCity Mortgage Inc. dba HERETO AND MADE A PART Old Georgetown Road, Suite FEET TO AN “X” IN CONEagle Mortgage Services HEREOF The debt secured 1350, Bethesda, Maryland CRETE LOCATED ON THE dated 6/27/2002 and recordby said Security Deed has 20814, to discuss possible SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF ed in Deed Book 27941 Page been and is hereby declared alternatives to avoid forecloLOT 8, SAID BLOCK AND 47, Gwinnett County, Georgia due because of, among other sure. SUBDIVISION, (BEING THE records; as last transferred to possible events of default, Said property will be sold PROPERTY NOW OR FORor acquired by U.S. Bank Nafailure to pay the indebtedsubject to any outstanding MERLY OWNED BY R. W. tional Association, as Trustness as and when due and ad valorem taxes (including FORTUNE, SR.); THENCE ee, successor in interest to in the manner provided in the taxes which are a lien, but NORTHEASTERLY ALONG Wachovia Bank, National Note and Security Deed. The not yet due and payable), THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE Association, as Trustee debt remaining in default, any matters which might OF SAID LOT 8 AND PROPfor GSMPS Mortgage Loan this sale will be made for the be disclosed by an accurate ERTY OF FORTUNE 90 FEET Trust 2004-3, conveying purpose of paying the same survey and inspection of the TO A POINT LOCATED AT the after-described propand all expenses of this sale, property, any assessments, THE SOUTHERNMOST CORerty to secure a Note in the as provided in Security Deed liens, encumbrances, zoning NER OF LOT 9, SAID BLOCK original principal amount of and by law, including attorordinances, restrictions, covAND SUBDIVISION, AND $ 146,365.00, with interest ney’s fees (notice of intent to enants, and matters of record PROPERTY OF R. F. DUNat the rate specified therein, collect attorney’s fees having superior to the Security Deed CAN; THENCE NORTHEASTthere will be sold by the unbeen given). Said property first set out above. ERLY ALONG SAID DUNCAN dersigned at public outcry to will be sold subject to any To the best knowledge and PROPERTY AND SAID LOT 9 the highest bidder for cash outstanding ad valorem taxes belief of the undersigned, the AND FORMING AN INTERIbefore the Courthouse door (including taxes which are party in possession of the OR ANGLE OF 177 DEGREES of Gwinnett County, Georgia, a lien, but not yet due and property is Neville G. CampAND 53 MINUTES WITH within the legal hours of sale payable), any matters which bell or tenant(s); and said THE PREVIOUS COURSE 89 on May 05, 2015 (being the might be disclosed by an acproperty is more commonly FEET TO AN “X” IN STONE first Tuesday of said month curate survey and inspection known as 4760 Heather Mill CORNER OF THE SOUTHunless said date falls on a of the property, any assessTrace, Snellville, GA 30039. WESTERLY RIGHT OF WAY Federal Holiday), the followments, liens, encumbrances, The sale will be conducted LINE OF PINEVIEW DRIVE, ing described property: zoning ordinances, restricsubject to (1) confirmation THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALL THAT TRACT OR PARtions, covenants, and matthat the sale is not prohibited ALONG SAID RIGHT OF CEL OF LAND LYING AND ters of record superior to the under the U.S. Bankruptcy WAY LINE AND FORMING BEING IN LAND LOT 39 OF Security Deed first set out Code (2) final confirmation AN INTERIOR ANGLE OF THE 7TH DISTRICT, GWINabove. U.S. Bank National and audit of the status of the 56 DEGREES AND 57 MINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, Association, as Trustee for loan with the holder of the UTES WITH THE PREVIOUS BEING LOT 48, BLOCK B, SASCO Mortgage Loan Trust security deed and (3) any COURSE OF 240.77 FEET UNIT FOUR, OF HERITAGE 2005-WF4 is the holder of right of redemption or other TO AN IRON PIN LOCATED STATION SUBDIVISION, PER the Security Deed to the lien not extinguished by foreAT THE INTERSECTION PLAT THEREOF RECORDED property in accordance with closure. FORMED BY SAID RIGHT IN PLAT BOOK 36, PAGE OCGA § 44-14-162.2. The MCM Capital Partners, OF WAY LINE WITH THE 132, GWINNETT COUNTY entity that has full authorLLC, as Trustee for Ventures NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS ity to negotiate, amend, and Trust 2013 I-NH as Attorney OF WAY LINE OF OAK TERMADE A PART HEREOF BY modify all terms of the mortin Fact for Neville G. CampRACE, AT THE POINT OF BEREFERENCE. gage with the debtor is: Wells bell. GINNING (SAID DISTANCE The debt secured by said Fargo Home Mortgage a div. Brock & Scott, PLLC HAVING BEEN FORMERLY Security Deed has been and of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., 4360 Chamblee Dunwoody DESCRIBED AS BEING 230 is hereby declared due bePO Box 10335, Des Moines, Road FEET) AND THE SAID POINT cause of, among other posIA 50306 1-800-416-1472. Suite 310 OF BEGINNING FORMING AN sible events of default, failure To the best knowledge and Atlanta, GA 30341 INTERIOR ANGLE OF 120 to pay the indebtedness as belief of the undersigned, the 404-789-2661 DEGREES AND 8 MINUTES. and when due and in the party in possession of the B&S file no.: 13-23278 The debt secured by said manner provided in the Note property is Dawn R Carpen950-248300, 4/9,16,23,30 Security Deed has been and and Security Deed. The debt ter or a tenant or tenants and is hereby declared due beremaining in default, this sale said property is more comcause of, among other posNOTICE OF SALE will be made for the purpose monly known as 295 Thornsible events of default, failure UNDER POWER of paying the same and all bush Lane, Lawrenceville, to pay the indebtedness as GEORGIA, expenses of this sale, as Georgia 30045. The sale and when due and in the GWINNETT COUNTY provided in the Security Deed will be conducted subject manner provided in the Note THIS IS AN ATTEMPT and by law, including attor(1) to confirmation that the and Security Deed. The debt TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY ney’s fees (notice of intent to sale is not prohibited under remaining in default, this sale INFORMATION OBTAINED collect attorney’s fees having the U.S. Bankruptcy Code will be made for the purpose WILL BE USED FOR THAT been given). and (2) to final confirmation of paying the same and all PURPOSE. Said property is commonly and audit of the status of the expenses of this sale, as Under and by virtue of the known as 1167 Memory loan with the holder of the provided in the Security Deed Power of Sale contained in a Lane, Lawrenceville, GA security deed. U.S. Bank Naand by law, including attorSecurity Deed given by Eric 30044 together with all fixtional Association, as Trustee fees (notice of intent to ney’s L. Carmichael and Krystal tures and personal property for SASCO Mortgage Loan collect attorney’s fees having Y. Carmichael to Bank of attached to and constituting Trust 2005-WF4 as Attorney been given). America, N.A., dated April a part of said property, if any. in Fact for Dawn R Carpenter Said property is commonly 29, 2010, recorded in Deed To the best knowledge and McCalla Raymer, LLC 1544 known as 190 Pineview Book 50051, Page 732, belief of the undersigned, the Old Alabama Road Roswell, Drive, Lawrenceville, GA Gwinnett County, Georgia party (or parties) in possesGeorgia 30076 www.foreclo30045 together with all fixRecords, conveying the sion of the subject property surehotline.net EXHIBIT “A” tures and personal property after-described property to is (are): Guadalupe Carrillo or All that tract or land lying and to and constituting attached secure a Note in the original tenant or tenants. being in Land Lot 110 of the a part of said property, if any. principal amount of ONE Wells Fargo Bank, NA is 5th District, Gwinnett County, To the best knowledge and HUNDRED SIXTY-FIVE the entity or individual desGeorgia, being Lot 21, Block belief of the undersigned, the THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED ignated who shall have full B, Unit 5 of Camden Square party (or parties) in possesTHIRTY AND 0/100 DOLauthority to negotiate, amend Subdivision, as shown on sion of the subject property LARS ($165,930.00), with and modify all terms of the a plat of survey recorded in is (are): Soledad Cruz Casainterest thereon as set forth mortgage. Plat Book 51, Page 115, plat nova or tenant or tenants. therein, there will be sold at Wells Fargo Bank, NA records of Gwinnett County, Bank of America is the enpublic outcry to the highest Loss Mitigation Georgia; which plat and the tity or individual designated bidder for cash before the 3476 Stateview Boulevard record thereof are by referwho shall have full authorcourthouse door of Gwinnett Fort Mill, SC 29715 ence incorporated herein and ity to negotiate, amend and County, Georgia, or at such 1-800-662-5014 made a part of this descripmodify all terms of the mortplace as may be lawfully Note, however, that such tion, being known as 295 gage. designated as an alternaentity or individual is not Thornbush Lane, LawrencevBank of America tive, within the legal hours required by law to negotiate, ille, Georgia, according to the Home Loan Assistance of sale on the first Tuesday in amend or modify the terms present system of numbering Dept. May, 2015, the following deof the loan. in Lawrenceville, Georgia. 7105 Corporate Drive scribed property: SEE EXHIBSaid property will be sold MR/vet 5/5/15 Our file no. Plano, TX 75024 IT “A” ATTACHED HERETO subject to: (a) any outstand5147815–FT12 (800) 846-2222 AND MADE A PART HEREOF ing ad valorem taxes (includ950-246479, 4/9,16,23,30 Note, however, that such The debt secured by said Seing taxes which are a lien, but entity or individual is not curity Deed has been and is not yet due and payable), (b) NOTICE OF SALE required by law to negotiate, hereby declared due because unpaid water or sewage bills UNDER POWER amend or modify the terms of, among other possible that constitute a lien against GEORGIA, of the loan. events of default, failure to the property whether due and GWINNETT COUNTY Said property will be sold pay the indebtedness as and payable or not yet due and THIS IS AN ATTEMPT subject to: (a) any outstandwhen due and in the manpayable and which may not TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY ing ad valorem taxes (includner provided in the Note be of record, (c) the right of INFORMATION OBTAINED ing taxes which are a lien, but and Security Deed. The debt redemption of any taxing auWILL BE USED FOR THAT not yet due and payable), (b) remaining in default, this sale thority, (d) any matters which PURPOSE. unpaid water or sewage bills will be made for the purpose might be disclosed by an acUnder and by virtue of the that constitute a lien against of paying the same and all curate survey and inspection Power of Sale contained in a the property whether due and expenses of this sale, as proof the property, and (e) any Security Deed given by Jair payable or not yet due and vided in Security Deed and by assessments, liens, encumCarrasquilla to JPMorgan payable and which may not law, including attorney’s fees brances, zoning ordinances, Chase Bank, National Asbe of record, (c) the right of (notice of intent to collect restrictions, covenants, and sociation, dated September redemption of any taxing auattorney’s fees having been matters of record superior 6, 2007, recorded in Deed thority, (d) any matters which given). Said property will be to the Security Deed first set Book 48273, Page 0722, might be disclosed by an acsold subject to any outstandout above. Gwinnett County, Georgia curate survey and inspection ing ad valorem taxes (includThe sale will be conducted Records, conveying the of the property, and (e) any ing taxes which are a lien, subject to (1) confirmation after-described property to assessments, liens, encumbut not yet due and payable), that the sale is not prohibited secure a Note in the original brances, zoning ordinances, any matters which might be under the U.S. Bankruptcy principal amount of ONE restrictions, covenants, and disclosed by an accurate Code; and (2) final confirmaFIFTY-SEVEN HUNDRED matters of record superior survey and inspection of the tion and audit of the status THOUSAND AND 0/100 DOLto the Security Deed first set property, any assessments, of the loan with the holder LARS ($157,000.00), with out above. liens, encumbrances, zonof the Security Deed. Purinterest thereon as set forth The sale will be conducted ing ordinances, restrictions, suant to O.C.G.A. Section therein, there will be sold at subject to (1) confirmation covenants, and matters of 9-13-172.1, which allows for public outcry to the highest that the sale is not prohibited record superior to the Secucertain procedures regarding bidder for cash before the under the U.S. Bankruptcy rity Deed first set out above. the rescission of judicial and courthouse door of Gwinnett Code; and (2) final confirmaBank of America, N.A. is the non-judicial sales in the State County, Georgia, or at such tion and audit of the status holder of the Security Deed of Georgia, the Deed Under place as may be lawfully of the loan with the holder to the property in accordance Power and other foreclosure designated as an alternaof the Security Deed. Purwith OCGA § 44-14-162.2. documents may not be protive, within the legal hours suant to O.C.G.A. Section The entity that has full auvided until final confirmation of sale on the first Tuesday in 9-13-172.1, which allows for thority to negotiate, amend, and audit of the status of the May, 2015, the following decertain procedures regarding and modify all terms of the loan as provided immediately scribed property: SEE EXHIBthe rescission of judicial and mortgage with the debtor is: above. IT “A” ATTACHED HERETO non-judicial sales in the State Bank of America, N.A., 7105 U.S. Bank National AssoAND MADE A PART HEREOF of Georgia, the Deed Under Corporate Drive, Plano, TX ciation, as Trustee, succesThe debt secured by said SePower and other foreclosure 75024 (661) 951-5100. To sor in interest to Wachovia curity Deed has been and is documents may not be prothe best knowledge and belief Bank, National Association, hereby declared due because vided until final confirmation of the undersigned, the party as Trustee for GSMPS Mortof, among other possible and audit of the status of the in possession of the property gage Loan Trust 2004-3 as events of default, failure to loan as provided immediately is Krystal Carmichael and agent and Attorney in Fact for pay the indebtedness as and above. Eric Carmichael or a tenant Guadalupe Carrillo when due and in the manBANK OF AMERICA, N.A. or tenants and said property Aldridge Connors, LLP, ner provided in the Note as agent and Attorney in Fact is more commonly known as 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 and Security Deed. The debt for Soledad Cruz Casanova 920 Ahearn Court, Suwanee, Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite remaining in default, this sale and Carlos Diaz Morales Georgia 30024. The sale will 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, will be made for the purpose Aldridge Connors, LLP, be conducted subject (1) to (404) 994-7400. of paying the same and all 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 confirmation that the sale is 1000-667507178A expenses of this sale, as proPiedmont Road, N.E., Suite not prohibited under the U.S. THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE vided in Security Deed and by 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, Bankruptcy Code and (2) to ACTING AS A DEBT COLLEClaw, including attorney’s fees (404) 994-7400. final confirmation and audit TOR ATTEMPTING TO COL(notice of intent to collect 1016-667500513A of the status of the loan with LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORattorney’s fees having been THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE the holder of the security MATION OBTAINED WILL BE given). Said property will be ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECdeed. Bank of America, N.A. USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. sold subject to any outstandTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLas Attorney in Fact for Eric 1000-667507178A ing ad valorem taxes (includLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORL. Carmichael and Krystal Y. 950-248461, 4/9,16,23,30 ing taxes which are a lien, MATION OBTAINED WILL BE Carmichael McCalla Raymer, but not yet due and payable), USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. LLC 1544 Old Alabama Road any matters which might be NOTICE OF SALE 1016-667500513A Roswell, Georgia 30076 disclosed by an accurate UNDER POWER, 950-247995, 4/9,16,23,30 www.foreclosurehotline.net survey and inspection of the GWINNETT COUNTY EXHIBIT “A” All that tract or property, any assessments, Pursuant to the Power of parcel of land lying and beliens, encumbrances, zonSale contained in a SecuSTATE OF GEORGIA ing in Land Lot 126 of the ing ordinances, restrictions, rity Deed given by Soledad COUNTY OF GWINNETT 7th District, Gwinnett County, covenants, and matters of Cruz Casanova and CarNOTICE OF SALE Georgia, being Lot 16, Block record superior to the Seculos Diaz Morales to BANK UNDER POWER A, Northbrook Place Subdivirity Deed first set out above. OF AMERICA, N.A. dated Because of a default in the sion, as per plat recorded in JPMorgan Chase Bank, 9/25/2008 and recorded in payment of the indebtedPlat Book 67, Page 23, GwinNational Association is the Deed Book 49103 Page 724, ness secured by a Security net County, Georgia records, holder of the Security Deed Gwinnett County, Georgia Deed executed by Terry Greg which recorded plat is incorto the property in accordance records; as last transferred Cash, Karen Cash to Homeporated herein by this referwith OCGA § 44-14-162.2. to or acquired by BANK OF Banc Mortgage Corporation ence and made a part of this The entity that has full auAMERICA, N.A., conveying dated April 11, 2002, and redescription. Said property thority to negotiate, amend, the after-described propcorded in Deed Book 27117, being known as 920 AHEARN and modify all terms of the erty to secure a Note in the Page 2, and Deed Book COURT according to the mortgage with the debtor original principal amount of 53089, Page 164, Gwinnett present system of numbering is: JPMorgan Chase Bank, $ 100,424.00, with interest County Records, securing a property in Gwinnett County, National Association, 3415 at the rate specified therein, Note in the original principal Georgia. MR/ca 5/5/15 Our Vision Drive, Columbus, OH there will be sold by the unamount of $231,550.00, the file no. 5513814–FT11 43219 800-446-8939. To the dersigned at public outcry to holder thereof pursuant to 950-246456, 4/9,16,23,30 best knowledge and belief of the highest bidder for cash said Deed and Note thereby the undersigned, the party in before the Courthouse door secured has declared the possession of the property is NOTICE OF SALE of Gwinnett County, Georgia, entire amount of said indebtJair Carrasquilla or a tenant UNDER POWER within the legal hours of sale edness due and payable and, or tenants and said property GEORGIA, on May 05, 2015 (being the pursuant to the power of sale is more commonly known GWINNETT COUNTY first Tuesday of said month contained in said Deed, will as 1080 Clairidge Ln, LawTHIS IS AN ATTEMPT unless said date falls on a on the first Tuesday, May 5, renceville, Georgia 30045. TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY Federal Holiday), the follow2015, during the legal hours The sale will be conducted INFORMATION OBTAINED ing described property: of sale, before the Courtsubject (1) to confirmation WILL BE USED FOR THAT ALL THAT TRACT OR PARhouse door in said County, that the sale is not prohibited PURPOSE. CEL OF LAND LYING AND sell at public outcry to the under the U.S. Bankruptcy Under and by virtue of the BEING IN LAND LOTS 141 highest bidder for cash, the Code and (2) to final confirPower of Sale contained in AND 142 OF THE 5TH DISproperty described in said mation and audit of the staa Security Deed given by TRICT, GWINNETT COUNTY, Deed, to-wit: tus of the loan with the holder Dawn R Carpenter to Wells GEORGIA, BEING A PORALL THAT TRACT OR of the security deed. JPMorFargo Bank, N.A., dated TION OF LOT 10, SECTION PARCEL OF LAND LYING secured has declared the entire amount of said indebtedness due and payable and, pursuant to the power of sale contained in said Deed, will on the first Tuesday, May 5, 2015, during the legal hours of sale, before the Courtdoor in said County, house FORECLOSURES sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the property described in said Deed, to-wit: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAND LOT 152 OF THE 5TH DISTRICT, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING LOT 24, BLOCK B, WHEATFIELDS, F/K/A GREENBRIAR, UNIT FOUR, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 90, PAGE 284, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS, SAID PLAT INCORPORATED BEING HEREIN AND MADE REFERENCE HERETO. Said property is known as 1762 Sweet Branch Trail, Grayson, GA 30017, together with all fixtures and personal property attached to and constituting a part of said property, if any. Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, whether or not now due and payable), the right of redemption of any taxing authority, any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The proceeds of said sale will be applied to the payment of said indebtedness and all expenses of said sale as provided in said Deed, and the balance, if any, will be distributed as provided by law. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the secured creditor. The property is or may be in the possession of Terry G. Cash, a/k/a Terry Greg Cash and Karen Cash, successor in interest or tenant(s). CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON MORTGAGE SECURITIES CORP. MORTGAGEBACKED PASS-THROUGH SERIES CERTIFICATES, 2003-AR12, U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE, SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO BANK ONE, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE as Attorneyin-Fact for Terry Greg Cash, Karen Cash File no. 15-051398 SHAPIRO, SWERTFEGER & HASTY, LLP* Attorneys and Counselors at Law 2872 Woodcock Blvd., Suite 100 Atlanta, GA 30341-3941 (770) 220-2535/CH www.swertfeger.net *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 950-247970, [FC-NOS], 4/9,16,23,30 STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF GWINNETT NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER Because of a default in the payment of the indebtedness secured by a Security Deed executed by David Cauthen and Gail Grace Cauthen to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Quicken Loans, Inc., its successors and assigns dated May 1, 2006, and recorded in Deed Book 46478, Page 235, Gwinnett County Records, said Security Deed having been last sold, assigned, transferred and conveyed to HSBC BANK USA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS TRUSTEE MERRILL LYNCH FOR INVESTORS MORTGAGE TRUST, SERIES 2006-AF1 by Assignment, securing a Note in the original principal amount of $220,000.00, the holder thereof pursuant to said Deed and Note thereby secured has declared the entire amount of said indebtedness due and payable and, pursuant to the power of sale contained in said Deed, will on the first Tuesday, May 5, 2015, during the legal hours of sale, before the Courthouse door in said County, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the property described in said Deed, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 19 of the 7th District, Gwinnett County, Georgia, being Lot 114, Block A, APPALACHEE RIVER CLUB A/K/A APPALACHEE FARMS SUBDIVISION, Phase I, as per plat recorded in Plat Book 67, Page 43, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records which plat is incorporated herein and made a part hereof by reference. Said property is known as 667 River Cove Court, Dacula, GA 30019, together with all fixtures and personal property attached to and constituting a part of said property, if any. Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, whether or not now due and payable), the right of redemption of any taxing authority, any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The proceeds of said sale will be applied to the payment of said indebtedness and all expenses of said sale as provided in said Deed, and the balance, if any, will be distributed as provided by law. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the secured creditor. The property is or may be in the possession of David Cauthen and Gail Grace Cauthen, a/k/a Gail Grace Cauthen, successor in interest or tenant(s). HSBC BANK USA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS TRUSTEE FOR MERRILL LYNCH MORTGAGE INVESTORS TRUST, SERIES 2006AF1 as Attorney-in-Fact for David Cauthen and Gail Grace Cauthen File no. 11-022250 SHAPIRO, SWERTFEGER & HASTY, LLP* Attorneys and Counselors at Law 2872 Woodcock Blvd., Suite 100 Atlanta, GA 30341-3941 (770) 220-2535/CH www.swertfeger.net *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. [FC-NOS], 950-247967, 4/9,16,23,30 FORECLOSURES STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF GWINNETT NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER Because of a default in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain Security Deed, dated March 5, 2009, executed by Roberto Chandler and Sara S. Chandler to MORTGAGE ELECREGISTRATION TRONIC SYSTEMS, INC. as nominee for Colonial Bank, recorded in Deed Book 49336, Page 818, Gwinnett County, Georgia Deed Records, and securing a Note in the original principal amount of $245,000.00, as modified by that certain Loan Modification Agreement dated September 16, 2014, recorded in Deed Book 53168, Page 471, said Security Deed last having been assigned to CENTRAL MORTGAGE COMPANY, the current holder thereof, has declared the entire amount of said indebtedness evidenced by the Note immediately due and payable and, pursuant to the power of sale contained in said Security Deed, will, on the first Tuesday in May, 2015 to-wit: May 5, 2015, during the legal hours of sale, before the Gwinnett County Courthouse door, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real property: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAND LOTS 170 AND 183 OF THE 5TH DISTRICT, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING LOT 1, BLOCK A, AVINGTON GLEN– THE ARBORS SUBDIVISION (FORMERLY GLENBROOKE COVE), AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 114, PAGES 298-300, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH SAID PLAT IS INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE AND MADE A PART OF THIS DESCRIPTION, BEING IMPROVED PROPERTY. The aforedescribed real property is also known as 1198 Leybourne Cove, Lawrenceville, GA 30045, according to the present system of numbering houses in Gwinnett County, Georgia. This sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit as to the amount and status of the loan with the holder of the Security Deed, including but not limited to, a determination that the borrower has not reinstated the loan prior to the foreclosure sale. The name, address and telephone number of the individual or entity with full authority to negotiate, amend and modify all terms of the Note and Security Deed is Central Mortgage Company, Attn: Homeowner’s Assistance Department, 801 John Barrow Road, Suite 1, Little Rock, AR 72205. The telephone number is 1-800-3662132, Option 1, ext. 5609. Said real property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), the right of redemption of any taxing authority, any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the real property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. To the extent that said real property is comprised of more than one parcel, said real property will be sold in one or more parcels and in such order as the holder of the Security Deed may determine. Upon information and belief, said real property is presently in the possession or control of ROBERTO CHANDLER AND SARA S. CHANDLER and the proceeds of said sale will be applied to the payment of said indebtedness and all the expenses of said sale, including attorney’s fees, all as provided in said Security Deed and the excess proceeds, if any, will be distributed as provided by law. CENTRAL MORTGAGE COMPANY as Attorney-inFact for ROBERTO CHANDLER AND SARA S. CHANDLER Ellis, Painter, Ratterree & Adams LLP 2 East Bryan Street, 10th Floor Savannah, Georgia 31401 (912) 233-9700 THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 950-248258, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF DeKalb Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained with that certain Security Deed, Debt dated April 10, 2013, from Stephanie A. Channell to Scott H. Wizig 2006 Trust, recorded on January 28, 2014 in Deed Book 24231 at Page 158, DeKalb County, Georgia Records and recorded on February 18, 2014 in Deed Book 52782 at Page 0394, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records conveying the after-described property to secure a Note dated 4/10/2013, in the amount of $62,500.00, said note being in default, with interest thereon as set forth therein, the undersigned will sell at public outcry during the legal hours of sale before the door of the courthouse of DeKalb County, Georgia, on May 5, 2015, the following described real property (hereinafter referred to as the Property ): All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 348 of the 4th District of Gwinnett County, Georgia and Land Lot 226 of the 16th District of DeKalb County, Georgia and being more particularly designated as Lot 16, Block Y, Norris Lake Shores Subdivision, according to a Plat of Subdivision recoded in Plat Book 4, Page 238-A, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, and being more particularly described in accordance with a Plat of Survey for Sherry Bragg by Georgia Land Surveying Co.,Inc., dated April 26, 1999, as follows:Beginning at the intersection of the southeasterly side of Bowman Way (based on a 50 foot right of way) with the northeasterly side of Gray Court (based on 50 foot right of way); running thence northeasterly along the southeasterly side of Bowman Way, 100 feet to an iron pin found; running thence southeasterly, 150.00 feet to an iron pin found; running thence southwesterly 100.0 feet to an iron on the northeasterly side of Gray Court; running thence northwesterly along the northeasterly side of Gray Court , 150.0 feet to the aforementioned intersection and the Point of Beginning. Parcel ID: 16 255 06 013 The debt secured by the Security Deed and evidenced by the note and has been, and is hereby, thence southeasterly, 150.00 feet to an iron pin found; running thence southwesterly 100.0 feet to an iron on the northeasterly side of Gray Court; running thence northwesterly along the northeasterly side of Gray Court , 150.0 feet to the aforemenFORECLOSURES tioned intersection and the Point of Beginning. Parcel ID: 16 255 06 013 The debt secured by the Security Deed and evidenced by the note and has been, and is hereby, declared due and payable because of, among other possible events of default, failure to make the payments as required by the terms of the Note. The debt remaining is in default and this sale will be made for the purposes of paying the Deed to Secure Debt, accrued interest, and all expenses of the sale, including attorneys’ fees. Notice of intention to collect attorneys’ fees has been given as provided by law. To the best of the undersigned’s knowledge, the person(s) in possession of the property is/are Stephanie A. Channell. The property, being commonly known as 4345 Bowman Way, Lithonia, GA 30039 in DeKalb County, will be sold as the property of Stephanie A. Channell, subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien and not yet due and payable), any matters affecting title to the property which would be disclosed by accurate survey and inspection thereof, and all assessments, liens, encumbrances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record to the Security Deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 44-14162.2, the name, address and telephone number of the individual or entity who shall have the full authority to negotiate, amend or modify all terms of the above described mortgage is as follows: SWE HOMES, LP, 6101 Southwest Freeway, Suite 400, Houston, Texas 77057, 1 (800) 4831118 or 713-231-1150. The foregoing notwithstanding, nothing in O.C.G.A. 44-14162.2 shall require the secured creditor to negotiate, amend or modify the terms of the mortgage instrument. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under U.S. Bankruptcy code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the Security Deed. Scott H. Wizig 2006 Trust, current note holder as Attorney in Fact for Stephanie A. Channell 6101 Southwest Freeway, Suite 400, Houston, Texas 77057 Phone: 1 (800) 483-1118 or 713-231-1150 / 13302801 * THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE.* 950-248335, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by Boungnaseng Chanthavong and Putip Chanthavong to Washington Mutual Bank, FA, a federal association, dated December 3, 2004, recorded in Deed Book 52791, Page 93, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, as last transferred to Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC by assignment recorded in Deed Book 53203, Page 152, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, conveying the after-described property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of ONE HUNDRED EIGHT THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND 0/100 DOLLARS ($108,800.00), with interest thereon as set forth therein, there will be sold at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the courthouse door of Gwinnett County, Georgia, or at such place as may be lawfully designated as an alternative, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in May, 2015, the following described property: SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC is the holder of the Security Deed to the property in accordance with OCGA § 44-14-162.2. The entity that has full authority to negotiate, amend, and modify all terms of the mortgage with the debtor is: Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC, 4425 Ponce De Leon Blvd 5th Floor, Coral Gables, FL 33146 954-590-7631. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in possession of the property is Boungnaseng Chanthavong and Putip Chanthavong or a tenant or tenants and said property is more commonly known as 359 Charleston Lane, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30045. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the security deed. Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC as Attorney in Fact for Boungnaseng Chanthavong and Putip Chanthavong McCalla Raymer, LLC 1544 Old Alabama Road Roswell, Georgia 30076 www.foreclosurehotline.net EXHIBIT “A” All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 116, of the 5th District of Gwinnett County, Georgia being Lot 37, Block A, Unit One, Five Forks Manor Subdivision, as per plat recorded in Plat Book 35, Page 176, Gwinnett County, Georgia records, which plat is incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this description, property being presently known as 359 Charleston Lane Lawerenceville, GA 30045 according to the current numbering system in Gwinnett County. MR/sju 5/5/15 Our file no. 5316314–FT1 950-246593, 4/9,16,23,30 FORECLOSURES STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF GWINNETT NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER Because of a default in the payment of the indebtedness secured by a Security Deed executed by Shayla Chestnut to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for WR Starkey Mortgage, L.L.P. dated December 14, 2009, and recorded in Deed Book 49859, Page 318, Gwinnett County Records, said Security Deed having been last sold, assigned, transferred and conveyed to Wells Fargo Bank, NA by Assignment, securing a Note in the original principal amount of $158,083.00, the holder thereof pursuant to said Deed and Note thereby secured has declared the entire amount of said indebtedness due and payable and, pursuant to the power of sale contained in said Deed, will on the first Tuesday, May 5, 2015, during the legal hours of sale, before the Courthouse door in said County, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the property described in said Deed, to-wit: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAND LOT 64 OF THE 5TH DISTRICT, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING LOT 4, OAK FIELD SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO PLAT OF SURVEY RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 111, PAGES 292-295, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH PLAT AND THE RECORD THEREOF ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE THERETO. Said property is known as 3951 Oak Field Drive, Loganville, GA 30052, together with all fixtures and personal property attached to and constituting a part of said property, if any. Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, whether or not now due and payable), the right of redemption of any taxing authority, any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The proceeds of said sale will be applied to the payment of said indebtedness and all expenses of said sale as provided in said Deed, and the balance, if any, will be distributed as provided by law. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the secured creditor. The property is or may be in the possession of Shayla Chestnut, successor in interest or tenant(s). Wells Fargo Bank, NA as Attorney-in-Fact for Shayla Chestnut File no. 12-036550 SHAPIRO, SWERTFEGER & HASTY, LLP* Attorneys and Counselors at Law 2872 Woodcock Blvd., Suite 100 Atlanta, GA 30341-3941 (770) 220-2535/KLM www.swertfeger.net *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 950-246491, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by Jimmy Chowdhury to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR GUARANTY MORTGAGE SERVICES LLC, dated 01/20/2005, recorded in Deed Book 41579, Page 1, Gwinnett County, Georgia records, as last transferred to U.S. Bank National Association, as Trustee under Securitization Servicing Agreement Dated as of July 1, 2005 Structured Asset Securities Corporation Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust Mortgage PassThrough Certificates, Series 2005-7 by assignment recorded or to be recorded in the Gwinnett County, Georgia records conveying the afterdescribed property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of Two Hundred Sixty Thousand and 00/100 ($260,000.00), DOLLARS with interest thereon as set forth therein, there will be sold at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the courthouse door of Gwinnett County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in May 2015, the following described property: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAND LOT 14 OF THE 5TH DISTRICT, GWINNETT COUNTY GEORGIA, BEING DESIGNATED AS TRACT I CONTAINING 0.9203 ACRES AS SHOWN ON THAT CERTAIN EXEMPTION PLAT FOR DANIEL B. KENERLY DATED JUNE 6, 1990, PREPARED BY MCNALLY & PATRICK, LLOYD C. MCNALLY, GRLS #2040 AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED ACCORDING TO SAID SURVEY AS FOLLOWS; TO LOCATE THE TRUE PLACE OR POINT OF BEGINNING BEGIN AT A POINT LOCATED AT THE CORNER COMMON TO LAND LOTS 14, 15, 18, AND 19, AND RUN THENCE ALONG THE LAND LOT LINE COMMON TO LAND LOTS 14 AND 19 IN A GENERALLY SOUTHEASTERLY DIRECTION A DISTANCE OF 761.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE LEAVING SAID LAND LOT LINE RUN SOUTH 68 DEGREES 18 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 19.99 FEET TO A POINT, WHICH POINT MARKS THE TRUE PLACE OR POINT OF BEGINNING. FROM THE TRUE PLACE OR POINT OF BEGINNING AS THUS ESTABLISHED RUN THENCE SOUTH 30 DEGREES 25 MINUTES 40 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 230.95 FEET TO A POINT; RUN THENCE SOUTH 59 DEGREES 34 MINUTES 20 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 96.00 FEET TO A POINT; RUN THENCE NORTH 58 DEGREES 05 MINUTES 53 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 301.70 FEET TO A POINT; RUN THENCE NORTH 68 DEGREES 18 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 238.87 FEET TO A POINT, WHICH POINT MARKS THE TRUE PLACE OR POINT OF BEGINNING. The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other OF 96.00 FEET TO A POINT;of Georgia, RUN THENCE NORTH 58 DE-Power and GREES 05 MINUTES 53 SEC-documents ONDS WEST A DISTANCE OFvided until 301.70 FEET TO A POINT;and audit o RUN THENCE NORTH 68loan as pro DEGREES 18 MINUTES 00ceding para SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE Said prop OF 238.87 FEET TO A POINT,as the prop CHRISO FORECLOSURES POINT MARKS THET. FORE WHICH TRUE PLACE OR POINT OFEMANUEL and MISTY BEGINNING. The debt secured by saidLOS A/K/A Security Deed has beenPOULOS A and is hereby declared dueCHRISOPO because of, among other NATIONS possible events of default,LLC failure to pay the indebted-As Attorney ness as and when due andEMANUEL in the manner provided in thePOULOS A Note and Security Deed. TheCHRISOPO debt remaining in default,MISTY F. this sale will be made for theA/K/A M purpose of paying the samePOULOS A and all expenses of this sale,CHRISOPO as provided in Security DeedPhelan Hal and by law, including attor-Jones, PLL ney’s fees (notice of intent to11675 Grea collect attorney’s fees having375 Alpharetta, been given). Said property will be soldTelephone: subject to any outstandingFax: 770-39 ad valorem taxes (includingPH # 21877 taxes which are a lien, butThis law fir not yet due and payable),debt collec any matters which mighttion obtaine be disclosed by an accuratethat purpos survey and inspection of the950-247917 property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoningSTATE OF G ordinances, restrictions, cov-COUNTY OF enants, and matters of record NOT superior to the Security Deed UND first set out above. Because The entity that has full au-payment of thority to negotiate, amend,secured by and modify all terms of theexecuted b mortgage with the debtor is:vil to Mor Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC,Registratio 1661 Worthington Road,as nominee Suite 100, West Palm Beach,ica Mortg FL 33409, 561-682-8000.May 13, 20 Please understand that thein Deed Bo secured creditor is not re-71, and De quired by law to negotiate,Page 573, amend, or modify the termsRecords, sa of the mortgage instrument. having bee To the best knowledge andsigned, tran belief of the undersigned, theveyed to W parties in possession of theN.A. by As property are JIMMY CHOW-ing a Note in DHURY, ALAM CHOWD-cipal amoun HURY, LILY CHOWDHURY,the holder AMIL CHOWDHURY or ato said Dee tenant or tenants and saidby secured property is more commonlyentire amou known as 75 Jordan Drive,edness due Lawrenceville, GA 30044. pursuant to The sale will be conductedcontained i subject (1) to confirmationon the first that the sale is not prohibited2015, durin under the U.S. Bankruptcyof sale, b Code and (2) to final confir-house doo mation and audit of the sta-sell at pub tus of the loan with the holderhighest bid of the security deed. property d U.S. Bank National Asso-Deed, to-wi ciation, as Trustee under Se- ALL THAT curitization Servicing Agree-CEL OF LA ment Dated as of July 1,BEING IN L 2005 Structured Asset Secu-THE 5TH D rities Corporation StructuredNETT COU Asset Investment Loan TrustBEING LOT Mortgage Pass-Through Cer-CARLTON tificates, Series 2005-7 SION, UNI As Attorney in Fact forPLAT REC Jimmy Chowdhury BOOK 87, P Weissman, Nowack, Curry, &NETT COU Wilco P.C. SAID PLAT Attn: Lender Services RATED HER One Alliance Center, 4th FloorENCE THER 3500 Lenox Road Said prop Atlanta, GA 30326 175 Circle R Our File# 017237-003997 30019, tog 950-248172, 4/9,16,23,30 tures and p attached to a part of sa STATE OF GEORGIA Said prop COUNTY of GWINNETT subject to NOTICE OF SALE ad valorem UNDER POWER taxes which By virtue of the power ofer or not n sale contained in that cer-able), the tain Deed to Secure Debttion of any from EMANUEL CHRISO-any matters POULOS AKA EMANUELdisclosed T. CHRISOPOULOS andsurvey and MISTY CHRISOPOULOS AKAproperty, a MISTY F. CHRISOPOULOSliens, encu to MORTGAGE ELECTRONICordinances, REGISTRATION SYSTEMS,enants, and INC. AS NOMINEE FORsuperior to HOME AMERICA MORT-first set out GAGE, INC. dated November The proc 16, 2004, filed for recordwill be app December 20, 2004, and re-ment of s corded in Deed Book 40988,and all expe Page 0082, GWINNETTas provide County, Georgia Records,and the ba as last transferred to NA-be distribu TIONSTAR MORTGAGE, LLCby law. by assignment recorded in The sale Deed Book 53412, Page 672,subject (1) GWINNETT County, Georgiathat the sale Records, Deed to Secureunder the Debt having been given to se-Code and cure a Note dated Novemberfirmation a 16, 2004 in the original prin-status of t cipal sum of TWO HUNDREDsecured cre FIVE THOUSAND AND 0/100 The prop ($205,000.00),in the posse DOLLARS with interest from date atClairvil, suc the rate stated in said Noteor tenant(s) on the unpaid balance until Wells Far paid, there will be sold by theAttorney-in undersigned at public outcryClairvil to the highest bidder for cash File no. 1 before the Courthouse door SHAPIRO at GWINNETT County, Geor-& HASTY, L gia, within the legal hours Attorneys of sale on the first Tuesdayat Law in May, 2015, the following 2872 W described property: Suite 100 ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR- Atlanta, G CEL OF LAND LYING AND (770) 220 BEING IN LAND LOT 61 OF www.swe THE 7TH DISTRICT, GWIN- *THE LA NETT COUNTY, GEORGIA,ING AS A D BEING LOT 49, BLOCK A,ANY INFO TURTLE CREEK MEADOWS,TAINED WI AS PER PLAT RECORDEDTHAT PURP IN PLAT BOOK 82, PAGE 4, 950-2464 GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS INCORPORATED HEREIN STATE OF AND MADE A PART HEREOF COUNTY NOT BY REFERENCE. UND To the best of the knowledge and belief of the By virtue undersigned, the party insale contai possession of the prop-tain Deed erty is EMANUEL T. CHRISO-from CECE POULOS A/K/A EMANUELMORTGAGE CHRISOPOULOS and MISTYREGISTRAT F. CHRISOPOULOS A/K/AINC., AS N CHRISOPOULOSHOME MO MISTY A/K/A MISTY K. CHRISO-PANY date POULOS or a tenant or ten-2003, filed f ants. Said property is moreber 31, 200 commonly known as: 1803Deed Book GOLD FINCH WAY, LAW-GWINNETT RENCEVILLE, GA 30043-Records, a to BANK OF 6965. The debt secured by saidby assign Deed to Secure Debt hasin Deed Bo been and is hereby declared137, GW due because of, among otherGeorgia R possible events of default,tive assig non-payment of the monthlyin Deed Bo installments on said loan.520, GW The debt remaining in de-Georgia Re fault, this sale will be madeto Secure D for the purpose of paying thegiven to se same and all expenses of thisDecember sale, including attorney’s feesoriginal pr (notice of intent to collect at-ONE HUND torney’s fees having beenTHOUSAND THREE AND given). The individual or entity that($162,603.0 has full authority to negoti-from date ate, amend, and modify allin said No terms of the loan is CENLARbalance un FSB, 425 PHILLIPS BLVD,be sold by EWING, NJ 08618-1430;at public ou est bidder f (877) 909-9416. Said property will be soldCourthouse subject to any outstandingNETT Coun ad valorem taxes (includingthe legal ho taxes which are a lien, wheth-first Tuesda er or not now due and pay-the followin able), the right of redemp-erty: tion of any taxing authority, ALL THAT any matters which might beCEL OF LA disclosed by an accurateBEING IN L survey and inspection of theTHE 5TH D property, any assessments,SNELLVILL liens, encumbrances, zoningCOUNTY, G ordinances, restrictions, cov-KNOWN AS enants, and matters of recordOF HAWTH superior to the Security DeedTHREE-A, A CORDED AT first set out above. The sale will be conductedPAGE 106, subject (1) to confirmationSIONS OF that the sale is not prohibitedCORDED AS under the U.S. BankruptcyRECORDIN Code and (2) to final con-IF ANY, GW firmation and audit of theGEORGIA status of the loan with thePLAT AND holder of the Security Deed.PLATS, IF Pursuant to O.C.G.A. SectionCORPORAT 9-13-172.1, which allows forMADE A P certain procedures regardingREFERENCE the rescission of judicial andCOMPLETE nonjudicial sales in the StateOF CAPTIO of Georgia, the Deed UnderAND BEI Power and other foreclosurePROPERTY documents may not be pro-BRAMBLE vided until final confirmationGA. 30017 and audit of the status of theTHE PRESE loan as provided in the pre-NUMBERIN GWINNETT ceding paragraph. Said property will be soldGIA. as the property of EMANUEL To the be T. CHRISOPOULOS A/K/Aedge and EMANUEL CHRISOPOULOSdersigned, and MISTY F. CHRISOPOU-session of LOS A/K/A MISTY CHRISO-CECELIA CL POULOS A/K/A MISTY K.ant or tenan is more com CHRISOPOULOS. NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE918 BRAM the Power of Sale contained AND BEING IMPROVED O A POINT;of Georgia, the Deed Under to PM SecurePage Debt in a Deed other THURS foreclosure LEGALS_Classifieds PROPERTY KNOWN AS 918 RTH 58 DE-Power 0409andGDP 4/7/2015 7:36 given by KELLEY D COSTA BRAMBLE WAY, GRAYSON, ES 53 SEC-documents may not be proKLEBER P COSTA to AND vided until final confirmation GA. 30017 ACCORDING TO STANCE OF MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC THE PRESENT SYSTEM OF A POINT;and audit of the status of the REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, NUMBERING HOUSES IN NORTH 68loan as provided in the preINC., (“MERS”), AS NOMIGWINNETT COUNTY, GEORNUTES 00ceding paragraph. NEE FOR COUNTRYWIDE GIA. DISTANCE Said property will be sold HOME LOANS, INC , dated To the best of the knowlO A POINT,as the property of EMANUEL and Recorded 10/25/2000, CHRISOPOULOS A/K/A edge and belief of the unSURES FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES ARKS THET. FORECLOSURES on 10/31/2000 as Book No. dersigned, the party in posPOINT OFEMANUEL CHRISOPOULOS 21585 and Page No. 0199, and MISTY F. CHRISOPOUsession of the property is GWINNETT County, Georgia CECELIA CLEMENT or a tened by saidLOS A/K/A MISTY CHRISOrecords, as last assigned to ant or tenants. Said property has beenPOULOS A/K/A MISTY K. BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., is more commonly known as: eclared dueCHRISOPOULOS. SUCCESSOR BY MERGER 918 BRAMBLE WAY, GRAYong other NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE TO BAC HOME LOANS SERSON, GA 30017. of default,LLC VICING, LP, FKA COUNThe debt secured by said e indebted-As Attorney-in-Fact for TRYWIDE HOME LOANS T. CHRISODeed to Secure Debt has en due andEMANUEL LP (the Secured SERVICING POULOS A/K/A EMANUEL been and is hereby declared vided in the Creditor), by assignment, due because of, among other y Deed. TheCHRISOPOULOS conveying the after-described possible events of default, in default,MISTY F. CHRISOPOULOS property to secure a Note of non-payment of the monthly made for theA/K/A MISTY CHRISOeven date in the original prininstallments on said loan. g the samePOULOS A/K/A MISTY K. cipal amount of $116,616.00, The debt remaining in deof this sale,CHRISOPOULOS with interest at the rate specifault, this sale will be made curity DeedPhelan Hallinan Diamond & fied therein, there will be sold for the purpose of paying the uding attor-Jones, PLLC by the undersigned at public Great Oaks Way, Suite 11675 same and all expenses of this of intent to outcry to the highest bidder sale, including attorney’s fees fees having375 for cash at the GWINNETT Alpharetta, GA 30022 (notice of intent to collect atCounty Courthouse within torney’s fees having been will be soldTelephone: 770-393-4300 the legal hours of sale on the given). outstandingFax: 770-393-4310 first Tuesday in May, 2015, The individual or entity that (includingPH # 21877 the following described has full authority to negotia lien, butThis law firm is acting as a property: ALL THAT TRACT ate, amend, and modify all d payable),debt collector. Any informaOR PARCEL OF LAND LYING terms of the loan is BANK hich mighttion obtained will be used for AND BEING IN LAND LOT OF AMERICA, N.A., 7105 an accuratethat purpose. 69 OF THE 7TH DISTRICT, CORPORATE DR, PLANO, ction of the950-247917, 4/9,16,23,30 GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORTX 75024-4100; (800) 669sessments, GIA, BEING LOT 5, BLOCK 6650. ces, zoningSTATE OF GEORGIA B, RUSSELL RIDGE ACRES Said property will be sold ctions, cov-COUNTY OF GWINNETT SUBDIVISION, UNIT ONE, subject to any outstanding rs of record NOTICE OF SALE AS PER PLAT RECORDED ad valorem taxes (including curity Deed UNDER POWER PLAT BOOK 26, PAGE IN taxes which are a lien, wheth. Because of a default in the 193, AS REVISED AT PLAT er or not now due and payhas full au-payment of the indebtedness BOOK 46, PAGE 186, GWINable), the right of redempte, amend,secured by a Security Deed NETT COUNTY, GEORGIA tion of any taxing authority, rms of theexecuted by Elizabeth ClairRECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS any matters which might be e debtor is:vil to Mortgage Electronic HEREIN INCORPORATED disclosed by an accurate vicing, LLC,Registration Systems, Inc. BY REFERENCE; BEING survey and inspection of the on Road,as nominee for Home AmerPROPERTY IMPROVED property, any assessments, alm Beach,ica Mortgage, Inc. dated KNOWN AS 498 RUSSELL liens, encumbrances, zoning -682-8000.May 13, 2005, and recorded ROAD, ACCORDING TO THE ordinances, restrictions, covd that thein Deed Book 42836, Page MOST PRESENT SYSTEM enants, and matters of record is not re-71, and Deed Book 53073, OF NUMBERING HOUSES IN superior to the Security Deed negotiate,Page 573, Gwinnett County SAID COUNTY. The debt sefirst set out above. y the termsRecords, said Security Deed cured by said Deed to Secure The sale will be conducted nstrument. having been last sold, asDebt has been and is hereby subject (1) to confirmation wledge andsigned, transferred and condeclared due because of, that the sale is not prohibited rsigned, theveyed to Wells Fargo Bank, among other possible events under the U.S. Bankruptcy sion of theN.A. by Assignment, securof default, failure to pay the Code and (2) to final conMY CHOW-ing a Note in the original prinindebtedness as and when firmation and audit of the CHOWD-cipal amount of $117,750.00, due and in the manner prostatus of the loan with the OWDHURY,the holder thereof pursuant vided in the Note and Deed holder of the Security Deed. URY or ato said Deed and Note thereto Secure Debt. Because the Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section s and saidby secured has declared the debt remains in default, this 9-13-172.1, which allows for commonlyentire amount of said indebtsale will be made for the purcertain procedures regarding dan Drive,edness due and payable and, pose of paying the same and the rescission of judicial and A 30044. pursuant to the power of sale all expenses of this sale, as nonjudicial sales in the State conductedcontained in said Deed, will provided in the Deed to Seof Georgia, the Deed Under onfirmationon the first Tuesday, May 5, cure Debt and by law, includPower and other foreclosure t prohibited2015, during the legal hours ing attorney’s fees (notice of documents may not be proBankruptcyof sale, before the Courtintent to collect attorney’s vided until final confirmation final confir-house door in said County, fees having been given). and audit of the status of the of the sta-sell at public outcry to the BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., loan as provided in the preh the holderhighest bidder for cash, the SUCCESSOR BY MERGER ceding paragraph. ed. property described in said TO BAC HOME LOANS SERSaid property will be sold onal Asso-Deed, to-wit: VICING, LP, FKA COUNTRYas the property of CECELIA e under Se- ALL THAT TRACT OR PARWIDE HOME LOANS SERCLEMENT. cing Agree-CEL OF LAND LYING AND VICING LP holds the duly BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. of July 1,BEING IN LAND LOT 274 OF endorsed Note and is the As Attorney-in-Fact for Asset Secu-THE 5TH DISTRICT, GWINcurrent assignee of the SeCECELIA CLEMENT StructuredNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, curity Deed to the property. Phelan Hallinan Diamond & Loan TrustBEING LOT 66, BLOCK A, BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., AS Jones, PLLC hrough Cer-CARLTON CHASE SUBDIVISUCCESSOR BY MERGER 11675 Great Oaks Way, Suite 005-7 SION, UNIT ONE, AS PER TO BAC HOME LOANS SER375 n Fact forPLAT RECORDED IN PLAT VICING, LP, acting on behalf Alpharetta, GA 30022 y BOOK 87, PAGE 176, GWINof and, as necessary, in Telephone: 770-393-4300 ck, Curry, &NETT COUNTY RECORDS, consultation with BANK OF Fax: 770-393-4310 SAID PLAT BEING INCORPOAMERICA, N.A., SUCCESPH # 22978 ces RATED HEREIN BY REFERSOR BY MERGER TO BAC This law firm is acting as a er, 4th FloorENCE THERETO. HOME LOANS SERVICING, debt collector. Any informaSaid property is known as LP, FKA COUNTRYWIDE tion obtained will be used for 175 Circle Road, Dacula, GA HOME LOANS SERVICING that purpose. 003997 30019, together with all fixLP (the current investor on 950-247912, 4/9,16,23,30 16,23,30 tures and personal property the loan), is the entity with attached to and constituting the full authority to negotia part of said property, if any. NOTICE OF SALE ate, amend, and modify all RGIA Said property will be sold UNDER POWER terms of the loan. Pursuant INNETT subject to any outstanding CONTAINED IN to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, F SALE ad valorem taxes (including SECURITY DEED BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., AS OWER taxes which are a lien, whethSTATE OF GEORGIA, SUCCESSOR BY MERGER e power ofer or not now due and payCOUNTY OF Gwinnett TO BAC HOME LOANS SERn that cer-able), the right of redempPursuant to a power of VICING, LP may be contactecure Debttion of any taxing authority, sale contained in a certain ed at: BANK OF AMERICA, CHRISO-any matters which might be security deed executed by N.A., AS SUCCESSOR BY EMANUELdisclosed by an accurate Valarie Cook and Reginald MERGER TO BAC HOME LOS andsurvey and inspection of the Cook, hereinafter referred LOANS SERVICING, LP, 7105 OULOS AKAproperty, any assessments, to as Grantor, to Mortgage CORPORATE DRIVE, PLANO, SOPOULOSliens, encumbrances, zoning Electronic Registration SysTX 75024, 800-669-6650. LECTRONICordinances, restrictions, covtems, Inc., as nominee for Please note that, pursuant SYSTEMS,enants, and matters of record First Horizon Home Loans, to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, INEE FORsuperior to the Security Deed a Division of First Tennesthe secured creditor is not A MORT-first set out above. see Bank, N.A. recorded in required to amend or modify d November The proceeds of said sale Deed Book 48280, beginning the terms of the loan. To the for recordwill be applied to the payat page 245 and Modified at best knowledge and belief of 04, and re-ment of said indebtedness Deed Book 50556, Page 372, the undersigned, the party/ ook 40988,and all expenses of said sale and Modified at Deed Book parties in possession of the GWINNETTas provided in said Deed, 52293, Page 22, of the deed subject property known as Records,and the balance, if any, will records of the Clerk of the 498 RUSSELL ROAD, LAWed to NA-be distributed as provided Superior Court of the aforeRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA GAGE, LLCby law. said state and county, and by 30043 is/are: KELLEY D COSecorded in The sale will be conducted virtue of a default under the TA AND KLEBER P COSTA or , Page 672,subject (1) to confirmation terms of said security deed, tenant/tenants. Said property ty, Georgiathat the sale is not prohibited and the related note, the unwill be sold subject to (a) any to Secureunder the U.S. Bankruptcy dersigned attorney-in-fact for outstanding ad valorem taxes given to se-Code and (2) to final conthe aforesaid Grantor (which (including taxes which are a Novemberfirmation and audit of the attorney-in-fact is the present lien, but not yet due and payriginal prin-status of the loan with the holder of said security deed able), (b) any matters which HUNDREDsecured creditor. and note secured thereby) might be disclosed by an acAND 0/100 The property is or may be will sell at the usual place of curate survey and inspection 05,000.00),in the possession of Elizabeth conducting Sheriff’s sales in of the property, and (c) all m date atClairvil, successor in interest said county within the legal matters of record superior to n said Noteor tenant(s). hours of sale, to the highest the Deed to Secure Debt first alance until Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as bidder on the first Tuesday set out above, including, but sold by theAttorney-in-Fact for Elizabeth in May 2015, all property denot limited to, assessments, ublic outcryClairvil scribed in said security deed liens, encumbrances, zonder for cash File no. 14-045140 including but not limited ing ordinances, easements, house door SHAPIRO, SWERTFEGER to the following described restrictions, covenants, unty, Geor-& HASTY, LLP* property: etc. The sale will be egal hours Attorneys and Counselors All that tract or parcel of conducted subject to (1) st Tuesdayat Law land lying and being in Land confirmation that the sale is e following 2872 Woodcock Blvd., Lot 1 of the 6th District, not prohibited under the U.S. y: Suite 100 Gwinnett County, Georgia, Bankruptcy Code; and (2) fiCT OR PAR- Atlanta, GA 30341-3941 being Lot 31, Block A, Counnal confirmation and audit of LYING AND (770) 220-2535/KMM tryside Manor Subdivision, the status of the loan with the LOT 61 OF www.swertfeger.net Unit One, as per plat recordholder of the security deed. CT, GWIN- *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTed in Plat Book 57, Page 176, Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section GEORGIA,ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. Gwinnett County, Georgia 9-13-172.1, which allows for BLOCK A,ANY INFORMATION OBRecords, which plat by refercertain procedures regarding MEADOWS,TAINED WILL BE USED FOR ence is incorporated herein the rescission of judicial and RECORDEDTHAT PURPOSE. and made a part hereof. nonjudicial sales in the State 2, PAGE 4, 950-246486, 4/9,16,23,30 Said property will be sold of Georgia, the Deed Under NTY, GEORon an “as-is” basis without Power and other foreclosure HICH PLAT any representation, wardocuments may not be proED HEREIN STATE OF GEORGIA ranty or recourse against vided until final confirmation RT HEREOF COUNTY of GWINNETT the above-named or the unand audit of the status of the NOTICE OF SALE dersigned. The sale will be loan as provided in the preUNDER POWER the knowlsubject to the following items ceding paragraph. BANK OF ef of the By virtue of the power of which may affect the title: AMERICA, N.A., SUCCESe party insale contained in that cerany outstanding ad valorem SOR BY MERGER TO BAC the prop-tain Deed to Secure Debt taxes (including taxes which HOME LOANS SERVICING, T. CHRISO-from CECELIA CLEMENT to are a lien but not yet due and LP, FKA COUNTRYWIDE EMANUELMORTGAGE ELECTRONIC payable); any matters which LOANS SERVICING HOME and MISTYREGISTRATION SYSTEMS, might be disclosed by an acLP as Attorney in Fact for OS A/K/AINC., AS NOMINEE FOR KB curate survey and inspection KELLEY D COSTA AND KLESOPOULOSHOME MORTGAGE COMof the property; any assessBER P COSTA. THIS LAW . CHRISO-PANY dated December 26, ments, liens, encumbrances, FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT ant or ten-2003, filed for record Decemzoning ordinances, restricCOLLECTOR ATTEMPTING rty is moreber 31, 2003, and recorded in tions, and all other matters TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY n as: 1803Deed Book 36536, Page 85, of record superior to the said INFORMATION OBTAINED WAY, LAW-GWINNETT County, Georgia Security Deed. The sale will WILL BE USED FOR THAT A 30043-Records, as last transferred be conducted subject (1) to PURPOSE. 00000005100342 to BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. confirmation that the sale BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPed by saidby assignment recorded is not prohibited under the PIER LEVINE & BLOCK, LLP Debt hasin Deed Book 53109, Page U.S. Bankruptcy Code and 15000 Surveyor Boulevard by declared137, GWINNETT County, (2) to final confirmation and Addison, Texas 75001 Telemong otherGeorgia Records, correcaudit of the status of the loan phone: (972) 341-5398. of default,tive assignment recorded with the holder of the Se950-247885, 4/9,16,23,30 he monthlyin Deed Book 53436, Page curity Deed. MidFirst Bank, said loan.520, GWINNETT County, through its division Midland NOTICE OF SALE ing in de-Georgia Records. Said Deed Mortgage as loan servicer is UNDER POWER ll be madeto Secure Debt having been the entity with full authorGEORGIA, paying thegiven to secure a Note dated ity to negotiate, amend and GWINNETT COUNTY nses of thisDecember 26, 2003 in the modify the terms of the Note THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO orney’s feesoriginal principal sum of and Security Deed. MidFirst COLLECT A DEBT. ANY o collect at-ONE HUNDRED SIXTY TWO Bank, through its division INFORMATION OBTAINED aving beenTHOUSAND SIX HUNDRED Midland Mortgage may be THREE AND 0/100 DOLLARS WILL BE USED FOR THAT contacted at: 999 Northwest PURPOSE. r entity that($162,603.00), with interest Grand Boulevard, Oklahoma Under and by virtue of to negoti-from date at the rate stated City, Oklahoma 73118; the Power of Sale contained modify allin said Note on the unpaid 1-800-552-3000. To the best in a Security Deed given is CENLARbalance until paid, there will of the undersigned’s knowlby John J Costello to ABN IPS BLVD,be sold by the undersigned edge and belief, the party in AMRO Mortgage Group, 8618-1430;at public outcry to the highpossession of the property is est bidder for cash before the Inc., dated May 7, 2003, rebelieved to be Valarie Cook corded in Deed Book 32579, will be soldCourthouse door at GWINaka Valarie Renae Cook and Page 0137, Gwinnett County, outstandingNETT County, Georgia, within Reginald Cook aka Reginald Georgia Records and as (includingthe legal hours of sale on the Lee Cook, Jr., or tenant(s). modified by that certain Loan ien, wheth-first Tuesday in May, 2015, MidFirst Bank, as TransModification Agreement ree and pay-the following described propferee, Assignee, and Secured corded in Deed Book 52850, of redemp-erty: Creditor As attorney-in-fact Page 395, Gwinnett County, g authority, ALL THAT TRACT OR PARfor the aforesaid Grantor Georgia Records, as last h might beCEL OF LAND LYING AND Campbell & Brannon, LLC transferred to Green Tree n accurateBEING IN LAND LOT 101 OF Attorneys at Law Servicing LLC by assignction of theTHE 5TH DISTRICT, CITY OF Glenridge Highlands II GWINNETT ment recorded in Deed Book sessments,SNELLVILLE, 5565 Glenridge Connector, 53328, Page 596, Gwinnett ces, zoningCOUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING Suite 350 County, Georgia Records, ctions, cov-KNOWN AS LOT 2, BLOCK A Atlanta, GA 30342 conveying the after-described rs of recordOF HAWTHORN GLEN, UNIT (770) 392-0041 property to secure a Note in curity DeedTHREE-A, AS PER PLAT RETHIS LAW FIRM MAY BE CORDED AT PLAT BOOK 98, the original principal amount . HELD TO BE ACTING AS A of ONE HUNDRED FIFTYconductedPAGE 106, AND ALL REVIDEBT COLLECTOR, UNDER TWO THOUSAND AND 0/100 onfirmationSIONS OF SAID PLAT REFEDERAL LAW. IF SO, ANY DOLLARS ($152,000.00), t prohibitedCORDED AS OF THE DATE OF INFORMATION OBTAINED with interest thereon as set BankruptcyRECORDING OF THIS DEED, WILL BE USED FOR THAT forth therein, there will be final con-IF ANY, GWINNETT COUNTY, PURPOSE. sold at public outcry to the udit of theGEORGIA RECORDS, SAID 950-248249, 4/9,16,23,30 highest bidder for cash ben with thePLAT AND ALL REVISED fore the courthouse door of urity Deed.PLATS, IF ANY, BEING INNOTICE OF SALE Gwinnett County, Georgia, G.A. SectionCORPORATED HEREIN AND UNDER POWER. or at such place as may be h allows forMADE A PART HEREOF BY State of Georgia, lawfully designated as an s regardingREFERENCE FOR A MORE County of GWINNETT. alternative, within the legal judicial andCOMPLETE DESCRIPTION Under and by virtue of hours of sale on the first n the StateOF CAPTIONED PROPERTY the Power of Sale contained Tuesday in May, 2015, the Deed UnderAND BEING IMPROVED in a Deed to Secure Debt following described property: foreclosurePROPERTY KNOWN AS 918 given by KELLEY D COSTA SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED not be pro-BRAMBLE WAY, GRAYSON, AND KLEBER P COSTA to HERETO AND MADE A PART onfirmationGA. 30017 ACCORDING TO MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC HEREOF The debt secured tatus of theTHE PRESENT SYSTEM OF REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, by said Security Deed has in the pre-NUMBERING HOUSES IN GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORINC., (“MERS”), AS NOMIbeen and is hereby declared NEE FOR COUNTRYWIDE due because of, among other will be soldGIA. HOME LOANS, INC , dated possible events of default, EMANUEL To the best of the knowl10/25/2000, and Recorded failure to pay the indebtedOS A/K/Aedge and belief of the unon 10/31/2000 as Book No. ness as and when due and SOPOULOSdersigned, the party in pos21585 and Page No. 0199, in the manner provided in the HRISOPOU-session of the property is GWINNETT County, Georgia Note and Security Deed. The Y CHRISO-CECELIA CLEMENT or a tenrecords, as last assigned to debt remaining in default, MISTY K.ant or tenants. Said property is more commonly known as: BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., this sale will be made for the SUCCESSOR BY MERGER purpose of paying the same MORTGAGE918 BRAMBLE WAY, GRAY- following described property: C15 SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, to pay the indebtedfailure FORECLOSURES ness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. Green Tree Servicing LLC is the holder of the Security Deed to the property in accordance with OCGA § 44-14-162.2. The entity that has full authority to negotiate, amend, and modify all terms of the mortgage with the debtor is: Green Tree Servicing LLC, 4250 North Freeway, Fort Worth, TX 76137 877-816-9125. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in possession of the property is John J Costello or a tenant or tenants and said property is more commonly known as 1242 Melton Dr Sw, Lilburn, Georgia 30047. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the security deed. Green Tree Servicing LLC as Attorney in Fact for John J Costello McCalla Raymer, LLC 1544 Old Alabama Road Roswell, Georgia 30076 www.foreclosurehotline.net EXHIBIT “A” ALL THAT TRACT or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 10 of the 5th District of Gwinnett County, Georgia, being Lot 36, Block A, Brookwood Laurel Plantation, Unit One, as per plat recorded in Plat Book 15, page 153, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, which plat is incorporated herein and by this reference made a part hereof. MR/def 5/5/15 Our file no. 5148315–FT17 950-246478, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by Rebecca Craig to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., dated January 13, 2006, recorded in Deed Book 46069, Page 702, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, conveying the after-described property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of ONE HUNDRED NINETY THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED TWELVE AND 0/100 DOLLARS ($190,712.00), with interest thereon as set forth therein, there will be sold at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the courthouse door of Gwinnett County, Georgia, or at such place as may be lawfully designated as an alternative, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in May, 2015, the following described property: SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. is the holder of the Security Deed to the property in accordance with OCGA § 44-14-162.2. The entity that has full authority to negotiate, amend, and modify all terms of the mortgage with the debtor is: Wells Fargo Home Mortgage a div. of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., PO Box 10335, Des Moines, IA 50306 1-800-416-1472. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in possession of the property is Rebecca Craig or a tenant or tenants and said property is more commonly known as 3570 Grand Manor Trail, Snellville, Georgia 30039. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the security deed. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as Attorney in Fact for Rebecca Craig McCalla Raymer, LLC 1544 Old Alabama Road Roswell, Georgia 30076 www.foreclosurehotline.net EXHIBIT “A” All that tract or parcel of Land lying and being in Land Lot 335 of the 4th District of Gwinnett County, Georgia, being Lot 19, Block “A”, Prescott at Mink Livsey f/k/a Mink Livsey Manor, as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 108, Page 251; revised at Plat Book 109, page 36, Gwinnett County Records, which plat is incorporated herein by reference. MR/ajh2 5/5/15 Our file no. 5276908–FT7 950-247329, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by Robert J. Crowley and Kimberly M. Crowley to Mortgage Electronic registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Countrywide Home Loans, Inc., its successors and assigns, dated July 10, 2002, recorded in Deed Book 28116, Page 221, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, as last transferred to Green Tree Servicing LLC by assignment recorded in Deed Book 53317, Page 0653, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, conveying the afterdescribed property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of ONE HUNDRED SIXTY-FIVE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AND 0/100 signs, dated July 10, 2002, recorded in Deed Book 28116, Page 221, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, as last transferred to Green Tree Servicing LLC by assignment recorded in Deed Book 53317, Page 0653, County, Georgia Gwinnett FORECLOSURES Records, conveying the afterdescribed property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SIXTY-FIVE SIX HUNDRED AND 0/100 ($165,600.00), DOLLARS with interest thereon as set forth therein, there will be sold at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the courthouse door of Gwinnett County, Georgia, or at such place as may be lawfully designated as an alternative, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in May, 2015, the following described property: SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. Green Tree Servicing LLC is the holder of the Security Deed to the property in accordance with OCGA § 44-14-162.2. The entity that has full authority to negotiate, amend, and modify all terms of the mortgage with the debtor is: Green Tree Servicing LLC, 4250 North Freeway, Fort Worth, TX 76137 877-816-9125. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in possession of the property is Robert J. Crowley and Kimberly M. Crowley or a tenant or tenants and said property is more commonly known as 826 Johnson Road, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30044. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the security deed. Green Tree Servicing LLC as Attorney in Fact for Robert J. Crowley and Kimberly M. Crowley McCalla Raymer, LLC 1544 Old Alabama Road Roswell, Georgia 30076 www.foreclosurehotline.net EXHIBIT “A” All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 85 of the 5th District of Gwinnett County, Georgia; being Lot 3, Block “C”, Unit Two, Tanners Pointe Subdivision, as per Plat recorded at Plat book 79 Page 96, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records; which is hereby referred to and made a part of this description; being improved property known as 826 Johnson Road according to the present system of numbering houses in Gwinnett County, Georgia. MR/def 5/5/15 Our file no. 52592706–FT17 950-247404, 4/9,16,23,30 STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF GWINNETT NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER IN DEED TO SECURE DEBT Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain Deed to Secure Debt from Nelson W Cruz and Elena Avila Ventura to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for First Magnus Financial Corporation, its successors and assigns, in the original principal amount $142,759.00 dated of 08/07/2007, and recorded in Deed Book 48174, page 76, Gwinnett County records, said Security Deed being last transferred and assigned to Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC in Deed Book 52930, page 646, Gwinnett County records, the undersigned will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the Courthouse door in said County, during the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday of May, 2015 by Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company, as Attorneyin-Fact for Nelson W Cruz and Elena Avila Ventura the following described property: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 159, 6th District, Gwinnett County, Georgia, being Lot 20, Block A, Unit One, Westpoint Subdivision, as per plat recorded in Plat Book 21, Page 30, aforesaid records, which plat is hereby referred to and made a part of this description. Property known as: 879 Cadet Court NW, Lilburn, GA 30047 The indebtedness secured by said Deed to Secure Debt having been declared due and payable because of default in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby, this sale will be made for the purposes of paying the same and all expenses of sale, including attorney’s fees, (notice having been given as provided by law). The property will be sold as the property of Nelson W Cruz and Elena Avila Ventura subject to the following: (1) all prior restrictive covenants, easements, rights-ofway or encumbrances; (2) all valid zoning ordinances; (3) matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey of the property; (4) the outstanding ad valorem taxes and assessments, if any; (5) unpaid water and sewage bills, that constitute liens against the property, whether due and payable or not yet due and payable; and (6) matters of record superior to the security deed first set out above. Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company is the assignee and holder of the Security Deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 44-14-162.2 the name of the person or entity who has the full authority to negotiate, amend, or modify the terms of the aforementioned indebtedness is: Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC 4425 Ponce de Leon Blvd. 5th Floor Coral Gables, FL 33146 PH: 800-959-8229 Please note that, pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 44-14162.2, you are not entitled by law to an amendment or modification of the terms of your loan. To the best of the undersigned’s knowledge and belief, the party in possession is Nelson W Cruz and Elena Avila Ventura. Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company, as Attorneyin-fact for Nelson W Cruz and Elena Avila Ventura. Pendergast & Associates, P.C. 211 Perimeter Center Park- required by law to negotiate, gia Records, which plat is modification of the terms of amend or modify the terms incorporated herein by referyour loan. of the loan. ence and made a part of this To the best of the underSaid property will be sold description. signed’s knowledge and besubject to: (a) any outstandThe debt secured by said lief, the party in possession ing ad valorem taxes (includSecurity Deed has been and and Elena is Nelson W Cruz WWW.GWINNETTDAILYPOST.COM • THURSDAY, APRIL 2015 C15 are a•lien, but ing taxes9,which is hereby declared due beAvila Ventura. not yet due and payable), (b) cause of, among other posBayview Loan Servicing, unpaid water or sewage bills sibleFORECLOSURES events of default, failure a Delaware Limited LiLLC,FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES constitute a lien against thatFORECLOSURES to pay the indebtedness as ability Company, as Attorneythe property whether due and and when due and in the in-fact for Nelson W Cruz and payable or not yet due and manner provided in the Note Elena Avila Ventura. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER payable and which may not and Security Deed. The debt Pendergast & Associates, POWER CONTAINED IN be of record, (c) the right of remaining in default, this sale P.C. SECURITY DEED redemption of any taxing auwill be made for the purpose 211 Perimeter Center ParkSTATE OF GEORGIA, thority, (d) any matters which of paying the same and all way COUNTY OF Gwinnett might be disclosed by an acexpenses of this sale, as Suite 300 Pursuant to a power of curate survey and inspection provided in the Security Deed Atlanta, GA 30346 sale contained in a certain of the property, and (e) any and by law, including attorPhone – 770-392-0398 security deed executed by assessments, liens, encumney’s fees (notice of intent to Toll Free – 866-999-7088 Tanya M. Daniels, hereinbrances, zoning ordinances, collect attorney’s fees having www.penderlaw.com after referred to as Grantor, restrictions, covenants, and been given). Our File No. 15-00358-1 to Mortgage Counseling matters of record superior Said property is commonly 950-247149, 4/9,16,23,30 Services, Inc. recorded in to the Security Deed first set known as 697 Colt Shoals Deed Book 49756, beginout above. Lane, Auburn, GA 30011 at page 531, of the deed ning The sale will be conducted NOTICE OF SALE together with all fixtures and records of the Clerk of the subject to (1) confirmation UNDER POWER. personal property attached Superior Court of the aforethe sale is not prohibited that State of Georgia, to and constituting a part of said state and county, and by under the U.S. Bankruptcy County of GWINNETT. said property, if any. To the virtue of a default under the Code; and (2) final confirmaUnder and by virtue of best knowledge and belief terms of said security deed, tion and audit of the status the Power of Sale contained of the undersigned, the party and the related note, the unof the loan with the holder in a Deed to Secure Debt (or parties) in possession of dersigned attorney-in-fact for of the Security Deed. Purgiven by ISAURA CRUZ the subject property is (are): the aforesaid Grantor (which suant to O.C.G.A. Section GUEVARA AND ALFREDO O Luis A. Cuellar and Noreen attorney-in-fact is the present 9-13-172.1, which allows for ROWLAND to WASHINGTON Gonzalez or tenant or tenholder of said security deed certain procedures regarding MUTUAL BANK, FA , dated ants. and note secured thereby) the rescission of judicial and 07/21/2003, and Recorded Bank of America is the enwill sell at the usual place of non-judicial sales in the State on 09/10/2003 as Book No. tity or individual designated conducting Sheriff’s sales in of Georgia, the Deed Under 34703 and Page No. 0096, who shall have full authorsaid county within the legal Power and other foreclosure GWINNETT County, Georgia ity to negotiate, amend and hours of sale, to the highest documents may not be prorecords, as last assigned to modify all terms of the mortbidder on the first Tuesday vided until final confirmation JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, gage. in May 2015, all property deand audit of the status of the ASSOCIATION NATIONAL Bank of America scribed in said security deed loan as provided immediately (the Secured Creditor), by Home Loan Assistance including but not limited above. assignment, conveying the Dept. to the following described Federal National Mortgage after-described property to 7105 Corporate Drive property: Association (“Fannie Mae”), secure a Note of even date in Plano, TX 75024 All that tract or parcel of corporation organized and a the original principal amount (800) 846-2222 land lying and being in Land existing under the laws of the of $233,200.00, with interest Note, however, that such Lot 157 of the 5th District, States of America as United at the rate specified therein, entity or individual is not Gwinnett County, Georgia, agent and Attorney in Fact for there will be sold by the unrequired by law to negotiate, being Lot 10, Block A, WatA. Darby and Philip Martine dersigned at public outcry to amend or modify the terms son’s Grove Subdivision, D. Darby the highest bidder for cash of the loan. as per plat recorded at Plat Aldridge Connors, LLP, at the GWINNETT County Said property will be sold Book 105, Page 295, Gwin15 Piedmont Center, 3575 Courthouse within the legal subject to: (a) any outstandnett County records, to Road, N.E., Suite Piedmont hours of sale on the first ing ad valorem taxes (includwhich reference is made for 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, Tuesday in May, 2015, the ing taxes which are a lien, but the purpose of incorporating 994-7400. (404) following described property: not yet due and payable), (b) the same as a part herein. 1168-2602A ALL THAT TRACT OR PARunpaid water or sewage bills 3143 Watson Woods Way, THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE CEL OF LAND LYING AND that constitute a lien against Loganville, GA 30052 AS A DEBT COLLECACTING BEING IN LAND LOT 199, the property whether due and Said property will be sold TOR ATTEMPTING TO COL7TH DISTRICT, GWINNETT payable or not yet due and on an “as-is” basis without A DEBT. ANY INFORLECT COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEpayable and which may not any representation, warMATION OBTAINED WILL BE ING LOT 7, BLOCK A, PARbe of record, (c) the right of ranty or recourse against USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. SON’S RIDGE, UNIT ONE, AS redemption of any taxing authe above-named or the un1168-2602A SHOWN ON PLAT RECORDthority, (d) any matters which dersigned. The sale will be 950-247956, 4/9,16,23,30 ED IN PLAT BOOK 27, PAGE might be disclosed by an acsubject to the following items 29, GWINNETT COUNTY, curate survey and inspection which may affect the title: GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH of the property, and (e) any NOTICE OF SALE any outstanding ad valorem PLAT IS INCORPORATED assessments, liens, encumUNDER POWER taxes (including taxes which HEREIN AND MADE A PART brances, zoning ordinances, GEORGIA, are a lien but not yet due and HEREOF BY REFERENCE The restrictions, covenants, and COUNTY GWINNETT payable); any matters which debt secured by said Deed to matters of record superior THIS IS AN ATTEMPT might be disclosed by an acSecure Debt has been and is to the Security Deed first set TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY curate survey and inspection hereby declared due because out above. INFORMATION OBTAINED of the property; any assessof, among other possible The sale will be conducted WILL BE USED FOR THAT ments, liens, encumbrances, events of default, failure to subject to (1) confirmation PURPOSE. zoning ordinances, restricpay the indebtedness as and that the sale is not prohibited Under and by virtue of the tions, and all other matters when due and in the manunder the U.S. Bankruptcy Power of Sale contained in a of record superior to the ner provided in the Note Code; and (2) final confirmaDeed given by DuSecurity said Security Deed. The sale and Deed to Secure Debt. tion and audit of the status ricia L. Davis to Mortgage will be conducted subject Because the debt remains in of the loan with the holder Electronic Registration Sys(1) to confirmation that the default, this sale will be made of the Security Deed. Purtems, Inc., as nominee for sale is not prohibited under for the purpose of paying suant to O.C.G.A. Section Countrywide Home Loans, the U.S. Bankruptcy Code the same and all expenses 9-13-172.1, which allows for Inc., its successors and asand (2) to final confirmation of this sale, as provided in certain procedures regarding signs, dated September 20, and audit of the status of the the Deed to Secure Debt and the rescission of judicial and 2007, recorded in Deed Book loan with the holder of the by law, including attorney’s non-judicial sales in the State 48346, Page 380, Gwinnett Security Deed. State Home fees (notice of intent to colof Georgia, the Deed Under County, Georgia Records, as Mortgage, as loan servicer lect attorney’s fees having Power and other foreclosure last transferred to Wilmingis the entity with full authorbeen given). JPMORGAN documents may not be proton Savings Fund Society, ity to negotiate, amend and CHASE BANK, NATIONAL vided until final confirmation FSB, d/b/a Christiana Trust, modify the terms of the Note ASSOCIATION holds the duly and audit of the status of the not individually but as trustand Security Deed. State endorsed Note and is the loan as provided immediately ee for Pretium Mortgage Home Mortgage’s address current assignee of the Seabove. Acquisition Trust by assignis 60 Executive Park South, curity Deed to the property. BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. ment recorded in Deed Book N. E., Atlanta, GA 30329. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, as agent and Attorney in Fact 53288, Page 7, Gwinnett State Home Mortgage may N.A., acting on behalf of and, for Luis A. Cuellar and NorCounty, Georgia Records, be contacted by telephone at as necessary, in consultation een Gonzalez conveying the after-de404-679-0574. To the best of with JPMORGAN CHASE Aldridge Connors, LLP, scribed property to secure a the undersigned’s knowledge BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIA15 Piedmont Center, 3575 Note in the original principal and belief, the party in posTION (the current investor Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite amount of ONE HUNDRED session of the property is beon the loan), is the entity with 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, NINETY THOUSAND THREE lieved to be Tanya M. Daniels the full authority to negoti(404) 994-7400. HUNDRED NINE AND 0/100 aka Tanya Marie Daniels, or ate, amend, and modify all 1016-667500487A ($190,309.00), DOLLARS tenant(s). terms of the loan. Pursuant THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE with interest thereon as set Georgia Housing and Fito O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECforth therein, there will be nance Authority, as TransJPMORGAN CHASE BANK, TOR ATTEMPTING TO COLsold at public outcry to the feree, Assignee, and Secured N.A. may be contacted at: LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORhighest bidder for cash beCreditor As attorney-in-fact JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, MATION OBTAINED WILL BE fore the courthouse door of for the aforesaid Grantor N.A., 8333 RIDGEPOINT USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Gwinnett County, Georgia, Campbell & Brannon, LLC DRIVE, IRVING, TX 75063, 1016-667500487A or at such place as may be Attorneys at Law 866-550-5705. Please note 950-246847, 4/9,16,23,30 lawfully designated as an Glenridge Highlands II that, pursuant to O.C.G.A. alternative, within the legal 5565 Glenridge Connector, § 44-14-162.2, the secured STATE OF GEORGIA hours of sale on the first Suite 350 creditor is not required to COUNTY OF GWINNETT Tuesday in May, 2015, the Atlanta, GA 30342 amend or modify the terms NOTICE OF SALE following described property: (770) 392-0041 of the loan. To the best UNDER POWER SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE knowledge and belief of the Because of a default in the HERETO AND MADE A PART HELD TO BE ACTING AS A undersigned, the party/parpayment of the indebtedness The debt secured HEREOF DEBT COLLECTOR, UNDER ties in possession of the subsecured by a Security Deed by said Security Deed has FEDERAL LAW. IF SO, ANY ject property known as 3368 executed by Sandra L. Burke been and is hereby declared INFORMATION OBTAINED PARSONS RIDGE LANE, DUto Mortgage Electronic Regdue because of, among other WILL BE USED FOR THAT LUTH, GEORGIA 30097 is/ istration Systems, Inc. as possible events of default, PURPOSE. are: ISAURA CRUZ GUEVARA nominee for Home America failure to pay the indebted950-247888, 4/9,16,23,30 AND ALFREDO O ROWLAND Mortgage, Inc., and its sucness as and when due and or tenant/tenants. Said propcessors and assigns dated in the manner provided in the NOTICE OF SALE erty will be sold subject to (a) December 7, 2006, and reNote and Security Deed. The UNDER POWER, any outstanding ad valorem corded in Deed Book 45637, debt remaining in default, GWINNETT COUNTY taxes (including taxes which Page 94, Gwinnett County this sale will be made for the Pursuant to the Power of are a lien, but not yet due Records, securing a Note in purpose of paying the same Sale contained in a Security and payable), (b) any matters the original principal amount and all expenses of this sale, Deed given by Martine A. which might be disclosed of $192,429.00, the holder as provided in Security Deed Darby and Philip D. Darby by an accurate survey and thereof pursuant to said Deed and by law, including attorto Mortgage Electronic Reginspection of the property, and Note thereby secured has ney’s fees (notice of intent to istration Systems, Inc. as and (c) all matters of record declared the entire amount of collect attorney’s fees having nominee for Countrywide superior to the Deed to Sesaid indebtedness due and been given). Said property Home Loans, Inc. dated cure Debt first set out above, payable and, pursuant to the will be sold subject to any 8/6/2004 and recorded in including, but not limited to, power of sale contained in outstanding ad valorem taxes Deed Book 39479 Page 126, assessments, liens, encumsaid Deed, will on the first (including taxes which are Gwinnett County, Georgia rebrances, zoning ordinances, Tuesday, May 5, 2015, during a lien, but not yet due and cords; as last transferred to easements, restrictions, covthe legal hours of sale, before payable), any matters which acquired by Federal Naor enants, etc. The sale will the Courthouse door in said might be disclosed by an Mortgage Association tional be conducted subject to (1) County, sell at public outcry accurate survey and inspec(“Fannie Mae”), a corporaconfirmation that the sale is to the highest bidder for tion of the property, any organized and existing tion not prohibited under the U.S. cash, the property described assessments, liens, encumunder the laws of the United Bankruptcy Code; and (2) in said Deed, to-wit: brances, zoning ordinances, States of America, conveyfinal confirmation and audit ALL THAT TRACT OR restrictions, covenants, and the after-described proping of the status of the loan with PARCEL OF LAND LYING matters of record superior erty to secure a Note in the the holder of the security AND BEING IN LAND LOT to the Security Deed first set principal amount of original deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. 35 OF THE 5TH DISTRICT out above. Wilmington Sav273,911.00, with interest $ Section 9-13-172.1, which OF GWINNETT COUNTY, ings Fund Society, FSB, at the rate specified therein, allows for certain procedures GEORGIA, BEING LOT 73, d/b/a Christiana Trust, not will be sold by the unthere regarding the rescission of BLOCK A, MEADOW BROOK individually but as trustee for dersigned at public outcry to judicial and nonjudicial sales RIDGE SUBDIVISION, UNIT Pretium Mortgage Acquisithe highest bidder for cash in the State of Georgia, the 3, AS PER PLAT THEREOF tion Trust is the holder of the the Courthouse door before Deed Under Power and other RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK Security Deed to the property of Gwinnett County, Georgia, foreclosure documents may 104, PAGE 29, GWINNETT in accordance with OCGA § the legal hours of sale within not be provided until final COUNTY RECORDS, WHICH 44-14-162.2. The entity that May 05, 2015 (being the on confirmation and audit of the PLAT IS INCORPORATED has full authority to negotifirst Tuesday of said month status of the loan as provided HEREIN BY REFERENCE. ate, amend, and modify all said date falls on a unless in the preceding paragraph. Said property is known terms of the mortgage with Federal Holiday), the followJPMORGAN CHASE BANK, as 3096 Pate Creek View, the debtor is: Rushmore ing described property: NATIONAL ASSOCIATION as Snellville, GA 30078, toLoan Management Services, that tract or parcel of All Attorney in Fact for ISAURA gether with all fixtures and LLC, 7515 Irvine Center land lying and being in Land CRUZ GUEVARA AND ALpersonal property attached Drive 1st Floor, Irvine, CA 53 of the 5th District, Lot FREDO O ROWLAND. THIS to and constituting a part of 92618 888-504-7300. To the County, Georgia, Gwinnett LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS said property, if any. best knowledge and belief of being Lot 37, Block A, of A DEBT COLLECTOR ATSaid property will be sold the undersigned, the party in Patterson Mill, as per plat TEMPTING TO COLLECT subject to any outstanding possession of the property is recorded in Plat Book 94, A DEBT. ANY INFORMAad valorem taxes (including Duricia L. Davis or a tenant Page 252, Gwinnett County TION OBTAINED WILL BE taxes which are a lien, whethor tenants and said property which plat is incorRecords, USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. er or not now due and payis more commonly known porated herein by reference 20130177600220 BARRETT able), the right of redempas 3545 Park Hill Circle, made a part hereof, beand DAFFIN FRAPPIER LEVINE & tion of any taxing authority, Loganville, Georgia 30052. improved property known ing BLOCK, LLP 15000 Surveyor any matters which might be The sale will be conducted as 1930 Patterson Mill Court, Boulevard Addison, Texas disclosed by an accurate subject (1) to confirmation according to the present sys75001 Telephone: (972) survey and inspection of the that the sale is not prohibited tem of numbering houses in 341-5398. property, any assessments, under the U.S. Bankruptcy Cobb County, Georgia. 950-247873, 4/9,16,23,30 liens, encumbrances, zoning Code and (2) to final conThe debt secured by said ordinances, restrictions, covfirmation and audit of the Security Deed has been and enants, and matters of record status of the loan with the is hereby declared due beNOTICE OF SALE superior to the Security Deed holder of the security deed. cause of, among other posUNDER POWER, first set out above. Wilmington Savings Fund sible events of default, failure GWINNETT COUNTY The proceeds of said sale Society, FSB, d/b/a Christiana to pay the indebtedness as Pursuant to the Power of will be applied to the payTrust, not individually but as and when due and in the Sale contained in a Secument of said indebtedness trustee for Pretium Mortgage manner provided in the Note rity Deed given by Luis A. and all expenses of said sale Acquisition Trust as Attorney and Security Deed. The debt Cuellar and Noreen Gonzaas provided in said Deed, in Fact for Duricia L. Davis remaining in default, this sale lez to Mortgage Electronic and the balance, if any, will McCalla Raymer, LLC 1544 will be made for the purpose Registration Systems, Inc. be distributed as provided Old Alabama Road Roswell, of paying the same and all as nominee for Broker by law. Georgia 30076 www.forecloexpenses of this sale, as Soultions, Inc. DBA New The sale will be conducted surehotline.net EXHIBIT “A” provided in the Security Deed American Funding dated subject (1) to confirmation All that tract or parcel of land and by law, including attor8/26/2010 and recorded in that the sale is not prohibited lying and being in Land Lot ney’s fees (notice of intent to Deed Book 50319 Page 390, under the U.S. Bankruptcy 63 of the 5th District, Gwincollect attorney’s fees having Gwinnett County, Georgia Code and (2) to final connett County, Georgia, being been given). records; as last transferred firmation and audit of the Lot 362, Block K, The Park at Said property is commonly to or acquired by BANK OF status of the loan with the Haynes Creek, Unit 3, as per known as 1930 Patterson AMERICA, N.A., conveying secured creditor. plat recorded in Plat Book Mill Court, Lawrenceville, the after-described propThe property is or may be 114, Page 57-58, Gwinnett GA 30044 together with all erty to secure a Note in the in the possession of Sandra County records, which plat fixtures and personal proporiginal principal amount of Dandridge, a/k/a Sandra L. is incorporated herein and erty attached to and consti$ 223,947.00, with interest Burke, successor in interest made a part hereof by refertuting a part of said property, at the rate specified therein, or tenant(s). ence. MR/jgn 5/5/15 Our file if any. To the best knowledge there will be sold by the unSelene Finance LP as no. 52648409–FT8 and belief of the underdersigned at public outcry to Attorney-in-Fact for Sandra 950-247109, 4/9,16,23,30 signed, the party (or parties) the highest bidder for cash L. Burke in possession of the subject before the Courthouse door File no. 15-051467 property is (are): Philip D. NOTICE OF SALE of Gwinnett County, Georgia, SHAPIRO, SWERTFEGER Darby and Martine A. Darby UNDER POWER within the legal hours of sale & HASTY, LLP* or tenant or tenants. GEORGIA, on May 05, 2015 (being the Attorneys and Counselors Seterus, Inc. is the entity GWINNETT COUNTY first Tuesday of said month at Law or individual designated who THIS IS AN ATTEMPT unless said date falls on a 2872 Woodcock Blvd., shall have full authority to neTO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY Federal Holiday), the followSuite 100 gotiate, amend and modify all INFORMATION OBTAINED ing described property: Atlanta, GA 30341-3941 terms of the mortgage. WILL BE USED FOR THAT All that tract or parcel of (770) 220-2535/CH Seterus, Inc. PURPOSE. land lying and being in Land www.swertfeger.net Loss Mitigation Under and by virtue of the Lot 3 of the 2nd District, *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTPO Box 4121 Power of Sale contained in Gwinnett County, Georgia, ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. Beaverton, OR 97076-4121 a Security Deed given by being Lot 35, Block A, SadANY INFORMATION OB866.570.5277 James W Davis and Myidlebrook Farm Subdivision, TAINED WILL BE USED FOR Note, however, that such sha G Barnard to Mortgage Unit III, as per plat recorded THAT PURPOSE. entity or individual is not Electronic Registration Sysin Plat Book 112, Page 282[FC-NOS], 950-247942, required by law to negotiate, 287, Gwinnett County, Geortems, Inc. as nominee for 4/9,16,23,30 amend or modify the terms gia Records, which plat is Countrywide Home Loans, of the loan. incorporated herein by referInc. dba America’s WholeSaid property will be sold ence and made a part of this sale Lender, dated May 2, subject to: (a) any outstanddescription. 2007, recorded in Deed Book ing ad valorem taxes (includThe debt secured by said 47870, Page 526, Gwinnett ing taxes which are a lien, but Security Deed has been and County, Georgia Records, as not yet due and payable), (b) is hereby declared due belast transferred to The Bank unpaid water or sewage bills cause of, among other posof New York Mellon FKA The that constitute a lien against sible events of default, failure Bank of New York, as Trustee the property whether due and to pay the indebtedness as for the benefit of the certifipayable or not yet due and and when due and in the cateholders of the CWABS, payable and which may not manner provided in the Note Inc., ASSET-BACKED CERbe of record, (c) the right of and Security Deed. The debt TIFICATES, SERIES 2007-9 redemption of any taxing auremaining in default, this sale by assignment recorded thority, (d) any matters which will be made for the purpose in Deed Book 51178, Page tems, Inc. as nominee for is: JPMorgan Chase Bank, one or more parcels and in Home Loans, LEGALS_Classifieds Countrywide 0409 GDP THURS 4/7/2015 7:36 PM Page C16 National Association, 3415 such order as the holder of Inc. dba America’s WholeVision Drive, Columbus, OH the Security Deed may desale Lender, dated May 2, 43219 800-446-8939. To the termine. 2007, recorded in Deed Book best knowledge and belief of Upon information and 47870, Page 526, Gwinnett the undersigned, in C16 •Georgia THURSDAY, 9, 2015the•party WWW.GWINNETTDAILYPOST.COM belief, said real property is Records, as APRIL County, possession of the property is presently in the possession last transferred to The Bank Charles L Davis or a tenant or or control of DUCKENS DELof New York Mellon FKA The tenants and said property is AND GILBERTE DELISFORT of New York, as Trustee Bank FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES more commonly known as ISFORT and the proceeds of for the benefit of the certifi1518 Sisters Court, Lawsaid sale will be applied to cateholders of the CWABS, renceville, Georgia 30043. the payment of said indebtInc., ASSET-BACKED CERSTATE OF GEORGIA The sale will be conducted edness and all the expenses TIFICATES, SERIES 2007-9 COUNTY OF GWINNETT subject (1) to confirmation of said sale, including attorby assignment recorded NOTICE OF SALE that the sale is not prohibited ney’s fees, all as provided in in Deed Book 51178, Page UNDER POWER under the U.S. Bankruptcy Security Deed and the said 30, Gwinnett County, GeorBecause of a default in the Code and (2) to final conexcess proceeds, if any, will gia Records, conveying the payment of the indebtedfirmation and audit of the be distributed as provided after-described property to ness secured by that certain status of the loan with the by law. secure a Note in the original Security Deed, dated April holder of the security deed. GREEN TREE SERVICING principal amount of ONE 8, 2003, executed by DuckWells Fargo Bank National LLC HUNDRED THIRTY-FOUR ens Delisfort and Gilberte Association, as Trustee for as Attorney-in-Fact for THOUSAND AND 0/100 Delisfort to MORTGAGE Carrington Mortgage Loan DELISFORT DUCKENS DOLLARS ($134,000.00), REGISTRAELECTRONIC Trust, Series 2007-FRE1, GILBERTE DELISFORT AND with interest thereon as set TION SYSTEMS, INC. as Asset-Backed Pass-Through Ellis, Painter, Ratterree & forth therein, there will be nominee for Green Tree Certificates as Attorney in Adams LLP sold at public outcry to the Servicing LLC, recorded in Fact for Charles L Davis 2 East Bryan Street, 10th highest bidder for cash beDeed Book 32079, Page 181, McCalla Raymer, LLC 1544 Floor fore the courthouse door of Gwinnett County, Georgia Old Alabama Road Roswell, Savannah, Georgia 31401 Gwinnett County, Georgia, Deed Records, and securing Georgia 30076 www.fore(912) 233-9700 or at such place as may be a Note in the original princiclosurehotline.net EXHIBIT THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE lawfully designated as an pal amount of $197,600.00, “A” THE FOLLOWING DETO COLLECT ATTEMPTING alternative, within the legal said Security Deed last havSCRIBED REAL PROPERTY A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION hours of sale on the first ing been assigned to GREEN SITUATE IN THE CITY OF OBTAINED WILL BE USED Tuesday in May, 2015, the TREE SERVICING LLC, the LAWRENCEVILLE COUNTY FOR THAT PURPOSE. following described property: current holder thereof, has OF GWINNETT, AND STATE 950-248338, 4/9,16,23,30 SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED declared the entire amount of OF GEORGIA, TO WIT: ALL. HERETO AND MADE A PART said indebtedness evidenced THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF STATE OF GEORGIA HEREOF The debt secured by the Note immediately due LAND LYING AND BEING IN COUNTY OF GWINNETT by said Security Deed has and payable and, pursuant to LAND LOT 34 OF THE 7TH NOTICE OF SALE been and is hereby declared the power of sale contained LAND DISTRICT OF GWINUNDER POWER due because of, among other in said Security Deed, will, NETT COUNTY GEORGIA, Because of a default in the possible events of default, on the first Tuesday in May, BEING LOT 82, BLOCK A payment of the indebtedness failure to pay the indebted2015 to-wit: May 5, 2015, UNIT THREE, JACKSON’S secured by a Security Deed ness as and when due and during the legal hours of sale, TOWNSHIP, AS SHOWN ON executed by Mary Lou Denin the manner provided in the before the Gwinnett County PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT nis to Wells Fargo Bank, Note and Security Deed. The Courthouse door, sell at HOOK 46, PAGE 35 GWINN.A. dated January 4, 2012, debt remaining in default, public outcry to the highest NETT COUNTY RECORDS. and recorded in Deed Book this sale will be made for the bidder for cash, the following WHICH PLAT IS INCORPO51182, Page 348, Gwinnett purpose of paying the same described real property: RATED HEREIN AND MADE County Records, securing a and all expenses of this sale, All that tract or parcel of A PART HEREOF BY REFNote in the original principal as provided in Security Deed land lying and being in Land ERENCE. TAX ID#: R 7034amount of $170,050.00, the and by law, including attorLot 2 of the 7th District, 216 BY FEE SIMPLE DEED holder thereof pursuant to ney’s fees (notice of intent to Gwinnett County, Georgia, FROM GARRY R. DAVIS AS said Deed and Note thereby collect attorney’s fees having being part of Lot 30, Block D, SET FORTH IN DEED BOOK secured has declared the been given). Said property Sycamore Crossing Subdivi46423, PAGE 0375 AND entire amount of said indebtwill be sold subject to any sion, Phase Two, and being RECORDED ON 4/25/2006. edness due and payable and, outstanding ad valorem taxes more particularly described GWINNETT COUNTY REpursuant to the power of sale (including taxes which are as follows: CORDS. THE SOURCE DEED contained in said Deed, will a lien, but not yet due and Begin at an iron pin on the AS STATED ABOVE IS THE on the first Tuesday, May 5, payable), any matters which Southern Right-of-Way of RECORD OF VESTING LAST 2015, during the legal hours might be disclosed by an acSummerfield Court (50 foot FILED FOR THIS PROPERTY. of sale, before the Courtcurate survey and inspection Right- of- Way) 101.67 feet THERE HAVE BEEN NO VESThouse door in said County, of the property, any assessfrom the intersection of the ING CHANGES SINCE THE sell at public outcry to the ments, liens, encumbrances, Right-of-Way of Summerfield DATE OF THE ABOVE REFERhighest bidder for cash, the zoning ordinances, restricCourt and the Right-of-Way ENCED SOURCE. 24 MONTH property described in said tions, covenants, and matof Wyndham Place Circle CHAIN BY FEE SIMPLE DEED Deed, to-wit: ters of record superior to the (50 foot Right-of-Way) (said FROM GARRY R. DAVIS AND All that tract or parcel of Security Deed first set out point also being the NorthSHARON SPEAS DAVIS TO land lying and being in Land above. The Bank of New York western corner of Lot 30 GARRY R. DAVIS AS SET Lot 58 of the 7th District, Mellon FKA The Bank of New and the Northeastern corner FORTH IN BOOK 9974, PAGE Gwinnett County, Georgia, York, as Trustee for the cerof Lot 31, aforesaid Block, 8 AND RECORDED 2/7/1994, being Lot 114, Block A, tificateholders of the CWABS, Phase and Subdivision) GWINNETT COUNTY RECharleston Park, Unit One, Inc., ASSET-BACKED CERand run thence NortheastCORDS. MR/hq1 5/5/15 Our as per plat thereof recorded TIFICATES, SERIES 2007-9 erly along the Southeastern file no. 5305314 - FT3 in Plat Book 76, Page 139, is the holder of the Security Right-of-Way of Summer950-247904, 4/9,16,23,30 Gwinnett County Records, Deed to the property in acfield Court, an arc distance which plat is hereby incorcordance with OCGA § 44of 41.44 feet (said arc being NOTICE OF SALE porated by reference thereto 14-162.2. The entity that has subtended by a chord bearUNDER POWER and made a part of this defull authority to negotiate, ing North 45 degrees 48 GEORGIA, scription. amend, and modify all terms minutes 24 seconds East GWINNETT COUNTY BEING the same property of the mortgage with the and having a chord distance By virtue of a Power of conveyed to Mary Lou Dendebtor is: Specialized Loan of 40.26 feet) to an iron pin; Sale contained in that certain from Salesforce, Inc., by nis Servicing, 8742 Lucent Blvd run thence South 67 degrees Security Deed from ADDIE Warranty Deed dated March STE 300, Highlands Ranch, 56 minutes 02 seconds East AND KENNETH C. DADAVIS 26, 2009, and recorded CO 80129 800-306-6059. along the common line dividVIS to Mortgage Electronic on April 17, 2009, in Book To the best knowledge and ing Lot 29 and Lot 30, Block Registration Systems, Inc. 49418, Page 359, as Instrubelief of the undersigned, the D, of the aforesaid subdivinominee for Pine State as ment No. 0033398 among party in possession of the sion and phase, a distance of Mortgage Corporation, A the Land Records of Gwinproperty is James W Davis 88.66 feet to an iron pin set; Georgia Corporation, dated nett County, Georgia. and Myisha G Barnard or a run thence South 33 degrees March 20, 2008, recorded Said property is known tenant or tenants and said 04 minutes 40 seconds West, April 17, 2008, in Deed as 1250 Heatherton Road, property is more commonly a distance of 18.66 feet to an Book 48786, Page 0486, , Dacula, GA 30019, together known as 4290 Ivy Fork Dr, iron pin set; run thence South Gwinnett County, Georgia with all fixtures and personal Loganville, Georgia 30052. 05 degrees 28 minutes 47 Records, said Security Deed property attached to and conThe sale will be conducted seconds West, a distance of having been given to secure stituting a part of said propsubject (1) to confirmation 67.68 feet to an iron pin set; a Note of even date in the erty, if any. that the sale is not prohibited run thence South 13 degrees original principal amount Said property will be sold under the U.S. Bankruptcy 35 minutes 44 seconds East, of Two Hundred Thirty-Two subject to any outstanding Code and (2) to final cona distance of 15.41 feet to Thousand Two Hundred ad valorem taxes (including firmation and audit of the an iron pin set; run thence Fifty-Four and 00/100 doltaxes which are a lien, whethstatus of the loan with the South 04 degrees 49 minutes lars ($232,254.00), with er or not now due and payholder of the security deed. 00 seconds West, a distance interest thereon as provided able), the right of redempThe Bank of New York Mellon of 22.96 feet to an iron pin for therein, said Security tion of any taxing authority, FKA The Bank of New York, set on the Northern Right-ofDeed having been last sold, any matters which might be as Trustee for the certificateWay of Sycamore Wood Lane assigned and transferred to disclosed by an accurate holders of the CWABS, Inc., (50 foot Right-of-Way) run Bayview Loan Servicing, survey and inspection of the ASSET-BACKED CERTIFIthence Southwesterly along LLC, A Delaware Limited Liproperty, any assessments, CATES, SERIES 2007-9 as the Northern Right-of-Way ability Company , there will liens, encumbrances, zoning Attorney in Fact for James W of Sycamore Wood Lane, an be sold at public outcry to the ordinances, restrictions, covDavis and Myisha G Barnard arc distance of 34.63 feet highest bidder for cash at the enants, and matters of record McCalla Raymer, LLC 1544 (said arc being subtended by Gwinnett County Courthouse, superior to the Security Deed Old Alabama Road Roswell, a chord bearing South 75 dewithin the legal hours of sale first set out above. Georgia 30076 www.fore01 minute 54 seconds grees on the first Tuesday in May, The proceeds of said sale closurehotline.net EXHIBIT and having a chord West 2015, all property described will be applied to the pay“A” All that tract or parcel of distance of 33.85 feet) to a in said Security Deed includment of said indebtedness land lying and being in Land continue thence along point; ing but not limited to the foland all expenses of said sale Lot 273 of the 4th District, the Northern Right-of-Way of lowing described property: as provided in said Deed, Gwinnett County, Georgia, Sycamore Wood Lane, an arc ALL THAT TRACT OR PARand the balance, if any, will being Lot 12, Block A, Ivy of 12.84 feet (said distance CEL OF LAND LYING AND be distributed as provided Fork Subdivision, as per plat arc being subtended by a BEING IN LAND LOT 64 OF by law. recorded in Plat Book 103, bearing South 79 dechord THE 5TH DISTRICT, GWINThe sale will be conducted Pages 251-252, Gwinnett grees 46 minutes 09 seconds NETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, subject (1) to confirmation County, Georgia Records, West and having a chord AND BEING LOT 49, BLOCK that the sale is not prohibited which plat is incorporated of 12.45 feet) to a distance A, OAK FIELD SUBDIVISION, under the U.S. Bankruptcy herein by reference thereto. point; continue thence along AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN Code and (2) to final conMR/bdr1 5/5/15 Our file no. the Northern Right-of-Way PLAT BOOK 111, PAGE 292firmation and audit of the 527615 - FT1 Sycamore Wood Lane, an of 295, GWINNETT COUNTY, status of the loan with the 950-247099, 4/9,16,23,30 arc distance of 37.12 feet GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH secured creditor. arc being subtended (said RECORDED PLAT IS INThe property is or may be a chord bearing North by NOTICE OF SALE CORPORATED HEREIN BY in the possession of Mary 77 degrees 52 minutes 58 UNDER POWER REFERENCE FOR A MORE Lou Dennis, a/k/a Mary DenWest and having a seconds GEORGIA, COMPLETE DESCRIPTION nis, successor in interest or chord distance of 37.12 feet) GWINNETT COUNTY OF SAID PROPERTY. tenant(s). to an iron pin at the SouthTHIS IS AN ATTEMPT Said legal description beWells Fargo Bank, NA as corner of Lot 30 western TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY ing controlling, however the Attorney-in-Fact for Mary and the Southeastern corner INFORMATION OBTAINED property is more commonly Lou Dennis Lot 31, aforesaid block, of WILL BE USED FOR THAT known as 1835 Logan Ridge File no. 15-050874 subdivision and phase, run PURPOSE. Circle, Loganville, GA SHAPIRO, SWERTFEGER Under and by virtue of the thence along the common 30052. & HASTY, LLP* dividing Lot 30 and 31, Power of Sale contained in line The indebtedness secured Attorneys and Counselors a Security Deed given by aforesaid block, subdivision by said Security Deed has at Law Charles L Davis to Mortand phase, North 09 degrees been and is hereby declared 2872 Woodcock Blvd., gage Electronic Registration minutes 00 seconds East, 57 due because of default under Suite 100 Systems, Inc., as nominee a distance of 61.80 feet to an the terms of said Security Atlanta, GA 30341-3941 pin; run thence north for Fremont Investment & iron Deed and Note. The indebt(770) 220-2535/KLM Loan, its successors and as20 degrees 27 minutes 10 edness remaining in default, www.swertfeger.net signs, dated November 17, seconds West, a distance of this sale will be made for the *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTfeet to an iron pin on 2006, recorded in Deed Book 73.00 purpose of paying the same, ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. 50357, Page 365, Gwinnett the Southern Right-of-Way all expenses of the sale, ANY INFORMATION OBSummerfield Court and the County, Georgia Records, of including attorneys’ fees TAINED WILL BE USED FOR as last transferred to Wells POINT OF BEGINNING. (notice to collect same havTHAT PURPOSE. Fargo Bank National AssociAll as shown on Plat of ing been given) and all other [FC-NOS], 950-247980, prepared by EDJ ation, as Trustee for the CerSurvey payments provided for under 4/9,16,23,30 & Surveyors, tificateholders of Carrington Engineers the terms of the Security Mortgage Loan Trust, Series Inc., dated September 19, Deed and Note. STATE OF GEORGIA 2007-FRE1 by assignment 1994, entitled “Property of Said property will be sold COUNTY OF GWINNETT recorded in Deed Book J. Chris Weaver and Tracey on an “as-is” basis without NOTICE OF SALE Weaver.” and recorded in 51025, Page 460, Gwinnett D. any representation, warUNDER POWER Book 58 Page 93, GwinCounty, Georgia Records, Plat ranty or recourse against the IN DEED TO SECURE DEBT conveying the after-denett County Records. above-named or the underUnder and by virtue of the is the same real scribed property to secure a This signed. The sale will also be power of sale contained in Note in the original principal property conveyed by Warsubject to the following items that certain Deed to Secure amount of ONE HUNDRED ranty Deed on September which may affect the title: Debt from Cheryl Denise FORTY THOUSAND TWO 29, 1994, from Richardsonany outstanding ad valorem Desbordes and David A Properties Inc., to J. HUNDRED FIFTY AND 0/100 Outler taxes (including taxes which Desbordes aka David Des($140,250.00), DOLLARS Chris Weaver and Tracey D. are a lien, whether or not now bordes to CitiMortgage, with interest thereon as set Weaver, as Joint Tenants with due and payable); the right of Inc. in the original principal forth therein, there will be the Right of Survivorship redemption of any taxing auamount of $400,000.00 sold at public outcry to the and recorded in Book 10747 thority; matters which would dated 01/20/2005, and rehighest bidder for cash bePage 251, Gwinnett County be disclosed by an accurate corded in Deed Book 41546, fore the courthouse door of Records. survey or by an inspection of 176, Gwinnett County page Gwinnett County, Georgia, The aforedescribed real the property; all zoning ordirecords, said Security Deed or at such place as may be property is also known as nances; assessments; liens; last transferred and asbeing lawfully designated as an 2686 Summerfi eld Ct., encumbrances; restrictions; signed to MRH SUB I, LLC in alternative, within the legal Lawrenceville, GA 30044, covenants, and any other Deed Book 52750, page 92, hours of sale on the first according to the present sysmatters of record superior to Gwinnett County records, the Tuesday in May, 2015, the tem of numbering houses in said Security Deed. undersigned will sell at public following described property: Gwinnett County, Georgia. To the best of the knowloutcry to the highest bidder SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED This sale will be conducted edge and belief of the unfor cash before the CourtHERETO AND MADE A PART subject (1) to confirmation dersigned, the owner and house door in said County, HEREOF The debt secured that the sale is not prohibited party in possession of the during the legal hours of by said Security Deed has under the U.S. Bankruptcy property is ADDIE DAVIS sale, on the first Tuesday of been and is hereby declared Code and (2) to final confirAND KENNETH C. DAVIS, or May, 2015 by MRH Sub I, due because of, among other mation and audit as to the tenants(s). LLC, as Attorney-in-Fact for possible events of default, amount and status of the The sale will be conducted Cheryl Denise Desbordes and failure to pay the indebtedloan with the holder of the subject (1) to confirmation David A Desbordes aka David ness as and when due and Security Deed, including but that the sale is not prohibited Desbordes the following dein the manner provided in the not limited to, a determinaunder the U.S. Bankruptcy scribed property: Note and Security Deed. The tion that the borrower has Code and (2) to final confirAll that tract or parcel of debt remaining in default, not reinstated the loan prior mation and audit of the staland lying and being in Land this sale will be made for the to the foreclosure sale. tus of the loan with the holder Lot 18 of the 6th District of purpose of paying the same The name, address and of the Security Deed. Gwinnett County, Georgia, and all expenses of this sale, telephone number of the The entity having full aubeing Lot 25, Block “B”, as provided in Security Deed individual or entity with full thority to negotiate, amend Lockwolde Subdivision, Unit and by law, including attorauthority to negotiate, amend or modify all terms of the Three, as per plat thereof reney’s fees (notice of intent to and modify all terms of the loan (although not required corded in Plat Book 42, Page collect attorney’s fees having Note and Security Deed is by law to do so) is: BAYVIEW 43, Gwinnett County records, been given). Said property Green Tree Servicing LLC, LOAN SERVICING,LLC, Loss which plat is incorporated will be sold subject to any Attn: Loss Mitigation, 7360 Mitigation Dept., 4425 Ponce herein by reference. outstanding ad valorem taxes S. Kyrene Road, Mail Stop de Leon Blvd., 5th Floor, Property known as: 3551 (including taxes which are P-214, Tempe, AZ 85283. Coral Gables, FL 33146, Kilpatrick Lane, Snellville, a lien, but not yet due and The telephone number is Telephone Number: 800GA 30039 payable), any matters which (877) 337-4141. The fax 771-0299. The indebtedness secured might be disclosed by an acnumber is (877) 265-9717. BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICby said Deed to Secure Debt curate survey and inspection Said real property will ING, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMhaving been declared due of the property, any assessbe sold subject to any outITED LIABILITY COMPANY and payable because of dements, liens, encumbrances, standing ad valorem taxes as Attorney in Fact for fault in the payment of the inzoning ordinances, restric(including taxes which are a ADDIE DAVIS AND KENdebtedness secured thereby, tions, covenants, and matlien, but not yet due and payNETH C. DAVIS this sale will be made for the ters of record superior to the able), the right of redemption THE BELOW LAW FIRM purposes of paying the same Security Deed first set out of any taxing authority, any MAY BE HELD TO BE ACTand all expenses of sale, above. Wells Fargo Bank Namatters which might be disING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR, including attorney’s fees, tional Association, as Trustee closed by an accurate survey UNDER FEDERAL LAW. IF (notice having been given as for Carrington Mortgage and inspection of the real SO, ANY INFORMATION OBprovided by law). Loan Trust, Series 2007property, any assessments, TAINED WILL BE USED FOR The property will be sold as FRE1, Asset-Backed Passliens, encumbrances, zoning THAT PURPOSE. the property of Cheryl Denise Through Certificates is the ordinances, restrictions, covAttorney Contact: Rubin Desbordes and David A Desholder of the Security Deed enants, and matters of record Lublin, LLC, 3740 Davinci bordes aka David Desbordes to the property in accordance superior to the Security Deed Court, Suite 150, Peachtree subject to the following: with OCGA § 44-14-162.2. first set out above. Corners, GA 30092 (1) all prior restrictive covThe entity that has full auTo the extent that said real Telephone Number: (877) enants, easements, rights-ofthority to negotiate, amend, property is comprised of 813-0992 Case No. BVC-12way or encumbrances; (2) and modify all terms of the more than one parcel, said 03958-20 all valid zoning ordinances; mortgage with the debtor real property will be sold in Ad Run Dates 04/09/2015, (3) matters which would be is: JPMorgan Chase Bank, one or more parcels and in 04/16/2015, 04/23/2015, disclosed by an accurate National Association, 3415 such order as the holder of 04/30/2015 survey of the property; (4) Vision Drive, Columbus, OH the Security Deed may dew w w. r u b i n l u b l i n . c o m / the outstanding ad valorem 43219 800-446-8939. To the termine. property-listings.php taxes and assessments, if best knowledge and belief of Upon information and 950-246853, 4/9,16,23,30 any; (5) unpaid water and the undersigned, the party in belief, said real property is sewage bills, that constitute possession of the property is presently in the possession liens against the property, Charles L Davis or a tenant or or control of DUCKENS DELwhether due and payable or tenants and said property is ISFORT AND GILBERTE DELnot yet due and payable; and more commonly known as ISFORT and the proceeds of (6) matters of record supe1518 Sisters Court, Lawsaid sale will be applied to rior to the security deed first renceville, Georgia 30043. the payment of said indebtset out above. The sale will be conducted edness and all the expenses MRH Sub I, LLC is the subject (1) to confirmation of said sale, including attorassignee and holder of the that the sale is not prohibited ney’s fees, all as provided in all valid zoning ordinances; (3) matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey of the property; (4) the outstanding ad valorem taxes and assessments, if any; (5) unpaid water and sewage bills, that constitute liens against the property, FORECLOSURES due and payable or whether not yet due and payable; and (6) matters of record superior to the security deed first set out above. MRH Sub I, LLC is the assignee and holder of the Security Deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 44-14162.2 the name of the person or entity who has the full authority to negotiate, amend, or modify the terms of the aforementioned indebtedness is: Mariners 1303 Avocado Ave. Suite 200 Newport Beach, CA 92660 PH: 855-271-0504 Please note that, pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 44-14162.2, you are not entitled by law to an amendment or modification of the terms of your loan. To the best of the undersigned’s knowledge and belief, the party in possession is Cheryl Denise Desbordes and David A Desbordes aka David Desbordes. MRH Sub I, LLC, as Attorney-in-fact for Cheryl Denise Desbordes and David A Desbordes aka David Desbordes. Pendergast & Associates, P.C. 211 Perimeter Center Parkway Suite 300 Atlanta, GA 30346 Phone – 770-392-0398 Toll Free – 866-999-7088 www.penderlaw.com Our File No. 14-04145-1 950-247869, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER, GWINNETT COUNTY Pursuant to the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by Darrell Devane and Mary Devane to Mortgage Electronic Systems, Registrations Inc. as nominee for Suntrust Mortgage, Inc. dated 12/4/2007 and recorded in Deed Book 48478 Page 706, Gwinnett County, Georgia records; as last transferred to or acquired by Green Tree Servicing LLC, conveying the after-described property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of $ 254,000.00, with interest at the rate specified therein, there will be sold by the undersigned at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the Courthouse door of Gwinnett County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on April 07, 2015 (being the first Tuesday of said month unless said date falls on a Federal Holiday), the following described property: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 152 of the 5th District, Gwinnett County, Georgia, being Lot 102, Block C, Wheatfields Subdivision, Unit 5, as per plat recorded in Plat Book 92, Page 237, Gwinnett County Records, said plat being incorporated herein by reference thereto. This sale will be made subject to any right of the United States of America to redeem the hereinabove described property within 120 days from the sale date aforesaid, in order to satisfy certain outstanding federal tax liens. The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in the Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Said property is commonly known as 299 Sweet Cane Trail, Loganville, GA 30052 together with all fixtures and personal property attached to and constituting a part of said property, if any. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party (or parties) in possession of the subject property is (are): Darrell Devane or tenant or tenants. Green Tree Servicing LLC is the entity or individual designated who shall have full authority to negotiate, amend and modify all terms of the mortgage. Green Tree Servicing LLC Loss Mitigation 7360 S. Kyrene Road Tempe, AZ 85283 1-800-643-0202 Note, however, that such entity or individual is not required by law to negotiate, amend or modify the terms of the loan. Said property will be sold subject to: (a) any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), (b) unpaid water or sewage bills that constitute a lien against the property whether due and payable or not yet due and payable and which may not be of record, (c) the right of redemption of any taxing authority, (d) any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, and (e) any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The sale will be conducted subject to (1) confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the Security Deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1, which allows for certain procedures regarding the rescission of judicial and non-judicial sales in the State of Georgia, the Deed Under Power and other foreclosure documents may not be provided until final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan as provided immediately above. Green Tree Servicing LLC as agent and Attorney in Fact for Darrell Devane and Mary Devane Aldridge Connors, LLP, 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, (404) 994-7400. 1317-1445A THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 1317-1445A 950-248583, 4/9,16,23,30 STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF GWINNETT NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER Because of a default in the payment of the indebtedness secured by a Security Deed executed by Miguel G. Diaz to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as a nominee for Bank of America, N.A., its successors and assigns dated October 11, 2011, and recorded in Deed Book 50935, Page 269, Gwinnett County Records, said Security Deed having been last sold, assigned, transferred and conveyed to Nationstar Mortgage LLC by Assignment, securing a Note in the original principal executed by Miguel G. Diaz to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as a nominee for Bank of America, N.A., its successors and assigns dated October 11, 2011, and recorded in Deed Book 50935, Page 269, County Records, Gwinnett FORECLOSURES said Security Deed having been last sold, assigned, transferred and conveyed to Nationstar Mortgage LLC by Assignment, securing a Note in the original principal amount of $148,146.00, the holder thereof pursuant to said Deed and Note thereby secured has declared the entire amount of said indebtedness due and payable and, pursuant to the power of sale contained in said Deed, will on the first Tuesday, May 5, 2015, during the legal hours of sale, before the Courthouse door in said County, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the property described in said Deed, to-wit: ALL THAT TRACI OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAND LOT 228 OF THE 6TH DISTRICT, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING LOT 36, BLOCK A, THE FAIRWAYS SUBDIVISION, UNIT 2, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 61, PAGE 86, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE AND MADE A PART HEREOF. Said property is known as 4660 Fairway View Court, Duluth, GA 30096-6093, together with all fixtures and personal property attached to and constituting a part of said property, if any. Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, whether or not now due and payable), the right of redemption of any taxing authority, any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The proceeds of said sale will be applied to the payment of said indebtedness and all expenses of said sale as provided in said Deed, and the balance, if any, will be distributed as provided by law. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the secured creditor. The property is or may be in the possession of Miguel Gandarilla Diaz, a/k/a Miguel Diaz Gandarilla a/k/a Miguel G. Diaz, successor in interest or tenant(s). Mortgage Nationstar LLC as Attorney-in-Fact for Miguel G. Diaz File no. 15-051489 SHAPIRO, SWERTFEGER & HASTY, LLP* Attorneys and Counselors at Law 2872 Woodcock Blvd., Suite 100 Atlanta, GA 30341-3941 (770) 220-2535/SJ www.swertfeger.net *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 950-248550, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by Michelle Dixon to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Colonial Bank, N.A., its successors and assigns, dated December 14, 2007, recorded in Deed Book 48529, Page 707, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records and as modified by that certain Loan Modification Agreement recorded in Deed Book 53041, Page 231, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, as last transferred to Wells Fargo Bank, NA by assignment recorded in Deed Book 52576, Page 55, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, conveying the after-described property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of ONE HUNDRED TWO THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED FORTY-TWO AND 0/100 ($102,142.00), DOLLARS with interest thereon as set forth therein, there will be sold at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the courthouse door of Gwinnett County, Georgia, or at such place as may be lawfully designated as an alternative, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in May, 2015, the following described property: SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. Wells Fargo Bank, NA is the holder of the Security Deed to the property in accordance with OCGA § 44-14-162.2. The entity that has full authority to negotiate, amend, and modify all terms of the mortgage with the debtor is: Wells Fargo Home Mortgage a div. of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., PO Box 10335, Des Moines, IA 50306 1-800-416-1472. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in possession of the property is Michelle Dixon or a tenant or tenants and said property is more commonly known as 4187 Jami Lane, Snellville, Georgia 30039. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the security deed. Wells Fargo Bank, NA as Attorney in Fact for Michelle Dixon McCalla Raymer, LLC 1544 Old Alabama Road Roswell, Georgia 30076 www.foreclosurehotline.net *Auction services provided by Auction.com (www.auction.com) EXHIBIT “A” All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 29 of the 6th District, Gwinnett County, Georgia, being Lot 8, Block A, Unit 1 of Annistown Valley Subdivision, as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 23, Page 9, Gwin- as Attorney in Fact for Michelle Dixon McCalla Raymer, LLC 1544 Old Alabama Road Roswell, Georgia 30076 www.foreclosurehotline.net *Auction services provided by Auction.com (www.auction.com) EXHIBIT “A” All that tract or parcel of land lyand being in Land Lot 29 ing FORECLOSURES of the 6th District, Gwinnett County, Georgia, being Lot 8, Block A, Unit 1 of Annistown Valley Subdivision, as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 23, Page 9, Gwinnett County, Georgia records, which recorded plat is incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this description. MR/grt 5/5/15 Our file no. 51460110 - FT5 9 5 0 - 2 4 4 4 5 3 , 4/2,9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE UNDER POWER GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by Gary Dollar and Amanda Gravitt to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Foundation Capital Group, a California Corporation, dated May 17, 2008, and recorded in Deed Book 48970, Page 0876, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, as last transferred to MCM Capital Partners, LLC as Trustee for Ventures Trust 2013 I-NH by assignment recorded on March 31, 2014 in Book 52845 Page 881 in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, conveying the afterdescribed property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of One Hundred Twenty-Four Thousand Eight Hundred Forty-Five and 0/100 dollars ($124,845.00), with interest thereon as set forth therein, there will be sold at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the courthouse door of Gwinnett County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on May 5, 2015, the following described property: The land referred to herein is situated in the State of Georgia, County of Gwinnett described as follows: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 334 of the 7th District, Gwinnett County, Georgia, being Lot 6, Block B, Unit 5, Vance Crossing, as per plat recorded in Plat Book 38 Page 146, Gwinnett County Records which plat is hereby referred to and made a part of this description, being improved property having a house thereon known as 3830 Maple Wood Trail, Buford, Gwinnett County, Georgia and being more particularly described on survey prepared by McClung Surveying, Inc. Dated April 1, 1994 Source of Title: Book 29606 Page 0097 (Recorded 11/08/2002) The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Your mortgage servicer can be contacted at (800) 327-7861–Loss Mitigation Dept, or by writing to 7500 Old Georgetown Road, Suite 1350, Bethesda, Maryland 20814, to discuss possible alternatives to avoid foreclosure. Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in possession of the property is Gary Dollar and Amanda Gravitt or tenant(s); and said property is more commonly known as 3830 Maple Wood Trail, Buford, GA 30518. The sale will be conducted subject to (1) confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the security deed and (3) any right of redemption or other lien not extinguished by foreclosure. MCM Capital Partners, LLC as Trustee for Ventures Trust 2013 I-NH as Attorney in Fact for Gary Dollar and Amanda Gravitt. Brock & Scott, PLLC 4360 Chamblee Dunwoody Road Suite 310 Atlanta, GA 30341 404-789-2661 B&S file no.: 13-27857 950-248297, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER, GWINNETT COUNTY Pursuant to the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by Mark A Duncan to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Washington Mutual Bank, FA dated 2/21/2002 and recorded in Deed Book 26532 Page 180, Gwinnett County, Georgia records; as last transferred to or acquired by Federal National Mortgage Association (“Fannie Mae”), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America, conveying the after-described property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of $ 204,250.00, with interest at the rate specified therein, there will be sold by the undersigned at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the Courthouse door of Gwinnett County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on May 05, 2015 (being the first Tuesday of said month unless said date falls on a Federal Holiday), the following described property: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAND LOT 276 OF THE 7TH DISTRICT, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING LOT 16, BLOCK C, UNIT ONE, BAYSWATER COMMON, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 43, PAGE 262, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE AND MADE A PART HEREOF. The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in the Security Deed and by law, including attor- The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note andFORECLOSURES Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in the Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Said property is commonly known as 120 Bayswater Drive, Suwanee, GA 30024 together with all fixtures and personal property attached to and constituting a part of said property, if any. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party (or parties) in possession of the subject property is (are): Mark A Duncan or tenant or tenants. Seterus, Inc. is the entity or individual designated who shall have full authority to negotiate, amend and modify all terms of the mortgage. Seterus, Inc. Loss Mitigation PO Box 4121 Beaverton, OR 97076-4121 866.570.5277 Note, however, that such entity or individual is not required by law to negotiate, amend or modify the terms of the loan. Said property will be sold subject to: (a) any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), (b) unpaid water or sewage bills that constitute a lien against the property whether due and payable or not yet due and payable and which may not be of record, (c) the right of redemption of any taxing authority, (d) any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, and (e) any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The sale will be conducted subject to (1) confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the Security Deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1, which allows for certain procedures regarding the rescission of judicial and non-judicial sales in the State of Georgia, the Deed Under Power and other foreclosure documents may not be provided until final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan as provided immediately above. Federal National Mortgage Association (“Fannie Mae”), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America as agent and Attorney in Fact for Mark A Duncan Aldridge Connors, LLP, 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, (404) 994-7400. 1168-2610A THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 1168-2610A 950-247953, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER. State of Georgia, County of GWINNETT. Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a Deed to Secure Debt given by ROHAN S DUNKLEY to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. (“MERS”) AS NOMINEE FOR HOME AMERICA MORTGAGE INC. , dated 10/26/2007, and Recorded on 11/02/2007 as Book No. 48394 and Page No. 0376, GWINNETT County, Georgia records, as last assigned to SELENE FINANCE L.P. (the Secured Creditor), by assignment, conveying the after-described property to secure a Note of even date in the original principal amount of $248,522.00, with interest at the rate specified therein, there will be sold by the undersigned at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash at the GWINNETT County Courthouse within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in May, 2015, the following described property: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAND LOT 320 OF THE 4TH DISTRICT, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING LOT 3, BLOCK A OF WOODGATE LANDING SUBDIVISON, AS PER PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 113, PAGES 69-71, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH RECORDED PLAT IS INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE AND MADE A PART OF THIS DESCRIPTION. The debt secured by said Deed to Secure Debt has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Deed to Secure Debt. Because the debt remains in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in the Deed to Secure Debt and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party/parties in possession of the subject property known as 4471 ROSEGATE DRIVE, SNELLVILLE, GEORGIA 30039 is/ are: ROHAN S DUNKLEY or tenant/tenants. Said property will be sold subject to (a) any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), (b) any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, and (c) all matters of record superior to the Deed to Secure Debt first set out above, including, but not limited to, assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, easements, restrictions, covenants, etc. The sale will be conducted subject to (1) confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the security deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1, which allows for certain procedures regarding the rescission of judicial and nonjudicial sales in the State of Georgia, the Deed Under Power and other foreclosure documents may not be provided until final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan as provided in the preceding paragraph. SELENE FINANCE L.P. as Attorney in Fact for ROHAN S DUNKLEY. THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 00000004499026 BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER LEVINE & BLOCK, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard Addison, Texas 75001 Telephone: (972) 341-5398. 950-247827, 4/9,16,23,30 documents may not be pro-Gwinnett C vided until final confirmationat such plac and audit of the status of thefully design loan as provided in the pre-native, with ceding paragraph. SELENEof sale on th FINANCE L.P. as Attorney inMay, 2015, Fact for ROHAN S DUNKLEY.scribed pro THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTINGIT “A” ATT A DEBT COLLECTORANDFORE AS FORECLOSURES MADE ATTEMPTING TO COLLECTThe debt se A DEBT. ANY INFORMA-curity Deed TION OBTAINED WILL BEhereby decl USED FOR THAT PURPOSE.of, among 00000004499026 BARRETTevents of d DAFFIN FRAPPIER LEVINE &pay the ind BLOCK, LLP 15000 Surveyorwhen due Boulevard Addison, Texasner provid 75001 Telephone: (972)and Securit 341-5398. remaining i 950-247827, 4/9,16,23,30 will be mad of paying expenses o NOTICE OF SALE in Sec vided UNDER POWER, includi law, GWINNETT COUNTY of (notice Pursuant to the Power of Sale contained in a Securityattorney’s f Said given). Deed given by Joseph Dunson and Patricia Dunsonsold subjec A/K/A Patricia A. Dunsoning ad valor to Argent Mortgage Com-ing taxes w pany, LLC dated 12/16/2003but not yet and recorded in Deed Bookany matters 36564 Page 56, Gwinnettdisclosed County, Georgia records;survey and as last transferred to or ac-property, a quired by Deutsche Bankliens, encu National Trust Company,ordinances, as Trustee for Argent Se-enants, and curities Inc., Asset-Backedsuperior to Pass-Through Certificates,first set out Series 2004-W4, conveyingChase Ban the after-described prop-ciation suc erty to secure a Note in theto Chase H original principal amount ofis the hold $ 134,000.00, with interestDeed to th at the rate specified therein,cordance w there will be sold by the un-14-162.2. T dersigned at public outcry tofull author the highest bidder for cashamend, and before the Courthouse doorof the mo of Gwinnett County, Georgia,debtor is: within the legal hours of saleBank, Nati on May 05, 2015 (being the3415 Visio first Tuesday of said monthbus, OH unless said date falls on a8939. To th Federal Holiday), the follow-and belief o the party in ing described property: All that tract or parcel ofproperty is land lying and being in Landand Francis Lot 337 of the 7th District,or a tenan Gwinnett County, Geor-said proper gia, being Lot 18, Block A,monly know Princeton Oaks Subdivision,Vista Lane Unit One, per Plat Book 50,Georgia 30 Page 181 Gwinnett County,be conduct Georgia Records, which isconfirmatio referred to and made a partis not proh U.S. Bankr of this description The debt secured by said(2) to final Security Deed has been andaudit of the is hereby declared due be-with the ho cause of, among other pos-rity deed. sible events of default, failureBank, Nati to pay the indebtedness assuccessor and when due and in theChase Hom manner provided in the NoteAttorney in and Security Deed. The debtDuque McC remaining in default, this sale1544 Old A will be made for the purposeswell, Geor of paying the same and allforeclosure expenses of this sale, asHIBIT “A” A provided in the Security DeedOR PARCEL and by law, including attor-AND BEING ney’s fees (notice of intent toOF THE 5th collect attorney’s fees havingNETT COU BEING LOT been given). Said property is commonlyWINNSONG known as 5730 PrincetonVISION, UN Oaks Drive, Sugar Hill, GAPLAT THER 30518 together with all fix-IN PLAT BO tures and personal propertyGWINNETT attached to and constitutingCORDS, SA a part of said property, if any.INCORPOR To the best knowledge andBY REFER belief of the undersigned, theMR/cng 5/ party (or parties) in posses-5748814–F sion of the subject property 950-2471 is (are): Joseph Dunson and NOT Patricia A. Dunson or tenant UND or tenants. GWIN Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC Pursuant is the entity or individual designated who shall have fullSale conta authority to negotiate, amendrity Deed and modify all terms of theDutta and aka Mahes mortgage. Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLCtionpoint Foreclosure Loss Mitiga-Nat. City B 5/9/2005 a tion 1661 Worthington Road Deed Book GWINNETT Suite 100 West Palm Beach, FLrecords; as to or acqu 33409 Bank Natio 1-877-596-8580 Note, however, that suchpany, as T entity or individual is notTrust 2005 required by law to negotiate,Pass-Throu amend or modify the termsSeries 200 the afterof the loan. Said property will be solderty to sec pri original subject to: (a) any outstanding ad valorem taxes (includ-$ 200,000. ing taxes which are a lien, butat the rate not yet due and payable), (b)there will b unpaid water or sewage billsdersigned a that constitute a lien againstthe highest the property whether due andbefore the payable or not yet due andof GWINNE payable and which may notgia, within be of record, (c) the right ofsale on Ma redemption of any taxing au-ing the firs thority, (d) any matters whichmonth unle might be disclosed by an ac-on a Federa curate survey and inspectionlowing desc of the property, and (e) any ALL THAT assessments, liens, encum-CEL OF LA brances, zoning ordinances,BEING IN restrictions, covenants, andTHE 7TH D matters of record superiorNETT COU to the Security Deed first setLOT 24, PINES AT out above. The sale will be conductedAS PER P PLAT B IN subject to (1) confirmation that the sale is not prohibited184, GWI RECOR GA under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) final confirma-IS INCORP tion and audit of the statusAND MADE of the loan with the holderBY REFERE of the Security Deed. Pur- The debt suant to O.C.G.A. SectionSecurity De 9-13-172.1, which allows foris hereby certain procedures regardingcause of, a the rescission of judicial andsible events non-judicial sales in the Stateto pay the of Georgia, the Deed Underand when Power and other foreclosuremanner pro documents may not be pro-and Securit vided until final confirmationremaining i and audit of the status of thewill be mad loan as provided immediatelyof paying expenses above. Deutsche Bank Nationalprovided in Trust Company, as Trusteeand by law for Argent Securities Inc.,ney’s fees ( Asset-Backed Pass-Throughcollect attor Certificates, Series 2004-W4been given) as agent and Attorney in Fact Said prop for Joseph Dunson and Patri-known as 1 cia Dunson A/K/A Patricia A.Terrace, La 30043 toge Dunson Aldridge Connors, LLP,tures and p to attached 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 Piedmont Road, N.E., Suitea part of sa the bes To 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, belief of the (404) 994-7400. party (or p 1017-658985A THIS LAW FIRM MAY BEsion of the ACTING AS A DEBT COLLEC-is (are): M TOR ATTEMPTING TO COL-Mahesh Du LECT A DEBT. ANY INFOR-tenants. MATION OBTAINED WILL BE Specialize USED FOR THAT PURPOSE.is the entity ignated wh 1017-658985A 950-247905, 4/9,16,23,30 authority to and modify mortgage. NOTICE OF SALE Specialize UNDER POWER Customer GEORGIA, 8742 Luc GWINNETT COUNTY Suite 300 THIS IS AN ATTEMPT Highlands TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY80129 INFORMATION OBTAINED 800-306WILL BE USED FOR THAT Note, ho PURPOSE. entity or Under and by virtue of therequired by Power of Sale contained inamend or a Security Deed given byof the loan. Yaissuri Duque to Mortgage Said prop Electronic Registration Sys-subject to: tems, Inc., as nominee foring ad valor RBC Mortgage Company,ing taxes w its successors and assigns,not yet due dated November 10, 2004,unpaid wat recorded in Deed Bookthat constit 40632, Page 124, Gwinnettthe property County, Georgia Records,payable or as last transferred to Chasepayable an Home Finance, LLC by as-be of recor signment recorded in Deedredemption Book 50241, Page 901,thority, (d) a Gwinnett County, Georgiamight be di Records, conveying the after-curate surv described property to secureof the prop a Note in the original principalassessmen amount of ONE HUNDREDbrances, zo FORTY-THREE THOUSANDrestrictions NINE HUNDRED AND 0/100matters of DOLLARS ($143,900.00),to the Secu with interest thereon as setout above. forth therein, there will be The sale sold at public outcry to thesubject to highest bidder for cash be-that the sale fore the courthouse door ofunder the Gwinnett County, Georgia, orCode; and ( at such place as may be law-tion and au fully designated as an alter-of the loan native, within the legal hoursof the Sec of sale on the first Tuesday insuant to May, 2015, the following de-9-13-172.1 scribed property: SEE EXHIB-certain proc IT “A” ATTACHED HERETOthe rescissi AND MADE A PART HEREOFnon-judicia The debt secured by said Se-of Georgia, curity Deed has been and isPower and hereby declared due becausedocuments of, among other possiblevided until events of default, failure toand audit o pay the indebtedness as andloan as pro Code; and (2) final confirmanot be pro-Gwinnett County, Georgia, or GDP THURS LEGALS_Classifieds 4/7/2015 7:36 PM Page tion and audit of the status onfirmationat0409 such place as may be lawof the loan with the holder tatus of thefully designated as an alterof the Security Deed. Purin the pre-native, within the legal hours suant to O.C.G.A. Section h. SELENEof sale on the first Tuesday in 9-13-172.1, which allows for Attorney inMay, 2015, the following decertain procedures regarding DUNKLEY.scribed property: SEE EXHIBthe rescission of judicial and IS ACTINGIT “A” ATTACHED HERETO non-judicial sales in the State OLLECTORANDFORECLOSURES MADE A PART HEREOF SURES FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES of Georgia, the Deed Under COLLECTThe debt secured by said SePower and other foreclosure INFORMA-curity Deed has been and is documents may not be proWILL BEhereby declared due because NOTICE OF SALE vided until final confirmation PURPOSE.of, among other possible UNDER POWER, and audit of the status of the BARRETTevents of default, failure to GWINNETT COUNTY loan as provided immediately R LEVINE &pay the indebtedness as and Pursuant to the Power of above. 0 Surveyorwhen due and in the manSale contained in a Security Deutsche Bank National on, Texasner provided in the Note Deed given by Theoodore Trust Company, as Trustee ne: (972)and Security Deed. The debt R Eggleston to Accubanc for FFMLT Trust 2005-FF8, remaining in default, this sale Mortgage Corporation dated Mortgage Pass-Through Cer9,16,23,30 will be made for the purpose 3/28/1997 and recorded in tificates, Series 2005-FF8 as of paying the same and all Deed Book 14057 Page 151, agent and Attorney in Fact for of this sale, as proexpenses Gwinnett County, Georgia reF SALE Mamta Dutta and Mahesh T. in Security Deed and by vided as last transferred to cords; OWER, Dutta aka Mahesh Dutta including attorney’s fees law, or acquired by Wilmington COUNTY Aldridge Connors, LLP, of intent to collect (notice Fund Society, FSB, Savings e Power of 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 d/b/a Christiana Trust, not a Securityattorney’s fees having been Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite Said property will be given). but as trustee individually oseph Dun500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, for Pretium Mortgage Acia Dunsonsold subject to any outstand994-7400. (404) quisition Trust, conveying A. Dunsoning ad valorem taxes (includ1087-1024A the after-described propgage Com-ing taxes which are a lien, THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE not yet due and payable), but to secure a Note in the erty 12/16/2003 ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECoriginal principal amount of Deed Bookany matters which might be TOR ATTEMPTING TO COLby an accurate disclosed 126,176.00, with interest $ , Gwinnett LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORat the rate specified therein, records;survey and inspection of the MATION OBTAINED WILL BE any assessments, property, will be sold by the unthere d to or acUSED FOR THAT PURPOSE. dersigned at public outcry to sche Bankliens, encumbrances, zoning 1087-1024A the highest bidder for cash Company,ordinances, restrictions, cov950-247966, 4/9,16,23,30 before the Courthouse door Argent Se-enants, and matters of record to the Security Deed superior of Gwinnett County, Georgia, set-Backed set out above. JPMorgan first within the legal hours of sale NOTICE OF SALE ertificates, Bank, National AssoChase May 05, 2015 (being the on UNDER POWER, conveying first Tuesday of said month GWINNETT COUNTY bed prop-ciation successor by merger Chase Home Finance LLC to said date falls on a unless Pursuant to the Power of Note in the Federal Holiday), the followSale contained in a Secuamount ofis the holder of the Security ing described property: rity Deed given by Ruby L. ith interestDeed to the property in acALL THAT TRACT OR Echols to Mortgage Elecied therein,cordance with OCGA § 44The entity that has 14-162.2. PARCEL OF LAND LYING Registration Systems, tronic by the unauthority to negotiate, full AND BEING IN LAND LOT Inc as nominee Academy ic outcry to 48 OF THE 7TH DISTRICT Mortgage Corporation dated er for cashamend, and modify all terms GWINNETT COUNTY, GEOR1/29/2010 and recorded in house doorof the mortgage with the is: JPMorgan Chase debtor BEING LOT 2, BLOCK GIA, Deed Book 49944 Page 112, ty, Georgia, National Association, Bank, GREENFIELD ESTATES C, County, Georgia reGwinnett ours of sale SUBDIVISION, UNIT ONE, cords; as last transferred to (being the3415 Vision Drive, ColumAS PER PLAT RECORDED IN or acquired by Wilmington said monthbus, OH 43219 800-446To the best knowledge 8939. BOOK 45, PAGE 13, IN PLAT Savings Fund Society, FSB, falls on a belief of the undersigned, and THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK d/b/a Christiana Trust, not the followparty in possession of the the THE SUPERIOR COURT OF individually but as trustee perty: OF GWINNETT COUNTY, for Pretium Mortgage Acr parcel ofproperty is Yaissuri Duque Francisco J. Solischacon and WHICH RECORDGEORGIA, quisition Trust, conveying ing in Land ED PLAT IS INCORPORATED the after-described prop7th District,or a tenant or tenants and HEREIN BY REFERENCE AND erty to secure a Note in the ty, Geor-said property is more comMADE A PART OF THIS DEoriginal principal amount of 8, Block A,monly known as 2800 Maple Lane, Lawrenceville, Vista SCRIPTION. $ 153,136.00, with interest Subdivision, 30044. The sale will Georgia The debt secured by said at the rate specified therein, at Book 50, Security Deed has been and there will be sold by the unett County,be conducted subject (1) to is hereby declared due bedersigned at public outcry to , which isconfirmation that the sale cause of, among other posthe highest bidder for cash made a partis not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and sible events of default, failure before the Courthouse door to pay the indebtedness as of Gwinnett County, Georgia, ed by said(2) to final confirmation and of the status of the loan audit and when due and in the within the legal hours of sale s been and the holder of the secuwith manner provided in the Note on May 05, 2015 (being the ed due bedeed. JPMorgan Chase rity and Security Deed. The debt first Tuesday of said month other posNational Association Bank, remaining in default, this sale unless said date falls on a ault, failure will be made for the purpose Federal Holiday), the followtedness assuccessor by merger to Home Finance LLC as Chase of paying the same and all ing described property: and in the in Fact for Yaissuri Attorney expenses of this sale, as Written Description–Creekin the Note provided in the Security Deed side Manor, Villa 152, Bldg. d. The debtDuque McCalla Raymer, LLC Old Alabama Road Ro1544 and by law, including attor15 ult, this sale Georgia 30076 www. swell, fees (notice of intent to ney’s All that tract or parcel of he purpose EXforeclosurehotline.net collect attorney’s fees having land lying and being in Land me and all “A” ALL THAT TRACT HIBIT given). been Lot 156, 6th District, Gwins sale, as Said property is commonly nett County, Georgia, and curity DeedOR PARCEL OF LAND LYING known as 1851 Green Oak being more particularly deuding attor-AND BEING IN LAND LOT 14 THE 5th DISTRICT, GWINOF Lawrenceville, GA Circle, scribed as follows: of intent to 30243 together with all fixTo find the POINT OF BEfees havingNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING LOT 6, BLOCK D OF and personal property tures GINNING, commence at the attached to and constituting intersection of the northerly commonlyWINNSONG CHASE SUBDIUNIT TWO, AS PER VISION, a part of said property, if any. right of way of Mary Street Princeton To the best knowledge and and the easterly right of way ar Hill, GAPLAT THEREOF RECORDED belief of the undersigned, of Pleasant Hill Road; thence with all fix-IN PLAT BOOK 61, PAGE 248, the party (or parties) in N35°52’09”W a distance of al propertyGWINNETT COUNTY REpossession of the subject 203.65 feet to a point; thence constitutingCORDS, SAID PLAT BEING HEREIN property is (are): Theodore S82°26’32”W a distance of perty, if any.INCORPORATED REFERENCE THERETO. BY R Eggleston and Shelia Egg282.12 feet to a point; thence wledge and 5/5/15 Our file no. MR/cng or tenant or tenants. leston S85°36’01”W a distance of rsigned, the 5748814–FT3 Rushmore Loan Manage268.60 feet to a point; thence in posses4/9,16,23,30 950-247137, Services, LLC is the ment S66°52’05”W a distance of ct property entity or individual desig100.18 feet to a point; thence Dunson and who shall have full nated NOTICE OF SALE N05°39’50”W a distance of n or tenant authority to negotiate, amend UNDER POWER, 116.96 feet to a point; thence and modify all terms of the GWINNETT COUNTY N05°32’00”W a distance of vicing, LLC mortgage. 114.20 feet to a point; thence ividual des- Pursuant to the Power of Rushmore Loan ManageSale contained in a SecuN 72°40’43” E a distance of ll have full ment Services, LLC 262.73 feet to a point; thence iate, amendrity Deed given by Mamta PO Box 52708 Dutta and Mahesh T. Dutta N 72°21’43” E a distance rms of the Irvine, CA 92619 aka Mahesh Dutta to Naof 24.28 feet to the POINT 888.504.7300 OF BEGINNING; thence N vicing, LLCtionpoint A Division of Note, however, that such Nat. City Bank of IN dated 72°21’43” E a distance of ss Mitigaentity or individual is not 5/9/2005 and recorded in 24.19 feet to a point; thence required by law to negotiate, Deed Book 43056 Page 210, S 17°38’17” E a distance of on Road amend or modify the terms GWINNETT County, Georgia 37.71 feet to a point; thence of the loan. S 72°21’43” W a distance of Beach, FLrecords; as last transferred Said property will be sold to or acquired by Deutsche 24.19 feet to a point; thence subject to: (a) any outstandBank National Trust ComN17°38’17” W a distance of 0 ing ad valorem taxes (includ37.71 feet to the POINT OF that suchpany, as Trustee for FFMLT ing taxes which are a lien, but BEGINNING. Said tract conual is notTrust 2005-FF8, Mortgage not yet due and payable), (b) tains 912 square feet. o negotiate,Pass-Through Certificates, unpaid water or sewage bills The debt secured by said the termsSeries 2005-FF8, conveying that constitute a lien against the after-described propSecurity Deed has been and the property whether due and is hereby declared due bewill be solderty to secure a Note in the payable or not yet due and principal amount of original cause of, among other posy outstandpayable and which may not sible events of default, failure xes (includ-$ 200,000.00, with interest be of record, (c) the right of to pay the indebtedness as e a lien, butat the rate specified therein, redemption of any taxing auand when due and in the ayable), (b)there will be sold by the unthority, (d) any matters which manner provided in the Note ewage billsdersigned at public outcry to might be disclosed by an acand Security Deed. The debt ien againstthe highest bidder for cash curate survey and inspection the Courthouse door before in default, this sale remaining her due and of the property, and (e) any will be made for the purpose et due andof GWINNETT County, Georassessments, liens, encumwithin the legal hours of gia, of paying the same and all ch may not brances, zoning ordinances, expenses of this sale, as the right ofsale on May 05, 2015 (berestrictions, covenants, and provided in the Security Deed y taxing au-ing the first Tuesday of said matters of record superior and by law, including attoratters whichmonth unless said date falls to the Security Deed first set ney’s fees (notice of intent to d by an ac-on a Federal Holiday), the folout above. collect attorney’s fees having inspectionlowing described property: The sale will be conducted THAT TRACT OR PARALL given). been and (e) any subject to (1) confirmation Said property is commonly ns, encum-CEL OF LAND LYING AND that the sale is not prohibited IN LAND LOT 89, BEING known as 805 Pleasant Hill ordinances, under the U.S. Bankruptcy Road NW, #15-2, Lilburn, nants, andTHE 7TH DISTRICT, GWINCode; and (2) final confirmaGA 30047 together with all d superiorNETT COUNTY, GA, BEING tion and audit of the status fixtures and personal propeed first setLOT 24, BLOCK A, THE of the loan with the holder PINES AT SPRINGBROOK, erty attached to and constiof the Security Deed. Purtuting a part of said property, conductedAS PER PLAT RECORDED suant to O.C.G.A. Section PLAT BOOK 83, PAGE IN any. To the best knowledge if onfirmation 9-13-172.1, which allows for and belief of the undert prohibited184, GWINNETT COUNTY certain procedures regarding RECORDS, WHICH PLAT GA signed, the party (or parties) Bankruptcy the rescission of judicial and in possession of the subject al confirma-IS INCORPORATED HEREIN non-judicial sales in the State property is (are): Ruby L. the statusAND MADE A PART HEREOF of Georgia, the Deed Under REFERENCE. BY or tenant or tenants. Echols the holder Power and other foreclosure Rushmore Loan ManageDeed. Pur- The debt secured by said documents may not be proDeed has been and Security ment Services, LLC is the A. Section vided until final confirmation hereby declared due beis or individual desigentity h allows for and audit of the status of the nated who shall have full s regardingcause of, among other posloan as provided immediately events of default, failure sible authority to negotiate, amend judicial and above. and modify all terms of the in the Stateto pay the indebtedness as Wilmington Savings Fund mortgage. Deed Underand when due and in the Society, FSB, d/b/a Christiana provided in the Note manner Loan ManageRushmore foreclosure Trust, not individually but as ment Services, LLC not be pro-and Security Deed. The debt trustee for Pretium Mortgage PO Box 52708 onfirmationremaining in default, this sale Acquisition Trust as agent be made for the purpose will CA 92619 Irvine, tatus of the and Attorney in Fact for 888.504.7300 mmediatelyof paying the same and all Theoodore R Eggleston expenses of this sale, as Note, however, that such Aldridge Connors, LLP, entity or individual is not k Nationalprovided in the Security Deed 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 required by law to negotiate, as Trusteeand by law, including attorPiedmont Road, N.E., Suite amend or modify the terms rities Inc.,ney’s fees (notice of intent to 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, of the loan. ss-Throughcollect attorney’s fees having (404) 994-7400. Said property will be sold s 2004-W4been given). 1208-696A property is commonly Said to: (a) any outstandsubject rney in Fact THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ing ad valorem taxes (includn and Patri-known as 1940 Spring Mist AS A DEBT COLLECACTING Lawrenceville, GA Terrace, ing taxes which are a lien, but Patricia A. TOR ATTEMPTING TO COL30043 together with all fixnot yet due and payable), (b) A DEBT. ANY INFORLECT unpaid water or sewage bills nors, LLP,tures and personal property MATION OBTAINED WILL BE that constitute a lien against nter, 3575attached to and constituting USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. the property whether due and N.E., Suitea part of said property, if any. 1208-696A payable or not yet due and rgia 30305,To the best knowledge and 950-248387, 4/9,16,23,30 belief of the undersigned, the payable and which may not party (or parties) in possesbe of record, (c) the right of NOTICE OF SALE sion of the subject property redemption of any taxing auM MAY BE UNDER POWER, thority, (d) any matters which BT COLLEC-is (are): Mamta Dutta and GWINNETT COUNTY might be disclosed by an acG TO COL-Mahesh Dutta or tenant or Pursuant to the Power of tenants. curate survey and inspection NY INFORSale contained in a Security of the property, and (e) any D WILL BE Specialized Loan Servicing Deed given by Brian K. Ellis is the entity or individual desassessments, liens, encumPURPOSE. and Roslyn Y. Ellis to Mortignated who shall have full brances, zoning ordinances, gage Electronic Registration restrictions, covenants, and 9,16,23,30 authority to negotiate, amend Systems, Inc. as nominee and modify all terms of the matters of record superior for Platinum Mortgage, mortgage. to the Security Deed first set F SALE Inc. dated 7/21/2008 and reSpecialized Loan Servicing out above. OWER corded in Deed Book 48997 Customer Assistance The sale will be conducted Page 323, Gwinnett County, 8742 Lucent Blvd subject to (1) confirmation TY Georgia records; as last Suite 300 that the sale is not prohibited ATTEMPT Highlands Ranch, CO transferred to or acquired by under the U.S. Bankruptcy DEBT. ANY80129 Wells Fargo Bank, NA, conCode; and (2) final confirmaOBTAINED 800-306-6059 veying the after-described tion and audit of the status FOR THAT Note, however, that such property to secure a Note in of the loan with the holder the original principal amount entity or individual is not of the Security Deed. Purirtue of therequired by law to negotiate, of $ 228,373.00, with interest suant to O.C.G.A. Section ontained inamend or modify the terms at the rate specified therein, 9-13-172.1, which allows for given byof the loan. there will be sold by the uncertain procedures regarding o Mortgage Said property will be sold dersigned at public outcry to the rescission of judicial and ration Sys-subject to: (a) any outstandthe highest bidder for cash non-judicial sales in the State ominee foring ad valorem taxes (includbefore the Courthouse door of Georgia, the Deed Under Company,ing taxes which are a lien, but of Gwinnett County, Georgia, Power and other foreclosure nd assigns,not yet due and payable), (b) within the legal hours of sale documents may not be pro10, 2004,unpaid water or sewage bills on May 05, 2015 (being the vided until final confirmation eed Bookthat constitute a lien against first Tuesday of said month and audit of the status of the 4, Gwinnettthe property whether due and unless said date falls on a loan as provided immediately Records,payable or not yet due and Federal Holiday), the followabove. d to Chasepayable and which may not ing described property: Wilmington Savings Fund LLC by as-be of record, (c) the right of All that tract or parcel of Society, FSB, d/b/a Christiana ed in Deedredemption of any taxing auland lying and being in Land Trust, not individually but as Page 901,thority, (d) any matters which Lot 47 of the 7th District, trustee for Pretium Mortgage y, Georgiamight be disclosed by an acGwinnett County, Georgia, Acquisition Trust as agent ng the after-curate survey and inspection being Lot 46, Block “B” of and Attorney in Fact for Ruby y to secureof the property, and (e) any Meadow Trace Landings L. Echols nal principalassessments, liens, encumSubdivision, Unit Two, as per Aldridge Connors, LLP, HUNDREDbrances, zoning ordinances, plat recorded in Plat Book 61, 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 THOUSANDrestrictions, covenants, and Page 222, Gwinnett County Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite AND 0/100matters of record superior Records, said plat being in500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, 43,900.00),to the Security Deed first set corporated herein by refer(404) 994-7400. eon as setout above. ence thereto. 1208-712A ere will be The sale will be conducted The debt secured by said THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE tcry to thesubject to (1) confirmation Security Deed has been and ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECr cash be-that the sale is not prohibited is hereby declared due beTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLuse door ofunder the U.S. Bankruptcy cause of, among other posLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORGeorgia, orCode; and (2) final confirmasible events of default, failure MATION OBTAINED WILL BE may be law-tion and audit of the status to pay the indebtedness as USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. as an alter-of the loan with the holder and when due and in the 1208-712A legal hoursof the Security Deed. Purmanner provided in the Note 950-247933, 4/9,16,23,30 Tuesday insuant to O.C.G.A. Section and Security Deed. The debt llowing de-9-13-172.1, which allows for remaining in default, this sale SEE EXHIB-certain procedures regarding will be made for the purpose D HERETOthe rescission of judicial and of paying the same and all RT HEREOFnon-judicial sales in the State expenses of this sale, as by said Se-of Georgia, the Deed Under provided in the Security Deed been and isPower and other foreclosure and by law, including attorue becausedocuments may not be proney’s fees (notice of intent to r possiblevided until final confirmation collect attorney’s fees having , failure toand audit of the status of the been given). ness as andloan as provided immediately Said property is commonly sible events of default, failure C17 to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all of this sale, as expenses FORECLOSURES provided in the Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Said property is commonly known as 1389 Stampmill Way, Lawrenceville, GA 30043 together with all fixtures and personal property attached to and constituting a part of said property, if any. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party (or parties) in possession of the subject property is (are): Brian K. Ellis and Roslyn Y. Ellis or tenant or tenants. Wells Fargo Bank, NA is the entity or individual designated who shall have full authority to negotiate, amend and modify all terms of the mortgage. Wells Fargo Bank, NA Loss Mitigation 3476 Stateview Boulevard Fort Mill, SC 29715 1-800-662-5014 Note, however, that such entity or individual is not required by law to negotiate, amend or modify the terms of the loan. Said property will be sold subject to: (a) any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), (b) unpaid water or sewage bills that constitute a lien against the property whether due and payable or not yet due and payable and which may not be of record, (c) the right of redemption of any taxing authority, (d) any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, and (e) any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The sale will be conducted subject to (1) confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the Security Deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1, which allows for certain procedures regarding the rescission of judicial and non-judicial sales in the State of Georgia, the Deed Under Power and other foreclosure documents may not be provided until final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan as provided immediately above. Wells Fargo Bank, NA as agent and Attorney in Fact for Brian K. Ellis and Roslyn Y. Ellis Aldridge Connors, LLP, 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, (404) 994-7400. 1000-667507197A THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 1000-667507197A 9 5 0 - 2 4 3 4 4 9 , 3/12,19,26,4/2,9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF GWINNETT Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained with that certain Security Deed dated March 31, 2006, from Dustin Ellison and Yoko Ellison to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for First Horizon Home Loans Corporation, recorded on April 6, 2006 in Deed Book 46352 at Page 59, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, having been last sold, assigned, transferred and conveyed to The Bank Of New York, Mellon, As Trustee For First Horizon Alternative Mortgage Securities Trust 2006-FA3 a/k/a The Bank of New York Mellon f/k/a The Bank Of New York, as Trustee for the Holders of the Certificates, First Horizon Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Series FHAMS 2006-FA3, by First American Horizon Home Loans, A Division of First Tennessee Bank National Association, Master Servicer, in its capacity as Agent for the Trustee Under the Pooling and Servicing Agreement by Assignment and said Security Deed having been given to secure a note dated March 31, 2006, in the amount of $111,920.00, said note being in default, the undersigned will sell at public outcry during the legal hours of sale before the door of the courthouse of Gwinnett County, Georgia, on May 5, 2015, the following described real property (hereinafter referred to as the “Property”): ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAND LOT 174 OF THE 6TH DISTRICT, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING LOT 49, BLOCK F, HEATHERGLEN, UNIT NINE, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 24, PAGE 255, GWINNETT COUNTY RECORDS, SAID PLAT BEING INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE THERETO. The debt secured by the Security Deed and evidenced by the Note and has been, and is hereby, declared due and payable because of, among other possible events of default, failure to make the payments as required by the terms of the Note. The debt remaining is in default and this sale will be made for the purposes of paying the Security Deed, accrued interest, and all expenses of the sale, including attorneys’ fees. Notice of intention to collect attorneys’ fees has been given as provided by law. To the best of the undersigned’s knowledge, the person(s) in possession of the property is/are Dustin Ellison and Yoko Ellison. The property, being commonly known as 4609 Midridge Drive, Norcross, GA 30093 in Gwinnett County, will be sold as the property of Dustin Ellison and Yoko Ellison, subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien and not yet due and payable), any matters affecting title to the property which would be disclosed by accurate survey and inspection thereof, and all assessments, liens, encumbrances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record to the Security Deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A.Section 44-14-162.2, the name, address and telephone number of the individual or entity who shall have the full authority to negotiate, amend or modify all terms of the above described mortgage is as follows: Nationstar Mortgage LLC, 8950 Cypress Waters Blvd., Coppell, TX 75019, 888-850-9398. The foregoing notwithstanding, nothing in O.C.G.A. Section 44-14-162.2 shall require the secured creditor to negotiate, amend or modify the terms of the mortgage instrument. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under U.S. Bankruptcy code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the Security Deed. Albertelli Law Attorney for The Bank Of New York, Mellon, As Trustee For First Horizon Alternative nothing in O.C.G.A. Section 44-14-162.2 shall require the secured creditor to negotiate, amend or modify the terms of the mortgage instrument. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under U.S. Bankruptcy code (2) to final confirmation andFORECLOSURES and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the Security Deed. Albertelli Law Attorney for The Bank Of New York, Mellon, As Trustee For First Horizon Alternative Mortgage Securities Trust 2006-FA3 a/k/a The Bank of New York Mellon f/k/a The Bank Of New York, as Trustee for the Holders of the Certificates, First Horizon Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Series FHAMS 2006-FA3, by First American Horizon Home Loans, A Division of First Tennessee Bank National Association, Master Servicer, in its capacity as Agent for the Trustee Under the Pooling and Servicing Agreementas Attorney in Fact for Dustin Ellison and Yoko Ellison 100 Galleria Parkway, Suite 960 Atlanta, GA 30339 Phone: (866) 690-0418 A-4518089 04/16/2015, 04/09/2015, 04/23/2015, 04/30/2015 950-247875, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER, GWINNETT COUNTY Pursuant to the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by Christopher R Elvis, Regina Elvis and Maureen Howe to Foundation Financial Group dated 3/27/2006 and recorded in Deed Book 46357 Page 425, Gwinnett County, Georgia records; as last transferred to or acquired by Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as trustee for Morgan Stanley ABS Capital I Inc. Trust 2006-HE8 Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2006-HE8, conveying the after-described property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of $ 124,100.00, with interest at the rate specified therein, there will be sold by the undersigned at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the Courthouse door of Gwinnett County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on May 05, 2015 (being the first Tuesday of said month unless said date falls on a Federal Holiday), the following described property: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAND LOT 143 OF THE 5TH DISTRICT OF GWINNETT COUNTRY, GEORGIA, BEING PART OF LOT 1-J OF WESTERN HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK F, PAGE 37, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT AN IRON PIN FOUND ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF REBECCA STREET (50FOOT R/W), WHICH POINT IS LOCATED A DISTANCE OF 1,176.0 FEET AS MEASURED ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY FROM ITS INTERSECTION WITH THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF PINE TREE DRIVE; RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 42°07’21” EAST, A DISTANCE OF 189.82 FEET TO AN IRON PIN FOUND; RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 46°57’07 WEST, A DISTANCE OF 94.63 FEET TO AN IRON PIN FOUND ON THE NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF REBECCA STREET; RUNNING THENCE NORTH 40°49’17” WEST ALONG NORTHEASTERLY THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF REBECCA STREET, A DISTANCE OF 189.71 FEET TO AN IRON PIN FOUND AT THE CORNER FORMED BY THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF REBECCA STREET AND THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY REBECCA STREET, OF RUNNING THENCE NORTH 46°48’24” EAST ALONG SOUTHEASTERLY THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF REBECCA STREET, A DISTANCE OF 90.33 FEET TO THE IRON PIN FOUND AT THE POINT OF BEGINNING. The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in the Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Said property is commonly known as 647 Rebecca Street, Lawrenceville, GA 30045 together with all fixtures and personal property attached to and constituting a part of said property, if any. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party (or parties) in possession of the subject property is (are): Maureen Howe, Christopher R Elvis and Regina L Elvis or tenant or tenants. Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC is the entity or individual designated who shall have full authority to negotiate, amend and modify all terms of the mortgage. Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC Foreclosure Loss Mitigation 1661 Worthington Road Suite 100 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 1-877-596-8580 Note, however, that such entity or individual is not required by law to negotiate, amend or modify the terms of the loan. Said property will be sold subject to: (a) any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), (b) unpaid water or sewage bills that constitute a lien against the property whether due and payable or not yet due and payable and which may not be of record, (c) the right of redemption of any taxing authority, (d) any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, and (e) any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The sale will be conducted subject to (1) confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the Security Deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1, which allows for certain procedures regarding the rescission of judicial and non-judicial sales in the State of Georgia, the Deed Under Power and other foreclosure documents may not be provided until final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan as provided immediately above. Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as trustee for Morgan Stanley ABS Capital I Inc. Trust 2006-HE8 Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2006-HE8 as agent and Attorney in Fact for Christopher R Elvis, Regina Elvis and Maureen Howe Aldridge Connors, LLP, 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite Deed to Secure Debt and by Curvature Thereof, From and audit of the status of the law, including attorney’s fees NOTICE OF SALE The Point Of Intersection Of loan as provided immediately (notice of intent to collect UNDER POWER The Southeasterly Right Of above. attorney’s fees having been GEORGIA, Way Of Innsfall Drive And Deutsche Bank National given). GWINNETT COUNTY Southwesterly Right Of Way Trust Company, as trustee THIS IS AN ATTEMPT Said property is commonly Of Janmar Road; Running Stanley ABS for Morgan WWW.GWINNETTDAILYPOST.COM 2015 • C17 4984 Young Arthur APRIL known•as THURSDAY, TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY Southwesterly And Thence 9, Capital I Inc. Trust 2006-HE8 INFORMATION OBTAINED Terrace, Duluth, GA 30097, Arc Distance Of 18.85 Feet To Mortgage Pass-Through CerWILL BE USED FOR THAT together with all fixtures and A Point, Said Curve Having A Series 2006-HE8 as tificates, PURPOSE. property attached personal Of 12.00 Feet; Thence Radius FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES agent and Attorney in Fact for Under and by virtue of the to and constituting a part of South 28 Degrees 08 Minutes Christopher R Elvis, Regina Power of Sale contained in a said property. To the best 55 Seconds East 327.00 Feet Elvis and Maureen Howe Security Deed given by Darknowledge and belief of the To A Point; Thence South Aldridge Connors, LLP, rell J. Etheridge and Carole undersigned, the party (or 61 Degrees 51 Minutes 05 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 A. Etheridge to Mortgage parties) in possession of Seconds West 50.0 Feet To Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite Electronic Registration Systhe subject property is (are): A Point; Thence North 28 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, tems, Inc. as nominee for Bernard Evans or tenant or Degrees 08 Minutes 55 Sec(404) 994-7400. Quicken Loans, Inc., its suctenants. onds West 327.00 Feet To A 1017-658075A cessors and assigns, dated Said property will be sold Point; Thence NorthwestTHIS LAW FIRM MAY BE September 30, 2008, resubject to (a) any outstanderly An Arc Distance Of 18.85 ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECcorded in Deed Book 49131, ing ad valorem taxes (includFeet To A Point Located On TOR ATTEMPTING TO COLPage 802, Gwinnett County, ing taxes which are a lien, The Southeasterly Right Of LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORGeorgia Records, as last but not yet due and payable), Way Of Innsfall, Said Curve MATION OBTAINED WILL BE transferred to Wilmington (b) any matters which might Having A Radius Of 12.00 USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Savings Fund Society, FSB, be disclosed by an accurate Feet; Running Thence North 1017-658075A d/b/a Christiana Trust, not survey and inspection of the 61 Degrees 51 Minutes 05 950-248456, 4/9,16,23,30 individually but as trustee for property, and (c) all matters Seconds East Along The Pretium Mortgage Acquisiof record superior to the Southeasterly Right Of Way NOTICE OF SALE tion Trust by assignment reDeed to Secure Debt first Of Said Innsfall Drive 74.00 UNDER POWER, corded in Deed Book 53288, set out above, including, but Feet To The Point Of BeginGWINNETT COUNTY Page 41, Gwinnett County, not limited to, assessments, ning. This Property Is Also Pursuant to the Power of Georgia Records, conveying liens, encumbrances, zonKnown As 2082 Innsfall Sale contained in a Security the after-described property ing ordinances, easements, Drive, Snellville, Georgia. Deed given by Zoila Gloria to secure a Note in the origirestrictions, covenants, etc. Together With All Fixtures Escorza to Washington nal principal amount of ONE The sale will be conducted And Personal Property AtMutual Bank, FA dated HUNDRED EIGHTY THOUsubject to (1) confirmation tached To And Constituting A 8/16/2004 and recorded in SAND SEVEN HUNDRED that the sale is not prohibited Part Of Said Property. Deed Book 39537 Page 143, THIRTY-ONE AND 0/100 under the U.S. Bankruptcy The debt secured by said Gwinnett County, Georgia DOLLARS ($180,731.00), Code; (2) O.C.G.A. Section Security Deed has been and records; as last transferred with interest thereon as set 9-13-172.1; and (3) final is hereby declared due beto or acquired by Wells forth therein, there will be confirmation and audit of the cause of, among other posFargo Bank, NA, conveying sold at public outcry to the status of the loan with the sible events of default, failure the after-described prophighest bidder for cash beholder of the security deed. to pay the indebtedness as erty to secure a Note in the fore the courthouse door of Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Secand when due and in the original principal amount of Gwinnett County, Georgia, tion 9-13-172.1, which almanner provided in the Note $ 170,327.00, with interest or at such place as may be lows for certain procedures and Security Deed. The debt at the rate specified therein, lawfully designated as an regarding the rescission of remaining in default, this sale there will be sold by the unalternative, within the legal judicial and nonjudicial sales will be made for the purpose dersigned at public outcry to hours of sale on the first in the State of Georgia, the of paying the same and all the highest bidder for cash Tuesday in May, 2015, the Deed Under Power and other expenses of this sale, as before the Courthouse door following described property: foreclosure documents may provided in the Security Deed of Gwinnett County, Georgia, SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED not be provided until final and by law, including attorwithin the legal hours of sale HERETO AND MADE A PART confirmation and audit of the ney’s fees (notice of intent to on May 05, 2015 (being the HEREOF The debt secured status of the loan as provided collect attorney’s fees having first Tuesday of said month by said Security Deed has in the preceding paragraph. been given). unless said date falls on a been and is hereby declared Pursuant to O.C.G.A. SecSaid property is commonly Federal Holiday), the followdue because of, among other tion 44-14-162.2, the entity known as 2082 Innsfail ing described property: possible events of default, that has full authority to neDrive, Waterford TownALL THAT TRACT OR PARfailure to pay the indebtedgotiate, amend and modify all ship, GA 30078 together CEL OF LAND LYING AND ness as and when due and terms of the mortgage with with all fixtures and personal BEING IN LAND LYING AND in the manner provided in the the debtor is: property attached to and BEING IN LAND LOT 115 Note and Security Deed. The Select Portfolio Servicing, constituting a part of said OF THE 6TH DISTRICT OF debt remaining in default, Inc. property, if any. To the best GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORthis sale will be made for the Attention: Loss Mitigation knowledge and belief of the GIA, BEING KNOWN AS purpose of paying the same Department undersigned, the party (or LOT 4, BLOCK C, THE FOUR and all expenses of this sale, 3815 South West Temple parties) in possession of the WINDS SUBDIVISION, UNIT as provided in Security Deed Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 subject property is (are): AnONE, ACCORDING TO THE and by law, including attor1-888-818-6032 gelou Chiles Ezeilo or tenant PLAT OF RECORD IN PLAT ney’s fees (notice of intent to The foregoing notwithor tenants. BOOK V, PAGE 64, GWINcollect attorney’s fees having standing, nothing in OC.G.A. Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC NETT COUNTY RECORDS, been given). Said property Section 44-14-162.2 shall is the entity or individual desBEING MORE PARTICUwill be sold subject to any be construed to require the ignated who shall have full LARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLoutstanding ad valorem taxes secured creditor to negotiate, authority to negotiate, amend LOWS: (including taxes which are amend or modify the terms and modify all terms of the BEGINNING AT A POINT a lien, but not yet due and of the Deed to Secure Debt mortgage. ON THE NORTHEASTERLY payable), any matters which described herein. Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC SIDE OF FOUR WINDS might be disclosed by an This sale is conducted on Foreclosure Loss Mitigation DRIVE 390.68 FEET SOUTHaccurate survey and inspecbehalf of the secured credi1661 Worthington Road FROM THE EASTERLY tion of the property, any tor under the power of sale Suite 100 INTERSECTION OF THE assessments, liens, encumgranted in the aforemenWest Palm Beach, FL 33409 NORTHEASTERLY SIDE OF brances, zoning ordinances, tioned security instrument, 1-877-596-8580 FOUR WINDS DRIVE WITH restrictions, covenants, and specifically being Note, however, that such THE SOUTHEASTERLY SIDE matters of record superior Deutsche Bank National entity or individual is not OF A 60’ PROPOSED ROAD, to the Security Deed first set Trust Company, as Trustee required by law to negotiate, IF SAID STREET LINES out above. Wilmington Savin trust for registered holdamend or modify the terms WERE EXTENDED TO FROM ings Fund Society, FSB, ers of Long Beach Mortgage of the loan. AN ANGLE INSTEAD OF A d/b/a Christiana Trust, not Loan Trust 2005-WL2, AssetSaid property will be sold CURVE; RUNNING THENCE individually but as trustee for Backed Certificates, Series subject to: (a) any outstandSOUTHEASTERLY ALONG Pretium Mortgage Acquisi2005-WL2 ing ad valorem taxes (includTHE NORTHEASTERLY SIDE tion Trust is the holder of the as attorney in fact for ing taxes which are a lien, but OF FOUR WINDS DRIVE 100 Security Deed to the property Bernard Evans not yet due and payable), (b) FEET TO LOT 5, SAID BLOCK in accordance with OCGA § Richard B. Maner, P.C. unpaid water or sewage bills AND SUBDIVISION; RUN44-14-162.2. The entity that 5775 Glenridge Drive that constitute a lien against NING THENCE NORTHEASThas full authority to negotiBuilding D, Suite 100 the property whether due and ERLY ALONG THE NORTHate, amend, and modify all Atlanta, GA 30328 payable or not yet due and WESTERLY LINE OF SAID terms of the mortgage with (404)252-6385 payable and which may not LOT 5, 180 FEET TO A POINT; the debtor is: Rushmore THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING be of record, (c) the right of RUNNING THENCE NORTHLoan Management Services, AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATredemption of any taxing auWESTERLY 100 FEET TO LOT LLC, 7515 Irvine Center TEMPTING TO COLLECT A thority, (d) any matters which 3, SAID BLOCK AND SUBDIDrive 1st Floor, Irvine, CA DEBT. ANY INFORMATION might be disclosed by an acVISION; RUNNING THENCE 92618 888-504-7300. To the OBTAINED WILL BE USED curate survey and inspection SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG best knowledge and belief of FOR THAT PURPOSE. of the property, and (e) any THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE the undersigned, the party in FC14-46 assessments, liens, encumOF SAID LOT 3, 180 FEET TO possession of the property is 950-248404, 4/9,16,23,30 brances, zoning ordinances, THE NORTHEASTERLY SIDE Darrell J. Etheridge and Carrestrictions, covenants, and OF FOUR WINDS DRIVE AND ole A. Etheridge or a tenant matters of record superior OF SALE NOTICE THE POINT OF BEGINNING; or tenants and said property to the Security Deed first set UNDER POWER, BEING IMPROVED PROPis more commonly known out above. GWINNETT COUNTY ERTY. as 1511 Mariray Ct, LawThe sale will be conducted Pursuant to the Power of This sale will be made subrenceville, Georgia 30045. subject to (1) confirmation Sale contained in a Secuject to any right of the United The sale will be conducted that the sale is not prohibited rity Deed given by Angelou States of America to redeem subject (1) to confirmation under the U.S. Bankruptcy Chiles Ezeilo to Mortgage the hereinabove described that the sale is not prohibited Code; and (2) final confirmaElectronic Registration property within 120 days under the U.S. Bankruptcy tion and audit of the status Systems, Inc. as nominee from the sale date aforesaid, Code and (2) to final conof the loan with the holder for Gateway Funding Diverin order to satisfy certain outfirmation and audit of the of the Security Deed. Pursified Mortgage Services standing federal tax liens. status of the loan with the suant to O.C.G.A. Section L.P. DBA Ivy Mortgage dated The debt secured by said holder of the security deed. 9-13-172.1, which allows for 7/15/2005 and recorded in Security Deed has been and Wilmington Savings Fund certain procedures regarding Deed Book 43667 Page 191, is hereby declared due beSociety, FSB, d/b/a Christiana the rescission of judicial and Gwinnett County, Georgia cause of, among other posTrust, not individually but as non-judicial sales in the State records; as last transferred sible events of default, failure trustee for Pretium Mortgage of Georgia, the Deed Under or acquired by Deutsche to to pay the indebtedness as Acquisition Trust as Attorney Power and other foreclosure National Trust ComBank and when due and in the in Fact for Darrell J. Etherdocuments may not be propany, solely as Trustee for manner provided in the Note idge and Carole A. Etheridge vided until final confirmation Specialized Loan MASTR and Security Deed. The debt McCalla Raymer, LLC 1544 and audit of the status of the Trust 2006-1 Mortgage remaining in default, this sale Old Alabama Road Roswell, loan as provided immediately Certifi cates, Pass-Through will be made for the purpose Georgia 30076 www.forecloabove. 2006-1, conveying Series of paying the same and all surehotline.net EXHIBIT “A” Deutsche Bank National the after-described propexpenses of this sale, as Tax ID Number(s): R5216 Trust Company, solely as to secure a Note in the erty provided in the Security Deed 150 Land situated in the Trustee for MASTR Speprincipal amount of original and by law, including attorCounty of Gwinnett in the cialized Loan Trust 2006-1 $ 339,500.00, with interest ney’s fees (notice of intent to State of GA All that tract or Mortgage Pass-Through at the rate specified therein, collect attorney’s fees having parcel of land lying and beCertificates, Series 2006-1 as there will be sold by the unbeen given). ing in Land Lot 216 of the agent and Attorney in Fact for at public outcry to dersigned Said property is commonly 5th District, Gwinnett County, Angelou Chiles Ezeilo the highest bidder for cash known as 5661 Four Winds Georgia, being Lot 41, Block Aldridge Connors, LLP, before the Courthouse door Drive Southwest, Lilburn, B of Bramlett Shoals, Unit II, 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 Gwinnett County, Georgia, of GA 30047 together with all as per plat recorded in Plat Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite the legal hours of sale within fixtures and personal propBook 83, Page 279, Gwin500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, on May 05, 2015 (being the erty attached to and constinett County, Georgia, which (404) 994-7400. first Tuesday of said month tuting a part of said property, recorded plat is incorporated 1017-658900A unless said date falls on a if any. To the best knowledge herein by reference and made THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE Holiday), the followFederal and belief of the undera part hereof; being improved ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECdescribed property: ing signed, the party (or parties) property known as 1511 TOR ATTEMPTING TO COLAll That Tract Or Parcel in possession of the subject Mariray Court, Lawrenceville, LECT A DEBT. ANY INFOROf Land Lying And Being In property is (are): Zoila Gloria Georgia 30045, according to MATION OBTAINED WILL BE Lot 56 Of The 5th Land Land Escorza and Eleazar Tamayo the present system of numUSED FOR THAT PURPOSE. District, Gwinnett County, Perez or tenant or tenants. bering houses in Gwinnett 1017-658900A According To Plat Of Georgia, Wells Fargo Bank, NA is County, Georgia. Commonly 9 5 0 - 2 4 5 1 8 4 , Survey For Sheryl Price Parthe entity or individual desknown as: 1511 Mariray Ct, 3/19,26,4/2,9,16,23,30 And Charles H Parnell, nell ignated who shall have full Lawrenceville, GA 30045 Prepared By North Metro Jr., authority to negotiate, amend MR/jgn 5/5/15 Our file no. NOTICE OF SALE Planning, Inc., Dated July and modify all terms of the 592515 - FT8, 950-247376, UNDER POWER. 1, 1987. As Subsequently mortgage. 4/9,16,23,30 State of Georgia, October 18, 1988, Revised Wells Fargo Bank, NA County of GWINNETT. And Being More Particularly Loss Mitigation Under and by virtue of the NOTICE OF SALE As Follows: Described 3476 Stateview Boulevard UNDER POWER Power of Sale contained in To Locate The True Place Fort Mill, SC 29715 Georgia, a Deed to Secure Debt given Point Of Beginning, Begin Or 1-800-662-5014 Gwinnett County by DANIELLE D FAIR AND At A Point Located On The Note, however, that such Under and by virtue of the JEREMY M FAIR to WELLS Southeasterly Right Of Way entity or individual is not Power of Sale contained in FARGO BANK, N.A. , dated Of Innsfall Drive (Having A 50 required by law to negotiate, a Deed to Secure Debt given 05/14/2009, and Recorded Right Of Way) Located Foot amend or modify the terms by Bernard Evans to Morton 06/08/2009 as Book No. 1404 .06 Feet Southwestof the loan. gage Electronic Registration 49523 and Page No. 0387, As Measured Along The erly, Said property will be sold Systems, Inc. (“MERS”) as GWINNETT County, Georgia Right Of Way Southeasterly subject to: (a) any outstandnominee for Long Beach records, as last assigned to Innsfall Drive, And FollowOf ing ad valorem taxes (includMortgage Company, dated WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. The Curvature Thereof, ing ing taxes which are a lien, but April 19, 2005, and recorded (the Secured Creditor), by From The Point Of Internot yet due and payable), (b) in Deed Book 42549, Page assignment, conveying the Of The Southeastsection unpaid water or sewage bills 34, Gwinnett County, Georgia after-described property to Right Of Way Of Innsfall erly that constitute a lien against secure a Note of even date in records, as last transferred Drive And The Southwestthe property whether due and the original principal amount Deutsche Bank National to Right Of Way Of Janmar erly payable or not yet due and of $163,212.00, with interest Company, as Trustee Trust Run Thence SouthRoad; payable and which may not at the rate specified therein, trust for registered holdin An Arc Distance westerly be of record, (c) the right of there will be sold by the unof Long Beach Morters 18.85 Feet To A Point, Of redemption of any taxing audersigned at public outcry to gage Loan Trust 2005-WL2, Said Curve Having A Radius thority, (d) any matters which the highest bidder for cash Asset-Backed Certifi cates, Of 12.00 Feet; Run Thence might be disclosed by an acat the GWINNETT County Series 2005-WL2 by AsSouth 28 Degrees 08 Mincurate survey and inspection Courthouse within the legal signment recorded in Deed utes 55 Seconds East 193.00 of the property, and (e) any hours of sale on the first Book 48691, Page 440, Feet To A Point, Which Is assessments, liens, encumTuesday in May, 2015, the Gwinnett County, Georgia The True Place Or Point Of brances, zoning ordinances, following described property: records, conveying the afterBeginning; From Said True restrictions, covenants, and ALL THAT TRACT OR PARdescribed property to secure Place Or Point Of Beginning matters of record superior CEL OF LAND LYING AND BEa Note of even date in the As Thus Established; Thence to the Security Deed first set ING IN LAND LOT 94 OF THE original principal amount of North 61 Degrees 51 Minutes out above. 5TH DISTRICT, GWINNETT $480,000.00, with interest 05 Seconds East 330.36 Feet The sale will be conducted COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING at the rate specified therein, To A Point; Thence South subject to (1) confirmation LOT 25, BLOCK A UNIT 1 there will be sold by the un74 Degrees 28 Minutes 54 that the sale is not prohibited OF STEPHENS POND SUBdersigned at public outcry to Seconds East 193.51 Feet under the U.S. Bankruptcy DIVISION, AS PER THEREOF the highest bidder for cash To A Point; Thence South 61 Code; and (2) final confirmaRECORDED IN PLAT BOOK before the Courthouse door Degrees 51 Minutes 05 Section and audit of the status 93, PAGES 187-188, AS REof Gwinnett County, Georgia, onds West 470.41 Feet To A of the loan with the holder VISED AT PLAT BOOK 98, within the legal hours of sale Point; Run Thence North 28 of the Security Deed. PurPAGES 266-267, GWINNETT on the first Tuesday in May, Degrees 08 Minutes 55 Secsuant to O.C.G.A. Section COUNTY, GEORGIA RE2015, to wit: May 5, 2015, onds West 134.0 Feet To The 9-13-172.1, which allows for CORDS, WHICH RECORDED the following described propPlace Or Point Of Beginning. certain procedures regarding PLAT IS INCORPORATED erty: Together With A Non Excluthe rescission of judicial and HEREIN BY REFERENCE All that tract or parcel of sive Easement For Purposes non-judicial sales in the State AND MADE A PART OF THIS land lying and being in Land Of Ingress And Egress Over, of Georgia, the Deed Under DESCRIPTION. The debt seLot 318 of the 6th District, Through And Across The FolPower and other foreclosure cured by said Deed to Secure Gwinnett County, Georbia, lowing Described Property: documents may not be proDebt has been and is hereby being Lot 315, Block A of All That Tract Or Parcel vided until final confirmation declared due because of, Wellington Lake, Unit III-B, Of Land Lying And Being In and audit of the status of the among other possible events as per plat recorded in Plat Land Lot 56 Of The 5th Land loan as provided immediately of default, failure to pay the Book 63, Page 282, Gwinnett District Of Gwinnett County, above. indebtedness as and when County, Georgia records, to Georgia, According To A Plat Wells Fargo Bank, NA as due and in the manner prowhich plat reference is made Of Survey For Sheryl Price agent and Attorney in Fact for vided in the Note and Deed for a more detailed descripParnell And Charles E ParZoila Gloria Escorza to Secure Debt. Because tion. nell, Jr., Prepared By North Aldridge Connors, LLP, the debt remains in default, The debt secured by said Metro Planning, Inc., Dated 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 this sale will be made for Deed to Secure Debt has July 1, 1987, As SubsequentPiedmont Road, N.E., Suite the purpose of paying the been and is hereby declared ly Revised October 18, 1988, 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, same and all expenses of due because of, among other And Being More Particularly (404) 994-7400. this sale, as provided in the possible events of default, Described As Follows: 1000-667507379A Deed to Secure Debt and failure to pay the indebtedBeginning At A Point THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE by law, including attorney’s ness as and when due and Located On The SouthACTING AS A DEBT COLLECfees (notice of intent to colin the manner provided in easterly Right Of Way Of TOR ATTEMPTING TO COLlect attorney’s fees having the Note and Deed to Secure Innsfall Drive {Having A 50 LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORbeen given). WELLS FARGO Debt. The debt remaining in Foot Right Of Way) 1404.06 MATION OBTAINED WILL BE BANK, N.A. holds the duly default, this sale will be made Feet Southwesterly, As MeaUSED FOR THAT PURPOSE. endorsed Note and is the curfor the purpose of paying the sured Along The Southeast1000-667507379A rent assignee of the Security same and all expenses of erly Right Of Way Of Innsfall 950-248010, 4/9,16,23,30 Deed to the property. WELLS this sale, as provided in the Drive, And Following The FARGO BANK, N.A., acting on Deed to Secure Debt and by Curvature Thereof, From behalf of and, as necessary, law, including attorney’s fees NOTICE OF SALE The Point Of Intersection Of in consultation with WELLS (notice of intent to collect UNDER POWER The Southeasterly Right Of FARGO BANK, N.A. (the curattorney’s fees having been GEORGIA, Way Of Innsfall Drive And rent investor on the loan), given). GWINNETT COUNTY Southwesterly Right Of Way is the entity with the full auSaid property is commonly THIS IS AN ATTEMPT Of Janmar Road; Running thority to negotiate, amend, known as 4984 Young Arthur TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY Thence Southwesterly And and modify all terms of the Terrace, Duluth, GA 30097, INFORMATION OBTAINED Arc Distance Of 18.85 Feet To loan. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. together with all fixtures and WILL BE USED FOR THAT A Point, Said Curve Having A § 44-14-162.2, WELLS personal property attached PURPOSE. Radius Of 12.00 Feet; Thence FARGO BANK, N.A. may be to and constituting a part of Under and by virtue of the South 28 Degrees 08 Minutes contacted at: WELLS FARGO said property. To the best Power of Sale contained in a 55 Seconds East 327.00 Feet BANK, N.A., 3476 STATknowledge and belief of the Security Deed given by DarTo A Point; Thence South EVIEW BLVD, FORT MILL, undersigned, the party (or rell J. Etheridge and Carole 61 Degrees 51 Minutes 05 SC 29715, 803-396-6000. parties) in possession of A. Etheridge to Mortgage Seconds West 50.0 Feet To Please note that, pursuant the subject property is (are): Electronic Registration SysA Point; Thence North 28 Roswell, Georgia 30076 FARGO BANK, N.A., acting on and when due and in the www.foreclosurehotline.net 0409of GDP PM Page and, asTHURS necessary, LEGALS_Classifieds 4/7/2015 behalf manner 7:36 provided in the Note C18 *Auction services provided in consultation with WELLS and Security Deed. The debt by Auction.com (www.aucFARGO BANK, N.A. (the curremaining in default, this sale tion.com) EXHIBIT “A” ALL rent investor on the loan), will be made for the purpose THAT TRACT OR PARCEL the entity with the full au- APRIL 9, 2015 • WWW.GWINNETTDAILYPOST.COM is of paying the same and all C18 • THURSDAY, OF LAND LYING AND BEING thority to negotiate, amend, expenses of this sale, as IN LAND LOT 213 OF THE and modify all terms of the provided in the Security Deed 6TH DISTRICT, GWINNETT loan. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. andFORECLOSURES by law, including attorGEORGIA, BEING COUNTY, FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES § 44-14-162.2, WELLS ney’s fees (notice of intent to LOT 33, STERLING BROOK FARGO BANK, N.A. may be collect attorney’s fees having SUBDIVISION, AS PER PLAT contacted at: WELLS FARGO been given). RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK STATE OF GEORGIA BANK, N.A., 3476 STATSaid property is commonly 105, PAGES 166-167, GWINCOUNTY OF GWINNETT EVIEW BLVD, FORT MILL, known as 2732 Marcia Drive, NETT COUNTY RECORDS, OF SALE NOTICE SC 29715, 803-396-6000. Lawrenceville, GA 30044 toWHICH PLAT IS HEREBY UNDER POWER Please note that, pursuant gether with all fixtures and INCORPORATED BY REFERIN DEED TO SECURE DEBT to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, personal property attached ENCE THERETO AND MADE and by virtue of the Under the secured creditor is not to and constituting a part of A PART OF THIS DESCRIPof sale contained in power required to amend or modify said property, if any. To the TION. MR/rla 5/5/15 Our file certain Deed to Secure that the terms of the loan. To the best knowledge and belief no. 5692114 - FT5 from Viviana FernanDebt best knowledge and belief of of the undersigned, the party 950-247427, 4/9,16,23,30 dez to Mortgage Electronic the undersigned, the party/ (or parties) in possession of Registration Systems, Inc. parties in possession of the the subject property is (are): as nominee for Nations OF GEORGIA STATE subject property known as Ellen Ferry or tenant or tenHome Mortgage CorporaCOUNTY OF GWINNETT 3570 STEPHENS CREEK, ants. tion, its successors and OF SALE NOTICE LOGANVILLE, GEORGIA Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC assigns, in the original prinUNDER POWER 30052 is/are: DANIELLE D is the entity or individual descipal amount of $204,421.00 Because of a default in the FAIR AND JEREMY M FAIR or ignated who shall have full dated 02/09/2008, and repayment of the indebtedtenant/tenants. Said property authority to negotiate, amend corded in Deed Book 48648, ness secured by a Secuwill be sold subject to (a) any and modify all terms of the page 851, Gwinnett County rity Deed executed by Reoutstanding ad valorem taxes mortgage. records, said Security Deed gina Figueroa to Mortgage (including taxes which are a Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC being re-recorded in Deed Registration Electronic lien, but not yet due and payForeclosure Loss Mitigation Book 48730, page 175, Systems, Inc. as nominee able), (b) any matters which 1661 Worthington Road Gwinnett County records, Freedom Mortgage for might be disclosed by an acSuite 100 said Security Deed being last Corporation and its succescurate survey and inspection West Palm Beach, FL 33409 transferred and assigned to and assigns dated July sors of the property, and (c) all 1-877-596-8580 CitiMortgage, Inc. in Deed 30, 2009, and recorded in matters of record superior to Note, however, that such Book 53304, page 382, Deed Book 49644, Page 92, the Deed to Secure Debt first entity or individual is not Gwinnett County records, the Gwinnett County Records, set out above, including, but required by law to negotiate, undersigned will sell at public said Security Deed having not limited to, assessments, amend or modify the terms outcry to the highest bidder been last sold, assigned, liens, encumbrances, zonof the loan. for cash before the Courttransferred and conveyed to ing ordinances, easements, Said property will be sold house door in said County, Nationstar Mortgage LLC restrictions, covenants, subject to: (a) any outstandduring the legal hours of sale, by Assignment, securing a etc. The sale will be ing ad valorem taxes (includon the first Tuesday of May, Note in the original principal conducted subject to (1) ing taxes which are a lien, but 2015 by CitiMortgage, Inc., amount of $269,533.00, the confirmation that the sale is not yet due and payable), (b) as Attorney-in-Fact for Viviholder thereof pursuant to not prohibited under the U.S. unpaid water or sewage bills ana Fernandez the following said Deed and Note thereby Bankruptcy Code; and (2) fithat constitute a lien against described property: secured has declared the nal confirmation and audit of the property whether due and Situate in the City of Snellentire amount of said indebtthe status of the loan with the payable or not yet due and ville, County of Gwinnett, edness due and payable and, holder of the security deed. payable and which may not State of Georgia: pursuant to the power of sale Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section be of record, (c) the right of Being in Land Lot 6 of the contained in said Deed, will 9-13-172.1, which allows for redemption of any taxing au5th District, Gwinnett County, on the first Tuesday, May 5, certain procedures regarding thority, (d) any matters which Georgia, being Lot 10, Block 2015, during the legal hours the rescission of judicial and might be disclosed by an acA, Newton`s Crest Subdiviof sale, before the Courtnonjudicial sales in the State curate survey and inspection sion, as per plat recorded in house door in said County, of Georgia, the Deed Under of the property, and (e) any Plat Book 96, Page 185-186, sell at public outcry to the Power and other foreclosure assessments, liens, encumGwinnett County, Georgia highest bidder for cash, the documents may not be probrances, zoning ordinances, records, which recorded plat property described in said vided until final confirmation restrictions, covenants, and is incorporated herein and Deed, to-wit: and audit of the status of the matters of record superior made a part hereof by referALL THAT TRACT OR PARloan as provided in the preto the Security Deed first set ence. CEL OF LAND LYING AND ceding paragraph. WELLS out above. Tax Id Number: R5006-291 BEING IN LAND LOT 186, FARGO BANK, N.A. as AttorThe sale will be conducted Being the same property 5TH DISTRICT, GWINney in Fact for DANIELLE D subject to (1) confirmation conveyed to Viviana FernanNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, FAIR AND JEREMY M FAIR. that the sale is not prohibited dez by deed from Starcraft BEING LOT 58, BLOCK A, THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING under the U.S. Bankruptcy Communities, LLC recorded CHANDLER BLUFF, PHASE AS A DEBT COLLECTOR Code; and (2) final confirma04/15/2005 in Deed Book 2, AS PER PLAT THEREOF ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT tion and audit of the status 42378 Page 140, in the Office RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK A DEBT. ANY INFORMAof the loan with the holder of the Clerk of the Superior 113, PAGE 189, GWINNETT TION OBTAINED WILL BE of the Security Deed. PurCourt of Gwinnett County, COUNTY RECORDS, WHICH USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. suant to O.C.G.A. Section Georgia. PLAT IS INCORPORATED 00000005108840 BARRETT 9-13-172.1, which allows for Note: For street numberHEREIN BY REFERENCE. DAFFIN FRAPPIER LEVINE & certain procedures regarding ing purposes known as 2923 Said property is known as BLOCK, LLP 15000 Surveyor the rescission of judicial and Newtons Crest Circle, Snell281 Chandler Bluff Ct, GrayBoulevard Addison, Texas non-judicial sales in the State ville, Georgia. son, GA 30017, together 75001 Telephone: (972) of Georgia, the Deed Under Property known as: 2923 with all fixtures and personal 341-5398. Power and other foreclosure Newtons Crest Circle, Snellproperty attached to and con950-247819, 4/9,16,23,30 documents may not be proville, GA 30078 stituting a part of said propvided until final confirmation The indebtedness secured erty, if any. and audit of the status of the by said Deed to Secure Debt Said property will be sold NOTICE OF SALE loan as provided immediately having been declared due subject to any outstanding UNDER POWER, above. and payable because of dead valorem taxes (including GWINNETT COUNTY Bank of New York MelThe fault in the payment of the intaxes which are a lien, whethPursuant to the Power of lon Trust Company, N.A., as debtedness secured thereby, er or not now due and paySale contained in a Security FHA Qualified Trustee for this sale will be made for the able), the right of redempDeed given by James Fenn ResCap Liquidating Trust as purposes of paying the same tion of any taxing authority, to Mortgage Electronic agent and Attorney in Fact for and all expenses of sale, any matters which might be Registration Systems, Inc. Ellen Ferry including attorney’s fees, disclosed by an accurate as nominee for WR StarAldridge Connors, LLP, (notice having been given as survey and inspection of the key Mortgage, L.L.P. dated 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 provided by law). property, any assessments, 2/26/2010 and recorded in Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite The property will be sold liens, encumbrances, zoning Deed Book 49976 Page 666, 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, as the property of Viviana ordinances, restrictions, covGwinnett County, Georgia (404) 994-7400. Fernandez subject to the folenants, and matters of record records; as last transferred 1017-659242A lowing: superior to the Security Deed to or acquired by BANK OF THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE (1) all prior restrictive covfirst set out above. AMERICA, N.A., conveying ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECenants, easements, rights-ofThe proceeds of said sale will the after-described propTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLway or encumbrances; (2) be applied to the payment erty to secure a Note in the LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORall valid zoning ordinances; of said indebtedness and all original principal amount of MATION OBTAINED WILL BE (3) matters which would be expenses of said sale as pro$ 216,015.00, with interest USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. disclosed by an accurate vided in said Deed, and the at the rate specified therein, 1017-659242A survey of the property; (4) balance, if any, will be disthere will be sold by the un950-248373, 4/9,16,23,30 the outstanding ad valorem tributed as provided by law. dersigned at public outcry to taxes and assessments, if The sale will be conducted the highest bidder for cash NOTICE OF SALE any; (5) unpaid water and subject (1) to confirmation before the Courthouse door UNDER POWER sewage bills, that constitute that the sale is not prohibited of Gwinnett County, Georgia, GEORGIA, liens against the property, under the U.S. Bankruptcy within the legal hours of sale GWINNETT COUNTY whether due and payable or Code and (2) to final conon May 05, 2015 (being the THIS IS AN ATTEMPT not yet due and payable; and firmation and audit of the first Tuesday of said month TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY (6) matters of record supestatus of the loan with the unless said date falls on a INFORMATION OBTAINED rior to the security deed first secured creditor. Federal Holiday), the followWILL BE USED FOR THAT set out above. The property is or may be ing described property: PURPOSE. CitiMortgage, Inc. is the in the possession of Regina ALL IT TRACT OR PARUnder and by virtue of the assignee and holder of the Figueroa, successor in interCEL OF LAND LYING AND Power of Sale contained in Security Deed. Pursuant est or tenant(s). BEIMG IN LAND LOT 304 a Security Deed given by to O.C.G.A. Section 44-14Nationstar Mortgage LLC as OF 6TH DISTRICT, GWINLeah R Fields to Mortgage 162.2 the name of the person for Regina Attorney-in-Fact NETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, Registration Electronic or entity who has the full auFigueroa BEING LOT 50, BLOCK A, Systems, Inc., as nominee thority to negotiate, amend, File no. 15-051474 DUNWOODY MANOR AT for Network Funding L.P., or modify the terms of the SHAPIRO, SWERTFEGER & CORNERS PEACHTREE its successors and assigns, aforementioned indebtedHASTY, LLP* SUBDIVISION, UNIT THREE, dated September 9, 2009, reness is: Attorneys and Counselors AS PER PLAT RECORDED corded in Deed Book 49709, CitiMortgage, Inc. at Law IN PLAT BOOK 9, PAGE 6, Page 224, Gwinnett County, 1000 Technology Drive 2872 Woodcock Blvd., Suite GWINNETT COUNTY REGeorgia Records, as last O`Fallon, MO 63368 100 CORDS, SAID PLAT BEING transferred to Wells Fargo PH: 866-272-4749 Atlanta, GA 30341-3941 INCORPORATED HEREIN BY Bank, NA by assignment rePlease note that, pursuant (770) 220-2535/SJ REFERENCE THERETO. corded in Deed Book 52998, to O.C.G.A. Section 44-14www.swertfeger.net The debt secured by said Page 771, Gwinnett County, 162.2, you are not entitled *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING Security Deed has been and Georgia Records, conveying by law to an amendment or AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. is hereby declared due bethe after-described property modification of the terms of ANY INFORMATION OBcause of, among other posto secure a Note in the origiyour loan. TAINED WILL BE USED FOR sible events of default, failure nal principal amount of ONE To the best of the underTHAT PURPOSE. to pay the indebtedness as HUNDRED ELEVEN THOUsigned’s knowledge and be9 5 0 - 2 4 6 3 1 3 , and when due and in the SAND THREE HUNDRED lief, the party in possession 3/26,4/2,9,16,23,30 manner provided in the Note FORTY-SIX AND 0/100 DOLis Viviana Fernandez. and Security Deed. The debt LARS ($111,346.00), with CitiMortgage, Inc., as NOTICE OF SALE remaining in default, this sale interest thereon as set forth Attorney-in-fact for Viviana UNDER POWER will be made for the purpose therein, there will be sold at Fernandez. GEORGIA, of paying the same and all public outcry to the highest Pendergast & Associates, GWINNETT COUNTY expenses of this sale, as bidder for cash before the P.C. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO provided in the Security Deed courthouse door of Gwinnett 211 Perimeter Center ParkCOLLECT A DEBT. ANY and by law, including attorCounty, Georgia, or at such way INFORMATION OBTAINED ney’s fees (notice of intent to place as may be lawfully Suite 300 WILL BE USED FOR THAT collect attorney’s fees having designated as an alternaAtlanta, GA 30346 PURPOSE. been given). tive, within the legal hours Phone – 770-392-0398 Under and by virtue of the Said property is commonly of sale on the first Tuesday in Toll Free – 866-999-7088 Power of Sale contained in known as 3604 Corners May, 2015, the following dewww.penderlaw.com a Security Deed given by Way, Norcross, GA 30092 scribed property: SEE EXHIBOur File No. 14-04038-2 Pablo Figueroa to Mortgage together with all fixtures and IT “A” ATTACHED HERETO 950-247339, 4/9,16,23,30 Electronic Registration Syspersonal property attached AND MADE A PART HEREOF tems, Inc. as sole nominee to and constituting a part of The debt secured by said SeNOTICE OF SALE for Fremont Investment & said property, if any. To the curity Deed has been and is UNDER POWER, dated June 30, 2005, Loan, best knowledge and belief hereby declared due because GWINNETT COUNTY recorded in Deed Book of the undersigned, the party of, among other possible Pursuant to the Power of Page 144, Gwinnett 43651, (or parties) in possession of events of default, failure to Sale contained in a Security County, Georgia Records, as the subject property is (are): pay the indebtedness as and Deed given by Ellen Ferry transferred to Deutsche last Emily Higginbotham Fenn or when due and in the manto Mortgage Electronic RegBank National Trust Compatenant or tenants. ner provided in the Note istration Systems, Inc. as ny, as Trustee for Carrington Bank of America is the enand Security Deed. The debt nominee for Mortgage Now, Mortgage Loan Trust, Series tity or individual designated remaining in default, this sale Inc., OHIO Corporation dat2005-FRE1 Asset-Backed who shall have full authorwill be made for the purpose ed 8/29/2008 and recorded in Pass-Through Certificates ity to negotiate, amend and of paying the same and all Deed Book 49074 Page 127, by assignment recorded in modify all terms of the mortexpenses of this sale, as proGwinnett County, Georgia Deed Book 50654, Page 525, gage. vided in Security Deed and by records; as last transferred Gwinnett County, Georgia Bank of America law, including attorney’s fees to or acquired by The Bank conveying the afterRecords, Home Loan Assistance (notice of intent to collect described property to secure of New York Mellon Trust Dept. attorney’s fees having been Note in the original prina Company, N.A., as FHA 7105 Corporate Drive given). Said property will be cipal amount of ONE HUNQualified Trustee for ResPlano, TX 75024 sold subject to any outstandDRED ELEVEN THOUSAND Cap Liquidating Trust, con(800) 846-2222 ing ad valorem taxes (includTWO HUNDRED AND 0/100 veying the after-described Note, however, that such ing taxes which are a lien, ($111,200.00), DOLLARS property to secure a Note in entity or individual is not but not yet due and payable), with interest thereon as set the original principal amount required by law to negotiate, any matters which might be therein, there will be forth of $ 232,435.00, with interest amend or modify the terms disclosed by an accurate sold at public outcry to the at the rate specified therein, of the loan. survey and inspection of the highest bidder for cash bethere will be sold by the unSaid property will be sold property, any assessments, fore the courthouse door of dersigned at public outcry to subject to: (a) any outstandliens, encumbrances, zoning Gwinnett County, Georgia the highest bidder for cash ing ad valorem taxes (includordinances, restrictions, covwithin the legal hours of before the Courthouse door ing taxes which are a lien, but enants, and matters of record sale on the first Tuesday in of Gwinnett County, Georgia, not yet due and payable), (b) superior to the Security Deed May, 2015, the following within the legal hours of sale unpaid water or sewage bills first set out above. Wells described property: All that on May 05, 2015 (being the that constitute a lien against Fargo Bank, NA is the holder tract or parcel of land lying first Tuesday of said month the property whether due and of the Security Deed to the and being in Land Lot 39 of unless said date falls on a payable or not yet due and property in accordance with the 7th District, Gwinnett Federal Holiday), the followpayable and which may not OCGA § 44-14-162.2. The County, Georgia, being Lot ing described property: be of record, (c) the right of entity that has full author59, Block B of Heritage StaAll that tract or parcel of redemption of any taxing auity to negotiate, amend, and tion, Unit Four, as per plat reland lying and being in land thority, (d) any matters which modify all terms of the mortcorded in Plat Book 36, Page lot 12 of the 5th District of might be disclosed by an acgage with the debtor is: Wells 132, Gwinnett County, GeorGwinnett county, Georgia, curate survey and inspection Fargo Home Mortgage a div. gia Records, to which plat being lot 10, Block C, Unit 1, of the property, and (e) any of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., reference is made for a more of Poole Creek Forest subdiassessments, liens, encumPO Box 10335, Des Moines, detailed description. Being vision, as per plat recorded in brances, zoning ordinances, IA 50306 1-800-416-1472. improved property known plat book Z, page 155, Gwinrestrictions, covenants, and To the best knowledge and as 1112 Memory Lane, acnett county, Georgia records, matters of record superior belief of the undersigned, cording to the present syssaid plat being incorporated to the Security Deed first set the party in possession tem of numbering houses in herein and made a part hereout above. of the property is Leah R Gwinnett County, Georgia. of by reference. The sale will be conducted Fields or a tenant or tenants The debt secured by said This conveyance is made subject to (1) confirmation and said property is more Security Deed has been and subject to all zoning ordithat the sale is not prohibited commonly known as 5354 is hereby declared due benances, easements and reunder the U.S. Bankruptcy Langston Road, Norcross, cause of, among other posstrictions of record affecting Code; and (2) final confirmaGeorgia 30071. The sale will sible events of default, failure said bargained premises. tion and audit of the status be conducted subject (1) to to pay the indebtedness as This conveyance is made of the loan with the holder confirmation that the sale is and when due and in the pursuant to official code of of the Security Deed. Purnot prohibited under the U.S. manner provided in the Note Georgia section 44-6-19, and suant to O.C.G.A. Section Bankruptcy Code and (2) to and Security Deed. The debt it is the intention of the par9-13-172.1, which allows for final confirmation and audit remaining in default, this sale ties hereto to hereby create certain procedures regarding of the status of the loan with will be made for the purpose in grantees a joint tenancy the rescission of judicial and the holder of the security of paying the same and all estate with right of survivornon-judicial sales in the State deed. Wells Fargo Bank, NA expenses of this sale, as proship and not as tenants in of Georgia, the Deed Under as Attorney in Fact for Leah vided in Security Deed and by common. Power and other foreclosure R Fields McCalla Raymer, law, including attorney’s fees Commonly known as 2732 documents may not be proLLC 1544 Old Alabama Road (notice of intent to collect Marcia Drive Lawrenceville, vided until final confirmation Roswell, Georgia 30076 attorney’s fees having been GA 30044 However, by showand audit of the status of the www.foreclosurehotline.net given). Carrington Mortgage ing this address no additional loan as provided immediately *Auction services provided Services services the above coverage is provided. above. by Auction.com (www.aucreferenced loan on behalf The debt secured by said BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. tion.com) EXHIBIT “A” ALL of the current owner of the Security Deed has been and as agent and Attorney in Fact THAT TRACT OR PARCEL loan. Carrington Mortgage is hereby declared due befor James Fenn OF LAND LYING AND BEING Services can be contacted at cause of, among other posAldridge Connors, LLP, IN LAND LOT 213 OF THE 888-477-0193x2 or by writsible events of default, failure 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 6TH DISTRICT, GWINNETT ing to 1610 E. St. Andrew to pay the indebtedness as Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING Pl #B150, Santa Ana, CA and when due and in the 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, LOT 33, STERLING BROOK 92705, to discuss possible manner provided in the Note (404) 994-7400. SUBDIVISION, AS PER PLAT alternatives to foreclosure. and Security Deed. The debt 1016-667500509A RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK Said property will be sold remaining in default, this sale THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE 105,IfPAGES 166-167, your old stuffGWINis subject to any outstanding will be made for the purpose ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECNETT COUNTY RECORDS, collecting dust, it could ad valorem taxes (including of paying the same and all TOR ATTEMPTING TO COLWHICH PLAT IS HEREBY taxes which are a lien, but expenses of this sale, as LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORbe collecting cash! INCORPORATED BY REFERnot yet due and payable), provided in the Security Deed MATION OBTAINED WILL BE ENCE THERETO AND MADE any matters which might and by law, including attorUSED FOR THAT PURPOSE. A PART OF classifieds THIS DESCRIPbe disclosed by an accurate ney’s fees (notice of intent to 1016-667500509A TION. MR/rla770-962-SELL 5/5/15 Our file survey and inspection of the collect attorney’s fees having 950-246849, 4/9,16,23,30 no. 5692114 - FT5 property, any assessments, been given). 950-247427, 4/9,16,23,30 liens, encumbrances, zonSaid property is commonly ing ordinances, restrictions, known as 2732 Marcia Drive, covenants, and matters of Lawrenceville, GA 30044 to- Pl #B150, Santa Ana, CA 92705, to discuss possible alternatives to foreclosure. Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), matters which might anyFORECLOSURES be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The entity that has full authority to negotiate, amend, and modify all terms of the mortgage with the debtor is: Carrington Mortgage Services, 1610 E. St. Andrew Pl #B150, Santa Ana, CA 92705 Please 888-477-0193x2. understand that the secured creditor is not required by law to negotiate, amend, or modify the terms of the mortgage instrument. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in possession of the property is Pablo Figueroa and Sandra Ramirez or a tenant or tenants and said property is more commonly known as 1112 Memory Ln, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30044. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the security deed. Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee for Carrington Mortgage Loan Trust, Series 2005-FRE1 Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates as Attorney in Fact for Pablo Figueroa RCO Legal, P.S. 1587 Northeast Expressway Atlanta, GA 30329 (770)-234-9181 TS#: www.rcolegal.com 1R393414 FEI # 2013.02222 04/16/2015, 04/09/2015, 04/23/2015,04/30/2015 950-248360, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE UNDER POWER GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by Roger M. Fitch to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for FirstCity Mortgage, Inc., dated April 25, 2002, and recorded in Deed Book 27264, Page 0127-0138, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, as last transferred to CitiMortgage, Inc. by assignment recorded on April 21, 2009 in Book 49422 Page 608-609 in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, conveying the afterdescribed property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of One Hundred Sixty-Three Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy-Three and 0/100 dollars ($163,973.00), with interest thereon as set forth therein, there will be sold at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the courthouse door of Gwinnett County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on May 5, 2015, the following described property: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 50 of the 7th District, Gwinnett County, Georgia, Being Lot 1, Block B, Timber Laurel Subdivision, Unit One, as per plat recorded in Plat Book 32, Page 280, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, said plat being incorporated herein and made a part hereof by reference. The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Your mortgage servicer can be contacted at (866) 272-4749–Loss Mitigation Dept, or by writing to 1000 Technology Drive, O’Fallon, Missouri 63368, to discuss possible alternatives to avoid foreclosure. Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in possession of the property is Roger M. Fitch and Sherri Fitch or tenant(s); and said property is more commonly known as 291 Timber Laurel Lane, Lawrenceville, GA 30043. The sale will be conducted subject to (1) confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the security deed and (3) any right of redemption or other lien not extinguished by foreclosure. CitiMortgage, Inc. as Attorney in Fact for Roger M. Fitch. Brock & Scott, PLLC 4360 Chamblee Dunwoody Road Suite 310 Atlanta, GA 30341 404-789-2661 B&S file no.: 15-03952 950-248288, 4/9,16,23,30 STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF GWINNETT NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER Because of a default in the payment of the indebtedness secured by a Security Deed executed by Mario E. Flamenco to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Opteum Financial Services, LLC and its successors and assigns dated January 28, 2005, and recorded in Deed Book 41502, Page 143, Gwinnett County Records, said Security Deed having been last sold, assigned, transferred and conveyed to HSBC Bank USA, National Association as Trustee for Opteum Mortgage Acceptance Corporation Acceptance Corporation, Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2005-2 by Assignment, securing a Note in the original principal amount of $173,950.00, the holder thereof pursuant to said Deed and Note thereby secured has declared the entire amount of said indebtedness due and payable and, pursuant to the power of sale contained in said Deed, will on the first Tuesday, May 5, 2015, during the legal hours of sale, before the Courthouse door in said County, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the property described in said Deed, to-wit: Alt that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 306 of the 5th District, secured has declared the entire amount of said indebtedness due and payable and, pursuant to the power of sale contained in said Deed, will on the first Tuesday, May 5, 2015, during the legal hours of sale, before the Courthouse door in said County, at public outcry to the sellFORECLOSURES highest bidder for cash, the property described in said Deed, to-wit: Alt that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 306 of the 5th District, Gwinnett County, Georgia, being Lot 51, Block B, Fairmont on the Park, Unit 6A, per Plat Book 105, Pages 207-209, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, which is referred to and made a part of this description. Said property is known as 2781 Maeve Court, Dacula, GA 30019, together with all fixtures and personal property attached to and constituting a part of said property, if any. Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, whether or not now due and payable), the right of redemption of any taxing authority, any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The proceeds of said sale will be applied to the payment of said indebtedness and all expenses of said sale as provided in said Deed, and the balance, if any, will be distributed as provided by law. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the secured creditor. The property is or may be in the possession of Mario E. Flamenco and Ana Victoria Flamenco, successor in interest or tenant(s). HSBC Bank USA, National Association as Trustee for Opteum Mortgage Acceptance Corporation Acceptance Corporation, Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2005-2 as Attorney-in-Fact for Mario E. Flamenco File no. 15-051483 SHAPIRO, SWERTFEGER & HASTY, LLP* Attorneys and Counselors at Law 2872 Woodcock Blvd., Suite 100 Atlanta, GA 30341-3941 (770) 220-2535/SJ www.swertfeger.net *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. [FC-NOS], 950-247974, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by Shabaka Fletcher to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Meritage Mortgage Corporation its successors and assigns, dated May 1, 2006, recorded in Deed Book 46519, Page 761, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, as last transferred to Citibank NA as Trustee for the MLMI Trust Series 2006-HE5 by assignment recorded in Deed Book 49243, Page 467, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, conveying the after-described property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of NINETY-TWO THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND 0/100 DOLLARS ($92,900.00), with interest thereon as set forth therein, there will be sold at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the courthouse door of Gwinnett County, Georgia, or at such place as may be lawfully designated as an alternative, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in May, 2015, the following described property: SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. Wilmington Trust Company, as Successor Trustee to Citibank NA as Trustee for the Merrill Lynch Mortgage Investors Trust, Series 2006-HE5 is the holder of the Security Deed to the property in accordance with OCGA § 44-14-162.2. The entity that has full authority to negotiate, amend, and modify all terms of the mortgage with the debtor is: Nationstar Mortgage, LLC, 8950 Cypress Waters Blvd, Coppell, TX 75019 888850-9398x3705. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in possession of the property is Shabaka Fletcher and Krisna Investment, LLC or a tenant or tenants and said property is more commonly known as 1012 Country Court, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30044. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the security deed. Wilmington Trust Company, as Successor Trustee to Citibank NA as Trustee for the Merrill Lynch Mortgage Investors Trust, Series 2006HE5 as Attorney in Fact for Shabaka Fletcher McCalla Raymer, LLC 1544 Old Alabama Road Roswell, Georgia 30076 www.foreclosurehotline.net EXHIBIT “A” That certain Condominium Unit in Land Lots 179 and 180, 6th District of Gwinnett County, Georgia, and being identified and depicted as Condominium Unit 1012, Building __ on that certain site plat for Willowrun at Northwood Condominium recorded in Condominium Plat Book 1, Page 28, Gwinnett County Records, together with all rights, title and interest of grantor in the unit and the appurtenances thereto under that certain declaration of Willowrun at Northwood Condominium, as recorded in Deed Book 868, at Page 111, Gwinnett County Records, said declaration including all exhibits thereto and amendments lowrun at Northwood Condominium recorded in Condominium Plat Book 1, Page 28, Gwinnett County Records, together with all rights, title and interest of grantor in the unit and the appurtenances thereto under that certain of Willowrun at declaration FORECLOSURES Northwood Condominium, as recorded in Deed Book 868, at Page 111, Gwinnett County Records, said declaration including all exhibits thereto and amendments thereto hereinafter referred to as declaration; The interest herein conveyed includes without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the undivided percentage interest in the common elements of Willowrun at Northwood Condominium, appurtenant to the unit as the same is specified in the declarations. MR/ms8 5/5/15 Our file no. 5142614–FT2 950-246843, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by Miguel Flores and Soledad Ruiz to HomeBanc Mortgage Corporation, dated July 27, 2005, recorded in Deed Book 43840, Page 0072, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, as last transferred to Chase Home Finance, LLC by assignment recorded in Deed Book 49992, Page 817, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, conveying the after-described property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of TWO HUNDRED TWELVE THOUSAND AND 0/100 DOLLARS ($212,000.00), with interest thereon as set forth therein, there will be sold at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the courthouse door of Gwinnett County, Georgia, or at such place as may be lawfully designated as an alternative, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in May, 2015, the following described property: SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association s/b/m to Chase Home Finance, LLC is the holder of the Security Deed to the property in accordance with OCGA § 44-14-162.2. The entity that has full authority to negotiate, amend, and modify all terms of the mortgage with the debtor is: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, 3415 Vision Drive, Columbus, OH 43219 800-446-8939. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in possession of the property is Miguel Flores and Soledad Ruiz or a tenant or tenants and said property is more commonly known as 1222 Fountain Head Court, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30043. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the security deed. JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association s/b/m to Chase Home Finance, LLC as Attorney in Fact for Miguel Flores and Soledad Ruiz McCalla Raymer, LLC 1544 Old Alabama Road Roswell, Georgia 30076 www.foreclosurehotline.net EXHIBIT “A” ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAND LOT 25 OF THE 7TH DISTRICT, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING LOT 64, BLOCK A, OF FOUNTAIN LAKES, UNIT I, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 94, PAGES 153 AND 154, OF GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS INCORPORATED HEREIN AND MADE A PART HEREOF BY REFERENCE. MR/hq1 5/5/15 Our file no. 5749114–FT3 950-246480, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER, GWINNETT COUNTY Pursuant to the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by Cheri D Foley to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Pine State Mortgage Corporation dated 3/26/2009 and recorded in Deed Book 49394 Page 319, GWINNETT County, Georgia records; as last transferred to or acquired by Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, d/b/a Christiana Trust, not individually but as trustee for Pretium Mortgage Acquisition Trust, conveying the after-described property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of $ 156,431.00, with interest at the rate specified therein, there will be sold by the undersigned at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the Courthouse door of GWINNETT County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on May 05, 2015 (being the first Tuesday of said month unless said date falls on a Federal Holiday), the following described property: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 45 of the 7th District, Gwinnett County, Georgia, being Lot 167, Block A of Jacksons Township Subdivision, Unit Four, as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 47, page 115, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, which recorded plat is incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this description. The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in the Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Said property is commonly known as 1454 Ida Lane, Lawrenceville, GA 30043 together with all fixtures and personal property attached to and constituting a part of said property, if any. To the best knowledge and belief of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in the Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Said property is commonly as 1454 Ida Lane, known FORECLOSURES Lawrenceville, GA 30043 together with all fixtures and personal property attached to and constituting a part of said property, if any. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party (or parties) in possession of the subject property is (are): Cheri D Foley or tenant or tenants. Rushmore Loan Management Services, LLC is the entity or individual designated who shall have full authority to negotiate, amend and modify all terms of the mortgage. Rushmore Loan Management Services, LLC PO Box 52708 Irvine, CA 92619 888.504.7300 Note, however, that such entity or individual is not required by law to negotiate, amend or modify the terms of the loan. Said property will be sold subject to: (a) any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), (b) unpaid water or sewage bills that constitute a lien against the property whether due and payable or not yet due and payable and which may not be of record, (c) the right of redemption of any taxing authority, (d) any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, and (e) any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The sale will be conducted subject to (1) confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the Security Deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1, which allows for certain procedures regarding the rescission of judicial and non-judicial sales in the State of Georgia, the Deed Under Power and other foreclosure documents may not be provided until final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan as provided immediately above. Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, d/b/a Christiana Trust, not individually but as trustee for Pretium Mortgage Acquisition Trust as agent and Attorney in Fact for Cheri D Foley Aldridge Connors, LLP, 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, (404) 994-7400. 1208-611A THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 1208-611A 950-247947, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER, GWINNETT COUNTY Pursuant to the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by Tiffany Fomby and Jonathan Fomby to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Decision One Mortgage Company, LLC dated 9/21/2006 and recorded in Deed Book 47152 Page 491, Gwinnett County, Georgia records; as last transferred to or acquired by Deutsche Bank National Trust Company as Trustee for MASTR Specialized Loan Trust 2007-01 Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, conveying the after-described property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of $ 212,300.00, with interest at the rate specified therein, there will be sold by the undersigned at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the Courthouse door of Gwinnett County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on May 05, 2015 (being the first Tuesday of said month unless said date falls on a Federal Holiday), the following described property: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAND LOT 9 OF THE 5TH DISTRICT, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING LOT 8, BLOCK B, MEADOW OAKS PLACE SUBDIVISION, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 49, PAGE 77, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS, SAID PLAT INCORPORATED BEING HEREIN AND MADE A REFERENCE HERETO. The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in the Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Said property is commonly known as 1510 Meadow Oak Drive, Snellville, GA 30078 together with all fixtures and personal property attached to and constituting a part of said property, if any. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party (or parties) in possession of the subject property is (are): Tiffany Fomby and Jonathan Fomby or tenant or tenants. Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC is the entity or individual designated who shall have full authority to negotiate, amend and modify all terms of the mortgage. Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC Foreclosure Loss Mitigation 1661 Worthington Road Suite 100 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 1-877-596-8580 Note, however, that such entity or individual is not required by law to negotiate, amend or modify the terms of the loan. Said property will be sold subject to: (a) any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), (b) unpaid water or sewage bills that constitute a lien against the property whether due and payable or not yet due and payable and which may not be of record, (c) the right of redemption of any taxing authority, (d) any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, and (e) any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The sale will be conducted subject to (1) confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the Security Deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1, which allows for certain procedures regarding the rescission of judicial and non-judicial sales in the State of Georgia, the Deed Under Power and other foreclosure documents may not be provided until final confirmation subject to (1) confirmation2007, recor that the sale is not prohibited48392, Pag under the U.S. BankruptcyCounty, Geo Code; and (2) final confirma-as modified tion and audit of the statusLoan Mod of the loan with the holderment recor of the Security Deed. Pur-50940, Pag suant to O.C.G.A. SectionCounty, G 9-13-172.1, which allows foras last tran FORECLOSURES FORE procedures regardingBank certain USA, the rescission of judicial andment recor non-judicial sales in the State51239, Pag of Georgia, the Deed UnderCounty, G Power and other foreclosureconveying documents may not be pro-scribed pro vided until final confirmationNote in the and audit of the status of theamount of loan as provided immediatelySIXTY-ONE above. FOUR HUN Deutsche Bank NationalDOLLARS Trust Company as Trusteewith interes for MASTR Specialized Loanforth there Trust 2007-01 Mortgagesold at pub Pass-Through Certificates ashighest bid agent and Attorney in Fact forfore the co Tiffany Fomby and JonathanGwinnett C Fomby at such plac Aldridge Connors, LLP,fully design 15 Piedmont Center, 3575native, with Piedmont Road, N.E., Suiteof sale on th 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305,May, 2015, (404) 994-7400. scribed pro 1017-658744A IT “A” ATT THIS LAW FIRM MAY BEAND MADE ACTING AS A DEBT COLLEC-The debt se TOR ATTEMPTING TO COL-curity Deed LECT A DEBT. ANY INFOR-hereby decl MATION OBTAINED WILL BEof, among USED FOR THAT PURPOSE.events of d 1017-658744A pay the ind 9 5 0 - 2 4 6 3 1 6 ,when due 3/26,4/2,9,16,23,30 ner provid and Securit remaining i NOTICE OF SALE will be mad UNDER POWER, GWINNETT COUNTY of paying Pursuant to the Power ofexpenses o Sale contained in a Securityvided in Sec Deed given by Welton Fortierlaw, includi and Becky Fortier to Home-(notice of Banc Mortgage Corporationattorney’s f dated 4/15/2005 and record-given). Said ed in Deed Book 42628 Pagesold subjec 86, Gwinnett County, Georgiaing ad valor records; as last transferred toing taxes w or acquired by Wilmingtonbut not yet Savings Fund Society, FSB,any matters d/b/a Christiana Trust, notdisclosed individually but as trusteesurvey and for Pretium Mortgage Ac-property, a quisition Trust, conveyingliens, encu the after-described prop-ing ordinan erty to secure a Note in thecovenants, original principal amount ofrecord supe $ 140,200.00, with interestrity Deed fi at the rate specified therein,HSBC Bank there will be sold by the un-holder of t dersigned at public outcry toto the prope the highest bidder for cashwith OCGA before the Courthouse doorThe entity of Gwinnett County, Georgia,thority to n within the legal hours of saleand modify on May 05, 2015 (being themortgage w first Tuesday of said monthPHH Mortg unless said date falls on a2001 Bish Federal Holiday), the follow-Mail Stop S NJ 08054 ing described property: ALL THAT TRACT OR PAR-To the bes CEL OF LAND LYING ANDbelief of BEING IN LAND LOT 225,the party 7TH DISTRICT, GWINNETTthe proper COUNTY, GEORGIA, ANDInvestment IN THE CITY OF BUFORD,a tenant or BEING LOT 24, BLOCK B,property is UNIT TWO, OF SPRINGLAKEknown as ESTATES SUBDIVISION, ASDowns Wa SHOWN ON PLAT RECORD-Georgia 30 ED IN PLAT BOOK 2, PAGEbe conduct 155, GWINNETT COUNTY,confirmatio GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICHnot prohibit PLAT IS INCORPORATEDBankruptcy HEREIN AND MADE A PARTfinal confir of the statu HEREOF BY REFERENCE The debt secured by saidthe holder Security Deed has been anddeed. HSBC is hereby declared due be-as Attorney cause of, among other pos-Foster McC sible events of default, failure1544 Old to pay the indebtedness asRoswell, and when due and in thewww.forec manner provided in the NoteEXHIBIT “A and Security Deed. The debtparcel of lan remaining in default, this salein Land Lot will be made for the purposetrict, Gwinn of paying the same and allgia, being U expenses of this sale, asG, Oakland provided in the Security Deedsion, Phas and by law, including attor-re-recorded ney’s fees (notice of intent toPlat Book collect attorney’s fees having301, and Pl 1, Gwinnett been given). Said property is commonlysaid plat b known as 4111 Springlakeherein by r Circle, Buford, GA 30519Also known together with all fixtures andDowns Wa personal property attachedGA 30044 to and constituting a part ofOur file no. said property, if any. To the 950-2479 best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party NOT (or parties) in possession of UND the subject property is (are): CON Welton Fortier and Becky SEC Fortier or tenant or tenants. STATE OF G Rushmore Loan Manage-COUNTY OF ment Services, LLC is the Pursuant entity or individual desig-contained in nated who shall have fullty deed exe authority to negotiate, amendFoster, her and modify all terms of theto as Gran mortgage. Electronic Rushmore Loan Manage-tems, Inc. ment Services, LLC Allied Hom PO Box 52708 tal Corpora Irvine, CA 92619 Deed Book 888.504.7300 at page 34 Note, however, that suchDeed Book entity or individual is notand modifi required by law to negotiate,53345, Pag amend or modify the termsrecords of of the loan. Superior Co Said property will be soldsaid state a subject to: (a) any outstand-virtue of a ing ad valorem taxes (includ-terms of sa ing taxes which are a lien, butand the rela not yet due and payable), (b)dersigned a unpaid water or sewage billsthe aforesa that constitute a lien againstattorney-inthe property whether due andholder of s payable or not yet due andand note payable and which may notwill sell at be of record, (c) the right ofconducting redemption of any taxing au-said county thority, (d) any matters whichhours of sa might be disclosed by an ac-bidder on curate survey and inspectionin May 201 of the property, and (e) anyscribed in s assessments, liens, encum-including brances, zoning ordinances,to the fol restrictions, covenants, andproperty: matters of record superior All that t to the Security Deed first setland lying a out above. Lot 144 of The sale will be conductedGwinnett subject to (1) confirmationgia, being that the sale is not prohibitedParkview G under the U.S. Bankruptcyrecorded i Code; and (2) final confirma-Page 288, tion and audit of the statusrecords, sa of the loan with the holdercorporated of the Security Deed. Pur-ence hereto suant to O.C.G.A. Section Said prop 9-13-172.1, which allows foron an “ascertain procedures regardingany repre the rescission of judicial andranty or non-judicial sales in the Statethe above-n of Georgia, the Deed Underdersigned. Power and other foreclosuresubject to th documents may not be pro-which may vided until final confirmationany outstan and audit of the status of thetaxes (inclu loan as provided immediatelyare a lien bu above. payable); a Wilmington Savings Fundmight be di Society, FSB, d/b/a Christianacurate surv Trust, not individually but asof the prop trustee for Pretium Mortgagements, lien Acquisition Trust as agentzoning ord and Attorney in Fact for Wel-tions, and ton Fortier and Becky Fortier of record su Aldridge Connors, LLP,Security De 15 Piedmont Center, 3575be conduct Piedmont Road, N.E., Suiteconfirmatio 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305,not prohibit (404) 994-7400. Bankruptcy 1208-667A final confir THIS LAW FIRM MAY BEof the statu ACTING AS A DEBT COLLEC-the holder TOR ATTEMPTING TO COL-Deed. MidF LECT A DEBT. ANY INFOR-its division MATION OBTAINED WILL BEgage as loa USED FOR THAT PURPOSE.entity with 1208-667A negotiate, a 950-248385, 4/9,16,23,30 the terms o curity Deed through its NOTICE OF SALE Mortgage m UNDER POWER at: 999 N GEORGIA, Boulevard, GWINNETT COUNTY Oklahoma THIS IS AN ATTEMPT552-3000. TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANYundersigne INFORMATION OBTAINEDand belief, WILL BE USED FOR THATsession of t PURPOSE. lieved to b Under and by virtue of theor tenant(s) Power of Sale contained in MidFirst a Security Deed given byferee, Assig Wayne Foster to MortgageCreditor A Electronic Registration Sys-for the afor tems, Inc. as nominee for Campbell HSBC Mortgage CorporationAttorneys a (USA), its successors andGlenridge H assigns, dated October 17,5565 Glen 2007, recorded in Deed BookSuite 350 48392, Page 406, GwinnettAtlanta, GA County, Georgia Records and(770) 392-0 as modified by that certainTHIS LAW Loan Modification Agree-HELD TO B ment recorded in Deed BookDEBT COL 50940, Page 223, GwinnettFEDERAL L County, Georgia Records,INFORMATI as last transferred to HSBCWILL BE U Bank USA, N.A by assign-PURPOSE. ment recorded in Deed Book950-248248 51239, Page 665, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, conveying the after-described property to secure a Note in the original principal onfirmation2007, recorded in Deed Book sale is not that the 7:36 t prohibited48392, 406, Gwinnett LEGALS_Classifieds 4/7/2015 0409Page GDP THURS PMprohibited Page under the U.S. Bankruptcy BankruptcyCounty, Georgia Records and Code and (2) to final confiral confirma-as modified by that certain mation and audit of the stathe statusLoan Modification Agreetus of the loan with the holder the holderment recorded in Deed Book of the security deed. Deed. Pur-50940, Page 223, Gwinnett Notice has been given of A. SectionCounty, Georgia Records, intention to collect attorney’s h allows foras last transferred to HSBC in accordance with the feesFORECLOSURES SURES FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES s regardingBank USA, N.A by assignterms of the Note secured by judicial andment recorded in Deed Book said Deed. in the State51239, Page 665, Gwinnett The person that has full NOTICE OF Deed UnderCounty, Georgia Records, authority to negotiate, amend FORECLOSURE SALE foreclosureconveying the after-deand modify all terms of the UNDER POWER not be pro-scribed property to secure a mortgage with the Debtor, GWINNETT COUNTY, onfirmationNote in the original principal is Gerald W. Fudge, 510 ValGEORGIA tatus of theamount of ONE HUNDRED ley Lane, Atlanta, Georgia THIS IS AN ATTEMPT mmediatelySIXTY-ONE THOUSAND 30328. Phone Number 404TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY FOUR HUNDRED AND 0/100 256-0002. Please understand INFORMATION OBTAINED k NationalDOLLARS ($161,400.00), that the secured creditor is WILL BE USED FOR THAT as Trusteewith interest thereon as set not required by law to negoPURPOSE. alized Loanforth therein, there will be tiate, amend or modify the Under and by virtue of the Mortgagesold at public outcry to the terms of the mortgage. Power of Sale contained in rtificates ashighest bidder for cash beThe secured creditor is a Security Deed given by y in Fact forfore the courthouse door of OZORA, LLC. Henry A. Franco to Mortd JonathanGwinnett County, Georgia, or Said property will be sold gage Electronic Registration at such place as may be lawas the property of ROY WILSystems, Inc. as nominee nors, LLP,fully designated as an alterLIAM FRICK , and the profor Quicken Loans, Inc., nter, 3575native, within the legal hours ceeds of said sale will be apdated February 16, 2013, N.E., Suiteof sale on the first Tuesday in plied to the payment of said and recorded in Deed Book rgia 30305,May, 2015, the following deindebtedness, the expense 52058, Page 622, Gwinnett scribed property: SEE EXHIBof said sale, all as provided County, Georgia Records, as IT “A” ATTACHED HERETO in said deed, and the underlast transferred to Federal M MAY BEAND MADE A PART HEREOF signed will execute a deed to National Mortgage AssociaBT COLLEC-The debt secured by said Sethe purchaser as provided in tion (“Fannie Mae”) by asG TO COL-curity Deed has been and is the aforementioned Security signment recorded on JanuNY INFOR-hereby declared due because Deed. ary 28, 2015 in Book 53351 D WILL BEof, among other possible OZORA, LLC Page 0332 in the Office of PURPOSE.events of default, failure to Attorney In Fact for the Clerk of Superior Court pay the indebtedness as and ROY WILLIAM FRICK of Gwinnett County, Georgia 6 3 1 6 ,when due and in the manGerald W. Fudge, Attorney Records, conveying the after30 ner provided in the Note at Law described property to secure and Security Deed. The debt 510 Valley Lane a Note in the original princiremaining in default, this sale F SALE Atlanta, Georgia 30328 pal amount of One Hundred will be made for the purpose OWER, Phone: (404) 256-0002 Seventy Thousand and 0/100 COUNTY of paying the same and all THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING dollars ($170,000.00), with of this sale, as proexpenses e Power of AS A DEBT COLLECTOR AND interest thereon as set forth a Securityvided in Security Deed and by ATTEMPTING TO COLIS therein, there will be sold at lton Fortierlaw, including attorney’s fees LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORpublic outcry to the highest r to Home-(notice of intent to collect MATION OBTAINED WILL BE bidder for cash before the Corporationattorney’s fees having been USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. courthouse door of Gwinand record-given). Said property will be 950-248592, 4/9,16,23,30 nett County, Georgia, within 42628 Pagesold subject to any outstandthe legal hours of sale on nty, Georgiaing ad valorem taxes (includNOTICE OF SALE May 5, 2015, the following ansferred toing taxes which are a lien, UNDER POWER, described property: Wilmingtonbut not yet due and payable), GWINNETT COUNTY Land situated in the County ciety, FSB,any matters which might be Pursuant to the Power of of Gwinnett in the State of GA Trust, notdisclosed by an accurate Sale contained in a SecuAll that tract or parcel of as trusteesurvey and inspection of the rity Deed given by Cynthia land lying and being in Land rtgage Ac-property, any assessments, L. Fromme to Wells Fargo Lot 47 of the 7th District, conveyingliens, encumbrances, zonHome Mortgage, Inc. dated Gwinnett County, Georgia, bed prop-ing ordinances, restrictions, and recorded in 7/24/2003 being Lot 22, Block A, Unit and matters of covenants, Note in the Deed Book 34441 Page 64, One, Chandler Creek Subdiamount ofrecord superior to the SecuGwinnett County, Georgia vision, as per plat recorded ith interestrity Deed first set out above. records; as last transferred to at Plat Book 51, Page 46, in ied therein,HSBC Bank USA, N.A is the or acquired by Wells Fargo the Office of the Clerk of the by the un-holder of the Security Deed Bank, N.A. sbm Wells Fargo Superior Court, Gwinnett ic outcry toto the property in accordance Home Mortgage, Inc., conCounty, Georgia, said plat er for cashwith OCGA § 44-14-162.2. veying the after-described being incorporated herein house doorThe entity that has full auproperty to secure a Note in and made a part of this dety, Georgia,thority to negotiate, amend, the original principal amount scription. ours of saleand modify all terms of the of $ 75,000.00, with interest Commonly known as: 710 (being themortgage with the debtor is: at the rate specified therein, Ashley Laine Walk, Lawsaid monthPHH Mortgage Corporation, there will be sold by the unrenceville, GA 30043 falls on a2001 Bishops Gate Blvd., dersigned at public outcry to The debt secured by said the follow-Mail Stop SV-01, Mt. Laurel, the highest bidder for cash Security Deed has been NJ 08054 800-750-2518. perty: before the Courthouse door and is hereby declared due CT OR PAR-To the best knowledge and of Gwinnett County, Georgia, because of, among other belief of the undersigned, LYING AND within the legal hours of sale possible events of default, LOT 225,the party in possession of on May 05, 2015 (being the failure to pay the indebtedGWINNETTthe property is American first Tuesday of said month ness as and when due and GIA, ANDInvestment Services LLC or unless said date falls on a in the manner provided in the F BUFORD,a tenant or tenants and said Federal Holiday), the followNote and Security Deed. The BLOCK B,property is more commonly ing described property: debt remaining in default, PRINGLAKEknown as 2205 Oakland ALL THAT TRACT OR this sale will be made for the VISION, ASDowns Way, Lawrenceville, PARCEL OF LAND LYING purpose of paying the same Georgia 30044. The sale will T RECORDAND BEING IN LAND LOT and all expenses of this sale, K 2, PAGEbe conducted subject (1) to 31 OF THE 6TH DISTRICT OF as provided in Security Deed COUNTY,confirmation that the sale is GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORand by law, including attorDS, WHICHnot prohibited under the U.S. GIA, BEING LOT 3, BLOCK ney’s fees (notice of intent to RPORATEDBankruptcy Code and (2) to WINDSOR ESTATES A, collect attorney’s fees having DE A PARTfinal confirmation and audit SUBDIVISION, AS PER been given). of the status of the loan with RENCE PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT Your mortgage servicer ed by saidthe holder of the security BOOK 58, PAGE 31, GWINcan be contacted at (866) s been anddeed. HSBC Bank USA, N.A NETT COUNTY, GEORGIA 570-5277–Loss Mitigation ed due be-as Attorney in Fact for Wayne RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS Dept, or by writing to 14523 other pos-Foster McCalla Raymer, LLC INCORPORATED HEREIN BY SW Millikan Way, Ste 200, ault, failure1544 Old Alabama Road REFERENCE AND MADE A Beaverton, Oregon 97005, to tedness asRoswell, Georgia 30076 OF THE DESCRIPTION PART discuss possible alternatives and in thewww.foreclosurehotline.net HEREOF. to avoid foreclosure. in the NoteEXHIBIT “A” All that tract or The debt secured by said Said property will be sold d. The debtparcel of land lying and being Security Deed has been and subject to any outstanding ult, this salein Land Lot 47 of the 5th Disis hereby declared due bead valorem taxes (including he purposetrict, Gwinnett County, Georcause of, among other postaxes which are a lien, but me and allgia, being Unit 108, Building sible events of default, failure not yet due and payable), s sale, asG, Oakland Downs Subdivito pay the indebtedness as any matters which might curity Deedsion, Phase 1, as per that and when due and in the be disclosed by an accurate uding attor-re-recorded plat recorded at manner provided in the Note survey and inspection of the of intent toPlat Book 115, Pages 299and Security Deed. The debt property, any assessments, fees having301, and Plat Book 116, Page remaining in default, this sale liens, encumbrances, zoning 1, Gwinnett County Records, will be made for the purpose ordinances, restrictions, covcommonlysaid plat being incorporated of paying the same and all enants, and matters of record Springlakeherein by reference thereto. expenses of this sale, as superior to the Security Deed GA 30519Also known as: 2205 Oakland provided in the Security Deed first set out above. ixtures andDowns Way, Lawrenceville, and by law, including attorTo the best knowledge and y attachedGA 30044 MR/sdw 5/5/15 ney’s fees (notice of intent to belief of the undersigned, the g a part ofOur file no. 53840009 - FT8 collect attorney’s fees having party in possession of the any. To the 950-247932, 4/9,16,23,30 been given). property is Henry A. Franco and belief Said property is comor tenant(s); and said properd, the party NOTICE OF SALE monly known as 3331 Hart ty is more commonly known ssession of UNDER POWER Way, Snellville, GA 30278 as 710 Ashley Laine Walk, rty is (are): CONTAINED IN together with all fixtures and Lawrenceville, GA 30043. and Becky SECURITY DEED personal property attached The sale will be conducted r tenants. STATE OF GEORGIA, to and constituting a part of subject to (1) confirmation n Manage-COUNTY OF Gwinnett said property, if any. To the that the sale is not prohibited LLC is the Pursuant to a power of sale best knowledge and belief under the U.S. Bankruptcy ual desig-contained in a certain securiof the undersigned, the party Code (2) final confirmation have fullty deed executed by Anthony (or parties) in possession of and audit of the status of the iate, amendFoster, hereinafter referred the subject property is (are): loan with the holder of the rms of theto as Grantor, to Mortgage Cynthia L. Fromme or tenant security deed and (3) any Electronic Registration Sysor tenants. right of redemption or other n Manage-tems, Inc. as nominee for Wells Fargo Bank, NA is lien not extinguished by foreC Allied Home Mortgage Capithe entity or individual desclosure. tal Corporation recorded in ignated who shall have full Federal National Mortgage 9 Deed Book 32411, beginning authority to negotiate, amend Association (“Fannie Mae”) at page 34 and modified at and modify all terms of the as Attorney in Fact for Henry that suchDeed Book 50618, Page 421, mortgage. A. Franco. ual is notand modified at Deed Book Wells Fargo Bank, NA Brock & Scott, PLLC o negotiate,53345, Page 762, of the deed Loss Mitigation 4360 Chamblee Dunwoody the termsrecords of the Clerk of the 3476 Stateview Boulevard Road Superior Court of the aforeFort Mill, SC 29715 Suite 310 will be soldsaid state and county, and by 1-800-662-5014 Atlanta, GA 30341 y outstand-virtue of a default under the Note, however, that such 404-789-2661 xes (includ-terms of said security deed, entity or individual is not B&S file no.: 15-01680 e a lien, butand the related note, the unrequired by law to negotiate, 950-248292, 4/9,16,23,30 ayable), (b)dersigned attorney-in-fact for amend or modify the terms ewage billsthe aforesaid Grantor (which of the loan. NOTICE OF SALE ien againstattorney-in-fact is the present Said property will be sold UNDER POWER her due andholder of said security deed subject to: (a) any outstandSTATE OF GEORGIA et due andand note secured thereby) ing ad valorem taxes (includCOUNTY OF GWINNETT ch may notwill sell at the usual place of ing taxes which are a lien, but Because of a default in the the right ofconducting Sheriff’s sales in not yet due and payable), (b) payment of the indebtedy taxing au-said county within the legal unpaid water or sewage bills ness, secured by a Secuatters whichhours of sale, to the highest that constitute a lien against rity Deed executed by ROY d by an ac-bidder on the first Tuesday the property whether due and WILLIAM FRICK to OZORA, inspectionin May 2015, all property depayable or not yet due and LLC, A GEORGIA LIMITED and (e) anyscribed in said security deed payable and which may not LIABILITY COMPANY dated ns, encum-including but not limited be of record, (c) the right of MAY 2, 2013, in the amount ordinances,to the following described redemption of any taxing auof $40,000.00 and recorded nants, andproperty: thority, (d) any matters which JUNE 19, 2013 in Deed d superior All that tract or parcel of might be disclosed by an acBook 52310, Page 0354, eed first setland lying and being in Land curate survey and inspection GWINNETT County, Georgia Lot 144 of the 6th District, of the property, and (e) any Records, the undersigned, conductedGwinnett County, Georassessments, liens, encumOZORA, LLC, pursuant to onfirmationgia, being Lot 8, Block A, brances, zoning ordinances, said Deed and the Note theret prohibitedParkview Grove, as per plat restrictions, covenants, and by secured, has declared the Bankruptcyrecorded in Plat Book 94, matters of record superior entire amount of said indebtal confirma-Page 288, Gwinnett County to the Security Deed first set edness due and payable and, the statusrecords, said plat being inout above. pursuant to the power of sale the holdercorporated herein by referThe sale will be conducted contained in said Deed, will Deed. Pur-ence hereto. subject to (1) confirmation on the first Tuesday, in MAY A. Section Said property will be sold that the sale is not prohibited 2015, during the legal hours h allows foron an “as-is” basis without under the U.S. Bankruptcy of sale, before the Courts regardingany representation, warCode; and (2) final confirmahouse door in GWINNETT judicial andranty or recourse against tion and audit of the status County, sell at public outcry in the Statethe above-named or the unof the loan with the holder to the highest bidder for Deed Underdersigned. The sale will be of the Security Deed. Purcash, the property described foreclosuresubject to the following items suant to O.C.G.A. Section in said Deed, to-wit: not be pro-which may affect the title: 9-13-172.1, which allows for ALL THAT TRACT OR PARonfirmationany outstanding ad valorem certain procedures regarding CEL OF LAND LYING AND tatus of thetaxes (including taxes which the rescission of judicial and BEING IN LAND LOT315 mmediatelyare a lien but not yet due and non-judicial sales in the State OF THE 6TH DISTRICT OF payable); any matters which of Georgia, the Deed Under GWINNETT COUNY, GEORvings Fundmight be disclosed by an acPower and other foreclosure GIA, BEING LOT NO. 2, a Christianacurate survey and inspection documents may not be proBLOCK P, UNIT ELEVEN OF ually but asof the property; any assessvided until final confirmation PEACHTREE STATION SUBm Mortgagements, liens, encumbrances, and audit of the status of the DIVISION, AS PER PLAT as agentzoning ordinances, restricloan as provided immediately RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK act for Wel-tions, and all other matters above. 15, PAGE 244, WHICH HAS cky Fortier of record superior to the said Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. BEEN RERECORDED IN PLAT nors, LLP,Security Deed. The sale will sbm Wells Fargo Home BOOK 17, PAGE 89, GWINnter, 3575be conducted subject (1) to Mortgage, Inc. as agent and NETT COUNTY GEORGIA N.E., Suiteconfirmation that the sale is Attorney in Fact for Cynthia RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS rgia 30305,not prohibited under the U.S. L. Fromme INCORPORATED HEREIN Bankruptcy Code and (2) to Aldridge Connors, LLP, BY REFERENCE AND MADE final confirmation and audit 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 A PART HEREOF; BEING M MAY BEof the status of the loan with Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite PROPERTY KNOWN AS BT COLLEC-the holder of the Security 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, 4351 FLIPPEN TRAIL, NORG TO COL-Deed. MidFirst Bank, through (404) 994-7400. CROSS, GEORGIA 30092, NY INFOR-its division Midland Mort1000-667507528A ACCORDING TO THE PRESD WILL BEgage as loan servicer is the THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ENT SYSTEM OF NUMBERPURPOSE.entity with full authority to ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECING HOUSES IN GWINNETT negotiate, amend and modify TOR ATTEMPTING TO COLCONTY, GEORGIA. 9,16,23,30 the terms of the Note and SeLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORThe sale will be held subcurity Deed. MidFirst Bank, MATION OBTAINED WILL BE ject to any unpaid taxes, asthrough its division Midland USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. sessments, rights-of-way, F SALE Mortgage may be contacted 1000-667507528A easements, protective covOWER at: 999 Northwest Grand 950-248008, 4/9,16,23,30 enants or restrictions, liens, Boulevard, Oklahoma City, and other superior matters TY Oklahoma 73118; 1-800of records which may affect ATTEMPT552-3000. To the best of the NOTICE OF SALE said property. DEBT. ANYundersigned’s UNDER POWER knowledge The sale will be held OBTAINEDand belief, the party in posUnder and by virtue of the subject to an outstanding FOR THATsession of the property is bePower of Sale contained in a Security Deed in favor of Security Deed from ANGELA lieved to be Anthony Foster, TERRACE MORTGAGE COMirtue of theor tenant(s). M. FROST to Mortgage ElecPANY Dated March 25, 2011, ontained in MidFirst Bank, as Transtronic Registration Systems, securing an original principal given byferee, Assignee, and Secured Inc., as nominee for Taylor amount of $130,000.00 duly MortgageCreditor As attorney-in-fact Bean & Whitaker Mortgage filed and recorded in deed ration Sys-for the aforesaid Grantor Corp., its successors and book 50657, page 0555 Deed ominee for Campbell & Brannon, LLC assigns, dated March 25, records of Gwinnett County CorporationAttorneys at Law 2009, and recorded on April Georgia. essors andGlenridge Highlands II 1, 2009, in Book 49383, Page The sale will be conducted October 17,5565 Glenridge Connector, 137, of the Gwinnett County, subject (1) to confirmation Deed BookSuite 350 Georgia Records, as last that the sale is not prohibited 6, GwinnettAtlanta, GA 30342 assigned to CARRINGTON under the U.S. Bankruptcy ecords and(770) 392-0041 MORTGAGE SERVICES, LLC Code and (2) to final confirhat certainTHIS LAW FIRM MAY BE (Secured Creditor); conmation and audit of the staon Agree-HELD TO BE ACTING AS A veying the after-described tus of the loan with the holder Deed BookDEBT COLLECTOR, UNDER property to secure a Note in of the security deed. 3, GwinnettFEDERAL LAW. IF SO, ANY the original principal amount Notice has been given of Records,INFORMATION OBTAINED of $120,367.00 with interest intention to collect attorney’s d to HSBCWILL BE USED FOR THAT thereon as set forth therein, fees in accordance with the by assign-PURPOSE. there will be sold at public terms of the Note secured by Deed Book950-248248, 4/9,16,23,30 outcry to the highest bidder said Deed. 5, Gwinnett for cash before the courtThe person that has full Records, house door of Gwinnett authority to negotiate, amend after-deCounty, Georgia, within the and modify all terms of the to secure a legal hours of sale on the first mortgage with the Debtor, al principal TUESDAY in May, 2015, the assigned to CARRINGTON C19 Georgia Records, as last MORTGAGE SERVICES, LLC (Secured Creditor); conveying the after-described property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of $120,367.00 with interest thereon as set forth therein, will be sold at public there FORECLOSURES outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the courthouse door of Gwinnett County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on the first TUESDAY in May, 2015, the following described property: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lots 159 and 162 of the 5th District, Gwinnett County, Georgia, being Lot 60, Shadowbrooke, Unit Two, as per plat recorded in Plat Book 105, Pages 187-188, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, said plat being incorporated herein and made reference thereto. The indebtedness secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due and payable because of, among other possible events of default, non-payment of the monthly installments as required by said Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in the Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given) and all other payments provided for under the terms of the Security Deed and Note. Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the security deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1, which allows for certain procedures regarding the rescission of judicial and non-judicial sales in the State of Georgia, the Deed Under Power and other foreclosure documents may not be provided until final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan as provided immediately above. The entity that has full authority to negotiate, amend, and modify all terms of the mortgage with the debtor is: CARRINGTON MORTGAGE SERVICES, LLC, 1610 E. Saint Andrew, Suite B-150, Santa Ana, CA 92705, 1-800790-9502. Please understand that the secured creditor is not required to negotiate, amend, or modify the terms of the mortgage instrument. To the best of the undersigned’s knowledge and belief, said property is also known as 76 Shadowhill Lane, Loganville, GA 30052, and the party in possession of the property is/are ANGELA M. FROST or a tenant or tenants of said property. CARRINGTON MORTGAGE SERVICES, LLC As Attorney-in-Fact for ANGELA M. FROST SOLOMON | BAGGETT, LLC 40 Technology Parkway South, Suite 202 Norcross, Georgia 30092 (678) 243-2512 THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Publish: 4/9/15, 4/16/15, 4/23/15 and 4/30/15 950-248981, 4/9,16,23,30 STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF GWINNETT NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER Because of a default in the payment of the indebtedness secured by a Security Deed executed by Edgardo Fuentes and Lilian Fuentes to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Home Savings of America, A Federal Savings Association, it’s successors and assigns dated November 24, 2009, and recorded in Deed Book 49837, Page 637, Gwinnett County Records, said Security Deed having been last sold, assigned, transferred and conveyed to Nationstar Mortgage LLC by Assignment, securing a Note in the original principal amount of $175,440.00, the holder thereof pursuant to said Deed and Note thereby secured has declared the entire amount of said indebtedness due and payable and, pursuant to the power of sale contained in said Deed, will on the first Tuesday, May 5, 2015, during the legal hours of sale, before the Courthouse door in said County, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the property described in said Deed, to-wit: The following described property: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN ROCKY CREEK GMD 1587, LAND LOT 1, OF THE 2ND DISTRICT, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING LOT 5, BLOCK B, HARBINS PLANTATION SUBDIVISION, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 91, PAGE 160, GWINNETT COUNTY RECORDS, SAID PLAT BEING INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE THERETO. BEING the same lot of ground which by Deed dated September 19, 2008 and recorded October 17, 2008 among the Land Records of Gwinnett County, GA in Book 49124, page 639 was granted and conveyed by John Brown unto Edgardo Fuentes and Lillian Fuentes as joint tenants with rights of survivorship. Said property is known as 910 Harbins View Drive, Dacula, GA 30019, together with all fixtures and personal property attached to and constituting a part of said property, if any. Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, whether or not now due and payable), the right of redemption of any taxing authority, any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The proceeds of said sale will be applied to the payment of said indebtedness and all expenses of said sale as provided in said Deed, and the balance, if any, will be distributed as provided by law. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the secured creditor. The property is or may be in the possession of Edgardo Fuentes and Lillian Fuentes, successor in interest or tenant(s). Nationstar Mortgage LLC as Attorney-in-Fact for Edgardo Fuentes and Lilian subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the secured creditor. The property is or may be possession of Edgardo in the FORECLOSURES Fuentes and Lillian Fuentes, successor in interest or tenant(s). Nationstar Mortgage LLC as Attorney-in-Fact for Edgardo Fuentes and Lilian Fuentes File no. 14-050309 SHAPIRO, SWERTFEGER & HASTY, LLP* Attorneys and Counselors at Law 2872 Woodcock Blvd., Suite 100 Atlanta, GA 30341-3941 (770) 220-2535/SJ www.swertfeger.net *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 950-247840, 4/9,16,23,30 STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF GWINNETT NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER Because of a default in the payment of the indebtedness secured by a Security Deed executed by Derrick E. Fuller to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. dated October 14, 2011, and recorded in Deed Book 50941, Page 629, Gwinnett County Records, said Security Deed having been last sold, assigned, transferred and conveyed to Wells Fargo Bank, NA by Assignment, securing a Note in the original principal amount of $202,727.00, the holder thereof pursuant to said Deed and Note thereby secured has declared the entire amount of said indebtedness due and payable and, pursuant to the power of sale contained in said Deed, will on the first Tuesday, May 5, 2015, during the legal hours of sale, before the Courthouse door in said County, sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the property described in said Deed, to-wit: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAND LOTS 118 AND 119 OF THE 5TH DISTRICT OF GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING LOT 21, BLOCK A, UNIT 2, OF THE ESTATES AT GREAT OAKS LANDING, UNIT TWO, AS PER PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 83, PAGE 237, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS, SAID PLAT INCORPORATED BEING HEREIN AND MADE A PART HEREOF BY REFERENCE. BEING THE SAME PROPERTY CONVEYED IN WARRANTY DEED RECORDED AT DEED BOOK 32678, PAGE 231, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS. Said property is known as 814 Montecruz Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30045, together with all fixtures and personal property attached to and constituting a part of said property, if any. Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, whether or not now due and payable), the right of redemption of any taxing authority, any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The proceeds of said sale will be applied to the payment of said indebtedness and all expenses of said sale as provided in said Deed, and the balance, if any, will be distributed as provided by law. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the secured creditor. The property is or may be in the possession of Derrick E. Fuller, a/k/a Derrick Earl Fuller and Tanya Renee Fuller, a/k/a Tanya R. Fuller, successor in interest or tenant(s). Wells Fargo Bank, NA as Attorney-in-Fact for Derrick E. Fuller File no. 14-047240 SHAPIRO, SWERTFEGER & HASTY, LLP* Attorneys and Counselors at Law 2872 Woodcock Blvd., Suite 100 Atlanta, GA 30341-3941 (770) 220-2535/KLM www.swertfeger.net *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 950-246492, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY By virtue of a Power of Sale contained in that certain Security Deed from ROXANNE R GAIGELAS to BANK OF NORTH GEORGIA MORTGAGE, A DIVISION OF BANK OF NORTH GEORGIA , dated July 16, 2004, recorded August 13, 2004, in Deed Book 39465, Page 0077, , Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, said Security Deed having been given to secure a Note of even date in the original principal amount of Two Hundred Ninety-Two Thousand Eight Hundred and 00/100 dollars ($292,800.00), with interest thereon as provided for therein, said Security Deed having been last sold, assigned and transferred to Astoria Bank, f/k/a Astoria Federal Savings and Loan Association, there will be sold at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash at the Gwinnett County Courthouse, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in May, 2015, all property described in said Security Deed including but not limited to the following described property: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING, AND BEING IN LAND LOT 347 OF THE 6TH DISTRICT, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, AND BEING LOT 29, BLOCK A, RIVER STATION, UNIT ONE, AS PER PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 25, PAGE 101, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, WHICH PLAT IS HEREBY REFERRED TO AND MADE A PART HEREOF BY REFERENCE FILE NUMBER: 04SL0716 Said legal description being controlling, however the property is more commonly known as 4544 CAPE KURE CT, NORCROSS, GA 30092. The indebtedness secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of default under the terms of said Security Deed and Note. The indebtedness remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same, all expenses of the sale, including attorneys’ fees (notice to collect same having been given) and all other payments provided for under the terms of the Security Deed and Note. Said property will be sold on an “as-is” basis without any representation, warranty or recourse against the above-named or the under- loan as provided immediately edness remaining in default, ordinances, restrictions, covabove. this sale will be made for the enants, and matters of record PennyMac Loan Services, purpose of paying the same, superior to the Security Deed LLC as agent and Attorney in all expenses of the sale, first set out above. Fact for Michael W. Galli and including attorneys’ fees The proceeds of said sale Lisa O. Galli (notice to collect same havWWW.GWINNETTDAILYPOST.COM • THURSDAY, APRIL 2015 applied to •theC19 paywill be 9, Aldridge Connors, LLP, ing been given) and all other ment of said indebtedness 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 payments provided for under and all expenses of said sale Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite the FORECLOSURES terms of the Security provided in said Deed, as FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, Deed and Note. and the balance, if any, will (404) 994-7400. Said property will be sold be distributed as provided 1120-14920A on an “as-is” basis without by law. STATE OF GEORGIA THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE any representation, warThe sale will be conducted COUNTY OF GWINNETT ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECranty or recourse against the subject (1) to confirmation NOTICE OF SALE TOR ATTEMPTING TO COLabove-named or the underthat the sale is not prohibited UNDER POWER LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORsigned. The sale will also be under the U.S. Bankruptcy Because of a default in the MATION OBTAINED WILL BE subject to the following items Code and (2) to final conpayment of the indebtedness USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. which may affect the title: firmation and audit of the secured by a Security Deed 1120-14920A any outstanding ad valorem status of the loan with the executed by Patricia A. Gartaxes (including taxes which 950-247962, 4/9,16,23,30 secured creditor. rison to Mortgage Electronic are a lien, whether or not now The property is or may be Registration Systems, Inc. due and payable); the right of in the possession of Jonaas nominee for Home Star NOTICE OF SALE redemption of any taxing authan Geegbae, a/k/a JonaMortgage Services, LLC and UNDER POWER thority; matters which would than J. Geegbae and Comfort its successors and assigns GEORGIA, be disclosed by an accurate Geegbae, successor in interdated December 2, 2003, GWINNETT COUNTY survey or by an inspection of est or tenant(s). and recorded in Deed Book THIS IS AN ATTEMPT the property; all zoning ordiU.S. Bank National AssociPage 196, Gwinnett 36243, TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY nances; assessments; liens; ation, as Trustee for GSMPS Records, said SecuCounty INFORMATION OBTAINED encumbrances; restrictions; Mortgage Loan Trust 2006rity Deed having been last WILL BE USED FOR THAT covenants, and any other RP1 as Attorney-in-Fact for sold, assigned, transferred PURPOSE. matters of record superior to Jonathan Geegbae and Comand conveyed to HSBC Bank Under and by virtue of the said Security Deed. fort Geegbae National Association USA, Power of Sale contained in To the best of the knowlFile no. 14-049266 Trustee for Homestar as a Security Deed given by edge and belief of the underSHAPIRO, SWERTFEGER Mortgage Acceptance Corp., Curtis Gamble to Mortgage signed, the owner and party HASTY, LLP* & Pass-Through Asset-Backed Electronic Registration Sysin possession of the property Attorneys and Counselors cates, Series 2004-1 Certifi tems, Inc. as nominee for is ROXANNE R GAIGELAS, at Law by Assignment, securing a SIB Mortgage Corp., A New PAUL F. GAIGELAS, HELEN 2872 Woodcock Blvd., Note in the original principal Jersey Corporation, its sucM. GAIGELAS, or tenants(s). Suite 100 amount of $107,350.00, the and assigns, dated cessors The sale will be conducted Atlanta, GA 30341-3941 thereof pursuant to holder April 24, 2003, recorded in subject (1) to confirmation (770) 220-2535/KLM said Deed and Note thereby Deed Book 32608, Page 148, that the sale is not prohibited www.swertfeger.net secured has declared the Gwinnett County, Georgia under the U.S. Bankruptcy *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTamount of said indebtentire Records and as modified by Code and (2) to final confirAS A DEBT COLLECTOR. ING due and payable and, edness that certain Loan Modificamation and audit of the staANY INFORMATION OBpursuant to the power of sale tion Agreement recorded in tus of the loan with the holder WILL BE USED FOR TAINED in said Deed, will contained Deed Book 51988, Page 310, of the Security Deed. THAT PURPOSE. on the first Tuesday, May 5, Gwinnett County, Georgia The entity having full au950-247977, [FC-NOS], during the legal hours 2015, Records, as last transferred thority to negotiate, amend 4/9,16,23,30 of sale, before the Courtto Wilmington Savings Fund or modify all terms of the house door in said County, Society, FSB, d/b/a Chrisloan (although not required sell at public outcry to the NOTICE OF SALE tiana Trust, not individually by law to do so) is: Astoria highest bidder for cash, the UNDER POWER. but as trustee for Pretium Bank f/k/a/ Astoria Federal property described in said State of Georgia, Mortgage Acquisition Trust Savings, Loss Mitigation to-wit: Deed, of GWINNETT. County by assignment recorded in Dept., 1 Corporate Drive, All that tract or parcel of Under and by virtue of the Deed Book 53288, Page 23, Suite 360, Lake Zurich, IL lying and being in Land land Power of Sale contained in Gwinnett County, Georgia 60047, Telephone Number: Lot 107 of the 5th District a Deed to Secure Debt given Records, conveying the after1-866-397-5370. of Gwinnett County, Georgia by DARRYL S GELLER to property to secure described ASTORIA BANK, F/K/A ASbeing more particularly and THE DIME SAVINGS BANK a Note in the original prinTORIA FEDERAL SAVINGS as Building 203, described OF NEW YORK, FSB D/B/A cipal amount of ONE HUNAND LOAN ASSOCIATION Unit 2, in that Declaration of NATIONAL MORTGAGE INDRED TWENTY-SIX THOUas Attorney in Fact for for SugarCondominiums CO. , dated VESTMENTS SAND FIFTY-TWO AND 0/100 ROXANNE R GAIGELAS loaf Forest Condominiums 11/14/1995, and Recorded ($126,052.00), DOLLARS THE BELOW LAW FIRM filed September 10, 2003, , on 11/20/1995 as Book with interest thereon as set MAY BE HELD TO BE ACTand recorded at Deed Book No. 11998 and Page No. 3, forth therein, there will be ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR, 34706, Page 160, Gwinnett GWINNETT County, Georgia at public outcry to the sold UNDER FEDERAL LAW. IF real property records, County records, as last assigned to highest bidder for cash beSO, ANY INFORMATION OBthereafter amended, as as JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, fore the courthouse door of TAINED WILL BE USED FOR setforth on that; CondoASSOCIATION NATIONAL Gwinnett County, Georgia, THAT PURPOSE. Plat recorded at minium (the Secured Creditor), by or at such place as may be Attorney Contact: Rubin condominium Plat Book assignment, conveying the designated as an lawfully Lublin, LLC, 3740 Davinci CD-3, Page 107, as revised after-described property to alternative, within the legal Court, Suite 150, Peachtree at condominium Plat Book secure a Note of even date in hours of sale on the first Corners, GA 30092 CD-3, Page 112 and 113, the original principal amount in May, 2015, the Tuesday Telephone Number: (877) records, as also aforesaid of $98,000.00, with interest following described property: 813-0992 Case No. DAFSin that Condominium setforth at the rate specified therein, SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED 14-07565-1 Floor Plans recorded in the there will be sold by the unHERETO AND MADE A PART Ad Run Dates 04/09/2015, County,Georgia Gwinnett dersigned at public outcry to HEREOF The debt secured 04/16/2015, 04/23/2015, Condominium File Folder # the highest bidder for cash said Security Deed has by 04/30/2015 and 27220 as revised in 2721 at the GWINNETT County been and is hereby declared w w w. r u b i n l u b l i n . c o m / Folder # 2723 and 2724. File Courthouse within the legal due because of, among other property-listings.php Said property is known hours of sale on the first events of default, possible 950-247040, 4/9,16,23,30 1037 Mosscroft Lane, as Tuesday in May, 2015, the failure to pay the indebtedGA 30045, Lawrenceville, following described property: ness as and when due and NOTICE OF SALE together with all fixtures and ALL THAT TRACT OF LAND in the manner provided in the UNDER POWER, property attached personal LYING AND BEING IN LAND Note and Security Deed. The GWINNETT COUNTY to and constituting a part of LOT 171 OF THE 6TH DISremaining in default, debt Pursuant to the Power of property, if any. said TRICT OF GWINNETT COUNthis sale will be made for the Sale contained in a Security property will be sold Said TY, GEORGIA, BEING LOT 10, purpose of paying the same Deed given by Michael W. subject to any outstanding BLOCK D, WILLIAMSBURG, all expenses of this sale, and Galli and Lisa O. Galli to valorem taxes (including ad UNIT TWO, AS PER PLAT REas provided in Security Deed Eagle Service Corporation, which are a lien, whethtaxes CORDED IN PLAT 2, PAGE 79 and by law, including attord/b/a Atlanta Mortgage er or not now due and payOF THE GWINNETT COUNTY, ney’s fees (notice of intent to Services dated 4/29/1993 the right of redempable), RECORDS, WHICH GEORGIA collect attorney’s fees having and recorded in Deed Book tion of any taxing authority, PLAT IS INCORPORATED been given). Said property 8701 Page 165, Gwinnett matters which might be any HEREIN BY REFERENCE AND will be sold subject to any County, Georgia records; disclosed by an accurate MADE A PART HEREOF. The outstanding ad valorem taxes as last transferred to or acsurvey and inspection of the debt secured by said Deed to taxes which are (including quired by PennyMac Loan any assessments, property, Secure Debt has been and is a lien, but not yet due and Services, LLC, conveying encumbrances, zoning liens, hereby declared due because payable), any matters which the after-described propordinances, restrictions, covof, among other possible might be disclosed by an erty to secure a Note in the and matters of record enants, events of default, failure to accurate survey and inspecoriginal principal amount of superior to the Security Deed pay the indebtedness as and of the property, any tion $ 74,932.00, with interest set out above. first when due and in the manassessments, liens, encumat the rate specified therein, proceeds of said sale The ner provided in the Note brances, zoning ordinances, there will be sold by the unwill be applied to the payand Deed to Secure Debt. covenants, and restrictions, dersigned at public outcry to of said indebtedness ment Because the debt remains in matters of record superior the highest bidder for cash all expenses of said sale and default, this sale will be made to the Security Deed first set before the Courthouse door as provided in said Deed, for the purpose of paying the out above. Wilmington Savof Gwinnett County, Georgia, the balance, if any, will and same and all expenses of ings Fund Society, FSB, within the legal hours of sale be distributed as provided this sale, as provided in the Christiana Trust, not d/b/a on May 05, 2015 (being the by law. Deed to Secure Debt and by individually but as trustee for first Tuesday of said month The sale will be conducted law, including attorney’s fees Pretium Mortgage Acquisiunless said date falls on a subject (1) to confirmation (notice of intent to collect tion Trust is the holder of the Federal Holiday), the followthat the sale is not prohibited attorney’s fees having been Security Deed to the property ing described property: under the U.S. Bankruptcy given). JPMORGAN CHASE in accordance with OCGA § All that tract or parcel of Code and (2) to final conBANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIA44-14-162.2. The entity that land lying and being in Land firmation and audit of the TION holds the duly endorsed has full authority to negotiLot 15 of the 5th District, status of the loan with the Note and is the current asate, amend, and modify all Gwinnett County, Georgia, secured creditor. signee of the Security Deed terms of the mortgage with being Lot 27, Block A, Glen The property is or may be to the property. JPMORGAN the debtor is: Rushmore Forest Subdivision, Unit Two, in the possession of Patricia CHASE BANK, NATIONAL Loan Management Services, as per plat recorded at Plat A. Garrison, successor in inASSOCIATION, acting on beLLC, 7515 Irvine Center Book 6, Page 96, Gwinnett terest or tenant(s). half of and, as necessary, in Drive 1st Floor, Irvine, CA County, Georgia Records, HSBC Bank USA, National consultation with FEDERAL 92618 888-504-7300. To the and being known as 270 AmAssociation as Trustee for NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASbest knowledge and belief of berwood Drive, LawrencevHomestar Mortgage AccepSOCIATION, A/K/A FANNIE the undersigned, the party in ille, Georgia 30244, accordtance Corp., Asset-Backed MAE (the current investor on possession of the property is ing to the present system of Pass-Through Certificates, the loan), is the entity with Curtis Gamble or a tenant or numbering houses. Series 2004-1 as Attorney-inthe full authority to negotitenants and said property is The debt secured by said Fact for Patricia A. Garrison ate, amend, and modify all more commonly known as Security Deed has been and File no. 15-051579 terms of the loan. Pursuant 1655 Oak Ridge Way, Lawis hereby declared due beSHAPIRO, SWERTFEGER to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, renceville, Georgia 30044. cause of, among other pos& HASTY, LLP* JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, The sale will be conducted sible events of default, failure Attorneys and Counselors NATIONAL ASSOCIATION subject (1) to confirmation to pay the indebtedness as at Law may be contacted at: JPMthat the sale is not prohibited and when due and in the 2872 Woodcock Blvd., ORGAN CHASE BANK, NAunder the U.S. Bankruptcy manner provided in the Note Suite 100 TIONAL ASSOCIATION, 3415 Code and (2) to final conand Security Deed. The debt Atlanta, GA 30341-3941 VISION DRIVE, COLUMBUS, firmation and audit of the remaining in default, this sale (770) 220-2535/SJ OH 43219, 866-550-5705. status of the loan with the will be made for the purpose www.swertfeger.net Please note that, pursuant holder of the security deed. of paying the same and all *THE LAW FIRM IS ACTto O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, Wilmington Savings Fund expenses of this sale, as ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR. the secured creditor is not Society, FSB, d/b/a Christiana provided in the Security Deed ANY INFORMATION OBrequired to amend or modify Trust, not individually but as and by law, including attorTAINED WILL BE USED FOR the terms of the loan. To the trustee for Pretium Mortgage ney’s fees (notice of intent to THAT PURPOSE. best knowledge and belief of Acquisition Trust as Attorney collect attorney’s fees having [FC-NOS], 950-247976, the undersigned, the party/ in Fact for Curtis Gamble been given). 4/9,16,23,30 parties in possession of McCalla Raymer, LLC 1544 Said property is commonly the subject property known Old Alabama Road Roswell, known as 270 Amberwood as 5852 WILLIAMSBURG STATE OF GEORGIA Georgia 30076 www.foreDrive, Lawrenceville, GA DRIVE, NORCROSS, GEORCOUNTY OF GWINNETT closurehotline.net EXHIBIT 30044 together with all fixGIA 30093 is/are: DARRYL NOTICE OF SALE “A” Situated in the County of tures and personal property S GELLER or tenant/tenants. UNDER POWER Gwinnett, and State of Georattached to and constituting Said property will be sold Because of a default in the gia and described as follows: a part of said property, if any. subject to (a) any outstandpayment of the indebtedAll that tract or parcel of land To the best knowledge and ing ad valorem taxes (includness secured by a Security lying and being in Land Lot 5 belief of the undersigned, the ing taxes which are a lien, Deed executed by Jonathan of the 7th District of Gwinnett party (or parties) in possesbut not yet due and payable), Geegbae and Comfort GeegCounty, Georgia, being part sion of the subject property (b) any matters which might bae to Mortgage Electronic of Lot 5, Block K, Unit Four, is (are): Michael W. Galli and be disclosed by an accurate Registration Systems, Inc. Oakland North Subdivision, Lisa O. Galli or tenant or tensurvey and inspection of the as nominee for Pinnacle Fias per Plat recorded in Plat ants. property, and (c) all matters nancial Corporation DBA TriBook Z, Page 216, Gwinnett PennyMac Loan Services, of record superior to the Star Lending dated June 26, County Records, and being LLC is the entity or individual Deed to Secure Debt first 2003, and recorded in Deed more particularly described designated who shall have set out above, including, but Book 34281, Page 67, Gwinas follows: Beginning at an full authority to negotiate, not limited to, assessments, County Records, said nett iron pin found on the northamend and modify all terms liens, encumbrances, zonDeed having been Security easterly right-of-way line of of the mortgage. ing ordinances, easements, last sold, assigned, transOak Ridge Way (a 60-foot PennyMac Loan Services, restrictions, covenants, and conveyed to U.S. ferred right-of-way) 424.82 feet LLC etc. The sale will be National Association, Bank easterly and southeasterly as Loss Mitigation conducted subject to (1) as Trustee for GSMPS Mortmeasured along the northerly 6101 Condor Drive confirmation that the sale is gage Loan Trust 2006-RP1 and northwesterly right-ofMoorpark, CA 93021 not prohibited under the U.S. by Assignment, securing a way line of Oak Ridge Way 1-800-549-3583 Bankruptcy Code; and (2) Note in the original principal from the intersection of the Note, however, that such final confirmation and audit of $152,183.00, the amount northerly right-of-way line entity or individual is not of the status of the loan with holder thereof pursuant to of Oak Ridge Way with the required by law to negotiate, the holder of the security said Deed and Note thereby easterly right-of-way line of amend or modify the terms deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. secured has declared the Woodhaven Drive (a 60 foot of the loan. Section 9-13-172.1, which entire amount of said indebtright-of-way), if said street Said property will be sold allows for certain procedures edness due and payable and, lines were extended to form subject to: (a) any outstandregarding the rescission of pursuant to the power of sale an angle instead of a curve ing ad valorem taxes (includjudicial and nonjudicial sales contained in said Deed, will (said point of beginning also ing taxes which are a lien, but in the State of Georgia, the on the first Tuesday, May 5, being located at the southnot yet due and payable), (b) Deed Under Power and other 2015, during the legal hours west corner of said Lot 5); unpaid water or sewage bills foreclosure documents may of sale, before the Courtrunning thence along the line that constitute a lien against not be provided until final house door in said County, dividing Lots 4 and 5 of said the property whether due and confirmation and audit of the sell at public outcry to the Block, Unit and Subdivision payable or not yet due and status of the loan as provided highest bidder for cash, the north 28 Degrees 56 Minutes payable and which may not in the preceding paragraph. property described in said east 164.8 feet to an iron be of record, (c) the right of JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, Deed, to-wit: pin found at the northwest redemption of any taxing auNATIONAL ASSOCIATION ALL THAT TRACT AND OR corner of said Lot 5; running thority, (d) any matters which as Attorney in Fact for DARPARCEL OF LAND LYING thence along the northeastmight be disclosed by an acRYL S GELLER. THIS LAW AND BEING IN LAND LOT erly line of said Lot 5 south curate survey and inspection FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT 37 OF THE 7TH DISTRICT, 50 Degrees 00 Minutes east of the property, and (e) any COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING GWINNETT COUNTY, GEOR125.00 feet to an Iron pin assessments, liens, encumTO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY GIA, BEING LOT 50, BLOCK found; running thence south brances, zoning ordinances, INFORMATION OBTAINED B, OF EAGLE POINTE SUBDI43 Degrees 03 Minutes 20 restrictions, covenants, and WILL BE USED FOR THAT VISION, UNIT TWO, AS PER Seconds west 162.21 feet matters of record superior PURPOSE. 00000005119847 PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT to a point on the northeastto the Security Deed first set BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPBOOK 65, PAGE 49, GWINerly right-of-way line of Oak out above. PIER LEVINE & BLOCK, LLP NETT COUNTY, GEORGIA Ridge Way; running thence The sale will be conducted 15000 Surveyor Boulevard RECORDS, WHICH PLAT IS northwesterly as measured subject to (1) confirmation Addison, Texas 75001 TeleINCORPORATED HEREIN along the northeasterly rightthat the sale is not prohibited phone: (972) 341-5398. AND MADE A PART HEREOF of-way line of Oak Ridge under the U.S. Bankruptcy 950-247843, 4/9,16,23,30 BY REFERENCE. Way, and following the curCode; and (2) final confirmaSaid property is known as vature thereof, an arc distion and audit of the status 1180 Eagle Pointe Drive, NOTICE OF SALE tance of 85.0 feet to the point of the loan with the holder Lawrenceville, GA 30044, UNDER POWER of beginning; being improved of the Security Deed. Purtogether with all fixtures and GEORGIA, property known as 1655 Oak suant to O.C.G.A. Section personal property attached GWINNETT COUNTY Ridge Way; according to the 9-13-172.1, which allows for to and constituting a part of THIS IS AN ATTEMPT present system of numbering certain procedures regarding said property, if any. TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY property in Gwinnett County, the rescission of judicial and Said property will be sold INFORMATION OBTAINED Georgia, the above-described non-judicial sales in the State subject to any outstanding WILL BE USED FOR THAT property is more particularly of Georgia, the Deed Under ad valorem taxes (including PURPOSE. shown and delineated on Power and other foreclosure taxes which are a lien, whethUnder and by virtue of the survey by the Carter Group documents may not be proer or not now due and payPower of Sale contained in Bearing the Coal of James H. vided until final confirmation able), the right of redempa Security Deed given by Carter, G.R.L.S. #2999, dated and audit of the status of the tion of any taxing authority, Carolyn R. Gibson and Rose February 10, 1992, which is loan as provided immediately any matters which might be Marie Gibson to HomeBanc incorporated herein referabove. disclosed by an accurate Mortgage Corporation, datence as a part of this descripPennyMac Loan Services, survey and inspection of the ed November 27, 2002, retion. Subject to easements, LLC as agent and Attorney in property, any assessments, corded in Deed Book 30128, restrictions, and reservaFact for Michael W. Galli and liens, encumbrances, zoning Page 129, Gwinnett County, tions of record, if any. Parcel Lisa O. Galli ordinances, restrictions, covGeorgia Records, as last ID: R7005 050 Commonly Aldridge Connors, LLP, enants, and matters of record transferred to Countrywide known as: 1655 Oak Ridge 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 superior to the Security Deed Home Loans Servicing, LP Way, Lawrenceville, Georgia Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite first set out above. by assignment recorded in 30044. MR/jgn 5/5/15 Our 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, The proceeds of said sale Deed Book 44393, Page 124, file no. 574809 - FT8 (404) 994-7400. will be applied to the payGwinnett County, Georgia 950-247105, 4/9,16,23,30 1120-14920A ment of said indebtedness Records, conveying the afterTHIS LAW FIRM MAY BE and all expenses of said sale described property to secure ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECas provided in said Deed, a Note in the original principal TOR ATTEMPTING TO COLand the balance, if any, will amount of ONE HUNDRED LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORbe distributed as provided FORTY-NINE THOUSAND SIX MATION OBTAINED WILL BE by law. HUNDRED FIFTY AND 0/100 USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. The sale will be conducted DOLLARS ($149,650.00), 1120-14920A subject (1) to confirmation with interest thereon as set 950-247962, 4/9,16,23,30 that the sale is not prohibited forth therein, there will be highest bidder for cash beTIFICATES, SERIES 2003-8 Records, as last LEGALS_Classifieds Georgia fore the courthouse door of 0409 GDP THURS 4/7/2015 7:36 PM Page C20 (the current investor on transferred to Countrywide Gwinnett County, Georgia, the loan), is the entity with Home Loans Servicing, LP or at such place as may be the full authority to negotiby assignment recorded in lawfully designated as an ate, amend, and modify all Deed Book 44393, Page 124, alternative, within the legal terms of loan. Pursuant C20 • THURSDAY, 9,the2015 • WWW.GWINNETTDAILYPOST.COM County, Georgia APRIL Gwinnett hours of sale on the first to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, Records, conveying the afterTuesday in May, 2015, the BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., AS described property to secure following described property: SUCCESSOR BY MERGER in the original principal a Note EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED SEEFORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES TO BAC HOME LOANS SERamount of ONE HUNDRED HERETO AND MADE A PART VICING, LP may be contactFORTY-NINE THOUSAND SIX HEREOF The debt secured ed at: BANK OF AMERICA, HUNDRED FIFTY AND 0/100 by said Security Deed has NOTICE OF SALE N.A., AS SUCCESSOR BY ($149,650.00), DOLLARS been and is hereby declared UNDER POWER, MERGER TO BAC HOME with interest thereon as set due because of, among other GWINNETT COUNTY LOANS SERVICING, LP, 7105 forth therein, there will be possible events of default, Pursuant to the Power of CORPORATE DRIVE, PLANO, sold at public outcry to the failure to pay the indebtedSale contained in a SecuTX 75024, 800-669-6650. highest bidder for cash beness as and when due and rity Deed given by Ayesha Please note that, pursuant fore the courthouse door of in the manner provided in the O. Grandison to KB Home to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, Gwinnett County, Georgia, Note and Security Deed. The Mortgage Company dated the secured creditor is not or at such place as may be debt remaining in default, 10/15/2004 and recorded in required to amend or modify lawfully designated as an this sale will be made for the Deed Book 41050 Page 46, the terms of the loan. To the alternative, within the legal purpose of paying the same Gwinnett County, Georgia best knowledge and belief of hours of sale on the first and all expenses of this sale, records; as last transferred the undersigned, the party/ Tuesday in May, 2015, the as provided in Security Deed to or acquired by Georparties in possession of the following described property: and by law, including attorgia Housing & Finance subject property known as SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED ney’s fees (notice of intent to Authority, conveying the 1120 PARK CREEK CIRCLE, HERETO AND MADE A PART collect attorney’s fees having after-described property to LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA HEREOF The debt secured been given). Said property secure a Note in the origi30044 is/are: MARIA GOMEZ by said Security Deed has will be sold subject to any nal principal amount of $ AND ISAIAS AQUINO or tenbeen and is hereby declared outstanding ad valorem taxes 144,130.00, with interest at ant/tenants. Said property due because of, among other (including taxes which are the rate specified therein, will be sold subject to (a) any possible events of default, a lien, but not yet due and there will be sold by the unoutstanding ad valorem taxes failure to pay the indebtedpayable), any matters which dersigned at public outcry to (including taxes which are a ness as and when due and might be disclosed by an the highest bidder for cash lien, but not yet due and payin the manner provided in the accurate survey and inspecbefore the Courthouse door able), (b) any matters which Note and Security Deed. The tion of the property, any of Gwinnett County, Georgia, might be disclosed by an acdebt remaining in default, assessments, liens, encumwithin the legal hours of sale curate survey and inspection this sale will be made for the brances, zoning ordinances, on May 05, 2015 (being the of the property, and (c) all purpose of paying the same restrictions, covenants, and first Tuesday of said month matters of record superior to and all expenses of this sale, matters of record superior unless said date falls on a the Deed to Secure Debt first as provided in Security Deed to the Security Deed first set Federal Holiday), the followset out above, including, but and by law, including attorout above. Wilmington Saving described property: not limited to, assessments, ney’s fees (notice of intent to ings Fund Society, FSB, ALL THAT TRACT OR PARliens, encumbrances, zoncollect attorney’s fees having d/b/a Christiana Trust, not CEL OF LAND LYING AND ing ordinances, easements, been given). Said property individually but as trustee for BEING IN LAND LOT 101 OF restrictions, covenants, will be sold subject to any Pretium Mortgage AcquisiTHE 5TH DISTRICT, CITY OF etc. The sale will be outstanding ad valorem taxes tion Trust is the holder of the SNELLVILLE, GWINNETT conducted subject to (1) (including taxes which are Security Deed to the property COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING confirmation that the sale is a lien, but not yet due and in accordance with OCGA § KNOWN AS LOT 39, BLOCK not prohibited under the U.S. payable), any matters which 44-14-162.2. The entity that D OF HAWTHORN GLEN, Bankruptcy Code; and (2) might be disclosed by an has full authority to negotiUNIT THREE-B, AS PER PLAT final confirmation and audit accurate survey and inspecate, amend, and modify all RECORDED AT PLAT BOOK of the status of the loan with tion of the property, any terms of the mortgage with 100, PAGE 53, AND ALL REthe holder of the security assessments, liens, encumthe debtor is: Rushmore VISIONS OF SAID PLAT REdeed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. brances, zoning ordinances, Loan Management Services, CORDED AS OF THE DATE OF Section 9-13-172.1, which restrictions, covenants, and LLC, 7515 Irvine Center RECORDING OF THIS DEED, allows for certain procedures matters of record superior Drive 1st Floor, Irvine, CA IF ANY, GWINNETT COUNTY, regarding the rescission of to the Security Deed first set 92618 888-504-7300. To the GEORGIA RECORDS, SAID judicial and nonjudicial sales out above. Bank of America, best knowledge and belief of PLAT AND ALL REVISED in the State of Georgia, the N.A., successor by merger the undersigned, the party in PLATS, IF ANY, BEING INDeed Under Power and other to BAC Home Loans Servicpossession of the property is CORPORATED HEREIN AND foreclosure documents may ing, LP, formerly known as Laniqua M. Smalls, AdminisMADE A PART HEREOF BY not be provided until final Countrywide Home Loans trator of Estate Of Jacqueline REFERENCE FOR A MORE confirmation and audit of the Servicing, LP is the holder Grant and Mill Creek Lakes COMPLETE DESCRIPTION status of the loan as provided of the Security Deed to the Condominium Association, OF CAPTIONED PROPERTY in the preceding paragraph. property in accordance with Inc. or a tenant or tenants AND BEING IMPROVED WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A, OCGA § 44-14-162.2. The and said property is more PROPERTY KNOWN AS 2792 AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERentity that has full authorcommonly known as 3137 NATHANIEL WAY, GRAYSON, TIFICATEHOLDERS OF BANC ity to negotiate, amend, Cedar Glade Lane, Buford, GA. 30017 ACCORDING TO OF AMERICA ALTERNATIVE and modify all terms of the Georgia 30519. The sale THE PRESENT SYSTEM OF LOAN TRUST 2003-8, MORTmortgage with the debtor is: will be conducted subject NUMBERING HOUSES IN GAGE PASS-THROUGH CERBank of America, N.A., 7105 (1) to confirmation that the GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORTIFICATES, SERIES 2003-8 Corporate Drive, Plano, TX sale is not prohibited under GIA. as Attorney in Fact for MA75024 (661) 951-5100. To the U.S. Bankruptcy Code The debt secured by said RIA GOMEZ AND ISAIAS the best knowledge and beand (2) to final confirmation Security Deed has been and AQUINO. THIS LAW FIRM IS lief of the undersigned, the and audit of the status of the is hereby declared due beACTING AS A DEBT COLLECparty in possession of the loan with the holder of the cause of, among other posTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLproperty is Carolyn R. Gibsecurity deed. Wilmington sible events of default, failure LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORson and Rose Marie Gibson Savings Fund Society, FSB, to pay the indebtedness as MATION OBTAINED WILL BE or a tenant or tenants and d/b/a Christiana Trust, not and when due and in the USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. said property is more comindividually but as trustee for manner provided in the Note 00000005131628 BARRETT monly known as 4242 MedPretium Mortgage Acquisiand Security Deed. The debt DAFFIN FRAPPIER LEVINE & lock River Court, Snellville, tion Trust as Attorney in Fact remaining in default, this sale BLOCK, LLP 15000 Surveyor Georgia 30039. The sale will for Jacqueline Grant McCalla will be made for the purpose Boulevard Addison, Texas be conducted subject (1) to Raymer, LLC 1544 Old Alaof paying the same and all 75001 Telephone: (972) confirmation that the sale bama Road Roswell, Georgia expenses of this sale, as 341-5398. is not prohibited under the 30076 www.foreclosurehotprovided in the Security Deed 950-247881, 4/9,16,23,30 U.S. Bankruptcy Code and line.net EXHIBIT “A” All that and by law, including attor(2) to final confirmation and tract or parcel of land lying ney’s fees (notice of intent to audit of the status of the loan and being in Land Lots 177 collect attorney’s fees having NOTICE OF SALE with the holder of the secuand 178 of the 7th District been given). UNDER POWER rity deed. Bank of America, of Gwinnett County, Georgia, Said property is commonly GEORGIA, N.A., successor by merger and being more particularly known as 2792 Nathaniel GWINNETT COUNTY to BAC Home Loans Servicdescribed as follows: ConWay, Grayson, GA 30017 THIS IS AN ATTEMPT ing, LP, formerly known as dominium Unit 3 in Building together with all fixtures and TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY Countrywide Home Loans 24 of Mill Creek Lakes, a personal property attached INFORMATION OBTAINED Servicing, LP as Attorney Condominium, Phase 2, as to and constituting a part of WILL BE USED FOR THAT in Fact for Carolyn R. Gibmore particularly described said property, if any. To the PURPOSE. son and Rose Marie Gibson and delineated in the Declarabest knowledge and belief Under and by virtue of the McCalla Raymer, LLC 1544 tion of Condominium for Mill of the undersigned, the party Power of Sale contained in Old Alabama Road Roswell, Creek Lakes, a Condomini(or parties) in possession of a Security Deed given by Georgia 30076 www.forecloum, recorded in Deed Book the subject property is (are): Yolanda Gonzalez to Mortsurehotline.net EXHIBIT “A” 46309, Page 173, et seq., as Ayesha O. Grandison or tengage Electronic Registration All that tract or parcel of land amended to include Buildant or tenants. Systems, Inc., as nominee lying and being in Land Lot ing 24 in Deed Book 49041, State Home Mortgage is for Primary Capital Advi347, 4th District, Gwinnett Page 835, Gwinnett County, the entity or individual dessors, LC, its successors and County, Georgia, being Lot Georgia Records, as may be ignated who shall have full assigns, dated December 1, 15, Block A, Medlock Park further amended. This conauthority to negotiate, amend 2008, recorded in Deed Book Subdivision, Unit One, as per veyance is made subject to and modify all terms of the 49222, Page 840, Gwinnett plat recorded at Plat Book 58, the Declaration and all matmortgage. County, Georgia Records, Page 222, Gwinnett County, ters referenced therein, all State Home Mortgage as last transferred to Wells Georgia Records, which plat matters shown on the plat Loss Mitigation Fargo Bank, N.A. by assignis incorporated herein by this recorded in Condominium 60 Executive Park S. NE ment recorded in Deed Book reference and made a part Plat Book CD4, Pages 127Atlanta, GA 30329-2231 52854, Page 571, Gwinnett hereof. MR/kc9 5/5/15 Our 132, as may be amended, 404-679-0624 County, Georgia Records, file no. 5107115 - FT11 and the floor plans recorded Note, however, that such conveying the after-de950-247442, 4/9,16,23,30 in Condominium Floor Plan entity or individual is not scribed property to secure a Folder No. 5529, afrosaid required by law to negotiate, Note in the original principal records as may be amended. NOTICE OF SALE amend or modify the terms amount of ONE HUNDRED MR/jgn 5/5/15 Our file no. UNDER POWER. of the loan. FIFTY-ONE THOUSAND FIVE 5118215 - FT8, 950-247374, State of Georgia, Said property will be sold HUNDRED AND 0/100 DOL4/9,16,23,30 County of GWINNETT. subject to: (a) any outstandLARS ($151,500.00), with Under and by virtue of ing ad valorem taxes (includinterest thereon as set forth the Power of Sale contained NOTICE OF ing taxes which are a lien, but therein, there will be sold at in a Deed to Secure Debt FORECLOSURE SALE not yet due and payable), (b) public outcry to the highest given by MARIA GOMEZ AND UNDER POWER unpaid water or sewage bills bidder for cash before the ISAIAS AQUINO to BANK GWINNETT that constitute a lien against courthouse door of Gwinnett OF AMERICA, N.A. , dated COUNTY, GEORGIA the property whether due and County, Georgia, or at such 06/25/2003, and Recorded THIS IS AN ATTEMPT payable or not yet due and place as may be lawfully on 08/01/2003 as Book No. TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY payable and which may not designated as an alterna33948 and Page No. 258, INFORMATION OBTAINED be of record, (c) the right of tive, within the legal hours GWINNETT County, Georgia WILL BE USED FOR THAT redemption of any taxing auof sale on the first Tuesday records, as last assigned PURPOSE. thority, (d) any matters which in May, 2015, the followUnder and by virtue of the to WELLS FARGO BANK, might be disclosed by an acing described property: SEE Power of Sale contained in N.A, AS TRUSTEE FOR curate survey and inspection EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED a Security Deed given by CERTIFICATEHOLDTHE of the property, and (e) any HERETO AND MADE A PART Bonita N. Gray to Mortgage ERS OF BANC OF AMERassessments, liens, encumHEREOF The debt secured Electronic Registration SysICA ALTERNATIVE LOAN brances, zoning ordinances, by said Security Deed has tems, Inc., as nominee for TRUST 2003-8, MORTGAGE restrictions, covenants, and been and is hereby declared Pine State Mortgage CorPASS-THROUGH CERTIFImatters of record superior due because of, among other poration, dated August 15, CATES, SERIES 2003-8 (the to the Security Deed first set possible events of default, 2003, and recorded in Deed Secured Creditor), by asout above. failure to pay the indebtedBook 34507, Page 0128, signment, conveying the The sale will be conducted ness as and when due and Gwinnett County, Georgia after-described property to subject to (1) confirmation in the manner provided in the as last transferred Records, secure a Note of even date in that the sale is not prohibited Note and Security Deed. The to CitiMortgage, Inc. by the original principal amount under the U.S. Bankruptcy debt remaining in default, assignment recorded on of $115,800.00, with interest Code; and (2) final confirmathis sale will be made for the June 3, 2008 in Book 48883 at the rate specified therein, tion and audit of the status purpose of paying the same Page 781 in the Office of the there will be sold by the unof the loan with the holder and all expenses of this sale, Clerk of Superior Court of dersigned at public outcry to of the Security Deed. Puras provided in Security Deed Gwinnett County, Georgia the highest bidder for cash suant to O.C.G.A. Section and by law, including attorRecords, conveying the afterat the GWINNETT County 9-13-172.1, which allows for ney’s fees (notice of intent to property to secure described Courthouse within the legal certain procedures regarding collect attorney’s fees having a Note in the original princihours of sale on the first the rescission of judicial and been given). Said property pal amount of One Hundred Tuesday in May, 2015, the non-judicial sales in the State will be sold subject to any Twenty-Two Thousand Nine following described property: of Georgia, the Deed Under outstanding ad valorem taxes Hundred Fifty and 0/100 ALL THAT TRACT OR PARPower and other foreclosure (including taxes which are ($122,950.00), with dollars CEL OF LAND LYING AND documents may not be proa lien, but not yet due and interest thereon as set forth BEING IN LAND LOT 39 OF vided until final confirmation payable), any matters which therein, there will be sold at THE 7TH DISTRICT, GWINand audit of the status of the might be disclosed by an public outcry to the highest NETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, loan as provided immediately accurate survey and inspecbidder for cash before the BEING LOT 17, BLOCK B, above. tion of the property, any courthouse door of GwinPARK CREEK SUBDIVISION, Georgia Housing & Finance assessments, liens, encumnett County, Georgia, within PHASE II, AS PER PLAT REAuthority as agent and Atbrances, zoning ordinances, the legal hours of sale on CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 36, torney in Fact for Ayesha O. restrictions, covenants, and 5, 2015, the following May PAGE 74, GWINNETT COUNGrandison matters of record superior described property: TY, GEORGIA RECORDS, Aldridge Connors, LLP, to the Security Deed first set All that tract or parcel of WHICH PLAT IS REFERRED 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 out above. Wells Fargo Bank, land lying and being in Land TO AND INCORPORATED Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite N.A. is the holder of the SeLot 179 of the 5th District, of HEREIN BY REFERENCE. 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, curity Deed to the property Gwinnett County, Georgia, BEING THAT PARCEL OF (404) 994-7400. in accordance with OCGA § and being Lot 47, Block D of LAND CONVEYED TO IZAIAS 1033-1579A 44-14-162.2. The entity that Springlake Fall, as per plat AQUINO AKA ISAIAS AQUITHIS LAW FIRM MAY BE has full authority to negotiRecorded in Plat Book 96, NO AND MARIA GOMEZ, AS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECate, amend, and modify all Page 295 of Gwinnett CounJOINT TENANTS WITH SURTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLterms of the mortgage with ty, Georgia Records, which VIVORSHIP FROM RICK L. LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORthe debtor is: Wells Fargo plat is incorporated herein UPTON AND BEVERLY J. UPMATION OBTAINED WILL BE Home Mortgage a div. of and made a part hereof by TON BY THAT DEED DATED USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., PO reference. 08/29/2000 AND RECORDED 1033-1579A Box 10335, Des Moines, IA The debt secured by said 09/08/2000 IN DEED BOOK 950-248382, 4/9,16,23,30 50306 1-800-416-1472. To Security Deed has been 21251, AT PAGE 248 OF the best knowledge and beand is hereby declared due THE GWINNETT COUNTY, lief of the undersigned, the NOTICE OF SALE because of, among other GA PUBLIC REGISTRY. The party in possession of the UNDER POWER possible events of default, debt secured by said Deed to property is Yolanda Gonzalez GEORGIA, failure to pay the indebtedSecure Debt has been and is or a tenant or tenants and GWINNETT COUNTY ness as and when due and hereby declared due because said property is more comTHIS IS AN ATTEMPT in the manner provided in the of, among other possible monly known as 4775 Saint TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY Note and Security Deed. The events of default, failure to Bernard Dr SW, Lilburn, INFORMATION OBTAINED debt remaining in default, pay the indebtedness as and Georgia 30047. The sale will WILL BE USED FOR THAT this sale will be made for the when due and in the manbe conducted subject (1) to PURPOSE. purpose of paying the same ner provided in the Note confirmation that the sale is Under and by virtue of the and all expenses of this sale, and Deed to Secure Debt. not prohibited under the U.S. Power of Sale contained in as provided in Security Deed Because the debt remains in Bankruptcy Code and (2) to a Security Deed given by and by law, including attordefault, this sale will be made final confirmation and audit Jacqueline Grant to Mortney’s fees (notice of intent to for the purpose of paying the of the status of the loan with gage Eelctronic Registration collect attorney’s fees having same and all expenses of this the holder of the security Systems, Inc, as nominee been given). sale, as provided in the Deed deed. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Your mortgage servicer for Pine State Mortgage to Secure Debt and by law, as Attorney in Fact for Yolancan be contacted at (866) Corporation, A Georgia Corincluding attorney’s fees (noda Gonzalez McCalla Raymer, 272-4749–Loss Mitigation poration, its successors and tice of intent to collect attorLLC 1544 Old Alabama Road Dept, or by writing to 1000 assigns, dated October 28, ney’s fees having been givRoswell, Georgia 30076 Technology Drive, O’Fallon, 2008, recorded in Deed Book en). WELLS FARGO BANK, www.foreclosurehotline.net Missouri 63368, to discuss 49169, Page 643, Gwinnett N.A, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE EXHIBIT “A” All that tract possible alternatives to avoid County, Georgia Records, as CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF or parcel of land lying and foreclosure. last transferred to WilmingBANC OF AMERICA ALbeing in Land Lot 63 of the Said property will be sold ton Savings Fund Society, TERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 6th District, Gwinnett County, subject to any outstanding FSB, d/b/a Christiana Trust, 2003-8, MORTGAGE Georgia, being Lot 10, Block ad valorem taxes (including not individually but as trustee PASS-THROUGH CERD, Lake Lucerne Estates taxes which are a lien, but for Pretium Mortgage AcquiTIFICATES, SERIES 2003-8 Subdivision, Unit Six, as per not yet due and payable), sition Trust by assignment reholds the duly endorsed Note plat recorded in Plat Book N, any matters which might corded in Deed Book 53289, and is the current assignee Page 39, Gwinnett County, be disclosed by an accurate Page 497, Gwinnett County, of the Security Deed to the Georgia Records, which resurvey and inspection of the Georgia Records, conveying property. BANK OF AMERcorded plat is incorporated property, any assessments, the after-described propICA, N.A., AS SUCCESSOR herein by this reference and liens, encumbrances, zoning erty to secure a Note in the BY MERGER TO BAC HOME made a part of this descripordinances, restrictions, covoriginal principal amount of LOANS SERVICING, LP, acttion. Said property being enants, and matters of record ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-FOUR ing on behalf of and, as necknown as 4775 Saint Bernard superior to the Security Deed THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED essary, in consultation with Drive South according to the first set out above. FIFTY-FOUR AND 0/100 WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A, present system of numbering To the best knowledge and DOLLARS ($154,954.00), AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERproperty in Gwinnett County, belief of the undersigned, the with interest thereon as set TIFICATEHOLDERS OF BANC Georgia, subject to any easeparty in possession of the forth therein, there will be OF AMERICA ALTERNATIVE ments or restrictions of reproperty is Bonita N. Gray or sold at public outcry to the LOAN TRUST 2003-8, MORTcords. MR/vet 5/5/15 Our file tenant(s); and said property highest bidder for cash beGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERno. 5126115–FT5 is more commonly known as fore the courthouse door of TIFICATES, SERIES 2003-8 950-246462, 4/9,16,23,30 492 Marsh Lake Road, LawGwinnett County, Georgia, (the current investor on renceville, GA 30045. or at such place as may be the loan), is the entity with The sale will be conducted lawfully designated as an the full authority to negotisubject to (1) confirmation alternative, within the legal ate, amend, and modify all that the sale is not prohibited hours of sale on the first terms of the loan. Pursuant under the U.S. Bankruptcy Tuesday in May, 2015, the to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, Code (2) final confirmation following described property: BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., AS and audit of the status of the SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED SUCCESSOR BY MERGER loan with the holder of the HERETO AND MADE A PART TO BAC HOME LOANS SERsecurity deed and (3) any HEREOF The debt secured VICING, LP may be contactright of redemption or other by said Security Deed has ed at: BANK OF AMERICA, lien not extinguished by forebeen and is hereby declared N.A., AS SUCCESSOR BY closure. due because of, among other MERGER TO BAC HOME CitiMortgage, Inc. as Attorpossible events of default, LOANS SERVICING, LP, 7105 tenant(s); and said property is more commonly known as 492 Marsh Lake Road, Lawrenceville, GA 30045. The sale will be conducted subject to (1) confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) final confirmation audit of the status of the andFORECLOSURES loan with the holder of the security deed and (3) any right of redemption or other lien not extinguished by foreclosure. CitiMortgage, Inc. as Attorney in Fact for Bonita N. Gray. Brock & Scott, PLLC 4360 Chamblee Dunwoody Road Suite 310 Atlanta, GA 30341 404-789-2661 B&S file no.: 14-20996 950-246859, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF GWINNETT Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained with that certain Security Deed dated May 12, 2006, from Wilbert Green to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Southstar Funding, LLC, recorded on May 18, 2006 in Deed Book 46515 at Page 221, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, having been last sold, assigned, transferred and conveyed to U.S. Bank Trust, N.A., as Trustee for LSF9 Master Participation Trust, by Caliber Home Loans, Inc., as its Attorneyin-fact, by Assignment and said Security Deed having been given to secure a note dated May 12, 2006, in the amount of $159,000.00, said note being in default, the undersigned will sell at public outcry during the legal hours of sale before the door of the courthouse of Gwinnett County, Georgia, on May 5, 2015, the following described real property (hereinafter referred to as the “Property”): ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAND LOT 39 OF THE 7TH DISTRICT, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING LOT 34, BLOCK B PHASE II OF PARK CREEK SUBDIVISION, AS PER PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 36, PAGE 74, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA RECORDS, WHICH RECORDED PLAT IS INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE AND MADE A PART OF THIS DESCRIPTION. The debt secured by the Security Deed and evidenced by the Note and has been, and is hereby, declared due and payable because of, among other possible events of default, failure to make the payments as required by the terms of the Note. The debt remaining is in default and this sale will be made for the purposes of paying the Security Deed, accrued interest, and all expenses of the sale, including attorneys’ fees. Notice of intention to collect attorneys’ fees has been given as provided by law. To the best of the undersigned’s knowledge, the person(s) in possession of the property is/are Wilbert Green. The property, being commonly known as 3120 Park Creek Ct, Lawrenceville, GA 30044 in Gwinnett County, will be sold as the property of Wilbert Green, subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien and not yet due and payable), any matters affecting title to the property which would be disclosed by accurate survey and inspection thereof, and all assessments, liens, encumbrances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record to the Security Deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A.Section 44-14-162.2, the name, address and telephone number of the individual or entity who shall have the full authority to negotiate, amend or modify all terms of the above described mortgage is as follows: CALIBER HOME LOANS, 13801 Wireless Way, Oklahoma City, OK 73134, 1-800-401-6587 . The foregoing notwithstanding, nothing in O.C.G.A. Section 44-14-162.2 shall require the secured creditor to negotiate, amend or modify the terms of the mortgage instrument. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under U.S. Bankruptcy code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the Security Deed. Albertelli Law Attorney for U.S. Bank Trust, N.A., as Trustee for LSF9 Master Participation Trust, by Caliber Home Loans, Inc., as its Attorney-in-fact, as Attorney in Fact for Wilbert Green 100 Galleria Parkway, Suite 960 Atlanta, GA 30339 Phone: (866) 690-0418 A-4514817 04/09/2015, 04/16/2015, 04/23/2015, 04/30/2015 950-248066, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER THIS LAW FIRM IS ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. By virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain Deed to Secure Debt With Power of Sale from Tommy Lewis Green to THE BRAND BANKING COMPANY dated the 10th day of January, 2003 and recorded in Deed Book 30693 at Page 107, in the Records of the Clerk of Superior Court, Gwinnett County, Georgia (the “Security Deed”), there will be offered for sale at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the Courthouse door of said County during the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in May, 2015, the following described property: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND lying and being in Land Lot 140 of the 5th District, Gwinnett County, Georgia, being Lot 17, Block B, Lockridge Subdivision, Section 2, as per that plat recorded at Plat Book I, Page 161, Plat Revision recorded in Plat Book 43, Page 128, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, which plat is hereby incorporated herein by reference. The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, special assessments; all outstanding bills for public utilities which constitute liens upon said property; any rights of redemption, if applicable, by the United States of America, pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 7425(d)(1); and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, special assessments; all outstanding bills for public utilities which constitute upon said property; liensFORECLOSURES any rights of redemption, if applicable, by the United States of America, pursuant to 26 U.S.C. 7425(d)(1); and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The entity that has full authority to negotiate, amend, and modify all terms of the mortgage with the debtor is: The Brand Banking Company, 141 Hurricane Shoals Road, N.E., Lawrenceville, Georgia 300464459. Please understand that the secured creditor is not required by law to negotiate, amend, or modify the terms of the mortgage instrument. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in possession of the property is Tommy Lewis Green or a tenant or tenants. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and (2) to final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the security deed. THE BRAND BANKING COMPANY, Attorney-in-Fact for Tommy Lewis Green Christopher D. Holbrook, Esq. PICKENS MAHAFFEY TUCKER, LLP 1550 North Brown Road Suite 125 Georgia Lawrenceville, 30043 (770) 232-0000 950-246963, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER, GWINNETT COUNTY Pursuant to the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by Kim Griffin to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Pine State Mortgage Corporation dated 10/31/2007 and recorded in Deed Book 48397 Page 223, Gwinnett County, Georgia records; as last transferred to or acquired by Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, d/b/a Christiana Trust, not individually but as trustee for Pretium Mortgage Acquisition Trust, conveying the after-described property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of $ 198,178.00, with interest at the rate specified therein, there will be sold by the undersigned at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the Courthouse door of Gwinnett County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on May 05, 2015 (being the first Tuesday of said month unless said date falls on a Federal Holiday), the following described property: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING IN LAND LOT 210, 5TH DISTRICT, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, BEING KNOWN AS LOT 169, BLOCK A OF MANCHESTER WALK SUBDIVISION, PHASE 1, AS SHOWN ON PLAT OF SURVEY, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 119, PAGES 31-32, GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA DEED RECORDS, WHICH SAID PLAT IS INCORPORATED HEREIN FOR A MORE COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION. The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in the Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Said property is commonly known as 157 Grenier Terrace, Lawrenceville, GA 30045 together with all fixtures and personal property attached to and constituting a part of said property, if any. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party (or parties) in possession of the subject property is (are): Kim Griffin or tenant or tenants. Rushmore Loan Management Services, LLC is the entity or individual designated who shall have full authority to negotiate, amend and modify all terms of the mortgage. Rushmore Loan Management Services, LLC PO Box 52708 Irvine, CA 92619 888.504.7300 Note, however, that such entity or individual is not required by law to negotiate, amend or modify the terms of the loan. Said property will be sold subject to: (a) any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), (b) unpaid water or sewage bills that constitute a lien against the property whether due and payable or not yet due and payable and which may not be of record, (c) the right of redemption of any taxing authority, (d) any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, and (e) any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The sale will be conducted subject to (1) confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the Security Deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1, which allows for certain procedures regarding the rescission of judicial and non-judicial sales in the State of Georgia, the Deed Under Power and other foreclosure documents may not be provided until final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan as provided immediately above. Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, d/b/a Christiana Trust, not individually but as trustee for Pretium Mortgage Acquisition Trust as agent and Attorney in Fact for Kim Griffin Aldridge Connors, LLP, 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, (404) 994-7400. 1208-697A THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 1208-697A 950-247936, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER, GWINNETT COUNTY Pursuant to the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by Carole A. Groover and Raymond J. Groover Jr. to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Ryland Mortgage Company dated 2/26/2001 and recorded in Deed Book 22397 Page 250, Gwinnett County, Georgia records; as last transferred to or acquired by Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, d/b/a Christia- GWINNETT COUNTY Pursuant to the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by Carole A. Groover and Raymond J. Groover Jr. to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Ryland Mortgage Company FORECLOSURES 2/26/2001 and redated corded in Deed Book 22397 Page 250, Gwinnett County, Georgia records; as last transferred to or acquired by Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, d/b/a Christiana Trust, not individually but as trustee for Pretium Mortgage Acquisition Trust, conveying the after-described property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of $ 167,373.00, with interest at the rate specified therein, there will be sold by the undersigned at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the Courthouse door of Gwinnett County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on May 05, 2015 (being the first Tuesday of said month unless said date falls on a Federal Holiday), the following described property: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the 1749th GM District, Gwinnett County, Georgia, being Lot 88, Block A, Belfaire Subdivision, Phase I, as per plat recorded in Plat Book 76, Page 158 and revised plat recorded in Plat Book 80, Page 263-264, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, which plat is incorporated herein by reference and made a part of this description. This sale will be made subject to any right of the United States of America to redeem the hereinabove described property within 120 days from the sale date aforesaid, in order to satisfy certain outstanding federal tax liens. The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in the Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Said property is commonly known as 2955 Belshire Trail, Dacula, GA 30019 together with all fixtures and personal property attached to and constituting a part of said property, if any. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party (or parties) in possession of the subject property is (are): Raymond J. Groover Jr. and Carole A. Groover or tenant or tenants. Rushmore Loan Management Services, LLC is the entity or individual designated who shall have full authority to negotiate, amend and modify all terms of the mortgage. Rushmore Loan Management Services, LLC PO Box 52708 Irvine, CA 92619 888.504.7300 Note, however, that such entity or individual is not required by law to negotiate, amend or modify the terms of the loan. Said property will be sold subject to: (a) any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), (b) unpaid water or sewage bills that constitute a lien against the property whether due and payable or not yet due and payable and which may not be of record, (c) the right of redemption of any taxing authority, (d) any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, and (e) any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The sale will be conducted subject to (1) confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the Security Deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1, which allows for certain procedures regarding the rescission of judicial and non-judicial sales in the State of Georgia, the Deed Under Power and other foreclosure documents may not be provided until final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan as provided immediately above. Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, d/b/a Christiana Trust, not individually but as trustee for Pretium Mortgage Acquisition Trust as agent and Attorney in Fact for Carole A. Groover and Raymond J. Groover Jr. Aldridge Connors, LLP, 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, (404) 994-7400. 1208-796A THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 1208-796A 950-248376, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE UNDER POWER GWINNETT COUNTY, GEORGIA THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Under and by virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by Charquinta Gude and Derrick M. Ward to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for SunTrust Mortgage, Inc. d/b/a Sun America Mortgage, a Virginia Corporation, dated December 21, 2004, and recorded in Deed Book 41261, Page 0002, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, as last transferred to SunTrust Mortgage, Inc. by assignment recorded on November 16, 2012 in Book 51801 Page 246 in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, conveying the afterdescribed property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of One Hundred Forty-Seven Thousand Four Hundred Fifty and 0/100 dollars ($147,450.00), with interest thereon as set forth therein, there will be sold at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the courthouse door of Gwinnett County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on May 5, 2015, the following described property: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 338 of the 4th District, Gwinnett County, and being Lot 98, Block B, Unit Three, Bridle Point Subdivision formerly known as Lee Road Tract, as shown on plat of said subdivision recorded in Plat Book 105, Pages 93-94, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, which recorded plat is incorporated herein for a more complete reference. The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and Bridle Point Subdivision formerly known as Lee Road Tract, as shown on plat of said subdivision recorded in Plat Book 105, Pages 93-94, Gwinnett County, Georgia Records, which recorded plat is incorporated herein for a more complete reference. debt secured by said The FORECLOSURES Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Your mortgage servicer can be contacted at (800) 443-1032–Loss Mitigation Dept, or by writing to PO Box 27767, Richmond, Virginia 23261, to discuss possible alternatives to avoid foreclosure. Said property will be sold subject to any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party in possession of the property is Charquinta Gude and Derrick M. Ward or tenant(s); and said property is more commonly known as 4333 Arabian Way, Snellville, GA 30039. The sale will be conducted subject to (1) confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code (2) final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the security deed and (3) any right of redemption or other lien not extinguished by foreclosure. SunTrust Mortgage, Inc. as Attorney in Fact for Charquinta Gude and Derrick M. Ward. Brock & Scott, PLLC 4360 Chamblee Dunwoody Road Suite 310 Atlanta, GA 30341 404-789-2661 B&S file no.: 15-03381 950-246859, 4/9,16,23,30 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER, GWINNETT COUNTY Pursuant to the Power of Sale contained in a Security Deed given by Mary M. Guthrie to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for American Mortgage Network, Inc. dated 11/16/2007 and recorded in Deed Book 48577 Page 469, Gwinnett County, Georgia records; as last transferred to or acquired by Wells Fargo Bank, NA, successor by merger to Wachovia Bank, NA, conveying the after-described property to secure a Note in the original principal amount of $ 540,000.00, with interest at the rate specified therein, there will be sold by the undersigned at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the Courthouse door of Gwinnett County, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale on May 05, 2015 (being the first Tuesday of said month unless said date falls on a Federal Holiday), the following described property: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 181 of the 6th District, Gwinnett County, and being known and designated as 1.437 acres more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron pin located at the Land Lot corner common to Land Lots 177, 178, 181 & 182; run thence along the land lot line: dividing Land Lots 181 & 178, South 60 degrees 12 minutes 15 seconds West 160.32 feet to an iron pin; run thence-South 86 degrees 54 minutes 30 seconds West 296.32 feet to an iron pin located on the Easterly right of way of Pleasant Hill Road (60 foot right of way); run thence along said right of way line North 03 degrees 05 minutes 30 seconds West 150.0 feet to an iron pin; run thence North 86 degrees 54 minutes 30 seconds East 230.00 feet to an iron pin; run thence North 77 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds West 168.46 feet to an iron pin located on the Land Lot line dividing Land Lots 181 & 182; run thence along said Land Lot line South 29 degrees 47 minutes 40 seconds East 114.76 feet to an iron pin located at Land Lot corner common to Land Lots 177, 178, 181& 182 and the Point of Beginning. Subject to any conveyances of rights of way to Gwinnett County. The debt secured by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declared due because of, among other possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedness as and when due and in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of this sale, as provided in the Security Deed and by law, including attorney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having been given). Said property is commonly known as 1216 Pleasant Hill Road, Lawrenceville, GA 30044 together with all fixtures and personal property attached to and constituting a part of said property, if any. To the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned, the party (or parties) in possession of the subject property is (are): Mary M. Guthrie or tenant or tenants. Wells Fargo Bank, NA is the entity or individual designated who shall have full authority to negotiate, amend and modify all terms of the mortgage. Wells Fargo Bank, NA Loss Mitigation 3476 Stateview Boulevard Fort Mill, SC 29715 1-800-662-5014 Note, however, that such entity or individual is not required by law to negotiate, amend or modify the terms of the loan. Said property will be sold subject to: (a) any outstanding ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but not yet due and payable), (b) unpaid water or sewage bills that constitute a lien against the property whether due and payable or not yet due and payable and which may not be of record, (c) the right of redemption of any taxing authority, (d) any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the property, and (e) any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, covenants, and matters of record superior to the Security Deed first set out above. The sale will be conducted subject to (1) confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code; and (2) final confirmation and audit of the status of the loan with the holder of the Security Deed. Pursuant to O.C.G.A. Section 9-13-172.1, which allows for certain procedures regarding the rescission of judicial and matters of record superiorney’s fees ( to the Security Deed first setcollect attor out above. been given The sale will be conductedwill be sol subject to (1) confirmationoutstanding that the sale is not prohibited(including under the U.S. Bankruptcya lien, but Code; and (2) final confirma-payable), a and audit of the statusmight tionFORECLOSURES be FORE of the loan with the holderaccurate su of the Security Deed. Pur-tion of th suant to O.C.G.A. Sectionassessmen 9-13-172.1, which allows forbrances, zo certain procedures regardingrestrictions the rescission of judicial andmatters of non-judicial sales in the Stateto the Secu of Georgia, the Deed Underout above. Power and other foreclosureN.A. succe documents may not be pro-to Wachov vided until final confirmationporation is and audit of the status of theSecurity De loan as provided immediatelyin accordan above. 44-14-162. Wells Fargo Bank, NA, suc-has full au cessor by merger to Wacho-ate, amend via Bank, NA as agent andterms of th Attorney in Fact for Mary M.the debtor Guthrie Home Mor Aldridge Connors, LLP,Wells Fargo 15 Piedmont Center, 3575Box 10335 Piedmont Road, N.E., Suite50306 1-8 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305,the best kn (404) 994-7400. lief of the 1000-667507503A party in p THIS LAW FIRM MAY BEproperty is ACTING AS A DEBT COLLEC-II or a tena TOR ATTEMPTING TO COL-said proper LECT A DEBT. ANY INFOR-monly kno MATION OBTAINED WILL BEEsplanade USED FOR THAT PURPOSE.Georgia 30 1000-667507503A be conduct 950-248510, 4/9,16,23,30 confirmatio is not proh NOTICE OF SALE U.S. Bankr UNDER POWER (2) to final STATE OF GEORGIA audit of the COUNTY OF GWINNETT with the ho Under and by virtue of therity deed. W power of sale containedN.A. succes with that certain SecurityWachovia Deed dated May 31, 2011,ration as At from Georgette N. Guth-Carroll B G rie to Mortgage ElectronicRaymer, LL Registration Systems, Inc.,bama Road as nominee for Bank Of30076 ww America, NA, recorded online.net EXH June 20, 2011 in Deed Booktract or pa 50731 at Page 177, and re-and being recorded on August 17, 20115th District, in Deed Book 50824, at PageGeorgia, a 284, Gwinnett County, Geor-particularly gia Records, having been last7, Block A, sold, assigned, transferredvision, Uni and conveyed to Bank Ofto a plat of America, N.A. by Assign-in Plat Boo ment and said Security DeedGwinnett Co having been given to secure acords, whic note dated May 31, 2011, inrated herein the amount of $128,668.00,hereof by re said note being in default,appurtenan the undersigned will sell at5-163 -09 public outcry during the legalOur file no. hours of sale before the door 950-2465 of the courthouse of Gwinnett County, Georgia, on May N 5, 2015, the following deFOREC scribed real property (hereinUND after referred to as the “Property”): ALL THAT TRACT ORGWINNETT PARCEL OF LAND LYINGGEORGIA AND BEING IN LAND LOT THIS IS 64 OF THE 5TH DISTRICT,TO COLLEC GWINNETT COUNTY, GEOR-INFORMATI GIA, BEING LOT 22, OAKWILL BE U FIELD SUBDIVISION, AS PERPURPOSE. PLAT RECORDED IN PLAT Under an BOOK 123, PAGES 167-170,Power of S GWINNETT COUNTY, GEOR-a Security GIA RECORDS, WHICH PLATSaima Guz IS INCORPORATED HEREINElectronic BY REFERENCE AND MADESystems, A PART OF THIS DESCRIP-nee for B TION. The debt secured byN.A., dated the Security Deed and evi-and record denced by the Note and has50793, Pag been, and is hereby, declaredCounty, G due and payable because of,as last tra among other possible eventsof America of default, failure to make thesor by mer payments as required by theLoans Se terms of the Note. The debtCountrywid remaining is in default andServicing, this sale will be made for thement recor purposes of paying the Secu-16, 2015 rity Deed, accrued interest,Page 66-67 and all expenses of the sale,the Clerk o including attorneys’ fees.of Gwinnet Notice of intention to col-Records, co lect attorneys’ fees has beendescribed p given as provided by law. Toa Note in th the best of the undersigned’spal amount knowledge, the person(s) inThousand possession of the property0/100 dolla is/are Georgette N. Guthrie.with interes The property, being com-forth there monly known as 4131 Oaksold at pub Field Dr., Loganville, GAhighest bid 30052 in Gwinnett County,fore the co will be sold as the prop-Gwinnett erty of Georgette N. Guthrie,within the l subject to any outstandingon May 5, ad valorem taxes (includinging describ taxes which are a lien and All that t not yet due and payable),land lying a any matters affecting title toLot 86 of the property which would beGwinnett disclosed by accurate sur-being Lot 4 vey and inspection thereof,berly Woo and all assessments, liens,Unit I, as encumbrances, restrictions,in Plat Boo covenants, and matters ofGwinnett record to the Security Deed.records, wh Pursuant to O.C.G.A.Sectionporated her 44-14-162.2, the name, ad-ence and m dress and telephone numberdescription of the individual or entity who The debt shall have the full authority toSecurity D negotiate, amend or modifyand is her all terms of the above de-because o scribed mortgage is as fol-possible e lows: Bank of America, N.A.,failure to p 9000 Southside Boulevard,ness as an Building 400, Jacksonville,in the mann FL 32256, 800-846-2222.Note and S The foregoing notwithstand-debt rema ing, nothing in O.C.G.A.this sale wi Section 44-14-162.2 shall re-purpose of quire the secured creditor toand all expe negotiate, amend or modifyas provided the terms of the mortgageand by law instrument. The sale will beney’s fees ( conducted subject (1) tocollect attor confirmation that the salebeen given) is not prohibited under U.S. Your m Bankruptcy code and (2) tocan be co final confirmation and audit744-7691–L of the status of the loan withDept, or by the holder of the SecurityCorporate Deed. Albertelli Law At-Texas 7502 torney for Bank Of America,sible altern N.A. as Attorney in Fact forforeclosure Georgette N. Guthrie 100 Said prop Galleria Parkway, Suite 960subject to Atlanta, GA 30339 Phone:ad valorem (866) 690-0418 A-4516004taxes whic 04/09/2015, 04/16/2015,not yet du any matte 04/23/2015, 04/30/2015 950-248060, 4/9,16,23,30 be disclose survey and property, a liens, encu ordinances, NOTICE OF SALE enants, and UNDER POWER superior to GEORGIA, first set out GWINNETT COUNTY THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO To the be COLLECT A DEBT. ANYbelief of the INFORMATION OBTAINEDparty in p WILL BE USED FOR THATproperty is tenant(s); a PURPOSE. Under and by virtue ofis more c the Power of Sale containedas 3194 K in a Security Deed givenCourt Sou by Carroll B Guthrie, II toGA 30047. Wachovia Mortgage Cor- The sale poration, dated October 26,subject to 2007, recorded in Deed Bookthat the sale 48653, Page 94, Gwinnettunder the County, Georgia Records,Code (2) f conveying the after-de-and audit o scribed property to secure aloan with t Note in the original principalsecurity de amount of ONE HUNDREDright of red SIXTY-ONE THOUSAND SIXlien not exti HUNDRED AND 0/100 DOL-closure. LARS ($161,600.00), with Bank of interest thereon as set forthsuccessor b therein, there will be sold atHome Loa public outcry to the highestfka Country bidder for cash before theServicing, L courthouse door of GwinnettFact for Sai County, Georgia, or at such Brock & S place as may be lawfully 4360 Cha designated as an alterna-Road tive, within the legal hours Suite 310 of sale on the first Tuesday Atlanta, G in May, 2015, the follow- 404-789ing described property: SEE B&S file n EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED 950-2482 HERETO AND MADE A PART NOT HEREOF The debt secured UND by said Security Deed has been and is hereby declaredGEORGIA, due because of, among otherGWINNETT possible events of default, By virtue failure to pay the indebted-contained i ness as and when due andcurity Deed in the manner provided in theHAIRSTON Note and Security Deed. TheELECTRON debt remaining in default,TION SY this sale will be made for the(“MERS”) A purpose of paying the samePINE STA and all expenses of this sale,CORPORAT as provided in Security DeedCORPORAT and by law, including attor-29, 2008, ney’s fees (notice of intent to2008, in D collect attorney’s fees havingPage 0163 been given). Said propertyat Deed Bo will be sold subject to any0447), , G outstanding ad valorem taxesGeorgia Re (including taxes which arerity Deed h a lien, but not yet due andto secure payable), any matters whichdate in the might be disclosed by anamount of accurate survey and inspec-Thousand tion of the property, anyThirty-Two assessments, liens, encum-lars ($20 brances, zoning ordinances,interest the restrictions, covenants, andfor therein matters of record superiorDeed havin amend or modify the terms d superiorney’s fees (notice of intent to 2008, in Deed Book 48882, 0409attorney’s GDP THURS LEGALS_Classifieds 4/7/2015 7:36 PM Page of the loan. eed first setcollect fees having Page 0163 (and modified Said property will be sold been given). Said property at Deed Book 52446, Page subject to: (a) any outstandconductedwill be sold subject to any 0447), , Gwinnett County, ing ad valorem taxes (includonfirmationoutstanding ad valorem taxes Georgia Records, said Secuing taxes which are a lien, but t prohibited(including taxes which are rity Deed having been given yet due and payable), (b) not Bankruptcya lien, but not yet due and to secure a Note of even unpaid water or sewage bills al confirma-payable), any matters which date in the original principal constitute a lien against thatFORECLOSURES the statusmight be disclosed by an of Two Hundred One amount SURES FORECLOSURES FORECLOSURES the property whether due and the holderaccurate survey and inspecThousand Eight Hundred payable or not yet due and Deed. Pur-tion of the property, any Thirty-Two and 00/100 dolpayable and which may not A. Sectionassessments, liens, encumlars ($201,832.00), with be of record, (c) the right of h allows forbrances, zoning ordinances, interest thereon as provided redemption of any taxing aus regardingrestrictions, covenants, and for therein, said Security thority, (d) any matters which judicial andmatters of record superior Deed having been last sold, might be disclosed by an acin the Stateto the Security Deed first set assigned and transferred to curate survey and inspection Deed Underout above. Wells Fargo Bank, BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., of the property, and (e) any foreclosureN.A. successor by merger there will be sold at public assessments, liens, encumnot be pro-to Wachovia Mortgage Coroutcry to the highest bidbrances, zoning ordinances, onfirmationporation is the holder of the der for cash at the Gwinnett restrictions, covenants, and tatus of theSecurity Deed to the property County Courthouse, within matters of record superior mmediatelyin accordance with OCGA § the legal hours of sale on the to the Security Deed first set 44-14-162.2. The entity that first Tuesday in May, 2015, out above. nk, NA, suc-has full authority to negotiall property described in said The sale will be conducted to Wacho-ate, amend, and modify all Security Deed including but subject to (1) confirmation agent andterms of the mortgage with not limited to the following that the sale is not prohibited or Mary M.the debtor is: Wells Fargo described property: under the U.S. Bankruptcy Home Mortgage a div. of ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCode; and (2) final confirmanors, LLP,Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., PO CEL OF LAND LYING AND tion and audit of the status nter, 3575Box 10335, Des Moines, IA BEING IN LAND LOT 27, 5TH of the loan with the holder N.E., Suite50306 1-800-416-1472. To DISTRICT, CITY OF SNELLof the Security Deed. Purrgia 30305,the best knowledge and beVILLE, GWINNETT COUNTY, suant to O.C.G.A. Section lief of the undersigned, the GEORGIA, BEING LOT 7, 9-13-172.1, which allows for 3A party in possession of the BLOCK A, THE PRESERVE certain procedures regarding M MAY BEproperty is Carroll B Guthrie, AT BRISCOE SUBDIVISION, the rescission of judicial and BT COLLEC-II or a tenant or tenants and AS PER PLAT THEREOF REnon-judicial sales in the State G TO COL-said property is more comCORDED IN PLAT BOOK 122, of Georgia, the Deed Under NY INFOR-monly known as 129 The PAGES 21-25, GWINNETT Power and other foreclosure D WILL BEEsplanade Way, Loganville, COUNTY RECORDS, WHICH documents may not be proPURPOSE.Georgia 30052. The sale will PLAT IS INCORPORATED vided until final confirmation A be conducted subject (1) to HEREIN BY REFERENCE. and audit of the status of the 9,16,23,30 confirmation that the sale Said legal description beloan as provided immediately is not prohibited under the ing controlling, however the F SALE above. U.S. Bankruptcy Code and property is more commonly OWER Wells Fargo Bank, NA as (2) to final confirmation and known as 2752 FELL COURT, IA agent and Attorney in Fact for audit of the status of the loan SNELLVILLE, GA 30078. NNETT Hall Kamau with the holder of the secuThe indebtedness secured irtue of therity deed. Wells Fargo Bank, Aldridge Connors, LLP, by said Security Deed has containedN.A. successor by merger to 15 Piedmont Center, 3575 been and is hereby declared n SecurityWachovia Mortgage CorpoPiedmont Road, N.E., Suite due because of default under 31, 2011,ration as Attorney in Fact for 500, Atlanta, Georgia 30305, the terms of said Security N. Guth-Carroll B Guthrie, II McCalla (404) 994-7400. Deed and Note. The indebtElectronicRaymer, LLC 1544 Old Ala1000-667507332A edness remaining in default, ems, Inc.,bama Road Roswell, Georgia THIS LAW FIRM MAY BE this sale will be made for the Bank Of30076 www.foreclosurehotAS A DEBT COLLECACTING purpose of paying the same, ecorded online.net EXHIBIT “A” All that TOR ATTEMPTING TO COLall expenses of the sale, Deed Booktract or parcel of land lying LECT A DEBT. ANY INFORincluding attorneys’ fees 77, and re-and being in Land Lot 163, MATION OBTAINED WILL BE (notice to collect same havst 17, 20115th District, Gwinnett County, USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. ing been given) and all other 24, at PageGeorgia, and being more 1000-667507332A payments provided for under unty, Geor-particularly described as Lot 950-248016, 4/9,16,23,30 the terms of the Security ng been last7, Block A, Crossgate SubdiDeed and Note. transferredvision, Unit One, according Said property will be sold NOTICE OF SALE o Bank Ofto a plat of survey recorded on an “as-is” basis without UNDER POWER. by Assign-in Plat Book 54, Page 110, any representation, warState of Georgia, curity DeedGwinnett County, Georgia reranty or recourse against the County of GWINNETT. to secure acords, which plat is incorpoabove-named or the underUnder and by virtue of 1, 2011, inrated herein and made a part signed. The sale will also be the Power of Sale contained 128,668.00,hereof by reference. With the subject to the following items in a Deed to Secure Debt in default,appurtenances thereto. APN: which may affect the title: given by CHRISTOPHER will sell at5-163 -090 MR/rla 5/5/15 any outstanding ad valorem HARDGE to BANK OF A ng the legalOur file no. 5146315–FT12 taxes (including taxes which AMERICA, N.A. , dated re the door 950-246514, 4/9,16,23,30 are a lien, whether or not now 06/27/2005, and Recorded e of Gwindue and payable); the right of on 07/05/2013 as Book No. gia, on May redemption of any taxing auNOTICE OF 43519 and Page No. 0060, lowing dethority; matters which would SALE FORECLOSURE GWINNETT County, Georgia rty (hereinbe disclosed by an accurate POWER UNDER as last assigned to records, s the “Propsurvey or by an inspection of BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. TRACT ORGWINNETT COUNTY, the property; all zoning ordiGEORGIA Secured Creditor), by (the ND LYING nances; assessments; liens; assignment, conveying the LAND LOT THIS IS AN ATTEMPT encumbrances; restrictions; COLLECT A DEBT. ANY TO after-described property to DISTRICT, covenants, and any other secure a Note of even date in NTY, GEOR-INFORMATION OBTAINED matters of record superior to the original principal amount T 22, OAKWILL BE USED FOR THAT said Security Deed. PURPOSE. of $172,855.00, with interest ON, AS PER To the best of the knowlat the rate specified therein, D IN PLAT Under and by virtue of the edge and belief of the underthere will be sold by the unS 167-170,Power of Sale contained in signed, the owner and party Security Deed given by a dersigned at public outcry to NTY, GEORin possession of the property the highest bidder for cash HICH PLATSaima Guzman to Mortgage is THOMAS HAIRSTON, or Registration Electronic at the GWINNETT County ED HEREIN tenants(s). Systems, Inc., as nomiCourthouse within the legal AND MADE The sale will be conducted hours of sale on the first DESCRIP-nee for Bank of America, subject (1) to confirmation N.A., dated July 11, 2011, Tuesday in May, 2015, the secured by that the sale is not prohibited and recorded in Deed Book described property: following d and eviunder the U.S. Bankruptcy ALL THAT TRACT OR PARote and has50793, Page 822, Gwinnett Code and (2) to final confirCounty, Georgia Records, OF LAND LYING AND CEL by, declared mation and audit of the staBEING IN LAND LOT 196 OF because of,as last transferred to Bank tus of the loan with the holder of America, N.A., succesTHE 6TH DISTRICT, GWINsible events of the Security Deed. NETT COUNTY, GEORGIA, to make thesor by merger to BAC Home The entity having full auBEING LOT 80, BROOKSIDE uired by theLoans Servicing, LP fka thority to negotiate, amend or Countrywide Home Loans GREEN TOWNHOMES, AS e. The debt modify all terms of the loan PER PLAT RECORDED IN default andServicing, LP by assign(although not required by law PLAT BOOK 105, PAGES made for thement recorded on January to do so) is: Bank of America, 16, 2015 in Book 53336 GWINNETT COUN96-100, g the SecuN.A., as successor by merger TY, GEORGIA RECORDS, ed interest,Page 66-67 in the Office of to BAC Home Loans Servicthe Clerk of Superior Court SAID PLAT BEING INCORPOof the sale, ing, LP f/k/a Countrywide RATED HEREIN AND MADE eys’ fees.of Gwinnett County, Georgia Home Loans Servicing, LP, REFERENCE HERETO. The on to col-Records, conveying the afterLoss Mitigation Dept., 7105 debt secured by said Deed to s has beendescribed property to secure Corporate Drive, Plano, TX Secure Debt has been and is by law. Toa Note in the original princi75024, Telephone Number: pal amount of Seventy-Three hereby declared due because dersigned’s 800-846-2222. Thousand Ninety-Eight and of, among other possible erson(s) in BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. events of default, failure to e property0/100 dollars ($73,098.00), as Attorney in Fact for with interest thereon as set pay the indebtedness as and N. Guthrie. THOMAS HAIRSTON forth therein, there will be when due and in the maneing comTHE BELOW LAW FIRM ner provided in the Note 4131 Oaksold at public outcry to the MAY BE HELD TO BE ACThighest bidder for cash beand Deed to Secure Debt. nville, GA ING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR, fore the courthouse door of Because the debt remains in ett County, UNDER FEDERAL LAW. IF default, this sale will be made the prop-Gwinnett County, Georgia, SO, ANY INFORMATION OBwithin the legal hours of sale for the purpose of paying the N. Guthrie, TAINED WILL BE USED FOR same and all expenses of outstandingon May 5, 2015, the followTHAT PURPOSE. ing described property: this sale, as provided in the (including Attorney Contact: Rubin All that tract or parcel of Deed to Secure Debt and by a lien and Lublin, LLC, 3740 Davinci law, including attorney’s fees d payable),land lying and being in Land Court, Suite 150, Peachtree Lot 86 of the 6th District, (notice of intent to collect ting title to Corners, GA 30092 Gwinnett County, Georgia, fees having been attorney’s h would be Telephone Number: (877) given). BANK OF AMERICA, curate sur-being Lot 4, Block “A”, Kim813-0992 Case No. BAC-15berly Woods Subdivision, holds the duly endorsed N.A. on thereof, 00997-1 Note and is the current asents, liens,Unit I, as per plat recorded Ad Run Dates 04/09/2015, in Plat Book “Y”, Page 47, signee of the Security Deed estrictions, 04/16/2015, 04/23/2015, to the property. BANK OF matters ofGwinnett County, Georgia 04/30/2015 AMERICA, N.A., AS SUCCESurity Deed.records, which plat is incorw w w. r u b i n l u b l i n . c o m / porated herein by this referSOR BY MERGER TO BAC G.A.Section property-listings.php HOME LOANS SERVICING, name, ad-ence and made a part of this 950-246854, 4/9,16,23,30 LP, acting on behalf of and, one numberdescription. The debt secured by said necessary, in consultaas r entity who NOTICE OF SALE tion with BANK OF AMERICA, authority toSecurity Deed has been and is hereby declared due UNDER POWER, N.A. (the current investor on or modify GWINNETT COUNTY the loan), is the entity with above de-because of, among other Pursuant to the Power of the full authority to negotie is as fol-possible events of default, failure to pay the indebtedSale contained in a Security ate, amend, and modify all erica, N.A., ness as and when due and Deed given by Kamau Hall terms of the loan. Pursuant Boulevard, to Washington Mutual Bank, to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, acksonville,in the manner provided in the Note and Security Deed. The FA dated 9/9/2004 and reBANK OF AMERICA, N.A., AS -846-2222. corded in Deed Book 40388 SUCCESSOR BY MERGER twithstand-debt remaining in default, this sale will be made for the Page 146, Gwinnett County, TO BAC HOME LOANS SERn O.C.G.A. Georgia records; as last VICING, LP may be contact2.2 shall re-purpose of paying the same transferred to or acquired by ed at: BANK OF AMERICA, creditor toand all expenses of this sale, as provided in Security Deed Wells Fargo Bank, NA, conN.A., AS SUCCESSOR BY or modify and by law, including attorveying the after-described MERGER TO BAC HOME e mortgage property to secure a Note in LOANS SERVICING, LP, 7105 sale will beney’s fees (notice of intent to collect attorney’s fees having original principal amount the CORPORATE DRIVE, PLANO, ct (1) to of $ 226,446.00, with interest TX 75024, 800-669-6650. t the salebeen given). Your mortgage servicer the rate specified therein, at Please note that, pursuant under U.S. can be contacted at (877) will be sold by the unthere to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, and (2) to dersigned at public outcry to the secured creditor is not n and audit744-7691–Loss Mitigation Dept, or by writing to 7105 highest bidder for cash the required to amend or modify e loan with before the Courthouse door the terms of the loan. To the he SecurityCorporate Drive, Plano, of Gwinnett County, Georgia, best knowledge and belief of elli Law At-Texas 75024, to discuss possible alternatives to avoid the legal hours of sale within the undersigned, the party/ Of America, on May 05, 2015 (being the parties in possession of in Fact forforeclosure. Said property will be sold Tuesday of said month first the subject property known uthrie 100 subject to any outstanding said date falls on a unless as 5914 BROOKSIDE OAK Suite 960 Federal Holiday), the followCIRCLE, NORCROSS, GEOR39 Phone:ad valorem taxes (including taxes which are a lien, but described property: ing GIA 30093 is/are: CHRISTOA-4516004 not yet due and payable), that tract or parcel of All PHER A HARDGE or tenant/ 04/16/2015, any matters which might land lying and being in Land tenants. Said property will 0/2015 be disclosed by an accurate 234 of the 7th District, Lot be sold subject to (a) any 9,16,23,30 survey and inspection of the Gwinnett County, Georgia, outstanding ad valorem taxes property, any assessments, being Lot 40, Block R of (including taxes which are a liens, encumbrances, zoning Ruby Forest Subdivision, lien, but not yet due and payordinances, restrictions, covUnit Two, Phase One, as per F SALE able), (b) any matters which enants, and matters of record plat thereof recorded in Plat OWER might be disclosed by an acsuperior to the Security Deed Book 60, page 147 and recurate survey and inspection first set out above. vised in Plat Book 68, page TY of the property, and (c) all 177, Gwinnett County, GeorTEMPT TO To the best knowledge and matters of record superior to gia Records, which recorded EBT. ANYbelief of the undersigned, the the Deed to Secure Debt first plat is incorporated herein by OBTAINEDparty in possession of the set out above, including, but reference and made a part of FOR THATproperty is