Sunday, April 19, 2015 - DEER PARK CHURCH............... A United


Sunday, April 19, 2015 - DEER PARK CHURCH............... A United
The Spirit of Deer Park UMC
Sunday, April 19, 2015
ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL MEETING - Monday, April 20 @ 7:00PM (note new
SAFE SANCTUARY TRAINING - VBS will soon be upon us and in an effort to be
prepared, the following dates have been set aside for Safe Sanctuary Training.
At Calvary UMC: Sunday, April 19 @ 12noon.
At Deer Park in the Conference room: Thursday, April 23 @ 7PM, Tuesday,
April 28 @ 10AM, Wednesday, May 6 @ 10AM, and again @ 7PM, Tuesday, June 9 @ 7PM.
As a reminder anyone who will have contact with the kids during VBS will need to take the training. Yearly
training is required by the Church's Safe Sanctuary Policy. Thank you to everyone who is responsible for making this year's VBS a super success! Mary Newcomb
John Moxley
Please sign-up!
Keenan Hudson
Kate Gorsuch & Judy King
SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES (Sundays, 9:45 to 10:45AM)
Children’s Classes...............Sunday School Wing
Bible Basics (Pastor Pat’s) Class...............Conference Room
Seekers’ Class...............Room next to the Library
Women's Bible Study — Next meeting: Tuesday, April 28, 7:00 - 8:30PM @ church
"Gideon: Your weakness. God's STRENGTH." by Priscilla Shirer
UMW MEETING - Monday, April 27 @ 1PM. Janet Wallett will lead the program. Call Lynn Spencer 410-8579882 for questions.
BULLETIN DEDICATION - Sunday's bulletin is dedicated in loving memory of my mother, Doris Miller for her
birthday which was April 17, by daughter Shirley Miller.
THANK YOU - The Trustees would like to recognize John Muse - Lawnscapes Unlimited, who is our grounds
keeping contractor and is doing an excellent job keeping our campus in beautiful condition. John also donated
and installed much needed playground chips in our tot lot located next to the pavilion. Thanks John for a job
well done!
“Cowgirl Serenade”~ a unique tea, was held on Sunday, April 12th, 2015 in the church’s social
hall. A sell-out crowd of sixty seven women and girls plus George gathered to enjoy tea and
refreshments and to hear the beautiful country gospel music of “Southern Brewed,” our own Justin
Klaverweiden’s band. Jeannie Taylor joined the band to sing “Wait a Minute”. The ladies, girls and
George were waited on by Richard Baker, Gary Saylor, Kim Jordan and John Moxley. This event
was sponsored by The Children’s Ministry Team and chaired by Nancy Baker. All proceeds from
the tea are being used to further the Children’s Ministry work at DPUMC.
- From the moment I presented the idea of a “Cowgirl” tea in January, I had the privilege to work with some
awesome folks; Kathie Browning, Mary Newcomb, Shirley Miller, Cindy Saylor, Cindy Barnes & Carol Dansberger ~ the ladies of the Children’s Ministry Team ~ without you, it couldn’t have been done. Thank you for
everything…the meetings, making the favors, decorating, set up, making the food, clean-up, tear down &
most of all for the support! You ladies are the best and I’m thrilled to work with you all. Special thanks goes to
Mercedes Baker for all her help in setting up & in cleaning up ~ I love you! To Wilma Welling for always saying
yes to me and for the generous donations of brownies & door prizes … you are so
appreciated & loved.
To Kara Periera for the wonderful cake; to Cindy Saylor for the donations of door prizes and to Rebecca Saylor & Cheyenne for helping out at the last minute ~ thank you all so much! Many thanks go to Richard Baker &
Gary Saylor for setting up the stage & help in decorating the hall; to Richard Baker, Gary Saylor, Kim Jordan &
John Moxley for being our Maiter’D’s ~ thank you so much. There is no way we could have had this tea without the generosity & support of the Deer Park United Methodist Men ~ please know how much we thank you
and how much we appreciate you and all that you do for the children! The Cowgirl
Serenade was a sellout and all the money raised will go directly to the continuation of the Children’s Ministry here at Deer Park.
Your support is so appreciated and the children thank you all too. May our good Lord bless each and every one
of you! Sincerely ~ Nancy Baker
ATTENTION! - The Trustees ask that everyone using the church for an activity check the building before
leaving. If you are the last one out be sure all outside entrance doors are locked. Be sure all lights including
the bathrooms are off. Close all inside doors. If you made trash be sure to place it in the outside trash bins,
Check bathrooms for trash, turn off all water and flush toilets. It takes everyone’s effort to keep our church
clean and looking good.
DPUMC 4TH ANNUAL YARD SALE & FLEA MARKET—This important fundraiser will be held on
Saturday, May 16th from 7am to 2pm. To reserve a yard sale space, only $20, please see Cindy Saylor in
the church office. Lots of volunteer helpers are needed for the day of the event. If you are interested in
volunteering, please see the following members:Pancake breakfast: Steve Hildenbrand; Lunch, Shirley Miller;
Church yard sale table, Sue Biegel; Bake sale table, Lynn Spencer; Closing & cleanup, Gary Saylor. We are
looking for another successful event. Thanks for your consideration! — The Yard Sale Committee
CHURCH YARD SALE TABLE - It's time for spring cleaning and getting rid of all the un-used stuff
cluttering up your home! We'll take it!!! Items can be dropped off in the right, rear area of the Social
Hall. Questions? Call Sue Beigel 410-876-2838.
YARD SALE HELP! – Our Yard Sale/Flea Market on May 16 is a huge fundraiser for our church. If you
can help that day in any way, even for an hour, please come on out and give of your time and energy.
Help will be needed to carry out items for our church table, help with breakfast, lunch, the grounds, etc.
Your efforts will be much appreciated. See Bill Aldridge or Cindy Saylor with questions.
SISTERHOOD - All ladies are invited to join the Sisterhood for an afternoon of Tea
at the Gypsy Tea Room in Westminster on Saturday, May 2 at 1:00 PM. The cost is
$17.50 plus tax and gratuity. If interested, please contact Kelley Strong
(443-804-7137) no later than Monday, April 27.
SAVE THE DATE! - Sunday, May 31 Potluck Picnic/Brunch in the Pavilion
immediately following the 9:30AM worship service. (This is a 5th Sunday, so there
is one service only). Please stay tuned for more details on fellowship, food and fun!
provided every other week by
Bowman’s Home & Garden Center.
from 7-830PM. All are welcome,
questions see Justin.
FACEBOOK – Check out Deer Park UMC. Any questions or to have something added contact Kara Pereira; or 410-857-9467.
CARDS – Bring your used birthday/holiday cards to
church, to be taken to ARC, where they’ll use them to
make tags, etc. Look for the pink & blue gingham box
in the narthex.
COFFEE N’ CHAT – Check out the sign-up board in
the narthex. This very important part of our church
provides time for us to fellowship after services. To be
successful we need you. Please consider signing up,
just once a quarter would be great. The coffee is supplied; all you have to do is supply a few goodies.
Thanks for your support!
The master name and address directory is on the
church office computer.
All additions or changes should be directed to
Cindy Saylor in the church office.
Building use calendar website is http://
To schedule an event, please contact Cindy Saylor at the church office on 410-848-2313.
Please submit bulletin announcements by Thursday, 11:00AM to the Insert Typist:
Annie Aldridge (
443-293-2863 (cell)
UPCOMING EVENTS – Upcoming community events
are posted on the easels by the 2 entrance doorways.
Please take a look.
PRAYER REQUESTS - The power of prayer is a gift
we can share. The “Prayer Request Basket” is in the
narthex where you can put a prayer request at any
time. These requests can also be given to an usher.
to add FOOD SUNDAY to your regular grocery shopping list and pick up one or two extra non-perishable
food items for the FOOD SUNDAY shopping cart in the
narthex. Your generous contributions are appreciated
by our neighbors in need. Thanks
SOUP LABELS AND BOX TOPS - Please continue to
save and bring in Campbell's Soup labels (UPC only)
and General Mill's Box Tops. Collection box and informational flyers are in the Narthex. These items benefit
the Board of Child Care. Thanks for your support.
Prayer Chain: Shirley Miller (Coordinator) 410861-8292
Chain I Kate Gorsuch 410-876-2745 / Chain II
Brenda Six 410-756-2507
Bulletin Copying: Cindy Saylor
Flag raising & lowering: Gary Saylor
Mother’s Day (May 10), will soon be here. Remember your mother and have her name in the bulletin. Donations
of any amount are appreciated. Envelopes marked Flower Fund are found in the pews. The money will be used
to purchase flowers for the altar throughout the year. Please place your order in the offering plate or give to Ruth
Shipley by Sunday, May 3.
GIVEN IN MEMORY OF ___________________________________________
Deer Park United Methodist Church
Please pick a caring act and select as many people you feel are manageable to:
Send a Card, Call, Take Food, Visit and always Pray.
It will bring a smile to their face, knowing you care.
At Home:
Tracy Gist (Madeline Jones’ daughter) – 3708 Singer Street, Hampstead, MD 21074
John Hall – 1533 Green Mill Road, Westminster, MD 21157
Irma Kuhn – 2138 Arrington Road, Marriottsville, MD 21104
Bud Lindsay - 1905 Galaxy Drive, Finksburg, MD 21048
Dorothy Wheeler – 2201 Old Washington Road, Westminster, MD 21157
In Care Facilities
Julia & Norman Pickett – 271 Montpelier Court, Westminster, MD 21157
Wally Bosman - Lorien Mt. Airy, 713 Midway Ave, Mt. Airy, MD 21771
Away at School Our students are back at school – please keep them in your prayers.
In the Military
Alex Bosman – Marines
in electronics school.
Jesse P Karaffa– Marine reservist stationed at Quantico, VA
(Barbara Michaelian’s son)
1008 Neal Drive
Rockville, MD 20850
SA Moynihan – Navy (Dylan is Pastor Dols’ grandson)
304 N McCarthy Ave. Ste 117
Eglin AFB, FL 32542
— With their children grown, Anna & Felty are ready for their next adventure.
That means trying their hands at matchmaking - because what could be more fun
than igniting love - and undoing mismatches when they're wrong. Huckleberry
Hill by Jennifer Beckstrand contains a delightful cast of characters in a story that
overflows with Amish love and laughter.
If you are here for the first time today, you are welcomed by the God who welcomes
us all. Please help us become acquainted with you by filling out a pew guest card and placing it in the
offering plate or handing it to an usher, a greeter or the pastor.
Children are welcome and encouraged to share in worship. If you are uncomfortable with the activity
of your child, there is nursery care available during both worship services for children ages 5 and under.
Or, you may visit our Sanctuary Observation Room, which looks directly into the sanctuary. This space
is equipped with soft lighting and rockers. Speakers ensure you will not miss any of the service. Please
don’t hesitate to ask an usher for help.
God’s Disciple Club meets during the 8:30 service immediately following the children’s time. All children
over the age of 5 are welcome to participate.
Nursery care is also available during the Sunday school hour for children under 3.
The Nursery is located through the double doors off the foyer, a short distance down the hallway on the
Restrooms are located in the hallway to the left of the Deer Park Road entrance.
A baby changing station is located in both the women’s and men’s restrooms.
Deer Park Staff
Pastor: Rev. Patricia Dols -- phone: 301-509-6299 -- (email)
Director of Music: Justin Klaverweiden -- (email)
Nursery Care Provider: Randi Carlisle
Administrative Assistant: Cindy Saylor -- (email)
Church Office Hours: Mondays 9AM-1PM / Tuesdays & Thursdays 11AM-3PM
Church Office Phone: 410-848-2313
One Sunday a pastor told the congregation that the
church needed some extra money and asked the people to prayerfully consider giving a little extra in the offering plate. He said that whoever gave the most would
be able to pick out three hymns.
After the offering plates were passed, the pastor
glanced down and noticed that someone had placed a
$1,000 bill in offering. He was so excited that he immediately shared his joy with his congregation and said
he'd like to personally thank the person who placed the
money in the plate.
A very quiet, elderly and saintly lady all the way in the
back shyly raised her hand. The pastor asked her to
come to the front. Slowly she made her way to the pastor.. He told her how wonderful it was that she gave so
much and in thanksgiving asked her to pick out three
Her eyes brightened as she looked over the congregation, pointed to the three most handsome men in the
building and said,
"I will take him, and him, and him."