The Using of Figurative Language in CONFESSION OF A
The Using of Figurative Language in CONFESSION OF A
The Using of Figurative Language in CONFESSION OF A SHOPAHOLIC MOVIE A GRADUATING PAPER Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Practical Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S. Pd. I) In English Department of Educational Faculty By: KHOLIFAH ROSYIDA OVIYANTI 113 07 023 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL FACULTY STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES (STAIN) SALATIGA 2011 MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS SALATIGA STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES (STAIN) SALATIGA Jl. Stadion 03 Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721 Website: E-mail: DECLARATION In the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful. Hereby the writer fully declares that this thesis is made by the writer herself, and it is not containing materials written or has been published by other “people” ideas except the information from the reference. The writer capable account this for thesis if in the future this thesis can be proved of containing others idea or in fact the writer imitate the other thesis. This declaration is made by the writer to be understood. Salatiga, 20th December 2011 Researcher Kholifah Rosyida Oviyanti NIM: 11307023 MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS SALATIGA STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES (STAIN SALATIGA) Jl. Stadion 03 Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721 Website: E-mail: Hanung Triyoko, S. S, M. Hum, M. Ed Salatiga, 20th December 2011 The Lecturer of Educational Faculty Salatiga State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR’S NOTE Case : Kholifah Rosyida Oviyanti’s Graduating Paper Dear The Head of Salatiga State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga Assalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb. After reading and correcting Kholifah Rosyida Oviyanti’s thesis entitled The Using of Figurative Language in Confession of a Shopaholic Movie, I have decided and would like to propose that if it could be accepted by educational faculty, I hope it would be examined as soon as possible. Wassalamu’alaikum, Wr. Wb. Consultant, Hanung Triyoko, S. S, M. Hum, M. Ed NIP. 19730815 199903 1 003 MOTTO Success is the Combination of Hard work, intelligence, self confidence, patience, sincerity and luck that count a lot. (Dr. Jamshed Chaudhry) DEDICATION I would like to dedicate this graduating paper for them who were being my motivator: · To Prophet Muhammad SAW · My never dies lovely, my father (Rosyid Pramono), my mother (Nurul), who always gives me support both in spirit or finance. · My sweetest brother and sister (Irvan and Ria) that actually not little, thanks always support me to finish my final job. · My Lovely grandparents (Darwadi and Jaitun) · Mr. Hanung Triyoko, S. S, M. Hum, M. Ed. Guided me until my graduating paper finished. · Dra. Siti Muktamiroh who was guiding from semester 1 until 8. · My beloved friends: Wahyu, Mulat, Khoir, Sutitis, Endang, Rika, Oyib, Ticka, Very, Anik, Nia, Ain, Riza, Hera, Ida, Ragil, Ari, Mz Anam, and Tri. You are the best. Thanks for your loyalty, support and everything that was we did together, laugh, cry, joke and our togetherness, I can’t forget it. · All of my friends especially to TBI A class and generally to STAIN Salatiga 2007. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful, The Lord of the Universe. Because of Him, the writer able to finish this graduating paper as one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in English Department of Educational Faculty of State Islamic Study Institute (STAIN) of Salatiga. Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from darkness to the lightness. This Graduating Paper entitle “The Using of Figurative Language in Confession of a Shopaholic Movie” presented to English Department of State Institute Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Sarjana Degree. It is important for writer to thank to people behind the making of this graduating paper. The writer would like thank to: 1. Dr. Imam Sutomo, M. Ag, as the Head of State Institute Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga. 2. Maslihatul Umami. S. Pdi, M. A. as the head of English Department. 3. Dra. Siti Muktamiroh as my Academic Counselor. 4. Mr. Hanung Triyoko, S. S, M. Hum, M. Ed, as my counselor in writing this graduating paper. Thank you very much for your patience and guidance. 5. To all lecturers of English Department, the writer deeply thanks you all for your advices, knowledge, kindness etc. 6. My beloved father, mother, brothers and sister who have taught me everything, your support, care, and pray to reach my desire. I really love you so much. 7. My Beloved Friends in Salatiga, thanks’ for everything that you did to me. You always be in my mind and my heart. Thanks for every moment that we share together. I never forget it. Finally, this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and information to the readers. Salatiga, 20th December 2011. The writer Kholifah Rosyida Oviyanti ABSTRACT Oviyanti, Kholifah Rosyida. 2011. The Using of Figurative Language in Confession of a Shopaholic Movie. Graduating Paper. English department of education faculty Salatiga State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN). Counselor: Hanung Triyoko, S.S, M.Hum, M.Ed. Keywords: Figurative Language, Message. The purposes of this research are to find out the types of figurative languages used in the movie and to find out the messages conveyed in the movie. The methodology of this study is qualitative descriptive study; it does not need statistic approach to analysis the material. In this research the writer research about the using of figurative language in Confession of a Shopaholic movie. Qualitative research is a search of which the data written or oral words are descriptively analyzed. The result of this study is that are some of figurative languages used in the dialogue of the movie. From the analysis, it can be concluded that there are metaphor, simile, hyperbole, personification, paradox, metonymy and irony. This movie has many connotation meaning based on the data analysis. After analyzing the data, it appears that the use of figurative language in Confession of a Shopaholic movie is regarded as an instrument by the author to convey their ideas in the movie dialogue. TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE..................................................................................................... i DECLARATION .................................................................................... ii ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES .................................................... iii STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION .................................................... iv MOTTO.................................................................................................. v DEDICATION........................................................................................ vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................... vii ABSTRACT ........................................................................................... ix TABLE OF CONTENT .......................................................................... x CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study.................................................. 1 B. Statement of the Problems ............................................... 3 C. Objectives of the Research ............................................... 4 D. Benefits of the Study........................................................ 4 E. Clarification of Key Terms .............................................. 5 F. Review of Previous Research ........................................... 6 G. Research Methodology .................................................... 7 H. A Graduating Paper .............................................................. 9 CHAPTER II THEORITICAL REVIEW OF FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE A. Notion of Figurative Language ........................................ 10 B. Use of Figurative Language ............................................. 17 CHAPTER III CERTAIN ELEMENT OF THE MOVIE A. Biography of the Author .................................................. 21 B. Synopsis of the movie ...................................................... 23 CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND RESEARCH FINDING A. Intrinsic of literary in the Movie...................................... 31 B. Using of Figurative Language .......................................... 60 C. Message Conveyed in the Movie...................................... 72 CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusion....................................................................... 76 B. Suggestion ....................................................................... 78 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIXES CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study The role of the language as a tool of communication is very important. Generally, there are many countries in the world, and they have different languages. It can see the example of different languages in the world like an Indonesian language that is used by Indonesian people. English language is used among English people etc. They use the different language to communicate among their own societies, but if they want to communicate with other countries, they can use English language as an international language. International language has purpose to make their interaction effectively, although they have different language background. So, the people need more than one language to communicate and to interact with others among their region or countries. The people sometimes use more than one language to communicate with others. It happens because when someone is going to a different country, she/he has to understand the language in which those people use. With other word we must master the target language. Movie is form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement. (http://www.thefreedictionary/movie.html, last access 19th march). Movie is part of human’s life. Movie is entertainment, knowledge, and education for people. Movie invites audience to come into new world, new life as if the viewers live there. The orientate it is as a literal art, communication and literature. Literary language is sometimes defined in terms of its deviations from or distorstions of ordinary language. Like most generalizations, this idea is both useful and misleading. It suggest thet literary texts are characterized by the use of figures of speech or tropes. (Adrew Bernett and Nicholas Royle An introduction to literature, critism and theory. Key Critical Concepts 1995:65). Literature is a kind of art, usually written, that offers pleasure and illumination. It is usually written, for there is oral literature. (X.J Kennedy Literature An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama 1983:65) From that point of view, inside of literary, language is a particular kind of system for encoding and decoding information. The language itself can divide into spoken and written once. In language system, while in the written language, it is the representation of the spoken, which is very helpful for communication. In modern times, a large number of artificial languages have been devised, requiring a distinction between their consciously innovated type and natural language. Figurative language is language using figures of speech, is language that cannot be taken literally. (Laurence Perrine, An introduction to poetry 1978:61) February 13, 2009 was adapted into a film by summit Entertainment. The film was directed by P. J. Hogan and stars Isla Fisher, Hugh Dancy as protagonist. Screenplay was adapted by Tim Firth and Tracey Jackson. Confession of a Shopaholic debut, young and adult Comedy, Drama, Romance and Adaptation film by author Sophie Kinchella. Confession of a Shopaholic is gripping blend of Comedy and Romance: describes about Rebecca Bloomwood “infatuation with shopping”, in that film she has good relation with her friends. This is dialogue using figurative language. For example: Rebecca (Little Girl): Real prices got you shiny (00:00:44). Mom prices got you brown things (00:00:48). I saw another world (00:01:04) A dreamy world full of perfect things (00:01:06) Language used in literary work has specification based on languages is using in other communication. Every word has many meaning and contains different messages. From that point on, it took the writer a while in conducting the study of figurative languages is used in “Confession of a Shopaholic movie”. B. Statements of the Problems Based on the background of the study above, the research problem on the research can be formulated as follows: 1. What are the types of figurative language used in “Confenssion of a Shopaholic a Movie”? 2. What are the Messages extended in “Confession of a Shopaholic Movie”? C. Objectives of the Problem In carrying this research the writer formulates the objectives of the study as follows: 1. To examine the types of Figurative languages which used in “Confession of a Shopaholic Movie”. 2. To reveal or know the messages extend in “Confession of a Shopaholic Movie”. D. Benefit of the Study The Benefit of the study will be distinguished into two benefits: 1. Academic Benefit The benefit of the study is expected to be useful to the world of literature and the complement to the study of “Confession of a Shopaholic Movie”. 2. Practical Benefit a. Practically, the study will contribute to english lecturers in their english teaching process, and it will give additional knowledge to english students and english lecturers. b. Theoretically, this study will add the literature in linguistic about figurative language c. Enrich our knowledge in understanding the figurative language Used in “Confession of a Shopaholic movie”. E. Clarification of Key Terms The writer will clarify the terms to avoid mistake of the title consideration: 1. The using Act of using something, state of being used (Oxford 475). 2. Figurative languages Figurative Language is language using figures of speech, is language that cannot be taken literally. (Laurence Perrine, Sound and Sense An introduction to poetry 1978:61) 3. Confession Statement admitting that you have done something wrong (Oxford 475). Shopaholic Someone who like shopping very much. Shop Place where things are repaired or made, part of a building where are goods are sold. (Oxford shop 396) 4. Movie Movie is an acompanying sound track, a theater where such a pictures are shown regularly to the public the movies such entertainment in general. (New Lexicon Websiter’s Dictionary of The English Language Encyclopedic Edition 1981: 654) F. Review of Previous Research In this research, the writer would like to analyze the using of figurative languages in Confession of a Shopaholic movie by library analysis. To make sure that this research is original, the researcher would like to present other research that have close relation with the study of Confession of a Shopaholic Movie. The first research is “A Descriptive Study on Figurative Language used in West life’s Songs” which has been researched by Ifonilla Yenianti in 2003, the students of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga. In her thesis, she has analyzed about the figurative language. According to her, the figurative language used in West life’s songs is metonymy, hyperbole, personification, paradox, metaphor, simile and apostrophe, and it has many connotation meanings based on the data analysis. The second research conducted by Afidatul Barokah in 2007, students of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga. The title of his thesis is “A Descriptive Study on Figurative Language Used in Christian Bautista Songs”. In his thesis, she analyzed about the figurative language. According to her, the figurative language used in Christian Bautista songs are metonymy, hyperbole, personification, metaphor, simile, irony, apostrophe. In addition, she concludes that connotative has a purpose to make refine, beauty and art of the message, and something used to hide the message. The third review related to this research, and the title is “The Using of Figurative Languages in Twilight Movie” which has been researched by Okta Friantina Rahardianing Tyas in 2010, the students of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga. In her thesis, she has analyzed there are 10 figurative expressions in three categories. They are Comparative, imagery, and contradictory. This film also has the messages to teach us to be optimistic and be loyalty. Accordance to the research above, there is similarities of the writer research doing, but the writer researches that have a title “Confession of a shopaholic Movie” focuses in the using of figurative language used in the movie, but it is also have differences on the object of the study automatically in the movie. This film also has the message to teach us to be optimistic, trust and save our money to be useful. G. Research Methodology 1. Type of Research This research is descriptive study. According to Anselm Strauss & Juliet Corbin (2003:47) descriptive studies are designed to obtain information concerning with current status of phonomena. They are direct toward of phenomena. Thus there is no administration or control of treatment as it is find an experimental study. Therefore, this study attempts to identify, classify, and describe the methapor language of “Confession of a Shopaholic Movie”. 2. Data Source Data source is divided into primary and secondary source. a. Primary Source The main data source are taken from the movie directed by Jerry Bruckheimer and Produced by Touchstone Pictures Walt Disney Picture with Sophie Kinsella as the author. b. Secondary Source It is a data source, which is used to support and complete the primary data. The data is taken from any kinds of books and relevant materials such as books, essays, articles, magazines, journals and all the printer matters which related with to the study. Finding the material and script from internet is the other data source. 3. Technique of Collecting Data a. Watching Confession of shopaholic movie. b. Searching downloading the script from this websites c. Searching figurative language. 4. Technique of Analysis Data This research focused on the figurative languages in Confession of Shopaholic Movie. The steps to analyze the data use: a. Selecting the movie, choosing Confession of shopaholic movie. b. Watching and observing the movie carefully. c. Making some notes related to important point which relevant the research. d. Finding figurative languages included in that movie and looking for other information that relevant to the problem. . e. Identify the kinds of figurative language. f. Organizing the data refer to the categories. g. Synchronizing between the data and the theories which were used in this research. Method of Data Analysis: a. Exposing the data in order to reveal the problem. b. Codification c. Interpreting the data d. Comparing the data with fact in order to find the similarities between them. e. Concluding in order to answer the statement of problem H. Paper Outline The study will be organized as follows: Chapter one is introduction which consists of the background of study, covering background of the study, the research problems, the objectives of study, benefit of the study, clarification of key term, research methodology, and thesis organization. Chapter two relates to theories, Theoretical review of figurative languages. Chapter three presents the biography of the author, the movie in brief and certain elements explore in the movie. Chapter four is research discussion contains that consists of figurative languages used in “Confension of a Shopaholic Movie”. Chapter five is conclusion and suggestion. It is summary and results of the analysis of the graduating paper. CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW OF FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE A. Figurative Language and its kinds In this chapter, the writer will describe figurative language. The term of figurative language here described as particular way for expressing idea and feeling. The writer has done some literature review on books, journal, and websites. Those terms include figurative expressions that will be used in this thesis and also definition of Confession of a Shopaholic movie. This literature review will attach some definitions, descriptions and elaborations as the theoretical foundation of the study. According to X.J Kennedy that figure of speech may be said whenever a writer or speaker, for the sake of emphasis or freshness, departs from the ordinary denotations of words. From the above quotation, figurative language is a way to reflect the characteristic of the film and the way the writer think. Figurative language used not in usual literal sense but imaginative way. Figures of speech are not devices to state what is demonstrably untrue. Indeed they often state truths, and they lend emphasis. Figurative language is one which literally in compatible term, forces the readers to attend the connotation rather than to the denotation. Kreidler affirms (1998: 44-45), the connotation is part of meaning, the effective or emotional associations is elicits, which clearly not be the same for all people who know and use the word. It is refers to the personal aspect of meaning, the 11 emotional associations that the word arouses. The denotation identifies the central aspect of word meaning, which everybody generally agrees about. The words that have emotional meaning and denotation meaning are combination of sounds. Reaske in Albertine Minderop (2005:51-52) also provide the understanding of figurative language as follows: Figurative language: language which employs various figures of speech. Some examples are metaphor, simile, antithesis, hyperbole and paradox. In general, figurative language is that kind of language which departs from the language employed in the traditional, literal ways of describing persons or objects. Using figurative language is making imaginative description in fresh ways. It is usually immediately obvious whether a writer is using figurative or literal. According to Laurence Perrine (1978:61) figurative language is language that cannot be taken literally. A figure of speech is any way of saying of something other than ordinary way, and some rhetoricians have classified many figures. Figurative language uses "figures of speech" - a way of saying something other than the literal meaning of the words. In other words, language cannot be taken literally. Language using figures of speech such as metaphor, personification, simile, hyperbole, paradox, metonymy and irony, to form imagery is figurative language. It is used to increase shock, novelty, appearance, or illustrative consequences. Literal and figurative language is a distinction in traditional systems for analyzing language. Literal language refers to words that do not deviate from their defined meaning. Figurative language refers to words, and groups of words, that exaggerate or alter the usual meanings of the component words. Figurative language may involve analogy to similar concepts or other contexts, and may involve exaggerations. These alterations result in figures of speech. According David Grove's (1997) figurative language is related Metaphors, symbols, metonymy, simile, emblems, images, analogies and icons are to name but a few of the elements incorporate in the syntax construction clients use to describe cognition and affect. Here are some definitions and a chance to recover the original definitions and reintroduce the reader to the special variances of figurative language. The purpose is to clarify the words choose during a therapy session. Figurative Language is language using figures of speech (a way of saying one thing and meaning another); in other words, language that cannot be taken literally (or should not be taken literally only). Figurative language is a word or phrase that comes from everyday literal language for the important of comparison, emphasis, clarity, or freshness. Metaphor and simile are the two most commonly used figures of speech, but things like Simile, metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, personification, apostrophe, are all forms of figurative language. There are seven kinds of figurative languages expressions. They are Metaphor, simile, hyperbole, personification, paradox, metonymy and irony. 1. Metaphor Kennedy (1983:482) affirms Metaphor is a statement that one thing is something else, which, in literal sense, it is not. It not uses connective words such as like or as. A metaphor is used as a figure of speech to like an object or person to another object or person, based on certain similar qualities that both possess. Though a direct comparison, this is a type that is not applicable literally. The use of metaphors however, intensifies the significance of what is being said. For example: Rebecca: Real prices got you shiny. (00:00:44). He is a pig The first sentence means real prices give shiny or wonderful things. The writer explains that real prices give shiny or wonderful things. The second sentence is to use a metaphor that may involve comparison people and animal of appearance and morality as well. 2. Simile James affirms, Simile is figure of speech in which a likeness between two objects are directly expressed with the word, as, like, than. A figure of speech is used to draw a comparison between two objects, persons, or situations, by using the terms like, as, than. Though similar to a metaphor, the latter is a direct comparison between the two objects of comparison. (1989:12). For example: Rebecca (kid): They were beautiful, like fairies or princesses. 00:01:07,400 --> 00:01:09,425 Ivan could run like the wind The first sentence means they are beautiful like fairies or princesses because they use well dress and jewerly. Beautiful is invisible like fairies or princess. The second sentence, Ivan could run like the wind, the word “like” shows that Ivan runs like the wind. The speedy is fast like the wind. 3. Hyperbole (Overstatement) Hyperbole is such a style that contains an overstatement to exaggerate things. Deliberate overstatement not intended to be taken literally; it is used as a means of emphasizing the truth of a statement. This is relatively rare in Frost. The statement a penchant for fact and truth, not literal truth but use figure of speech called overstatement (Perrine, 1978: 91). For example: Rebecca: Man will never love you or treat you as well as a store. 00:02:17,170 --> 00:02:20,196 I have told him a thousand times. The first statement, the writer explains men never love girls as well as a store. The second statement, He said a thousand times. In fact, he only said once or three times. 4. Personification Personification is a figure of speech in which a thing, an animal, or an abstract term (truth, nature) is made human. A personification extends throughout this whole short term. A figure of speech where an inanimate object, trait, or action, is given a life like disposition, by giving a human quality or trait. (Kennedy: 1983:487) For example: Opportunity knocked on the door. The sun greeted me this morning. The first sentence, described that opportunity knocked on the door. Knocked only is done by a living in a creature that has hands of humans. The second sentence “sun” like humans being. 5. Paradox Paradox is apparent self-contradiction or deliberate inconsistency. A statement or situation containing apparently contradictory or incompatible elements, but on closer inspection may be true (Kennedy, 1983:488). For example: The poorest man is the richest, and the rich are poor. The day is past, and yet I saw no sun. The first example, here is two different meaning of the words “poorest man“ is contrasted, rich in kindliness and “rich” in wealth. The second example, there is contradiction between two circumstances, the writer mean the day is dark because no sun. different 6. Metonymy Kennedy affirms metonymy is the name of things substituted for another closely associated with it. Metonymy refers to the use of a phrase associated to an actual concept of metaphorical in nature are attributed to an animal. A type of metaphor in which distinct human qualities, example: honesty, emotion, volition, object or idea. (1983:488) For example: The white house decided. He smokes Bentoel. The word “The White House” means “The President”. Then the word “Bentoel” is the label of cigarette. 7. Irony Irony is a manner of speaking that implies is a discrepancy. If the mask says one thing and we sense that the writer is in fact saying something else. A disparity between what is said and what is actually meant can sum up the meaning of irony. Often used to express humor and sarcasm, irony is another form of figurative language that enables the truth to be expressed in a subtle, and sometimes, a blatant manner. A figure of speech when an expression used is the opposite of the thought in the speaker's mind, thus conveying a meaning that contradicts the literal definition. Irony has meanings which extend beyond its use merely as a figure of speech (Kennedy, 1983:13). Example: How diligent you are! You just got up at 9 a clock. Your voice is so good. But silent is better. The first sentence is a satire. The second sentence “diligent” and “good” are contradictory with the fact. B. Use of figurative language Movie is form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement. (http://www.thefreedictionary/movie.html, last access 19th march) Movie is a part of human life. Movie is entertainment, knowledge, and education for people. Movie invites audience to come into new world, new life as if the viewers live there. According to Perrine (1978), Figurative gives opinion to the writer uses metaphor, personification, simile, to stir the reader's imagination and bring out the emotion and understanding that can't be expressed by the words. Languages provide to expressing the reader’s different attitudes and meaning. Figurative language has several using. First, it might seem absurd to say one thing and mean another. Second, the writer can say more vividly use by figures than he/she can say by saying it directly. Figurative language affords us imaginative pleasure. Third, the writer can imagine the literal term in real object. It is mean of spoken language can be understood. Fourth, the writer can describe meaning by using literal word and more vividly by figures than he can by saying it directly. Fifth, it is mean enjoyment of saying much of the word. Sixth, figurative languages are another way to imagination and satisfy by providing language. Figurative language uses “figure speech” a way of saying something other than the literal or not directly meaning of the words. Figurative language often provides a more effective means of saying what we means that does directly. Richard Nordquist says, a figure of speech is a rhetorical device that achieves a special effect by using words in distinctive ways. Figurative language is often connected with particular poetry and literature. But the fact is, whether we're conscious of it or not, we use figures of speech every day in our own writing and conversations. The term of figurative language connected by passing the literal meaning widely, or bring about new ideas or knowledge into a word or phrase. It is a way; figurative language is a description, in which abstract terms are used in place of concrete description. It may also use words of attractive language to one's imagination and creates real images to display the impact of what is being written. Figurative language can include many words and phrases, and there are several types of figurative language. Most commonly, it can refer to making comparisons, repeating sounds, overstatement or creating imaginative to the senses. Erica Sweeney says figurative language is a way of using description to create a certain image and bring out one's emotions. It is important part of writing and is also widely used in speech. It is a term used to describe language that uses comparisons, analogies or exaggerations ("figures of speech") to get the point across. Figurative language writes on poetry with words exaggerate and literal meaning. It uses figures of speech to describe or discuss a concept, as opposed to literal language, which has a concrete meaning. That provides a deep to writing that truth on straightforward expression cannot. It uses any of words a variety of figures of speech. language.html# Figurative language is used by writer to describe something fully and effectively, it makes the reader more clearly. The difference between literal and figurative language is that when you speak, read or write literal language. It includes any word or phrase not to be taken literally. It enhances your word in fiction and can be a way of getting an image or straight of that a point. However, used incorrectly. It is mean Imagery; a word or phrase that relates to real experience, helps create a physical experience and adds words for the reader to literary language. It makes imaginations, finding the likeness in compatible unrelated things. Generally, Figurative language is essential in certain types of writing to convey meaning and expression. It is necessary to explain the exact meaning in a vivid, artistic manner and to the point manner to your reader. The writer has a story to tell and uses figurative language to show every emotion and feeling on the paper. The writer's goal, if the writer does not create an image in the readers mind, he will lose the readers attention and holding the attention of the reader. It is language that uses words or expressions with a meaning that is different from the literal interpretation. When a writer uses literal language, he or she is. Figurative language, in comparison, uses exaggerations or alterations to make a particular linguistic point. It is not only common in poetry but also in prose and nonfiction writing as well. CHAPTER III CERTAIN ELEMENT OF CONFESSION OF A SHOPAHOLIC MOVIE A. Biography of The Author Madeleine Sophie Wickham or commonly known as Sophie Kinsella. She born in Madeleine Townley or known as London on December 12, 1969. Sophie’s life a children is very happy. She grew up in the Wimbledon area, the southwest London suburb, in a home with her sister and both parents. Then, she attended the Sherburne School for Girls in Dorset, and went to Oxford University to for a degree in music, from New College, Oxford in 1990. After year she switche to politics, philosopy and ekonomics. In 1992, Shopie married by Henry Wickham. Wickham was currently the headmaster of a boys' school in Hertfordshire, England, where the couple lived with their three sons; Freddy, Hugo and Oscar. In September 2000, Sophie Kinsella published her first novel in the Shopaholic series The Secret Dream world of a Shopaholic the story about “girl a fun and financial journalist who loves shopping but is hopeless with money”. In 2000, her novel got into the UK best seller lists with her first novel in the Shopaholic series. The next book was shopaholic abroad in 2001, the writer got an idea, Becky with a better-paying television job and the ad-exec Luke as her steady boyfriend. When her career took him to Manhattan and she follows, however, a whole new world of high-end shopping tempt her. 22 Shopaholic ties the knot in 2002 story about Becky in perhap the ideal job. Finally, she was as personal shopper for Barneys. Shopaholic and the sister in 2004, Kinsella images the fun sisterly shopping trip and it was like being asked about mutual friends. In 2009, Shopaholic series has been such a success that the titles have been translated into nearly three dozen, a testament to the universal about finance and romance. The story was even been optioned by Disney. The title is Confession of a Shopaholic Movie. After finished her shopaholic series, she leaved her journalism job behind many years ago, she wrote novels full-time and kept regular schedule. She had been sidetracked from her writing only once when poor ergonomics brought on sudden, intense pain in her arms and an inability to write. After inability her wrote, the pain was bad enough, Kinsella recalled in an article. She wrote about the experience for the Evening Standard. But it was nothing compares to the panic. She felt that writing is livelihood. She diagnosed with repetitive strain injury from poor posture at her desk and long working hours. She began to manage the condition with a combination of Pilates, physiotherapy, and some new office furniture. She wanted to wake up from her slouch. She admitted in the Evening Standard. It was very hard to wrench her away from the middle of a scene-especially if her fictional lovers are on the brink of kissing. But then, it would be harder still if her hands seize up and they never got to support at all. She kept getting letters from readers asking. Kinsella answered the readers’ askked in the interview. So she started thinking about some critics dismissed the books as frothy in the vein of Bridget Jones' Diary, Kinsella notes that the sales spoke for themselves. She told "They were all about women in shoulder pads, often coming from a poverty-stricken background, forming a multinational company and taking over the world while having lots of glamorous locations, sometimes with goldfish. B. Synopsis of Confession of Shopaholic Movie This movie tells about the young Rebecca who looks two kinds of prices: real price and mom price. Real price is the price for brand and mom price was price for commonly price, but when she looks into window shopping, she is seeing another world. A dreamy world full of perfect things, a world where grown-up girls get what they wanted. Rebecca looks at older girls who were trying to wear dresses and jewelry. They do not need money for those perfect things, but only swipe credit card. Rebecca wants to have that one. Now, the adult Rebecca is walking down the street. She says that she could reach the dream when she was twelve. Rebecca Bloomwood occupation is a journalist. She writes for a Gardening magazine. She moves to New York. She meets with the guys. From that moment, she puts things in different perspective. Because she knows when girls see cute boys and they smile, the girls’ heart fly like on the sky, but Rebecca does not. When she is going to store, the cute boy is forgetting by many kinds of dresses and jewelry. A man will never love girls or treat girls as well as a store. But women love a store full to clothes, accessories, and a lot of debt. She does not know exactly, but she concerns to receive one bill for $900. She thinks her card was stolen, but she realizes that the Outdoor World charged of the stolen card. The all debt belongs to her. It come with one persistent collection Derek Smeath agent. Rebecca head off to an interview at Alette magazine, run by Alette. She finds a green scarf in a window that is perfect. Even the statue was telling her that it would define who she is. She tries to buy it by spreading the price over cash and multiple cards, but with one card being declined was still short. She rushes to a hotdog vendor, goes to the front of the line for an emergency, begs the vendor to give her cash back on a check. Even she offered to buy all of her hotdogs; she needs the scarf for a sick aunt. The man in the front of the line gives her twenty dollars to get her out of the way. So he gets his hotdog. But there are differences between cost and worth. With the scarf Bex heads into Alette office, but the receptionist tells her that Alicia Billington had filled the job internally. Complimenting the scarf, he tells her that a consumer finance magazine from the same parent company is also hiring, and getting her foot in the door there will help. Bex hurries over to that office, and meets her interviewer, Luke Brandon, the man from the hotdog stand. The interview do not go well, and thought gets worse as she return to her job and finds that the magazine is close, and everyone has received termination notices. Bex goes back to her roommate, Suze who tear up her rent check, but it do not resolve the debt problem. Bex help Suze to take a tequila bottle. They go through the bills. Suze figure up, and finds that the news was horrible. However, they gets the brilliant idea. She has idea to write up a sample article for Alette and send it. At the same time, Bex draft a mean note to Luke. A called from Luke the next day lead her to realize that she put the letter in the wrong envelope. she makes a desperate rush to intercept the insulting letter on its way to Alette. He likes her idea about using shoes as a metaphor for investing. But before taking that job, Rebecca starts with a thousand words on the effect of changing the word interest rate on store card APRs. Luke command her to write article about APR, but she writes in google. Bex gets off to a rocky start at the magazine, especially since her card is decline as she tried to buy a finance book. Luke take her to a company meeting and makes her question the presenter about their bonuses, seeing as the company posted a loss. He asked her to go home and sends him a new outline for the article, but a sample sale distract her. Oat rack, stretching, and ending up flat on her back in front of Alicia, she does manage. Bex tells Suze, if she works in succesfull saving magazine. And Suze is shocked to hear that Rebecca Bloomwood advice people how to handle money. Suze also get Bex to go to a support group for shopaholics, but all she sends most of the members into a relapse as she describes her love of shopping. Suze also makes Bex watch a video about shopping addiction, and tries to get her to brake her shopping but Bex really just hide everything in the closet, which later explodes into buries Suze. One coat that she buy, gives her the answer. She is looks promosing, but not cashmere. She writes about changed in credit card terms. When she meets Luke brunden in office, he reads her article. That was amazing. He is very satisfied about her job. Her new column, the Girl in the Green Scarf is well received. Although the head of advertising was nervous. Bex wins over the company head, bankers, and even Finns from Nokia, as she manages to avoid getting caught in her constant lie. She does it well at Miami conference. But in there it was still being harassed by Smeath, whom she tells Luke was a previous-boyfriend that is stalking her. Still in Miami, she and Luke share a shopping trip and a dance. He revealed that his mother was a wealthy socialite, but he wants to be his self. Luke wants Rebecca estimated him. She looks Luke workaholic, as an investment his pretty much suck but he was good editor. She finds out that he is having dinner with Alicia, upsetting her. She also finds out that Alicia will be Luke date for an upcoming ball. Suze convince Bex do not to buy a new dress. She has many clothes in her closet to use when she goes to the ball. Bex joins to shopaholic group rehabilitation. There have people’s shopaholic, they introduce their self and about their shopping experience. When Rebecca introduces her self, she tells the experiences is enjoyable, beautiful, and she tells her friends there’s sale at Catherine Malandrino. Then, Bex goes to the shop, finds her counselor shopaholic, and she gets shopping like shopaholic, when counselor get Bex. She is ashamed put off her shopping. Rebecca back to home and she already goes to the ball, but in the evening, she turns out to be jinxed. Her jacket unraveled, beads comes off and tripes an elderly woman. her dress is similar enough to that worn by the waitress that she is hand a platter. Sending fish many people of the dinner, Luke saved her in there. The night took a turn for the better as he joined her out on the balcony and kisses her. They mentioned column to her and how much she loved it. But she does not reveal that she is the author. Her work is being so well received that Bex gives a television spot with Luke, and Alette took her shopping. While Bex was trying on clothes, Alicia had her bag and takes a call from Smeath, finding out her debt issue. Bex buys the dress, although it is a month payment. Bex head over to her bridesmaid dress was fitting to Suze when they gets married. Upset to see the Barneys bag, Suze sends Bex back to the support group. Bex meets a new woman going in, and asks her to stash the bag in her baggage car. She agres but turns out to be the new group leader, Miss Korch, who marched the group to a thrift shop and made Bex turn over the bags. Bex we goes to buy them back after, but only has enough cash for one. So, Bex chooses the Barneys dress for the television appearance. The show is goes well, but one thing is turned over to the audience for questions. Smeath stood up and exposes her debt issues, as well as she lies him to be a previous-boyfriend. Tarqi, Suze boyfriend, and Bex’s parent see the TV show green scarf (Rebecca Blomwood). As Bex goes back to the apartment, Suze is there, and while they are talking about the homeless woman goes by wearing the bridesmaid dress. Suze is furious and moves out. Bex’s parent drive up and offer to sale the vehicle, but she wants to let them. Bex returns to her support group ask for help, and set up the sample sale and auction of her entire wardrobe. Sending a notice to the original receptionist at Alette, he forward it to all assistants, including Luke assistant Hayley. He says that she will need tells make room for all the free samples from Alette. Everything are sold, with the last item on the block being the original green scarf. Two women, include one on a phone, have a small bidding war. But Bex releases it to the winner, tells her not to wear it with yellow. It will bring her love. Defending Bex, Luke’s job is in danger, but the owner surprised him by offering start a new magazine. As they talk, Luke realizes he wants to strike out on his own. Possibly is inspired by Bex. Bex tells to Luke that she sees him running his own business. The grand total from the action is over sixteen thousand dollars, allowing Bex to pay off her debt. She takes nine thousands to Smeaths office. She give him what he deserves in the most annoying and inconvenient fashion, as he does to her. Bex shows up at Suze’s wedding. She wears dress which traded to the homeless woman for other clothes. Bex and Suze are reconciled. Suze and Tarqi were married. As the newly weds drove off, Bex wander down the street. The mannequins called her again, but she resisted them to start applauding her. Exhilarated by her development, she finds Luke in front of her. He gives her the green scarf as a present. He sends both of the bidders. They kiss on the street. She talked about how to stop the shopping habit. He allows her time for other thing, including a relationship with Luke. Finally Rebecca decides to be a columnist for Luke's new magazine and her dress borrowing from Suze. She decides to reform shopaholic. She fells that it is amazing when she is not shopping. She fells better to have a time for other activity. She actually learns Finnish. Her decision does not relate to her credit card. And she has a relationship with someone who loves her back (Luke), and never declines her. CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND RESEARCH FINDING A. Intrinsic Elements in Confession of a Shopaholic Movie In this analysis, the writer will answer the problem statements that have been formatted in chapter I. The writer will explain figurative languages that support Sophie Kinsella of Confession of a Shopaholic Movie. The writer describes about elements of the film, such as character and characterization, setting, plot, theme, languages, dialogue, and message. The analysis of Confession of a Shopaholic movie is as the following: 1. Character and Characterization Character and characterization is important thing in literary work. Characters are important thing on film because they are structural elements interact with a piece of literature. According to Kennedy, character is presumably an imagined person who inhabits a story, although that simple definition may admit to view exceptions. (1979:43). Characterization can be divided into three groups; they are protagonist, antagonist, and foil character. Here is the description of each characterization. The protagonist is the leading character in story or the driver of the action of the story and therefore responsible for achieving the stories objective story goal (the story of journey). (Andrew, 1988:210) The antagonist is the character that stands in opposition to the protagonist. Then, Foil is a character who contrasts with another character (usually the 30 protagonist) in order to highlight various features of that other character's personality, throwing these characteristics into sharper focus. a. Major Character In this movie, there are Rebecca and Luke Brandon. 1) Rebecca Blomwood Rebecca is one of the protagonist characters; she was cheerful, funny and Shopaholic girl. She was the only one child in her family. She was Shopaholic. She had a dream to work in Alette. She was struggling with her debilitating obsession with shopping and the sudden collapse of her income source, after Rebecca a drunken letter-mailing mix-up; she worked a journalist in financial magazine. She was writing about the very consumer caution of which she herself has not abided her innovative comparisons and unconventional metaphor for economic grant her critical acclaim, public success, and the admiration of her supportive boss Luke. But as she approached to her ultimate goal of writing for renowned fashion magazine Alette, she has an ambition and had to determine of overcoming her "Shopaholic" condition. It would bring her real happiness. The example dialogue of Rebecca Blomwood: l like shopping. 00:56:37,560 --> 00:56:40,051 I mean, stores are put there to enjoy. 00:56:42,499 ->00:56:45,832 Oh... The rush you feel when you swipe your card. 00:57:09,325 --> 00:57:13,091 Suze... since l was 14 I wanted to work at Alette magazine. 00:04:12,752 --> 00:04:16,620 If l can just get this job, l will be happy forever. 00:04:16,656 --> 00:04:20,092 Suze: Bex, this is so funny. You're so smart. 00:16:24,717 -> 00:16:27,379 2) Luke Brandon He was good boss, cool, workaholic, wise and clever. He was broken home family. Luke lived with his father. His mother and her father divorced when he child. Luke Brandon was boss in Successful saving Magazine. Luke workaholic, as an investment his pretty much suck but he was good editor. She met with Rebecca in Office, he looked Rebecca was charming girl and cheer. And he loved her, but when he knew she lied with him about her wrote and that related with her financial. Defending Bex, Luke’s job was in danger, but the owner surprised him by offering to start a new magazine. His company had down. The example dialogue of Luke Brandon: Luke: I am Sorry to call so early, But l got your letter. (00:18:07,786 --> 00:18:11,779) Well, l hope l made my Point. (00:18:14,493 --> 00:18:18,293) Oh, you did. You did, very well. (00:18:18,330 --> 00:18:21,128) The whole metaphor, very clever. (00:18:21,166 --> 00:18:23,100) Rebecca: as an investment, you pretty much suck. 00:48:57,701 --> 00:49:00,135 You're a workaholic. 00:49:00,170 --> 00:49:04,436 b. Minor character Minor character must necessarily remain flat. It is in a character in a bit or cameo part. It often provides support and illuminates the protagonist character, minor character almost always flat or two dimensional characters. They are usually all good or all bad. 1) Suze Suze was roommate of Rebecca Blomwood. She was care, wise and cheerful and loyal friend. She was best friend with Rebecca and she was good friend for Rebecca. She became good friends in bad or good situation. She had a boyfriend his name is Tarkie. She knew Rebecca was shopaholic, she told her to stop her shopping but Rebecca rejected her asked. Suze never gave up stopping her shopping. She suggested to Bex to follow shopaholic rehabilitation and Bex accepted her suggested. Suze saw Bex TV show, agent Debt collector Derek Smeath opened all about Bex credit card was stolen. Bex gave up and Bex went back to the apartment, Suze was there, and while they were talking about the homeless woman went by wearing the bridesmaid dress. Suze was furious and moves out. The example dialogue of Suze: Suze: Don't answer the phone! No! (00:13:27,907 --> 00:13:30,967) It might be a debt collector! Hello? (00:13:31,010 --> 00:13:32,739) She's still recovering from. You know. OK. (00:13:52,665 -> 00:13:57,068) Well, l'm ripping up your rent check! 00:14:24,029 --> 00:14:26,190 Rebecca: No, Suze, you can't do it again. 00:14:26,232 --> 00:14:28,632 Suze: lt's my apartment, well, my parent's apartment, 00:14:28,667 --> 00:14:30,999 But it's my rules. I'm gonna buy you the biggest present. 00:14:31,036 --> 00:14:34,062 2) Allicia Billington Allicia Billington she had a foil characters on this story. She worked in Alette magazine. She was cruel, wicked and she was resentment girl. She liked with Luke Brandon because his mother was wealthy socialite, and he was boss in successful saving magazine. She invited him to dinner. Alicia will be Luke date for an upcoming ball. She was disgraceful Rebecca in upcoming ball. She was hate and jealous with Rebecca, because Luke close with Rebecca. When Rebecca hunted dress with her and her boss in Alette, her boss asked her to bring Rebecca bag. She annoyed with Bex. When Bex phone rang, she received Bex phone and told him (Derek Smeath) about Bex TV show. The example dialogue of Allicia: Allicia: Luke, where have you been? (00:52:04,488 --> 00:52:07,252) l've been looking for you. We have a dinner reservation. (00:52:07,290 --> 00:52:10,726) Did you go shopping? (00:52:14,030 --> 00:52:16,021) Luke: Oh, yes. Yes, Rebecca's been helping me. (00:52:16,066-->00:52:18,694) 3) Derek Smeath He was major antagonist character on the film. He was cruel, never gave up and wicked. He had debt collector in “Derek Smeath” agent. Bex had big problem with him. He pressed Bex to pay her debt. He made trouble in green scarf TV show and Bex was star guest. He told with host and audience about her debt and how much money which she pay. The example dialogue of Derek Smeath: Derek Smeath: I'm from the All City Debt Collection Agency. My name is Derek Smeath. (01:14:23,992 --> 01:14:26,426) Host of TV show: Alright? (01:14:26,462 --> 01:14:30,091) Now, look, for God's sake, can l just say that this man (01:14:30,132 --> 01:14:33,124) Has been stalking Rebecca for the past year. (01:14:33,168 --> 01:14:36,001) Derek Smeath: to recover unrepaid credit, on a store card totaling. (01:14:37,573 --> 01:14:40,804) 4) Jane Bloomwood She had mother of Rebecca Blomwood. She was humor person, patient, When Bex child; she gave choice to her child about mom price or real price of the market. Then her child became shopaholic. She loved her child. She lived in New York with her husband. She stayed with her husband, because her child stayed with her friend. She was cheering personal. She was housewife. She loved her family, and they lived happily. She did not know if Bex was shopaholic. When Bex became guest on TV show, she was watching. She was very happy and proud with her child. But suddenly he shocked about child debt. On TV show program Derek Smeath opened all of Bex debt. Her child had debt so much. Bex came to her house, she listened about her child debt and Bex was asked forgiving. Then, she forgave her child. She told with Bex, mom and dad would help her. She amused her child. The example dialogue of Jane Blomwood: Mom: Saving our money, our life savings. 00:37:00,618 ->0001:22:22,837 --> 01:22:26,967 Sweetie, she's gonna be fine. 01:21:32,621 -- >01:21:35,055 Dad; Your mom and l think, 01:22:04,486 --> 01:22:06,249 If the American economy can be billions in debt. 01:22:06,288 -->01:22:10,384 5) Graham Bloomwood He was father of Rebecca Bloomwood. He stayed with her wife. He lived happily with his wife. He was humors’ person, patient, fat and enjoyable. He loved his family, and they lived happily. She did not know if Bex was shopaholic. When Bex became guest on TV show, he was watching. He was very happy and proud with his child. But suddenly he shocked about child debt. On TV show program Derek Smeath opened all of Bex debt. Her child had debt so much. Bex came to her house, he listened about his child debt and Bex was asked forgiving. Then he forgave her child. She amused her child. He told with Bex, dad would help her. He would help her with sold his lovely vehicle. The example dialogue of Graham Blomwood: Mom: Do you think it's too late for this? 01:21:44,199 ->01:21:45,860 Dad; Never too late, aren't you glad. We went to that book fair? 01:21:45,901 --> 01:21:48,529 Dad: Nothing defines me, except you and your mother. And still survive so can you. 01:22:10,425 -- >01:22:12,484 6) Tarkie He was a boyfriend of Suze. She is handsome, care, simple and loved suze. He understood with situation of Suze and Bex. The example dialogue of Tarkie: Tarkie: Why do so many of your excuses involve Finland? (00:14:12,451 --> 00:14:16,148) Rebecca: Cause no one checks up on Finland, Tarkie. (00:14:16,188 --> 00:14:19,089) 7) Alette Naylor She was boss of Alette Company. She was stylist, firm and wise person. She was famous in society and on fashion. One day, she came to be successful saving office. Luke asked to Alette Naylor to choose dress to use Bex on the first TV show Bex. She admired with green scarf (Rebecca) article. After TV show program, she asked to Rebecca to work in Alette. The example dialogue of Alette: Alette: So after the ball, I actually Read Successful Saving magazine, your piece was very good. (01:07:14,630 --> 01:07:16,928) I have been observing you (01:07:16,966 you Natural --> 01:07:18,160) And it seems have Street fashion, (01:07:18,200 --> 01:07:20,430) 8) Edgar West He had successful saving magazine. He was firm and wise person. Every worker scared with him. He was dissatisfaction with successful saving worker. When he knew and looked article of Green Scarf, he was proud of the article. The example dialogue of Edgar West: Edgar: I've just spent a few minutes. Rather wrapped up (00:34:44,082 --> 00:34:46,346) In your ''Green Scarf.'' (00:34:46,384 --> 00:34:48,682) I like it. (00:34:48,719 --> 00:34:50,209) Uh, she obviously has a passion for personal finance. (00:34:50,254 --> 00:34:54,452) 9) Hayley She was secretary of Luke Brandon. She was old and good person. When Bex new in office. She told anything about Bex did know. She was patient and care person. The example dialogue of Hayley: Hayley: Rebecca, Derek Smeath is here. 01:06:43,199 --> 01:06:46,134 Rebecca: God. Um... l, uh... 01:06:47,603 --> 01:06:52,267 Hayley: Don't worry. I've already called security. 01:07:02,084 --> 01:07:04,211 10) Ryan He was higher level than Luke Brandon on office. He opposed about Luke opinion. He did not believe Rebecca skill. He dislike with Bex and her article. But when in Miami conference, he looked Bex talked with other head of other company and heard Bex talked something wrong with them. He also accosted Luke, and told about Bex did. He wants Bex resent from successful saving. But suddenly head of other company came with them and talked Bex was genious and her article was amazing. Luke smile and Ryan was shy. The example dialogue of Ryan: Ryan: You know, l just got a call from Jeff Kanter at Comintex. (00:29:18,289 --> 00:29:21,747) They're having stockholders' meeting. (00:29:21,793 --> 00:29:23, 3170) Luke: Yes, l sent someone. Yeah, you did. (00:29:23,361 -> 00:29:25,829) A real find, actually, the girl l sent. (00:29:25,864 --> 00:29:27,627) She's sparkly, honest. (00:29:27,665 --> 00:29:30,156) Exactly the type, that l was hoping to find. (00:29:30,201 -> 00:29:32,965) 11) Russell He was editor in successful saving magazine. He was good editor, patient and clever. The example dialogue of Russell: Russell: That's not good. He hates us. (00:34:37,008 --> 00:34:39,875) Oh, my God. l can't believe that. (00:35:14,545 --> 00:35:17,605) Russel: Oh, my God. Guys! We're international! (00:38:22,566 --> 00:38:28,471) Luke, we've taken Asia. 00:38:30,174 --> 00:38:32,768) 12) Cartier or Ms. Pattinzie She is the first leader in shopaholic rehabilitation. She is good leader, fussy, and lied. She introduced her self; she was a leader in shopaholic rehabilitation. But when some store had big sale, she came and shopping. In there Rebecca looked her like shopaholic other. She looked Bex and she pretended do not touch all of her shopping. The example dialogue of Joyce: Cartier: OK, Rebecca. Thank you for sharing. (00:57:17,767 --> 00:57:19,462) Cartier: Oh, what's in this box? Have l seen absolutely everything? (00:58:38,748 --> 00:58:42, 27500:58:42,318 --> 00:58:45,116) Sparkles, oh, l love sparkles. Do you have any more in the back? (00:58:45,154 --> 00:58:47,418) You, You! Oh! (00:58:47,457 --> 00:58:52, 25) Rebecca: I’m sorry. (00:58:52,295 --> 00:58:53,990) 13) Joyce She was friends of Bex in shopaholic rehabilitation. She was shopaholic. She loved shopping very much. When she was shopping her husband did know. Someday her husband knew about that and she could not go out from home. Her husband wanted her to stop shopping. And she followed this rehabilitation. The example dialogue of Joyce: Joyce: My name is Joyce. And I'm a shopaholic. (00:55:15,145 --> 00:55:18,763) I'm the wife of a textile importer. (00:55:20,517 --> 00:55:23,213) My husband found my secret stash, in the linen closet. (00:55:23,253 --> 00:55:26,814) Yeah, he found all of my cruises wear. (00:55:26,856 --> 00:55:29,188) And now he says that. There won't be a cruise! (00:55:29,225 --> 00:55:31,489) Cartier: OK, hang in there, Joyce. (00:55:31,528 --> 00:55:34,088) 14) Ryuichi He was friend of Bex in shopaholic rehabilitation. He was shopaholic. When he introduced his self, he could stop his shopping in six month. But when some store had big sale, he also came to shop to shopping. The example dialogue of Ryuichi : Ryuichi : My name is Ryuichi, and l'm shopaholic. (00:55:36,399 --> 00:55:40,495) It is six months, three weeks (00:55:42,038 --> 00:55:44,939) And four days since I last used my credit card. (00:55:44,974 --> 00:55:47,738) Cartier: Ryuichi! That is just wonderful. You’re an inspiration to all of us. (00:55:49,412 --> 00:55:52,870) 15) D. Freak He was friends of Rebecca in shopaholic rehabilitation. He was shopaholic. He bought every time and liked something expensive. He was former NBA player. The example dialogue of D. freak: Cartier: What about you. Mr. Freak? (00:55:54,684 --> 00:55:56,413) Dr. Freak: My name is D. Freak. Uh, I'm a shopaholic. (00:55:56,453 --> 00:56:00,583) l'm also a former NBA player. (00:56:02,425 --> 00:56:05,451) We'll get back to that. Um, l cracked at Cartier today. (00:56:06,830 --> 00:56:11,199) How many did you buy this time? (00:56:11,234 --> 00:56:13,395) Cartier: One for every different day of the week. (00:56:15,138 --> 00:56:17,163) 16) Ms. Korch. She was new leader in shopaholic rehabilitation. She was old, clever, strong girl, responsible, and cruel. Ms Korch: My name is Ms. Korch. I am your new group leader.(01:10:54,316 --> 01:10:57,615) I do things differently. (01:10:57,653 --> 01:11:00,315) Ms. Bloomwood? You're willing to give away. Your money for things (01:11:05,494 --> 01:11:07,860) So why not try giving away (01:11:07,896 --> 01:11:10,126) Rebecca: But here's the thing, I really need those things. (01:11:12,034 --> 01:11:14,366) 17) TV Show Host She was host on TV show. She was old, humor girl and clever. She asked anything with bex about her article. She did not believe, if Bex had debt, until Derek Smeath opened all of Bex money debt. The example dialogue of TV show host: TV show host: Got money issues? Who hasn't? (01:12:30,579 --> 01:12:30,679) The Girl in the Green Scarf, Rebecca Bloomwood (01:12:39,288 --> 01:12:42,416) Which is exactly the point? (01:13:03,979 --> 01:13:05,970) Rebecca: Because so much financial journalism is really boring. I'm with ya on that! (01:13:08,450 --> 01:13:10,918) Rebecca: But its ordinary people that have, the most money in savings. (01:13:15,958 --> 01:13:18,722) 18) Allon He was receptionist in Allette magazine. He was friendly, cheerful and liked shopping. She told, in Successful saving had vacancy job. Successful saving company could enter you in Allette. The example dialogue of Allon: Allon: Alette. Oh, filled, internally, yesterday. (00:07:49,735 --> 00:07:53,967) Alicia Billington. Nice scarf (00:08:04,016 --> 00:08:07,611) Rebecca: Thanks. I bought it for the interview. (00:08:29,842 --> 00:08:33,744) Allon: as we speak, interviews are being held. (00:08:40,953 --> 00:08:44,548) But Successful saving could be your yellow-brick road. (00:08:53,466 -->00:08:56,924) So my advice to you, dear Dorothy (00:09:03,242 --> 00:09:06,336) 2. Theme Theme is the meaning or concept we are left with after reading a piece of fiction. Theme in literature is story in general idea or insight the entire story reveals. (Barnet, 1961: 3) According to Kennedy, a theme is seldom so obviously distillation of the story is often listed as one of the fundamental elements of fiction. It is the central idea or insight serving as a unifying element, creating cohesion. That is theme need not be moral or message, it may be what the happenings add up to film. (Kennedy: 1979:90) Confession of a shopaholic is debut, young, adult, and comedy. The theme in Confession of a Shopaholic movie deals with the persistence of shopaholic girl to stop shopping, make a friendship and love to reach a happy life. Example: l lied to the man l love. 01:28:10,518 --> 01:28:14,852 I hurt my best friend, but I have a plan, and l need your help. 01:28:18,726 --> 01:28:22,526 Sale of that I have. 01:28:36,044 --> 01:28:38,808 I have a relationship with someone who loves me back 01:39:50,884 --> 01:39:54,183 3. Setting Setting is the location and time of the story, is often listed as one of the fundamental elements of fiction. Sometimes setting is referred to as milieu, to include a context (such as society beyond the immediate surroundings of the story. In some cases, setting becomes a character itself and can set the tone of the story. (Rozelle, 2005: 2) A setting can create an atmosphere that will help produce the particular quality and effect of the story. Setting is the place of incident; it refers to the point in time and place at which the events of the plot occur (Kennedy, 1983:38). Setting is the location and time of the story, is often listed as one f the fundamentals elements of the fiction. Sometimes setting is referred to us, (Such as a society) to beyond the immediate surrounding of the story. In some cases, setting became a character it self and can set the tone of a story. Setting divided in two, they setting of place and setting of time. a. The setting of place The data location of Confession of a Shopaholic movie. 1) Store (when Bex child) [Woman] But when I looked, into shop windows, I saw another world. 00:00:53,653 --> 00:00:55,780 2) Hotdog stand One of your hot dogs and $20 cash back, please? 00:06:54,313 --> 00:06:56,804 3) Allette Magazine l'm here for the interview at Alette magazine.00:07:47,567 --> 00:07:49,694 Alette... Oh, filled, internally.Yesterday. 00:07:49,735 --> 00:07:53,967 4) Successful saving magazine company Ah! We met!Hi! We did. Thank you. 00:10:11,143 --> 00:10:13,771 Sick aunt, scarf. Yep. 00:10:13,813 --> 00:10:17,476 5) Living room (Suze appartement). lt's my apartment,well, my parent's apartment. 00:18:07,786 --> 00:18:11,779 6) Market Sorry to call so early, but l got your letter. 00:18:38,183 --> 00:18:43,018 Hello? Sounds like you might be in the middle of something. 00:19:38,183 --> 00:19:43,019 7) TV show conference [Rebecca] It's the difference between cost and worth. 01:13:35,310 --> 01:13:38,040 [Woman on TV]...then I read your columns, and I'm like...</i>01:12:59,608 --> 01:13:02,406 Right. Which is exactly the point? 01:13:03,979 --> 01:13:05,970 8) Street or in front of Suze apartment ls she wearing my bridesmaid's dress? 01:18:05,614 --> 01:18:08,481. 9) In Debt collector office or Derek Smeath Office l'm doing exactly what you did to me on that television show, Derek. 01:33:47,188 --> 01:33:50,680 10) Ball or party Oh. l need a gin and tonic and some champagne, please. 01:01:04,661 --> 01:01:07,425 Six more, please! l'm not a waitress. 01:01:16,873 --> 01:01:20,502 What are you doing? Go out there and serve the fish! 01:01:32,855 --> 01:01:35,323 b. The setting of time Sophie Kinshella as the author of this movie makes setting of the time in globalization era or modern time that took place in Manhattan New York which is about 2009. While in shopaholic itself, it makes setting of the time in 2001 in Shopaholic years. Example: Oh, Ms. Bloomwood, you have had a very, very tough 25 minutes. (00:12:13,933 --> 00:12:19,394) I waited in line all morning for this! (00:31:37,595 --> 00:31:39,825) What do you say a three-week trial. (00:22:25,410 --> 00:22:27,139) They want her on the Morning Coffee show. 01:00:41,871 --> 01:00:43,862 4. Plot Plot is the serial arrangement of incidents, ideas or events. In literature, the plot encompasses all the incidents and provides aesthetic pleasure. The story of the novel progresses through various plots and conflicts. a. Exposition Exposition is the opening portion that sets the scene (if any), introduces the main characters, tells us what happened before the story opened, and provides any other background information that we need in order to understand and care about the events to follow. (Kennedy: 1979:8) In this movie, the exposition is shown when Rebecca is adult. She moves to New York. When she meets with the guys, from that moment, she puts things in different perspective. Rebecca does not. A man will never love girls or treat girls as well as a store, but a woman loves a store full to clothes, accessories, and a lot of debt. She thinks her card is stolen, but she realizes that the Outdoor World charges of the stolen card. The all debts belong to her. It comes with one persistent collection agent, Derek Smeath. Rebecca heads off to an interview at Alette magazine, runs by Alette. She finds a green scarf in a window that is perfect. Rebecca tries to buy it by spreading the price over cash and multiple cards, but with one card being declined is still short. She rushes to a hot dog vendor, goes to the front of the line for an emergency, begs the vendor to give her cash back on a check. Even she offers to buy all of her hot dogs; she needs the scarf for a sick aunt. But there is a difference between cost and worth. The man in the front of the line gives her twenty dollars to get her out of the way. b. Rising Action It is the part of plot in which the drama intensifies, rising toward the climax. Rising action is the central part of the story during which various problem arise, leading up to the climax. (Kennedy: 1979:10) Rising action shown when is with the scarf Bex heads into Alettes office, but the receptionist tells her that Alicia Billington has filled the job internally. Complimenting the scarf, he tells her that a consumer finance magazine from the same parent company is also hiring, and getting her foot in the door there will help. Bex hurries over to that office, and meets her interviewer, Luke Brandon, the man from the hotdog stand. The interview does not go well, and things get worse as she returns to her job and finds that the magazine is closed, and everyone has received termination notices. c. Climax Climax is the moment of greatest tension, at which the outcome is to be decided. The plot’s most dramatic and revealing moment, usually the turning point of the story. (Kennedy: 1979:13) Climax show when she has idea to write up a sample article for Alette and send it. At the same time, Bex drafts a mean note to Luke. A call from Luke the next day leads her to realize that she puts the letter in the wrong envelope. He likes her idea about using shoes as a metaphor for investing. Bex tells Suze, if she works in succesfull saving magazine. And Suze is shocked to hear that Rebecca Bloomwood advises people how to handle money. Suze also gets Bex to go to a support group for shopaholics. d. Falling Action Falling action is the part of the plot after the climax, when the drama subsides and the conflict is resolved. (Kennedy: 1979:13) Falling action shown when, she looks it is promosing, but not cashmere. She writes about changes in credit card terms. When she meets luke brunden in office, luke brandon reads her article. That is amazing. He is very satisfied about her job. Her new column, the Girl in the Green Scarf, is well received. Bex wins over the company head. She finds out that he is having dinner with Alicia, upsetting her. She also finds out that Alicia will be Luke date for an upcoming ball. Suze convinces Bex not to buy a new dress in TV Show. She has many clothes in her closet to use when she goes to the ball. Bex joins to shopaholic group rehabilitation. In TV show Smeath stands up and exposes her debt issues, as well as she lies him to be a previous-boyfriend. As Bex goes back to the apartment, Suze is there, and while they are talking about that, the homeless woman goes by wearing the bridesmaid dress. Suze is furious and moves out. e. Resolution Action The part of the plot after climax, when the drama subsides and the conflict is resolved. The resolution is rounding off of the action, conclusion, one way or the other, of the conflict. (Graham Little, 85) The resolution shown in this action, Bex returns to her support group, asks for help, and sets up the sample sale and auction of her entire wardrobe. Everything are sold, with the last item on the block being the original green scarf. Two women, include one on a phone, have a small bidding war. Finally Rebecca decides to be a columnist for Luke's new magazine. She decides to reforms shopaholic. Her decision does not relate to her credit card. And she has a relationship with someone who loves her back (Luke), and never declines her. 5. Point of View Point of view is refers to the way in which the narrative “sees” or interprets her or his material: also referred to narrative perspective. (Andrew, 1988:210) according to Kennedy point of view is the identity of the narrator in the story, describing any part of player in the events and any limits placed upon the knowledge (1983:18).The character from whose perspective (theme) the audience experiences the story, and is usually a person, but may be any personal, identity, or entity whose existence originates from a fictional work or performance. Point of view which use of the writer in this movie is Sophie Kinsella use first person at the main character in point of view. She use Rebecca Blomwood shopaholic girl, as her narrator. The story is about shopaholic girl to change her habit from shopaholic. Example of the dialogue: [Rebecca] When I was a little girl. 00:00:29,195 --> 00:00:30,662 There were real prices and mom prices. 00:00:30,697 --> 00:00:34,064 [Rebecca] It is amazing. What you have time to do. 01:39:35,035 -> 01:39:36,730 When you're not shopping. 01:39:36,770 --> 01:39:38,203 6. Language Language is to communicate with others, a systematic means of communicating by the use of sounds or conversational symbols. Figurative language uses “figures of speech” a way of saying something other than the literal meaning of the words. The language itself can divide into spoken and written once. In language system, while in the written language, it is the representation of the spoken, which is very helpful for communication. Sophie Kinsella as an author used English as daily activities and Finnish language. Example: I actually learned Finnish. [Speaking Finnish] 01:39:38,238 --> 01:39:41,002 Beside that, she also used such kind figurative languages in shopaholic dialogue. In this conversation movie of Confession of a Shopaholic movie. For example, when the Shopie Kinshella using figurative languages, Hyperbole and metaphor: Example: You're breaking my heart. You're tearing it apart. (01:17:50,565 --> 01:17:54,626). 7. Dialogue Dialogue is a conversation between two or more people, conversation between character in a drama or narrative. A literary composition in the form of a dialogue an exchange of opinions on a particular subject; discussion, in literary the lines spoken by characters, in drama or fiction dialogue play script, script, book a written a version of a play. Dialogue is provides the substance of a play, contributes to it is effect as a whole. Based on Saliman (1996, 98) defines that dialogue is mimetic in daily activity. Dialogue is more realistic and communicative; dialogue is accorded with the actor need. Here is the example of dialogue among Rebecca, Luke and Alicia: Alicia: Aren't you glad l convinced you to go with me? (00:52:26,343 --> 00:52:29,244) Rebecca: Oh. Oh, great, well, it'll be so much fun. I'm gonna. (00:52:31,348 --> 00:52:35, 045) Luke: Wait, Rebecca. Don't go. Just, come out for a drink with us. (00:52:38,522 --> 00:52:40,456) Alicia: Yes, come out for a drink. (00:52:40,350 --> 00:52:50,057) Rebecca: I would love too. I have to make some calls. (00:52:47,364 --> 00:52:50,060) She loved with Luke and she was enjoyed her trip. Upsetting Bex, because Luke has dinner with Alicia. B. Using of Figurative Language in Confession of Shopaholic Movie This chapter the writer will be discus about figurative language in confession of shopaholic movie. Figurative language uses “figure speech” a way of saying something other than the literal or not directly meaning of the words. Figurative language often provides a more effective means of saying what we means that does directly. Figurative language is a word or phrase that comes from everyday literal language for the important of comparison, emphasis, clarity, or freshness. Metaphor and simile are the two most commonly used figures of speech, but things like Simile, metaphor, metonymy, personification, paradox, are all forms of figurative language. There are the data about the using of figurative language in Confession of a shopaholic Movie: 1. Metaphor According to Juliana, a Metaphor is a figure of speech which omits the comparative term (like, as, than) and implies that one thing is another: All the world’s a stage’. This is metaphor, because it is one meaning (Juliana, 1988:37). Kennedy affirms Metaphor is a statement that one thing is something else, which, in literal sense, it is not. It does not use connective words such as like or as. A metaphor is used as a figure of speech to like an object or person to another object or person, based on certain similar qualities that both possess. (1983:482) Here are the metaphors used in the dialogue of Confession of a Shopaholic Movie: a. There were real prices and mom prices 00:00:30,697 --> 00:00:34,064 The meaning: The speaker tells differences prices of good quality and market prices. b. Real prices got you shiny 00:00:34,100 --> 00:00:38,161 The meaning: The real price means store price or expensive price that makes good thing and wonderful thing. c. Mom prices got you brown things 00:00:38,204 --> 00:00:41,173 The meaning: This price mean market price makes you not confidence. d. A dreamy world full of perfect things 00:00:57,524 --> 00:01:00,254 The meaning: In dream all of we wants, we gets. e. What would The Girl in the Green Scarf's take be on Luke Brandon? 00:48:49,359 --> 00:48:54,353 The meaning: He wants Bex to value about him. f. The Girl in the Green Scarf. Thank you. 00:34:05,309 --> 00:34:08,972 The meaning: Green scarf mean Rebecca. 2. Simile James affirms, Simile is figure of speech in which a likeness between two objects are directly expressed with the word, as, like, than. A figure of speech is used to draw a comparison between two objects, persons, or situations, by using the terms like, as, than. Though similar to a metaphor, the latter is a direct comparison between the two objects of comparison. (1989:12). Simile is A trope in which one thing is likened to another, specifically through the use of “like” or as (a species of metaphor). (Andrew, 1995:211) a. They were beautiful like fairies or princesses. 00:01:07,400 --> 00:01:09,425 The meaning: When they use good clothes or wonderful thing, they look like princess b. A man will never love you treat you as well as a store. 00:02:17,170 -> 00:02:20,196 The meaning: Store is everything for her, man can not treat girl like store. c. Hotdog vendor: Do I look like a bank? I have an interview. 00:06:56,849 --> 00:06:59,317 The meaning: She wants changes debit in hotdog stand. d. As we speak, interviews are being held. 00:08:40,953 --> 00:08:44,548 The meaning: She gets member group according with his company. e. Dantay-West is a family of magazines that acts like a family. 00:08:56,969 --> 00:09:00,66 The meaning: When she works in Dantay west, his company enters her to Allete. f. I did. And when a stranger is kind like that. 00:10:17,516 --> 00:10:20,781 The meaning: He gives money to stranger. g. I’ll have her call you as soon as. 00:13:57,102 --> 00:13:59,263 The meaning: She will call quickly. h. As soon as she's come back. 00:13:59,305 --> 00:14:01,671 The meaning: She will back to home. i. Hello? Sounds like you might be the middle of something. 00:18:38,183 --> 00:18:43,018 The meaning: Luke calls Bex, and she in market and crowded. 3. Hyperbole (Overstatement) Hyperbole is such a style that contains an overstatement to exaggerate things. Deliberate overstatement not intended to be taken literally; it is used as a means of emphasizing the truth of a statement (Perrine, 1978: 91). Andrew Accordance Hyperbole is a figure of speech which involves exaggeration, excess or extravagance. (1995:208) a. That lasted forever. 00:00:41,641 --> 00:00:43,609 The meaning: Hold out forever b. They didn't even need any money, they had magic cards. 00:01:14,140 --> 00:01:18, The meaning: They pay with magic card. c. ”Well, that's what it's like when I see a store. Only it's better. 00:02:06,893 --> 00:02:09,123 - 00:02:10,330 --> 00:02:11,456 The meaning: Everything change and better when she see a store. d. You see, a man will never love you or treat you as well as a store. 00:02:20,240 --> 00:02:23,266 - 00:02:17,170 --> 00:02:20,196 The meaning: Shopping is number one, and her think store is better than boys. e. If a man doesn't fit, you can't exchange him seven days later. 00:02:23,309 --> 00:02:26,608 The meaning: Boys love girl just short time. f. Only about a billion times. 00:04:04,777 --> 00:04:06,244 The meaning: In many times. g. If I can just get this job I will be happy forever. 00:04:16,656 --> 00:04:20,092 The meaning: When Rebecca get job Alette, she has happy. h. It would make your eyes look bigger. 00:05:35,001 --> 00:05:38,960 The meaning: Green scarf make her eyes bigger or beauty. i. Please. I will buy all of your hotdogs. 00:07:10,096 --> 00:07:12,724 The meaning: She wants buy all hotdog. 4. Personification Personification is a figure that bestows human traits anything nonhuman. In other words, it gives the attributes of human being to an animal, an object, or a concept. It is really a kind of metaphor in which one member is always a human being (Juliana, 1988:48). Kennedy affirms personification is a figure of speech in which a thing, an animal, or an abstract term (truth, nature) is made human. A personification extends throughout this whole short term. (1983:487) a. And a store always smiles well. 00:02:29,682 --> 00:02:32,310 The meaning: Store invites her to come. b. A store can awaken a lust for things. 00:02:33,753 --> 00:02:36,017 The meaning: Store is plague/heckle to invite girl. c. Wrap some old jeans around your neck, that'll keep you warm. 00:05:12,178 --> 00:05:15,511 The meaning: Mannequin ridicules her. 5. Paradox Paradox is a statement that seems at first glance self-contradictory or opposed to common sense. Yet upon investigation it will be found to express the truth (Juliana, 1988:49). Andrew affirms Paradox is an apparently contradictory or strange statement of how things are: that which is apparently illogical or absurd but may be understood to be meaningful or true. (1995: 209). a. There were real prices and mom prices. 00:00:30,697 --> 00:00:34,064 The meaning: Real price is expensive price and mom price is market price. b. You never even knew you needed. 00:02:36,055 --> 00:02:38,023 The meaning: Don’t know what she need. c. Could you put this to one side? I can't hold sale items. 00:06:33,226 -> 00:06:37,287 The meaning: She wants that scarf but her money is not enough. She asks to cashier girl to hold that scarf. But she (cashier) disagrees. d. “When l leaves this house, the opportunity leave with me. 01:27:13,094 --> 01:27:17,58 The meaning: She (Alette Naylor) wants Rebecca to work in Alette, she persuade her to receive that job. 6. Metonymy Metonymy is a figure of speech in which the name of one thing is applied to another with which it is closely associated. Metonymies are very common everyday speech (Juliana, 1988:48). Andrew affirms metaphor is a basic trope or figure of speech in which one thing is described in terms of it is resemblance to another thing. (1995:209). a. Jacket: Visa. Dress: AMEX. 00:01:34,861 --> 00:01:38,592 The meaning: she uses jacket from merk Visa and her dress from Amex. b. And let everyone at “Gardening Today. 00:03:55,835 --> 00:03:58,167 The meaning: Everyone lost their job in “Gardening Today”, Gardening Today is name of some magazine. c. I know I have secretly arranged an interview at Alette magazine? 00:03:58,204 --> 00:04:01,071 The meaning: She have secretly interview. d. Gardening to fashion? 00:04:08,448 --> 00:04:10,780 The meaning: Fashion of “Gardening Magazine”. e. Suze. Since l was 14 I wanted to work at Alette magazine. 00:04:12,752 --> 00:04:16,620 The meaning: She tells Suze, she has a dream to work in “Alette magazine”. 7. Irony Irony is a rhetorical figure of referring to the sense that there is discrepancy between words and their meanings, between actions and their results, or between appearance and reality: most simply, saying one ting and meaning another (Andrew: 1995: 209). Kennedy affirms Irony is a manner of speaking that implies is a discrepancy. If the mask says one thing and we sense that the writer is in fact saying something else. A disparity between what is said and what is actually meant can sum up the meaning of irony. (1983:13). a. Oh, my God. Somebody has stolen my credit card and gone! 00:03:18,765 --> 00:03:20,665 The meaning: She tells her friend, if her credit card lost and someone take it from Bex. b. You bought that tent, remember? No, l didn't. 00:03:29,209 --> 00:03:32,576 The meaning: Her fiend tells Bex, she did it. c. Rebecca, you just got a credit card bill of $900. 00:04:55,795 --> 00:05:01,324 The meaning: She tells her self about credit card bill. d. Gardening to fashion? 00:31:43,902 --> 00:31:46,928 The meaning: Suze don’t believe about that. e. They don't hold items; it's a desperately important scarf. 00:06:59,352 --> 00:07:01,877 The meaning: The scarf is important. f. You'll take 97 hotdogs? Done. 00:07:12,765 --> 00:07:16,633 The meaning: He not believes. g. And I have to say it was a bit of a surprise. 00:18:11,824 --> 00:18:14,452 The meaning: Some surprise to her. C. Message Conveyed in Confession of a Shopaholic movie For the figures of speech especially movie, the message to moviegoers are usually clear and effective because the audience is not only reading but also see the plot for the data of the story. The movie is also good medium for providing a good influence and guidance to the moviegoers. Trust is important thing in friendship; love which the message contained in Confession of a shopaholic movie is the importance of a sense of mutual trusts among friends, who her love, especially to relatives and her willing to change her habit from shopaholic. Friend comes in sad or happy. Friends became light when the darkness. This condition support in Holly Quran as stated in the Qur'an Surah Al Mukminun verses 1 and 3: (1) َﻗَﺪْاَﻓْﻠَﺤَﺎﻟْﻤُﺆْﻣِﻨُﻮْن Successful indeed are the believers, who are humble in their prayers. (3) َوَاﻟﱠﺬﯾْﻦَ ھُﻢْ ﻋَﻦٍ اﻟﱠﻠﻐْﻮِ ﻣُﻌْﺮِ ﺿُﻮْ ن Who turn away from vain talk. Table 4.1 Table concludes the using of figurative language in Confession of a Shopaholic Movie No The kind of Figurative Language There were real prices and 1. mom prices. 2. Real princes got you shiny. Mom prices got you brown 3. Metaphor 4. Example dialogue things A dreamy world full of perfect things. What would The Girl in the 5 Green Scarf's take be on Luke Brandon? No The kind of Figurative Language Example dialogue The Girl in the Green Scarf. 6 Thank you. They were beautiful like fairies 7. or princesses. A man will never love you treat 8. you as well as a store. Hotdog vendor: Do I look like a 9. bank? I have an interview. As we speak, interviews are 10. being held. Dantay-West is a family of 11. Simile magazines that acts like a family. I did. And when a stranger is 13. kind like that. I'll have her call you as soon 14. as. 15. As soon as she's come back. Hello? Sounds like you might 16. be the middle of something. 17. That lasted forever. They didn't even need any 18. 19. 20. money, they had magic cards. Hyperbole Well, that's what it's like when I see a store. Only it's better. You see, a man will never love you or treat you as well as a No The kind of Figurative Language Example dialogue store. If a man doesn't fit, you can't 21. 22. exchange him seven days later. Hyperbole If I can just get this job I will be 23. happy forever. It would make your eyes look 24. bigger. Please. I will buy all of your 25. 26. Only about a billion times. hotdogs. Personification 27. And a store always smiles well. A store can awaken a lust for things. Wrap some old jeans around 28. your neck, that'll keep you warm. There were real prices and 29. mom prices. You never even knew you 30. Paradox 31. needed. Could you put this to one side? I can't hold sale items. When l leaves this house, the 32. opportunity leave with me. You sold all your clothes and 33. Metonymy kept that. 34. Jacket: Visa. Dress: AMEX. 35. I know I have secretly arranged No The kind of Figurative Language Example dialogue an interview at Alette magazine? 36. Metonymy Suze. Since l was 14 I wanted to 37. work at Alette magazine” Oh, my God. Somebody has 38. stolen my credit card and gone! You bought that tent, 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. Gardening to fashion? remember? No, l didn't. Rebecca, you just got a credit Irony card bill of $900” So you are Gardening to fashion They don't hold items; it's a desperately important scarf." You'll take 97 hotdogs? Done. And I have to say it was a bit of a surprise. CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusion After finished chapter 1 until chapter IV, in this chapter the writer will write a conclusion concern the research question in the first chapter. Referring to the previous chapter, Chapter IV which deals the analysis of figurative language used in Confession of a Shopaholic movie. Finally the writer can draw the conclusion and give the suggestion that hopefully will be useful for other writer. As shopaholic movie as the examples being analyzed. The results of the data analysis are varied: 1. There are 7 figurative expressions such as: a. Metaphor: a figure of speech which omits the comparative term (like, as, than) and implies that one thing is another. Example: Real prices got you shiny b. Simile: A trope in which one thing is likened to another, specifically through the use of “like” or as (a species of metaphor). Example: They were beautiful like fairies or princesses. c. Hyperbole (Overstatement): a figure of speech which involves exaggeration, excess or extravagance. Example: You see, a man will never love you or treat you as well as a store. d. Personification: a figure of speech in which a thing, an animal, or an abstract term (truth, nature) is made human. Example: And a store always smiles well. 71 e. Paradox: a statement that seems at first glance self-contradictory or opposed to common sense. Example: There were real prices and mom prices. f. Metonymy: a basic trope or figure of speech in which one thing is described in terms of it is resemblance to another thing. Example: I'm here for the interview at Alette Magazine. g. Irony: a manner of speaking that implies is a discrepancy. Example: You have the most boring Window displays in the world. 2. Based on the message of Confession of a Shopaholic Movie, the writer thinks that the author wants to tell the moviegoers that trust, love, friendship, and her willing to change her habit from shopaholic. B. Suggestion After completing the answers of the problems of the writer of figurative language used in Confession of a Shopaholic Movie. The writer gives some suggestion as follows: 1. For the moviegoers The writer assumes every people like movie, and the movie as entertainments and information media for us. When watching movie we can get information, knowledge, education, and message for us. The writer hopes that moviegoers not only enjoying the movie but also can see the positive, ignored the negative side and take it to imply in their life. And this movie cans inspiration to the moviegoers as a teacher, knowledge. 2. For language learner a. Movie can use to study of figurative language. Figurative language is a part of literature. Learning about literary especially figurative expression is not only by reading a book, browsing internet, but we also get it by watching movie. The figurative language will develop into poetry or prose. b. The writer suggests that movie can be good media to study figurative languages, the process of study becoming more interesting, attractive, and excellence. c. When we learn literature, we will be enjoyable, interest, beautiful word and change opinion of people, if literature is difficult. d. Especially taking linguistics major to give further understanding about the application of Perrine and else in conducting the research that relates to the figurative language.