the Bulletin - First United Methodist Church


the Bulletin - First United Methodist Church
First United Methodist Church of Portland
May 17
n Youth Sunday
The Order of Worship
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Ascension Sunday | Youth Sunday
Congregational portions of prayers and responses are in bold type. To avoid disturbing other worshippers, please silence cell phones and pagers.
Please ask an usher if you would like a large print hymnal or a hearing assistance device.
Please stand, if standing is comfortable. For hymns, please stand at the beginning of the last line of the hymn introduction.
Blow Ye the Trumpet, Blow
Lewis Edson
Jessica Mason, Wren Ganey, Sasha Birk-Stachon, and Clara Boime, trumpets
Lay Leader Welcome
Welcome & Announcements
Amaya Smole
Call to Worship
Jessica Mason
When we see change in our world that makes us uncomfortable.
We need your courage, Lord, to raise our voices in order to be heard.
When we experience change in our own lives that causes us anxiety.
We need your guidance, Lord, to respond to life’s ebbs and flows with wisdom and
We know new beginnings mean that something else is laid to rest.
We need your healing, Lord, not because change is bad, but because change is difficult.
We simply can’t go through this ever-changing life alone.
We need your community, Lord, to be uplifting, welcoming, compassionate, and kind.
Passing the Peace
Processional Hymn No. 383 T his is a Day of New Beginnings (Verses 1-4)
Paul Nickell
A Conversation with Our Children
Children’s Story
Prayer ... “And all God’s children said, “Amen”
Hymn No. 2141 (The Faith We Sing) There’s a Song
Rebekah McLean
Congregational Prayers
Moment of Silence
Pastor’s Prayer The Lord’s Prayer (UMH 895) Musical Interlude
Concerto for Two Violins in D Minor
Cammie & Claire Backus
Casey Graver
Aveline Ollinger
Casey Graver
J.S. Bach
Reflective Readings Sophia Parent, Charlie Zach, Cammie Backus
Scripture Ezra 3:11-13, Romans 12:2-5 Reflection “Everything I’ve wanted to tell you since Kindergarten”
Amaya Smole
Josh Hauser
Hymn No. 2222 (The Faith We Sing) The Servant Song
Reflective Prayer
Presenting Our Gifts
Offertory Prayer
Offertory Music
Medievalé JuBELLation
Karin McDonough, director
Doxology and Presentation of Our Offerings
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise God, the source of all our gifts!
Sophia Parent
Charlie Zach
Susan T. Nelson
Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts!
Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit, Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Hymn No. 2107 (The Faith We Sing) Wade in the Water
(Please be seated for the Benediction and Choral Response)
Cammie Backus
The Final Frontier (ST:TOS theme)
Jonas Nordwall, organist
James Horner
May 17 - May 23, 2015
Sunday, May 17, 2015
8:30 AM Commons AM, Fireside Room
9:00 AM The Bible: What Got Left Out
& Why, 110
9:00 AM Changing Christianity, 202
9:00 AM Church Child Care, Nursery
9:15 AM Church Library Open, Library
9:30 AM Combined Youth Bible Study, 125
9:30 AM The Gathering, 204
9:30 AM Sound Seekers, 130
9:30 AM Cherubs, 206
9:30 AM Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Collins Hall
10:00 AM Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Chapel
10:30 AM Sunday Worship, Collins Hall
10:45 AM SS Threes, 207
10:45 AM SS Pre Kindergarten, 208
10:45 AM SS Kindergarten, 205
10:45 AM SS 1 & 2 Grades, 206
10:45 AM SS 3 & 4 Grades,133
10:45 AM SS 5 & 6 Grades,125
11:30 AM Commons, Collins Hall & Fireside
11:45 AM Nominating Committee, 110
11:45 AM UMCOR Mission Trip Planning, 134
12:15 PM Reconciling Lunch, Offsite
7:00 PM All Comers Book Club, Library
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
11:00 AM Bridge, 202
5:00 PM Church & Society, Library
6:00 PM Planet Church, 110
6:30 PM Stephen Ministries, 160
7:00 PM Global Missions Committee,
Library ednesday, May 20, 2015
12:00 PM UMW Ruth CIrcle, Offsite
6:30 PM Disciple Bible Study, Small Kitchen
6:30 PM Sanctuary Bells, 202
7:00 PM Parish Conference, 110
7:30 PM Boy Scouts Troop 1, Gym
Thursday, May 21, 2015
8:00 AM Shovel & Rake, 110
5:00 PM Ping Pong, Gym
5:45 PM Child Care, Nursery
6:00 PM juBELLation, 202
7:00 PM Chancel Choir, Chapel
Monday, May 18, 2015
10:00 AM Church Library Volunteers, Library
12:00 PM Board of Trustees, 160
6:00 PM Finance Committee, 110
We encourage all of you to note your attendance on the enclosed Communication Card and offer any
prayer requests or comments on the back. You may place these in the Offering plate.
Acolytes | Noah Martin, Jordyn Davies
Coffee Hosts | Music Committee
Greeters | Charlie Zach, Jessica Mason, Rebeckah McLean, Rick Rust, Dixie Partee, Polly Holbrook,
Carrie Saito, Al Abe
Ushers | Casey Graver, Claire Backus, Sophia Parent, Vatin Spencer, Lewis Tawney, Amaya Smole,
Joanne and Robert Cannon, Mark Mason, Tim McPherson, Cheryl Bittle
Lay Leaders | Richard Allan, Allison Anderson, Paul Nickell
Join us for Coffee Hour in the Fireside Room following worship hosted by the
Music Committee
Starting this Sunday we begin worship in Collins Hall.
Summer Small Groups sign-ups go through the end of the month. Fellowship,
service, mutual interest, study, and other opportunities for June-August are
available. Pick up a Small Group pamphlet in the Fireside Hallway or online at
Join us in room 134 following morning worship for our final informational
meeting for our UMCOR West Depot trip to Salt Lake City, UT the week of June
13 through June 21.
Reconciling Forum: Sunday, May 31 after worship in the Fireside Room
Rev. Jeremy Smith will lead us through “How Did We Get Here? A Brief History
of the LGBT Debate in the United Methodist Church.” This is an effort to
prepare us for General Conference in May 2016.
Enjoy a delicious lunch and learn about the continuing story of our church’s
struggle to grow into a more inclusive, fair and just community. Will we be
prepared to help write the next chapter as it takes shape at the gathering of
United Methodists from all over the world at the General Conference right
here in Portland next year? Let’s get ready! Open to the public.
Join us on June 7th as we celebrate our graduating seniors during worship
followed by a reception during Coffee Hour.
GOOD NEWS! An anonymous donor has stepped forward and issued a “Challenge” Grant to
help us pay for the Sanctuary Renovation project. They will match our gifts up to $100,000!
If you have not made a pledge yet – or are in the position to increase your pledge, please
do so today! Pledge cards are available in the Fireside Hallway and in the office.
Christianity in a Changing World is discussing The Meaning of Human Existence. The famous
biologist E.O. Wilson will guide the conversation as we question meaning and the morality
of our times. 9:00 AM, Room 202
The Gathering is a community of parents of school-age children. Rev. Jeremy leads us each
week in a time of conversation and study. We meet at the same time as the children’s
choirs and youth Sunday school. 9:30 AM/Room 204
Senior Pastor
The Reverend Donna Pritchard,
First United Methodist Church,
1838 SW Jefferson,
Portland, Oregon 97201
Minister of Discipleship
The Reverend Jeremy Smith,
Phone 503.228.3195 Email
Minister of Pastoral Care
The Reverend Dick Storment,
Director of Children, Youth, & Family Ministries
Megan Jones,
As a Peace Church, we declare that
we will be an advocate for peace in
our local communities and world.
As a Reconciling Congregation,
we have pledged to welcome and
support all who want to worship with
us, regardless of race, gender, class or
sexual orientation.
Coordinator of Volunteers, Hospitality & Outreach
Mark Ohlson,
Church Administrator
Liz Temple,
As a Creation Care Congregation,
we advocate for lifestyles and social
policies which bring healing and
renewal to our precious Earth.
Administrative Assistant (Summer)
Emily Wright,
Facilities Manager
Dwight Dragoo,
Manager of Communications & Marketing
Kendall Martin,
Nursery Staff (503.228.3195) ext. 216
Michelle Green, Emily Kunkel, Samantha Cerling,
Patty Seward, Megan Scott, Tara Martin, Suzy Maurer
Custodians (971.563.7820)
Charles Siegfried, Wort Evinger, Michael Uriarte,
Robert Ramirez, Dylan Croasdill
Executive Director of Music
Kelly Qualls,
Artistic Director of Music & Organist
Jonas Nordwall,
Chancel Choir Conductor
Erick Lichte
Chancel Choir Asst. Conductor Carol Young
Chancel Choir Section Leaders
Deborah Benke, soprano | André Flynn, bass
Megan Mattoon, alto | Jason Sabino, tenor
Bishop | Bishop Grant Hagiya
Columbia District Superintendent
The Reverend Dr. Lowell Greathouse
Goose Hollow Family Shelter
503.915.8306 |
Sanctuary Bells Director | Kris Sparks
Children’s Choir Directors
Nancy Nordwall | Cherubs (pre-K-grade 2)
Ronnee Edwards | Sound Seekers (grades 3-5) Karin McDonough | Genesis Ringers (grades 3-5)
and juBELLation (grade 6 - young adults)