Newsletter No.14 - Furzeham Primary and Nursery School


Newsletter No.14 - Furzeham Primary and Nursery School
Headteacher Mrs A Timbrell
Telephone 853347
Newsletter No: Su / 01 / 2015
Dear Parents,
Welcome back after our Easter / Spring break! A special welcome to our new families.
As you may have been aware, I have not been around and about school as much just recently, I am now recovered
from a spell of illness and will be returning to school full time as from Monday 27th April.
The repair and maintenance work is progressing as planned and another fully renovated and furnished
classroom(Class 6, Mr Ward’s room), is due to be completed during the first two weeks in June. A programme has
been agreed which will see every classroom being modernised and equipped in the same way.
We appreciate your understanding and patience whilst the work is being carried out and would ask that you would
help us to impress upon your children that scooters and bikes must not be ridden on school premises, especially now
that there is so much scaffolding.
Staffing information
I am sure that you will join me in congratulating Miss Harper on her recent marriage. She is now Mrs Chapman.
Our new caretaker, Mr Alexander took over from Mr Rowley after the Easter holiday, so no doubt you will be seeing
him around and about.
I also wanted to let you know that Mrs Mcrae, who been part of the Furzeham admin team for more than nine years
is retiring on the 14th May. She will be greatly missed and we wish her a long and happy retirement.
Summer Show KS2
We are very excited to be putting on a production of the Lion King in July. We need some white sheets to paint on, so if anyone
has any we would be pleased to receive them, also if there is anyone that can sew and could help out, even if it’s only with
simple tasks and just for a short while, we would greatly appreciate the offer of help. Please talk to Mrs Tooley (Teaching
Assistant class 8) if you are able to help.
The teachers are organising some of the clubs to prepare and rehearse some of the art and music for the show and although
these will be taking place during and after school, they are not included in the list below.
Premier sports after school clubs will continue and be arranged directly with them as usual.
SUMMER CLUBS - Extra Curricular
Person responsible
Start date
Y5 & Y6
Mr Ward
Main Green
3.15 -4.15
Film Club
KS2 children
Miss Fellowes & Mrs
Class 6
12.30 -1.10
21st April 2015
KS1 children
Mr Bennett
Main Green
KS1 children
Mrs Morey
Thank you to everyone who joined in with our ‘Readathon’ sponsored read, encouraging children to read for enjoyment as well
as raising money for seriously ill children. We donated an amazing £363.30. This has earned our school £72.66 worth of free
books. We also received two £5.00 book tokens for the two children who raised the most money. The winners are Darragh Pope
and Dolly Turner. Well done and thank you to everyone who participated.
Please remember to make sure that:1. Your child is absent only when ill and that if they have a medical appointment you only take your child
out for the time necessary, in most cases less than half a day is sufficient
2. You inform school if your child is going to be absent for any other reason. If we have not had
confirmation of your child’s absence by 9.15am each day then we will be contacting you to check on
their safety. Please ensure your contact details are up to date.
You can report your child’s absence by using the following methods:
1. Telephone the Absence line 01803 853347
2. Email to
If your child has an infectious disease (particularly if it is german measles, measles, chicken pox or scarlet fever)
please let us know immediately this has been confirmed by a doctor, so that we can pass on the information. Thank
Please remember to take the usual precautions over the next term and provide hats, named water bottle, suitable
clothing and make sure to apply long lasting sun cream before school. We will be using the Green as much as
possible so this is very important.
It has been reported by a local Police Community Support Officer that some children have not been playing safely
near the Northfield estates and have been putting themselves in danger from traffic. Although we are not certain
that the children come from our school, I am just alerting parents to ask them to talk to their children about road
safety. The teachers will be talking to the children in their classes and I will be working with our Junior Road Safety
Officers and children’s School Council to find other ways of impressing the importance of this with the children.
The deadline for the school photographs will be Monday 27th April, please ensure the orders are in by 9.00 a.m.
Thank you.
Miss Walker is collecting the Active kids vouchers to complete an order for school equipment, if you have any
vouchers at home, in your purse or wallet please ensure you bring them into school. Thank you.
Mrs A Timbrell