Notice Inviting Tender for Quotation for Solar System
Notice Inviting Tender for Quotation for Solar System
NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ELECTRONICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY-GORAKHPUR jk’Vªh; bysDVªkWfudh ,oa lwpuk izks|ksfxdh laLFkku] xksj[kiqj A Scientific Body of Dept. of Eectronics and Information Technology, Ministry of Comm. & Information Technology, Govt. of India (bysDVªkWfudh ,oa lwpuk izkS|ksfxdh foHkkx] lapkj ,oa lwpuk izkS|ksfxdh ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj dh ,d Lok;Rr oSKkfud laLFkk) Deoria Road, Gorakhpur-273010 (U.P.) nsofj;k jksM ] Xkksj[kiqj ¼m0iz0½ -273010 Phone no./ Qksu ua0 0551- 2273371, Fax/ QSDl 2273873 Website:, CDS/GP/7.4.1/F08/R0 Ref. No.: NIELIT/GKP/224/ 05/15-16 Date: 12-05-2015 QkbZy la[;k.: ukbfyV /xks//224/ fnukWd: NOTICE INVITING TENDER (Date of opening/ [kksyus dk rkjh[k :02-06-2015 at 0400 PM) To/ lsok esa] C P P Portal Dear Sir, You are requested to quote rate (s) for the items mentioned below as per the specifications given below: vki }kjk fuEu fooj.k ds vuqlkj fufonk vkeaf=r fd;k tkrk gS % Name of the Item(s) Description/Specification dz0la0 Lkkekuksa dk uke fooj.k ,oa fof”k’fV;kW Qty. Ekk=k Unit bdkbZ 01 Solar Power Plant 1KWp : (Specification as per enclosed Annexure-1 ) 01. No 02 Solar System Analyzer 01 No. : ( Specification as per enclosed Annexure-2) The Terms & Conditions should be read carefully and noted in order to comply with. ihNs nh xbZ fu;e o “krksZ dks /;kuiwoZd vuqikyu lqfuf”fpr djsa A Yours faithfully, Hkonh; For NIELIT-GORAKHPUR ,u-vkbZ-bZ-,y-vkbZ-Vh- lkslk;Vh – xksj[kiqjz ds fy, Authorised Signatory vf/kd`r gLrk{kj 1 GP/7.4.1/F08/R0 TERMS AND CONDITIONS (FOR LIMITED TENDER)/fu;e o “krsZ ¼lhfer fufonk ds fy,½ The quotation should be addressed to NIELIT Gorakhpur Centre. dksVs”ku funs”kd] jk-b-lw-izkS-la- xksj[kiqj dks lEcksf/kr gksuk pkfg,A 2. The price quoted should be firm and F.O.R. NIELIT Gorakhpur Centre. Wherever possible, educational prices should be quoted. Quantity indicated is tentative and is subject to change.dksVsM ewY; vifjorZuh; ,oa ,Q0vks0vkj0 jk’Vªh; bysDVªkWfudh ,oa lwpuk izks|ksfxdh laLFkku xksj[kiqj dsUnz] gksuk pkfg,A tg‚a laHko gks “kS{kf.kd ewY; dksV djsaA n”kkZ;h xbZZ ek=k vkjafHkd gS vkSj de ;k vf/kd dh tk ldrh gSA 3. The quotation/offer should be submitted on or before last date of submission in the sealed envelope. The envelope should be superscripted as as “Quotation Solar System ” and should bear the enquiry number and due date on the top. Quotations received after the due date will not be considered.dksVs”ku vafre frfFk ds fnu ;k igys lhy ;qDr@eqgjcan fyQkQk esa tek gksuk pkfg,AfyQkQk ds Åij “-------------------------gsrw dksVs”ku “ ,oa baDok;jh la[;k rFkk vafre frfFk Li’V :i ls vafdr gksuk pkfg,A fu/kkZfjr frfFk ds i”pkr izkIr dksVs”ku ekU; ugha gksxkA 4. Quotations will not be accepted by Fax, Email or any such electronic data transfer form. m)j.k@dksVs”ku QSDl] b&esy ;k vU; fdlh Hkh rjg dh bysDækfud MkVk ækalQj :Ik esa Lohdkj ugha fd;k tk,xkA 5. Customs Duty, Excise Duty, Sales Tax, C & F, Packing & Forwarding, Insurance, Transportation, Octroi, Installation, Training, etc charges should be separately mentioned. Discount, if any, should also be mentioned. Total price of the goods should also be mentioned. dLVe M~;wVh@vk;kr “kqYd],Dlkbt M~;wVh@mRiknu “kqYd] lsYl VsDl@fcdzzh dj]] lh0,.M0,Q0] iSfdax vkSj QkjofMZax] ba”;ksjsUl@chek] VªkaliksVsZ”ku@ifjogu] vkWDVªkWb] izfr’Bkiu] izf”k{k.k ,oa vU; VSDl@dj@ewY; vyx ls mYysf[kr djsaA ;fn dksbZ NwV gks rks mls Hkh mYysf[kr djsaA oLrq dk laiw.kZ ewY; Hkh mYysf[kr djsaA 6. Octroi of Respective Municipal Corporation may either be included or may be shown as ‘at actual’. viuk uxjikfydk dk vkWDVªkWb dj lfEefyr djsa vFkok ns; jkf”k dk mYys[k djsaA 7. Delivery period and place of delivery should be clearly mentioned. Delivery Location should be F.O.R. NIELIT, Gorakhpur Centre. oLrq igqapkus dh vof/k ,oa lkeku igqapkus dk LFkku Li’V :i ls mYysf[kr djsaA oLrq igqapkus dk LFkku ,Q0vks0vkj0 jk’Vªh; bysDVªkWfudh ,oa lwpuk izks|ksfxdh laLFkku xksj[kiqj dsUn gksuk pkfg,A 8. The goods should be quoted along with a warranty period of minimum ‘One year’ from the date of successful installation. lkjs oLrq dh okjaVh izfr’Bkiu ds fnu ls de ls de ,d lky dh gksxh tks fd dksVs”ku esa mYysf[kr gksuk pkfg,A 9. Validity of the quotation should be mentioned. Normally quotations should be valid for at least 60 days from the date of opening of the quotation. dksVs”ku dh oS/krk vo”; mYysf[kr gksuk pkfg,A lkekU;r;k dksVs”ku dh oS/krk dksVs”ku ds [kqyus ds fnu ls de ls de 60 fnuksa rd gksuk pkfg,A 10. The bidding firm must have a valid Sales Tax Registration Number and Permanent Account Number (PAN) fuosfnr laLFkk @dksV djus okyh laLFkk dk oS/kkfud fcdzh dj izek.k Ik= la[;k@lsYl VsDl jftLæs”ku uacj gksuk vko”;d gSk 1. 11. Payment Terms: Hkqxrku@vnk;xh dh “krsZa% Payment @90 % of the invoice value to the successful bidder will be made after physical verification / installation and commissioning of the goods at NIELIT -GORAKHPUR CENTRE. The Centre will make remaining 10% payment after satisfactory inspection. lQy fufonkdkj dks jk’Vªh; bysDVªkWfudh ,oa lwpuk izks|ksfxdh laLFkku] xksj[kiqj esa oLrq@oLrqvksa ds larks’ktud vkiwfrZ ,oa izfr’Bkiu ds i”pkr fcy@bUokbl dk 90 izfr”kr Hkqxrku fd;k tk,xk rFkk “ks’k 10% dk Hkqxrku lUrks’ktud izfr’Bkiu ds i”pkr gksxk A 12. Detailed description & technical specifications of the goods quoted by you should be provided. Technical literature / brochure should accompany the quotation. dksVs”ku ds lkFk oLrq dk foLr`r fooj.k ,oa rduhdh fooj.k ,oa fof”k’fV;ka gksuk t:jh gSA rduhdh lkfgR;@fooj.k&iqfLrdk dksVs”ku ds lkFk lfEefyr djsaA 13. Manufacturing license or authorized Distributor / Principal or Dealer Certificate copy should be enclosed. mRiknu vuqefr i= vFkok vf/kd`r forjd@fizflaiy vFkok Mhyj lfVZfQdsV dh izfrfyfi layXu djsaA 14. OEM items if any, should be supplied in the original sealed packing of the original equipment manufacturer and should be opened at NIELIT,Gorakhpur in the presence of Center’s representative only. vks0bZ0,e0 oLrq vxj dksbZ gS] rks mldh vkiwfrZ ewy bD;wiesUV mRiknu djus okyh laLFkk ds ewy lhy;qDr iSfdax ds lkFk djsa rFkk ftls jk’Vªh; bysDVªkWfudh ,oa lwpuk izks|ksfxdh laLFkku xksj[kiqj ds fdlh izfrfuf/k ds mifLFkfr esa gh [kksyk tkuk pkfg,A 15. It will be binding on the part of the successful bidder to supply the goods at the rates quoted, failing to which the EMD will be forfeited and the firm will be removed from the suppliers list and no further enquiries would be sent. lQy fufonkdkj }kjk dksV fd;k gqvk nj mlij ck/; gksxkA vlQy gksus ij mldh tekur jkf”k (bZ0,e0Mh0) tIr dj yh tk,xh rFkk vkiwfrZdrkZ dk uke vkiwfrZdrkZ ds lwph ls gVk fn;k tk,xk ,oa vkxs mls dksbZ Hkh buDok;jh ugha Hksth tk,xhA 16. NIELIT,Gorakhpur does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any such quotation and has the right to accept or reject whole or any part of tenders or a portion of the supply of goods without assigning any reasons. No correspondence in case of rejected tenders will be entertained. Incomplete quotations are liable to be rejected. jk’Vªh; bysDVªkWfudh ,oa lwpuk izks|ksfxdh laLFkku xksj[kiqj U;wure nj okys m)j.k@dksVs”ku ;k vU; fdlh m)j.k@dksVs”ku dks Lohd`r djus gsrw ck/; ugha gS ,oa mls vf/kdkj gS fd og fdlh Hkh fufonk ;k vkiwfrZ fd, gq, oLrq@oLrqvksa dks laiw.kZ ;k vkaf”kd :i ls fcuk dkj.k crk, Lohdkj ;k fujLr dj ldrk gSaA fujLr fufonkvksa ds laca/k esa dksbZ Hkh i=kpkj; vFkok ekU; ugha gksxkA v/kwjh fufonk,a vLohd`r dj nh tk,xhaAa 17. All questions, disputes or differences arising under and out of or in connection with the contract, if concluded, shall be referred to the sole arbitrator appointed by the Director NIELIT, Gorakhpur Centre.. bdjkjukek@dkUVªsDV ds laca/k esa lHkh iz”u]fookn ;k erfHkUurk gksus ij funs”kd] jk’Vªh; bysDVªkWfudh ,oa lwpuk izks|ksfxdh laLFkku] xksj[kiqj }kjk fu;qDr ,dy@,dek= fu.kkZ;d dks lanfHkZr dh tk,x 2 ANNEXURE- 1 Specification of 1.0 KW SPV Power Plant Technical Specifications Item SPV Module Description 1. The photovoltaic modules should be Mono /Poly Crystalline with a total array capacity of 1.0 KW. Stand Alone Solar Power Plant to feed the generated solar power to the load and provide necessary backup to 1 KVA load for 1 hours operation. MPPT power control Technology for maximizing solar panel output. 2. The photovoltaic modules should be a branded one. 3. The PV modules must have been approved from any of the NABL/BIS/MNRE Accredited Testing Calibration Laboratories. Attach copies of certificates. 4. The supplier shall provide performance guarantee for the PV modules used in the power plant must be warranted for their output peak watt capacity, which should not less than 90% at the end of 10 years and 80% at the end of 25 years. Battery Bank Power Conditioning Unit VRLA tubular GEL type batteries low maintenace,C/10 rate). It will be staged in racks duly painted with acid reistant paint to cover less space. Power conditioner unit of capacity minimum 1.0 KW should convert DC power in to AC power. A 24/48 volt DC to 230 Volt AC inverter will have following features: 1. MOSFET based PWM Sine Wave. 2. Wide input voltage range 3. Output voltage 230+ 2% 4. Out frequency: 50 Hz+0.5 Hz 5. Efficiency:˃ 90% at full load 6. Load power factor: 0.8 lagging to unity. 7. Ambient temperature: 0-50 deg. Cent. 8. Relative humidity: 90% Non-condensing Protection: - Over voltage (automatic shutdown) - Under voltage (automatic shutdown) - Overload - Short circuit (circuit breaker & electronics protection against sustained fault) SPV Charge Controller A suitable SPV charge controller having following feature, specifications be provided. - MPPT/ pulse width modulation (PWM) charge controller. Structure for module frame Connecting Cable Modules shall be mounted on supporting structure made out of MS angle of required structural strengt on the roof top. Foundation the legs of the structure will be fixed and on the RCC. a) All cable to be supplied should be as per BIS and should have proper current carrying capacity and should not be heated. 3 ANNEXURE - 2 Specification for Solar System Analyser Features: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. I-V curve test for solar system. Max. solar system power (Pmax) search by Auto-scan: 1000V, 12A (12000W capability). The analyzer and the Remote Solar Detector is connected by Bluetooth wireless communication (Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR Class 1) The Remote Solar Detector is moisture-proof. Intelligent test logic with no personnel attendance required in the field. Solar System analyzer waits and test the system unitl appropriate sunlight iradiance is detected. Max.Voltage (Vpm) at Pmax, max, Current (Ipm) at Pmax. Voltage at open circuit (Voc), Current at short circuit (Isc). Efficiency (%) calculation of solar system. Temperature measurement of solar panels. Irradiance measurement of sun light. Series resistance (Rs) calculation of solar panels. With data logging/open function, the I-V curves of solar system can be analysed / recorded for a period of time (e.g. 60 min.) Conversion of I-V curve under OPC to data under standard test condition (STC) based upon IEC standard Provide Operating Condition (OPC) and Standard Test Condition (STC) test reports for verification of solar panel performance (OK or NO OK) Users can set up the parameters of solar panels Users can set up the series number of solar panels. Parameters of many solar panels can be measured in one measuremnts. Continuously measure/monitor/record the DC power output of solar system and the AC power output of inverter (1 phase or balanced 3 phases). Calculate the efficiency of DC to AC power conversion and the efficiency of the max. output power. Standard Accessorie: Solar Irradiance meter (Remote Solar Detector) x1 Thermometer x1 USB power cord x1 User manual x1 AC adaptor x1 Optical USB cable x1 Rechargeable lithium battery (3400mAh)x1 (installed) Software CD x1 Software manual x1 Carrying bag x1 Thermal conductive gel x1 Testing clips (1 black & 1 red) x1 4-wire to 2-wire connecting cable x1 4-wire testing cable x1 Solar 15 : DC current probe x1 Solar 21 : AC power clamp x1 Testing clips (1 black & 1 red) x1 4