Exhibition Portfolio


Exhibition Portfolio
Piazza dei Martiri 5/2 40121 Bologna, IT
Tel. - fax +39 051 4847957
A cura di Christ Sharp, Where the trees line the water that falls asleep in the afternoon è
una mostra che unisce artisti emergenti di diversa formazione, nazionalità e caratterizzati
dall’utilizzo di media diversi.
Hanno in comune una propensione per il naturale, per l’essenza che definisce un ambiente. Stabilendo la priorità della meditazione sul singolo pensiero, il lavoro presentato in
mostra è di certo maggiormente interessato alla creazione di un’atmosfera piuttosto che
alla trasmissione di un’idea.
Il lavoro di Rodrigo Hernàndez (Mexico City, 1983), messicano ma di sede a Basilea
dove si trova tuttora in residenza presso Laurenz-Haus Stiftung, eseguito con una semplicità disarmante, fa appello alla sinuosità, al carattere artigiano degli oggetti, mentre
indaga la natura dei media fondamentali, quali scultura e disegno, e ne distingue i tratti
che li separano e li definiscono.
I dipinti multistrato, accuratamente lavorati, dell’artista newyorkese Clare Grill (Chicago,
1979) posseggono un’indole atmosferica e pacata, mostrano vaghe reminiscenze di superfici tessili e cangianti.
Le sculture di Kate Newby (Auckland, New Zealand, 1979) artista di origine neozelandese
ma di sede a New York, spaziando dalla ceramica al tessile, si confrontano con gli aspetti
architettonici di uno spazio, li ridefiniscono sottilmente rendendoli più meditativi che funzionali.
Insieme questi artisti formano l’anima e il cuore di Where the trees line the water that
falls asleep, tratto da Afternoon, poesia di Pierre Reverdy, che potrebbe essere non soltanto il titolo della mostra, ma esprimerne pienamente il senso.
Piazza dei Martiri 5/2 40121 Bologna, IT
Tel. - fax +39 051 4847957
Piazza dei Martiri 5/2 40121 Bologna, IT
Tel. - fax +39 051 4847957
Kate Newby, It is better to be brutal than indifferent, 2015
porcellana smaltata, argento, bronzo, filo, 13 elementi, dimensioni variabili
Piazza dei Martiri 5/2 40121 Bologna, IT
Tel. - fax +39 051 4847957
Rodrigo Hernández, Conflict over coherence, 2015, olio su tavola, cm.20x35
Piazza dei Martiri 5/2 40121 Bologna, IT
Tel. - fax +39 051 4847957
Piazza dei Martiri 5/2 40121 Bologna, IT
Tel. - fax +39 051 4847957
Rodrigo Hernández (Senza titolo), 2014, cartone, carta, cm.20x30,9
Piazza dei Martiri 5/2 40121 Bologna, IT
Tel. - fax +39 051 4847957
Kate Newby, They sound like each other, 2015
campanelli a vento di vetro, 6 elementi, dimensioni variabili
Piazza dei Martiri 5/2 40121 Bologna, IT
Tel. - fax +39 051 4847957
Clare Grill, Bee, 2015, olio su lino, cm.51x46
Piazza dei Martiri 5/2 40121 Bologna, IT
Tel. - fax +39 051 4847957
Rodrigo Hernández, Conflict over coherence, 2015, cartone, carta/wax pastel on paper, cm.24x32
Piazza dei Martiri 5/2 40121 Bologna, IT
Tel. - fax +39 051 4847957
Rodrigo Hernández, Conflict over coherence, 2014, cartone, carta-wax pastel on paper, A4
Piazza dei Martiri 5/2 40121 Bologna, IT
Tel. - fax +39 051 4847957
Piazza dei Martiri 5/2 40121 Bologna, IT
Tel. - fax +39 051 4847957
Rodrigo Hernández, Pedazo de pueblo, 2015, carta riciclata, china, cm.53x36x5
Piazza dei Martiri 5/2 40121 Bologna, IT
Tel. - fax +39 051 4847957
Kate Newby, Maybe I wont go to sleep at all, 2014
porcellana, ceramica bianca, filo e corda di seta, 48 elementi, dimensioni variabili
Piazza dei Martiri 5/2 40121 Bologna, IT
Tel. - fax +39 051 4847957
Kate Newby, Best possible time ever, 2014
ceramica cotta ad alta temperatura e smalto, 5 elementi, dimensioni varaiabili
Piazza dei Martiri 5/2 40121 Bologna, IT
Tel. - fax +39 051 4847957
Clare Grill, Flay, 2015, olio su lino, cm.101x84,5
Piazza dei Martiri 5/2 40121 Bologna, IT
Tel. - fax +39 051 4847957
Piazza dei Martiri 5/2 40121 Bologna, IT
Tel. - fax +39 051 4847957
Rodrigo Hernández, Practice of relaxation, 2015, carta, laccio di cotone, matita, olio, cm.42x30x11
Piazza dei Martiri 5/2 40121 Bologna, IT
Tel. - fax +39 051 4847957
Clare Grill, Palmy, 2015, olio su lino, cm.136,5x106
Piazza dei Martiri 5/2 40121 Bologna, IT
Tel. - fax +39 051 4847957
Kate Newby, I feel like a truck on a wet highway, 2014
ceramica cotta ad alta temperatura e porcellana, smalto, 2 elementi, dimensioni varaiabili
Piazza dei Martiri 5/2 40121 Bologna, IT
Tel. - fax +39 051 4847957
RODRIGO HERNÁNDEZ (Mexico City, 1983)
Jan Van Eyck Academie, Maastricht, NL
Akademie der bildenden Künste Karlsruhe, D (Prof. Silvia Bächli)
Escuela Nacional de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado “La Esmeralda” Mexico City, MX
Mostre personali
Here is Someone, Kim?, Riga, LV (upcoming)
A Show of Drawing, Roberta, Frankfurt am Main, D (upcoming)
Museo Universitario del Chopo, Ciudad de México, MX (upcoming)
Kurimanzutto gallery, Ciudad de México, MX (upcoming)
What is the moon?, Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht, NL
Go, Gentle Scorpio, Parallel Oaxaca, Oaxaca, MX
Dutch Flat Things, Jan Van Eyck Academie, Maastricht, NL
A Sense of Possibility , Weingrüll, Karlsruhe, D (cur . Roos Gortzak)
Pedro, o.T. Raum für aktuelle Kunst, Lucerne, CH
Interaction of Nothing, Zip, Basel, CH
Penetration, IAAB Atelier , Berlin, D
Automatic Sculpture, Poly Galerie, Karlsruhe, D
New Stones, Mucharaum, Karlsruhe, D
Ebony, Ovo Space, Mexico City, MX
Mostre collettive selezionate
Where the trees line the water that falls asleep in the afternoon, P420, Bologna, IT, curated by Chris Sharp
Hohenluft, Kunstverein Willhemshoehe, Ettlingen, D
Adam and Eve and the Devil, Marres, Maastricht, NL
The School of Nature and Principle, Elizabeth Foundation of the Arts, New York, US, curated by Emiliano Valdés
Six Positions in Painting, Galerie Bernhard, Zürich, CH, curated by Fabian Schöneich and Samuel Leuenberger
Bienal de las Fronteras, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Tamaulipas, MX
Sometimes something happens, Galerie Fons Welters, Amsterdam, NL
A Special Arrow Was Shot In The Neck..., David Roberts Art Foundation, London, UK (cur. Vivian Ziherl and Natasha Ginwala)
Autodestrucción4: Demolición, Thomas Dane Gallery, Londres, UK (cur. Abraham Cruzvillegas)
Mark P works both ways, FRAC Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Marseille, F
ERNTE, Kunsthaus Baselland, Mutenz/Basel, CH
Moules, Oeufs, Frites, The Ridder , Maastricht, NL (cur. by Ardi Peols)
Roving Room, Habersham Mills, Demorest, Georgia, USA
Van Eyck Open Studios, Jan Van Eyck Academie, Maastricht, NL
Dasdasdemdes, NO SP ACE, Mexico City, MX
Magic Hour, The Ridder, Maastricht, NL (cur. by Ardi Peols)
Six Memos fort he Next..., Magazin 4 - Bregenzer Kunstverein, Bregenz, AT
The Carrousel Collection, 45cbm Studioraum - Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, D
Jenseits des Rahmens, Kunstverein Freiburg, D
Regionale 13, Kunstraum Riehen, Riehen-Basel, CH
Left Eye, Right Eye, V8, Karlsruhe, D
Mark Pezinger Verlag at Pioneer Works, New York, USA
Wood(s), Z winger Gallery, Berlin, DE
I don’t know, Vamialis Gallery, Atenas, GR
The Mystery of Intersecting Paths, HBK, Braunschweig, DE
When Does Something Become...?, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, USA
Regionale 13, Kunst Raum Riehen, Basel, CH
La Distancia es el Material, New Museum of Contemporary Art, Guatemala
Reading Disorders, Kunstverein Kassel, Kassel, D
London’s Calling and It’s Calling You Gay, Preteen Gallery, Mexico City, MX
O Tannebaum, Alte Saline Hallein, Salzburg, A (cur. Manfred Pernice)
Five in a Row, deuxpiece, Basel, CH
AutoconßtrukSchön, Arratia Beer Gallery, Berlin, D
Les jeux sont faits, Hinterhof, Basel, CH
Übermorgenkünstler II, Heidelberger Kunstverein, Heidelberg, D
Se Amable, Centro Cultural de Cali, C
Ovo Host, National Museum of the Philippines, Manila, PH
Vänster, Kulturhuset, Stockholm, S
SiempreOtraVez, Museo Nacional de Arte Moderno, Mexico City, MX
Jahresausstellung, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Karlsruhe, D
Observar el Cielo, Café la Gloria, Mexico City , MX
Actos Proféticos, Centro Cultural de Cali, Cali, CO
Work in Progress, Alberta College of Art and Design, Calgary , CA
Rules of Casual Sex, Galería de la Esmeralda, Mexico City , MX
ICE, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, D
Texto es, Espacio Alternativo, Galería La Esmeralda, Cd. de Méxi co, MX
Very normal, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Zürich, CH
Trabajando, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Oaxaca, MX
Residenze, premi e riconoscimenti
2014 Laurenz-Haus Stiftung, Basel, CH
Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg, D
2013 Jóvenes Creadores, FONCA, MX
Jan Van Eyck Academie Stipendium, Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschappen, NL
Graduiertenstipendium Landesstiftung Baden-Württemberg, D
2012 Kulturfonds der Landeshauptstadt Salzburg, AT
DAAD-Preis zur Jahresausstellung, AdbK Karlsruhe, D
2011 Beca de Titulación, INBA, MX
2010 Beca de Estudios en el Extranjero, FONCA, MX
2009 Internship Studies Grant, Landesstiftung Baden-Wurttemberg, Kar lsruhe, D
CLARE GRILL (Chicago, 1979)
Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Skowhegan, ME
MFA, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY
BA, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN
Mostre personali
Touch’d Lustre, Zieher Smith & Horton, New York, NY
Mary, Mary, Diane Rosenstein, Los Angeles, CA
Petal, Pedal, Peddle, Fred Giampietro Gallery, New Haven, CT
Comb, Soloway, Brooklyn, NY
Clare Grill, Reserve Ames, Los Angeles, CA
Steeped, Fred Giampietro Gallery, New Haven, CT
New Work, Edward Thorp Gallery, New York, NY
The Forest for the Trees, Sloan Fine Art, New York, NY
What You're Told, Jen Bekman Gallery, New York, NY
Somethings Last a Long Time, Real Art Ways, Hartford, CT
Mostre collettive selezionate
Where the trees line the water that falls asleep in the afternoon, P420, Bologna, IT, curated by Chris Sharp
The Crayon Miscellany, OMI International Art Center, curated by Julie Ryan, Ghent, NY
Transforming Accessory, LVL3, Chicago, IL
Oysters With Lemon: An Exhibition in 3 Parts, Ventana244, Brooklyn, NY
Volatiile, Galleri Jacob Bjorn, Aarhus, DK
This One's Optimistic: Pincushion, curated by Cary Smith, New Britain Museum of American Art, New Britain, CT
Brooklyn Bridge, curated by Justine Frischmann, George Lawson Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Folklore, curated by Heidi Leitzke, Pennsylvania College of Art and Design, Lancaster, PA
Smart Painting, curated by John O'Donnell, Artspace, New Haven, CT
Love's Industrial Park, Long Island University, Brooklyn, NY
Split Seven, curated by Matt Phillips, Fowler Project Space, Brooklyn, NY
Dying on Stage, curated by Kyle Chayka, Garis & Hahn, New York, NY
Cathedral, Silas Marder Gallery, Bridgehampton, NY
Season Review: Selected Artists, Edward Thorp Gallery, New York, NY
Love’s Industrial Park, GrizzlyGrizzly, Philadelphia, PA
Spring, The Willows, Brooklyn, NY
Paintings and Drawings, Edward Thorp Gallery, New York, NY
Primary, curated by Jamillah James, Nudashank Gallery, Baltimore, MD
Out of the Ruins: Retooling the Romantic Landscape, curated by Elizabeth Thach, New Art Center, Newton,
The Big Show 7, Silas Marder Gallery, Bridgehampton, NY
I Know This But You Feel Different, curated by Shara Hughes and Meredith James, Marc Jancou
Contemporary, New York, NY
A Survey, Edward Thorp Gallery, New York, NY
Reformation 2011, curated by Kyla Chevrier, Reformed Church, Skowhegan, ME
Kin, Sloan Fine Art, New York, NY
A Review, Edward Thorp Gallery, New York, NY
Talk Show, Edward Thorp Gallery, New York, NY
Mixtape, Jen Bekman Gallery, New York, NY
Relocation, curated by Aaron Smith, Sloan Fine Art, New York, NY
Artist in the Marketplace 29, curated by Micaela Giovanotti, Bronx Museum, Bronx, NY
Suspend, curated by Stacie Johnson, Roots and Culture, Chicago, IL
Clare Grill and Ju Young Ban, curated by Andrea Serbonich, The Clay Projects, New York, NY
The Brand New Deal, curated by Shane McAdams, Caren Golden Fine Art, New York, NY
Emerge 9, curated by Christopher Lew, Aljira Center for Contemporary Art, Newark, NJ
Brief Encounters, Caren Golden Fine Art, New York, NY Follies, OH+T Gallery, Boston, MA
Stilled Life, curated by Daria Brit Shapiro, Islip Art Museum, East Islip, NY
Works on Paper, curated by Carter Foster, Long Beach Island Foundation for the Arts, Loveladies, NJ Summer Group Show, curated by Dana Orland, 3rd Ward, Brooklyn, NY
Imperfect Accounts, curated by Simone Subal, The Studio, Armonk, NY
Meditating America, curated by Ernesto Pujol, Center on Contemporary Art, Seattle, WA
Residenze, premi e riconoscimenti
2013 Visiting Artist Lecture, Hoffberger School of Painting, Maryland College Institute of Art, Baltimore, MD
2011 Pratt Alumni Award, Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Brooklyn, NY
2008 AIM 29, Bronx Museum, Bronx, NY
Residency, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, VT
2007 Emerge 9, Aljira, Newark, NJ
2006 Viewing Program, The Drawing Center, New York, NY
Best in Show, Works on Paper, juried by Carter Foster, Long Beach Island Foundation for the Arts, Loveladies, NJ
Collezioni pubbliche
Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara, CA
KATE NEWBY (Auckland, New Zealand, 1979)
Masters of Fine Art, Elam School of Fine Arts (1st Class Honors), University of Auckland, NZ
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Elam School of Fine Arts, University of Auckland, NZ
Mostre personali
Laurel Gitlen, New York (upcoming)
Gertrude Contemporary, Melbourne (upcoming)
Laurel Doody, Los Angeles (upcoming)
Laura, Lucy, Mark and Felix, MODELAB, Wellington
I feel like a truck on a wet highway, Lulu, Mexico City
Tiny-but-adventurous, Rokeby, London
Maybe I won't go to sleep at all. (curated by Anne-Claire Schmitz), La Loge, Brussels
Let the other thing in (curated by Nicolaus Schafhausen), Fogo Island Gallery, Newfoundland
What a day., Hopkinson Mossman, Auckland
How funny you are today, New York, Greene Acres Garden, Clinton Hill, Brooklyn
Crawl out your window, Walters Prize exhibition, Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki, Auckland (prize
All parts. All the time., Olive St. Garden, Brooklyn (in association with New York City Department of
Parks & Recreation and International Studio and Curatorial Program ISCP, New York)
How funny you are today New York, Fort Greene Park, Brooklyn (in association with New York City Department of Parks & Recreation and International Studio and Curatorial Program ISCP, New York)
Do more with your feeling, SUNDAY art fair, London (Hopkinson Mossman booth)
I’m just like a pile of leaves (curated by Natasha Conland), Auckland Art Gallery, Auckland
I’ll follow you down the road, Hopkinson Mossman, Auckland
Crawl out your window (curated by Janneke de Vries), GAK Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst, Bremen
Burnt house. A little later, Gambia Castle, Auckland
Get off my garden, Sue Crockford Gallery, Auckland
Blow wind blow, Y3K Gallery, Melbourne
Thinking with your body, Gambia Castle, Auckland
My Poetry, for example, Rooftop and vacant plot, Symonds Street, University of Auckland
On the Benefits of Building, Gambia Castle, Auckland
A Windy Fire, Te Tuhi, Auckland
Very Interesting, Very International, site-specific projects; Agile, Brooklyn, Berlin, Copenhagen
My Blues Song, Starkwhite, Auckland
Mostre collettive selezionate
Inside the City (curated by Janneke de Vries), GAK Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst, Bremen
Where the trees line the water that falls asleep in the afternoon, P420, Bologna, IT, curated by Chris Sharp
NEW15 (curated by Matt Hinkley), Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne
An Imprecise Science (curated by Alexie Glass-Kantor), Artspace, Sydney
The January February March (with Jennifer Kabat, Anna Moschovakis and Tim Saltarelli), The Western
Catskills, New York
Eraser, Laurel Gitlen, New York
The Promise (curated by Axel Wieder), Arnolfini, Bristol, UK
Fin, Utopian Slumps, Melbourne
Spaces, Dowse Museum, Lower Hutt
Portmanteaux, Hopkinson Mossman, Auckland
Thin Air, Slopes, Melbourne
Slip Cast, Dowse Museum, Lower Hutt
Lovers (curated by Martin Basher), Starkwhite, Auckland
Mud and Water, Rokeby, London
because the world is round it turns me on (curated by Clara Meister), Arratia Beer, Berlin
The things we know (curated by Tim Saltarelli), Henningsen Gallery, Copenhagen
Liste Art Fair, Basel (Hopkinson Mossman booth)
Third/Fourth Artist Facilitated Biennial, Margaret Lawrence Gallery, Melbourne
Between being and doing, Utopian Slumps, Melbourne
Everyone knows this is nowhere, castillo/corrales, Paris
ISCP Open Studios, ISCP, Brooklyn, New York
Running on Pebbles: through lines with incidents and increments (curated by Allan Smith), Snakepit,
Prospect: New Zealand Art Now (curated by Kate Montgomery), Wellington City Gallery, Wellington
Melanchotopia ( curated by Nicolaus Schafhausen and Anne-Claire Schmitz), Witte de With, Rotterdam
Out of a stone (curated by Daniel Munn), Banner Repeater, London
Bas Jan Ader: Suspended between Laughter and Tears (curated by Pilar Tompkins Rivas), Museo de
Arte Zapopan (MAZ) in Guadalajara, Mexico
Black Door Files, Black Door, Istanbul
Bas Jan Ader: Suspended between Laughter and Tears (curated by Pilar Tompkins Rivas), Pitzer Art
Galleries and Claremont Museum of Art, Los Angeles
post-Office, Artspace, Auckland
Texticles (curated by Ron McHaffie and Lisa Radford), TCB at the Melbourne Art Fair, Melbourne
The sky, a window and a tree, in collaboration with Fiona Connor, CalArts, Los Angeles
Cross Coloring, Hell Gallery, Melbourne
IN CASE IT RAINS, IT MIGHT INVOLVE WATER (curated by Marijke Appleman for ADSF), Rotterdam
The Future is Unwritten, The Adam Art Gallery, Wellington
Today is OK, Gallery Manuela Klerkx, Milan
Brussels Biennial 1 (curated by Nicolaus Schafhausen and Florian Waldvogel), Brussels
Break: Towards a Public Realm, Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, New Plymouth
Give us a sign, Courtney Place Light Boxes, in assocaition with City Gallery, Wellington
Run!, Window, Auckland
Let it be now, Christchurch Art Gallery, Christchurch
4 th Y2K Melbourne biennale of art and design, TCB, Melbourne
Hold Still (with Nick Austin), (curated by Claire Doherty), One Day Sculpture, Auckland
The World (will soon turn our way) (with Fiona Connor and Marnie Slater) site-specific project, Mt
Eden, Auckland
Academy (with Ryan Moore), TCB, Melbourne
Many directions, as much as possible, all over the country, 1301PE, Los Angeles
Working on Talking (with Frances Stark and Ruth Buchanan), Gambia Castle, Auckland
Giant Monuments (with Sanne Mestrom), Münster
Moment Making: After the Situation, ARTSPACE, Auckland
How W.H. Auden spends the night in a friend’s house, Gambia Castle, Auckland
Omnipresents, Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces, Melbourne
Twone (with Sriwhana Spong), Physics Room, Christchurch
I Dig Your Voodoo, Joint Hassles, Melbourne
The Silver Clouds (curated by Cuckoo), Order and Progress/Next Wave Festival, Melbourne
Don’t Rain on my Parade, Special, Auckland
Inner City Real Estate, Enjoy Public Art Gallery, Wellington
Remember New Zealand (curated by Tobias Berger), 26th Sao Paulo Biennale, São Paulo
Cuckoobough, Westspace, Melbourne
Money for Nothing (curated by Tobias Berger), Artspace, Auckland, City Gallery, Wellington
Vs, Michael Lett Gallery, Auckland
Honestly, New Artists Show, Artspace, Auckland
Fertilizer, High Street Project, Christchurch
2012/2013 Fogo Island Arts Residency, Newfoundland
2012 International Studio and Curatorial Program ISCP, New York
2010 Theatre of Erosion or I Hate Work This is not a Play (with Geoffrey Farmer), Banff Centre, Banff
Künstlerhäuser, Worpswede
SOMA, Mexico City