2015-2016 Kindergarten Enrollment Packet


2015-2016 Kindergarten Enrollment Packet
Grace Christian Academy
of Valle Vista Assembly of God
2015-2016 Kindergarten Enrollment Packet
45252 E. Florida Avenue, Hemet CA 92544
Phone: 951.392.8676
Website: www.graceca.org
Email: info@graceca.org
Like us at: Grace Christian Academy of VV Assembly of God
Thank you for your interest in Grace Christian Academy where we are committed to providing a quality and
affordable Christian education with a Christian world view for children in the San Jacinto Valley.
Grace Christian Academy is a member of the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and a
community outreach ministry of the Valle Vista Assembly of God Church.
Most Frequently Asked Questions:
GCA Curriculum
We use a range of curriculum including A Beka, ACSI, Billy Graham and various supplemental
Standardized Testing
Each spring students will complete standardized testing. Maintaining standardized testing ensures
evaluation of quality teaching and transferability of student’s accomplishments recognized readily by
other schools.
GCA School Day
Kindergarten Full Day:
Kindergarten 1/2 Day:
Monday through Thursday from 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Friday from 8:00 am - 2:15 pm
Occasional Noon Dismissals from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Monday through Friday from 8:00 am - 11:30 pm
GCA Daycare
Before school care is available daily from 7:00 am - 8:00 am.
After school care is available for Full Day Kindergarten until 6:00 pm, unless otherwise noted.
We welcome parent involvement and participation. Please contact us for additional information and to visit
our school.
GCA of Valle Vista Assembly of God
Grace Christian Academy
of Valle Vista Assembly of God
45252 E. Florida Avenue
Hemet, CA 92544
2015-2016 Fee Schedule
Phone: 951.392.8676
Website: www.graceca.org
Email: info@graceca.org
Like us at: Grace Christian Academy of VV Assembly of God
Registration Fee
(Non-Refundable & Non-Transferable)
Registration fees need to be paid at the time of registration. Registration fees cover a variety of costs, such as administrative cost, ACSI
(Association of Christian Schools International) fees, school owned books, student books, etc.
Kindergarten-5th Grades
M-Th 8-3, F 8-2:15,
Noon Dismissals
Half Day
M-F 8-11:30
6th-8th Grades
M-Th 8-3, F 8-2:15,
Noon Dismissals
First Student
Second Student
Each Additional Student
Annual Tuition Fees
No discount is given for annual prepayment of Tuition.
Payment Plan Options: The Annual Tuition may be paid in the following installments of:
12 Installments 6/01/15-5/01/16, 11 Installments 7/01/15-5/01/16 or 10 Installments 8/01/15-5/01/16.
Payments are due on the 1st of every month. A late fee of $25, per student, will be added after the 5th. Students may not be admitted to
the school until tuition and late fees are paid. All final installment payments must be made on or before May 1, 2016.
Morning Daycare (Daily 7:00 am - 8:00 am)
After School Daycare (Daily till 6:00 pm, unless otherwise noted)
*** Late Pick-Up Fees
$3.50 per day
$3.50 per hour
*** Late Pick-Up Fees:
Students picked up late may jeopardize GCA’s ability to offer this valuable service to our students. There are additional Daycare
Late Fees of $10.00 from 6:01 pm to 6:05 pm and $1.00 per minute thereafter which will be charged to your account. ***
Other Fees
Placement Testing (new students, when applicable)
6th-8th Grade P.E. Uniforms
6th-8th Grade Locker Lock (per student, per year)
5th-8th Grade After School Sports (per student, per sport)
Yearbook (prepaid by deadline costs $25)
Account Late Fee (per student)
Contract Cancellation (per student)
Returned Check Charge
Occasionally there are Field Trips, Special Events, Class Projects or Craft fees.
$40.00 (optional)
$30.00 (optional)
GCA of Valle Vista Assembly of God
2015-2016 Kindergarten
Enrollment Requirements & Check List
Grace Christian Academy
of Valle Vista Assembly of God
45252 E. Florida Avenue
Hemet, CA 92544
Phone: 951.392.8676
Website: www.graceca.org
Email: info@graceca.org
Like us at: Grace Christian Academy of VV Assembly of God
The following items will be needed at registration:
Enrollment Application
Fee Agreement
Emergency Contact Form
Physician’s Report (Health Evaluation K)
Immunization Record
Original Official Birth Certificate
Current Report Card (if applicable)
Previous School Address and Information
Additional information:
Placement testing for new students will be scheduled prior to grade placement when necessary.
Registration fees are required to retain placement.
GCA of Valle Vista Assembly of God
Grace Christian Academy
of Valle Vista Assembly of God
45252 E. Florida Avenue
Hemet, CA 92544
2015-2016 Kindergarten Fee Agreement
Phone: 951.392.8676
Website: www.graceca.org
Email: info@graceca.org
Like us at: Grace Christian Academy of VV Assembly of
Student’s Information
1/2 Day @ $3,700.00
Full Day @ $4,150.00
Last Name ___________________________ First Name __________________________ Nickname ________________
Street Address ___________________________________ City ______________________ State _____ Zip ________
Person Responsible For Account
1. Name ______________________________ Relationship to Child _____________ E-mail _______________________
Social Security Number _______________________________ Driver’s License Number _________________________
Home Phone _______________________ Cell Phone ________________________ Work Phone __________________
Street Address __________________________________ City ______________________ State _____ Zip ________
2. Name ______________________________ Relationship to Child _____________ E-mail _______________________
Social Security Number _______________________________ Driver’s License Number _________________________
Home Phone _______________________ Cell Phone ________________________ Work Phone __________________
Street Address __________________________________ City ______________________ State _____ Zip ________
Tuition Information
Full Day Kindergarten Annual Tuition $4150.00 or Half Day Kindergarten Annual Tuition $3700.00
Annual Payment Plan Options: The Annual Tuition may be paid in installments. Select from the following:
12 Installments 6/01/15-5/01/16 (ex. based upon $4,150.00 Annual Tuition: $355 on 6/01, $345 from 7/01-5/01)
11 Installments 7/01/15-5/01/16 (ex. based upon $4,150.00 Annual Tuition: $400 on 7/01, $375 from 8/01-5/01)
10 Installments 8/01/15-5/01/16 (ex. based upon $4,150.00 Annual Tuition: $415 from 8/01-5/01)
Account Late Fees:
I understand that tuition is due by the 1st of the month and is late if not paid by the 5th.
I understand a Late Fee of $25.00, per student, will be applied after the 5th and agree to pay it.
Students may not be admitted to the school until tuition and late fees are paid.
Daycare Information & Rates
Morning Daycare
$3.50 per day
After School Daycare (Daily till 6:00 pm, unless otherwise noted) $3.50 per hour
*** Late Pick-Up Fees:
Students picked up late may jeopardize GCA’s ability to offer this valuable service to our students. There are additional Daycare
Late Fees of $10.00 from 6:01 pm to 6:05 pm and $1.00 per minute thereafter which will be charged to your account. ***
Other Fees
Placement Testing (new students, when applicable)
5th Grade Sports (per student, per sport)
$40.00 (optional)
Yearbook (prepaid by deadline costs $25)
$30.00 (optional)
Account Late Fee (per student)
Returned Check Charge
Contract Cancellation Fee (per student)
Occasionally there are Field Trips, Special Events, Class Projects or Craft fees.
_____________________________ ___/___/___
1. Signature
2. Signature
GCA of Valle Vista Assembly of God
2015-2016 Enrollment Application
Grace Christian Academy
of Valle Vista Assembly of God
45252 E. Florida Avenue
Hemet, CA 92544
Phone: 951.392.8676
Website: www.graceca.org
Email: info@graceca.org
Like us at: Grace Christian Academy of VV Assembly of God
Student Information:
Student’s Name ___________________________________
Nickname _______________________________________
Gender M_____ F_____ Age ______
Grade Entering: __________ School Year 2015-2016
Mailing Address ___________________________________
Date of Birth _______/_______/_______
City ________________________________ Zip _______
Social Security No. _________-________-_________
Family Information:
Name of Father or Guardian _______________________________
Relationship to Child ____________________________________
Address _______________________________________________
Lives with child? Yes / No
Occupation ____________________________________________
Employer _____________________ Phone ___________________
Education: High School ____ years; College ____ years
Marital Status:
Married Widowed Separated
Single Divorced Remarried
Have you personally received Jesus Christ as your Savior? Yes / No
The name of your church _________________________________
Are you a member? Yes / No
Name of Mother or Guardian ______________________________
Relationship to Child ____________________________________
Address _______________________________________________
Lives with child? Yes / No
Occupation ____________________________________________
Employer _____________________ Phone ___________________
Education: High School ____ years; College ____ years
Marital Status:
Married Widowed Separated
Single Divorced Remarried
Have you personally received Jesus Christ as your Savior? Yes / No
The name of your church _________________________________
Are you a member? Yes / No
Church student attends _______________________________________ Attend church regularly? Yes / No
Would you be interested in learning more about the ministries of Valle Vista Assembly of God? Yes / No
Names and ages of siblings ________________________________________________________________________________
Are siblings of school age enrolled at Grace Christian Academy? Yes / No
If not, why ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Will you be able to settle accounts promptly? Yes / No
Have you settled your previous school account? Yes / No
If not, why? ___________________________________________
Consent to verify settlement of previous school account. Initial__________
Previous school name and address _________________________________________________________________________
Please explain why you wish your child to attend Grace Christian Academy ________________________________________
Will student be living at home while attending GCA? Yes / No If not, with whom will student be living?
Name ___________________________________ Relationship to Student______________________ Phone ________________
Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Medical History / Emergency Information: (Do not leave any blank spaces.)
(Legal documentation giving authorization to enroll and seek emergency care are required.)
List any allergies or unusual medical information _________________________________________________________________
Doctor’s Name & Address ___________________________________________________ Phone _________________________
Hospital Preference _________________________________________________________ Phone _________________________
Insurance Provider __________________________________________________________ Policy Number __________________
Emergency Contact _____________________________ Relationship _______________ Phone _________________________
Emergency Contact _____________________________ Relationship _______________ Phone _________________________
Please read the following statement carefully and sign below to indicate your agreement.
I hereby pledge that I will pay my financial obligations to Grace Christian Academy on the date due. I understand that Report Cards
and Standardized Tests will not be issued until all accounts are current. Students whose accounts become delinquent may be asked to
I agree to uphold and support the high academic standard of the school by providing a place at home for my child to study, and to give
my child encouragement in the completion of homework assignments.
I authorize Grace Christian Academy personnel to seek medical treatment with the medical providers named above for my child in the
event of an emergency. If no preference is listed, I give permission for my child to be treated at the Hemet Valley Medical Center or
the nearest emergency treatment center.
I consent to the transportation of my child for purposes deemed necessary by the school, such as field trips, athletic events, etc.
Occasionally GCA takes photographs of the students while in the classroom, recess, or at school events. If you consent to allow your
student’s photograph to be displayed, please sign the authorization below:
I give consent to have my student’s photograph published/displayed on our school website and other GCA venues. Initial ____
I understand that the standard of Grace Christian Academy does not tolerate profanity, obscenity in word or action, dishonor to the
Holy Trinity and the Word of God, disrespect to the personnel of the school, or continued disobedience to the established policies of
the school.
I understand that falsification of information on this form could lead to the student’s suspension or expulsion.
I hereby certify my consent and submission to all governing policies of the school, including disciplinary policies as outlined in the
Handbook for Parents & Students. It is understood that the services of the school are engaged by mutual consent, and that either I or
the school reserve the right to terminate any or all services at any time. Admission to Grace Christian Academy is a privilege, not a
Signature of Father
Signature of Mother
(Signatures of both parents are required.)
Grace Christian Academy admits students of any race, color and national or ethnic origin.
GCA of Valle Vista Assembly of God
Emergency Contacts
Important: Please update the school immediately if any information changes.
Name __________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________
City ___________________________________________________
Home Phone ____________________________________________
Date Received:
Update Received:
Grade: ________ School Year 2015-2016
DOB _____/_____/_____
Zip __________ Gender M______ F______
Race __________________________________
Parents or guardians listed below have permission to pick up the child, unless otherwise indicated. Notify the school office
immediately if there are any court orders restricting non-custodial parents or others from contact with the child and provide
the school office with the official “Wet Stamp” copy of the order.
1. Parent’s / Guardian’s Name ________________________________________ Relationship to Child _____________________
Home Phone _____________________ Cell Phone _____________________ Work Phone _______________________
Work Place ____________________________________________ E-mail _____________________________________
2. Parent’s / Guardian’s Name ________________________________________ Relationship to Child _____________________
Home Phone _____________________ Cell Phone _____________________ Work Phone _______________________
Work Place ____________________________________________ E-mail _____________________________________
Those designated below are authorized to pick up my child from school in an emergency.
1. Local Contact’s Name ________________________________________
Relationship to Child _____________________
Home Phone _____________________ Cell Phone _____________________ Work Phone _______________________
2. Local Contact’s Name ________________________________________
Relationship to Child _____________________
Home Phone _____________________ Cell Phone _____________________ Work Phone _______________________
3. Local Contact’s Name ________________________________________
Relationship to Child _____________________
Home Phone _____________________ Cell Phone _____________________ Work Phone _______________________
Out-of-Town Contact’s Name ________________________________________ Relationship to Child _____________________
Home Phone _____________________ Cell Phone _____________________ Work Phone _______________________
List student’s known allergies or medical conditions ________________________________________________________________
Doctor’s Name ____________________________________________________ Phone _________________________________
Hospital Preference ________________________________________________ Insurance Company ______________________
Dentist’s Name ____________________________________________________ Phone _________________________________
In a medical emergency, we hereby authorize the school to seek emergency medical assistance for our child if we cannot be
Parent/Guardian Signature ________________________________________________
Date ____/____/____