January 2013 - St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church


January 2013 - St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church
The Desert
“Behold, I send My messenger before Your Face, who shall prepare Your way...” (Matthew 11:10)
Volume 11, Issue 1
St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church, Las Vegas, NV
January 2013
Beloved in Christ:
Καλη Χρονια! A Blessed New Year to All of You!
The Holy Feast of our Lord’s Nativity in the flesh finds its
culmination twelve days later, with the Feast of Holy Theophany
on January 6, which commemorates the Baptism of Christ at the hands of the
St. John the Forerunner. Prior to our Lord’s Baptism, we are introduced in Holy
Scriptures to the last of the great prophets, St. John – described as “a voice
crying in the wilderness” (Mark 1:3) – who prepared for the coming of the
Messiah by calling all people, not only those during his time, but even all of us
today, to “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!” (Matthew 3:2)
Repentance is at the heart of our lives as Orthodox Christians, and without
sensing and acknowledging our need to “change our minds” (the very meaning of
metanoia), we cannot even begin to recognize and therefore experience the Presence of God. Is it not
amazing that our Lord was born in a hidden fashion, in a humble cave, yet the foreign Magi – filled with
desire to follow the star – found and worshiped Him, while the evil ruler Herod, even after his calculated
slaughter of the innocent children aged two and younger was unsuccessful in his attempt to destroy Him?
And is it no wonder that on so many occasions Jesus told those who, during His public ministry, witnessed
such great signs and healings, to not tell a soul – but following His Resurrection, even the stones cried out
regarding His great works? (Luke 19:40)
My beloved, only when we have spiritual eyes that are willing to see and receptive ears that desire to hear
can we experience firsthand the Presence of God in our lives. Sadly, when our hearts and minds are closed
to God, He will not force His way in – but when, in genuine humility, we recognize our sinfulness and fall
down on our knees, repent, and confess our sins, Christ lovingly and mercifully reaches out to us, lifts us up
and guides our lives on the path to His Kingdom.
On the Feast of Holy Theophany, we Orthodox Christians will encounter St. John and our Lord Jesus Christ
in the wilderness of our ugly sinfulness – and through the prescribed readings, hymns and worship, we will
receive the resounding call to change our direction for the New Year. Greater yet, through the Sanctifying
Water that will be blessed, sprinkled on us, partaken of, and brought to our homes – in both a mystical and
real manner, we will be given the opportunity to renew the grace we received on the day we were Baptized,
that is, to once again become “dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 6:11)
With the gift of this New Year, and especially on this Holy Feast, may Christ our True God illumine our
hearts and minds, granting us all the grace, desire, courage and strength to repent of our sins – that we may
rightly proclaim 2013, as He wills, the Year of the Lord.
With love in Christ,
The Desert Messenger
Sundays: 8:45 am Orthros ~ 10:00 am Divine Liturgy
Church School follows Holy Communion
Monday, December 31/New Year’s Eve
Sunday, January 13/Sunday after Theophany
Orthros: Tone Seven (Grave)
Resurrection Gospel (Orthros): John 21:1-14
Epistle: Ephesians 4:7-13
Gospel: Matthew 4:12-17
6:00 pm Orthros
7:00 pm Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great
(Please fast from 1:00 pm to receive Holy Communion)
Epistle: Colossians 2:8-12
Gospel: Luke 2:20-21, 40-52
Cutting of the Community Vasilopita
New Year’s Celebration follows in Panos Hall
Wednesday, January 16
Tuesday, January 1/The Circumcision of Christ/
5:00 pm Orthros ~ 6:00 pm Divine Liturgy
(St. Anthony the Great)
St. Basil the Great
(Liturgy Celebrated on Monday Evening)
Saturday, January 5/Eve of Theophany (Strict Fast)
Epistle: Hebrews 13:17-21
Gospel: Luke 6:17-23
8:00 am Orthros ~ 9:00 am Divine Liturgy
Thursday, January 17/St. Anthony the Great
Epistle: 1 Timothy 3:13-16; 4:1-5
Gospel: Matthew 3:1-6
(Liturgy Celebrated on Wednesday Evening)
Great Blessing of the Water
Parish Council Oath of Office
Friday, January 18/Ss. Athanasios & Cyril
8:00 am Orthros ~ 9:00 am Divine Liturgy
Sunday, January 6/Holy Theophany of Our Lord
Festal Gospel (Orthros): Mark 1:9-11
Epistle: Titus 2:11-14; 3:4-7
Gospel: Matthew 3:13-17
Great Blessing of the Water
Name Day Celebration follows in Panos Hall
Epistle: Hebrews 13:7-16
Gospel: Matthew 5:14-19
Sunday, January 20/12th Sunday of Luke/Ten Lepers
Orthros: Tone Eight (Fourth Plagal)
Resurrection Gospel (Orthros): John 21:14-25
Epistle: 2 Corinthians 4:6-15
Gospel: Luke 17:12-19
Monday, January 7/Synaxis of St. John the Baptist Sunday, January 27/15th Sunday of Luke/Zaccheos
Our Parish Feast Day
Orthros: Tone One
8:00 am Orthros ~ 9:00 am Divine Liturgy
Resurrection Gospel (Orthros): Matthew 28:16-20
Epistle: Acts 19:1-8
Epistle: Hebrews 7:26-28; 8:1-2
Gospel: John 1:29-34
Gospel: Luke 19:1-10
Fellowship follows, hosted by Philoptochos
“With joy you will draw water from the
wells of salvation..” ~Isaiah 12:3
Wednesday, January 30/The Three Holy Hierarchs
8:00 am Orthros ~ 9:00 am Divine Liturgy
Epistle: Hebrews 13:7-16
Gospel: Matthew 5:14-19
Phone (______)_________________
We’ll call you to schedule!
For the blessing, please have bowl of bottled water, a sprig of basil or rosemary, an icon and votive candle.
The Desert Messenger
January 6 ~ Holy Theophany
Ushers: Entire Parish Council
Fellowship: St. John Name Day Luncheon
January 13 ~ Cutting of the Community Vasilopita
Ushers: George Bochanis, Ramona Tasios, Adam Bieker, Darrick Cole, Paula Kelesis and Stephanie Demoleas
Fellowship: Philoptochos - Community Vasilopita
January 20
Ushers: Stacy Mavrantonis, John Koutsulis, Demetrious Asim, Ramona Tasios, Tami Stefanatos
and George Bochanis
Memorial: Mahi Kanelos (40 days); John Pantinas (1 year)
Fellowship: Forerunners, the Seniors of St. John the Baptist
January 27
Ushers: John Fotopoulos, Stephanie Demoleas, Darrick Cole, Adam Bieker, Jeremy Bauck and Tami Stefanatos
Fellowship: The Kakavulias Family ~ Proceeds benefit St. John Church
All Parish Members are Invited
to Join Us for Our Annual
St. John the Baptist Name Day Celebration
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Immediately following Liturgy and the Great Blessing of Water
Panos Hall
Gyro Luncheon with Greek Fries, Salad and Dessert
Adults $12 Pre-Sale
or $15 at the door
Hot Dogs and Fries
Children 12 and under ~ $5
Tickets Available on Sundays from Parish Council Members
and on Weekdays from Karen at the Church Office
and a Blessed New Year!
The Fotopoulos Family
The Desert Messenger
Reverend Fathers, Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
ΧΡΟΝΙΑ ΠΟΛΛΑ! Happy New Year and may the Lord always watch over us.
On behalf of the parish, I offer special thanks to Carla and Darrick Cole for a
coordinating the New Year’s Eve Party. We hope to see everyone there - this is exactly how the
New Year should always start, with Church services and the festivities within our own facility.
Let’s make this a night to remember.
I want congratulate the newly elected Parish Council members and thank the outgoing and continuing
members for the terrific support shown to me as President. Your untiring work for your Church has not gone
unnoticed. Those that did not get elected are also to be congratulated for their commitment. I will be calling
on each member that participated in the election for their help. Everyone is a winner in God’s eyes that steps
up to further His ministry. This type of spiritual energy is not found easily and, on behalf of all of St. John the
Baptist Greek Orthodox Church, “Thank You!”
Our Focus Groups have been very informative and I want to take time to especially thank those who
found the time to offer their input and help in growing our parish. We will take all of your suggestions and
make certain that each and every one is given the attention of the Parish Council. I appreciate the support
more than you know.
Please join us on Sunday, January 6, the Feast of Holy Theophany, when we will celebrate our Parish
Name Day following the Divine Liturgy and Great Blessing of the Water. At the Luncheon we will serve
Gyros with Greek fries, salad and dessert - $12 pre-sale and $15 at the door. Hot Dogs and fries for Children 12
and under will be offered for $5. Tickets are now on sale from Parish Council members or the Church Office.
For those interested in sponsoring an issue of The Desert Messenger for $100 per month, or the Weekly
Bulletin for $50 per week (three lines maximum), please contact Karen at the Church Office. Through your
sponsorship you can offer your well wishes, honor the memory of a loved one, celebrate a milestone or
acknowledge a Name Day. Best of all, the proceeds will help with the expense of printing these publications.
Finally, if your family would like to host a Glendi, please contact one of the Parish Council members
for details. Hopefully we will have enough sponsors to offer a monthly Glendi.
May God keep us out of harm’s way for 2013. John Fotopoulos, Parish Council President
Xronia Polla! Happy New Year! We hope that the past year was a blessed one
Philoptochos for all of you and your families. As we get ready to start our New Year, we begin with
special thanks to all of our Philoptochos ladies who gave their time, talents and
treasures during 2012; without your generosity, we would not have been able to support
the Las Vegas community as well as our own Parish of St. John the Baptist.
First on our list, all of us must make a Stewardship Pledge for 2013 and fulfill it. We will not have a
General Meeting during the month of January, but please join us as we host the Fellowship
for our own Parish, in honor of St. John the Baptist, after Liturgy on Monday, January 7.
On the following Sunday, January 13, we will have the Blessing and Cutting of the
Community Vasilopita in Church - as you are called upon to receive a piece, please offer
your contribution to benefit St. Basil’s Academy for children. After Liturgy, Philoptochos
will sponsor the Fellowship, the proceeds of which will also be sent to St. Basil’s; please
contact Marcie Karas if you can bake a Vasilopita.
As always, we must remember that every day is a gift from God.
Your Sisters in Christ, Geri Kypreos and the Philoptochos Board
Notes from the Loft
Happy and Blessed New Year! Thank you to the Choir for their hard work and devotion
during the busy holiday season. We will be singing the Liturgy for Theophany this year since it falls
on a Sunday. We will have a Choir rehearsal on Wednesday, January 23 at 6:00 pm to continue working on
new music. Please mark your calendars! Athena Mertes, Director
The Desert Messenger
“Beating the House”
After 22 years as a Parish Council Member (two years as President
and eight as Treasurer), I decided not to run for re-election this year for good
reason: The 2012 Parish Council was the best I have ever served on. Each
member was dedicated to the Oath they took on the Holy Gospel last
January, and worked together in peace and harmony to solve the financial
issues of our Church community.
Allow me to make some observations that are based on Charles
Dickens’ quote, “These are the best of times; these are the worst of times.” In
my opinion our greatest strength is also our greatest weakness, and that is
our Stewards. Let me explain: Our Stewardship commitment should be from
our heart, yet if “this coming year” is like the past 10 years Stewardship
pledges will be “short” by an average of $30,000 of what was pledged.
In Vegas jargon, we call this “Beating the House,” but have we
stopped to think about Whose House we are trying to beat? Candles are $1
each, not three or more candles for $1, and the trays are not the receiver of a
Stewardship check in lieu of a cash or additional check donation.
The weekly income from trays is running approximately half of that of
candles. Let me give an “out of the box” suggestion as to what amount
should be put into the tray. If a dollar or a Stewardship check (that is, not
even an additional $1) is okay with you, then I suggest you stop reading here.
Disclaimer being noted, here I go: We now pass the trays after we
kneel for the Consecration of the Gifts, and during this time we also offer our
personal prayers. Since we are praying in our Lord’s House, with the Clergy,
Choir, and our fellow Orthodox brothers and sisters in Christ, all present and
kneeling beside us, I believe that each individual we personally name in our
prayers should be remembered with a minimum of $1 in the offering tray. In
my case, I name my wife, my son and myself; therefore, I should put at least
$3 or more into the tray that week - over and above my Stewardship offering.
Try it and see if your blessings just might multiply.
Just my thoughts . . . Jim Monoyudis
Community Vasilopita on Sunday, January 13, 2013
Please join us for the annual Blessing and Cutting of the Community
Vasilopita on Sunday, January 13, immediately following the Divine Liturgy.
The Vasilopita, or New Year’s Bread, is named after Saint Basil whose
feast day is celebrated on January 1. The 4th Century Saint had gold coins
baked into the sweet bread that was made for the poor, as a means of giving
them money without it looking like a hand-out. We continue this tradition
today of baking the coin in the bread.
At the cutting, the first slice of the Vasilopita is set aside for Jesus
Christ, the next for the Theotokos, then St. Basil, and after, individual pieces
for each member of the family. The one who finds the coin will have
blessings for the entire year!
Orthodox Bookstore:
A Blessed Theophany and Happy Name Day to
our Parish. May the Lord continue to bless, sustain, and grow the ministries
of this vineyard in the desert. Xronia Polla! Matthew Castillo, Director
5300 S. El Camino Rd.
Las Vegas, NV 89118
Rev. Father John Hondros
Karen Rawlinson
Administrative Assistant
Maria Kakavulias
Business Administrator
Sheryl Lujan
Facilities and Catering Manager
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Telephone: (702) 221-8245
FAX: (702) 221-9167
Website: vegasgreekorthodox.com
Parish Council: John Fotopoulos
Philoptochos: Geri Kypreos
Choir: Athena Mertes
Chanters/Youth Choir:
Presvytera Maria Hondros
Church School:
Eileen Koutsulis
Altar Servers:
Alex Szukiewicz
Stewardship Committee:
Jennia Szukiewicz
Hellenic Historical Society:
Nitsa Filios
Tammy Chomakos
Sharon Katsaros
Orthodox Family Fellowship:
Amy & Jeremy Bauck
Youth Ministries:
Eileen Koutsulis
Orthodox Connection Las Vegas:
Adam Bieker
Adult Basketball: Panagiote Tsolis
Marie & Gary Setian
Greek Folk Dance:
Tammy Chomakos
Greek School: Paula Kelesis
Orthodox Bookstore:
Matthew Castillo
Bill Andrews Library:
Spero Demoleas
Kokkos Scholarship Committee:
Helen Stock
The Desert Messenger
Youth Ministries
Church School
Christ is Born! Glorify Him! I hope everyone is having a wonderful Christmas Season with your loved
ones. We had a wonderful Christmas Pageant. The students had so much fun and I hope all the members of
our parish enjoyed it as well. I want to thank all of the teachers and Presvytera Maria for their help in the
pageant. I also want to thank Steve Tzelalis for cooking for our lovely luncheon that followed the rehearsal;
we appreciate his hard work and ongoing willingness to help our ministry.
Please continue to register your children for Church School: Remember that we need a registration
form for every student that is in class. Our program is growing and I want to thank all of the parents and
grandparents for bringing your children on Sundays to worship and learn about our wonderful faith.
Family Worship Sunday is January 13, as we will gather in the Church for Community Vasilopita.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Eileen Koutsulis, Church School Director (702) 521-6516 or vivaleenie@cox.net
Youth Choir News
Happy New Year! May 2013 bring all of us good health and many blessings. The Youth
Choir will chant the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, January 13. We will NOT have practice this
month due to the holiday schedule. Please be EARLY on the 13th, at 9:40 am, so we can begin
the Liturgy in full voice; we sounded nice in December when all of us were there on time.
Love in Christ, Presvytera Maria
Orthodox Family Fellowship
Happy New Year to all! We would like to thank all those who helped to make the OFF Christmas
Gathering a success. We are blessed to be a part of such a wonderful community. OFF will be taking the
month of January off, but please plan on attending in February.
We are looking for anyone that would be interested in hosting a potluck at their home. Please contact
Amy at (702) 250-5064 or abauck@cox.net if you would be interested. We hope that you all had a beautiful
Christmas and we look forward to sharing some time together in 2013.
God Bless, Jeremy and Amy Bauck, OFF Directors
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season filled with friends and family. Now it is time to have
fun in the snow: HOPE & JOY will be joining GOYA for a Snow Day on Mt. Charleston on Saturday, January
12. We will meet at 9:00 am at the Olive Garden Parking Lot, right at the Cheyenne exit on I-95, and then
carpool up to Mt. Charleston together. Please remember to bring your mittens, boots and sleds! If you have
any questions call Sharon at (702) 292-0850.
Your Sister in Christ, Sharon Katsaros, HOPE and JOY Advisor
Greek Language Class
Youth Students in St. John Church’s Greek Language Program enjoyed a Christmas
Party on December 18. They sang the Kalanda and other Christmas carols in Greek, played
games and enjoyed holiday treats provided by teachers and parents. Teachers, parents and students will enjoy
a much deserved break; the second semester will resume on Tuesday, January 8, 2013.
Dean Cero, Greek Language Administrator
The Desert Messenger
Happy New Year GOYA’ns! ‘Tis the season for snow! Let us gather our sleds, snow boots, hats and
mittens ready for our annual Snow Day on Saturday, January 12. We will meet at 9:00 am in the parking lot
of Olive Garden at 6850 W. Cheyenne Ave. We are inviting the youth of our HOPE & JOY, so the whole
Orthodox family can be together at this fun event.
Please do not forget to bring money for hot chocolate and possibly lunch on our return to town! Please
RSVP with Tammy Chomakos at (702) 338-4671 or Kouli Pouridis (702) 604-0885.
GOYA is a youth ministry for middle and high school students.
Tammy Chomakos and Kouli Pouridis, GOYA Advisors
Greek Folk Dance
We hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and we wish you and your family a Healthy and
Happy New Year!
Our Annual Christmas Caroling was amazing and we would like to thank those that welcomed us
into your homes! Your generous support of the Greek Folk Dance Ministry is greatly appreciated. “Thank
You” to Irene Tafoya for the fabulous job coordinating our caroling this year. Our last stop of caroling was at
the home of Jeremy and Amy Bauck, where they were hosting Orthodox Family Fellowship. The dancers
performed, and then we all joined in on the beautiful fellowship together. Thank you, Jeremy and Amy!
Dance practice is in full swing in preparation for competition at the Folk Dance Festival in Anaheim
next month. We urge parents to make sure your children are at every practice and are on time. Just as
important, dancers must attend Divine Liturgy and Church School regularly.
Greek Dance will be hosting a Pancake Breakfast during Fellowship on Sunday, January 20. We will
also be selling our delicious frappe’s and Greek coffee!
Save the date for our Annual Folk Dance Luncheon, scheduled for Sunday, February 10, following
Divine Liturgy. The dancers from our three dance groups will be performing the FDF competition dances for
all of you to enjoy. Along with the luncheon and dance performances, we will have a raffle with lots of great
prizes. Tickets will soon be available to purchase on Sundays after Church services. This event is sold out
each year, so we recommend you buy your tickets early.
We hope you, your family and friends will be attending the St. John Name Day Luncheon on Sunday,
January 6.
Love in Christ, Tammy Chomakos and the Greek Folk Dance Board
Christmas Pageant
Photos by Amy Bauck
The Desert Messenger
Forerunners - The Seniors of St. John the Baptist
Forerunners enjoyed their Christmas party at the Mad Greek; Jerry provided us with an amazing meal
and we enjoyed wonderful music and a great array of prizes. Thanks to Charles for organizing and to Marie
and Gary Setian for providing a beautiful Christmas atmosphere.
Now on to 2013: Our next luncheon meeting will be Monday, January 14 at 12:00 pm. We invite and
encourage seniors in our parish who have not attended to join us for January meeting; I think you will enjoy it.
Our annual Christmas Shoebox Project was successful. A big “thank you” on behalf of the homeless
kids who benefitted from your generosity. One parish family chose to have their children fill shoeboxes
instead of exchanging gifts: The extended family of Glenda and Pete Eliakis, Donna and Tim Maland and
Amalia and Eric Dominguez filled 60 shoeboxes for the Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth.
Please offer a special prayer to Dina Delalis, Rex Nikitas and Georgia Kostopoulos; we hope they will
feel better soon. Enjoy the New Year’s celebrations, keep healthy and let us renew our spiritual commitments.
Yours in Christ, Ruth Plentzas
Orthodox Connection Las Vegas
Kali Xronia from OCLV! Cassie and I were married in June, and as I write this article we just finally
finished our thank you cards and sent them out. We struggled greatly with them, trying to find the time and
the right words before mailing them. Our delay may cause people to think we were ungrateful. Although this
could not be further from the truth, our actions do not show how truly thankful we are.
How many of us treat our relationship with Christ the same way? Christ gives us blessings every day.
He enriches our lives with gifts, His Word and His Presence. We usually recognize this and we think He
knows we are grateful, but how often do we actually say it. (Continued on page 9)
The Desert Messenger
2013 Stewards and Contributors: “Chosen and Appointed by God to Go and Bear Fruit”
Adamy, Marina
Anastasiou, Andrew and Kathleen
Andrews, Catherine
Aristides, George and Diana
Asim, Demetrious
Bacon, Ken and Dianne
Balodimas, James
Bauck, Jeremy and Amy
Bieker, Adam and Cassie
Bochanis, George
Borzeka, Stephen
Bosnos, Kostas and Mary
Brown, Faye
Caredis, Jon and Marjorie
Carrico, William and Alexandra
Cero, Dean
Chanos, George
Chomakos, George and Nikki
Christopoulos, Ann
Cole, Darrick and Carla
Collins, Dean
Cominos, Ted
Constantine, Bill
Costas, Charles and Louise
Cotsilis, Jenny
Couluris, Christopher and
Delalis, Dina
Delia, Joel and Scarlet
DeMangus, Joanne
Demolas, Ilias and Jodi
Demoleas, Helen
Demoleas, Stephanie
Demopoulos, Tommy and Vasiliki
Doukakis, Panagiotis and Chrisi
Economon, Andrew and
Eliakis, Peter and Glenda
Exarhos, Nick and Sharon
Eyler, Fr. Paul and Presv. Ilean
Filios, Spiros and Eleni
Flangas, Bill and Marilyn
Fotopoulos, John and Barbara
Frangakis, Constantine
Frangakis, John
Georgiou, Byron and Therese
Georgis, John and Kaliopi
Gialketsis, Barbara
Gousdovas, Nikolaos
Hamilton, Mary
Harmon, Nicholas and Barbara
Hetzel, David
Hondros, Fr. John and Presv. Maria
Hoover, Patrick and Pauline
Howard, William and Willie
Hristopoulou, Spiridoula
Kachikis, Paul and Ernestine
Kakavulias, Christina
Kakavulias, John
Kakavulias, Maria
Kanellis, Ann
Karalias, Petros and Constance
Karas, John and Marcie
Karas, Vasiliki
Kelesis, Dina
Kelesis, Paula
Kentros, William
Koliambas, Eleni
Kotonias, George and Patricia
Koutsulis, John and Eileen
Kypreos, Peter and Geri
Kyprianou, Gilbert and Alexis
Ladies Philoptochos Society
Latelle, Penny
Lazarakis, John and Panagiota
Leventis, Nicholas and Christina
Likourinou, Angie
Likourinou, Steve and June
Luckey, Jason and Shawna
Lymberopoulos, Mary
Maddox, Thomas and Maria
Mansour, Muna
Matsis, John and Rebecca
Mavrantonis, Stacy and Kiki
Mavros, Alex and Clark, Jen
Mavros, Michael and Debbie
Mertes, Patrick and Athena
Miner, George and Loreane
Mirich, Kyle
Monoyudis, Jim and Julie
Murnane, Sharon
Murphy, Terence and Karen
Neoclous, Plato
Nikitas, Rigas and Aphrodite
Olmsted, Travis and Marilyn
Osborn, Pearl
Pacheco, Adrian and Nia
Pallis, Paul
Pandelis, Cheryl
Pantos, James
Papas, Christian and Nicole
Papas, Peter and Rita
Pappas, Constantine and Karina
Pendleton, Tricia
Plentzas, Spike and Ruth
Poulos, Christine
Raptis, Fr. Dean and Presv. Evonne
Rifakes, John and Carol
Rudolph, Brandon and
Kordogiannis, Christina
Salvarles, Thomas and Joyce
Savvas, Savva
Skandros, Georgia
Snow, Clifford and Christina
Snowden, Robert and Niki
Soper, Robert and Maria
Sorkin, Olga
Sparkuhl, Alex and Antoinette
Stefanatos, Michael and Tami
Stenos, Louis
Szukiewicz, Joseph
Szukiewicz, Joseph and Jennia
Tasios, Ramona and Pete
Thompson, Maggy
Tselikis, Nicholas and Jennifer
Tsiralidis, Kosmas and Ekaterini
Tzelalis, Steve
Walter, Vernon and Alice
Walters, Lane and Mary
Waterhouse, David
Willey, Anthony
Wilson, Steven and Cleo
Xikis, Victoria
Yurkov, Nikolina
Our Community Registry
Baptized into Christ: Na Mas Zisi!
Elena (Madilyn), daughter of Brian and Adrienne Morgan, on December 1, 2012.
Godparent: Stephanie Rosenthal.
Marriage: Na Zisete!
Joseph Rosenthal, Jr. and Stephanie Snow on December 1, 2012. Koumbara: Adrienne Morgan.
Fallen Asleep in the Lord: Eternal Memory
Sophie Ventimiglia on December 8. Funeral on December 14.
Andromahi Kanellopoulos (Mahi Kanelos) on December 14, 2012. Funeral on December 18.
OCLV (Continued from page 8)
Our “thank you card” to Christ is received by Him through our daily prayers. Like our wedding guests, Christ
receives our prayers joyfully. In the New Year, let us send our thank you cards to Christ in a timely fashion.
It is time for our Annual OCLV Holiday Party. Please join us Saturday, January 12 at 5:00 pm at
Yassou Greek Grille, located at 7871 W. Charleston, Las Vegas, NV 89117. The price of $15 includes
appetizers, dinner and Greek desserts. Please RSVP by Wednesday, January 9.
In Christ, Adam Bieker (702) 321-7611 or orthodoxconnectionlv@gmail.com
The Desert Messenger
Financial Status for Month of November 2012
Bank Accounts
General Operating
Community/Education Ctr
Construction (Loan Paymts)
Food Festival
Icon Money Market
Library Checking
Bookstore Checking
Beginning Balance
as of 10.31.12
Construction Loan
Revolving Line of Credit
Internal Bank Transfers
Transfers In
Transfers Out
Stewardship Report: “I Am the Vine ~ You are the Branches”
2012 Stewardship Status as of December 10, 2012:
Stewardship Target – 2012
Initial Pledges:
Additional Stewardship:
Increased Stewardship:
Stewardship Gifts Pledged:
Gifts Received
Stewardship Gifts Pledged:
Stewardship Gifts Rcvd:
Stewardship Unpaid Balance:
Stewards Pledged
Gifts Pledged
Gifts Received
Pledge Range
as of 11.30.12
Stewardship Target Deficit:
Stewardship Target Overage:
Percentage of Goal Pledged:
Stewardship Families Pledged:
Number of Families
$ of Gifts Pledged
*2012 Stewardship goal reached due to the generosity of those who increased their original pledge amount
**Stewardship pledges that are unfulfilled as of December 10, 2012
Adult Study with Father John:
“Getting into the Liturgy”
Please join us on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in Kokkos Hall!
12:00 pm Forerunners 4:30 pm All Youth
Luncheon in Panos
Greek Classes
7:30 pm Adult
8:45 am Orthros
10:00 am Divine Liturgy
Youth Choir Chants
Community Vasilopita
30 Three Holy
5:45 pm Adult Greek
8:00 am Orthros
9:00 am Divine Liturgy
7:00 pm Adult Study in
Kokkos Hall
4:30 pm All Youth
Greek Classes
8:45 am Orthros
7:30 pm Adult
10:00 am Divine Liturgy Basketball
5:45 pm Adult Greek
6:00 pm Adult Choir
Practice in Choir Loft
No Adult Study
4:30 pm All Youth
Greek Classes
17 St. Anthony the
5:00 pm Orthros
6:00 pm Divine Liturgy (Celebrated 1/16)
(St. Anthony)
5:45 pm Adult Greek
7:30 pm Adult Study in
Kokkos Hall
5:45 pm Adult Greek
6:00 pm Greek Folk
Dance Practice
8:45 am Orthros
7:30 pm Adult
10:00 am Divine Liturgy Basketball
8:00 am Orthros
9:00 am Divine Liturgy
Fellowship Follows
6:00 pm Philoptochos
Board in Library
7:30 pm Adult
4:30 pm All Youth
7:00 pm Fr. Chris
Greek Classes
Metropulos: OCN
6:00 pm Parish Council Presentation
in the Library
4:00 pm Stewardship/
Outreach Meeting
Church Office Closed
Our Lord/St. Basil
(Celebrated 12/31)
1 Circumcision of
7 St. John the Baptist 8
8:45 am Orthros
10:00 am Divine Liturgy
of St. Basil the Great
Great Blessing of the
Name Day Luncheon
6 Holy Theophany
9:00 am HOPE & JOY
and GOYA Snow Day at
Mt. Charleston
5:00 pm OCLV Holiday
Party at Yassou Greek
8:00 am Orthros
9:00 am Divine Liturgy of
St. John Chrysostom
Great Blessing of the Water
Parish Council Oath
Folk Dance Practice Times:
Tuesdays: Liondaria and Delfinia 6:00 pm
Vorias 7:00 pm
Sundays: Liondaria 12:45
Delfinia 1:00 pm Vorias 2:00 pm
8:00 am Orthros
9:00 am Divine Liturgy
5 Eve of Theophany
18 Ss. Athanasios & 19
The Desert Messenger
The Desert Messenger
St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church
5300 South El Camino Road
Las Vegas, Nevada 89118-1922
The Desert Messenger
The Way of the Lord
“And when Jesus was baptized,
He went up immediately from the water,
and behold, the heavens were opened
and he saw the Spirit of God
descending like a dove, and alighting on Him;
and lo, a voice from heaven, saying,
‘This is My beloved Son
with Whom I am well pleased.’”
~ Matthew 3:16-17
“Why were the heavens opened? To inform you that at your
baptism also this is done, God calling you to your country on high,
and persuading you to have nothing to do with earth.
And if you do not see it, yet never doubt it.”
~ St. John Chrysostom