Procurement Handbook


Procurement Handbook
Holy Family Auction
April 25, 2015
Procurement Handbook
Auction Chairs:
Erika Hardy
Michelle Wadlow
(425) 890-0809
(206) 551-8611
Procurement Team:
Tricia Popp
Andrea McGowan
Alissa Long
(425) 246-9271
(206) 909-8871
(360) 434-7682
New Information Inside!!
Hey Everyone…It’s time to Tee Up!
This handbook has been prepared to help you understand the purpose of the Holy Family
School Auction and the procurement process. We hope it will give you ideas, information,
guidance and the tools you will need to get started.
Why Do We Have an Annual Auction?
The auction is the school’s major fundraiser with all proceeds directly benefiting the school
children by providing necessary funds to further enhance school programs, minimize tuition
increases, improve curriculum, and help finance many programs and enhancements that
would otherwise be impossible to fund.
The first principle of a successful auction is to
We need your help!
Go the Distance: Procure Quality Items
QUALITY ITEMS MAKE THE DIFFERENCE. The success of an auction depends on the
value of and the demand for the items up for bid. Remember to procure items you would
like to purchase for yourself or your children. Some of the highest selling items are unique
experiences and activities that are not easily purchased and have a greater than retail value
to the bidder.
Be a Golf Pro…Be a Procurement Pro
Get your “Driver” Ready…Let’s Swing and Go
Think of everyone you know including friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, local business
owners and service providers. Bring them a copy of our Procurement Letter and Procurement
Form and ask for a donation.
Not completely comfortable asking someone face to face or over the phone? Mail them a
copy of our Procurement Letter and Procurement Form. Follow up with a phone call. You will
be surprised how many people and places will donate! (Don’t forget to include a return
envelope for when they say yes!).
Need more letters and forms? Stop in the office and pick some up, or go online to the HFK
Auction website and print them off. You can make as many copies as you need and send
them off to as many people as you want! Sign all your letters with a personal message of
“Thanks for your consideration, we hope to hear from you soon!” and your name.
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Procurement Contest Deadlines
Early Bird Procurement
October 23 – December 19
First Procurement Contest
January 5 – January 23
Second Procurement Contest
January 26 – February 12
Third Procurement Contest
February 18 – February 27
Early Bird Contest Prize: Packet of 6 free dress passes with a minimum donation value of
$60, raffle basket items excluded.
First, Second, and Third Contests: Students of those families who have submitted auction
items (valued at $60 or greater) during any of the three procurement contests will be called
down to the office for a small treat and will enter their name in the procurement contest. For
each contest, one student’s name will be randomly selected. That student will become the
“winner” of the procurement contest and he or she will putt for a hole in one to determine a
winning prize for their class. Contest prizes include: one extra recess period, one extra P.E.
period, 30 minutes of reading and snacks in the Library, or an ice cream snack.
Pro Tips for a Successful Round
Procurement Ends March 6, 2015
Remember, your friends and family WANT to help; you just need to ask.
Think about what YOU would buy, and then go find it!
Reach out to other school parents to combine resources (boats, vacation homes,
restaurant access, unique skills or talents) to create an awesome auction experience.
Ask for the bigger items first – don’t limit yourself by thinking small.
Take extra forms with you to places you frequent and spend money i.e. favorite
restaurants, your hair salon, your child’s gymnastic lessons, a venue you just rented
for your child’s birthday.
If you know what a company or person is willing to donate, do the “paperwork” for
the donor – don’t ask them to fill out any forms! Just have them sign the completed
form after you have filled it out.
Turn the items in as soon as you get them to eliminate the last minute “crunch.”
Remember, every item you get adds value to the event.
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On Par
“YOUR GREEN FEE”…Each Family is REQUIRED to donate, procure OR purchase items
at a minimum value of $125.00, but don’t stop there!
Remember, you can procure thousands of dollars worth of items without it costing you
a penny.
Each auction item should have a minimum value of $50. (Raffle basket items
Procured items must be turned in by an adult to the school office. Do not send items
or money donations to school with your children.
Please submit a completed procurement form with EACH item.
Items should be NEW and in original packaging.
No clothing will be accepted. Handmade items may be accepted on an individual basis.
Procure EARLY…many businesses decide on their charitable giving by the end of the
calendar year.
Clubhouse Rules…Ask a Pro
Why do I have to procure or donate items?
It is part of your tuition contract to procure or donate items to be sold to benefit the school.
What is the difference between procuring and donating?
Procuring involves asking a third party to contribute an item for the auction; donating is
contributing an item or cash for the auction from your own resources.
Why do I need to fill out a description on the procurement form when all the info
is right there on the item?
Throughout the data entry and catalog process, various carbon parts of the procurement
form will be separated from the donated item. Providing an ample and accurate description
on the procurement form will ensure a true and correct item description in the auction
catalog and proper credit to you.
What is "fair market value"?
The retail value of the item assigned to it by the donor.
But what if I don't know the value of the item?
Bing it, Google it, or try to find out the accurate fair market value (FMV), or
make your best guess. If you do not include an amount, our Procurement Chairs will contact
you to provide one.
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If I buy something at the company store, do I put my employee price as the
No. The retail value should reflect the true market value. Go to your company's website and
find out at what price they sell the item to the public.
My friends and I are putting together a party for the auction, how do we value it?
It should be valued based on an estimate of the monetary cost to put it on (including the
cost of the venue if applicable), not the price you hope it will sell for. Please be advised, Holy
Family Parish School will not make any financial contributions to or otherwise subsidize any
group events.
I am donating something absolutely fabulous; can I assume it will go in the live
We are limiting the number of live items, so our chairs cannot guarantee any items status
until we have all items in and are putting together the catalog. Our chairs will do their best to
put those items in live that will generate the most return for our children. All item placement
is at the discretion of the auction chairs.
How do I turn my items in?
Please bring your items into the school office or auction office. DO NOT send items into
school with your student. Please double check that all items are complete and accompanied
by a fully filled out procurement form.
I have a great idea for a sellable item but can’t afford to donate all of it by myself.
How can I go about coordinating a group of donors?
Before beginning, please contact the procurement chairs to discuss your idea. Your
Procurement Chairs may have advice regarding the procurement of specific items or may be
able to connect you with other resources. Don’t forget to pitch your idea to other class
parents and friends. Some of our most exciting auction items are created by groups of
school parents pooling their resources and talent. All funds collected in connection with a
large-ticket group item should be submitted to the school by each individual donor, along
with a completed procurement slip (checks made payable to HFK). The school is able to
purchase these items tax-free for the auction.
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How do I begin procuring items?
1. USE AN OFFICIAL PROCUREMENT LETTER: Most businesses like to have a request for
donations on the school’s letterhead for their records. Most require the non-profit ID
number which can be found at the bottom of our procurement letter.
form for EACH item—unless they are items grouped to be sold together.
3. FOLLOW UP: It may take more than one phone call, letter or visit to get your
4. SEND A PERSONAL THANK YOU CARD: Remember we cannot say thank you enough,
and if we hope for their support in years to come we want to let them know how
much we appreciate their contribution. The auction committee will also send a thank
you card.
How to Fill Out a Procurement Form
Don’t leave anything blank.
Item description, please do not put “see attached” but rather fill out the form
completely with a description of the item.
Procured by…that’s YOU! Whether you are the donor or you simply asked for the
donation, you procured the item and we thank you. Please include your phone
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Miniature Golf…Class Baskets
What are the Class Baskets?
As part of procurement, each classroom is assigned a themed basket for the student raffle.
Raffle tickets will be sold in the spring time and the students can place their tickets in the
baskets they hope to win. The drawing will take place during a school assembly on Friday,
April 24, 2015. More information will come from your class auction representative.
The 2015 Auction Basket Themes are:
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Arts and Crafts
Frozen Yogurt
Gift Cards
In golf as in life it is the follow through that makes the difference. –
Dr. Seuss
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