Newsletter 7 â 5th May - Hillarys Primary School
Newsletter 7 â 5th May - Hillarys Primary School
Hillarys Primary School NEWSLETTER NO: 7 th 5 May 2015 75 Lymburner Drive | Hillarys | 6025 | Ph: 9307 6365 | Fax: 9307 8511 | Canteen: 9307 8466 | email: Unfortunately we had a break in over the weekend. Thankfully it did not include any classrooms and it was business as usual today for the children. The admin area and staff rooms were targeted with the senseless damage limited to the admin area. More of an inconvenience than anything else and interestingly, nothing of worth was taken! Left behind by the bright buttons included plenty of fingerprints and DNA thanks to some painful cuts!! The Fathering Project Calling all Dads!! The inaugural meeting of the Dads of Hillarys (The DoH’s….or a better name to be decided if you will) will be held on Wednesday 27th May. (Suitable refreshments will be available). This is a very informal meeting and you will not be lectured at or to. Being part of this group will have positive flow on effects to YOU, your CHILDREN, your WIFE/PARTNER and the school. To be part of this group there will be a one-off cost of $10 (payable on the night) which will cover some information from the Fathering Project Team from UWA. Depending on numbers, the venue will be the school library with a 7:00pm start and is expected to finish around 8:30pm. Apparently you all have a leave pass for this evening! To assist in planning on the night could you please respond with a simple “Yes” to the following email address – And…..the first Father/Child event has been organised! Be at this meeting to find out more. For more detailed information please visit NAPLAN A reminder to all that this testing is set for next week for children in Years 3 and 5. Testing occurs over 3 days (Tuesday to Thursday) with potential for catch up testing on the Friday should anyone be absent over this period. I’m sure the children will do very well. Duncraig Senior High Tours Please note that we have been advised that the previously published times for the tours has changed. Tours now commence at 9:30am and conclude at 10:30am on Tuesday 19th May, 18th August and 3rd November. It Caught My Eye! I came across an article that was published late last year. Interesting! Thankfully we have terrific parents and children and very rich pastoral care initiatives!! Ron Chesny, Principal Do you love the sound of bagpipes and drums! Then don’t miss a visit to Hillarys Primary School by the Western Australian Police Pipe Band. When: 9.50 – 10.30 on Friday 8th May Where: Undercover area Who: All members of the Hillarys PS community are welcome Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) – a snapshot of children in our community A nation-wide program called the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) will take place again in May, June and July 2015. The AEDC looks at how young children are developing in the years before they begin school. In 2009 and 2012, the AEDC was completed nationally collecting information on over 500,000 children in their first year of full-time school. The AEDC takes place every three years. In Western Australia information will be collected on pre-primary children. Pre-primary teachers will complete the AEDC Instrument (like a questionnaire) for each child in their class and enter information into a secure web-based data entry system that protects the privacy of all children. Information entered is based on the teacher’s knowledge and observations of their students and children are not required to be present while data is entered. The AEDC results are reported back to the community based on the suburb or locality where children live, so individual children cannot be identified. The results help communities understand how their children are developing and where improvements can be made to give children the best start in life. Parents of pre-primary students at Hillarys PS have received a more detailed letter about our schools involvement. You can find out more at P.E. News Gymnastics- PP-Year 2 The School Gymnastics program has begun for this year and it’s great to see that many of the skills that the students learned last year have been retained. It is clear that those students who were involved last year have started the sessions with much more confidence and better skills compared with the same time last year. We ask that parents help their children (particularly the girls) to make sensible choices about their clothing and footwear on their gymnastics day. Shorts and leggings are preferable to dresses and skirts as they allow better and safer movement both on the mat and equipment. Also short socks and Velcro runners (if your children already have a pair) are easier for the younger students to put on themselves, allowing them to be independent which in turn assists Mrs Armstrong at the end of each session: fewer shoelaces to tie! This is also a great time for parents to be helping their children (particularly in year 2) to learn how to tie their own shoes if they do not already know how to do so. Lightning Carnival – Year 5-6 This term sees students from year 5 & 6 preparing for the Lightning Carnival to be held on Friday 26th June (week 10) at Kingsway Reserve. Over the next month or so students will be trying out for the various teams during Sport time on Friday afternoons. If you know that your child will be away that day due to a family holiday or some other event, could you please put that in a short note or email and send that through to Mrs Armstrong. This will greatly assist the teachers in their preparations and team selections. Cross Country All classes have begun training during PE lessons (and class fitness times) for the cross country later this term. This is quite a rigorous time in the program and some students who are not as active outside school may find these sessions a little taxing. Please be reassured that the students are encouraged to work to their own limits and that everyone is working on improving their own personal fitness from whatever point they are at now. A little muscle soreness is to be expected, especially in the more sedentary students, however if your child is experiencing ongoing soreness in a particular area (for example knees, ankles, feet) it may be indicative of a physical issue that needs to be checked by a professional. Please keep Mrs Armstrong posted with a letter if there is anything that may affect your child’s participation. Please support your children to participate to the best of their ability and encourage them to be actively involved in sessions even if they do find it to be hard work. Remember a pair of well-fitting runners is also helpful and important when children are running distances. Children love to share their triumphs so I encourage you to take an interest in your child’s progress and ask them how their personal fitness is improving. This includes things such as running a little further this week than last before they need to walk, being able to pace themselves better over the distance and maintaining a consistent, comfortable breathing pattern, walking less each time they complete the distance, decreasing the time to complete the distance etc. Mrs Armstrong P.E. Teacher Parent Representatives Classroom Parent Representatives are valued members of our school community and their role strongly supports Component 1 of Kids Matter, ‘A Positive School Community’. Our Parent Representatives help connect parents to the school, providing support if and when it is needed. They share relevant information, welcome new families and liaise between the parents and teachers to ensure the smooth running of classroom activities when needed. Our current Parent Representatives have prepared email lists to enable efficient contact with parents in their class. If you would like your details included on your child’s class contact list and haven’t yet done so, please send your email details to your child’s teacher. NEW ISSUE OF BOOK CLUB Issue (3) of the Scholastic Book Club is closing. A REMINDER that we are using a NEW ordering system. All orders are now placed online at You will find a quick ‘how-to-order’ video on this website. Don’t send any order forms or money to the school – everything is done on line. Contact our Book Club organiser Renae (0409 377 985) if you need more information. This order is due by 6th May. NEW Android App! The LOOP app for Android will be available at the start of Issue 3. Android users will have access to the fantastic LOOP app that has been a huge hit with iPhone and iPad users. It's easy! Duncraig High School Academic Extension testing change Parents of students in Year 6 please note: The date has changed for the SBAE (School Based Academic Extension) Testing for Year 7 2016. It will now be held on Friday May 22 2015. Contact Duncraig SHS (6241 5000) for further details. HI LLA RYS CO M M UN I TY KI N DERGARTEN – O PEN DA Y. WHEN : SA TURDAY 1 6 TH M A Y 1 .0 0 -3 .0 0 PM . We are a Government 4 year old Kindergarten providing a quality, play based education. Come and see what all the fuss is about and what we can offer your child as they begin their educational journey. OPEN DAY ACTIVITIES INCLUDE – * Face painting *Sausage Sizzle *Bouncy Castle * Coffee Van *Crown Decorating * Drinks *Playdough ….. and much more! WHERE : FLINDERS COMMUNITY HALL 137 BROADBEACH BLVD, HILLARYS. ENQUIRIES – 9401 3296 EMAIL – Japanese at Hillarys – Sensei’s News This month we celebrate Kodomo no Hi, originally a festival for boys but nowadays it is called Children’s Day and it is a public holiday on the 5th May. Check out the koinobori, koi carp kites, we have flying on the flagpole and the ones the children have made we have decorating the library. During May many classes will be preparing and presenting a short self – introduction which will form part of their semester’s assessment. I encourage regular practice to develop mastery, confidence and fluency in their presentations. Kennedy Sensei Host a Japanese Student in October Thanks to the support of the families in our school community we ran a very successful cultural exchange program at Hillary’s Primary last October (and as we have over many years) in conjunction with Gold Intercultural Learning. As those families who hosted have already discovered, hosting an international student offers many unique opportunities, including the chance to learn about another culture and build life-long friendships. We have another group of Japanese students visiting Hillary’s Primary in August and we are inviting families to host a student. All students in Year Five and Six may apply and will be matched according to gender, and where possible, by age and interests. Our visitors will accompany host students to their regular classes and interact with them and their friends at recess and lunch. The family’s responsibilities are to involve the student into their routine, including getting them to and from school and to provide breakfast, lunch and dinner. Host families will receive a hosting payment to cover expenses. A letter inviting your participation will come home soon. Any queries can be directed to For Jason Hutchinson, the Program Manager of Gold Intercultural Learning (GIL) on 9481 1694 or 0417 773 846 or email at or Mrs Kennedy. P&C Fundraising News: 2015 Family Movie Night - $12 per ticket Saturday 4 July 2015 at 3.45pm screening at 4.15pm Grand Cinemas Whitford City Shopping Centre Purchase through Simply Login to your account or select Register Now to create account. Click on Order Movie Ticket then add Qty KIDS MATTER - Everyone experiences fear It is one of the most basic human emotions, helping to keep us safe by alerting us to danger. Parents and carers and school staff can play a critical role in helping children develop skills for managing feelings and coping with fear. Children need to learn to recognise and manage physical symptoms, anxious thinking and fearful behaviours. Physical symptoms Relaxation skills Butterflies in stomach Notice physical symptoms and recognise Shortness of breath they are signs of nervousness Feeling sick Deep breathing techniques for calming Heart racing nervousness Relaxation techniques Fearful thinking Helpful thinking Something bad is going to happen; I can’t do I can manage this; I can be brave; It doesn’t this; I’m going to get hurt; People will laugh at have to be perfect; I’ve got through this sort me; This is too much for me to handle of thing before, so I can do it again. Pessimistic thinking, such as expecting the Optimistic thinking, such as: Things will work worst. out okay – they usually do. Fearful behaviours Coping behaviours Seeks reassurance Plan and rehearse how child will handle the Cries scary situation (eg establish a bedtime ritual, Tries to avoid scary situations keep a torch by the bed) Acts shy Build confidence for social situations by Gets agitated learning and practising assertive behaviours Willetton Senior High School A Leading School Celebrating Achievement Specialist Basketball Program 2016 Willetton SHS is offering current Year 6 to Year 11 students with proven basketball talent the opportunity to develop their potential through expert coaching and intensive tuition. Selection will be based on students having academic record, good personal character references, athletic talent and a commitment to basketball. The Prospectus and application forms can be found on our website: The closing date for application is Wednesday, 24 June 2015. The program is available to any eligible student throughout Western Australia. .Willetton Senior High School Fax: 9333 4907 Pinetree Gully Road, Willetton WA 6155 Ph: 9334 7200 Email : HPS P&C - FUNDRAISING NEWS: Order your copy of the 2015/16 Entertainment Book through the P&C this year to support our fundraising initiatives at the school. For every book sold we receive a $13 commission. Books available from 11 May. Just click on the link below to purchase online. PADBURY DENTAL THERAPY CENTRE INFORMATION Current Health Department policy changes require all dental appointments to be posted home and we are experiencing quite a few missed appointments and letters coming back to us with incorrect addresses. If you have changed address please let us know. If the date you have been given is inconvenient please phone us to make a more suitable time. Appointments are precious, please don’t miss them as someone else could have had that time. If your child is attending your own dentist and you do not wish to stay enrolled with us please let us know to avoid unwanted and missed appointments. We are open Monday – Friday from 8.00am to 4.00pm. Phone: 9401 7285. Your cooperation with this is much appreciated and we look forward to seeing you and your child at the dental clinic. Thank you , Dental staff CANTEEN ROSTER TERM Term 2 PHONE NUMBER 9307 8466 Monday 4 May Rebecca McClean Tuesday 5 May Kimberly Bliss Wednesday 6 May Marnie Leon Thursday 7 May Tracey Carter Friday 8 May Lisa Brown Monday 11 May Amanda Dwyer & Deb Schroeder Tuesday 12 May Kimberly Bliss Wednesday 13 May HELP NEEDED Thursday 14 May Tracey Carter Friday 15 May Elise Morris Monday 18 May Rebecca McClean Tuesday 19 May Natalie Wilson Wednesday 20 May Maryanne Wakefield Thursday 21 May Tracey Carter Friday 22 May Tina Robinson *** Help is desperately needed throughout the term. Please volunteer if you can. Thanks. Guided Tours of Duncraig Senior High School An Independent Public School See your local high school in operation during the school day. Prospective parents and students are invited to participate in guided tours of the working school throughout 2015. Enjoy a brief discussion with the Principal and Associate Principals in the Administration and then see the school in action as you are taken on a guided tour of the school. Parents of children in Primary School have found these tours very beneficial in previous years. Year 6 students attend the school in December for an Orientation Day. Tours will be commence at 9.30am and conclude at 10.30am on the following days: TERM 2: Tuesday 19th May TERM 3: Tuesday 18th August TERM 4: Tuesday 3rd November Parents should meet at The Administration Office via the Sullivan Road entrance to the school. Please contact Wendy Hartmann, School Liaison Officer on 6241 5016 or for further information. Behaviour Tonics are running the following courses at their rooms in Wembley. 1-2-3 Magic and Emotion Coaching Parent Course. All 7 to 9.30pm. Mon 4th, 11th & 18th May (2 to 5yrs) Tue 12th, Thur 14th & Thurs 21st May (2 to 12yrs) Mon 25th, Wed 27th May & Wed 3rd June (2 to 5yrs) Engaging Adolescents (11 to 16yo) Wed 4th & 11th March, 6.45 to 9.30pm The following are available as ‘In House’ courses. Parenting Information Session (Including 10 take home tips) This 2 hr. seminar is designed to improve your knowledge and confidence as a parent. Bullying – Don’t Just Stand There Protective Behaviours. Private Consultations Available. To enquire/register call 9382 1182 or go to email TERM PLANNER – TERM 2 2015 Week Eleven Week Ten Week Nine Week Eight Week Seven Week Six Week Five Week Four Week Three MONDAY 4 May Triple P AEDC starts (PP) 11 May Triple P 18 May Triple P TUESDAY 5 May School Gym PP – 2 Newsletter Mothers’ Day Stall 12 May NAPLAN Lang Conventions Writing School Gym PP - 2 19 May WEDNESDAY FRIDAY 6 May 7 May 8 May Edu Dance Yrs 3 – 6 Yr. 2 excursion B1 (am) B2 (pm) WAPPB Incursion and classroom visits Yr. 2 excursion B3/A6 Gym PP – 2 13 May NAPLAN Mothers’ Day Stall 14 May NAPLAN Reading Numeracy Edu Dance Yrs 3 - 6 Gym PP - 2 Catch-up Constable Care Incursion 20 May 21 May Gym PP - 2 22 May ASSEMBLY A6 Duncraig SHS guided tour School Gym PP – 2 THURSDAY 15 May NAPLAN Duncraig SBAE testing Yr 6 Edu Dance Yrs 3 – 6 Newsletter 25 May Triple P 1 June WA Day HOLIDAY 26 May 27 May 28 May School Gym PP - 2 Edu Dance Yrs 3 - 6 Gym PP - 2 2 June 3 June 4 June School Gym PP - 2 School Gym PP – 2 29 May PD DAY 5 June ASSEMBLY B4 Edu Dance Yrs 3 - 6 LAP-A-THON 1.30 Newsletter 8 June Triple P 9 June 10 June 11 June School Gym PP - 2 Edu Dance Yrs 3 – 6 School Gym PP - 2 12 June 15 June Triple P 16 June 17 June HPS Cross Country 18 June School Gym PP - 2 19 June ASSEMBLY B6 24 June 25 June 26 June School Gym PP – 2 Newsletter 22 June Triple P 23 June 29 June Triple P 30 June Reports collected Interschool Carnival (Kingsway) 1 July Reports sent home 2 July 3 July ASSEMBLYB2 AEDC finishes (PP) Newsletter Community News: Duncraig Playgroup Playgroup and Playfun 3’s Programmes at Duncraig Community Centre. Tel: 9246 2775 Poynter Farmers’ Market Fortnightly Saturdays 9am – 12 noon Lightning Early Years PreSchool for 3 to 4 yr olds Now open at Sorrento Community Hall Tel: Jodie 0407 088 29 Get Active Sports – Aussie Rules for Juniors At Padbury Primary School Hall, starts 3 May Tel: 1300 772 106
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