Newsletter 8 â 19th May
Newsletter 8 â 19th May
Hillarys Primary School NEWSLETTER NO: 8 th 19 May 2015 75 Lymburner Drive | Hillarys | 6025 | Ph: 9307 6365 | Fax: 9307 8511 | Canteen: 9307 8466 | email: Mother’s Day I know it was a while back but it was great to see so many mums at school in the lead up to Mother’s Day and I do hope that the day itself was sensational. Different classes and Year levels had different activities and it was wonderful to see the engaged children and mums being pampered in the pre-primary. Apparently the hand massages were a treat! The Fathering Project COULD THE MUMS PLEASE PASS THIS MESSAGE ON? Calling all Dads!! The inaugural meeting of the Dads of Hillarys (The DoH’s….or a better name to be decided if you will) will be held on Wednesday 27th May. (Suitable refreshments will be available). This is a very informal meeting and you will not be lectured at or to. Being part of this group will have positive flow on effects to YOU, your CHILDREN, your WIFE/PARTNER and the school. To be part of this group there will be a one-off cost of $10 (payable on the night) which will cover some information from the Fathering Project Team from UWA. Depending on numbers, the venue will be the school library with a 7:00pm start and is expected to finish around 8:30pm. To assist in planning on the night could you please respond with a simple “Yes” to the following email address by Thursday 21st May? – And…..the first Father/Child event has been organised! Be at this meeting to find out more. For more detailed information please visit KidsMatter As you would be aware, we are very heavily involved in KidsMatter (Pastoral Care) within our school. Leading this initiative has been Mrs Fran Fallows. Mrs Fallows was recently nominated for her efforts in this field and from more than 750 nominations Australia wide Mrs Fallows came in second. Simply magnificent. This is a credit to her and the work she undertakes for the school. Congratulations Mrs Fallows! We’re all very proud of you. Write 4 Fun Earlier this year we had 10 children compete in this writing competition. We recently received a Certificate of Excellence indicating that we were in the top 10% of schools in Australia. With over 12,400 entries received this is indeed an achievement! The overall winner will be announced midway through next week. Well done to those that entered! Kindergarten 2016 We are now inviting enrolments into Kindergarten and Preprimary for 2016. Applications for Kindergarten children having a closing date of Friday 24th July. Application forms are available from the front office or on the school’s website Board Meeting A reminder that our next Board meeting is scheduled for tomorrow night commencing at 7:00pm. Cybersafety Just a reminder to parents that all need to be vigilant when it comes to children accessing information on the net. It has come to my attention that there may be children encouraging their peers to view or write inappropriate material whilst on home computers. Please see the note on “Being Safe While On-Line” further into this Newsletter. It Caught My Eye! The importance of attendance at school, including those children at high school. Ron Chesny, Principal School Dentist The dentist will be screening Pre Primary students who have returned the dental form on Friday 12th June at approx. 9.15am. Chicken Pox For your information, we have had two confirmed cases of chicken pox in the senior years. Please be mindful when you are assessing your child’s health. EDU – DANCE PERFORMANCE Wednesday 10th June 2.00pm – 2.55pm Years 3 – 6 have been enthusiastically participating in the Edu – Dance program this term. To conclude the lessons there will be a performance by all participating classes in the Undercover area commencing at 2.00pm. All parents are invited to join us in this celebration of the achievements of our talented students. P.E. News Fitness Club reminder Students attending any of the Fitness Club sessions are asked to remember to wear a sunhat suitable for running in (eg a baseball cap) and a water bottle. Help required We have a number of netball bibs that are looking a little worse for many years of wearing. They are still usable however the Velcro/ side tabs are in need of some “fixing”. If you are able to do some simple sewing and could help, please let Mrs Armstrong know. Faction Cross Country for your calendar Wednesday 17th June is the scheduled date for our Faction Cross Country event for all year levels from year1-6, weather permitting. Further details including approximate timing will be provided closer to the date. Unfortunately we will not be able to give any definite times as this will be directly dependent on the weather we are dealt on the day. All going well we should be finished by lunchtime. Perth Kids Marathon With our Cross Country competition this term we are very busy building our fitness in PE lessons, class fitness times and at Fitness Club sessions. Another event that may provide an added incentive is the Perth Kids Marathon – Sunday June 14. This is a wonderful and affordable community event for those children who enjoy running or would like a tangible goal to aim for. It involves recording 40km of running over the next few weeks and then running the last 2km of their marathon on the event date - Sunday June 14. All registered children will receive a finishers' medal, an event t-shirt and breakfast on the day. Registration is $10 and you can register online National Walk Safely to School Day- Friday 22 May Walk Safely to School Day is an annual event which asks that we all consider our transport habits and try to incorporate more walking as part of a healthy, active way to get around. Although walking all the way to school isn’t realistic for many of us, with a little effort you may be able to figure out how you can build a walk into your family’s daily routine. Regular exercise like walking with your child not only helps them (and you!) beat chronic problems like obesity, heart disease, behavioural and mental health issues and diabetes. It also gives you a great opportunity to teach your child safe ways to behave around roads and traffic. The organisation for this year’s event will be as follows: Any student who walks or rides to school will be given a sticker in their classroom when they arrive. They will also be asked to write their name on a raffle ticket which will go into the draw for some small prizes on the day. If you, or someone you know, owns a business that would be willing to donate some appropriate prizes (eg water bottles, baseball caps, sporting equipment etc ) that would also be very much appreciated. Please see Mrs Armstrong if you have any questions or offers. Remember, Active Kids are Healthy Kids so get planning your own Walk Safely to School Day journey for Friday 22 May 2015! Mrs Armstrong P.E. Teacher LAPATHON COMING SOON Friday 5th June 2015 This year’s Lapathon is being held at school, on the afternoon of 5th June, and will involve all students from Pre-Primary to Year 6. As one of the P&C’s major Fundraisers for the year, we sincerely hope that you can support us by collecting sponsorship from family, friends and parents colleagues. There’s 1x$200, 1x$100, 1x$50 & 10x$25 Westfield Gift Vouchers for participating students to win, courtesy of REALMARK-WHITFORDS & P&C Association. Being Safe while On-line With the growth in mobile computers (iPads, tablets, laptops) parents can sometimes be unaware of what their children are looking at online. (See ‘secure your mobile devices’). Children can be particularly vulnerable online. They may be exposed to inappropriate online content which involves concepts they are not developmentally ready to manage, become victims of cyber-bullying or targets of online grooming. Children often do not tell their parents about online incidents, in fear that it will make the situation worse. This may be damaging to a young person’s health and wellbeing, particularly if they have already experienced mental illness or trauma. If you know or suspect that your child has been a victim of cyber-bullying or any other type of cybercrime, it is important that he or she feels comfortable to speak about the incident with you, a teacher or another trusted adult. Your child may also benefit from contacting Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800. Kids Helpline is a free, private and confidential, telephone and online counselling service specifically for young people aged between 5 and 25. It is available 24 hours a day to help with all sorts of problems, big and small. You and your child may also find it useful to access the Cybersmart Online Helpline Service or consider the following resources: • Online safety advice for kids and teens • Socialising online • Dealing with cyber-bullying • Cybersafety help – Information and Cybersafety help button. • Secure your mobile devices Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) – a snapshot of children in our community A nation-wide program called the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) will take place again in May, June and July 2015. The AEDC looks at how young children are developing in the years before they begin school. In 2009 and 2012, the AEDC was completed nationally collecting information on over 500,000 children in their first year of full-time school. The AEDC takes place every three years. In Western Australia information will be collected on pre-primary children. Pre-primary teachers will complete the AEDC Instrument (like a questionnaire) for each child in their class and enter information into a secure web-based data entry system that protects the privacy of all children. Information entered is based on the teacher’s knowledge and observations of their students and children are not required to be present while data is entered. The AEDC results are reported back to the community based on the suburb or locality where children live, so individual children cannot be identified. The results help communities understand how their children are developing and where improvements can be made to give children the best start in life. Parents of pre-primary students at Hillarys PS have received a more detailed letter about our schools involvement. You can find out more at KIDS MATTER SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL LEARNING AT HOME: • Listen with empathy so children feel understood • Help children see feelings are normal and talking about feelings helps you understand and manage your feelings. • Help children identify and develop their strengths by encouraging them to have a go at things. • Provide opportunities to play with other children. • Lead by example, modelling positive ways of coping with strong feelings like anger. Children learn by imitating the behaviour of those around them. • Give children choices, encouraging them to develop responsibility. Involve children in family decision making. • Encourage creative problem solving by asking questions that help children think of alternative solutions. • Teach children to use assertive communication by showing them how to confidently and respectfully communicate their thoughts, feelings and needs to others. The One Hundredth Centenary of ANZAC Day. by Hamish and Kayla On Friday, the 24th April, the one hundredth year centenary of the ANZAC landing at Gallipoli was commemorated at Hillarys Primary. Because of this special occasion, it was decided to make this service one that would not be forgotten. The Year Six students with their teachers worked together for many weeks to ensure this was a special event. Some of the Year Six students arrived early to help set up for the ceremony. Others helped with the pinup boards which had some thoughts relating to the sacrifice made by the ANZACS. Soon people started arriving including our special guests, Mr Chesny, Principal, Mr Rob Johnson MLA, Mr Benporath, a returned serviceman, Mrs Hannent, chair of the Hillarys School board, and Ms Abbott, P&C President. As well, all the children of Hillarys Primary and many parents arrived ready for the ceremony to start. Each person was wearing a red poppy made by the students. Starting the ceremony off was Head Girl, Kayla, who welcomed everyone to the event. The Australian flag was then raised to half-mast as a sign of respect to all those who were lost at war. Some year six students spoke of the reason we were commemorating ANZAC Day and after this Mr Benporath gave a very moving address to the audience. Some students explained to the audience the significance of Flander’s Fields before all the Year Sixes recited the poem, ‘In Flanders Fields.’ The senior choir performed the song, ‘We will remember them’ bringing many a tear to the audience. This was followed by the Last Post beautifully played by Mrs Natasha Couzens and one minute’s silence which was broken by Reveille. After that, wreaths were laid by Mr Johnson MLA, Mr Benporath, Mrs Hannent, Ms Abbott and the school captains, Hamish and Kayla, in remembrance of those who died. Then the ode was recited by Poppy. The Year Six students knew there was to be a special surprise which was the release of doves. Kirsten, winner of the Program Competition and Hamish, Head Boy, were the lucky students chosen to do this special task. While the doves were circling, a group of talented singers sang ‘What a Wonderful World’ followed by the whole school singing ‘Imagine.’ Everyone then stood and recited the National Anthem, Advance Australia Fair. Dylan concluded the ceremony with an invite to guests and parents to share a cuppa and an Anzac made by the Year Six students. P&C Fundraising News: 2015 Family Movie Night - $12 per ticket Saturday 4 July 2015 at 3.45pm screening at 4.15pm Grand Cinemas Whitford City Shopping Centre Purchase through Simply Login to your account or select Register Now to create account. Click on Order Movie Ticket then add Qty Mother’s Day in Kindy Children from both groups at Kindy performed a concert for their mums and presented them with hand made gifts. The mums then enjoyed some fresh scones made by the children. WE’VE MOVED LOCATION..... SCHOOL BANKING IS NOW IN THE ART ROOM OPPOSITE THE LIBRARY COME AND SEE US BETWEEM 8:15AM— 8:45 AM EVERY FRIDAY MORNING LOOK FOR PAT THE DOG - HE WILL BE WAITING OUTSIDE FOR YOU!! FROM YOUR SCHOOL BANKING TEAM Willetton Senior High School A Leading School Celebrating Achievement Specialist Basketball Program 2016 Willetton SHS is offering current Year 6 to Year 11 students with proven basketball talent the opportunity to develop their potential through expert coaching and intensive tuition. Selection will be based on students having academic record, good personal character references, athletic talent and a commitment to basketball. The Prospectus and application forms can be found on our website: The closing date for application is Wednesday, 24 June 2015. The program is available to any eligible student throughout Western Australia. .Willetton Senior High School Fax: 9333 4907 Pinetree Gully Road, Willetton WA 6155 Ph: 9334 7200 Email : Research Study – Kate Derry My name is Kate and I am a PhD student at the University of Western Australia. I am currently in the process of completing a research study on the development of the personality trait, narcissism, in children, and the influence of parenting on child narcissism. I would like to invite your school to participate in this research. To participate, parents can access the online survey if they are interested. Parents and children complete the survey from home, over the internet. HPS P&C - FUNDRAISING NEWS: Order your copy of the 2015/16 Entertainment Book through the P&C this year to support our fundraising initiatives at the school. For every book sold we receive a $13 commission. Books available from 11 May. Just click on the link below to purchase online. Duncraig SHS Triathlon Duncraig SHS Triathlon Trials for Year 7 2016 will be held Friday June 5 at 8am at The Craigie Leisure Centre. Applicants can download an application form from our website . Details regarding times required are listed on the website. CANTEEN ROSTER TERM Term 2 PHONE NUMBER 9307 8466 Monday 18 May Rebecca McClean Tuesday 19 May Natalie Wilson Wednesday 20 May Maryanne Wakefield Thursday 21 May Tracey Carter Friday 22 May Tina Robinson Monday 25 May Jill Jones Tuesday 26 May Elise Morris Wednesday 27 May Amanda Dwyer Thursday 28 May Tracey Carter Friday 29 May NO SCHOOL PD DAY Monday 1 June PUBLIC HOLDIAY Tuesday 2 June Kimberly Bliss Wednesday 3 June Marnie Leon Thursday 4 June Tracey Carter Friday 5 June Lisa Brown *** Help is desperately needed throughout the term. Please volunteer if you can. Thanks. Lunchtime paddle pops, vanilla buckets and slushies are now $2.00. We have a new ice cream “Olaf” which is $2.50. Guided Tours of Duncraig Senior High School An Independent Public School See your local high school in operation during the school day. Prospective parents and students are invited to participate in guided tours of the working school throughout 2015. Enjoy a brief discussion with the Principal and Associate Principals in the Administration and then see the school in action as you are taken on a guided tour of the school. Parents of children in Primary School have found these tours very beneficial in previous years. Year 6 students attend the school in December for an Orientation Day. Tours will be commence at 9.30am and conclude at 10.30am on the following days: TERM 3: Tuesday 18th August TERM 4: Tuesday 3rd November Parents should meet at The Administration Office via the Sullivan Road entrance to the school. Please contact Wendy Hartmann, School Liaison Officer on 6241 5016 or for further information. email Behaviour Tonics are running the following courses at their rooms in Wembley. 1-2-3 Magic and Emotion Coaching Parent Course. All 7 to 9.30pm. Thurs 21st May (2 to 12yrs) Mon 25th, Wed 27th May & Wed 3rd June (2 to 5yrs) The following are available as ‘In House’ courses. Parenting Information Session (Including 10 take home tips) This 2 hr. seminar is designed to improve your knowledge and confidence as a parent. Bullying – Don’t Just Stand There Protective Behaviours. Private Consultations Available. To enquire/register call 9382 1182 or go to Week Eleven Week Ten Week Nine Week Eight Week Seven Week Six Week Five TERM PLANNER – TERM 2 2015 18 May Triple P 19 May 20 May 21 May Gym PP - 2 Duncraig SHS guided tour School Gym PP – 2 22 May ASSEMBLY A6 Duncraig SBAE testing Yr 6 Walk to School Day Edu Dance Yrs 3 – 6 HPS Board meeting 7pm 25 May Triple P 26 May 27 May 28 May School Gym PP – 2 Edu Dance Yrs 3 - 6 Gym PP - 2 Moderation 2 (1-3pm) Yr 4 PEAC testing 1 June WA Day HOLIDAY 2 June 3 June 4 June School Gym PP - 2 School Gym PP - 2 29 May PD DAY (No students) 5 June ASSEMBLY B4 Edu Dance Yrs 3 - 6 LAP-A-THON 1.30 8 June Triple P 9 June 10 June 11 June School Gym PP - 2 Edu Dance Yrs 3 – 6 School Gym PP – 2 15 June Triple P 16 June 17 June HPS Cross Country 18 June School Gym PP - 2 ASSEMBLY B6 School Gym PP - 2 12 June 19 June Minister Visit – 9am K -3 Incursion “Diggin History” 22 June Triple P 23 June 29 June Triple P 30 June Reports collected 24 June 25 June 26 June Interschool Carnival (Kingsway) 1 July Reports sent home 2 July Lightning 3 July ASSEMBLYB2 AEDC finishes (PP) Community News: Duncraig Playgroup Playgroup and Playfun 3’s Programmes at Duncraig Community Centre. Tel: 9246 2775 Early Years PreSchool for 3 to 4 yr olds Now open at Sorrento Community Hall Tel: Jodie 0407 088 29 Poynter Farmers’ Market Fortnightly Saturdays 9am – 12 noon Get Active Sports – Aussie Rules for Juniors At Padbury Primary School Hall, starts 3 May Tel: 1300 772 106
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