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M A NUA L H A NDL ING F DF OP10 0 3A C A RR Y OU T M A N UA L H A NDL ING TA SK S C OURSE C ON T E N T This manual handling course is designed to give students the skills to safely undertake manual handling tasks and reduce the risk of injury. This program includes theoretical and practical components so that participants gain a full understanding of the subject matter and are able to apply what they have learned in the workplace T OPIC S INCL UDE D IN T HE IN T E NSI V E T R A INING C OURSE Workplace Health and Safety Legislation Manual Handling Hazards Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) Characteristics of Manual Handling Tasks Safe Handling Techniques Risk Management and Control BE NE F I T S OF T R A INING Make yourself aware of OHS/WHS standards Reduce the chance of work-related injuries and workers compensation claims Better understand your duty of care to maintain a safe workplace Be less fatigued at work PRE REQUISI T E S There are no pre-requisites or entry for this program. The target audience for this training is anyone whose job role involves lifting and/or manual handling tasks Entry does require basic language, literacy and numeracy competence E X PIR Y DAT E S Although there is no legislative requirement to update your manual handling training on a regular basis, it is important to understand that best practice and the legislation changes over time. If you completed your training over five years ago, it is advised you update your training A DDI T ION A L INS T RUC T IONS There are currently no further instructions to be undertaken after completion of this course. In accordance with current course guidelines, students that successfully complete this training course will have completed the requirement necessary to be issued with a statement of completion 1|1- 3 W E S T P O O L D R I V E H A L L A M V I C 30 8 3 P H : 0 3 8795 796 4 E : I N F O @ H I V I Z E D.C O M . AU COMPLETE IT R T O I D 4 079 3 INDUSTRY TRAINING R E F : T L I 2 01 31 8
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