

© Erin Kathryn 2015
Name: ______________________________________________________ Date: ____________________
Trail of Tears Internet Scavenger
Hunt Activity WebQuest
Directions: Click on the following link to answer the questions!
Andrew Jackson and the Trail of Tears
1. Andrew Jackson signed the _________________________________
Act into law in 1830, which authorized the President to
negotiate treaties to buy tribal lands in the east in exchange for
lands further west.
Trail of Tears – The 1830 Indian Removal Act
2. The Indian Removal Act of 1830, signed by Andrew Jackson,
started the removal of the Five Civilized Tribes. Name three of
the five tribes.
 ________________________________________
 ________________________________________
 ________________________________________
Trail of Tears – The Treaty of New Echota
3. The Treaty of New Echota surrendered all Cherokee land to the
United States for how much money?
4. The Cherokee nation was expected to move west to an
____________________________________. The journey would be
known as the Trail of Tears.
Trail of Tears – The Removal of the Cherokee
5. How many troops of General Scott Winfield moved into
Cherokee country in May 1838?
© Erin Kathryn 2015
6. Farms that had belonged to the Cherokees for generations
were won by ___________________________ in a lottery.
Trail of Tears – Preparation for the Journey
7. The help that the Cherokee people had on the journey
covering the ___________________ miles of the Trail of Tears
consisted of ____________ wagons and carts,
____________________ horses and just over ______________ oxen.
8. When did the removal of the Cherokee begin?
The Story of the Trail of Tears – Disease and Infection
9. The Cherokee were ill prepared for the march of the Trail of
Tears. No provisions were made for either shelter or sanitation.
List 3 different diseases that the Cherokee were subject to on
the Trail of Tears.
 ________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________________
Who were among the first people to die along the Trail of
The Story of the Trail of Tears – The Cherokee Death Toll
Nearly how many Cherokee died on the Trail of Tears?
© Erin Kathryn 2015
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Trail of Tears Internet
Scavenger Hunt WebQuest Activity. I hope
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