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Bahagian Perkhidmatan Pembaca & Rujukao Perpustakaan 'I'un Abdul Razak Jnstitiut Teknologi M A R A Shah Alam IMPACT OF LAND RECLAIM AT loff^^"'^STUDY AREA : MACALLUM STREET GHAUT, PENANG by NORAINI BINTI JAAFAR A Dissertation Submitted For The Partial Fulfilment of The DIPLOMA IN TOWN AND REGIONAL PLANNING Department of Town and Regional Planning School of Archcitecture, Planning and Surveying MARA Institute of Technology Shah Alam July, igSif COPYRIGHT © UiTM INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI MA«A^^^ p^,j,ustaUaan ^""^[^J^IARA KAJIAN SENIBINA, PERANCANGAN & UKI»it^««'^^^^f °,,_, JABATAN PERANCANG BANDAR & WILAYAH gejjngos. THESIS! PP00002321 '^ii GSBEWAKKAa; Adalah disy0ijs.cni uctnawa c e s i s xnx yang a i s e d i a k a n o l e h NORAINI BINTI JAAFAR bertajuk IMPACT OF LAND RECLAIM AT ION CASE STUDY: MACALLU!''! STREET GHAUT, PENANG/ dibawah penyeliaan saya/kami diterima sebagai memenuhi sebahagian dari syarat untuk Diploma Bandar dan Wilayah. Diluluskan oleh: ( " ) PENYELIA UTAMA ( Mr, David Yap Boo Heong ) PENYELIA MADYA COPYRIGHT © UiTM . Perancang [^•^ii;;/^'':; I •h'\i mmMc^m'^^'. abstract Coastal development should not only take into consideration the economic benefits but also the environment effect. The coastal land reclaimation in Macallum Street Ghaut, Penang, in its eargerness to v/in land from the sea has had many adverse impact on the physical, social economic as well as biological environment. The adverse impact can be seen in form of high construction costs, loss of income to those who rely on the aquatic habitats for their living and also to the environmental pollution and traffic hazards as revealed in the survey. However, these adverse impacts can be minimized if certain steps are taken. COPYRIGHT © UiTM ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. This dissertation could not have been written without the help of others, particularly the project supervisor, Mr. David Yap for guidance, criticisms and suggestions. I would also like to thank the officers at the Government Departments concerned for their contributions in the form of information, suggestions and others. A vote of thanks is also due to the typist who has taken the trouble to type this dissertation. Finally I am also indebted to my husband and parents for their encouragement throughout this study. COPYRIGHT © UiTM Ill CONTENTS Page. ABSTRACT i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF APPENDICES iii vii x xi BIBLIOGRAPHY xii INTRODUCTION 1 a) Statement Of Problem 1 b) General Hypothesis 2 c) Scope And Contents Of The Study 2 d) Objectives Of The Study ^ e) Methodology f) Selection Of Case Study Area ^ 5 g) Limitation Of The Study 7 CHAPTER 1.0 LAND DEVELOPMENT 9 1.1 Defination Of Land 11 1.2 The Importance Of Land 12 1.3 Land Development Strategies In Malaysia 13 1.^ Land Reclaimation I'f 1.^.1 General background Of Land Reclaimation 16 1.^.2 Reclaimation Around The World 1? Reclaimation In Netherland 18 Reclaimation In Britain 21 Reclaimation In Singapore 23 1.5 Environmental Factors 25 1.5.1 Definations 25 1.5.2 Environmental Components 2? 1.5.3 Environmental Pollution And Ecology 1.5.4 Development And The Environment 29 31 COPYRIGHT © UiTM IV Page, 1.5.5 Environmental Consideration In The Malaysian Development Plans 33 1.5*6 The Present State Of Malaysian Environment 36 1.6 Aquatic Environment In Malaysia 39 1.6.1 The Contribution Of Mangrove Swamp k2 1.6.2 The Contribution Of Coral Reef 46 1.6.3 Coastal And Off Shore Areas 50 1.7 Ecological Adverse Effects Of Land Reclaimation 52 1.8 Conclusion 55 2.0 LAND DEVELOPMENT IN PENANG 57 2.1 General Background Of Penang Island 57 2.2 History Of Growth 58 2.2.1 Distribution Of Population 2.3 Landuse And Physical Characteristic 65 67 2.3.1 Topography Of Penang Island 70 2.3.2 Landuse And Soil Type 72 2.4 Development Pressure 82 2.5 Land For Development 86 2.5«1 Land Alienation And Gazettement 89 2.5.2 Current Landuse Policy 89 2.5.3 Reclaimation Program In Penang 96 3.0 STUDY AREA 100 3.1 History Of Study Area 100 3.1.1 Location 101 3.1.2 Size Of The Study Area 101 3.1.3 Land Fill From Borrow Area IO6 3.1.4 Transport Route 3.2 Surrounding Areas IO6 I06 3.3 Existing Landuse In Study Area 111 3.4 The Overall Development Plan Of Study ., -. iiZf Area 3*5 Development Constraints Of The Study Area COPYRIGHT © UiTM II6 Page "3.6 Impact Of The Development Towards Surrounding Areas 3.6.1 Physical 3.6.2 Economy 3.6.3 Social 3.7 Social Economic Characteristics Of Hacallum Street Ghaut k.O SU2VEY ANALYSIS 117 117 118 118 119 13^ 4.1 Introduction 134 4.2 Demography 134 •4.2.1 Size Of Household 4.2.2 Age Structure 134 135 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 137 138 138 139 Household Income Ethnicity Religion Length Of Stay 4.2.7 Tenurial Status And Monthly Payment 4.2.8 Vehicle Ov/nership 4.3 Employment 140 142 143 4.3.1 Employment Status Of Family Head l43 4.3.2 Education Attainment Of Family Head 144 4.4 Expenditure 144 4.4.1 Expenditure Pattern l44 4.4.2 Increase In Income 146 4.5 Physical Condition 14? 4.5.1 House Characteristics 147 4.5.2 Maintenance 147 4.5.3 Parking Space 148 4.6 Environmental Characteristics I5I 4.6.1 Odours, Noise And Dust 15I 4.6.2 Population Density Of Housing Estate 153 4.6.3 Security 154 COPYRIGHT © UiTM VI Page. ^f.7 Information Of Former Residence ^^.7.1 Length Of Stay 155 ^+.7.2 Tenurial Status 155 ^.7.5 Type Of House 156 4.7«^ Housing Expenses I56 4.7.5 Growing Of Ov/n Food 157 4.8 Preference For Place Of Residence 4,8.1 Reasons For Moving In The Nev/ Place 5.0 155 158 159 4.9 Discussion I60 Recommendations I67 5.1 Introduction I67 5.2 The Physical Problems Of The Reclaimed Land I67 5.3 The Environmental Problems I69 5.4 The Social Economic Problems 174 5.5 Conclusion I76 COPYRIGHT © UiTM V l l LIST OF TABLES. Page 2.00 Distribution Of Population In Penang State. 2.01 Population Of Georgetown. 55 2.02 Population Of Penang Island By District. ^Q 2.03 General Landuse Of Penang Island. 69 2.04 Development And Altitude Of Penang Island. 74 2.05 Natural Vegetation nnd Altitude Of Penang ' Island. 75 2.06 Agriculture And Altitude Of Penang Island. 76 2.07 Soil Type On Penang Island. 78 2.08 Crop Pattern And Soil Type On Penang Island. 81 2.09 Number Of Plan Submitted By Year In Penang Island. 85 2.10 Identifying iB-nd Available For Development In Penang Island. 87 2.11 Land Alienation And Gazettement In Penang Island. 90 2.12 landuse Policy In Penang Island. 92 2.13 Crop Pattern And Landuse Policy In Penang Island. 94 2.14 Identified Areas For Reclaimation In Penang State. 97 4.00 Size Of Household. 155 4.01 Age Structure. I36 COPYRIGHT © UiTM - gg VI11 LIST OF TABLES ( CONTINUATIOM ) Page '4.02 Household I n c o m e . 157 4.03 Ethnicity. 13B 4.04 Religion. 1^9 4.05 Length Of Stay. 140 4.06 Tenurial Status. 141 4.07 Monthly Rental For Tenants. 141 4.08 Monthly Payment For House Owners. 142 4.09 Verhicle Ownership. 142 4.10 Employment Status Of I'amily Head. 143 4.11 Highest Education Attainment Of Family Head. 144 4.12 Expenditure Pattern. 145 4.15 Increase In Income. 146 4.14 Maintenance By Authority. 148 4.15 Illumination Of Corridors And Walkways, 148 4.16 House Characteristic. 149 4.17 Direct Sunlight Onto Dwelling Units. 149 4.18 Facilities Provided. 150 4.19 Parking Space. 150 4.20 Parking Problem. 151 4.21 iinnoying Odours. 152 COPYRIGHT © UiTM IX LIST OF TABLES' ( CONTIMUATIOl!^ ) Page 4.22 Noise Pollution. 1^2 4.23 Unpleasant Smoke ±ind Dust. 1!?2 4.24 Population Density 153 4.25 Physical Planning Of The Area. 153 4.26 Security. 154 4.27 Safety To Children. 154 4.28 Period Of Residence. 155 4.29 Tenurial Status. 156 4.30 Type Of House. I56 4.51 Housing Expenses. 157 4.52 Growing Of Food. 158 4.33 Preferences For Place Of Recidence. 158 COPYRIGHT © UiTM LIST OF FIGURES. Page 2.00 Settlement Pattern Of Penang Island, 1839- 60 2.01 Settlement Pattern Of Penang Island, 1897. 6l 2.02 Urbanisation Growth Of Penang Island, 1957. 62 2.03 Urbanisation Growth Of Penang Island, 1969. 65 2.04 Urbanisation Growth Of Penang Island, 1980. 64 2.05 Landuse Pattern Of Penang Island. 71 2.06 Topography Of Penang Island. 73 2.07 Soil Type Classification Of Penang Island. 80 2.08 Development Perssure Of Penang Island. 85 2.09 Land Available For Development In Penang Island. 88 2.10 Land alienation Of Penang Island. 91 2.11 Landuse Policy Of Penang Island. 95 2.12 Identified Keclaimed Area In Penang Island. 98 3.00 Georgetown City Limit. 102 3.01 Location Of Macallum Street Ghaut, P Penang. 103 3.02 -Extension Of Roads. 104 3.03 Phase Of Development. IO5 3.04 Location Of Borrow Areas. COPYRIGHT © UiTM 107 XI LIST OF APPENDICES.. Appendix A : Household Survey Q u e s t i o n n a i r e . Appendix B : Paper c u t t i n g : - P u l a u P i n a n g areas for Appendix C : identifies reclaimation. Paper c u t t i n g : - Changing t h e shape of Pulau Pinang. COPYRIGHT © UiTM XI1 BIBLIOGRAPHY. LIST OF BOOKS. 1. w.A. Andrews, A uuide To The btudy Of Environmental Pollution, Prentice - Hall Inc. New Jersey, 2. Oppenheim, A.N, Questionnaire Design And Attitude Measurement, Heinemann Education Books Ltd, London, I966, 3. Marquis Ralph W., Environmental Improvement, The Graduate School, U.S, Department Of Agriculture, Oct.1966. 4. Lim Wah Ching And Ravinder Singh, Battle For The Environment - The Malaysian Experience, Consumers Association Of Penang And Penang Branch Of The Malaya Nature Society, March 1974. 5. Heng, Jeffrey Wah - Yong, East Coast Reclaimction In Singapore, University Of Singapore, I966/67. 6. Research Team University Of Newscatle, Landscape Reclaimation, IPC Business Press Ltd. U.K, 1971. 7. Smith. H And Wiggers A.J, Soil Survey And Land Classification As Applied To Reclaimation Of Sea Bottem Land In The Netherlands, Publish No.4» Institute For Land Reclaimation And Improvement, Wagemingen, " \. Netherlands, 1959« 8. Barnes, R.S.K And Jones, J.M, Observation On The Fauna And Flora Of Reclaimed Land iit Calshot, Hampshire, Hants Field Club iirchaeol Society, U.K, 1972. 9. Boyden, C.R And Russei, P.J.C, The Distribution And Habitat Range Of The Brakish Water Cockle Ecology, COPYRIGHT © UiTM Xlll International Institute For Land Reclaimation And Improvement, Wagemingen, Netherlands, 1972. LIST OF GOVERNMElvIT PRINTERS. 1. Government Printers, Nationt-l Land Code, Act 56 of I965, Kuala Lumpur, 1982. 2. Statistic Department Malaysia, Population And Housing Census 198O, Kuala Lumpur 198I. 3. Government Printers, 2nd. Malaysia Plan (197O - 1975 ) Kuala Lumpur 1971. 4. Government Printers, 3rd. Malaysia Plan (l976 - 1980 ) Kuala Lumpur, 1976. 5. Ministry Of Agriculture Malaysia, Annual Fisheries Statistics 1976, Kuala Lumpur, 1977. 6. Government Printers, Land Development Strategies In Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, May 1974. LIST OF MAGEZINE. JOURNAL AND REPORT. 1. Peneng Development Corporation, Annual Report 1979» Pulau Pinang, 4th. August 198O. 2. . Peneng Port Commission, Annual Repoet 1979» Pulau Pinang, l6th November I98O. 3. Urbc.n Redevelopment Authority 1976, Singapore, , I977 . COPYRIGHT © UiTM XIV 4. P e n t a - Ocean C o n s t r u c t i o n Co, L t d , P r e l i m i n a r y Study F o r The E n g i n e e r i n g D e s i g n Of The R e c l a i m a t i o n Work Along The E a s t e r n Shore Of P u l a u P i n a n g , P u l a u P i n a n g , June 1 9 8 5 . 5. M.J. Bruton, Strategic Planning In Malaysia, Of Town P l a n n i n g , U n i v e r s i t y Of W a l e s , U.K, 6. Department 198O. Monton, D e p a r t m e n t And E n v i r o n m e n t , P a r i s , The Hague, June 1 9 7 1 . LIST OF SEMINARS PAPERS AND WORKEMG PAPER. 1. A l e x a n d e r A. J o t h y , The F a t e Of F i s h e r i e s And A q u a c u l t u r e I n The Wake Of A D e t e r i o r a t i n g A q u a t i c Environment I n M a l a y s i a , F i s h e r i e s R e s e a r c h Institute F i s h e r i e s D i v i s i o n Of The M i n i s t r y Of A g r i c u l t u r e Malaysia, 2. Kuala Lumpur 1 9 7 7 . Hashim H j . Wan I b r a h i m , D e v e l o p m e n t And The E n v i r o n m e n t , P r o b l e m s And P e r s p e c t i v e s , M a l a y s i a C e n t r e F o r Development S t u d i e s , P r i m e M i n i s t e r ' s Kuala Lumpur, 5. Department, 1979« Gurmit S i n g h , C o n t r o l l i n g P o l l u t i o n I n M a l a y s i a - A C i t i z e n ' s View JEM. Seminar On E n v i r o n m e n t a l Control, 4. Kuala Lumpur, A p r i l 1978. Cruz A.A , The F u n c t i o n Of M a n g r o v e s , Mangrove And E s t u a r i n e V e g e t a t i o n , 5. Pollution Symposium Serdang, A p r i l 1978, A. Sasekumar, The C o n t r i b u t i o n Of Mangrove Swamps To C o a s t a l F i s h e r i e s R e s o u r c e s , D e p a r t m e n t Of Z o o l o g y , U n i v e r s i t y M a l a y a , Kuala Lumpur J u n e 1 9 8 0 . COPYRIGHT © UiTM XV LIST OF PAPER GUTTING. 1. New Straits Times And Sunday Times, 2. Star And Sunday Star. 3. Malay Mail And Sunday Mail. COPYRIGHT © UiTM INTRODUCTION. The theme of this dissertation centres on the impact of land reclaimation which is presently being carried out in Penang Island by the State Government. In a statement made by the Chief Minister of Penang, Y.B. Dr.Lim Chong Eu in the state assembly, he discribed this activity as an activity of the eighties which ia a crucial programme for sustained economic development within the state of Penang. However, as known reclaiming of land is a long term programme and thc.t would span a couple of decades. This would theix. need a thorough study of its feasibility and determine whether the project identified is a good solution to be appreciated. As . it is a long term programme, not only the good points of it should be looked into but also the adverse impact that might occured upon the human bein^, welfare should be investigated. Sacrifices for short sighted development profits should be avoided as what is lost shall never be recoverable. Thus.the main purpose behind this dissertation is to identify the major adverse impact of land reclaimation on the social economic, biological and physical environment. In order to have a closer observation, a developed piece of reclaimed land in Macallura Street Ghaut, Penang will be taken as the case study area. Recommendations will later be formulated based on the findings. COPYRIGHT © UiTM a) Statement Of Problem. As reclaimation is a part of development and development means total social development in which the key factors are not primarily economic but are also concerned with human and social welfare, basic human needs should also be met by the development process because without it, the development process would be a travesty. And so, the basic interrelation in the case is between society as the vehicle for human development, human activities such as reclaiming land which helps society to attain its goals and the natural environment which is affected by this activity. However this situation of interrelationship which has an impact on society has not been properly looked into by the Penang State Government. b) General Hypotihesis.. The general hyporthesis for this study is as follows : " The land reclaimation of coastal areas will have an adverse impact on the social ecornomic, biological and physical environment. " c) Scope And Contents Of The Study. Due to some limitati on and the work load, it has been decided that the impact of the reclaimation project is to be studied giving its emphasize on a selected case study area which is the Macallum Street Ghaut, Penang. Basically, the COPYRIGHT © UiTM study encompasses a survey on the reclaimation project that is being operated in Penang Island. The survey meant consists of observation survey and social economic survey looking;.on the impact of the project on the physical, social economic and environmental issues. In addition, as a respond to an inference made from the literature research, an attempt is carried out to identify the consequences of environmental abuse especially of the coastal areas or the biological effact of the project. This will include the problems of environment pollution on social and economic well being as well. The historical glimpse of Penang's development would also be included so as to see how far the project is really needed. This point is rather crucial when one is dealing with the delicate balance of conservation to avoid environmental abuse in development. As a whole, the study mainly deals with three parts. The first is the general review on the environment and development. The second part is the general aspect which concerned on the characteristics in the study area. The third part is emphasized on remedial measures or solution through a series of recommendations based on the finding of surveys and researches. COPYRIGHT © UiTM d) Objectives Of Study. Among the objectives of the study would be ; 1. Knowing the controversial facts about development vs. environmental. 2. The balance between economic justice (profit) and social justice (social responsibility). 3. Study the impact of reclaiming land on physical, social economic and environment. 4. Highlighting the present problems and issues and summarize some findings which may have important implications on future development projects of land reclaimation. e) Methodology. Stage One. The study is carried out in stages. The first stage is the introductory part. In this stage, the scope of the study will be discussed followed by the formulation of the aim and the objectives of the study. Stage Two. In the second stage, literature review are to be carried out. The reasons look into the definations of land development, land reclaimation, environment quality as well as the various aspect of it. Stage Three. COPYRIGHT © UiTM The third stage is of collecting data about the land development in Penang both primarily and secondarily. This would be obtained from researches and interviews with professionals from the departments concerned. Stage Four. The forth stage is looking into the case study. This include the definations of the boundaries, reviews of the development and the impact of the project- This is to be done on two approaches, survey technique and observation. This include visiting the area, making a social economic survey, visual survey and photographic survey. Stage Five. Finally the fifth stage is to analyse and derive the findings and formulate the recommendations. f) Selection Of Case Study Area. The case study area that has been selected is Macallum Street Ghaut, Penang. The criteria of selection is based on: 1 . It is the first area in Penang that was reclaimed by the state government. 2. It is the only reclaimed land in Penang which has been developed and has been occupied by the house dwellers. 3. The size of responden needed for the survey is sufficient and are not too great to handle. COPYRIGHT © UiTM METHODOLOGY FLOW CHART part 1 COPYRIGHT © UiTM g) Limitations Of The Study. No planning study is free of constraints and without its limitations. Time, funds and workforce are practi'cal constraints which have been considered when defining the scope of work for this study. Other limitations would include the difficulties of obtaining the confidential data needed from the various departments and information from the officers concerned. Such constraints could not be avoided and are very much regretted but the study undertaken would try its best to use all the data collected and available as much as possible to make this study a successful one. COPYRIGHT © UiTM