The Relationship between Organizational Health with Public Health


The Relationship between Organizational Health with Public Health
International Journal of Basic Sciences & Applied Research. Vol., 4 (5), 265-268, 2015
Available online at
ISSN 2147-3749 ©2015
The Relationship between Organizational Health with Public Health and
Organizational Silence among Teachers of Elementary Course of Sari (Zone 1
and Chahardangeh)
Maryam Taghvaee Yazdi1*, Mohsen Eynali2
Department of Educational Management, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran
Department of Management, Aliabad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katoul, Iran
Corresponding Author Email:
Education is an institution that plays its role by shaping human and intellectual
capital as main pillar of society. If education is considered on top of all problems of a
society, health of employees’ organization as well as their effectiveness and usefulness
will have important place in developing and improving society. The purpose of the
research was to examine the relationship between organizational health with public
health and organizational silence among teachers of elementary course of Sari (Zone 1
& Chahardangeh). There were participated 283 teachers of elementary course in this
study. Organizational Health Inventory, GHQ Inventory and the researcher-made
questionnaire were used to collect data, general health and organizational silence
respectively. The Spearman Correlation was used to analyze data. The results showed
that there is a direct positive relationship between organizational health and public
health of teachers. The relationship between organizational health and organizational
silence of teachers showed that there is a negative relationship between variables of
silence and organizational health of teachers.
Keywords: Organizational health, Organizational silence, Public health, teacher.
Education is basis of cultural, social, economic and political development in each community. It is considered as a
growth industry in many countries, as which it is allocated the most governmental budget to it following defense
budgets. As substantial part of education activities are carried out in schools, they have special and important position
as a critical social system. Schools can play their important role in the best of better, if they are healthy and dynamic
organizations. Nowadays, trends in education organizations has been developed globally due to expansion of human
experiences and and sciences as well as developing technology and industrial progress; such that extent domain of
education tasks is considered as one of main indicators for development of a society (Safi, 2004). Myers believes that
organizational health refers to compatibility with environment as well as raise and expand organization’s ability for
more compromise that depends on organization’s durability and survive in its environment (Hoei & Mixel, 2004).
Hezerburg considers some factors to provide and maintain organizational health including employees’
understanding, methods to monitor affairs, organization policy, supervision nature, work security, working conditions,
position and status, wage level, mutual bilateral relationships, supervisors, colleagues, subordinates and employees
personal life. He also believes that lack of the factors may dissatisfy employees, as which they leave organization and
risk its existence. According to Armichel (1990) effective organizations are the most important means to achieve
progress in a society, and then organizations will reach effectiveness that they are healthy, in addition to have other
necessary conditions (Shokrkon, 2004). Leiden and Klingle (2000) believe that organizational health is a new concept
that means organization's ability to perform its duties effectively that improve and grow organization. A healthy
organization is a place where people want to stay there and work, and be effective and useful individuals. Health
Intl. J. Basic. Sci. Appl. Res. Vol., 4 (5), 265-268, 2015
situation of a population depends on various and complex factors with genetic and environmental features that they
have social feature in a greater spectrum (Crant, 2000). Mental health is affected by different factors that society and
culture are important factors to protect it because mental health is beyond of lack of sickness. It requires situations that
individuals have no abnormal behaviors and thoughts, in addition to enjoy his life. Therefore, he can create appropriate
and effective relationship with environment and shows proper, balanced and useful behavior. The purpose of the
research was to examine the relationship between organizational health with public health and organizational silence
among teachers of elementary course of Sari.
The research was descriptive, correlation type. Its population included all teachers of elementary course (692
subjects) in Sari (Zone 1 & Chahardangeh Zone). According the Morgan Table and based on random sampling, 283
subjects (110 men & 173 women) participated in the study. Organizational health was dependent variable, and public
health and organizational silence were independent variables. In implementing the research, there was exactly explained
how to answer tests to the participants, after preliminary explanations about tools and purpose of executing the test.
According moral considerations, after consenting the people and give necessary awareness, they were assured that the
received information will be only used in this research and any abuse will be preserved. The following questionnaires
were used to measure the research variables.
Organizational Health Inventory (OHI): Hui et al prepared the questionnaire that contains 44 questions
(Behrangi, 2006).
General Health Questionnaire: In the research, General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) was used to examine public
health. This questionnaire examines dimensions of anxiety, depression, social dysfunction and somatic signs that
contain 28 questions (Piltan, 2012).
Organizational Silence Questionnaire: It was a researcher-made questionnaire containing 10 questions.
Professors and experts confirmed validity of the questionnaire. To evaluate reliability of the questionnaires, there were
randomly selected 30 teachers reliability was identified among them. Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficients were 0.88, 0.87
and 0.89 for questionnaires of organizational health, general health and organizational silence respectively. The
coefficients show that the questionnaires had good reliability. The Spearman correlation was used to analyze data. In all
analyzes, there was considered p <0.05 as significance level.
The Spearman correlation was used to examine the relationship between variables. As seen in Table 1, there is a
direct positive relationship between organizational and public health variables of the teachers (r= 0.556) that this
relationship is significant at alpha level 0.01. The calculated determination coefficient indicates that organizational
health variable explains 30% variance of the teachers’ public health.
Table 1. Correlation between organizational health and public health.
Organizational health and public health
R square (R2)
Other results showed that there is a negative adverse relationship between variables of organizational health and
organizational silence (r= 0.642, Table 2). The calculated determination coefficient indicates that organizational health
variable explains 37% variance of the teachers’ public health. In fact, this result suggests that the more organizational
health in organization, the less organizational silence of teachers.
Table 2. Correlation between organizational health and organizational silence.
Organizational health and organizational silence
R square (R2)
There was examined the relationship between components of organizational health with public health (Table 3). As
seen in the Table, among organizational health components and their relationship with public health, there is no
significant relationship between resources support and structure with public health; while there was a significant
relationship between other components of organizational health with public health (p< 0.05).
Intl. J. Basic. Sci. Appl. Res. Vol., 4 (5), 265-268, 2015
Table 3. Correlation between variables of organizational health and public health.
Scientific emphasize with public health
Spirit with public health
Resources support with public health
Structure with public health
Considerateness with public health
Manger’s influence with public health
Institutional unity with public health
R square (R2)
Other analyzes showed that among all components, there was a significant relationship between of organizational health
with organizational silence (Table 4, p <0.05). There was no significant relationship between scientific emphasis of
organizational health with organizational silence (p> 0.05).
Table 4. Correlation between variables of organizational health and organizational silence.
Scientific emphasize with organizational silence
Spirit with organizational silence
Resources support with organizational silence
Structure with organizational silence
Considerateness with organizational silence
Manger’s influence with organizational silence
Institutional unity with organizational silence
R square (R2)
Discussion and Conclusion
The purpose of the research was to examine the relationship between organizational health with public health and
organizational silence among teachers of elementary course of Sari. The results showed that there is a direct and
positive relationship between variables of organizational health and public health of the teachers. The coefficient of
determination shows that organizational health variable explains 30% of variance in public health of the teacher. The
results are consistent with the obtained results by Nikmaram et al (2012), Beheshtifar et al (2012), Afkhami (2012),
Polanyi (2004) and Taheri (2002). The results showed that there is a negative relationship between variables of
organizational health and organizational silence of the teachers. The coefficient of determination shows that
organizational health variable explains 37% of variance in organizational silence of the teacher. In fact, this result
suggests that the more organizational health, the less organizational silence of the teachers.
The results are consistent with the obtained results by Dimitris et al (2007). The results also showed that among
organizational health components and their relationship with public health, there is no significant relationship between
resources support and structure with public health; while there was a significant relationship between other components
of organizational health with public health. The results are consistent with the obtained results by Nikmaram et al
(2012), Beheshtifar et al (2012), Afkhami (2012), Polanyi (2004) and Taheri (2002). There was no significant
relationship between scientific emphases of organizational health with organizational silence, while other relationships
were significant. To explain these findings, it can be said that the more components of spirit, resources support,
considerateness, manager influence and institutional unity, the less organizational silence.
The results have shown that only construction component has a direct and positive relationship with organizational
silence. It means the more construction, the more organizational silence. The results are consistent with the obtained
results by Dimitris et al (2007). According findings of the research, it is suggested that organization’s management
should create a trust and support environment for employees to hear their views, in order to prevent organizational
silence. Expanding group activities and enhancing interaction increase trust among employees. Organizational silence
will be decreased by emphasizing on considerateness characteristic of manager. It means that friendly, supportive, open
and collaborative behaviors of manager with employees prevent organizational silence, and they make sure to suggest
their opinions.
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