Bruce County Public Library Board Meeting Minutes
Bruce County Public Library Board Meeting Minutes
Bruce County Public Library Board Meeting Minutes February 18, 2015 Bruce County Public Library Library Administration, Saugeen Shores, Ontario Present: Trustees: Catherine Dickison; David Inglis; Milt McIver, Chair; Michael Moszynski; Mike Smith; Patricia Symon. Warden Mitch Twolan Staff: Michelle Southam, Director Melissa Legacy, Assistant Library Director Lorraine Noseworthy, Administrative Assistant Kelley Coulter, County of Bruce CAO Guest(s) Regrets: None 1. Call to Order 2. Pecuniary Interest There were no declarations of pecuniary interest. 3. Public Delegation – None 4. Action Items A Approval of Minutes Moved by Mike smith Seconded by Patricia Symon That the amended minutes of the December 17th, 2014 meeting be adopted. Carried Resol# 01-15 B. Chairman’s Report Mr. McIver spoke to the new Five Year Strategic Plan. Moved by Mitch Twolan Seconded by Mike Smith That the Chairman’s report be received for information. Carried Resol# 02-15 1 C. Director’s Report The Director, Ms. Michelle Southam presented her report related to the following: Facilities update Increased Opening Hours – Tara; Wiarton; Mildmay Administration Seniors Grant – Webpage EPL – Barriers to library service 2014-15 Ontario Library Capacity Fund Censorship request – Strategic Plan Financial Position New initiatives update Moved by Michael Moszynski Seconded by Catherine Dickinson That the Board support the recommendation to retain the Longarm series and its various titles in the Bruce County Public Library collection. Carried Resol# 03-15 Moved by Michael Moszynski Seconded by David Inglis That the Director’s Report be received for information. Carried Resol# 04-15 D. Closed Meeting Moved by Mike Smith Seconded by Patricia Symon That the Board move into a closed meeting to discuss i. Personal matters about identifiable individuals 239 (2) (b) of the Municipal Act. Carried Resol# 05-15 Moved by Mitch Towlan Seconded by Mike Smith That the Library Board rise and report from the closed meeting. Carried Resol# 06-15 E. Assistant Director’s Report Moved by Mike Smith Seconded by Michael Moszynski That the Assistant Director’s Report be received for information. Carried Resol# 07-15 2 5 Correspondence SOLS Representative to Trustee Council Wiarton Friends of the Library Newsletter Moved by Mitch Twolan Seconded by David Inglis That the Board receive the items of correspondence. Carried Resol# 08-15 Moved by Michael Moszynski Seconded by Patricia Symon That the Board discuss Friends groups and Board participation with Friends groups at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. Carried Resol# 09-15 Moved by Mike Smith Seconded by David Inglis That the Board appoint Patricia Symon to the Southern Ontario Library Service Trustee Council. Carried Resol# 10-15 6 Other Business Patricia Symon spoke of an RBC grant for afterschool programs and the need for clarification around social get together protocol. 7 Next Meeting The next meeting of the Bruce County Library Board will take place on March 18th, 2014 beginning at 10:00 a.m. at the Library Administration Facility. 8 Adjournment Moved by Mitch Twolan That the meeting of the Bruce County Library Board adjourn. Carried Resol# 11-15 Milt McIver, Board Chair Michelle Southam, Library Director 3 Director’s Report February 2014 1. ACCREDITATION – Nothing to Report 2. FACILITY INFORMATION We adjusted staff work schedules and increased opening hours in the Tara, Wiarton, and Mildmay branches. Lions Head – We have not had a reply to our letter requesting the municipality to stop charging us a fee to hold free library events in the space that houses the branch. 4 ADMINISTRATION Seniors Grant – Webpage We re-hired the design team that created our children’s page. They are currently working on the design and layout. This has proved to be somewhat more challenging than the children’s page as we are walking a difficult line trying to create pages that meet the needs of both the tech savvy boomer and the tech scared senior. EPL – Barriers to library service Based on the Edmonton Public Library’s very informative report on the top 5 barriers to library service, we are in the early stages of examining and correcting areas where our community members may be encountering barriers to library service – areas such as inadequate communication; inconsistent policy understanding, communication and application as well as fees and fine barriers and problems adequately marketing our many services. Application for 2014-15 Ontario Library Capacity Fund I completed the transfer request for the 2015 Ontario Library Capacity Fund grant and we received notification that the funds will be transferred shortly. This is a new grant of $29,772 to support IT and service capacity improvements. Censorship request – 5. GOVERNMENT Over the course of the previous two months I have continued to attend Loyalist College courses and the second group of participants has started their sessions. The Library’s second group participants are the Assistant Director and the Branch Program Coordinator. I have completed and submitted the first draft of the Library’s Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP). 6. STRATEGIC PLANNING Strategic Goals WE HAVE BUILT STRONG COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS 1|P age WE ARE A DYNAMIC, COOL, EQUIPPED COMMUNITY HUB WE BALANCE INNOVATION AND NEW TECHNOLOGY WITH EXISTING SERVICES WE ARE ENGAGED IN AN ONGOING CONVERSATION WITH COMMUNITY WE EVALUATE AND COMMUNICATE OUR ACHIEVEMENTS IN INNOVATIVE WAYS WE REACH THE WHOLE COMMUNITY WE BELIEVE STAFF ARE OUR MOST IMPORTANT RESOURCE Update on our planned approach for the coming years. 7. Financial Position – No Report currently available for 2015 Interim 2014 Year End report summary: Total General Revenues Total Expenditures (Operations/Capital) Total Library (Operations/Capital/Special Funding) Budgeted $243,287 Budgeted $2,865,411 Budgeted $3,020,924 Actual $289,716 Actual $2,847,121 Actual $3,002,587 8. NEW INITIATIVES INFORMATIONAL UPDATE RECENTLY HELD EVENTS: Family Literacy Day Chesley, Paisley, Walkerton, Wiarton, Teeswater, Kincardine, Ripley, Lion’s Head and Tiverton teamed with Ontario Early Years to offer a special Early Literacy program to celebrate Family Literacy Day, January 27. The partnership was wellreceived by both BCPL and OEYC staff and all staff involved expressed eagerness to do a similar program together at another time this year. Some staff visited OEYC and in some cases, OEYC came to the library. From Cassie LaVoie, Walkerton Branch Programmer: Family Literacy at Early Years was an opportunity to reach out to families who are not regular library users. It allowed them to experience how a storytime is structured and become aware of the cognitive benefits of reading, singing, and movement for their children. Although chaotic, it was an opportunity to share early literacy tips in addition to our calendar of events. The regular schedule of story time and alternative offerings will hopefully lead to more habitual visits. 2|P age Alzheimer’s Society Talk Southampton Branch and Chesley Branch hosted Sandra Hong from the Alzheimer’s Society to talk about Alzheimer’s Awareness month and “The 72%” (number of Alzheimer’s sufferers that are women). There were 5 attendees at each talk but Sandra was positive about the event: “…the participants had great questions and provided great exposure with a reporter from “The Post” and one from the “Saugeen Times” as well as Allan Thompson the Huron Bruce Liberal candidate.” Get that Frog Book Launch in Walkerton A dozen children with their caregivers listened to Kathy read her latest picture book, Get That Frog. Together with Cassie LaVoie, the programmer in Walkerton, they engaged the children with songs, rhymes and games and made a frog puppet. Kathy also signed books at the well-received event. Learn to Speak Mandarin A resident from Kincardine has volunteered to run a Mandarin class at Kincardine Library. Attendance has been about 12 for each class. Staff has encouraged her to run another session as many keen people cannot attend in the current time slot. Knitting in Port Elgin The knitting group continues to be Port Elgin’s most attended group for adults (aside from story time). Approximately 10 knitters attend weekly. Baby Times Baby times in Chesley and Walkerton have seen a good turnout, with approximately 6 babies attending every week in Chesley and 10 every week in Walkerton. February Programs Groundhog Day Wiarton Branch Library offered the library as a warming station for the popular prognosticating event. Kristina created a “Library Cache” for the event with an information workshop about Geocaching in general. Once they found the cache, participants were able to take an “I Love Bruce County Public Library” button from the cache to keep. 3|P age Valentine’s Day Chesley, Port Elgin, Southampton, Wiarton and Lucknow have planned some homemade Valentine workshops for adults in those branches. Staff and volunteers from the community are leading the card-making workshops. Blind Date with a Book In all our branches, we are running Blind Date with a Book. Branches will select a few titles from the collection and put them in a bag. Customers will take their chances and check out the bag with the book inside without knowing the title. Library users who take a bag from the display will be entered into a draw for a $50.00 gift certificate to Elk & Finch restaurant in Southampton, generously donated by the establishment. Contest closes February 14. Freedom to Read Week The Library is a natural fit for Freedom to Read Week (February 22-28). We celebrate the freedom to read what we choose in Canada. Branches will have a display of Challenged Books and authors for the week. There will also be an inbranch trivia contest where visitors to the library will have the opportunity to enter a draw for a Challenged Book by correctly identifying a quote from a Challenged Book. In conjunction with the in-branch contest, we will host a video version using Facebook, featuring our library staff reading from Challenged Books. February is Library Lover’s Month When visiting our libraries in February, people will have an opportunity to declare what they love about the library by jotting their thoughts on a slip of paper and posting it to a special display. Here are some we’ve received so far: I love my library because…. “…of the great staff and endless supply of great reading, listening and viewing materials” “…they have the greatest of libraries” “….it keeps me in touch with the outside world!” “….it’s so easy to get the books I want” 4|P age February is Black History Month Branches will display authors, books, and movies related to the topic. National Flag Day Several branches will be offering activities for children and families to celebrate Flag Day, February 15. Heritage Canada also provides bookmarks, pins and flags that we will hand out in our branches to commemorate this historical day. March Programs March Break Our staff are bravely going to try some low-tech Maker projects over March Break using conductive thread, magnets, LED lights and other materials. Archives at the Library Bruce County Archives is on the road and travelling to Southampton, Port Elgin, Lion’s Head, Tara and Kincardine. They will be bringing materials and photographs from the archives to share with community residents and promoting Archives Week in April. Southwest Self-Management Group Workshop leaders from the Southwest Community Care Access Centre will be holding a series of workshops designed to assist those dealing with chronic illness and those who care for them in 3 of our library branches. Each workshop runs 6 weeks. Workshops in Kincardine and Wiarton will begin March 25 and 26, and in Chesley on April 1. 5|P age Patron Request for Reconsideration of Material Book: Longarm series by Tabor Evans Report to the Board Title: The coldest town in hell Longarm series, #427 Longarm is a western series in print publication since the 1970s. There are over 400 books in the series. The series is a mainstay of the "adult western" genre. These books are distinguished from classical westerns by the inclusion of more explicit sex scenes. Tabor Evans is a pseudonym. This popular series has been written by both Western and Romance authors who have published books using their own names and won multiple book awards including Spur. A google search or a review scan on any of the larger book store sites indicates that the popularity of Longarm has not diminished for readers of the adult western genre. Historically, it is not uncommon for one or more persons to take issue with the selection of any specific item in a public library collection, but providing a resource where the free individual can explore and enjoy many points of view and make his-her own decisions is one of the most essential purposes of the public library. BCPL supports the Canadian Library Association’s Statement on Intellectual Freedom. Freedom is no freedom if it is given only to the accepted and inoffensive. It is in the public interest for us to make available the widest diversity of views and expressions, including those which are unorthodox or unpopular with the majority. Historically, the most common grounds for challenges in a library are for sex, violence, and unsuitability for an age group. If it is not illegal in the Criminal Code, it has a place on the shelves of the public library. I believe this book, this series and this genre has a place in our collection as does numerous other similar erotic fiction categories. I recommend that no action is taken. 1|Page Assistant Director’s Report February 2015 1. LIBRARY SYSTEM ISSUES/UPDATES a. Many branches reported slow response time and hang ups with our integrated library system (ILS) in November. I worked with County IT and as of December 31 they have recreated a preexisting rule across all of the branch firewalls to identify and prioritize the specific traffic that the Workflows program generates. They have altered the priority and bandwidth allocation for Workflow to ensure that it will have the resources it requires when the internet connection gets congested. Branches have noted that response times have improved since this work was done by IT. 2. BRANCH UPDATES/PLANS/INITIATIVES a. Nothing to report. 3. FACILITY INFORMATION a. Nothing to report. 4. STAFF TRAINING INITIATIVES/ACTIVITIES/SUMMARIES a. Six staff members attended the Ontario Library Association’s Super Conference in Toronto January 28 – 30, 2015. Branch supervisors from Walkerton and Kincardine attended. Four staff from library headquarters attended including the Director, Assistant Director, programs coordinator, communications coordinator. b. I have been attending training through Loyalist College as provided by County of Bruce starting in January. Program Coordinator, Nancy Kuhl is also in my cohort. 5. UNION UPDATES/ISSUES a. No updates or issues to report. 6. STAFFING UPDATES a. Wiarton Assistant Supervisor, Allison Brown has resigned. We are in the process of recruiting for that position. b. Liliana Ciocoiu was hired as a Part-time Clerk for the Tiverton branch. She has also been hired for the Sunday Clerk position in Wiarton. She started in Tiverton in January and in Wiarton in February. c. Alexa Jakubaitis was hired as a Casual Clerk for the Ripley and Lucknow branches. She started in January. 7. GOVERNMENT AND/OR GRANT UPDATES a. We have applied for funding for two summer students through the Young Canada Works in Heritage Organizations (YCWHO) Summer Works Experience grant program. The deadline was February 2, 2015. A decision has not yet been made. We have asked for 50% of the cost for two students from June to August. 1|P a ge Submitted by Melissa Legacy, Assistant Director 8. FRIENDS GROUPS UPDATES/SUMMARIES a. I have set a schedule for attending 2015 meetings and will attend the Chesley Friends Group meeting in March. 9. STATISTICAL REPORTS & SUMMARIES a. SOCIAL MEDIA STATS – SUBMITTED BY STEPHEN WOOD i. Facebook: Facebook growth is steady to close out 2014. ii. Twitter: Twitter growth is steady to close out 2014. iii. Instagram: We gained over 100 new Instagram followers in December (compared to 24 new followers in November). iv. Website: The library website saw a 7% decrease in visits in December. Month Visits to the library website % Change January 2014 February March April May June July August September October November December 7885 6701 7713 7092 7262 7100 8193 7979 7340 7683 7448 6989 -14% +15% -9% +2% -1% +13% -3% -8% +0.5% -3% -7% Social Media 2014 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Facebook Likes Twitter Followers Instagram Followers 2|P a ge Submitted by Melissa Legacy, Assistant Director 10. 2014 ANNUAL STATISTICS Circulation of physical items: Location 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Headquarters 16564 19611 17287 15314 18666 40288 55016 *52571 Port Elgin 50273 14588 55353 65047 67186 62926 59969 64524 Kincardine 60702 62496 66290 67215 67349 56655 58211 64201 Wiarton 38155 40040 42278 40638 44502 39964 36377 41623 Walkerton 38594 40713 45655 44692 43462 35336 36913 39654 Southampton 40920 72149 48984 45298 46553 41674 39469 39222 Chesley 24419 24978 22866 24758 24150 25239 24926 30171 Sauble Beach 26500 27108 27534 26619 23870 26046 22939 25257 Teeswater 17084 18163 17809 17480 17590 17280 17132 20029 Lion’s Head 14448 14692 15509 16073 15470 15090 16320 19771 Lucknow 12272 12352 14805 15353 18266 19874 18862 17998 Tobermory 7703 8062 8552 7964 8230 9091 11038 13794 Tara 6537 8341 11906 13233 15415 12871 11225 12277 Ripley 5413 5053 5354 8273 9423 10891 9870 11694 Mildmay 10972 11658 14010 11480 11504 11096 9246 10391 Paisley 6674 7938 9733 8974 8509 8630 7686 9339 Tiverton 10307 10484 10854 10386 10302 9864 8005 8250 Cargill 3054 2606 2354 2454 3072 4914 4188 3274 Total 399,259 411,073 446,689 449,150 460,410 453,908 454,029 484,040 Includes OverDrive statistics. +/-4% 8% 10% 14% 7% -.6% 21% 10% 17% 21% -5% 25% 9% 18% 12% 22% 3% -21% 7% *OverDrive statistics for the circulation of eBooks in 2014 is 36,998 up 14% from 32,522 in 2013. System-wide Circulation 2007 - 2014 399259 411073 2007 2008 446689 449150 460410 453908 454029 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 484040 2014 3|P a ge Submitted by Melissa Legacy, Assistant Director 2007-2014 Membership Statistics: Year 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 Number of Memberships 24,843 22,261 18,016 16,630 17,927 16,702 17,138 16,517 +/12% 23% 8% -7% 7% -3% 4% Program Statistics System-wide: # of programs Program Attendance 2009 457 5,159 2010 467 5,223 2011 703 7,749 2012 875 9,507 2013 1370 13,496 2014 1836 15,139 2009 19,041 2010 19,938 2011 17,359 2012 16,524 2013 19,433 2014 20,934 Public Computer Use: # of sessions Interlibrary Loan Statistics 2014: Donna Morey, Interlibrary Loan Coordinator, provided the following report: Bruce County Public Library patrons requested 4587 titles during 2014 via interlibrary loan, of which they received 4326 from outside library system sources. These numbers reflect an approximate 5% increase from 2013. Patrons from outside of Bruce County requested 6409 titles from our system during 2014, which is 142% more requests than 2013. Of these requests, Bruce County supplied 4340 items, which is 133% more items than were shipped by us in 2013. 4|P a ge Submitted by Melissa Legacy, Assistant Director Wiarton Friends of the Library NEWSLETTER Vol. 9 Issue 8 WINTER 2015 THE WIARTON FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY The Wiarton Friends of the Library Christmas party is an annual event which is one way for the Friends to thank those who contribute to our fundraising in support of the Wiarton Library. This year, Sunday afternoon December 14 saw an enthusiastic group enjoying the Christmas programme with Patti Roberts’ reading of “Hoodoo McFiggins Christmas” by Stephen Leacock and Marianne Williams’ humorous seasonal reading, evoking much laughter from the guests. Two pencil and paper quizzes, one based on Santa’s Reindeer and another brain teaser1 had the guests working diligently to achieve a winning score and a prize. Always a highlight is the special food provided by Catherine Felkar and other Friends: mincemeat tarts, Christmas cake, fancy cookies and truffles as well as coffee and tea in fancy bone china teacups especially unpacked for the Christmas party. Numerous door prizes, ranging from a jar of jam to a poinsettia in full bloom, were awarded to guests. With Sheila Gatis on keyboard and Ron Gatis and Keith Couch to lead the singing, we rounded off the afternoon with a rousing chorus of Christmas carols and hymns. Wrapping Children’s Books for the Christmas Hampers On December 8, 2014, FOL volunteers spent a few hours wrapping over 200 children’s books for the Christmas hampers distributed by the Salvation Army. A heartfelt thank you goes to Shirley Bruer, who organized the books for us and her friend, Mary Wilson, who donated most of the books for this endeavour. Scholastic Canada Ltd. also donated titles for the project. Norma Piggott supplied the wrapping paper and all the ribbons for trimming the packages. Bonnie Jacob purchased and wrapped the extra books needed to meet the demand. Book wrapping volunteers included Sue Hoffman, Monika Mesko, Patti Roberts, Ann McGaw and two nonmembers, Bob Sheppard (Sue’s husband) and Dorothy Erstad (a helpful friend of Sue’s). Patti Roberts, Joan Hawley and Norma Piggott singing carols. 1 Wiarton Friends of the Library Report The mandate of the Friends of the Wiarton Library is to support the library, and to improve services and facilities whenever possible. With that goal in mind, the FOL recently paid for the installation of roller blinds on the east windows in the Children’s Area. These blinds should enhance the use of this space for the kids who visit the library. In addition, new flower boxes are being made for each entry, in partnership with the Peninsula Shores District School Technology Studies students. Two boxes will be placed at the parking lot entrance and one at the bay side entrance. The FOL are pleased to finance this project as well. Susan Hoffman ——————————— BOOK CLUB NEWS The Book Club continues to meet at the Library the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. except July and August. New members are always welcome. For further information call Patti Roberts 519-534-1533 or or email Jan. 20: Feb. 17: Mar.17: Apr. 21: May 19: 2015 The Nine Lives of Charlotte Taylor by Sally Armstrong The Road by Cormac McCarthy No Place to Hide by Glenn Greenwald Paris by Edward Rutherfurd Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie “Where Open Minds Connect “– Bruce County Public Library Strategic Plan 2014 – 2019 During the summer 2014, BCPL staff spoke to over 1000 residents and visitors, asking two important questions: WINTER MOVIE MATINEES Come in from the cold and enjoy some great movies on the big screen along with some delicious pop corn and refreshments provided by The Friends. The movie line-‐up includes: The 100-‐Year-‐Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared -‐ Tuesday, Feb. 17 @ 2 pm The Theory of Everything -‐ Tuesday, March 17 @ 2 pm Jersey Boys -‐ Tuesday, April 21 @ 2 pm Subtitles along with sound are used to ensure that everyone can hear and read the dialogue. 1. Why should some people rediscover the library? 2. What should be at the library when they get there? The results of many questionnaires, surveys and interviews were compiled into the new strategic plan for the library called Where Open Minds Connect. The plan can be found on the BCPL website at FOL members should check out the library initiatives planned for the next five years. 2 Ross Whicher Centre Receives New Paint Job! by Kristina Porr, Branch Supervisor Left: This past December residents from around Bruce County looking for career experience used their expertise to give the building the Wiarton library is located in a fresh paint lift! They not only covered up the nicks and scratches, but they added in a splash of colour called "gypsy love" red to highlight the architectural details in the library. Please come and visit and let us know what you think. ____________________________________________ Free Technology Lessons at the Library Receive free personalized technology lessons at the library between now and the end of March. The library received grant funding that focuses on improving technology literacy within communities across Ontario. Holly Noble, a recent university graduate, is a wiz with an array of different types of devices; from tablets and cell phones to computers. She can meet with you once, twice or even more often, but she is only here for two more months. You can make an appointment by emailing her at, or by calling the Wiarton branch 519-534-2602. Holly Noble at the Library. Please note: When in doubt as to whether a meeting or event has been cancelled due to inclement weather, please phone the library at 519-534-2602 for confirmation. This refers to the Book Club, movies, afternoons at the library and our monthly FOL meetings. 3 Wiarton Friends of the Library Executive Committee Chair Past Chair Vice-Chair Secretary Treasurer Membership Susan Hoffman Bonnie Jacob Marianne Williams Bonnie Jacob Bill Hofer Norma Piggott Library Staff Library Supervisor Kristina Porr Ass’t Branch Supervisor Allison Brown Library Clerk Mary Jane Monahan Library Clerk Jane MacLeod Library Clerk Carol Chitovas Juvenile Programming Carol D’Ambrumenil Page Rebecca Ward CAP Worker Holly Noble Bruce County Library Board Members Warden Mitch Twolan Mayor Mike Smith, Saugeen Shores Mayor David Inglis, Brockton Mayor Milt McIver, Northern Bruce Peninsula Citizen Trustees Patricia Symon, Wiarton Mike Moszynski, Ripley Catherine Dickison, Brockton Library Director Michelle Southam Assistant Director Melissa Legacy WIARTON BRANCH LIBRARY HOURS Monday CLOSED Tuesday 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Wednesday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Thursday 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Friday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sunday 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Located in the Ross Whicher Centre (at the corner of William and Brown Streets.) Box 250 Wiarton, ON N0H 2T0 Phone: 519-534-2602. Email: Website: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Wiarton Friends of the Library Mandate “To support the Library service in Wiarton and work with the appropriate authorities to maintain, improve and extend Library services and facilities.” The Friends meet at the Library the second Friday of each month, September through June at 9:30 a.m. All are welcome. Membership is $10 per year and covers the period from June 1 to May 31. The Wiarton Friends of the Library Newsletter is edited by: Susan Hoffman:; Bonnie Jacob: and Sheila Gatis: Book reviews, member news, and general comments can be sent via email for consideration. - WIARTON FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY WHO ARE THE FRIENDS? The Wiarton Friends of the Library is a non-profit volunteer organization started in 1985. Each year it hosts a number of fundraisers and events that support Library programs and services. WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A FRIEND. . . By joining the Friends, you are supporting the Wiarton Branch Library to enrich the lives of local residents. VOLUNTEERS ARE IMPORTANT . . .With the help of volunteer members, the Friends has become very successful. With additional support - that is, with more Friends - we can do even more and have a greater positive impact within our community. Our membership has increased this past year and this is good news. It is amazing to find talents in each other which come rising to the top when the need is there. WHAT KIND OF ACTIVITIES TAKE PLACE? Meetings - Active members meet once a month at the Library, on the 2nd Friday at 9:30 a.m with the exception of July and August. The annual meeting is held in June. Associate members are contacted for help with our many projects. Fundraising - The Friends has hosted published authors, annual book sales, special luncheons, garage sales, movie afternoons and more. Book Club - The Book Club meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the library meeting room - except July and August. Newsletter - The newsletter three times a year keeps the community abreast of ongoing Friends and Library programs and services as well as Friends special events and immediate needs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you would like to be a Friend of the Library, please fill out the form below and leave it with a Library staff person or contact Susan Hoffman: or 519-534-9925 NAME:_____________________________DATE__________________ STREET ADDRESS or P.O.BOX_________________________________________________ TOWN AND POSTAL CODE___________________________________________________ PHONE: _________________________EMAIL_________________________ Type of Membership (Please check all that apply) [ ] New [ ] Renewal [ ] Associate* [ ] $10 Member fee enclosed *Associate members do not need to attend meetings but can still volunteer. HOW YOU CAN HELP (Please check all that apply.) [ [ [ [ [ [ ] Book sale (sorting and pricing books, sales) ] Committee member ] Luncheons (co-ordination, preparation, etc.) ] Executive ] Newsletter (writing or editing / distribution) ] Other events as needed 4