Jackie Smethurst - Wells Ward for District Council


Jackie Smethurst - Wells Ward for District Council
About Jackie...
Jackie Smethurst moved to Malvern two
years ago. She used to run a website
selling eco goods for home & garden.
Green Party
“Your vote has never been more
important. On 7 May, when Britain
She currently advises small businesses
on accounting software for websites.
goes to the polls, we desperately
You may have seen Jackie helping out
at the Repair Café, or running around
the ward (though not up the steep bits!).
Walking on the hills with husband and
two rescued dogs is her favourite thing.
the cosy consensus that serves the
need change. Change that shatters
wealthy elite, but leaves the rest of
us trailing behind.”
- Caroline Lucas Green MP
Other spare time is for family & friends,
gardening, films, theatre, art, crossword
puzzles and current affairs.
What Jackie believes...
A strong and vibrant local community
putting people and local jobs first.
Homes should be affordable, energy
efficient and built with our needs in
consideration before profit.
Improved community transport
would help give better access to shops,
health care & social gatherings for all.
We should take good care of the
young, vulnerable, lonely and elderly.
The common good of many is more
important than private interests of a few.
Contact me at:
Malvern Hills Green Party
T: 07899 791673
E: jsmethurst@gmail.com
Visit us on the web at
Or follow us on Facebook
Printed by Aldine Printers, Six Ways Industrial Estate,
Barnard’s Green Road, Malvern WR14 3NB. Promoted
by ? on behalf of Jackie Smethurst, 7 Lime Tree Avenue, Malvern WR14 4XE.
Please recycle
Green councillors….for local
government you can trust
Campaigning for...
District-wide campaigns include...
People in Wells need a bold voice on
the Council. Issues you’ve asked me to
- Affordable housing on brownfield land
- Community-based business development
- A responsible planning process
- A new Heritage Centre for the town
- Community transport provision
- Improved recycling facilities
campaign strongly about so far:
Oppose the Hanley Road/Rothwell
Road development on AONB land
Help find suitable area for children’s
playground closer to Fruitlands
Support building the kind of homes
we need, where we need them, and
when we need them
Make our Council less secretive and
more openly democratic
Other local issues...
Improved household recycling facilities
and public transport are just two other
specifics you’re concerned about.
Please let me know what else you need
because I’m listening to what you
want Council to do for you.
Please support...
The Green Party…
Are not just for ecological sustainability,
but also a fairer, more stable economy
and equal society.
The Green Party are not funded by big
business or corporations, so our policies
are for all, not for vested interests.
We believe in integrity, high standards of
democracy and accountability of politicians
to communities they serve.
If elected, I will work with colleagues of all
political parties to restore these values to
our local District Council.
In Malvern Wells ward you can vote for
two candidates in the District Council
elections. Jackie is delighted to endorse
Jill Campbell (Independent) who shares
many of her aims and values.
Please also support Julian Roskams
as your Green Party Parliamentary
Candidate on 7th May.
Vote Green in 2015 - help us give you better representation at all tiers of local government across Malvern.