Sunday 17 May 2015 - Methodist Church Of The Incarnation


Sunday 17 May 2015 - Methodist Church Of The Incarnation
VISION 2018 Growing Christian Disciples who renew their Worship to
the Almighty God and share Christ’s Love with the
community and world.
Church Theme 2015: Engaging Members with God’s Word
Order of Service WSCS (Holy Communion) Sunday 17 May 2015
Musical Prelude
*Call to Worship
Mrs Kathryn Ong
*Hymn of Praise
There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood
UMH 622
*Affirmation of Faith
The Apostles’ Creed
UMH 887
*Gloria Patri
UMH 71
The Invitation
UMH 12
Pastoral Prayer
Rev Derrick Lau
Greetings / MCI News & Concerns
Rev Derrick Lau
WSCS Presentation (WSCS President)
Ms Thng Lee Lian
Word Engagement Introduction
Choir Anthem
Order My Steps(In Your Word)
Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow
UMH 95
Hymn of Preparation My Hope Is Built
UMH 368
Scripture Lesson
Lev 25: 8-12, 17-21, 35-36
Mrs Kathryn Ong
Jubilee: My Mission For Jesus!
Ms Juliette Arulrajah
The Great Thanksgiving
UMH 13
The Lord’s Prayer (altogether)
Communion Hymn
For the Beauty of the Earth
UMH 92
* Sharing the Bread and Cup
*Hymn of Dedication
Thine Be the Glory
UMH 308
Rev Derrick Lau
Musical Postlude
Altar Ministry (worshippers are invited to come forward for prayer and ministry)
(* indicates congregation to stand)
Methodist Church of the Incarnation (MCI)
Sunday Service: 9.00 am (Mandarin) | 10.30 am @ JPG Hall (Contemporary English),
11.00 am @ Sanctuary (Traditional English) | 1.30 pm (Hokkien)
31 Teck Whye Lane Singapore 688798 | |
Office Tel 6765 2209 | Fax 6763 4373 | Kindergarten Tel 6763 0621
Pastor-in-Charge, Rev Derrick Lau
Assistant Pastor, Rev Clarence Lee
Preacher Matthew Chooi (Mandarin)
Administrator, Ms Chris Goh
For booking of rooms & general
enquiries, contact Ms Jasmine Tan
9862 2202
9477 0937
9009 2235
6765 2209
1. a) Hi, Welcome to MCI
We belong to the family of Jesus Christ and seek to honor
and glorify God through Worship, Word, Welcome,
Witness and Wonder.
We pray that you will be inspired by the worship of the
Almighty God and will experience a deeper touch of His love!
b) We welcome our guest preacher, Ms Juliette Arulrajah, currently the Transform
World Southeast Asia Regional Co-Facilitator and Training Chairman of the
Methodist Missions Society, was the former National Director of Singapore Centre
for Global Missions (2009 -2011) and TRAC pastor (1996-2008). Ministering from
Asia to Africa as Speaker, Trainer, Leadership & Behavioural Consultant, she is
passionate about spiritual nurture, discipleship, missions, leadership
development, championing the younger generation and transformation.
Pray for the Lord’s anointing as the Word of God is preached. Ms Koh Li Ting is
the preacher for our 10.30am Contemporary Service.
2. Prayer Concerns.
a) Praise the Lord for the privilege of worshipping as a Community of Faith on a
regular basis. Let’s give our best in worship in terms of focusing on His Word
and His Presence. Let’s accord Him the highest honor and praise.
b) Pray for our next church wide Spiritual Campaign, Word Engagement 2015.
28 June – 2 August 2015. Pray for a deeper engagement with His Holy Word for all.
c) Praise God for the WSCS Ministry. May the Lord continue to raise women who
love the Lord deeply and serve His Holy mission in their homes and marketplaces.
d) Pray for Aldersgate 2015 Celebrations. Pray for a renewal of the ‘heart
warming experience’ to be upon us as we continue the legacy of Wesley where ‘he
looked upon the world as his parish.’
e) Pray for all those in authority as well as those who provide spiritual direction to
our lives. Pray for our government, Bishop, Pastors and Lay Leaders.
f) Pray for iWelcome Committee as she reaches to visitors and newcomers.
g) Praise God for His grace in sustaining those who are undergoing trials for their
faith. Pray for those who are coping with stress and challenges associated with
their family life and career.
h) Pray for those who have been affected by the Nepal Earthquake and the Typhoons
that are sweeping across the Philippines. (Please refer to our notice board for
i) Let’s pray for the effects of global warming and the challenge to sustain the
environment and world that God has created.
Scripture Memory for May 2015:
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value
others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to
the interests of the others.
Philippians 2:3-4 (NIV)
Let’s pray unceasingly. If you have a prayer concern, you may like to share it with our pastors or
email it to
Join our Sunday Prayer Team | Intercessions for preachers, worshippers, ministries and
church concerns
| 9.30 am - 10.15 am | Hope Room | Level III
Come early and prepare our hearts and minds for worship.
MCI Project Gideon 300 focuses on raising 300 members to meet the challenges
associated with the re-payment of loans that churches and individuals have committed
to our MEP. Presentations were made at all our Services over the past 4 weeks based on
the ministry of Gideon in Judges 6 & 7. The details of the project were shared via Easter
2015 Letter as well as in our worship bulletin. We need to raise approximately $300K
annually to meet our MEP Fund obligations over the next several years.
Project Gideon 300 Envelopes are available @ infoHub. You may place the envelopes in
our Offering Bags, return @ infoHub or mail to MCI Office.
We praise God that as of 10 May 2015, 72 Gideonites have been raised!
Aldersgate SG 2015 is the annual flagship event of The Methodist
Church in Singapore. This year, our theme is “Seeking the Welfare of
Our City”, taken from Jeremiah 29:7. We have invited three guest
speakers to share their perspective and experience of seeking the welfare of
the city in Singapore, Sri Lanka and Malaysia respectively; join us for the
lectures and panel discussion from 21-23 May. On 24 May, Aldersgate
Sunday, we will celebrate with Bishop Dr Wee Boon Hup giving a sermon via video
which will be played at all Methodist churches. Do celebrate Aldersgate SG 2015 with us;
visit for more info!
The Purpose of the Baptismal & Membership Course is to prepare members for
the Sacrament of Water Baptism and/ or Church Membership.
28th June, 5th July, 12th July, 19th July (Sundays)
| 1:00pm to 3:00 pm| MCI Grace Room| Course Fee $10
Interested parties to register @ InfoHub today.
In view of our Church Camp 2015, there shall be only ONE Combined Holy
Communion Service (English and Mandarin) on 7 June 2015 at 10.00 am in the
Church Camp | 4 – 7 June 2015 | Renaissance Hotel@JB
a) Please ensure passport has at least 6 months validity from the date of departure.
b) Group Leaders’ meeting | 24 May 2015 | 1230pm
c) Camp Briefing | 31 May 2015| 1230pm at Sanctuary
Hokkien Fellowship celebrates her 10th Anniversary on
24 May 2015, Sunday | 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm | Sanctuary, Level 1
As a family of MCI, you are cordially invited to join us for the celebration and
thanksgiving service. You are also encouraged to invite your dialect speaking loved ones
and friends to join us in this celebration. Your presence will be much appreciated and
of great encouragement to us. Any enquiries please contact Tan Teng Sing @ 9892
10. We express our congratulations to XChange Graduands, Mr Noh DaeYoung &
Mdm Shin YoungHwa, Ms Yi SungKyoung on their successful completion of the
XChange Training Programme @MCI. The Graduation Service will be held on 23 May
2015. May the Lord bless and guide them as they prepare to serve in the missions fields.
11. JDOP 2015 – Jubilee Day of Prayer
5 July 2015, Sunday | 4.14 pm | Singapore Sports Hub
This event is jointly organised by NCCS, EFOS & strongly supported by partners like
the National Prayer Alliance, LoveSingapore, NCCS Chinese work Committee, Indian
Pastors’ Network, Singapore Baptist Convention & Festival Of Praise Fellowship.
Come, celebrate & pray together. For more information, please visit
Interested parties to please register @ infoHub for tickets. Thank you.
12. The Dispatcher Assisted first Responder Program
There will be a community mass CPR and AED training on 21 June 2015, 2-3pm, in
JPG Hall. Health Minister Gan Kim Yong will be gracing the event and invited
guests include our local Inter-Racial and Religious Confidence Circle and Methodist
family. Interested parties, kindly come to InfoHub for a copy of the Registration
Form (Closing date: 10 June 2015). Learn to Save a Life!”
Sermon Application Method (S.A.M.) is a means by which you could further reflect on
the sermon by writing your personal response and then be engaged in sharing and
discussing them with your family/members of your small group.
Text: Lev 25:8-12, 17-21, 35-36 | Preacher: Juliette Arulrajah | Date: 17 May 2015
A. JUBILEE Essentials:
1. S__________ = R____________ [Lev 25:4b]
2. C__________/ H_________ = __________________ [Lev 25:10a & 12a]
JUBILEE defined: Set A______ To Live in R____________ for J______
B. Four Key Aspects of the JUBILLEE Mission With Jesus :
F_________ ( R________) – strengthen relations; make this a priority! [Lev 25:10c]
F_________ ( R________) – shake off shackles permanently [Lev 25:10b]
F_________ ( R________) – steward God’s values/principles [Lev 25:17; 35-36]
F_________ ( R________) – shine forth/inspire/influence for Jesus [Lev 25:18 &19]
Questions for discussion / application:
1. All of us seek to deepen relations with our family members. Share in what tangible
way(s) you hope to strengthen relations with 1 or 2 of your family member(s).
2. Identify one or two thing(s) in your life that may be hindering you from experiencing
the fullness of God’s rest in your life. What practical step(s) can you take to ‘shake’ off
this shackle?
3. How would you specifically put right unfairness/ unrighteousness that you see around
you either in your family/ neighbourhood/ community?
4. Name 1 person/group that you intend to impact positively & how you hope to do so.
Our Core Values: Love God | Unconditional Love | Servanthood |
Transforming Grace | Reach the Lost | Exponential Faith